We bought an abandoned Antique store! what's inside?!?

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I followed my dreams and open an antique store to have adventures and spend time as a family sometimes you have to climb a mountain and open some new doors to find the treasures inside this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity [Music] all right Steven you ready so on today's adventure we are up to something fun my son Steven and I are headed to Saskatchewan right near the Manitoba border we were invited out by a family to potentially purchase the entire contents of their father's antique store the antique store has been shut down for many years and nobody's had access to it until this week so we are gonna head inside the shop see if we can buy pretty much everything which means we're gonna need a bigger vehicle the little Volkswagen van here so we're gonna have to pick up a rental cube van this morning and that's what we're gonna take on the road let's head it so just a few more minutes and Enterprise here will be open we're gonna pick up our cube van which is probably one of those ones back there and head on the highway well we got the truck good thing I double-checked the paperwork and you always want to do that when you get around to a vehicle because they had it down at 20 cents a kilometer and what I needed was unlimited because this is a pretty long trip and I wouldn't want to be paying 20 cents a kilometer for what's going to end up being about 2,000 kilometers that would have killed the whole adventure here so we're gonna load up get out of here time to stretch our legs get some gas and gas station snacks put a little music on see what some music looks like to get some new lines on the highway overall the rides not too bad but they definitely need to work on the soundproofing [Music] pretty big burger while we're eating lunch I decided to look up an old friend who's got a barn full of cool stuff so we're gonna go check that have to ask you about a few of the things in here this is pretty cool already I was take an industrial sewing machine not that I really want to take that home with me but I think or oh no it's a drill it's a belt drive drill press kinds of stuff never know it's inside an old barn this is kind of cool this is Saskatchewan transit and that's porcelain bus stop sign really early one it's a cool piece old phone wall phone lots a neat stuff and now we're gonna see what's inside the old barn here see what's inside of her goodies okay you got a chem looking barn number two lots of old door frames and Trunks cream separator this is a McCormick Deering not too bad of shape that probably shine up all right they're really heavy to move though do you member dad had one of those at the shop when we first opened that was a while ago some pressed steel toys over there some old Tonka's okay let's go have a look upstairs see what's up there that's musty that's what I was looking at yeah don't stop humming mousetraps look there's a millennium falcon still in the box here sadly the millennium falcon wasn't for sale but we did get a few things and we have a load up and head back on the highway and this highway looks like a patchwork quilt has been repaired so many times [Music] so we are at our destination town I am gonna pull it I have to try to throw where this place is it's been a couple years since I've been here but we're not meeting here until tomorrow morning so really I'm just gonna peek through the windows and kind of see what this place is like it has been a while so excited I think I spot the place now so mr. sleepyhead over there has woken up just in the nick of time because we are here that's a place behind me that I looked at two years ago and tracked down the owners and it wasn't very easy I actually went to the diner which you can see behind me there that diner back there met a nice elderly lady who knew who the descendants of the owner of this place were and tracked them down and Here I am two years later to see both bye and whatever is inside and this will definitely be a surprise because all I ever did was look in the window which is what I'm gonna do right now so from the window this is kind of what I saw some old general store counters shelves full of stuff some old cans you know hard to really say what's in there from from this angle but apparently there's a bunch of stuff at the house too so the peak in this building is actually a lot bigger than it looks like from the road there's an addition built on the back and there's also some outbuildings back here too so the goal is I don't know if ya get the boy is smart he says get good stuff if I can't all I mean I'll have to fit whatever I can inside the van but well I'm definitely gonna have my work cut out for me with this place hopefully the stuff from the inside is a little better than it is on the yellow I can already tell there's lots of good cabinetry and I'm sure there's gonna be treasures inside we'll have to wait till tomorrow to see hey Steven should we bring mom some flowers home for my trip ah that ought to do the trick nicely maybe a little overkill but I like your thinking the nice thing about getting to a place early is that you can have a chance to look around and be a bit of a tourist there's lots of great sights to see in this part it's ask a Chuen and I'm glad that I got to see them with my son but I'm gonna have to head to bed and I'm gonna have a tough time sleeping knowing that this place is full of antiques and just waiting for me so it is the next morning