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what's going on guys welcome back to another episode of Jeremy Explorers so today we're about to explore this modern mansion that was built by a doctor for him and his wife but tragically they never got to move in at any rate I cannot wait to show you guys what all found inside of this place so without further Ado let's get into the story of why this place is abandoned [Music] Owen and Ellie approaching retirement began an ambitious project in 2014 to build a dream mansion on a 30-acre farm where they could spend the rest of their lives together they carefully designed the house to be open spacious and welcoming for their children but above all it was designed to be a symbol of love evident in the heart-shaped Pond placed in the front yard the guest house just a stone's throw away from the main residence was constructed to accommodate their son and his family who would help maintain the farm and Carry On The Legacy Owen and Ellie worked so hard to create as a kind-hearted pathologist Owen traveled the world to help those in need Ellie his constant companion accompanied him on all his travels further strengthening the foundation of their deep friendship and unbreakable Bond completely unaware of the shocking twist of fate that awaited them [Music] during a routine checkup in 2016 Owen was blindsided by a devastating diagnosis terminal cancer already and its Advanced stages [Music] the merciless disease progressed vast and within a year Owen passed away Ellie found herself alone her heart completely shattered and her spirit weighed down by an overwhelming financial burden The Towering costs of construction and mortgage compounded by the grief of losing the love of her life ultimately proved too much for her in 2020 she ceased making payments on the property and soon after the bank foreclosed on the estate now the once promising Mansion stands abandoned a haunting Testament to the dreams that were never realized so join me as we dive further into the story of Owen and Ellie exploring the home that was built to hold their love and uncovering the remnants of their life together that still linger within its walls [Music] thank you what's up guys before we get into this exploration I want to First give a huge shout out to today's sponsor ag1 see it's more than just a greens powder ag1 is packed with 75 vitamins minerals pre and probiotics along with adaptogens to help boost immunity improve energy Focus Stress Management having ag1 in my bag is essential for covering my nutritional basis so I can continue enjoying life as I get older but one of the things I love most about ag-1 is its ability to keep me energized throughout my Explorations without the need for excessive caffeine thanks to its natural blend of vitamin B12 folate and magnesium ag1 makes it easy to stay healthy every morning just mix a scoop of the powder in some water and you're ready to roll super straightforward and super tasty so if you're interested in trying ag1 for yourself head over to athleticgreens.com forward slash Jeremy explores to get started on your order and as a special bonus athletic greens is offering this community a free one-year supply of immune supporting vitamin D3 and K2 along with five free travel packs with your first purchase so hit the link in the description below to kick start your ag1 adventure today okay now that we've covered the benefits of ag-1 let's get into today's exploration [Music] all right guys She's a Beauty she's already starting to fall apart too I doubt I'll even be able to get on the front porch because it's so overgrown [Music] this is wild how quickly nature reclaims a property and believe it or not right here is directly in front of the front door where I imagine there's some steps that lead right up to it and you can tell at one point there used to be a little garden right here in front of the porch I imagine back in the day there were some lawn chairs out here maybe a port swing and now it's all overgrown and abandoned and from this angle you can even barely see the house this is wild [Music] let's go around back and see what it looks like back there shall we and look at this this porch how the vines have all come in fans how they're drooping down from all the moisture [Music] just judging from the outside and with this furniture out here it's a good sign that there's probably a lot of stuff inside there's still curtains on the window these are all clues that there's probably furniture and everything's still left behind inside foreign leading up to a balcony on the second floor now it's all begun to rot Fall Apart it looks like we have a probably a two-car garage can't really look in it because the windows are so tinted you can't really see what's in the garage if anything oh and then another garage or like a tool a tool shed basically built into the home very convenient and look at these Evergreens that were planted there at one point [Music] and then we have over here like some type of uh outbuilding or full-size like living quarters or something maybe it's a guest house what's crazy is it's hard to tell how big this place is on camera but it's massive and this building right here is literally the size of an average sized house foreign looks like it was gonna be some type of um guest house or something at one point and they