What's in the trunk?!? estate unboxing video, what treasures will there be?!?

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hi i'm alex archbull and i've been buying and selling antiques since i was 9 years old from basements to scrap yards i'll look just about anywhere i can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes i'll go big and buy everything with my wife and kids we run an antique shop in edmonton alberta canada filled with some of the most unique items we can find i never know what's going to happen or who i'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity inc from home honey [Music] hey everyone and welcome to today's episode well this will be less of a going picking episode and more of a coming home with the stuff i've picked episode as you can see behind me i am loaded to the roof i'm actually loaded to the roof with stuff i've been out all day since first thing this morning i've gone to three different houses now and i've bought estate boxes from each one of them um and in some cases i haven't even seen what's in them so the plan is for this episode we're gonna go through and do sort of a mystery estate unboxing episode which would be fun for me because i'd like to know what i bought um i bought these trunks and they're packed full of stuff i don't know we're gonna see so i'm gonna get home we're gonna unpack some boxes and see exactly what i've already purchased because it's gonna be even a surprise for myself okay i've arrived at the store i'm gonna show you just how bad the situation is in the back i was gonna offload this stuff at home and kind of do the video there but then i thought why unload it twice when i've got to come to the store anyhow i have definitely been busy and my car can barely hold anything else it is packed solid don't worry there's not whiskey but it is a whiskey box full of who knows what i have to offload all this stuff inside the store and we'll go through and see exactly what i bought again i did not have a chance to go through these bins when i was at the estate um we're gonna do that here at the store today so i better go get a cart and we'll start hauling the stuff inside the old shop everything is offloaded and in the store there's rows of boxes stuff piled up there and of course these two trunks which are completely full of who knows what uh i think what we're gonna do is we're gonna start with the boxes that are out first and we'll start to see what's in here this will be nice and easy we'll go box by box and then um i'll get to the mystery trunks around the corner and see what's in there all right box number one it's the easiest to reach let's see what we've got okay ocarina broadcaster complete with playing instructions this is a funny little instrument easier blowing practically unbreakable perfected in tuning 100 sanitary and is it inside yeah it is it's kind of like a bakelite don't exactly know how a person plays this thing i'm sure that there's probably instructions somewhere yes your mouth goes there looks sort of like an odd little flute or harmonica kind of deal well it did say it was 100 sanitary so [Music] i think i need some practice on this anyway uh it's nice it has the original box i'm going to keep digging maybe there's more instruments in there let's go see put that down there is another instrument a little wedged in here there is a tiny little piano oh missing a leg not much of a piano if the leg is missing let's see is it in the box somewhere oh look there's a stereoscope oh look here it is found it looks like it's been repaired many times in the past see if we can get that back on there yeah i'm gonna have to use a little bit of glue on that but [Music] kind of a cute little thing and i like the uh elephant branding on the top there i don't know if it uh can be tuned or not but some of those are a little out of whack kind of a fun little thing though nice little that's literally a baby grand right there okay let's go back in see what else is going on what's this oh music is fun the gretch ah serena ocarina anyway looks like a bunch of guys in the military playing it that that'd be an odd sight in the bat what are you guys doing over there pyle uh anyone everyone can play with the army method okay well that's kind of different isn't it what is this astra british made toys made in london anti-tank gun yep that's what's in there with uh looks like they were doing target practice on a little bird there it is there it's got the instructions back on it too so this would actually fire a little projectile it's nice that it's so complete with the box nice little sort of wartime piece always nice to find the boxes for things like that improves the value now here's something i have had in many times before it should have a little handle on the bottom which looks like it's missing but this of course is stereoscope this predates the view master similar kind of idea that would make your pictures sort of come alive the two viewing lenses and it would display the image twice very similar concept to a view master and are there any reals for it yes yes there are i shouldn't say reels pictures oh and these are battle scenes too cape garrison artillery making it hot for the boars that's the boer war my uh great