beautiful morning and today's the big day we have to go to this place and begin the load-out process now I don't know right now whether I've made a huge mistake coming out here I've never offered to buy the entire contents of a building sight unseen but yeah hopefully we're gonna see some cool stuff today and hopefully it won't be a waste of my time either way it's an adventure and that was good time to spend with my kids so well thankfully I'm not doing much more driving today look what I had to pay for gas one hundred and ninety-three bucks to fill this thing up well hopefully it's all worth it it's even I defy you to find one single clout in the whole sky right now look find one there's not when they say there's not a cloud in the sky literally there's not a cloud in the sky today you couldn't ask for better weather what once was a clawfoot tub part of an old rocking chair and a couple of really big 7up signs which will probably worth bringing back now I'm guessing this is their junk pile but there is still a porcelain sign sitting here too so we're gonna have to go through everything just to make sure we don't miss anything so this is insane this place has been closed down for 10 years and there's still stuff like look at this it's a beach bomb sideloading beach bomb redwine's Pez dispensers guns a hockey cards wailing gasps this place has pretty much a good majority of things that I like for the shop yeah animal Dax so there's everything in here from flapper dresses to guitars lots of glassware furniture old toys airplane ashtray this place is really well stocked and there's gonna be a lot more work than I expected but we're gonna have a look in the upstairs and see what there is to see up there nice little weather I mean it's huge desk okay maybe let Dad go up here first because it doesn't look it says watch your step but the roof is falling in see it's the problem that this place has been shut down for ten years yeah maybe don't come up ghetto because I don't know how safe it is hey there's some old oil cans and stuff okay well I'm gonna have to have a look around it's actually it's full up here - OH Texaco sign yeah jeez there's good stuff everywhere like that's porcelain Texaco letters right there so you got a really dig around and these boxes are full but you can see the roof has actually fallen in on what was inventory which is now probably garbage and I'm also listening for Hornets and stuff - you don't know when they've set a nest up okay it's the grill off an old car car parts wrenches radiator shrouds boxes of old toys this place is definitely got some cool stuff it's gonna take some work and I'm being careful walking on this floor because it could literally give way if I'm not delicate here it's just amazing that nobody is broken in in all these years and eluded this place honestly just sitting here antique looks like a wedding dress okay we're gonna go back downstairs so he gives a lot of books up here won't be a huge loss but there is other stuff too Lufkin maintenance - also for some license plates oil cans I guarantee there's still some a few treasures kicking around that we haven't found yet what's in the drawer adjustable razors okay that means there's probably some vintage guns around here too [Music] it's packed up to the ceiling and you do stuff this is just one of the little rooms [Music] thank you know so we're gonna have a look through some of these boxes two empty boxes I've to be careful because I get really bad allergies with must and mold and I'm gonna head over to the other room it looks promising we're gonna have a look over this way this be very light on your feet up here and we're gonna dig through some of these boxes and see is anything we're saving in here patches pins little tobacco tins gonna take a while to dig through make sure I don't stick my hand in with a bunch of fishing hooks razors boxes are such a auto strop razors there's trading cards and all sorts of other things just up in the attic right now digging through some boxes finding a few things so just got to be careful not to inhale too much as you can see the ceiling also not in the best shape up here so we're being careful Stephens just sticking on the stairs and helping me haul stuff down that is a pretty cool old porcelain sign there's just stuff piled and everywhere so we've really got to go through and make sure we don't miss anything enjoy a tasty tangelo treat mmm scrumptious around the glass picture oh these are it's an antique curved blast picture frame those are often broken this is where extract in the box hey kiddo you can grab those two and put them away so I have made an offer on the entire contents so that's everything in the store everything in all the little outbuildings here they're just debating whether they can accept it if they do I have a lot of work ahead of me and it's gonna be a big job to clear the stuff out and there's no way I can do it all in this one weekend so I'm gonna to use all my resources to think about how to clear this stuff quickly and effectively and yeah it's gonna be a lot of work honey if you're watching at home I love you you knew I was coming out here to do this so don't be surprised if our garage gets pretty full of antiques before you know it we did it so now the work begins I've gotta load this one truck up I need one probably three times this size for what I bought so might have to make another trip out here we're gonna load up as much as we can today and then deal with the rest later on so the goal is to start organizing some of these boxes