just never finished it storage in here maybe this was going to be an entertainment room or something like that at one point let's see what's in this Christmas decorations more Christmas decorations there [Music] Christmas tree these boxes are empty these monitor boxes but it looks like a bunch of mostly empty boxes I gotta say yeah most these boxes look empty got a bird cage here I imagine this right here maybe it was for a wash machine or a dryer or maybe a toilet actually who's going to be a bathroom and this little section right here or something I'm not really sure [Music] kite squeeze no so here's the bathroom and here's a shower so I imagine this right here was going to be like a utility room slash laundry room like a full-size living quarters back here look it even had central heat and air right here yeah I mean this building like I was saying is the actual size of it like a house but it looks so small compared to the house that it's sitting next to [Music] you right I don't know about you guys but I'm ready to see what's inside the big house so since the front porch is completely overgrown it's kind of barricaded in by all this all these bushes I'm gonna keep walking around the house to see if I can find a way in hopefully this side door will open and it looks like it will initially believing the house to be in pristine Condition it's now evident to me that nature has started to stake its claim on the structure water the most destructive of elements has managed to infiltrate the mansion [Music] already we're met with a ton of furniture it looks like fine antiques we're met with coffered ceilings and a lot of Decay on the floor look at this guys all at my feet so I'm definitely gonna have to watch my step throughout this house there might be some rotting floors but this looks like already like a gentleman's room or perhaps his office imagine he'd built this room to do a lot of business out of look at this oh my God these antiques in here are incredible with this curved glass it's a really nice cabinet and it's so sad because little by little this ceiling is going to fall in and eventually it's going to get to this cabinet and into the rest of the house also like an antique bench here man in this cabinet here as well all these little teapots this is so sad guys all right and look how perfectly preserved they are in here not even a speck of dust on them yeah this was definitely going to be an office and look at this big tile floor it's a very solid house I imagine all these cabinets are 30. yep looks like there's a big storage closet here full of stuff I'm seeing some Christmas decorations in these clear tubs yeah more Christmas decorations in here looks like it's all Christmas decorations in this closet so they definitely loved Christmas and getting into the holiday spirit it's so wild that it's all still here like all these memories all these decorations that she used probably multiple years all still left behind and I love this arched doorway here oh wow [Applause] and look at these ceilings there's tray ceilings in here with this massive chandelier that used to hang up above I imagine it's now hanging down for the estate sale that never happened wow this is a very very nice place guys more antiques here in this corner it looks like all the dressers are are empty of course they never they never lived here it looks like an old rocking chair as well not sure how old this one is probably not too old gosh look at this a sink fixture is still brand new in the packaging that they never even installed all of this artwork they had bought for the house that never was hung on the wall look at this a price tag of thirty dollars for this it was never sold this is this is so wild and so sad [Music] this beautiful dresser here these little shelves look at this bathroom with another arched doorway marble countertops or maybe this is granite if you guys know let me know in the comments below what kind of rock this is we have a nice sink with the golden Mirror Classic so this is a big vanity here where she would do all of her makeup and these light fixtures that are brand new still in the plastic wrapping in this beautiful jacuzzi that overlooks the farmland incredible apparently they were going to still install something here maybe shelving so there was definitely power to the house at one point I'm already seeing fans and stuff around the house and look at this shower this is amazing guys and could you imagine having a shower like this I mean this thing is pretty pretty huge this right here is the back door to the uh the back porch oh wow look up above I didn't even notice this if any of you guys know about the construction of this bathroom and why the ceiling looks like this let me know in the comments below I've never seen this before in my life man they really put some money into this mansion closet here full of supplies flight fixtures that they were going to eventually install got a toilet and a bidet [Music] [Music] I wonder what this thing is [Music] not really sure I don't think it's decorative I think it's actually a tool of some sort if anyone knows what this is let me know in the comments below so many antiques I wonder what this is under the here looks like a big a big chest yeah wow look at this very old newspaper at the bottom looks like a pine a pine chest which is wild because