grandpa was in the boer war that's interesting military uh military pictures are always a little bit more desirable looks like somebody plowed up the train tracks i wonder if there's any other military engineers building a temporary railway bridge that was destroyed by the bores yeah okay these are all bore warrior so around 1900 or before street scenes broadway new york i guarantee that tiny little building at the end there isn't there anymore really early pictures of new york city marines on the hms was it the hms noble nia hms niobe niobe hmm i would wonder if these ended up as a shipwreck there's soldiers being tended to military yeah these are really neat because they're all sort of military bore war related well that's a cool find let's see what else is in here i see a upside down cat oh i see you pull the string on here let me let me get this sorted out here you pull the string tight i guess both of them let's even get my finger on the other ring here it's kind of like a little marionette i believe that if you pull these strings tight like that there you go and you can kind of move the strings around so you can sleep and then wake up kind of look around a little bit it's kind of a fun little thing this is the sort of thing that you would have had uh probably in your bag at school you know showing your friends your new toy that you got in i wonder if things like this would sell today if the kids nowadays would think that that's fun or interesting anyways poor little head's kind of twisted around but other than that it's in pretty good shape i'm gonna give his head a twist oh oh there we go somehow his face got all turned upside down that's a little better that's a happier cat there's also a little scotty dog in here i don't see a little button in the air to see whether it's stiffer or not it is um heavier fill like excelsior fill i don't know what the brand of this would be oh wait there's a brand name on the bottom there's a brand on the bottom and it is see if we can see what it is something book ragbook england ragbook company [Music] the tag is a little bit stuck down inside there but it does still have its original tag and it even has a bow and it looks like if you wanted to take him for a walk you've got a little leash so you could take your little scotty dog for a walk oh that's just a cute little thing isn't it we've got some pottery nice that looks like more craft but it's not it's scott or set s-c-e-t s-e-o-t-t maybe it looks like it's marked fredericton fredericton new brunswick on it and of course as we all know pottery can hold some good value especially one that's done so nicely that's a really beautiful glaze they put on there what is this this feels like crystal and maybe pewter that has got to go back away is this pitcher i would say that's 1800s for sure around that range that's a good solid heavy i think that's crystal or leaded glass that's a that's a really good solid piece it probably would have had a lid at some point too i don't know if the lid is going to be in here or not is this the lid let's see if that's the lid um oh no that's a crystal bell you can hear that ring that's just a nice little sort of dainty crystal bell egyptian stuff is always fairly popular even if it's obviously that's not from the era but people like the uh egyptian sort of collectibles good heavy silver it might be electroplated but that is a heavy candlestick and there's two of them in here yeah these on your table they're not going anywhere this thing weighs a ton it'd be nice if that ends up being solid silver that'd be some crazy weight and silver what else a little snoopy looks like he can go on his legs or he can stand up either way and look he's got his flight goggles and his little hat that's got a date from the 1960s i would think when snoopy was kind of first coming around that's your snoopy versus the red baron is what that is just need a little airplane for him to fly around and maybe i could too bad that plane wasn't bigger i could just put him up in my airplane there peeking over the edge this looks like a pipe made in india maybe not all that old but decorative little ashtray from denmark a little figural ashtray and getting kind of near the bottom here let's see somewhat more ornate lamp the wick is falling down inside i might be able to get that wick up i'll see if i can rethread it where it's supposed to go i think if i'm not mistaken oh that's got a chunk missing out of it but there's a good one right there so it even has the shade for it too i'm gonna see if i can get that wick pulled up back through there i'm starting to see why nobody fixed it this piece is really stuck on there it's meant to just pull off it has a seal on it that's basically cemented itself in place i'm going to leave it for now because i don't want to do any damage to it until i have proper tools to work on it i do want to go through the rest of these boxes however i'm just about at the tail end sadly this other uh lampshade here is broken so that's no good let's see what else is in here you have to be careful cause there's broken glass in there train whistle boy scout whistle still gives a toot we got the whistle we got the old harmonica here and that is an old honor harmonica it's much bigger