We bought a storage locker! will we find treasure or lose $$$?

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I followed my dreams and open an antique store to have adventures and spend time as a family sometimes you have to climb a mountain and open some new doors to find the treasures inside this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity Inc okay so I possibly just made a big mistake and ended up buying a storage unit online now you don't have to bid in person you can I guess there's storage units you can bid in person like on TV but this one was an online auction so I bid I've never done this before I've got to go tomorrow morning first thing 9:00 a.m. to pick it up it was four hundred and sixty bucks so it's a long ways to go to get to profit it's a five by five units so not really big but let's hope that there's something inside of these bins to make it worthwhile and yeah this is gonna be a real not staged storage unit so show you the kind of stuff you actually get inside of a storage unit by clearing this one out tomorrow morning so next time you see me it'll be in different clothes as I'm on my way to the storage auction so it's the next morning my son Steven is coming with me my oldest hearse I like to call him the big one unless his brother Kurt was bigger but right now he's the big one we are going to pick up that storage unit this morning hopefully I didn't make a horrible mistake there's a strong possibility that I did we're gonna load up in the old ambulance has it's got the most room and go pick some cool stuff up hopefully [Music] so we've never bought a storage unit before so I have no idea what do you think is gonna be inside of it a human a human that's really morbid Stephen so what do you hope might be inside of this unit well there's definitely at least one bicycle as I saw that in the picture but I will go see it we'll go find out so you always see on TV when they're doing these storage auction type shows there'll be nothing it'll be like a dirty mattress a box and then in the corner there's like Oh a pirate treasure chest full of gold or some little pistol or something so I'm not sure that those shows are entirely true you'd hope so if we find something like that today I will believe them I'm expecting mainly household stuff or things we consult the auction but I'm hoping more than anything that we at least get our money back on buying this unit so first time we've ever done this possibly the last if it's a bust we are here at the storage yard so what you have to do is go into the office and pay for your unit and they go unlock it and you see what you got so it's an inside unit it doesn't really help too much it's still freezing cold in here it's not heated and we are looking for our number to come up here there it is yeah you wanna go and open that Stephen may be the first one to open it this one right here you have a pull from the bottom so this is now all of our junk to go through so it'll start unpacking so first glance is a decent-looking mountain bike not too bad there's a fan little lawn chair or cooler well yeah let's hope that's not full of actual diapers that would really suck but wouldn't treat me about this unit is that the guy had stored stuff in plastic bins and usually if you're gonna invest in keeping special things too if you put it in the plastic bin or something a little bit nicer so we are going to dig through and see what we have not a bad men's bicycle good condition probably worth you know one hundred and twenty hundred fifty bucks something like that brand new be few hundred but it's in really good shape always still one hundred fifty dollar bike we're go walk radio going to Goodwill computer keyboard world of warcraft maybe discover the camera and they will come across a video game system giant hand hammered tax I could probably use those for something nice this one says ornaments wrapped in paper that they run oh they're just decorative but they're these are 1950s until the they're made in Japan they're worth you know like five ten bucks each so if there's no ten of these things in here that's about 100 bucks straight there yeah no to the right person we'll go through those in the shop paperwork's I might leave this behind Oh trading cards these were craft I have to look into these and see if they are collectible so second box here we've got some typical work clock we have some Warcraft sets collector's edition cents so we'll have to do a little bit of research this guy was obviously in the war crafted into gaming and some of this stuff can be pretty collectible I see there's a couple boxes in here so might get some good money back on these yeah there's all kinds his books on Oh actually look at this whole set of cards Warcraft urns mmm so there might be some good money just analyse Warcraft and the good thing is if you use a collector there might be some other cool stuff in here too because sometimes people who collect one thing end up collecting multiple things so some part lock the Warcraft so with this unit being the former property of a video gamer there's a possibility there could be a really high-end laptop or computer in here too so lots more bins to go through I'm gonna let Steven do a little digging now okay Steven what do you got office supplies office supplies nothing too exciting yeah that's well we'll have to go through these a little bit more carefully he's rolling yeah I know I just talked to dad [Music] it's probably the tougher work oh oh let's remote-control car hold