Restoring an abandoned hoarded house (twice) start to finish.

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[Music] oh [Music] i did what i had to do that was it well i can say that um uh going through the house i feel almost like i know you now after seeing your art and your your legacy here you managed to get around in the house [Music] all right so let's talk a little bit about the house um first things first you'll notice i'm back to wearing a dust mask the house really isn't that bad in fact i'm not wearing a mask at all right now because pretty well all of the stuff i was allergic to is gone uh we have swept and vacuum weeds and me today but uh swept and vacuumed and cleaned um so there's really not too much of a hazard in here at all anymore and after today once we have the heater ducts all emptied out we should be able to turn that furnace on and make it livable i don't know if you see the breath that's what it was in the other videos was the fog the frost from my breath coming out um that said with turning the furnace on for the first time in a number of years i have bought a carbon monoxide detector which i'm going to plug in and put near the baseboard because uh the co2 uh or carbon monoxide should say not co2 we need that to breathe uh carbon monoxide is going to uh set a little bit lower on the floor so we're going to plug this guy in and it'll detect in early stages whether we've got a bit of an issue here with the uh with the furnace but all in all feeling pretty optimistic about it but there are a few spots in the house which have me worried so i'll kind of show you those points so one thing that's kind of strange this house is about 100 years old and um we ripped out the carpet because it was gross and was expecting to find maybe hardwood floors underneath but instead there's plywood so at some point someone has done some renovations of this house and it looks like they've removed the nice hardwood that was down here originally so that's a bit of a bummer but you know at least we'll have a good base for putting new flooring down the walls on the main floor generally are in decent shape i mean i should say the floors are solid and considering we took nine tons of garbage out of this house it's surprising to me that it had the uh the bones it was built well enough that it didn't collapse into itself but all the walls are straight um you know i don't see anything for major stress cracks or concerns or or issues on the main floor um there is a spot where the washroom is it looked like they had a leak at one point i don't know if that is going to persist or what's happening so we'll probably have to cut the ceiling out uh and inspect what's going on under there and i'm not really looking forward to it because when you see wet marks like that it means there's probably water and buildup and hopefully not mold underneath but we'll dig through that that's kind of my uh the most concerning thing on the main floor is this wet mark in the ceiling where the washroom is other than that kitchen will be cleaned out today at some point once the dumpster arrives i'll be able to chuck a bunch of this garbage out and take some things with me that is an original window to the home in the kitchen and the second kitchen which is around the corner here is pretty well all original to the house including the porcelain enamel stove which is here so it's got two kitchens one really old one and one kind of mid-century modern the old light switches old ringer washing machine see there's the old window that's the type of windows that should have been throughout this house and at some point they've switched them out to screen doors there's the old stove so this section of the house is generally fairly original including the washroom claw foot tub kind of funky green tile there's the old window there so this part of the house is is original to the house this is you know 100 years old still intact but uh this area and the other one all kind of back up so you can see two living rooms one there one here in this room um again it looks like slightly newer drywall newer flooring at some point and they have uh we do have a couple little stress cracks down here but nothing to be alarmed about really it's you know have a lot of weight in the house so then i'll do the walk through upstairs it runs like this for a second to clear out any cloth and gas in the chamber um these new furnaces are a lot safer and then you'll see it tried it but if i can't get gas it won't even go and you'll know if the gas is off it might be turned off somewhere else dude like somebody knew the house was left or not in they might have dropped the gas to the whole house this is the valve coming in those one sides where this pipe goes outside okay i saw see if it's gonna fire because of the fire that happened [Music] and the diagnostics on these are always but this one's right there if the rest of the house is built as well as this little room is so you kind of move this out of the way or a couple i mean there's an old kirby vacuum that's an old timer and then a kind of a funky little trike kids tricycle it's a tiny one all right guys i'm not doing this for me i'm doing this for you guys okay i'm in no such luck with the switch on there okay you can kind of stand in here that's the bicycle oh yeah it looks like they did extend their frames on their own it has a bit of a tank on it maybe it's a schwinn or something it's been painted it's hard to tell but it has kind of a little gas tank on it it's kind of cool looking on the seat these are the wagons okay there's a really old wooden one right there i thought that was a pedal car wheel yeah but it's not storm windows screens and doors [Applause] no harley-davidson new old motorcycles or trunks full of treasure but there is a wagon and uh somebody was saying that some beam electric lawnmower is kind of a oddball piece because i guess i didn't make them very long so apparently that's worth saving oh that's an electric fireplace like an old fireplace there all right i'm gonna climb my way back out of here that's that's all there is that's the only