Exploring An Abandoned Mansion Hidden Deep In The Forest

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what's going on guys Jeremy back again with another exploration So today we're in southern Georgia here in the United States and we're about to explore this very dark Time Capsule that's buried deep in the woods so without further Ado I say we go ahead and get to the video I take you guys outside and I give you the story of why this place is abandoned let's hop to it it's all too often family is torn apart over the very place that held them place of so many beautiful men is now tainted by the tragedy of greed this is the story of Jack and Dorothy and the home they'd held their family Jack was born in 1914 and grew up in this country home as father built in the late 1800s he was always the go-getter tie and believe he would one day be the mayor of this small Georgia town after marrying Dorothy his high school sweetheart his father gifted the newlyweds the house to raise a family in but tragically the couple suffered the loss of two of their children one of them only an infant despite their grief they held each other together with the love they shared and overcame the obstacles of Despair Jack going on to being elected as mayor and Dorothy raising their six other children at home as time went on the children all grew up and moved away while Jack and Dorothy lived out their years in the home but in 1992 Jack died at the age of 78 but not long after Jack died Dorothy passed away without leaving an official will for her children despite the verbal agreements on how their inheritance would be split and although this beautiful home held a love story that lasted for decades it too was laid to rest in 2009 after the children entered a drawn-out legal battle with one another failing to come to an agreement on how to divide the estate and now like the vines that have swallowed this once beautiful place the unrelenting nature of greed consumes everything in its path a family that once was the home that held them together and even the love story of Jack and Dorothy so now let's step inside of this place and let's see what's still left behind foreign [Music] guys so here we are we're walking up on this place you can barely even see it through all the thick brush but uh it's there as you saw on the intro it looks pretty dilapidated hopefully it'll be really nice inside though wow look at this the cow is just like suddenly appearing through the brush this is definitely been abandoned for a long time [Music] look at this these are the original steps to the front porch but they're all completely overgrown with these thick Vines got some wicker furniture still out on the porch that's a good sign some more furniture here look at this old rocking chair look at that that's so cool very creepy very Southern I imagine back in the day this house would face these railroad tracks and all these Woods weren't here you could probably see the Train Roll by right out front from the front porch look at this big hornet's nest from years ago still on the door very cool looking door by the way [Music] it looks like a time capsule in here look at all this beautiful Victorian furniture still here wow the floor beneath my feet is crunching I'm gonna have to be very careful where I walk and look at the beautiful floors wow guys we have found an amazing Time Capsule looks like look at this Furniture here beautiful items in this house already really beautiful place big rug in the middle of the floor let's leave some very high quality antiques that are in this place what a beautiful piece I love how it's all curved it's still full look at this old Christmas lights it's a VHS of Rebel Without a Cause And ghost Classic Movies I remember when I was a kid we used to record VHS tapes look at this the night the animals talked Twas the Night Before Christmas at least some Christmas movies in here it's like this drawer is like Christmas themed [Music] what are these it's a puppy training guide or VHS tapes this tour stuck definitely don't want to break it trying to get it open very cool look at this woodwork [Music] really beautiful piece again like I said there's some high dollar items in this place see what's over here so it just looks like it's probably a dining room perhaps this is the dining room table fireplace here the brake mantle and again so much antiques that are in here [Music] I love this green color foreign chair [Applause] yeah so I believe this is a dining room see if I can squeeze through here I'm not sure if I can imagine this is the kitchen oh also this is really cool this pink and yellow I see that color a lot in these old Southern Homes foreign at one point there was a really beautiful chandelier that hung over the dining room table here let's keep going further along gonna be a tight squeeze through this doorway [Applause] [Music] wow look at this how the house is completely collapsed in right here oh my God so many beautiful cabinets in this place and look at this there's some China still left imagine this cabinet at one point was completely full of China I love this little bench here that's like kind of built into the house oh and look at this guys there's still some silverware here a little bit of China that's still left over at least some kitchen supplies and it looks like table Linens here probably now mice homes this is wild [Music] we're definitely entering into the kitchen now Oh what a beautiful little kitchen I'm gonna hit my light to show you what the sunlight looks like coming through full and I love how natural decay of this paint here okay so beautifully sometimes it looks almost like art this old oven look at this so cool [Music] it's still alcohol bottles in here gin and rum oh and look at this it looks like perhaps old high school photos and family photos on this refrigerator here oh this is all Leave it to Beaver look at this the hypnotist Wally Cleaver family time the cleaver family wow [Music] if you guys have watched my other videos I always check the fridge and this is a good one check this out oh this is disgusting all these condiments that were left behind from years ago and look there's even more up top all this old coffee from no telling how long ago and I don't even want to know what's wrapped in that tin foil back there probably old meat from way back when I probably want to shut this refrigerator door so disgusting [Applause] still in the cabinet North Carolina oh this is a cool mug Bambi classic and look here's his name Jack I'm pretty amazed at how dilapidated this house is on the outside but how much stuff is still left on the inside so this is definitely like