40 years of trash! What's buried in this Garage? Pickin' With Alex and Josh

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hi i'm alex archbull and i've been buying and selling antiques since i was nine years old from basements to scrap yards i'll look just about anywhere i can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes i'll go big and buy everything with my wife and kids we run an antique shop in edmonton alberta canada filled with some of the most unique items we can find i never know what's going to happen or who i'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity inc from home honey [Music] well hey guys welcome back to another episode here uh today should be a fun day i'm meeting up with our good friend josh um also known as ushitat who's a maker creator artist why is josh with me today well we're not making or building anything but i was at a place last week and they had a garage full of stuff and they said they wanted it all gone so not only are they gonna pay josh to haul the stuff away but uh he's gonna get to keep whatever he wants to recycle and upcycle into his art projects um on the other hand he's getting his stuff for free not not the case for me if there's anything there that i want i'm gonna make an offer and buy so uh this feels lopsided josh but that's okay uh i'm sure i'm gonna find some treasures today so we're gonna go picking we're gonna see if i can find some cool stuff and do a little digging around a garage with josh so follow along as we head down the road and uh uncover some boxes that have been stashed away for years and who knows what else we'll see what josh got we'll see what i got and hopefully it'll be a fruitful day [Music] josh has pulled up um to help me clear out this garage hey josh yeah one thing they never chatted with is that they they're gonna pay you to haul this stuff away so you guys have to figure out what you charge for holloway i guess so i'll let you figure that out this is this is the pile over here um and i think they pulled out pretty much anything that you guys wanted to keep right i don't know uh a million dollar day that's a lot of stuff don't worry he's got a sense of humor i guess have a look at it and then the goal here josh is that um this stuff needs to go because they want to clean it up but if there's things in there that have more significant value i'll probably try and buy it so they have some money because we're trying to raise some cash for the fellow too so i guess just have a look and uh we'll see meanwhile oh alex here has to try and find some things that can be salvaged and possibly turned into cash like this old medical looks almost like a heat lamp or a lamp i'm going to put that in the navy pile over here with this royal canadian uh army corps from world war ii the army corps sign any military stuff is good stuff uh you're gonna come dig josh you're just gonna you're gonna hang out looking cool by that truck all day are you gonna come and plow through this with me i mean you're gonna probably look cool all day anyway whether you're moving stuff or not because you got that josh swagger your famous josh swagger happening but we got to get our hands dirty here and start making piles so i say we just start bringing the stuff down that we know is garbage or throwing it in the truck and then we can sort out the stuff that's maybe a little better like there's some axes and stuff over there and yeah i suspect most of it is because it's mostly cardboard stuff oh that's cool see not oh look and those are some records most of it's garbage my butt look there's records okay i'm gonna move these on the record it's too bad the rest of the train is there maybe we'll find the train that goes with it but the box is cool yeah we'll put that in the uh alex we'll save it from the garbage pile veterans plate of course you get in alberta you get the uh poppy if you um served or a part of the military that might want to stay with the family we'll see but i thought i saw yeah there's another box of records here i'm gonna pull that out josh is having super fun out here trying to fit these old curtain rods in the back maybe you'd feel better if you had some cool shades on your truck that things would just be better when you're wearing shades i don't know about that joss is chatting about what can go to the recycle center versus what can go to the dump meanwhile this is what you're see look there's an old oil can down here see i always talk about finding old oil cans and there's one oh right there that's you know 1950s texaco still has the lid on it that means the oil oh yeah somebody punched a hole in during the oil very carefully it's nice coolio wait what'd you find this card that's y2k compliant i don't know that the world's not gonna end in the year wait did the world end in the year 2000 maybe this is just our consciousness carrying on into the future but look there's a bunch of um josh might have a use for this stuff yeah maybe art supplies and stuff that's fine we'll take her we'll take it so old i don't even know what i'm paying for yet but sold that's yeah oh yeah i'm not i'm gonna not put that one in with the records mini lantern that's cute it's like a little miniature beacon lanterns are probably gonna stay good but anything that's brilliant oh looks like there's some toys and stuff in here maybe that's the train set for that box here's a box oh it looks like the mice got in here but oddly they didn't touch star trek number one look at that the mice have completely shredded a box full of comics and sadly it looks like some old wonder woman and stuff that would have been worth money but they didn't touch star trek i guess