ABANDONED 1800’s Farmhouse With EVERYTHING Left Behind

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[Music] what's going on everybody it's Jeremy back again with another exploration So today we're about to explore a place that's completely hidden in plain side like the rest of my Adventures it's a one-of-a-kind place and I cannot wait to show you what all I found inside if you haven't already subscribe to my channel for more content like this and without further Ado let's get into the story of why this place is abandoned driving along the winding back roads of rural Alabama I found a mysterious structure completely hidden in plain side an abandoned 1800s Farmhouse the yard littered with cars and its roof caving from neglect but what I found inside was a sobering discovery that sent me on a new type of exploration George and Joyce had purchased this home in 1961 and they would go on to raise their three children within its walls teaching them the values they held dear but as the world around them evolved they clung to their old ways of thinking they had inevitably inherited from a lineage of previous generations Generations that have caused insurmountable damage in our society as time went on their children grew up they each left the home they had known all their lives and began to explore the world beyond their sheltered upbringing it was then they began to see the world from A New Perspective unencumbered by the prejudices that had been passed down through their family's lineage they came to realize that the beliefs they had been taught as children were deeply flawed as you can imagine it was a difficult realization for them but it was also liberating and as they went on to raise their own families they made a conscious effort to break the cycle of generational beliefs and instill in their children a sense of openness and acceptance for all as for George and Joyce they remained married until George passed away in 2011. I suspect that's when this house became abandoned it's believed that Joyce is still living to this day so come with me let's Venture through this deserted home that now stands as a memorial of the beliefs their children have left behind [Music] all right so this is coming up into the yard [Music] see it was a Mercedes completely abandoned in the driveway we're here as well as a pickup truck and believe it or not [Music] behind all those trees over there is a hidden house that we're about to explore I say we going ahead and get up there it's raining right now I'm getting soaked so let's get inside see what it looks like but first looks like there's a motorcycle over here I thought it was this was a Harley from a distance but it's a it's a Yamaha Virago sitting here outside by this tank nature completely taking over it [Music] we got a race car over here I almost missed until it caught my eye whoa and a motorcycle oh my God it's an old dirt bike check this out this yard is littered with with things look how this bamboo is just growing out from the the frame of this race car the motor's still in it too this old metal bucket seat inside of it this is all right let's say let's go around front [Music] so you can already tell there's probably going to be a lot of things inside this house just judging from how the yard and the porch is completely littered with antiques and TVs and things from inside the house wow look at this four chats beginning to rot pretty bad [Music] I love this old rocking chair still on the porch oh and all these rocking chairs as well I this old porch swing all right I don't know about you guys but I'm ready to check out what it looks like inside [Music] wow stepping into this abandoned home it's evident to me that many memories have been deliberately left behind I can't help but wonder if they had intentionally stowed away their possessions to bury their past in this dark desolate place is a very very old house look at all this wood paneling on the walls look how high the ceilings are [Music] probably 12 feet tall [Music] and it looks like a lot of this stuff that's in here was probably set out perhaps for storage at one point or to get ready for an estate sale that never happened [Music] and this place is loaded with antiques look at this there's a lot of pieces in here that are very rare artwork everywhere [Music] I love this globe so cool looking and this matching lamp set I say it all the time but I can't believe people just leave stuff like this behind an old wooden toy truck I wonder what's in this room over here [Music] whoa It's a hole in the bedroom [Music] wow guys the amount of antiques and artifacts and this place is insane look at this old baseball gloves trophy from 1999 all these memories that have just been left behind there's no telling what's in all these boxes foreign this beautiful bed frame [Music] it's probably solid oak [Music] it's an odd place to put a dresser right in front of the window [Music] and everywhere you step there's a boxer antiques in the way I don't know why all this stuff is Left Behind also it seems to me like um this room is just full of stuff from maybe perhaps their kids so far I'm seeing a lot of stuff that's from their from their kids perhaps when they passed away their kids really didn't want any of this stuff from their childhood [Music] and so I just got left behind in here [Music] this picture on into this room wow again so much stuff left behind oh look at these beautiful bed frames this very creepy photograph up above [Music] mirror is amazing [Music] I'm astonished by the fine Antiques and woodwork all throughout