it says sold and I imagine it says sold because they bought it or perhaps there was an estate sale and no one ever came and picked it up I can't figure out which one a bunch of artwork oh and look at this it's an old calendar man what dreams never happened in this house as I mentioned this is a very very sad place and I feel like most of my videos are have this undertone of sadness or tragedy but the reality is most abandoned places are abandoned because of some sort of tragedy that happened or death a lot of times I feel the urge to balance out these stories with something happy but a lot of these places simply just don't have a happy ending but that doesn't mean there isn't hope even in the darkest of places and Circumstance though Owen's passing left Elliott a total loss she eventually discovered strength and comfort and the memories they created together and over time and with some healing today Ellie honors their Love by cherishing the precious moments they shared turning her sorrow into appreciation and allowing joy to take root once again together this is a closet yeah a big walk-in closet lots of stuff still here [Music] looks like a lot of tennis balls and look at this an entire box full of tennis balls as well so maybe they're very into tennis or maybe their son was into tennis perhaps maybe they were going to build a tennis court on the property eventually look at this her shoes are still here more decorations it never got put up and their suitcases still on the floor from all the traveling that they did like I mentioned him being an oncologist his job required him to travel a lot to help people wow and this right here is when you first walk into the front door this whole section right here looks lived in like if I were to walk in this house right now it just it just looks like someone lives here it's a little messy but definitely looks like someone lives here look at this the front door just standing open and check out the porch from this angle [Music] so overgrown this gutter here hanging down so much of this porch is already starting to rot and being completely consumed by Nature and it looks like once upon a time someone might have broken into this place [Music] wow I imagine right here there was a garden wrapped all the way around the front porch [Music] this is wild literally and right out the front porch you get a view over there in the distance of the heart-shaped pond despite its unkept appearance the pond retains a certain enchantment for the water in the pond though altered by the years and now surrounded by overgrowth continues to shine much like the love that still exists within Ellie's heart for Owen foreign [Music] to be here and now it's all just being swallowed by Nature [Music] I'm gonna shut the door looks like I don't think they lived here I think they re they staged it to live here and they never they never moved in everything still has a price tag it was all being prepared to be lived in at the last minute it all fell through with Owen's death and these papers are here on the coffee table are um contracts about the property which I'm not going to show that definitely want to protect this property at all costs and keep it an absolute Secret yeah everything has a price tag even this and I want to know what's back here it looks like it's accessed to the back porch but a lot a lot of antiques back here look at this an old sleigh [Music] they're probably gonna hang up on the wall somewhere at one point price tags on all of this maybe this one right here was a bread box look at all these mouse droppings all in it now mm-hmm so much furniture so much Furniture in here I mean the house was going to be completely just fully furnished and look at this incredible it's an old it's an old telephone booth I wonder if it's a replica or if it's an original telephone booth that's been restored I'm gonna try to get back here and see gosh it's a tight squeeze this is so neat so I want to say this is a replica what do you guys think original or replica more Christmas decorations I have a feeling this house was abandoned sometime around Christmas there's so much of this house that's unfinished wires hanging out of the wall here but they were so close so close [Music] right here is the the back door leading out to the back porch [Applause] so many memories that never had a chance to be made here thank you all right I say we keep it's pouring throughout the house you know it definitely has doctor Vibes in here I gotta say with the green Walls and this tile floor lots of earth tones in here it kind of looks like the front lobby of a uh Orthopedics office [Music] all right here we are entering the kitchen and wow it's completely furnished in here so much stuff in here guys stepping into the partially finished kitchen It's Quickly becoming evident to me that Owen and Ellie must have stayed here intermittently during the final stages of construction the Decor on the walls the coffee maker sitting on the counter and the sink with soap still resting beside it all paint a vivid picture of just how close they were to making this house their forever home all this kitchenware and this brand new dishwasher see back here they didn't even get around to putting light switch plates on but they stored all of the shelves so close and all this stainless steel Hardware [Music] oh I mean this