than your average harmonica too it's quite large and this little box here what's in the box it is a coin set and i know this set this is the 1960 canadian set was very popular at that time because the coins in it all have animals on them unfortunately they come a little bit loose but there's a howling wolf um there's let's see what's on the dollar i can't remember oh yeah we ended up getting the looney but look we had birds on our dollar coins even back when um the boxes come a little loose here so i'm gonna have to try and get this all pieced back together but that's a nice little set i think i can make that look a little nicer there i think that's about how it's supposed to look back inside his little holders and it gives you a description the one dollar is the canada goose the wolf the wild cat the mackerel the hair and the dove on the one cent piece i'll box that back up oh yeah look it's in its official little box too neat all right time to move on to box number two right off the top big ben alarm clock dates to probably the 19 early 1960s maybe late 50s it's got that kind of mid-century modern look west clocks was not the most expensive brand name but when you find their pocket watches or clocks they always seem to work no matter what kind of condition they're in there's a nice little area antique or at least quite vintage tambourine see some jewelry boxes for those in a sec northwest territory license plate and this is a sample plate government of the northwest territory so this would be the one that um would have sat in the registry office and if you decided that you wanted uh to get this particular plate they'd have it on display and then you pick out your actual plate so this is sort of a demo model neat let's see what else is in here nice little enameled box or a little bit inlay going on and not a whole lot of jewelry in here because that's the cover for the music box portion all right let's see uh it's somebody's two well somebody's replacement teeth are in here okay that's this is just novelty that's like a little i don't know what that is like a keychain or something but that actually looks like it's meant to go in somebody's mouth ah a little pocket watch definitely gonna have to go wash my hands after this an eagle don't know it's a moose yeah it's a moose looks like a happy moose some other little uh bits and pieces might be some silver in here i'll set these things aside to uh to look at i'll put them on a tree maybe not the teeth but i'll put the other stuff on the tray and uh we'll see what we have for jewelry another matching jewelry box looks like it was probably purchased at the same time and this is full of rings completely full of rings that looks like it's silver silver and turquoise anything under here well that's another little music box i wonder if these still work if i wind them up well it's wound up but it's not working that's okay you could easily fix it up if i know what song you played after but uh we'll get the rings out of it though at least we're finding a little bit of jewelry now this little thing i guarantee will be one of the first things it sells somebody's gonna write me and say do you still have that little you know dental implant keychain this weird stuff sells folks don't ask me why but it always does let's see more jewelry i'm just collecting it sort of in this box right now i guess i come across some others another clock seems to be working set that down there's a big brass container what's inside nice it's a nice box either way whatever is inside of it hopefully it's not an urn i doubt it it is jewelry oh hang on better than okay you guys maybe you'd get excited about finding jewelry like this i'm excited about this that's a 1938 national parks pass it's in really really good shape too made by winnipeg brass that's where you would uh attach it to the grille of your car and if you wanted to go through the parks back in the 30s and up to world war two this is the sort of thing you'd have that's a good piece that's a good score i'm actually quite happy about that i'm gonna set that right there what else is in here maybe there's a few other little treasures little butterfly earrings maybe what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna bring all the uh all the jewelry home and melissa can have a look through and then we'll sort and see see what we got the interesting little piece of wood not sure what that's all about keepsakes more rings okay pretty big bucket of jewelry right there well all this is gonna go in the uh in the bin to bring home and i'll sort this stuff at home later it's gonna take a couple eyes to look at it and see if there's is there silver is there not like some of these things look like they could be silver all right and then find the matching pairs and all the rest that's a good little assortment of jewelry right there though what else is in the box lots of bead work oh sounded like the jewelry box over there was starting to kick in a little bit let's see ribbons what's the bottom here a little watch some little tools okay i don't feel like i'm gonna have to dump this out to figure out what's in the bottom of the toothbrush this is like a catch-all oh look at all these pins look at all these pins holy cow ducks