Exploring a Gorgeous ABANDONED 1876 Heritage Estate Home - How Can They Tear This Down???

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it's not often that I come across such a spectacular abandoned Farmhouse to explore built in 1876 this home has stood the test of time for the last 147 years sitting on 8.5 acres of land and featuring beautiful gingerbread decorations Dormers stunning Woodworks and a beautiful porch it's been abandoned for four years home hosted Grand Garden parties with attendance reaching over 5 000 people and in 1891 the Lush Lawns Gardens and Orchards were illuminated with electric Arch lights which happened to be one of the earliest uses of electricity in the township in 2019 the property sold for 14 million dollars as vacant land sown for commercial use while the home has Heritage designation it still seems they want to demolish it to make way for new businesses with the surrounding area already under heavy Redevelopment it's only a matter of time until this amazing piece of history is lost forever unless the city steps in and properly protects it how's it going nowhere crew welcome back to the channel today I have an absolutely spectacular abandoned Farmhouse Farm Mansion whatever you want to call it this place is insane seems like it's gonna be demolished sitting here rotting away gotta be quick outside go check it out but I think you guys are really going to enjoy this one so let's go all right so this is the front of the house guys I see a car down there so I really got to be careful um this place is crazy look at the gingerbread decoration it's just a stunning place I believe there's an extension put on this house at some point um wouldn't really surprise me which isn't absolutely incredible house hundreds of years old at this point which is insane too it's really chucking it down out here oh my gosh that oh I'm soaked I look at their back porch guys isn't that crazy there's three or four fireplaces in this house I just love this back porch it's just incredible this sits on about eight Acres of property it was sold for 14 million dollars and twenty 19 or 20 20. like how could you demolish this the land was sold as vacant land so they're expecting this to come down in my mind oh soaked but you can't beat this architecture like look at this it's incredible it's all the way back is the property of this house I like the decoration around the windows as well it's very nice oh look at this what is this like an old furnace in here wow look at that they're just built right on top of the TV antenna I just noticed that there was a fire in there that's cool shoes are very squishy so I believe that this section of the home is the extension basically where this peak meets this larger home that's the original all of this I believe is an extension I'm gonna have to confirm that but you can just see the woods all rotting away this whole house is just in a bad state they do have a Treehouse though so that's cool can't get up there but it's cool all right guys so we're starting at I don't think this is the front door I believe this is a back door but uh this room here look at the sheer scale of it we do have some structural issues like some pain peeling some drywalls falling down the elements have gone to the house the shingles on the roof are terrible so it's not super surprising look at these windows though this is what like 12 13 foot ceilings entrance way with the clasp above it even have the rug still the size of the Bell it's nuts a lot of like very intricate craftsmanship went into this place you can see that on the window frames even here I don't know what they're called but you can see the amount of detail that they've put that's hours of work right there frosted glass and like the pure scale of this home is just insane this is a mansion if I've ever seen one Victorian Manor look at the size of the moldings look at this like the ceilings are so tall goodness gracious beautiful hardwood floor so the home was built in 1808. just walking through it because I had to come from that side um I'm pretty sure this house had a few extensions maybe two or three but still it all seems to flow believe this is the original part though [Music] look at the spindles look at the banister look at how beautiful it is and all this detail here they just took so much more Pride way back when they made these kind of houses what's this oh is this the open and close the um like the flute or whatever on the furnace whatever they were using wow like the sheer scale of this room is insane look at the ceiling Rose beautiful so ornate we do actually have some Decay starting it's not super surprising it's been sitting abandoned for like I think three years I don't think I've ever seen pocket doors this size ever look at this those are heavy man they're massive hole my gosh like I don't even know what you consider is this a dining room who knows it's a hell of a home I'll tell you that I believe the power does still work in some spots of this house but it's not super important wow look at this it's such a grand estate home that's really what it reminds me of got like the Velvet curtains or the curtain covers whatever you want to call them oh my gosh this room has two ceiling roses they look like maple leaves and grapes and other fruits and vegetables that's what it looks like I'd have to imagine that this wasn't uh painted white originally this was just like nice natural wood but same like the brick here you can see that it's been painted yellow and pink for some reason was this the wainscalding across the bottom beautiful again look at the size of this look at the sheer scale of everything in this house it's a beautiful fireplace it's massive huge mantle to put so many different things up here is it real brick it doesn't look real that's real it's just been painted so many times it looks fake some nice little sconces I love these old vent covers too look how beautiful they are they're designed so well like you would never see that in the modern house can't get over these windows man Again original floors look at the scale of that lock that is a beefy lock oh yeah the power does work gonna leave it off though there's no reason to have it on where does this go kind of strange just like a random little storage area there's even detail in the frame here too I don't even notice that all right I'm gonna do the bottom floor or this main floor first just because it's so huge this house this