a utility room laundry room washer and dryer over there [Applause] look at these old umbrellas still stored away man this is wild guys I'm loving this house I feel like there's so many stories in this house [Music] telephone look at this an old rotary phone that is so cool and so many more magnets Snoopy this calendar here is dated for 2008 with these kitchen aprons still hanging up just so sad all this food still left behind food is a big deal in any house and any culture and it always brings the entire family together and it's always interesting the type of decorations the family uses in any kitchen showing basically what the family loved what they were passionate about and even what they were entertained by it looks like we have an attic up here which you better believe I'm going inside of and we have a basement so I might as well go into the basement first see what's down here very it's already very creepy down here and oh these stairs are completely rotted which tells me this basement completely flooded out look at all these cans oh my God look at all these cans there's thousands of them in these trash bags you can't even get to the basement it's all Coors Light cans like how did these even wind up down here were there people throwing parties down here so Random no I wonder what's up in the attic nope whoa it's very creepy up here addicts full of stuff old storage there's no telling what's up here looks like quite a bit of Christmas decorations kind of what you would expect in the Attic of American southern home there's no telling what's in this stuff I could spend hours up here but then I would be stirring up so much dust and breathing that stuff in so I think it's time for us to go back downstairs look at this [Music] [Music] and look at this why are all these all these are peacock feathers look at this this whole living room's covered with them this is so Random if you guys have a guess of why there's peacock feathers throughout the room let me know what you think in the comments below and look at what's above us this is wild it's almost like a bell tower I wonder what this was for I've never seen this in a house in my life I want to know what your thoughts are on what this was even used for and I wonder if there was a massive chandelier that used to hang down and look at this guys look at this beautiful piano still left behind [Music] [Applause] and it sounds like all the keys still work on it and this piano is in amazing condition for sitting in a house like this that's so dilapidated like look at this next room where we came in at starting to completely fall apart and then you walk into this room and it's like Nature has completely skipped over it it's really interesting how sometimes it seems like nature is very selective it'll completely destroy one room and then pass right over the next preserving everything that's still inside of it for now [Music] I love the architecture in this house and look at this beautiful furniture and some of this stuff is in excellent condition obviously this one is not [Music] I'm blown away at how amazing this house is I did not expect to find this today guys but I'm glad I did foreign over here and look at this this is an old television I've seen these in photos but I've never seen one of these in real life the brand is called a philco this has got to be one of the coolest things I've seen in a while just sitting in this abandoned house out in the middle of the Woods foreign box so there's definitely a little girl who used to live in this room gosh look at this and look all these cloths were probably made by the family members or someone in the family and look this whole drawer is full of them it's a very cool lamp and look at this wall a child Drew this it's a Shelf with books it's a stuffed animal puppy pile of books a fishbowl here plant ball more bugs a globe it's very detailed look lights on the walls some artwork that they drew and look at this a make-believe lamp they used to sit on this table and look at this there's more here a big piece of art that used to make believe hang over the fireplace mantle and look what she Drew here a fire under the mantle this is in incredible guys there's so many stories in this house and an old stroller next to this single-sized bed where she would sleep blankets and sheets still on the bed she had her own little phone right here and look at this beautiful sofa over here it's blue and gold very Royal this is absolutely incredible guys look at this she drew a cat resting on a sofa and a blanket on the back of the sofa with pillows and I'm here here so she's a very artistic girl with quite an imagination as most kids are and somehow we we lose it over time and we kind of lose that childlike sense of wonder this room very much reminds me of that and check this out look at this old women's hats so cool [Music] this looks like it was from the 1920s for sure these are very old very old hats so neat I'm gonna check this out I don't know how many of you remember these this is like some early 90s stuff I remember my older sister used to be obsessed with these trolls that was a fad that quickly came and left kind of like Furbies in like the late 90s and look at this room we have another amazing bedroom [Music] [Music] look at this and this detail in the wood of the headboard of this bed and a big fireplace I wonder if this was the master bedroom of the house [Music] so this looks like definitely more of an adult room bunch of car magazines perhaps this was an older brother of hers and if you notice there's so many windows in this house this house was very well lit but look how it's all just a thick forest that's grown up all around it on all sides and guys look at this found a diary he reads nice Progressive dreams last night I can't remember them yesterday was a roller coaster ride I got dressed and made my way down to Warwick I changed out all the CDs in the car before I left that certainly made for a shorter trip traffic was heavy on the interstate it was a damn hot day when I got to Warwick Ronnie was in the kitchen with Mom he's aged looking more and more like Mom sweet gentle energy it goes on and on talking about her day it's dated for Monday June 19 2006 at 7 43 A.M and it's an entire notebook of it just still left behind all their thoughts their life in this notebook sitting in this empty room in this empty house [Music] look at this psychic empowerment the other side and back psychic's guide to our world and Beyond the nature of the psyche spiritual path power versus force all these books are centered around self-awareness spirituality and psychic abilities who was this person Through