unlimited hard rock cafe this is just all pins well there are pin collectors out there maybe some of you watching oh well those look like earrings and some fancy or some antique pins that whole thing is all nothing but pins the whole thing well it's a little bit tangled but it's a little bit cool okay i'm gonna sort through the rest of this and see what treasures were inside i'm gonna try and get this dumped out and figure out exactly what i have here well there was some other jewelry at the bottom of the box and uh i put it in here bring that home to sort through later on i'm gonna go through some of these other bins and buckets this guy right here is a big like a garden scale sort of train set this is you know the type people might put around their tree pretty big tree i guess you have to have for that it's not a super duper expensive set but it's sort of a nice decoration either way see if all that's in here is the train set if there's anything else there's something wrapped up in here feather art so those are feathers that are painted with looks like blue jays on them so clothing was used to wrap it up let's see oh look there's a there's a clock or a photo album or something in here i think what we have here are uh beading supplies so all sorts of different colored beads but that's a little beading kit i think this was a jewelry box that's been uh they're just storing their beading supplies in it's kind of cool it's also sort of a little looks like a hot plate or something in here what is this oh cheese board limited edition one of five thousand it's the royal wedding cheese board to commemorate the marriage of the prince of wales and lady diana spencer 1981. wow i didn't even know they made a cheese board for that event um somewhere there's a cheesy joke well the next item i know what this is it's a little bit broken looking are the pieces in here to fix it possibly maybe okay what this is it's a it's a butter keeper that you'd have this on your fancy sort of victorian table and your butter would sit in there and uh these little pieces here would actually fold up they're the meant to go up on either side to keep your butter safe and protected but one of the sides has come loose it's a nice design and likely silver as well this would date to probably the late 1800s and your little butter knife would go right there on the rest but it looks like it needs a little bit of work i did get this tin dollhouse on top of all the other stuff that i picked up there's no furniture for it but it's in really good shape i'm gonna go put this away now just so it's not taking up any more room of course i had to get a sign for good measure this is from ktm motorcycles it's an old uh sales and service sign always somebody looking for this stuff it's a little bit dirty but i bet this will clean up really nicely after a quick wash looking pretty good [Music] i wanted to show you guys this really neat piece canadian government railways inter-colonial railway prince edward island railway prince edward island's not very big this would not have been a very big railway but this would have been in one of the stations and it was all the safety precautions and you know things that you have to uh do look carefully before you step on and off a car use the hand railings this is a date probably back to the the teens or twenties likely in its original frame you can see where it was mounted firmly onto a wall what a great piece of railroad history and for somebody who's from prince edward island pretty rare piece of their railway pass i thought that was super neat it's even got the original board back on it sometimes you wonder what's behind here because uh sometimes there's other old signs and things that they had before maybe at one point i'll get motivated and i'll see if there's anything hidden behind all this by the way that's neat just as it is this poor old clock is a little worse for wear right now this is what they call a gingerbread clock because of the design on the back it has that uh moniker attached to it he said he didn't think it worked but it's not gonna work with the pendulum knocking about like that this is gonna need some adjusting which i might be able to do i'll see if i can make something happen here we'll get the pendulum on and see if i can get it to go now a couple things were wrong the the pendulum movement was actually bent and pushed against the chime uh they did not have the right size of clock key but look i happen to keep a big bin of clock keys around just in case i come across a clock like this it needs one let's see if i can find the right size and wind it up and if any luck this thing will go again okay i got the right one i'm gonna give a bit of a wind why are there two places to wind one is for your chime and one is for your clock that's why there's two winding spots on a clock like this so we'll get this all wound up and then we'll give it a try okay we'll see if we can start the pendulum going don't know if it's going to keep ticking sounds like it's kind of going remove the hands see if the chimes do anything oh i see it's a little out of adjustment [Music] but it's trying just about got it let's see if i can adjust the chime just a little bit just barely want it touching right