way in here and i don't see uh somebody said this might be a coal shoot but i don't see a cold shoe just looking above my head to see what's up here lots of lumber and trim pieces chunks of wood looks like old banisters that might come in handy oh actually hang on there is kind of a little shoot in the wall maybe there was something more down here at one point i don't see a big coal shoot's usually pretty big though but this little bunker here oh jesus it's full of spider webs everywhere [Applause] i'm gonna head back out of here it's kind of an oddball thing right there let's see how much clothing we fit in the van so far my goodness a c a vintage most of this is 60s and 70s i would have thought there would have been more from the 40s and 50s given the age of the people that lived here but um maybe it was the 60s and 70s they decided to start keeping things that's a pretty full load boy this has kind of been the story of the house there's garbage and then this treasure so woven basket nice piece uh some more pottery including a nice little flower that she did so i am turning up a few more interesting things we are gonna have to wait on the furnace as it is frozen yes the furnace is frozen so uh they're gonna come back tomorrow and uh we're throwing it out with some heaters right now now the furnace is only a few years old but it is uh it's been turned off for well you know two three years so even though it's in fairly new condition it is frozen and not working so we're heating it up a little ceramic heater try and thaw things out so this thing will start again then hopefully we'll have heat in the house but sadly no heat this go around well i'm gonna level with you guys i've had a pretty rough last hour um was going well loading up the van full of all the stuff that has to come back to the city reached in my pocket for the key for the van and guess what wasn't there the key and one thing you don't want to lose inside of a hoarder house is your keys so i spent the last hour looking for my key i've had no luck i've been uh outside and the snow how i did slip and fall in the snow earlier it's very icy and it is minus 40 degrees celsius outside if you can tell it's really cold in here too couldn't get the heat to work in the house that's another issue but i think if it fell outside it has since snowed since then um and it is probably buried so my only solution right now is to call a tow truck get the vehicle towed back 300 kilometers was probably 150 miles back into town where they can have a key for it because they can't do it here as it's a laser cut special key thank you technology it is what it is uh but i am gonna try and keep my chin up and i'm gonna try and do some work i've got an hour and a half wait for the tow truck because the weather's so bad um there's a really long wait for the tow truck so i'm gonna continue i'm gonna put my hat back on that's why my hair is all crazy uh been working with my elmer fudd hat uh and i'm just gonna work on clearing stuff out of the attic and make myself useful it's an extra hour and a half of time and uh worst case scenario i get to meet a new guy i'll get to know this tow truck driver really well on the three three-hour drive back home so uh that's the update for right now and uh can't believe that happened just not going great today not going great it's officially night time tow truck should be here pretty soon just going through the last of these boxes before calling tonight i feel like this one i saved because it's a little bit heavier that's cool that's really neat see at one time they had a price at 75 dollars this is handmade could be one of hers that kind of makes uh sticking around worthwhile i'm gonna pack that with me oh that's gonna come today so that happened but we're here at the dealership they're going to cut a key and i'll be back on the road for no time cleaning off the old headlights [Music] good morning everyone and welcome to what is this round five i guess out at the house uh i've got my father-in-law dave with me today who's driving which gives me a chance to do some uh videoing hey dave okay we're going in the door's open a little bit um no it's still pretty cold in here it doesn't feel really warm at all that's disappointing i have to check and see if maybe the furnace isn't on something's up check the thermostat yeah since something is up i don't hear the furnace running at all that's bad news it sounds like you just fired up okay well let's hope this thing starts to warm up well it sounds like it's not just blower i can hear the heat okay let's see if we can get some light well that would be good yeah well it looks like all the trim off of the uh the windows or doors are here so we can uh look at getting this put back on casing off the the doors the way they should be again very cool [Music] dave has found the piano so i'm pretty sure dave that this door right here is meant for that bathroom so maybe i'm gonna grab a hammer and see if it if we can knock the pins out and see what it looks like with the old door back on i mean it obviously needs refinishing but do you think it's for this yeah i think so well it's narrower enough it would make sense yeah it's small enough and then we'll figure out where these other doors go the veneer on this one is completely lifted could be part of the reason why they took it off but the board underneath sounds solid but that could be the basement door and then just basically have to figure out how you'd put all the old trim back on but yeah i'm going to try putting that door back on we need a drum roll well because the heat's been off i don't think it's gonna change too much you ready i'm ready okay go for it oh just as frosty as it was before i'm wondering what's all in here well we should chuck the fridge itself is actually not in bed no actually the bottom of that bottom that's nasty yeah that's pretty gross i was looking up there and i think oh it's not bad and then you look at it you know i brought my ice pick so we can see what's hidden in there you're gonna actually chip away at that at the ice chamber oh god who knows what's buried in there