Boxed up estate collectibles... what inside?!? I buy a room full!

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adventure is in my blood finding treasures big or small and having fun is what it's all about with my wife Melissa and our three kids life is pretty full but there isn't a mountain we can't climb together this isn't your ordinary antique store my name is Alex Archibald and this is curiosity hey guys and welcome back to today's episode the other day I went over to lady's house as you know with the shop sometimes things come in and sometimes I go out to look at things boy yesterday a very nice lady came in she said she had some items she was looking to sell it was an estate situation they had to get rid of everything so I went over last night I bought an entire room of stuff not really entirely sure what I bought sometimes you just make an offer because you see a couple key pieces they are dropping it all off here within minutes we're gonna go through together and see what is out of this estate so it's kind of like storage wars without you know too much risk I guess cuz I'm pretty sure there's already a few cool pieces but let's find out together yeah we just finished unloading everything out of the car it is a pile of stuff when I went to the house there was a couple things I saw standing on top and I knew it was gonna be a good pile so pretty much bought everything hopefully this pans out we'll see so among other things I'll come back to this in a second one of the reasons why I bought that whole collection is that I went in the basement and this Edison Amborella I think this in amber roll of 30 was sitting right on top of the pile of stuff that was in the you know they didn't wanted her it was gonna go to charity or wherever it was on its way out the door so I bought everything because I knew that this is a good machine and I haven't played her out with it too much now to start a gramophone like this typically you want to give it a few cranks you don't over wind it or whine too tight you want to do any damage to the spring this is the start switch and you can see it starts moving but as I was fiddling with this I noticed that it's spinning kind of slow and you can kind of see it's not turning very quickly the problem with that is that as soon as you lower the needle down which is right here it sounds like a horror movie and will terrify you and give you nightmares it's meant to go quite a bit faster so this spring either doesn't have enough tension or the oil his you know gotten cold from from it sitting outdoors because they had it in their car overnight as they were bringing in so we're gonna let this kind of warm up a little bit and see if maybe that works better but it is a neat machine and it does have potential I mean it's working and moving it's just not playing at the right speed so we'll see if with the adjustments and that that we can make it work better this is sort of a nice decorative globe now it has the look and feel of one that might be mid-century a blue oceans globe but it's actually probably a lot more modern and the way you can tell how old the globe is is by looking to see what Russia or the Eastern European countries are labeled as so this is labeled as Russia if it was USSR you'd know it'll be a little bit earlier even though this globe is probably from the 1980s or 90s could even be a more contemporary piece than that but judging from when the fellow passed I'd say it's a little older it's still worth at least a couple hundred dollars so it's gonna have a nice home in the shop and I think it looks really cool too so not everything has to be antique just has to be cool I can see some of this is a little bit newer than what I normally buy I remember when these were super popular on 1991-1992 that is the era that I collected these in they mass-produced the heck out of these Pro Set and upper deck back at that time people were buying them and clearly saving them thinking they'd be you know the retirement fund and they didn't end up being these sets are very very common and as a result not worth a whole lot of money that said sealed boxes like this are still pretty collectible I mean heck they haven't been opened in over 20 years so there's something going for it right there given enough time hey maybe they'll even increase in value a bit more but it looks like I've got quite the nice little stack of unopened early nineties hockey cards not something I normally sell the shop and I'll debate whether to take these dogs and this might be the sort of thing I just auction off this bins gonna be easy to go through because it's see-through I know exactly this is this is a variety of different edison gramophone reels for that player that i bought yeah umbral records and of course it says on the top here who the artist and what the song is there's certain ones that are worth more than others like if you find early blues they can actually be a bit more collectible i had one that was about a guy driving his modely forward that was pretty cool so they are worth looking up individually to see what what song you have just like any record the better the music the the better the value so we will dig through that later on see what we have but that's a nice selection of there's got to be two four six eight 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 probably 60 or 70 at least of these reels in there so if you average out that they're worth like you know 5 bucks apiece or