around there let's give that a try oh well that's better still a little bit of a thud but [Music] well it's not perfect but it's almost there okay enough messing about with clocks time to see what we've got okay this is marked silverware and this to me looks like a silver tray i'm probably going to uh open this up in a second i want to see what's in this bin other than dust and debris let's see here it is it looks like plates and dishes it is teacups well that's all right i do sell teacups we we stock them we keep them around because there's always somebody buying a tea cup we usually sell a cup and saucer for about seven bucks oh yeah a little variety of teacups and things i can definitely use those looks like some teapots down at the bottom there too see if i can get to them possibly a little bit broken that's had some repairs quite a few repairs i'll have to sort out what's sellable and what's not as i go through some some of this is definitely broken but even if there's a handful of teacups in there i can resell that'll be good well this tray is quite lovely now if this was solid silver you'd have tremendous value fortunately ninety percent of these uh-huh ep copper primrose plate so that's electroplated copper so it's copper with silver plating which means that when i find the uh set there's probably like a teapot or some cups and things that go along with it that's all going to be electroplated too either way um it's still a nice shiny set and very well kept so i'm sure i'll be able to find a buyer for it the next box marked silverware is all packed up individually so i'm going to take the time and unpack all this and uh lay it out here so far we've got this nice little bowl and some of these are hallmarked may actually actually be silver uh nice little blue glass inset maybe that's like a little salt dish clearly i haven't been to enough fine dining events where i can know well i know that's a silver napkin ring and i would say that that's gonna be likely solid silver you can see how it's kind of soft precious metals are sometimes a little bit softer than most so okay i'm gonna get this all laid out and see what we got in the box here as suspected i have pretty well the whole silver service set for a downton abbey like dinner the challenge i get people bring this sort of stuff in all the time and there's very little value in it because the upkeep to actually use is so very high you need a team of maids and butlers almost just to polish the stuff and keep it so it's usable what people do now is they look for the solid silver because it has silver wheat which is a real shame not that you'd want to scrap it but you know has value as a commodity but as a practical usable thing fancy dishes fancy silverware sadly it's not the family heirloom it once was okay i've gone through most of the boxes that were all over here i still have these trunks though the first thing i'm going to do is have a peek inside the old briefcase here and we've got a free pen is there anything tucked in behind no there is not american folk guitar by alan lomax and peg peggy seeger he looks like he's really jamming out see traveler stamp album oh this looks like a whole pile of stamps in here oh and look a brochure for a 75 ford pinto our basic little economy car yup not a bad looking little thing actually the lines are pretty clean on it that's kind of neat sales brochure for the pinto what do we have for stamps well looks like it's there's some in here that might take a little uh a little doing to go through and see if there's any valuable stamps inside but this whole basically this whole thing looks like it's full of stamps other than this should be yeah stickers 1970-71 looks like it took them a while to get the whole set get those from the gas station eso's here in town so the letter s and the letter o stand for standard oil and they just kind of spelt it out um still around i don't know if it's very popular down in the united states but in canada they're all over the place it's one of our more common gas stations set the stamps behind the counter here to look at when i back in tomorrow let's see little tub of stuff bring this up i'm running out of counter space problem is you know you sort through all this and you don't have anywhere to put anything just when you think you're through with model kits you end up more really like the art on this box though that kit would probably go back to about the 1960s or so there is a little bag i don't know what this brown goo is all over this be careful not to touch that there's a bag of little lead figures cows and other things oh the same brown would go on the bottom i think it was the little rubber feet have disintegrated off of this but that's cool it's a little desk pen set with an airplane on the back it's pretty neat and be careful where i put that though cause i don't wanna get that goo all over the place this looks like a nice older perfume bottle something like you'd find almost an italy blown glass a little stopper in it beautifully done that is an older piece it is handmade there's no markings on the on the base or anything but that is a nicely made piece set that down okay what else little toy cars that looks like a meccano yeah a little meant to go with the