you might find some old fish and chips yeah yeah some old fishermen some chips of a fisherman maybe uh okay well let's see if we can clear a path down here and get this thing apart and give me hoping dave has not seen the upstairs yet oh my i can't believe you cut through all of it well i started pulling stuff out of the attic the other day when i got stranded here so this is a result of me sorting in this room oh this was this high i remember well it's almost getting high again i've got a man you did a lot of work yeah it's come along only on the floor it's regional hardwood floor i like the floor because you can actually see it while they work downstairs on getting the furnace going i'm going to see what's underneath here [Music] do [Music] and so after just a few short minutes the trim goes from being painted white to starting to look like its old self with the wood finish coming through a little bit more work and some tlc sanding and some fresh varnish and that trim would come back up like new so a bit more to go a whole lot more to go but at least i know that there's decent wood underneath so i figure the header at the top of the stair here you'll be able to see so i'm working on prying this little piece off and it should be visible if there's something underneath here [Music] let's get that out of the way okay well you know there just might be i don't know what kind of shape it's going to be in but if i look here you can see where the four sections are joined together that might be hard one underneath there okay dave let's pull back on that thing ready yeah yeah give it a pull well it's not the world's fanciest but that is the original kind of farmhouse style wood floor which would probably be refinished that means we've got a lot of plywood to pull up oh that's going to look good though i like that style of flooring so i was a bit nervous about this area because it's by the screen door and it looked like it had some damage but as i'm prying out i look underneath and it seems to protected the original floor into there not too bad so i think if we start pulling out all this old plywood we might have a nice surprise at the floor's in that shabby they've got a nice hardwood floor here and then they decide they're going to put down a thin layer of well i guess of just osb kind of plywood and then what do you put on top of it really cheap looking hardwood laminate to make it look like the floor to make it well it just changes the color i guess but you know they covered up a real hardwood floor with a fake hardwood floor so weird um the only thing i can think of is that maybe we're gonna find a reason why like maybe in the middle of the floor there's a chalk outline of a a person or something horrible let's hope not but um maybe they reconfigured the room and you know there's a mark where the old wall used to be but we'll find out uh next weekend we'll start to rip these floors out well folks i'm happy to tell you that it's finally warm in here oh it's so nice to have heat in the house and it doesn't even smell or stink or anything which is uh kind of an entry point to having a house you thank you hope it doesn't uh smell i can see the the fridge that i pretty much uh chucked out with dave the other day there it looks pretty sad oh it's so nice to have warmth in here honey i'm home hey how's it going everybody it's the famous hands how you doing buddy there's the famous guy how are you good to see you so charlie's over here working away oh yeah well i guess after a while you know what a lot of people said don't don't get the floor up before you move all the stuff around but honestly this whole floor is in rough shape it's not going to make one difference it's going to have to be sanded and redone anyhow yeah yeah so hands you know you never told us the story about how you fell of a tree so what was going on actually i had just started doing the trade i was 19 years of age this is cutting trees down right yeah yeah that was 19 at the time caught i like most 19 year olds coffee and full of pizza vinegar yeah well i spun around on that branch it was right after it started snowing got slippery up there fired up the saw cut my safety land here they come down 35 40 feet landed on the dog you landed on your head yeah what's the first thing you said i said good thing i'm a freaking viking otherwise i probably would have been dead and no permanent damage from falling on your head it just made me goof here oh there you go well we'll take it all right i'm gonna head upstairs and see how patrick's doing up there oh thank you guys for checking out the garbage there too hey how's it going upstairs here so there was concern about whether this was lead paint i can probably assure you that it is lead paint now lead paint is um you know as long as you're not ingesting it or it's creating a lot of dust you're generally okay so we are using a wood stripper today to get the finish off and it's coming back really nice so i've got a little bit of help today with some family out here and we're just kind of working our way around so it's looking fantastic it's looking great oh it's pretty much everywhere but there's less and less of it so this is the floor that's underneath there i think it might be like a douglas fir or something like that look at the old newspaper i gotta wonder what year that was stuck down there so this floor is gonna need refinishing and there are spots where people have patched extra pieces of wood in those so i'm not worried about the condition before i'm gonna have to redo it anyway i don't know what was going on with this light switch it's like wolverine lived in this house and he had his closet every time he was trying to turn on and off the light switch i'm guessing probably the end of a cane handle like the rubber tip of a cane probably did that but yeah that's a creative way to reach your light switch let's see our hands is doing oh he's been busy sweeping to the basement here see the cloud of [Music] dust [Music] overall the floor in the main living space here is not in bad condition you can see there used to be sort of a wall perhaps an archway