is where I believe the extension starts um becomes a little bit more modern you know the light switch has become modern um was this like ship lap that's the same idea it's nice but I don't think it fits a home of this like uh Majesty this may still be original they may have just renovated it because I could still got the same crazy huge window frames same kind of windows there's a bathroom in here it's pretty big too and believe it or not guys this house they want to demolish this the land was sold as vacant land which is crazy to me another storage closet I guess this it's not a kitchen maybe it was a kitchen it's kind of weird they got a fireplace electric one right there built in they did use very nice wood on this but there's no sink in here so I don't think it's a kitchen and there's not if you know what this is maybe it's just supposed to be a pantry let me know there's nothing in here well that's weird it's like a vinyl obviously we got a staircase here okay all right let's this looks original though still too doesn't it could be wrong maybe there was no extensions on this house that was like a butler staircase right there so that was probably the part of the original so maybe this whole section is original I'm just kind of guessing guys so don't mind me I'm just thinking out loud it's very yellow mud room dining living room kitchen bathroom guest room front porch these are lists of chores to do hmm so this is the kitchen obviously it's got the sink it's got the microwave would have had the stove there but uh yeah that's interesting so maybe they're renting this out this would be amazing for like a um what's it called for like a um like wedding reception venue this place is gorgeous yeah more modern more modern in the kitchen here doesn't look like there's power to this anymore no it's still got the dishwasher foreign I feel like a lot of people would die to have this I mean this is a massive kitchen there's this girl it smells kind of like food in here a little pantry oh it's really got the pots and the pans interesting even have them circled so you know where to put them School pencil sharpener now there's like what this is the third staircase now that I've seen thank you a little sun room I guess it smells like pie it's interesting that has two egg entrances though oh no it doesn't it's fun stuff or a boarded off sorry well that's one way of doing that they got a cellar oh it's moldy down there probably do that at the end it's a beautiful home even with its more modern Renovations this is still a beautiful home look at this bathroom this is funky it's like stuck in like the 80s parts of it like look at the cabinets and the tiles it's so strange dude you gotta Step Up go to the toilet and it's like crammed right by the shower that's pretty hard water too oh look at the mold starting oh man crazy so I don't want to I want to take the main staircase I don't want to take this modern looking one I want to take the grand staircase of this house so I'm going back like just walking across this house it's like bigger than two of my houses this has to be the original spot though this is the part I'm in love with I've never seen a farmhouse like this this is an absolute gem guys even so the runner on the stairs made so it's so haul it goes up again wow I love the Skylight I should bring back skylights and houses I know they leak and stuff but I love them foreign ly renovated in here I'd say still nice Honestly though I'd rather them modernize the house and still use it than leave it like this it's very hot in here wow look at this room so imagine this is your bedroom that's insane all the fan works fortunately I did paint the original trim but they left the original floors so small wins okay we strip the paint off of this so I am gonna have to take those stairs get the other portions of the house oh wow there's stuff in here it's strange that they left all this wine in here it is cool though I do like this ceiling's failing here so what do you guys think kids room Nursery something along the lines of that even painted the door in here including the lock inch little closet foreign somewhere what's cool about up here is like you have the balcony you can go out there and actually you know enjoy your property or eight Acres of property thank you really see the drywall bubbling on this wall delay look at that it's a shame so it's probably needs a fair amount of uh renovation to be lived in again if they want to do that oh wow this is purple put the water in here is from outside it is raining but that's why I didn't start outside oh wow it's raining a lot that sucks look at that it's kind of soothing though man you can see how bad the uh the roof line is though it doesn't even have proper gutters would like to go out there maybe if it stops raining I'll go back out there can I go out on this side is a little better covered a little bit I don't really trust how safe these boards are nice property oh it's very wet here never mind so looks like the rain stopped or it's not as bad she can go check out the balcony now yeah it's beautiful I don't really trust the balcony that much though imagine owning this wow thank you stunning up here might as well go up here I guess this just leads to the Attic yeah this is the Attic oh it's finished too there's actually rooms up here it's very hot up here though oh that's a deadly step how high up this house is absolutely mind-boggling the size of this home it's like a modern day mansion in size foreign such a different contrast of rooms here eh shingles look okay here but up there you can see they're like just caked and Moss and stuff if it'll focus please okay sorry of course I painted it like a sky I love when they do that it's so nice sheer scale of this house is ridiculous here's a better look okay ooh angry fly all the pine needles and stuff on the roof it's just rotting through those striped wallpaper too you can see it when you catch the glare it's kind of interesting so this is a more open space this window's open with some fresh air in oh wow look at the shingles on the roof on this side it's actual holes in it oh there are gutters but they're absolutely caked in like insulation material okay nice little fireplace up here too as if it's not hot enough oh man this is left long enough I bet you it's just gonna fall I don't even notice it's a curved Archway door it's interesting though because this door has been slightly left open there's mold