the house what is the story behind these Treasures will they be lost to time or will they eventually find new life in the hands of someone who can appreciate their beauty and history this place is mind-blowing I don't think I've ever found a house so full of antiques is this one not in America at least look at this all these doors seem to be full cards letters [Music] [Laughter] [Music] different brochures from way back in the day [Music] wow check this out it's an old purse with a little money bag inside of it [Music] it's amazing it's another person here [Music] this one's full of handkerchiefs foreign [Music] this beautiful glassware over here check this out guys it's got a chip in it but it still looks very very neat nonetheless oh and look at this [Music] old perfume bottles still have perfume for these bottles are from way back in the day [Music] looks like a little makeup case [Music] this is amazing I feel like we've definitely gone back in time on this place guys wow [Music] this is an old glass syringe [Music] all this medicine calamel hypodermic needles probably to go with that syringe healing oil wow it's amazing a lot of this is a very primitive medicine calamine sodium bicarbonate calcium lactate it's crazy [Music] oil of Wintergreen I want to smell this wow that definitely still very pungent smell of Wintergreen the cough syrup what this says poison on it wow I've never found anything like this before this is insane except we got a closet here [Music] not too not too much to look at in here oh check this out up above whoa it's a baby stroller man there's no telling how old this thing is that's not creepy at all wow yeah so I feel like this house is full of surprises and it's such a tight squeeze walking through here I feel like every nook and cranny could have things to see again this photograph is so creepy I cannot believe how much stuff is inside this house all these antiques I mean everywhere and all this old artwork [Music] I can only imagine what this house used to look like when all this artwork was still hanging and all that all the furniture was up and it was decorated imagine it was still very Brown very wooden kind of dark because there's not a whole lot of lighting in this house which is surprising because a lot of old houses like this were built with a lot of natural lighting but this one doesn't really have that a lot of old records whoa what are you serious it's an old book about the Confederacy during the American Civil War [Music] this is nuts and a lot of these old books like this you don't really know if they're very historically accurate because a lot of this stuff is opinionated kind of painting a lot of these people as Heroes when really they cause so much social damage [Music] it's crazy oh my God look at this these are actual swords check this out look at this and I believe these were purely decorative but this is a legit sword crazy it's a matching pair so that that's the first time I've ever found swords in an abandoned house so I can check that off my my list of things that I haven't seen [Music] this is an amazing looking chair too look at this wow I think that this is all handmade someone was an expert Craftsman the whole bunch of stuff in here guys I know I keep saying it I don't want to sound redundant but true look how the floor is all falling in here I don't think I want to walk in here because the building's actually collapsing in this one room kind of want to peek around the corner oh so it's just a bathroom not that interesting but there are these chests with possible treasure inside of them but it's too much of a risk because as you can see the floors are completely falling in so I say we continue on and let those chests be forever a mystery [Music] okay moving right along again more books and drawers to look inside of gosh these doors are stuck because all the moisture that's basically locked them shut have we found a diary I believe we have yeah we have I don't want to read that because I don't feel right about showing someone's Personal Diary on the internet having cold very old wallet I think this was at one point sentimental value to someone now it's all Left Behind I wonder if some of this has to do with perhaps alone a vault policy I think this was a someone's Bank information from way back in the day definitely don't want to read that and these are all letters and they're all addressed to this house but they look like they're probably from look at this 1913. it was 1950 this one's dated 1922. man this is wild this is like taking a tour through a museum [Music] a bunch of blank cards [Music] little thumb tacks I love little drawers like this finding little trinkets oh gosh this one's really stuck [Music] wow these are all papers from the bank [Music] and this is again addressed to this house and it looks like the date on this is I can't tell but it's from New Orleans wow this is a mortgage this is for the mortgage on this property and it's dated 1934. wow this is crazy so I definitely don't want to dive too far into that and give me any information away of this location that is pretty neat it looks like we have another Treasure Chest here and it's full of papers books oh I believe this is a photo chest I see a ton of photos in there I'd rather not show anyone's face on the internet as well for privacy reasons check out this long hallway I love how through the front door you can see all the way down to the back door that's pretty cool I love how open these old houses are and how tall the ceilings are and all these memories perfectly preserved