something like that 5 10 dollars a piece on average that's you know good return on our investment this one a couple of action figures a fraud I understand this person works sort of in the movie or film industry so they ended up getting posters and promotional booklet so this is from 2004 Doc Ock or Spider Man so you know still the package still cool you know 15 year old action figures and there are lots of collectors for Spider Man he's one of the most iconic and most popular of the action heroes it's out there so that's good score and they give good scores it looks like I've got quite the assortment of score rookie and treated sets it's more boxes that looks like a box of football cards down there lots of sports collectibles and expansion packs and things like that fit back in the early 90s these were these were probably expensive like this thing back in 1991 was probably like a 40 or 50 dollar expansion set it's probably not worth even a fracture that now probably like 10 bucks or less if you can get it so somebody spent a lot of money on this collection that did not pay back and the ways that you would hope but again it's inventory I mean it's mine now so you get when you buy boxes and stuff you don't really know what you're getting could be worse you know it could have been a box of old used toothpicks or something yes it's like 94 football I'll go through these in a bit more detail later and see which ones are worth money which aren't but that's so far I'm getting a little collection of cards okay bin number two this one's got a little bit of weight to it it is well at least it's not old early 90s hockey cards something different Complete Idiot's Guide to Elvis Elvis encyclopedia Elvis commemorative edition someone was an Elvis fan and Elvis is still pretty popular look Elvis Christmas ornament rock your Christmas tree there's looks like VHS still sealed this is but you know I know people collect and I know you collect for a lot of reasons it kind of you know at the end of the day I kind of wish the guy would have just had a chance to watch his videos I mean you left them sealed because he wanted them to be a collector's item but you never get a chance to actually enjoy your stuff now he's passed on and never had a chance to watch those but you know if this made him happy I guess that's what it's all about Elvis Presley wine Jailhouse Rock Merlot well that's kind of neat a lot of Elvis books in here okay I got to start bringing some of the stuff out so I can see what else is in here looks like graceland interactive pop-up tour oh this ought to be fun oh yeah there we go it's a pop-up Graceland book I wonder if they sell this there I always thought pop-up books were really cool and I was a kid admittedly they're still pretty cool now I like getting those Christmas cards sometimes in their pop-up card I don't see what this turned into oh that's Elvis's kitchen yeah it's like an interactive Graceland so you can feel as though you're right there well that's 1970s for you a harvest gold fridge all of us that was the style in the media room three TVs I can burp it was Elvis or Hunter s Thompson or both it used to shoot their television sets that's cool this is pretty neat I'm kind of diggin this pop-up book I've no idea what the thing is worth I mean I don't know if they're still making it or not this would be pen Civ thing to make it was 40 bucks u.s. when it was new so if that's thing is still in production I imagine it's at least $40 but you go through the books and you see what these things add up to and they're all in great shape so I'm sure I'll have no problem selling them let's see well what's this Elvis treasures contains never before published removable documents memorabilia and so forth well I see this is kind of cool so you get a replica of letters that were written by Elvis you get a replica of Elvis's wallet with this social security card I guess if you want to go and I would if you could cross the border hey I needed to Mexico real bad and then that's what you presented your ID so yeah I guess this is like Elvis's personal stuff and they've replicated it and sold it as a gift pack and this wasn't cheap $75 here in Canada when this was back in 2002 so in today's dollars that's like 7,500 now it's not that bad it's open of you 100 bucks know some of this stuff I'll have to look up and see when it's worth I'm not up to speed with my Elvis collectibles because frankly I've never had these things in before so uh I guess well well price them and put them out and look him up online and see what they kind of going for but that's a pretty cool box see all this stuff well that would explain the vast amount of Elvis Presley records that I got it she was an Elvis fan so this one's sealed 1970s copy that's pretty cool it's nice to find them when they're still in nice condition some calendars and just lots of lots of Elvis these are you know comic Tallman the laters seventies ones but there's still people like it I prefer his the stuff he did when he was on Sun the earlier you know the Elvis this is odd it looks like a Russian perhaps or you know Bel Canto no made in Bulgaria there we go Bulgarian Elvis record well it's kind of cool sealed original and then randomly arlo guthrie which I actually really liked Arlo Guthrie and Beatles they're BBC sessions I recognize this yet live at BBC I had this on cassette not to date myself but I remember having this one coz that back in the day 1994 when I was just