starting on the wall but look at how bad the wood is down here I don't even notice that it's all rotted away it's probably why this house wasn't uh listed for sale honestly guys so the servant quarters or the butler's quarters are completely separate in this house that's something I've never seen usually there's a connection from this floor to the next connection from this area to the next so I actually have to walk over there foreign this is the butler's area oh it's very sharp oh this is cool was this Lathan Blaster again so that's probably original you had your laundry machine right there very tiny good sized bathroom though it's a nice tub they had looks a little bit more modern obviously but again Skylight you can just hear the rain hitting when you're in the shower look straight outside awesome this is a cool mirror I like the design on it here it's beautiful okay so you can go to the other Edition on this house you just can't go to the original section which is weird these it's a heavy duty coat hangers left on this might have been a kid's room maybe a play area got something like those glow-in-the-dark stars and planets and moons foreign they definitely used as little space as they had to though to uh have this section they gave the you know the family of the home all the space this is a little bit claustrophobic in the hallway and stuff still beautiful though I don't know why they did that to the uh the door but that's okay all right well at least we don't have to go back down the stairs get to the next section we're just gonna cut through take those stairs back down now we got the modern side oh wait no does it not connect okay yeah it does I think it's interesting like you see how much they have to like block off and drywall off with the Peaks on the house like this because like all the structural pieces have to be in place obviously it's not a bad sized closet that's not bad at all it's just awkward what is this is it it's just spray foam foreign [Music] so tight that I have to walk out come back in a doorknob on the back oh boy oh that's not on the hinges just another closet I'm just gonna okay I'm just gonna leave that what is happening in here was this kind of creepy what is all this writing to see instead of being ashamed of what where's it go what you've been through be proud of what you have overcome this is all inspirational quotes it would look like it if you guys want to read them obviously hit the pause button but first confidence then skill it's everywhere shout out your name knowing nowhere there's nothing wrong with me move mountains interesting Maybe I don't know I don't know why they have that that's just interesting it's like there's why there's so many little velcro pads that's really strange isn't it okay so there's the staircase that's weird but yeah I don't know this upper level is kind of just strange I don't know really what to make of it I don't know what they would have used some of these areas for it's a big house right so like you have tons of space I love the wasted space in these farmhouses sometimes though but I don't know guys what would you use this space for because I have no clue [Applause] all right well that's our upper level stares down then we'll go into the little Cellar that's down there and that'll pretty much wrap up the Explorer guys it smells moldy in here this is always the part I dread I don't really like going into the basements oh it's so much cooler though but yeah it's musty and moldy down here I wonder something caught on fire down here something definitely caught on fire down here what's this oh they still have water that water softener is not doing anything oh got the flagstone Foundation probably the original of the house [Applause] it's a big basement I guess they would have hung up the clothes to dry down here it's not bad use for it well it's nice if you're feeling a little bit gross after the uh exploring and here you got some hand sanitizer velcroed a lot of little cubbies in this house this is like a it's like a food tray where they're using this as like a maybe they did use it as like a with like a BNB it's a big crowbar so this is just standard brick oh is this room it's like all wet inside it's like an old storage room there's got to be asbestos in this place there's no way see animals of a fallen through broken through that I look at all the wine Pockets here I can see the wine hiding behind the uh thing here oh wow look at that look at their wine collection I know nothing about wine but I'm assuming that the cork probably shouldn't be moldy like that these are probably past their Prime Bailey's I don't even want to touch those same with this I look at this one it's like sludging it now it's not even it's not even wine this was eleven dollars at the time of the LCBO like I said guys I have no idea about liquor and wine I don't drink so there could be stuff that's valuable here they could not be Remy Martin what's this no clue there's tons of them though this one's interesting what is this that's crazy there's probably more back there too with those or I don't know if they're locked actually [Music] they would have just closed this off to the world are there any in here yeah there are that's crazy nothing on that side it's a big Wine Cellar especially to have bottles still in there crazy all right guys I really hope you enjoyed this explore I'm absolutely soaked my shoes are soaked everything's soaked so I'm gonna head out but this was incredible I really hope this house doesn't get demolished but if it does I'm happy I was able to bring you guys along just check it out before it does with that guys that's the end of the video hope you enjoyed it be sure to hit that like button make sure you're subscribed we're trying to hit 100 000 subscribers by the end of 2023 so if you can help me get there it'd be absolutely amazing and uh see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Noah.Nowhere
Views: 268,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urbex, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, abandoned estate, abandoned places mansion, abandoned places houses, abandoned 1800s house, abandoned 1800s farmhouse, abandoned 1800s mansion, noah.nowhere, abandoned farmhouse, abandoned farm restoration
Id: S_QFa-4_jgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 13sec (2593 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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