inside this glass cabinet old photos books all these little artifacts from over the years perhaps this is a portrait of their children and their dog at the time that's really precious that their dog was as important enough to be in the portrait with her kids it's probably a good one I'm trying to be very careful not to knock things over definitely want to see what's in this door wow this is from their wedding day joined in holy matrimony October 18 1969 and look at this this is her wedding photo from 1969. [Music] this is incredible [Music] it's beautiful old piano again a lot of artifacts on top of it and of course whenever there's a piano you have to play it the keys are all stuck wow look at this another old piano over here I love this green color it's crazy how there's so many antiques in here you walk past something as large as a piano and don't even notice it this is incredible guys in this chair look at this it's amazing craftsmanship solid wood all handmade let's see what's behind door number two so it looks like we have a dining room here cabinet here with all this glassware all perfectly preserved inside a tomb of glass and these old unopened Pepsi bottles again another amazing chair look at this it's actually in pretty good condition it could definitely be restored into a beautiful piece and it looks like here's the matching piece to it as well so imagine these pieces were out on the front porch at one point and they took them inside and again we have more trophies from their kids a beautiful cabinet over there with all this China definitely want to get around get around there and look at it see the floors are quite a mess having to watch where I step I don't want to break anything we got silverware more trophies a deer that he probably hunted and killed at one point and all this amazing China how does stuff like this just get left behind you know like what happens that causes that oh and check this out it's a portrait of Robert E Lee the general for the Confederate Army during the American Civil War look at this I love this old piece right here very cool it's actually something you'd find in like France or Italy it's a beautiful glassware it looks like we're coming into the kitchen wow this kitchen is amazing it looks like we're in Europe all of a sudden with these stone walls look at this this old grandfather clock up above old oven [Music] I've never seen an oven like this in America [Music] wow definitely old farmhouse Vibes in here [Music] [Music] cool the fuse boxes inside the cabinet in the kitchen and a little Pantry here [Music] and look at this it's a bell she would ring when dinner was ready [Music] [Music] this old copper light fixture [Music] at least all this pottery all up above there's no telling who made that and when it was made no telling what this house saw and check this out the calendar is for November 1998. man you can really see this House's age just by observing this kitchen so I feel like this kitchen was a part of the original house and they probably added on to it it's really common to find old houses like this that have just a bunch of rooms added on to the original structure and I imagine that's the case for this house we have a little cupboard here all this inside of it [Music] imagine they had large Gatherings here big family gatherings for all this stuff to be here for making food and serving people also the dining room is very large so you could accommodate a lot of people in that one room and a bench here for extra seating check it out the old man's cane [Music] check it out there's a a gun rack right here by the door [Music] it's an odd place to put the gun rack [Music] all these books and I wonder who this is up above in this portrait if anyone recognizes that man let me know in the comments below who you think that is I uh I wonder if it's a political figure foreign it's easy to tell that there was so much love in this house Beyond opinions beliefs politics or prejudices this place was a home that held a family the children of George and Joyce although conflicted about their feelings toward their parents were still able to love them in the end choosing to focus on the bonds that connected them rather than the beliefs that separated them the legacy of the past isn't easily erased but it's through the exploration of our history the world around us and even uncovering the stories hidden in an abandoned farmhouse in Southern Alabama that we can begin to understand the wounds that we carry and perhaps an understanding we can begin to heal [Music] all right so that pretty much wraps up this exploration and as always I want to thank you guys so much for coming along with me on this adventure if you enjoyed this video leave me a like comment let me know what you thought of this adventure below subscribe to my channel for more content like this and until next time stay off the beaten path foreign
Channel: Jeremy Xplores
Views: 594,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban exploration, urbex, decay, photography, abandoned building, abandoned house, abandoned church, abandoned car, abandoned school, abandoned prison, abandoned insane asylum, abandoned factory, abandoned photography, travel, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, documentary, video tour, abandoned nashville, abandoned castle, abandoned chateau, abandoned france, abandoned manor, jeremyxplores, outbackwilderness, subaru, overlanding, offroading, Car camping
Id: kgvJD9pKl5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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