control car bonus it so far just found a few collectible things well there's some Jack Daniel tins some kitchen stuff so this might be a desktop basketball games little odds and ends that's a good we'll go through some of the boxes I'm hoping there's more collectibles I have a hint of what's in there hey Steven I think this guy might have had a drinking problem you know why because this box is full of liquor yuk yuk yuk USA hit an all-night liquor store actually all jokes aside that's a Henkel night blocks at Henkel is one of the higher end brands of knives this is was probably a $200 set of knives when he got us that's actually a good knife block heated seat cushion well if you've been following my antics you know my Volkswagen van does not have the best heater so that would actually come in handy for the van you know I put that on the cart though I'm gonna drag the plastic bins outside it's pretty frosty and chilly inside the storage unit so we're gonna take these guys out and dig through them outside water coolers in there that's probably 100 bucks news I'd like that it is all emptied close that down so do you know what these aren't Stephen no actually that's really good yes yeah these are go on the pickup bed you bolt them on then you can put ladders work stuff on top and increase the capacity of your cargo area they're probably you know at least three four hundred bucks when you buy them new these might do okay at auctions so that might be our money back almost on the unit right there you got it we are digging through some of the stuff out here but it's getting close we have to open the store about an hour so we might have to dig through some of this stuff when we get back but a quick look so far looks to be a unused fondue pot so we got a I'm sure your sister like that she's a sucker for chocolate fondue so we'll see if mom wants to keep any of this stuff what do you think a vo table with that for a new socket set that's a good one too it's over $100 right there put it in with the rest of it found this print in there it is signed by the artist it's a limited edition print ghost of the wilderness by June pain heart to do a little bit of research on her and see what they go for so we have to clear out of here in a hurry because I have a couple pit stops to make before we open the store and we open in about 45 minutes so my son Steven and I Stephens helped me out at the store today are gonna head back to the shop and when there's downtime we'll go through some of these boxes but this might even be a tonight when we get home sort of thing just because it's packed you can't even see out the back window that's all boxes and bins back there it's surprising how much stuff people get inside of a 5x5 unit but she's pretty packed not seeing any major treasure so far but I think those War Craft collector cards and sets might be where the money's at on this unit so far again a really big stack of Warcraft cards collectibles video games all that kind of stuff was going through the box here food safety code of practice and I guess in this kitchen failed since the corner is not off by mice that's pretty gross let's go to the trash notices small pouch in here so you've unzipped it and there's a watch inside Brandon it's like I need a battery maybe not a super high-end watch but it's a watch nonetheless so what we're doing right now is kind of going through some of these boxes and separating out what is sellable what is Goodwill we're gonna donate and what is just plain trash so a little bit of sorting to do and if there's anything that's kind of personal for this fellow we will return it to the storage yard so that they can give it back to him at some point because there are some personal documents and things like that we want to make sure that those go back to the guy but yeah so far finding a few treasures hopefully we get our money back so far the only real thing that we found of any age for these giant upholstery tacks which you must have ordered online at some point from somewhere these are you know I can sell these over this drop that's all right and this is kind of cool although it's decorative as far as I can tell I don't believe that's actually an old lock it is kind of neat it's got the keys hanging off of it that's a nice little display piece right there now this is gonna sound kind of crazy but some of these warcraft cards as we're going through and looking at prices online they're collector sets can be worth about a thousand to three thousand dollars each of their sealed plus all the cards we got in the binder I mean there's literally thousands of these cards in here I feel that the realistic price of what this stuff is worth and there's some cards called loot cards in here which apparently are pretty rare Here I am talking about stuff that I thought was maybe fake when you watch reality TV shows and then we find something ridiculously good in a storage unit today so we still have to go through a lot of this stuff at the house and do a final tally by the end but so far things are looking way up on this deal okay so I got home with Steven he's inside the house we're emptying some of the things out of the car but my wife Melissa came out and what did you find so far sweetie yeah and I don't think that one's being sold you're keeping that right oh yeah she heard there was some kitchen stuff in here so she decided to come check things out well as long as you do that's the important thing so as she looks at her knife set I am examining the bike which I think