house is fully stocked [Music] I mean it looks like they were right in the middle of moving in right in the middle of it when everything happened okay and of course as always you all know what time it is we gotta check the fridge oh is it gonna be good oh complete letdown it's a very clean fridge I was hoping for at least one maggot in the freezer oh it looks like a bunch of cheesecake and I definitely don't want to open imagine it's full of mold we'll imagine that there's mold in this fridge well it looks like there probably was mold here at one point and check this out all their magnets from all the places that they had visited we got Quebec Iceland St Louis Halifax New England the Caribbean islands Houston Hawaii man they went to so many places together lived so much life together I bet these are all full yeah gosh these lighters brand new in the packaging man I don't want to sound redundant I know I keep saying it this place is so sad I mean all of these boxes are full full of stuff prepared to move in oh those are some personal documents of his as well as down here which I'm not going to show out of respect for the former owners [Music] man more glassware up here huh this is funny [Music] imagine they got that bird as a souvenir from one other tropical vacations and look at this this wine cooler brand new still has the plastic and the cardboard and it's stocked with unopened wine let's see if it's a good wine Barn I imagine that's very cheap wine there's a placeholder Sugar Land sellers never heard of any of these Brands more Sugar Land sellers down there yeah I imagine this was uh some placeholders more tennis balls so they definitely loved tennis [Music] all these brand new bulbs still in the packaging to go to the dozens of lamps that we've already seen in here got some scotch glasses like a gentleman and another wine cooler here check this out well this is a fancy one and more wine here Pinot Grigio Wyland I've never heard of that brand either yeah this is a fancy one with a marble top [Music] we got more light bulbs in there and check it out it says sold to Owen will pick up at the evening of February 1st 2014. he had bought all of this stuff and they set it in here and moved it in and then he passed away and everything changed [Music] [Music] check this out this is an old pump organ if you guys haven't seen these you do this you pump this with your foot [Music] gives it air pressure but this one right here I don't think this works it's a Kimball brand though that's a very popular brand foreign loved antiques there's a lot of old pieces in here that I haven't seen in a while speaking of old pieces check this out and this is nice oh so this isn't open this is a victrola I imagine there's a record player inside of here yeah check this out wow and I wonder what records have in here how do you access this so the speakers are in here I wonder where they kept the records I know I'm going to have a ton of comments telling me how to use this thing and I invite you to do that because I have no idea where the storage is on this usually in these old victrolas there's a place to put your records but these aren't pull out drawers they're just made to look like that yeah let me know guys educate me and here we have the living room again with access to the back porch for Owen's final Christmas the family decided to create a magical experience in the house that he and Ellie had always dreamed of they lovingly decorated the room set up the Christmas tree played Christmas songs and gave Owen the gift he valued most time with his beautiful family and my mind's eye I can see them gathered around the tree the room bathed in the warm glow of twinkling lights as the sound of Christmas songs played in the background yet amidst the joy of that moment a silent dread lingered the knowing that this would be their last Christmas with Owen nevertheless no one spoke of it choosing instead to keep the spirits high and love the focal point of the day [Music] looks like boxes more of medical documents that he kept track of [Music] a world apart by Nolan Moore foreign here we have natural wonders of North America so it's clear that they loved to travel and see the world [Music] check this out there was home phones there's landline phones that's funny perhaps he used it for his uh his business in this fireplace here check this out this marble tile around it that big mantle oh and I just found the source of the smell that I keep smelling poor little guy like I said before some areas of this house it just looks like it looks so lived in it looks like at any point someone's just gonna walk in the door walk in the kitchen make a glass of tea come over here hang out on the couch perhaps maybe watch TV that would be mounted above the fireplace mantle or perhaps right here along this wall and I just noticed up above I don't know if you can see it from the camera there's quite a bit of water damage that's starting to happen in the ceiling right here in the living room look how it's starting to crack all up above I bet we can get a better view of it from upstairs we might as well make our way up there now check out this artwork here so I'm seeing quite a bit of um like Carnival themed stuff there's like a telephone booth there's hot air balloon artwork there's like different things around the house like the like the