they're not trekkies that's all right okay i'm gonna see what else is in there though yeah we could start up a game with croquet in the back look it still has the the balls in there [Music] probably not for me but that could probably go in josh's truck he could like craft or do something with that have you ever played croquet no no i've never i don't think these are plated do you think that's sterling it's heavy usually they're marked like 925 or they'll have a silver mark but it's worth giving a better look uh what did you find oh it's something i'm just wondering what it was it's a lamp yeah like 1970s probably brand new in box well yeah that might be good in your art studio now no it's you know what that looks like that looks like the pixar lamp that jumps you know it kind of does when it when it forms like the pixar eye or whatever yeah yeah there you go no okay there are um old 69 to 72 probably chevy hubcaps i'll salvage the volkswagen well don't know what that don't what year that's off of not yet no i'm just noticing there's a box of oil cans over here which i'll try and save let's put that over there there's been lots of mice or something in here gross squirrels well squirrels are just like the mouse's old uncle he's got a fluffy pants yeah if they're they're like friendly i don't know i guess meister friendly why are we not as afraid of squirrels as we are of mice like we see squirrel and tree we're like oh look they're they're they're more they're more whimsical they're whimsical well maybe it's disney cartoons got us used my new mickey mouse we should be watching him ride to steve yeah chip and dale look like squirrels and mickey mouse looks like some sort of freak no okay so if i saw a mouse run by but i had white dress gloves on and running shoes i'd be like oh that's kind of cool that's a handsome mouth i have a feeling that's not what made this mess though plain what's in the box it says carriage bolts well according to the outside it's in an old nut and bolt box and guess what's inside nuts and bolts uh josh can use those nuts and bolts josh he turns him into like little i don't know nut and bolt turtles or whatever he's making his cool josh stuff here let me come over here give me a hand you can see the ground there's so much squirrel debris over there what is that classic lawn chair what makes it classic though i guess because everybody had one of those oh you're gonna fall through oh dude you know how many times i have seen i witnessed my grandfather fall through one they leave them outside and then they get brittle no this is this is still good this has years left in it i had one of these when i was a kid but minnie and i would go to my neighbor's house and sit outside their house until they came out and then what just listened to adults talk i thought it was so fascinating you wouldn't just wave at them and freak them out or anything what's that kid doing in his little lawn chair they probably were annoyed to be honest but like i was a little kid me and my little brother we just go literally set up our chairs in front of their house and just wait till they came out oh that's kind of a cute and sad lonesome sounding story okay while you look at uh that's probably music stand that's what i think it's a music stand or part of it it would have had the little bit on the top for the for holding the music the goal with any pile like this is to try and find as many things that are reusable like this like it was brand new and stuffed in here this lawn chair still has the tags on it i'll it's a you know can be probably washed off and reused but we're just sorting right now it's a shame about storing things like this is that oftentimes they get destroyed because rodents get in i can see there's an old painting back there you see that yeah if it's oh it's got a punctured canvas but i'll pull it out and have a look at it somebody sent me a uh he said my wife's gonna send you a picture of her jugs and i said what she said no she's got some old crocs and jugs she wants to sell that you know just like you've got a garage bowl hose here um hey josh you're talking about classics look at this this is the original safety tree holder when you have a real christmas tree and josh you only use real christmas trees right yeah look this is like an old school christmas tree holder those are all your injuries in a box yeah well i don't have any are you missing the lower part of your spine no but it doesn't have a heart this one looks a little bit like a kid's toy but no it's a it's like an it's not a really old medical model but those are from the 70s or 80s probably oh it's cool what i see is that i see his old uh military helmet from when he served in the forces world war ii picture frames this is what i mapped it right there that's a doughboy style canadian forces helmet a little crusty but it's all there oh look an old tail lamp still in the box medical books graphic books we got a box of pictures and paintings that's cool acupuncture charts put that in my alex pile that's pretty cool boy my alex pile is getting pretty big over here not as big as the josh pile but most of that stuff is really nothing he can use so far but i wonder if these are all these might be things that came out of the doctor's office so this box was full of pictures the fellow was a doctor so sometimes you wonder what kind of paintings do you have this painting is by percy hanson who is an alberta artist and what would a picture like this go for you guys have done a little research of some of the things you found in the house but what would that one normally sell for that's probably with what a thousand dollar painting a thousand