train sets at the time a little red wagon looks like a radio knob always missing those let's see maybe a dog chew toy or a baby toy these little cars are kind of cool they're plastic but the detail is pretty good made in italy cooper climax so uh in gap italian made little toy cars and there's a few of them in here you know even though they're plastic they're pretty fun to look at and i always have people who are buying old cars what's this ferrari sport even has a little driver in there i guess they all do oh there's a little service bell actually leave that on the counter in case i disappear off in the back that might drive me crazy uh see a little sort of tea sets some party favor little trumpets oh there's another car in here okay well a little variety of stuff okay it's got some weight to it see what's inside of trunk number one more stuff okay thumbtack what's in the old woodward's bag why a nice little 1950s rca radio in sort of this movie pink color nonetheless that's cool wooden box dovetail corners looks fairly industrial it's got some latches on it what's inside oh it's a uh it's a transit it's a level it's a surveyors level is what that is it's in its original box transit certification handy two-inch transit probably from the 40s or so i would say a nice little wooden box maybe 50s that's a pretty cool find i think i actually have the stand for this thing in the back i might have extra transit stand they have a special little wooden tripod that people use let's see i did have yeah i've converted it into a lamp i put this whole cadillac light on top of this transit but that's what that would have sat on top of would have been those sort of uh survey tripod sticks right there hmm well i knew i had some oh there's there's a little uh a smaller one hmm i have to see if i can find some more sticks somewhere and put it all back together this little bin looks kind of fun i can see there's a view master and this would have been the box for the viewmaster but they've completely filled it up with all the slides going way back i'm sure wildflowers rocky mountain yeah this is completely packed full of slides [Music] that's a good little set right there it's the second one i found in so many days what are these books the coming of arthur alfred tennyson little lux art library so it's a tiny little uh book set midsummer night's dream by shakespeare bad ballots by gilbert will of the mill by stevenson kind of a nice little uh miniature book set i wonder if they're all there to be oh this is an old children's set of plates and dishes it's actually a proper little set that's a nice little set in there yeah okay got a little set of kids dishes and some books what's under layer number two what do we have [Music] japanese art print a few records willie nelson and roger miller [Music] maps and pictures this is the uh this off an old racing motorcycle that's off like an old motocross bike or something go right on the front underneath where the rest of the bike is boy there's just a couple of wooden statues at the bottom here too carved wooden statues and an old violin [Music] nice leather case too let's see what kind of shape it's in sometimes these are pretty trashed oh it's not bad well a few of the strings are still in tune [Music] you can't see a maker's name right now that might be a maker's name in there let's see if i can get the light on look inside [Music] let's see can we focus it's hard to read see if i can look at it without the camera well this might someh have some actual age to it what it says inside is it says repaired by walter and then his last name and it looks like the date of 1850 that it was repaired so if this thing was repaired in 1815 i'm guessing it's been repaired since obviously there's some newer bits on it here how old is this violin if it had to get fixed in the 1800s it's in really good shape though overall probably still a good player well that is trunk number one done i have to say these trunks are pretty darn spectacular even on their own that is some beautiful tin work i mean these are very nice trunks now i'm happy even just with the trunks uh let alone the stuff that's coming out of them yeah i'm gonna go put this one in the back get out of the way so we can dig inside the next chest number two oh yeah somebody's definitely re-lined this back in the 60s or 70s that's not authentic to the 1800s liner that would have been in here but at least they kept it clean teacher's bell somebody has uh polished the outside greatly but that is an antique bell that is an old school house bell more perfume bottles a little uh powder dishes stuff that would have sat on a lady's nightstand it all matches too that blue sort of cut glass matches that other piece i had okay i better put these somewhere safe i'm surprised they made the trip actually just set them out of the bin for now while i dig through super old somebody has put some uh or the binding is coming loose let's see handed down to henry ames arden from his parents in 1910 it was handed down in 1910 how old the book is it i'm going to say 1800s reverend richard vernon memorials 1821. there you go printed and published 1821. well that is an old old book not terrible condition considering its age many of the books back in