first we want to make sure we bring the very best off back with us this go-around and then we can make another trip for the rest of it or find a way to liquidate it later on so we're gonna start packing up some boxes I got my helper with me and that's what's next and you have to pay close attention to even what looks like little plastic stands because look this is an old Kodak Brownie camera display we're gonna empty that out and there are treasures all over the place like this old Dodge DeSoto license plates around hey I got my helper what are you doing over there Steven little big books oh yeah put him in a box yeah oh good job there's all kinds of stuff hidden like this old low in East Insurance calendar from wartime error so there's gonna be a lot of dinging and a lot of stuff to go through it's way more than I expected a lot more than I can chew but we're gonna try to take it down to the next day or two brass head lamps off a car nice matching set old wall phones lots to pack still so I'm digging out some super test oil cans which are fairly rare and I noticed that his tool bench is porcelain sign so I'm gonna clear all that off and get to that sign it's a good piece I'm just going through some of the boxes here this appears to be myself box down the gold ring and see if it's a yeah it is stamped let's see if I can read it 18-karat there's a good chunk of gold sitting right there that's a really good fine I bet there's other stuff like this in here too I'm gonna keep digging so as of right now I own all the stuff all the outbuildings all the sheds it's way more than I can fit in the vehicle so I'm gonna have to either come back or what I'm thinking of as maybe have a auction on site here and then just recoup whatever I can from the auction sale after I clear what I need so have some decisions to make here are some tough ones but still sweating away it's a lot of work [Music] these loser victorian-era shoes kind of creepy and kind of neat lots of old comic books go through those books and car manuals and tractor manuals more showcases boiled boy so we've been at this pretty much all day and I've barely made a dent gotten a few big pieces out there's still lots of stuff all around me to go through it's gonna take a while to do it so we're gonna load up whatever we can big furniture and then loading it up and yes and see whatever else I can get in there so lots of work left to do baseball cards what'd you bring box perfect [Music] so I am just going through to see what I should bring back to the shop today and then what can stay and possibly become an auction item later this is a clock out of a car that can come back old photographs those are cool but I have to be somewhat selective so I got to go through and see what all is in here let me tell you it's hits a lot of stuff that's an oldie huh okay this is an early coke bottle because it's flat sides so that's probably like pre nineteen twelve somewhere in there before they came out with the coke bottle we know and love today bring that back those are the newer style there I'm going through the junk drawer here and there's this little scrap of paper and I was about to throw it out and I read it and it said it's a little pearl so kind of looking there's a looks like a bead or pearl there and then there's a freshwater pearl right there so almost threw out a couple pearls really have to be careful and I go through these sorts of things but it looks like garbage but there might be good stuff in there well the band is completely full and there's still tons of great stuff all over the place so I'm gonna have to really figure out what I'm gonna do next and come back next weekend but for now it's time to get in the vehicle get back to the city and unload all the stuff that I brought to the shop and hope that I can try and make a display out of it all lots of work ahead that's part of the game now that I have everything here in the city I had to go unload it all and that's the part I'm not really looking forward to because I have to make room at the shop for all the new stuff and find a way to liquidate some of the others so it's gonna be a big day today but I gotta tear through it and my store is definitely looking a little bit messy I'm gonna try and build an island with the old cabinets here in the middle so I've gotta clean all these get them ready and then start filling them with stock so this morning is gonna be a busy morning and I had this showcase tied together because I had to use some persuasion and get it off the truck as the glue and all come loose it was pretty wobbly but I stirred it up now some new carpenters glue and just have to clean it off and get it ready for product well that's all for today I'm going to do a follow-up video to show you some of the cool things that I did get on this find there's still a hole stored on packing on going back next weekend thanks so much for watching don't forget to hit that subscribe button check us out on Instagram and on facebook as well we'll see y'all soon [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 1,433,643
Rating: 4.8056788 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, adventure, antique store, curiosity inc, discovery channel, full episode, history channel, american pickers, pawn stars, trending, you wont believe it, amazing, television show, tv show, barn find, junkyard, classic cars, scrapyard, treasure, treasure hunting, metal detecting
Id: A70FxFdW0Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 30 2018
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