bucks just sitting in this box full of mouse droppings we're gonna give that back to the family so they can i'm not feeling in the mood to spend a thousand bucks on a picture today but i am in the mood to find some more toys or oil cans there's an old 10 speed back here too let's see what else is in these boxes what'd you find this this is another really famous george weber yeah and that's of course the edmonton landscape most of his stuff for agents and landscapes but uh he's got a bunch from the mountains yeah yeah there's some from the mountains too but he was the president of the edmonton uh art gallery so we're finding some good paintings in here for you okay josh has gone with the first load of the dump i on the other hand have been basically trying to find as much stuff as i can to salvage for resale uh made an offer so far i've spent a total of uh seven hundred dollars on a pile of stuff which is packed so tightly in here it's almost gonna collapse out the back so i gotta be careful and i'll show you just how packed this is the back of my little fj cruiser is completely packed full i had to take the front wheel off the bicycle but we've got boxes full of old oil cans and comics and pictures and military things and records and logs uh because why not but there's all sorts of stuff back here i'm gonna get to the house and unpack and i'll show you exactly what i got the meantime i'm waiting for josh is there anything up in the attic nope does not look like it and i don't see any eyeballs looking back at me either back in my vehicle it is completely packed full of boxes uh you can kind of see them behind me there um so what do i do now what what do i do now that my car is full of stuff i start making phone calls on the way home to people that i know might buy some of the things that i have uh military collector for the military items oil and gas collector for the oil and gas cans that i bought and um you start rustling up some sales and you hope that uh before the the day is even out that you'll be able to sell or get back a good portion of the money spent um all total i spent uh over eighteen hundred dollars today um on everything that's in the vehicle but there was a box full of wrist watches too we're gonna go through that and i'll show you what was inside i'm so glad that i spent the last week repainting and cleaning my garage all nice and and span um only to fill it up with all the junk in the back of my car i'm gonna get a table laid out here and then start sorting but with any luck after the weekend i won't have much left anyway hey honey you just random child just running by who's drawing things uh looks like some stuff settled in the back be careful with it sometimes you get a load of stuff like this in your vehicle you don't even know where to start because there's so much stuff uh but you just start one piece at a time i'm gonna start laying things out uh steven took the what did you take pressure treated logs yeah there were some old yule logs that apparently changed color when they burn um they're super old hopefully it's not like you know uncle sam's compressed uh asbestos but uh yeah we're gonna unpack and and get this all out one thing that was kind of interesting i picked up was some memorabilia and artifacts regarding this gentleman right here his name was harold schwartz uh he's that guy with a mustache um he was a german doctor prior to 1939 he was also part of the underground railroad helping to get jewish people out of germany at a time when it was very crucial to do so as a result he had to flee germany himself ended up in canada joined um the medical course here and i was a decorated soldier and became a doctor for over 50 years um as a result of his great practice and ambition he was the head of the boxing commission here uh he won numerous awards and i was able to find a dig out some of these items the family has kept a number of artifacts and items for themselves but i was able to get enough that can go into private hands where they'll be honored and cherished as well so i'm going to try and put these pieces together as i dig out with the car but there's all kinds of fun stuff and i've only gotten through the first few picks i was pretty curious to go through this box because it had some marks train accessories morro craft i remember going there when i was a kid um train bits parts of old cars oh that's off of the uh shuko and jennico car i picked up last time that's a little trailer for it well that's cool that i have one of the accessories maybe there's some more a little model motor who knows what's in here is this the motor for it yeah i think no that's a little electric motor oh that's it so that's it with this box a little electric motor um train bits and parts okay i'm gonna get this out on the table and see what's inside i'm rich there's stacks of monopoly money a lot of people say that's what canadian money looks like to them what they think it looks like monopoly money i'm hoping that the engine or some of the cars will be in here at least anyway this was in there though i've never seen anything quite like that it's an italian river rossi electrified bus so it runs off of electric lines just like an overhead bus line would but it has a working little electric motor in it that's really really neat um even this looks like the lid or a box oh yeah that's for the i guess that's part of this river rossi set maybe for the bus okay maybe there's more to it oh i recognize this this goes on your car that's to let people know that you're a medical doctor especially if you were doing house calls back in the old days you'd put that on your car we're going way back now like