the 1800s and 1700s were religious context it's almost hard to find a book that's not something to do with religion i didn't have much for reading material back then i guess but oh here's the little uh here's the end for the atomizer it's hard as a rock though have to get a new one likely unless you just want to show it but that should have a little uh like a little hose or something that comes off the end there i'll keep it in the box right now another little kid's enamel where is that sheriff badge if i can dig it out yep new sheriff in town more bells and more bells somebody really like bells little toy our little uh carb that might be like a i don't know if that's a jade or what type of stone that is with the red mixed in there red and green stone but little carved elephant that's pretty cute what else do we have a flag another sheriff's badge well that's marshall we have a sheriff and a marshall carson city it's obviously not a real carson city marshall badge that'd be cool if it was like a 1940s or 50s toy version tiny little cowboy boots they're actual leather too i wonder if there's a little doll that goes with those or if that was just a little miniature set of cowboy boots you know sometimes these can be salesman samples maybe not this small but that's some nice leather work on there or they'd carry these around and say okay well we've got them you walk into the store and the guy says we have these little we this is what our boots look like and the guys like yeah but you have them in larger sizes uh i don't know if that's a salesman sample i think it's just a little miniature there's a few miniatures in here little bells and stuff okay i'm gonna dig deeper through this box okay this looks like another yeah it's another transit so somebody must have been an engineer or a surveyor that's the second one i forgot so far authentic caribou hair tufting sculptures wow so that's all made out of caribou hair polar bit polar bear what's the other one it's kind of neat it probably would have taken a long time to make those too set those over there that looks like guns and roses that's a little out of place guns and roses shirt is it a concert shirt no it doesn't say it on the back if it tour shirts are worth a bit of money ac dc back in black oh yeah see this is a tourist shirt so this basically has all the different names on it sometimes they'll give you the the dates people do collect concert shirts so any old concert shirts gonna have some value what's this one oh montreal canadians not terribly old i don't think old clothing you'd be surprised that there are some there is some value in old clothing oh look there's some games in here what's this more jewelry [Applause] costume curls only one way to tell if pearls are real or not you gotta rub them on your teeth it feels gritty well there's other ways but that's a way to tell set that aside more shirts oh here's a good one somebody went to see iron maiden at some point and got the iron maiden shirt that kind of stuff does sell there are lots of people who collect that sort of thing who is this uh oh neil young neil young crazy horse concert shirt well i'm getting a few shirts out of the deal anyway a couple of board games i don't remember this go for it by parker brothers the game where you can have it all in the 80s what did you want okay it looks kind of like a ferrari like a 308 or 328 or something like that uh apparently a lady dressed in slight business attire singing um or maybe she works at a department store uh sale on ladies clothing in aisle 23. i don't think that's what they had in mind though uh you're flying somewhere you got a big country estate and you're playing tennis or you're just showing this girl that you have you have a tennis racket look i've made it sally i've been able to buy my own tennis racket and she's like meh he's like that's right i've got a tennis racket well never played go for it before a game of xs courtesy of the 1980s so here's another 80s game in here the duke's a hazard game leijoux it's the canadian version the dukes of hazards is french in english hit the road to hazard county with the duke boys race through duke county on your way to uncle jesse's farm and look out for the boss in roscoe just like the dukes do yeah well that'll sell there's a lot of people who collect dukes of hazard stuff that will find a home no problem oh a little star wars model kit without what um it's a star wars kit but there's a sunbeam tiger amt kit inside of it which is probably a lot older actually that's probably a much more rare kit to have don't maybe they lost the box or maybe they built it and transported it but i'm gonna leave this open so i know that that's not what's inside if i could find the original box for the sunbeam tiger kit that would be pretty cool that's probably a fairly rare little emt kit deluxe edition of scrabble with the fancy board oh looks like they've got things figured out really all the letters i ever get are every every consonant or without a vowel or every vowel without a consonant let's see what do we have in here another snoopy i still really like this new piece i think this is a dashboard snoopy this might he might have actually come with you on your car he's not a bobble head but this