a young punk okay bin number three got some weight to this one oh probably no surprise more Elvis but these are a giant Popo these are posters they look like they're giant stamps all exactly there's like a huge selection of these exact same Elvis poster stamps some are dry mounted hmm see where do these come from Monterey Pass Monterey Park California 1992 US Postal Service I have you must have had a whole case of these things is that all that's in here oh there's a Buzz Lightyear oh that's Toy Story 2 ok well that's going back aways and looks like there's a Sully in there there's some toys and some non sport cards that's you know pretty neat coca-cola stuff all right I'm gonna dig these out and see what I got Toy Story 2 flight control pick them up and fly them well that's called using your imagination but that's cool it's the only original package this has gotta be from the first release they've been making these Buzz Lightyear's ever since pretty well that first movie well since this movie came around and then we've got the glowing bedtime Sulley kind of neat stone the plastic and everything though I'm sure those who like Monsters Inc or if you're John Goodman fan you never know let's see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 the secret of the ooze little looks like a sort of a music post poster for music and performance by Vanilla Ice well nothing dates a movie more than saying that Vanilla Ice is doing your soundtrack for it Ice Ice Baby yeah so Ninja Turtles movie poster some random little card so these must be out of the Monsters Inc guy and then all these coca-cola collector card boxes just tons of the same exact box I guess you know if you want to collect the whole set you'd probably have to buy a couple boxes but not that many I didn't realize why no the coke makes a lot of stuff in fact coke merchandises their stuff more than Pepsi probably like a hundred times more common than finding Pepsi or orange crush or anything like that you find coke stuff that's kind of neat actually these would probably because they're not related to sports or a time frame like that they'll probably still sell so I'll put these out for sale on this door someone will come in and probably want to buy a box of you know coca-cola cards still in the package like that from the early nineties I think they think that's pretty neat yeah two decks of playing cards in a coke tin this is all good stuff for with Christmas coming up for anyway here it's all good sellable stuff I just noticed this one coca-cola sprint prepaid soon because it must be European phone card it guaranteed in every pack I wonder if that thing is still good like you $25 in prepaid minutes from 20 years ago that should get you like a hundred and fifty dollars worth the minutes now you'd think but I wonder if they would still honor that that's crazy weird promotion to put a phone card in with trading cards for coca-cola but hey I guess you cross-promote where you can this is a nice surprise the flight control Buzz Lightyear guy he's worth about 80 to $100 and the glowing bed time selling in the original package is probably 40 or so and I'm talking Canadian funds here but that's a nice fine the to check that out of the bottom of a box so I'm gonna price these guys put him up on shelf well there's not too many more boxes left so probably not a whole lot more Elvis I wouldn't think still have that kind of cooler shaped box to go through these little guys and this I'll start by moving these over to the counter and we'll check and see what these are I'm guessing they're some kind of collector plate from the foam packaging they look like those Franklin Mint or plates we'll take them over now look I like that they're marked heirloom like this is what you're gonna hand down to your kids what you might you never know hey that's pretty cool actually it is a plate but let's see oh it is from Franklin Mint see yeah I knew I recognized they always pack their stuff in this kind of foam Franklin Mint coca-cola tray is what that is it looks like an old coke tray but it's a plate 1997 that's kind of neat coke Santa is always pretty classic I guess you could use these as plates they're meant more for displaying but I think the fundamental collection so I've got probably a whole nice little set of them they're cool beans this box is open so I can see it's Christmas ornaments but they're the old glass style and those have become a bit more fashionable lately as people want to have more of the old-school Christmas vibe going on in their house so even old Christmas ornaments can be pretty collectible now the ones that are shaped like reindeer or Christmas there's there's snowman Christmas trees or snowman those ones were probably worth a little bit more so I'm gonna hopefully dig through here and see if there's some of the figure ones in the box right now I'm seeing a bunch of the basics but still pretty neat stuff we'll dig through judging from the boxes and the fact it was only a dollar 27 for the whole box on sale nonetheless from a dollar 49 this is probably from the 50s or 60s I would say gonna set that guy over there find a spot for it these things are actually pretty fragile incidentally while I'm standing here I also got these little coca-cola Christmas displays little figural displays two out of this collection see that one's got the inset kind of detail most of these are just the regular sort of balls there's some other slightly fancier ones in there