that would go on your bumper or grill that's pretty cool it's enamel don't see those too often but wait can it be is it actually josh it's me yeah you've got your phone going too hey welcome welcome i'm just going through some of my stuff here seeing what i got as well see what you got okay well so far i've got some toys um i bought the cards that this trailer went to last time and i actually kept it for myself so i'm kind of excited about that a little electrified bus uh oh yeah i was worried i wasn't gonna get any actual train engines but there's a car at least anyway a pullman car so you got some stuff too yeah i didn't get what i was hoping to get but you got some okay let's go see what you got they kind of took away all the good stuff unfortunately they needed to keep it for whatever reason well sometimes family has to have a second look but they're gonna they're gonna call you if they can let it loose right yeah they said they would wait is your truck just like weighed down in the back or is it so this is like a california lift i forget what it's actually called but for whatever reason in california they like they like the front end being a couple inches higher than the back end is it so you can play that low rider music it might actually be like a a la a latin thing is that the politically oh you got the marble oh yeah they gave me the marble well that's all right yeah i don't know what i'm going to do with it but that's like most of the things that i take yeah these i might put on my chicken coop or something like that yeah nice shelf brackets i don't know exactly this little thing here yeah tico electrical cabinet i think there's probably like electrical bits or screws in there there's like dip bits of hardware and stuff in there cool i'm snooping through your stuff coat crate yeah coat crate oh you got some tools i guess some wood stuff yeah i wanted the little broom handles they're like i use them for doweling and whatnot okay yeah i didn't actually look too much in here yeah i don't know what um handy sandy refill rolls okay oh there's some little door knobs glass doorknobs yeah and uh we were looking in the basement and they had a whole box full of 22 shells and i was like well where's the where's the gun that went with these and they said they don't have any more okay yeah this random oh hey that's a lighter that's a cool lighter it looks almost like a heart yeah i i did notice that actually uh because this drawer was open so i saw that in there well that's a good that's you know that's probably like a 25 to 30 lighter canadian okay so that's all right well i mean i'm not gonna do anything with it give it to you for a hundred dollars hey uh sure i'll go grab it for you right now oh yeah i've got a hundred dollars little did he know he didn't specify what currency looking he's doing his video right now you know you just missed a moment where i found a stack of cash oh yeah you can just have that all right thanks i'm feeling generous today i'm flush with monopoly money right now you know what you know what i found i mean it's almost as funny a lot of your american viewers and americans on my channel as well they don't know what canadian tire is but i found a i found a one dollar canadian tire bill you know people collect the old canadian tire money like so this is a store like a hardware store like a walmart kind of but in the old days and even now you get points and dollars for uh for shopping there so they give you this canadian tire cash but they don't make it anymore no they don't it's a bummer but it is you could still spend it you can still spend it yeah yeah so you found yourself a free dollar yeah there are actually people who uh who counterfeit or used to counterfeit uh uh-huh okay entire money it's true i was told a story that a a customer of mine went to mexico and bought a suede jacket with canadian tire money and he thought he got such a good deal on it and then he said the the jacket um i guess it didn't tan it properly and the hair kept growing on it like the follicles were still alive somehow he's like yeah it got furry i'm like that's the grossest thing i've ever heard in my life that is hilarious oh you got the cream can the cream can i don't i mean this is just gonna be for decor i guess maybe around my chicken coop or something like that i don't i don't know you know my new shed a lot of people like they would paint these that's the like traditional folk art stuff people would paint a scene some sort of pastoral scene i actually have painted a scene on one of these for my for my mother-in-law see that's the sort of thing that they like oh you got some paints uh yeah there's the oil paints were still i don't know if they're yeah i don't know no oil paint will last yeah i wouldn't finger paint with this though i'd be a hot mess i would wear gloves for that sort of thing so that's worth it yeah a bunch of random uh sockets and pockets oh yeah does the crescent still work is it locked out now it still works yeah that'll become art though i don't really use crescent wrenches too much what i i have to do bite the bolt with your teeth and turn it uh probably the good ratchets i'll keep because the ratchets break all the time if you're reefing on them so yeah but you know some tools some wrenches and whatnot so that's good yeah there's some stuff in there oh yeah what is that those are old uh really old fires okay a couple pair of pliers that's good stuff there's two three screwdrivers in there they're making me nervous up there don't fall off the back and unfortunately i didn't realize that they had a set of these of four these are uh table legs so i threw one out by accident oh