one has a cape what's in the bag a little bag of toys of some kind oh there's a transformer in there that's cool that's an old one too 1983. a random key skeleton key i wonder if it's for this trunk i doubt it so i think i saw the key oh maybe it's for this trunk little tiny robots and stuff okay well oh not a hot wheel little bits and bobs and pieces the transformer is probably the best thing it came out of that and it looks like some rugs some handmade rugs i'm gonna take this out oh i'm getting quite the pile around the store i haven't even had a chance to do any kind of cleaning yet let's see what is the rug mallard ducks it's a mallard duck rug you go to the east coast of canada there's hookers all over the place rug hookers that is i think i made that off color joke when i was there and these little ladies all laughed at it because they were busy making rugs and i said come on honey let's get out of here this place is full of old hookers the the things that you you know because that is what you you are you're hooking rugs me folks they laughed i didn't get kicked out i'm sure they've heard that joke before uh so there's a whole bunch of uh handmade rugs in here and they can be quite expensive too there's quite a bit of effort to actually make a rug like that okay bin number two is complete i was also pretty happy because while i was there i picked up this beautiful old ship's lantern um it would mount flush on a wall or you could carry it about with you around the ship if you needed a light uh it's in really good shape it's got the wick and everything that's about as nice as it comes dated what 1941 so wartime era and uh made of um brass so it's uh resistant to salt water really really nice piece last but not least i've got the stuff i've set on top of the ice cream cooler there is another violin case and inside another violin now this one well one of the bows looks like the horse hair has had it on there the it's kind of stringing out all over the place but there's two bows there's some little accessories this violin i could see on the inside it's dated if i can get the light to work here i'll see if i can show you it is dated 1891. i'm trying to get a maker's name it's really hard to focus on on the little paper label in there but this this violin is uh equally as old likely as the other has not had any sort of restoration the other one had been restored but still looks like it's all there and intact and violin like this be put back in service with very little work an umbrella always handy this is a uh store advertisement techno toys obviously made in denmark they made wind up mechanical all sorts of neat stuff make a nice little display i might be able to put it kind of somewhere near here if i got some techno toys that would help with the presentation but it's a cool old sign old store display sign a pair of quite old catgut uh snowshoes these date back to about the 1920s or so and a box full of records what do we have edith piaf george harrison with some mold happening on that that's not good and a whole pile of 45s certain 45s are more valuable than others um my dad was an expert at going through this stuff to figure out which were the good ones i am not so much i kind of know like old rockabilly you know girl groups like the shangri-las and that are a little bit more collectible um parakeet training record your parakeet can teach itself i wonder what sort of things are on the parakeet training record well this is such a big pile of 45 i'm gonna really have to spend some time while i'm here at work to go through it all because i can't uh get it all separated out now i've got to get myself back home before long and i still have this big mess of stuff piled all around the shop that needs to be dealt with before i open digging a little deeper through this bin of kids dishes there's a nice little porcelain mountie on his horse on his faithful steed and i noticed that the kids dishes at the bottom were in fact a really old mickey mouse set if you look at the bottom it says made in occupied japan so that'd be about 1946 copyright walt disney productions which is nice because that means it was an official item issued by disney so there's a whole set of mickey and minnie mouse kids dishes in here that was a nice little find well that's it for now i'm gonna head back home take the jewelry with me to sort through hopefully there's some good finds in there but my favorite find were the parks passes of all the stuff that i got today the parks passes were probably about my favorite thing that was uh mix in with all this stuff uh goes to show you got to dig through bins and boxes to find the odd little gem for now though i'm heading back to home uh but i still have a bunch of cleaning to do and i guess i'll deal with all this mess when i come in tomorrow morning ah never ends but thanks for watching guys we'll see y'all soon and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already for more episodes bye for now you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 160,515
Rating: 4.963295 out of 5
Id: LmPiYipxGvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 33sec (3573 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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