Time into healing discover the power of regression therapy to erase trauma and transform mind body and relationships and guys I have to say not to stereotype but I grew up in a very similar town as this a very southern town in the United States and I have to say it's extremely rare to find books like this or people who are interested in these types of topics it's kind of fascinating I'm very interested to know who this person was if they're still alive and what they're doing today closet guys completely full old Hawaiian shirts looks like probably a lot of cheesy clothes this is incredible and his hats still hanging up on the hooks oh this is Eleanor Roosevelt in this photo this these old letters obviously I'm going to blur out this information because I don't want to give the location of this place away because I don't want this place to be destroyed or looted wow so I just found a bunch more of the peacock feathers and look at this it's like a hoarder corner of the house there's so much stuff in here it's like they completely just threw all this stuff in this corner of the house and kind of kept the door closed to forget about it this is wild it looks like there's probably some valuable stuff in here definitely a lot of cassette tapes speaker and amplifier over there some old records vinyls this is wild kind of neat looking bathroom with a stand-up shower here and then a tub and look at this still towels hanging over the tub artwork still hanging there very uh very strange choice for artwork you can tell this wasn't staged either this is the original artwork they hung here because of how the paint has chipped over it this house has completely been untouched since it was abandoned I believe with the exception of probably a few looters but not many judging by all the valuable stuff that I'm seeing in this house I feel like this house is a very well kept secret there's so many closet just completely full of stuff wow and it's all piled high with antiques I'm starting to think that perhaps whoever lived here maybe had a hoarding issue all right check this out I love these old light switch buttons so cool okay going further along over here and it looks like we have a complete time capsule of a bedroom and this carpet it's so soft very um very 70s in here like these really cool curtains hanging over the windows again very 70s in here lots of tile perhaps they um had a lot of spare tile in this trunk for repairs look at this so this is what it says from every human being there Rise is a light that reaches straight to heaven and when two Souls that are destined to be together find each other their streams of Light Flow together in a single brighter light goes forth from their United being it's a closet full of vhs's foreign if you guys have seen my recent video of the porn star's Castle in Belgium then you've seen the porn closet luckily this looks like all pretty G-rated movies man look at this bed just completely made in the bed sheets match the floor this nightstand kind of reminds me of my nightstand just full of Random stuff old letters pins rubber bands just knickknacks so here's their bathroom again just a really neat looking bathroom and this beautiful Decay that's falling from the walls in a medicine cabinet that looks completely full it's got all the stuff you would imagine in a bathroom all still left behind I mean and again who would want to come and take this even if you were moving out got another fairly large bedroom in here really cool looking bed definitely reminds me of a bed you would see in a castle in like Europe or something and a very small bed over here like for a for an infant so now I'm starting to wonder perhaps if this was the master bedroom [Music] I said look at this stack Ed letters and they're dated November 4th 1922 from Atlanta we have to at least look in one of them I'm so curious about this this is almost like um this is almost like archeology wow and these are all old letters and this one's from Pittsburgh and I don't see a date on it perhaps there will be a date here in the letter National Bank of Fitzgerald Georgia and look how these old Bank letters are all hand written oh this was dated March 5th 1921. this is incredible [Music] you know I say this a lot guys but this is almost like going through a museum and finding old artifacts like this it's kind of its own form of archeology really [Music] and here he is the man himself Jack [Music] this is more than likely their room wow all their bugs [Music] and look at this old football helmet this thing has got to be so old like this look how they were made of these old plastic helmet with these little leather buttons to strap it onto your head definitely don't make them like this anymore and I wonder if this football is from his college or perhaps a game that they went to look at this guys it's a plaque from Georgia Tech and it makes me wonder at this football is also from that college along with the helmet from way back in the day and there's more Georgia Tech memorabilia here as well [Music] it looks like an old uh railroad hat like an old operator's hat very cool yet again another closet full of clothes and most of these clothes here look like men's clothes I imagine this was Jack's closet they all like button up shirts definitely Jack's closet all of his old clothes so this is now leading us back out to this living area so it's looking like we've pretty much seen the entirety of this house and I definitely don't want to be walking through these thick Woods in the dark at any rate thank you guys so much for watching this video and also I want to know what your thoughts are on this place and I want to know why you think that so much of this stuff is still left behind that's the mystery of this place that I don't quite understand if you enjoyed this video give me a like subscribe to my channel and until next time stay off the beaten path [Music] thank you
Channel: Jeremy Xplores
Views: 190,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban exploration, urbex, decay, photography, abandoned building, abandoned house, abandoned church, abandoned car, abandoned school, abandoned prison, abandoned insane asylum, abandoned factory, abandoned bridge, abandoned photography, travel, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, documentary, video tour, abandoned nashville, abandoned castle, abandoned chateau, abandoned france, abandoned manor, abandonednashville, abandonednashvilleofficial, jeremyxplores
Id: Au6r4IQ2DG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 58sec (2278 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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