you could have had a whole set of them yeah but i can make that oh you got three threes enough to do something with yeah i could oh yeah and then they had this they wanted to toss out that'll just become art as well that's just art supplies cool some of the stuff i'll use probably i look at it and i'm like yeah that's just a good socket set it is but i have a bunch and then this stick i don't know i might use that on my fence i want to put around my garden at some point another socket set yeah an extension cord that may or may not be good of course these broom handles and then the twine that you found there's actually two bales of it oh yeah that's handy stuff so yeah and then this chair the classic oh yeah you fight you got your classic launcher you can sit there and watch your neighbors yeah exactly i'm liking that marble i think that's a good score yeah i don't know what i'll do with it but uh i'm so boring you know i look at it and i'm like oh you can make like a really nice bookcase with her tabletop or something no that would be nice actually it's used on one side it is polished on one side if you if you took wood or metal or something you could make a frame and then lay those in and have like a nice marble table of some kind yeah yeah i could do something like that or whatever i don't know we need to find you another factory like a little cart or something right there's a lot of jobs that i work on where sometimes it just needs a little accent you know like a french accent oh and then these little pieces of copper oh yeah uh i don't know what i'll do with them but it's good for little accents true if you need to call the coppers you can say i got a truckload of them okay let's go see what i got okay that is the nice thing about going on these adventures with josh is that we look for typically really different things uh for the most part i don't know what's valuable yeah but you have the antique knowledge i'm not i'm not an old man do you hear that abigail he thinks i'm an old man oh wow i just got burned by my daughter melissa has come out to see what's going on and so is the little one that's right she's the little one well look at her what you don't like to recognize your height or lack of don't worry you'll get bigger oh i'm getting attacked but i am finding some of the uh medical core stuff so this is a presentation plaque that was given to honorary colonel schwartz and they look like they were quite well decorated themselves uh and then there's the wooden plaque that would have been from the uh the military uh core the medic core uh barracks that they had when they were um serving in world war two he was able to keep that and then of course some of the more ornate cast pieces but those are pretty cool these are heavy bronze and this is more of a cast like a lighter metal but uh pretty darn neat of course my box full of oil cans i think i've got more in the car uh i'm just gonna get busy unloading for a while and you're just you've earned that iced tea or whatever melissa made you that's the clearest iced tea ever yeah i thought it was just the dirtiest water ever i'm like what'd you do empty the dishwasher oh is it lemonade okay just like there were some boxes of records in here too what i found is that the more obscure the 60s sort of rock and roll label is the more it's worth whether it's psychedelic or otherwise that's our crazy dog across the street that's the neighbor's dog it sounds like something's happening um so some of these are not going to be anything sergio mendez sadly look they they know that they look at their faces they know they made bad music [Laughter] the girls they're not impressed they're like we're hiding back here on purpose they're hoping nobody knows that we're the ones that made this album uh they were popular at a time but not popular now um oh actually electric flag is pretty good that's rock um ronnie hawking no that's not ronnie hawkins ronnie sessions so there might be some good uh some good rock mix in here oh astrid gilberto she's really i actually quite like her for jazz she's a great singer donovan hurdy girdy man edgar winter to the winter brothers there's some good records poko harum oh guns and roses that's a good one yeah dave lindley so most of this is actually pretty decent the question is going to be oh look there's uh david bowie early david bowie that one's still this one's still factory sealed that's a david bowie album still factory sealed what are the big songs on this blue jean donovan i'm actually liking most of these albums to be honest even chad atkins my dad's favorite album salty dog so there's some good records in here cannonball adderley got some good jazz and then some obscure stuff okay i'm i'm digging on the music i must say other than a couple albums that are questionable most of this is pretty good sellable stuff for this box and they're a pile of old um knitting magazines and let's see star weeklies i think there's some butterick catalogs in here too what's going on over here i'm not doing it wait dude were you trying to whip yeah i had a whip in a box you just had to indiana joe you know that could like uh maybe you should be wearing a protective headgear or something i don't no you're going to smack yourself i can't do it i'm too scared i'm too scared to even try to do i don't even know what proper is well proper is not running away i don't think i can't do it but this is a cool find wait i think you got to start with learning how to ride a horse first right and then after you ride the horse you can work on that whip business going on there yeah yeah you gotta try a man who drives that truck should definitely know how to ride a