this one Oh compliments of your Phillips sixty-six dealer look so let's say it's I think it's a key holder you put that on your wall and then you hang your keys in there I believe that's what that is those are definitely screw holes they're hanging like that the only thing I could think you would need would be something to hang your keys through but maybe I'm wrong or tools maybe screwdrivers I don't know if you guys watching home probably know but Phillips sixty-six little promotional item there that's kind of neat we don't have those stations around here anymore and this is Phillips 66 well it's money bag that's where you put your loot this was yeah actually I heard the gentleman this came from he said that his dad worked at a Phillips sixty-six station so that explains it nothing inside though but that's pretty neat and then just a bunch of ornaments in here [Music] always telephone insulators in a box no matter where you go there's telephone insulators these are the little light backers you put behind your Christmas bulbs to make them shine more brightly they're kind of like a tin you guys might recognize those from days gone by and what's more Christmasy than having it having a little ammo belt in with your stuff so military surplus in there too but let's take this box out and have a look okay got more old-school glass tile ornaments okay here's one this is what I'm talking about the ones that are shaped I have a little bit more value than the ones that are just plain round or concave a nice little set you know might even find a spot to hang these up around the shop here somewhere as we are getting close to Christmas time you'll probably do some kind of decorating neat little things it's a nice little collection last little assortment of stuff now they put this stuff here for me we're gonna see exactly this is looks like a picture of some kind here Oh pins and I recognize that bear these are the night that's 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics which of course - Calgary is a city not too far from here so they made 1988 sets obviously for the year 1988 this is number in 1955 one of the last but that's a whole set of the pins nicely framed flags of the nations series at one point during the Olympics these things were pretty expensive I have no idea what they're selling for now but I will probably after I look it up and see what they go for but you know nice little remnant of the Olympics that were here in our wonderful province back in the 80s my aunt Carrie was one of the flag bearers one of the people that was participating the Olympics so that's a pretty cool piece of our family history - I got a couple replicas gold and silver records from Elvis that is pretty cool the other one this this is actually 24 karat gold plated that one so those should have no trouble selling at all there's a lot to Elvis fans still out there and this is a cool piece to have up on your wall so pretty sure those are go really quick I flipped this over and check this out it's a whole box set of replicas historic u.s. medals so we've got sheriffs and police that is so so cool it's even got this neat little embossed glass with the pistols looks like Colts probably going together there it's a neat item nice little wooden case looks like it hangs up on the wall oh yeah that would be a nice Christmas gift for someone and now that stuffs cleared off I can see the old radio a little bit better coal stir radio I'm not overly familiar with this brand but it seems to me like it's the style that flips you yeah there we go it's not gonna work with these tubes out I don't know if those got knocked out from them moving it it was on its back you got to be so careful when you move these things but you know I'm happy that they brought it to me but hopefully nothing got damaged it looks like I've got a lot of extra tubes this is an old machine but can you had to have your own engineering license to operate your radio 1935-36 department of marine radio branch better get your license if you turn on your radio folks nowadays Oh get the tube plug back in there well I don't think this one's gonna work any time soon because it's the style that hooks up to a battery you'd have to get to a conversion on it so it'll be a decorative piece but you mean you could convert it to make it work but really it'll probably just end up sitting there looking cool just as it is got a stack of these I believe these are promotional brochures that were given out to promote Star Wars Episode one when it came out everybody was so excited for that movie to come out with the first Star Wars you were gonna see in a long time then they introduced this guy and people were like nah and that wasn't foreign you know the first five minutes the movie you know you're like okay alright obi-wan that's great that's super cool and then and then Jar Jar just a scene and you're like yeah I'm pretty well kind of over this movie but you know still a part of Star Wars history and I have just a ton of these things it's kind of a shame it's not from I don't want to say it a good Star Wars movie you know I guess it's not that bad Darth Maul was in it but still you know they got to be worth you know at least 10 20 bucks apiece ought to check them out I have no idea I'm saying this price because that's what I figured they're worth don't know right now final Ben it is looks like posters but posters of what from what oh well that's obviously Superman so these are probably