ticket pillows that we saw downstairs and here is the den as you call it in America and check this out speaking of like carnival theme look at this [Music] and this is definitely an original bicycle wow I've never seen one of these in real life got this tire solid rubber I bet the ride on this thing was super rough check out this step right here to climb up on top of the seat this is so cool yeah so they definitely loved to collect antiques and there's again like a carnival theme that I'm seeing here and see this is what I was talking about you can really see it up here how the ceiling's starting to crack all around that's not good really not good for the structure you get a nice view of the living room from up here [Music] look at this you can see this plywood here how it was unfinished right here on top and check out this Victorian sofa this is an amazing piece it's in great condition too this is definitely a very old piece so neat looking and the chair of the same style it's so different to see a place like this that's so full of their taste and of their personality yet not lived in at all [Music] I'm gonna see what's in this massive bedroom over here I mean look at this room this thing's got to be 20 feet across maybe 25 feet across the this is a massive bedroom [Music] for some reason it doesn't give me master bedroom Vibes especially the size of the bed this is a full-size bed I imagine they would have a queen or a king size got a Halloween Nutcracker it's a very random spot for a decoration like that look at this someone paid 150 bucks for this thing brand new bedding it looks like [Music] definitely a new lampshade [Music] and this right here is going out to the balcony out to the backyard the deck that's beginning to rot this is such a big room I wonder if there's anything in the closet probably probably not no not really things in here no but a big screen TV was gonna go right here on this wall someone was going to be able to chill in bed watch TV from across the room and that had to have been a huge screen in order to see everything we got their own bathroom here a vanity really nice vanity all brand new a toilet it was probably never even used so much of this house was unpinning in the big and I want to check out this other bedroom over here across the way from the den check out this cart here brand new bar cart with the tag on it wow this is a purple bedroom it's evident they were having fun when designing and painting this room the purple and pink walls though unconventional reflect the creative Liberties and joy they found in making a space that was entirely their own in addition to the walls I can imagine Owen and Ellie might have chosen eclectic Furniture artwork and Decor making a treasure Trove of memories collected items and conversation pieces that held special significance to them and look at this more Victorian furniture more Carnival themed decorations these beautiful velvet chairs foreign here [Music] a lovely little floral sofa these are all pretty pretty amazing items and I love this lamp here with the brass and the white glass and the floral design [Music] and again a very old dresser here [Music] with a marble top this is a very old piece [Music] and a brand new accent table look at this deal with the tag on it [Music] and this bed wow this bed is over the top [Music] with brand new bedding on it this is incredible really cool looking bed it looks like a bed you would see like in a castle or something but interestingly enough this is also a full-size bed so it's not really big enough to fit two people on it so I'm not really sure if this was meant to be the master bedroom or not now I'm starting to think that the room downstairs with the chandelier next to the jacuzzi was the master bedroom of the house and this beautiful mirror that matches the same style as this bed and you know what this mirror guarantee it went to this over here it's crazy the mirror is bigger than the actual dresser this is wild and this quilt stand [Music] lots of like country home Vibes in here and check it out guys this right here is the balcony looking out over the front yard from here you get a view of the pond and all the acreage I would step out there but it's tied and I don't want to untie that knot I try not to mess with these places and leave them pretty much exactly as I found them and I know a lot of you are going to say that this purple wall along with the pink is tacky and I totally agree with you but at the same time I think it's also really cool and check this out on this fan there's a dirt dauber nest it's little things like that that you know even though the home hasn't been abandoned for that long it kind of alludes to how quickly nature swoops in whenever a place becomes abandoned [Music] and here we have a bathroom with a full-size shower and very elegant curtains thank you in a big walk-in closet here with purple carpet got a funky pillow here and a floral one I like this little Nook up here coming out of the bathroom and this balcony that overlooks the bedroom foreign [Music] to this house here oh it's an attic space it's very hot up here this is where all the water damage is starting to come in there's a hole in the ceiling right where my finger is pointed and you can see it from an aerial view but that hole is just going to continue to get bigger and bigger over