horse and use a whip that's all i'm saying sweetie before you go away i think i found a magazine for you 51 ways to a man's heart look he's winking oh you gave me some food you know how to like you want to read it yeah no she doesn't want to read it she doesn't want to read it things are happening oh look what are the ways meat upside down cake oh uh spiced pot roast candied corn beef double chop pie paste these uh streamline roly-poly drop donut nuggets apple crumble pudding if you've gone through all 51 steps your husband might exactly look like that maybe or he'll be like this he's having a stroke he's not winking he's losing he's having paralysis on the left side of his body oh that's a lot of food do you think we need that she's like in shock of the things i say she does she's gonna watch the videos more often she'd know i'm a bit of a nutcase oh i know this box contains [Music] more records but these are 45s and who do we have artists such as the rinky dinks um this is actually not a bad one that's eddie cochran he's uh early rockabilly so what is that oh that's josh leaving we said goodbye already but i'm gonna wave anyway you gotta watch his video to see how things went for josh he was a little bit bummed out but um i don't know i got a whole bunch of cool stuff and condition isn't too bad they just need a good cleaning but that's a lot of 45s in there surprisingly the box of comics that had uh a few chewed up had quite a few that weren't now uh some are in actually really decent condition considering that uh mouse went to town on that wonder woman comic but you know maybe if i'm lucky i'll find a few gems in here uh the other thing it was kind of cool well this look canada's superhero captain canuck look we got a superhero too the cannot kid the number three and number two i guess they felt they wanted to do a captain cannot comic and there's some underground sort of comics like heavy metal and things like that that were more you know um subversive culture sorts of things but this was this was a different story right here uh the sports olympics books this is from the 76 montreal olympics and this is the um these were the olympics that mary was at that she represented canada and the arts oh look i wonder if there's going to be something on marion here perhaps not this is history of the olympics and then it looks like it's showing mostly the athletes but i thought that was really cool because while there might have been an off chance that they showed some of the arts and um things that were going on at the event anyway really neat um we're just about unpacked here just probably got everything done i'm just waiting on a fellow to come over and uh hopefully pick up some of these items he's looking at like the uh military pictures um the the medals and awards that the family didn't want uh so with any luck i'll be able to make a sale and get some money back on this stuff right away i also did buy the 10 speed that was hidden behind all the boxes it's a lightweight frame apollo bike probably from the late 70s or early 80s somewhere around there i'm going to see if i can actually get some air in the tires and pump it up you know it's been sitting a really long time but the condition is really really good uh very light has the quick removable rims on it this would have been a good high-end 10-speed probably still worth a few hundred dollars today once it's all cleaned up and everything so worthwhile purchase out of a garage the end of a long day as i close the door on this afternoon's adventures i was able to make a sale for all the military items and recover a good chunk of my money that i spent today uh the nice thing is it's going to someone who really honors and looks after the history of military as a military collector that picked it up so it went to a good home and if any luck i'll be able to get the military medals from the second world war so we can keep the entire collection together but who knows um as for the rest of the stuff well you know i ended up finding a few surprises aside from being really happy overall with the records that i got um i've not even gone through the 45s yet that's going to be a a long-term project to go through that stuff i was able to find the complete uh set of this little uh bus with all its overhead lines and everything in the in the power pack that's all there and i was digging around and i wasn't sure if i'd have the rest of this trick set because well it was just the box but look i found the engine i found all the cars i found the track the transformer and i've been very tidally putting everything away where it belongs i just have to put a couple of the accessories back in their boxes and we'll be all set there too so a couple really neat electrified playsets um got a few pictures and a whole pile of records for me so in all pretty good day so thanks so much for watching today's episode guys if you haven't subscribed make sure to subscribe as i go on these adventures and go digging around looking for treasures in unlikely places on a regular basis um you can check us out on instagram at curiosityincyeg you can also find us on facebook under curiosity inc and um yeah drop by the shop sometime if you're in edmonton alberta canada and come visit us live in person at our store which is also called curiosity incorporated look we kept it simple it's the same name for everything but you guys have a wonderful night we'll see you all soon you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 157,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 58sec (2218 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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