you can see how it's reversed backwards this is Mission IC Mission Impossible these are movie posters that would have been a light box and these all look like movie posters in fact so maybe there's some cool ones in here I don't know dig through these guys and see exactly what's in here I guess that's all you need to do in your advertising Superman you see that logo you know something's coming so that must be from one of the 2006 it returns 2006 so these might be from that kind of era Oh gremlins though that's an older one okay I got to infer all some of these unroll them and see what there is a lot of these posters look like they're from the 90s or kind of early 2000s there's a Roger Rabbit one here which is kind of cool actually you guys remember Roger Rabbit and I was looking one of my other favorite movies Back to the Future one two and three I kind of don't like to as much as I liked one in three but it's a good series and Dad nice to get a good original backlit poster and then there's got to be 50 60 posters in here yeah it's the original Disney movie poster for Beauty and the Beast sure there's got to be somebody out there who want that that's a pretty interesting item everybody likes the Disney musical cartoons and yeah it's just a really good selection of old posters in here I'm pretty pleased iconic Tom Hanks was Forrest Gump a good classic movies I've just about got my counters all cleared up I had that giant sock display over there show up yesterday so I was frantically putting all those boxes away had a couple items of clothing show up for our good friend Hans who I'm gonna be seeing on the weekend here and somebody you know it's funny because a lot of times you might see me opening a box with my scissors because that's handy and I know where they are you never seem to find a box cutter so what does somebody send me a box cutter and not only did I get a box cutter in the mail from one of you viewers out there they gave me a label that you must have a sense of humor I'm guessing you do because it even says property of Alex Wright on it so you know the only one thing that they don't think about when they package these things is that you need scissors to open the package to get to your box cutter so I once bought scissors that were sealed like this and I couldn't get them open because I needed scissors in the first place anyway I think I had to find somebody that had some I have one last thing that I got from this estate that I haven't showed you guys actually a couple last things to show you but so far I'm really pleased with the amount of variety and the amount of good sellable sort of Christmasy items that I picked up but there's one thing that I wanted and that was a really cool guitar now as you guys know I play guitar myself and I love to buy old instruments and so when I saw this one sitting there in the give away for free pile that she had I had to make an offer on it because I knew it was cool it is an early dobro style resonator guitar and now I did not recognize the name because it says ideal on it with an R now there's only a few different types of brands of resonator back then there was national and then there was regal and the guys invented the dobro kind of split off and started as it turns out in the 1930s during the Depression national guitar who made the the dobro we see here they licensed this guitar to several other companies you could get a Gretsch you could get all sorts of things and if you had a store or a shop and you wanted it to be called ideal well they'd send you a kind of a blank headstock e but whatever you want on it so they just really needed the sales so they'd sell to whoever so what I have here is an authentic circa 1930 234 National dobro resonator guitar in outstanding original condition I even had the case of the thing came with and it's a real unusual and the slides at the bottom really meet couple of artifacts and happy to have it in my collection with the other guitars here at the shop it's just a super cool piece and really the main reason why I bought this whole collection to begin with really wanted to get that guitar well I finally got everything all squared away and this store is just done in the nick of time because it is closing time pretty good haul but I have to say my favorite item by far is probably that dobro guitar second up would be the Edison gramophone behind me really good collection of items and I'm glad that I took the risk on it well it wasn't so much a risk I saw the guitar in that or in the pile so we ended up making some good profit on the deal fun day definitely exhausting day so I'm looking forward to going home having dinner with the family thank you guys so much for watching today's episode make sure to tune in for more adventures as we go through items and find cool stuff really appreciate you guys watching the program and we'll see y'all soon bye for now [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 192,894
Rating: 4.9602518 out of 5
Keywords: curiosity inc, alex archbold, alexander archbold, antiques, treasure chest found, time capsule opening, storage locker, storage wars, antique collection, potters house, hoarders, collectibles, spiderman, starwars, pop culture, discovery channel, history channel, tlc, pawn stars, running a business, tv show, television, full episdoe, netflix, binge watch
Id: 7Q1NIMCcVyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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