time and eventually this whole side of the house is going to be the first to go with this very expensive HVAC unit in here okay so now that we've seen pretty much everything there is to see upstairs I'm very curious to see if there's anything in the garage here we are I'm back down here again got a couple more doors here oh my God look at all this toilet paper someone was hoarding during the pandemic there's mounds of it toilet paper and paper towel this is insane all right be honest with me if you were guilty of hoarding toilet paper during the pandemic in 2020 just let me know in the comments this is a judge-free Zone and hey I might have been guilty of it too but um that's neither her nor there I just want to know if you were we're gonna shut this door and leave the toilet paper forever in its tomb behind door number two okay so we have a laundry room slash bathroom it's very random lots of storage in here too lots of supplies in here some bed linens in here looks like a dog bed yeah a dog bed so yeah definitely a utility room slash bathroom which is very random and there was a there's soap out on the seat which tells me at one point there was water running in this place so someone was showering here and we got some tools left behind too all right I think it's garage time [Music] oh wow you've got to be kidding me [Music] this is absolutely incredible guys it is so rare that I find cars in abandoned houses let alone iconic Classics like a 1950s Thunderbird this thing must have been like his like pride and joy I bet he babied this thing back in the day and maybe drove it around on Sunday mornings cruising the back roads here out in the country and now it's now it's just sitting in this garage collecting dust and unfortunately water damage as well it never ceases to amaze me the amount of waste that I find in abandoned buildings and there's no telling how long this house is just gonna sit here like this until it eventually is auctioned off or you know that place Falls in on itself I can only help the state eventually holds an auction or donates a lot of this stuff because as you've seen there's so much Priceless valuable items in this place that people would truly appreciate even historical items like this 1950s Thunderbird and it's an Immaculate condition I bet I hope it's unlocked oh yeah foreign look at all this all this mold that's growing on the door yeah it reeks of mold in here and the interior is perfect condition other than being a bit dirty yeah look at the dials the speedometer look at the gauges and I love this like bucket Dash there's not even like a glove box in here I don't think so retro it looks like um Atomic inside of the car and again like I said the seats the seats are in Immaculate condition such a shame that it's just sitting here abandoned like this ah and I love that clunk I want to do that again ah so satisfying man this thing is a chunk of metal I love these these uh tail lights foreign emblem so cool wow of course the tires are very flat on it what look at this someone scratched in the paint of face how could someone do that [Music] this car is like an artifact this thing belongs in like someone's collection and I love this telescoping antenna this is absolutely incredible it looks like this garage is completely full again all types of stuff for the house looks like a lot of medical documents in this box maybe tax papers or Christmas lights Christmas decorations this is just absolutely absolutely wild that all this stuff is just sitting behind like this [Music] foreign often reveals itself when we lose someone dear to us in the wake of Owen's passing in 2017 his family faced an unimaginable loss but amidst the overwhelming sorrow they discovered something profound and unexpected at the end of the day possessions hold no weight as we can't take them with us when our time comes but what Remains What We Leave Behind is something far greater the Legacy of Love today Owen's family has transformed their grief into gratitude for the time they had with him and found strength and resilience in the face of adversity yet she would still give anything for the chance to be in Owen's arms just one more time it seems that some things truly can't be fixed but they can be carried [Music] thank you [Music] all right guys that pretty much wraps up this exploration and I want to thank you so much for coming along with me on this adventure if you guys enjoyed this video please leave me a like let me know what you thought of it in the comments below subscribe to my channel for more content like this and until next time stay off the beaten path
Channel: JeremyXplores
Views: 920,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban exploration, urbex, decay, photography, abandoned building, abandoned house, abandoned church, abandoned car, abandoned school, abandoned prison, abandoned insane asylum, abandoned factory, abandoned photography, travel, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, documentary, video tour, abandoned nashville, abandoned castle, abandoned chateau, abandoned france, abandoned manor, jeremyxplores, outbackwilderness, subaru, overlanding, offroading, Car camping
Id: fSeyPRGHI9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 7sec (3667 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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