I'm gonna give this to Steven he helped me out today and he's about due for a big kid bike and this one's in just about brand-new condition so it might be worth maybe a couple hundred bucks but the value is gonna be zero because it's going to my son this was a box that I thought was mostly clothing there's a little shelf in here which might bring 10 20 bucks if I'm lucky power bars which I don't always use those around the store hooks it looks like maybe a little toolbox I can reach it maybe this is where they kept the severed human head the diamond oh it's a sewing kit well needle and thread and stuff like that well let's see if this bin gets any better well I don't think got better but things got a little bit more waffle the waffle maker we have a use for a waffle maker or should it go I think it can go they can go let's see if there's a free waffle inside mmm empty that's a raw deal pretty much nothing is going to end up coming to the auction like I said nothing out of this entire car full of stuff there's still lots to go oh look we're saved it's 1 trillion dollars look honey this unit paid for itself we're rich we're gonna go to the bank right now some movies got some weight to it sounds like change go open up sweetie see what's in there it sounded like change well we can still check this out sometimes these things are actual silver gold is it all like collector spoons well I'll drag them in the house see if there's anything worthwhile away and so what have you found so far some springform pans yep flour sister some baking pans look like they're in good shape yeah like almost like new I think well not good for us we're gonna be eating a lot more and we're looking through this box and although we don't need it there's a pressure cooker or a crock pot I guess but it's edmonton oilers branded that's kind of cool how often do you see a licensed NHL crock pot the official crock pot of the Edmonton Oilers that'll be up for auction we're gonna start separating out what is going to auction and what is going to Goodwill at this point my wife I think has already scavenged as much as she wants out of there so now it's our turn to start thinking about making some money off of this stuff so that's I'm gonna do empty things out and start sorting and this is the pile of stuff that we are not planning on keeping so this will all find a new home whether we sell it off or whether it goes goes through charity so we're gonna start digging through and making up a list of all the stuff that's going to auction I thought those were just rubber boots but as I take this out it's actually hip waders for fishing and you're right into the river with these guys so they actually looked like they're in an almost new condition they're a little bit dusty from being in the box but those would be good for someone off to check with my mother-in-law and see if maybe they can use those out of the farm so the stuff I'm gonna donate is in the back of the van we're gonna load that up and take that into the charity today and all the rest is going to auction so aside from a few things we pulled out for ourselves a pretty good haul of stuff time will tell now once we put it through the auction whether we'll actually make money on this whole ordeal or not either way we ended up pulling you out probably an equal amount of stuff but we wouldn't have normally gone out and bought a knife block and a bicycle and all that stuff just on a whim today but that's what ended up happening so I'm gonna run everything through auction and we'll do a follow up and see how everything went so I've come back to the storage unit it's a couple days later there was some personal paperwork and some things that belong to the gentleman that lost the unit I am making sure that he gets his private paperwork back and anything that seemed like it was personal to him I've talked to the storage unit here and they've agreed to call the guy so he can come pick it up so nothing I needed I'd rather give it back to him then then throw it out now just take all this stuff into the auction house and wait till the weekend to see what it all goes for [Music] had it not been for finding the collector cards which realistically or maybe worth four or five hundred bucks that we got our money back on the unit we wouldn't have been up on that unit at all so I don't think we're gonna be in the buying and selling of storage unit business I don't think there's much money if you made the household stuff just really isn't worth a whole lot but it was a fun experience I hope you guys liked watching if you liked our little videos make sure to hit that subscribe button we do all kinds of crazy stuff this we thought we'd give this a try you can check us out online at curiosity Edmonton dodge da we're on Instagram and Facebook and those are the places where you're gonna see some of the products that we sell stay in touch with us and we do write back and forth so thanks again for watching we'll see y'all soon and have a great day bye for now
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 434,578
Rating: 4.8969889 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, alex archbold, curiosity inc, curiosity incorporated, storage wars, storage unit, auction, gamble, family adventure, family time, vintage, antiques, collectibles, history channel, discovery channel, pawn stars, american pickers, tlc, television show, full episode
Id: FL29_DPe5b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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