that went up and around and somebody's removed it and all you have left is the remnants where it was there's kind of a funny uh joint here normally you don't butt hardwood end to end so we're gonna have to do a little bit of blending there but overall aside from a few uh repairs needed for where they had taken walls out and things like that the floor is very much salvageable and nice and solid but what i've been happiest with is if we go into the other room here the floor in the other living room here is really pretty good and um you know this would probably actually wash up and wax up not bad as it is if you want to have sort of a rustic look but you're getting the last of the the widow here and we've got back to a nice floor again [Music] choose this this box has a little weight to it oh i see hair human head ah it's a human head more like a wig on a mannequin head well that could be terrifying if this was at night and not nice and sunny outside i'm glad i found that in the daytime [Music] do [Music] one thing i'm not used to um being from the city here in a small town they're very friendly don't get me wrong and i know if you're from this town and watching some of you do watch this um i mean no disrespect but i'm not used to having strangers just walk into my house and that's happened i kid you not probably five or six times today i feel like i'm in mayberry um and the town was so friendly that you know i could probably just get myself drunk and go check myself into the jail with my own keys like otis did um so that's gonna take a little bit of getting used to but uh you know at least everybody's been smiling when they walked in the house it's just uh caught me off guard a little bit uh i'm just working my way through some of the last of the door here and then we're gonna try and pack up for the day because i'm pretty well beat and i think the guys are pretty well done they've got a lot of the floors out downstairs [Music] and i think they probably want to call it a night too so we'll wrap it up here and then call it a night now that the kitchen is empty we can see what we have to work with the back wall is still lath in plaster it's in pretty tough shape as you can see but that is a pretty easy repair we have a few things we have to work with one where some of the electrical is running we don't want to change it a whole lot but i do want to put an island back in and maybe do something a little bit more vintage and character with the kitchen here so we are trying to do some planning and my friend josh is going to come out with me next week who's uh artist and a carpenter and we're going to see if we can come up with something kind of funky to do in the kitchen area the existing island or counter was right there and i'm probably going to put something back in with perhaps a bar on the other side so you can sit at it with stools i do want to put a dishwasher in because that's a pretty nice thing to have and do a sink i do have an antique sink that i'd like to try and upcycle and give the house a little bit of character thinking about maybe a mosaic countertop and carrying it over to the wall where we can do some long case instead of having they used to have the two separated uh cupboards doing one really big cupboard all the way across to give it sort of that country look with the counter continued below and of course stove and a newer fridge in the corner so a little mix of old and new we've got some plaster repair to do and some wiring but with some planning we should be able to come up with an idea and start getting the kitchen back in place and you know maybe a couple weeks time and i ended up going for a ream six year 40 gallon um it's a little bit less money than the nine year so we'll get a little bit more bang for our buck it's about 116 dollars or so but it is gas it will replace the one we have in there but we do have a new hot water tank and that's gonna be going in hopefully there's room in the ambulance for it they tell me you can actually lie it down as long as you don't put it on the spout side which is gonna mark for me so should be okay the other thing i have to figure out is what sort of finish i'm going to put on the floor whether gloss semi-gloss or satin and i'm kind of thinking maybe a semi-gloss shiny too shiny is going to look like a gymnasium floor and that might look funny with the house satin might just look a little too dull so i think i'll probably go with semi-gloss and see how that turns out a little worried about my insulation there's no snow on the top of my roof which means the heat's going straight up and out so i've got such a icicle situation happening up there is all the snow is melting off if you look over the neighbor's place which is a cute little house they've got snow on their roof and no ice problems the house looks even creepier with all these icicles on it at some point i'll have to dress the insulation in the attic but that's not a today project so josh and i are having a look to see if there's anything we can repurpose or upcycle in the house so he's hunting around seeing what we can use and the mission is to try and rebuild the kitchen back where it was but to use original elements from the home or vintage elements and try and incorporate it into a new design so we're going to do a little scrounging around the house and see what we have that we can repurpose and hopefully find some cool stuff so they maybe put that stove here yeah we could leave the 220 in case somebody decides to switch into electric at some point yeah exactly okay and then we have the the spot for the vent above it okay so this is the basic plan for the one wall this is this is for the peninsula so we're gonna go dishwasher uh small cabinet underneath the apron sink we decided to go with the average thing because it's a little bit smaller the other one would have been too wide and then a void or something here on the end and then this is the other your baking pad right i was thinking that so either a cubby or a door whatever whatever it looks it could even be open with a slot so you could just stack stuff in there exactly so the pipe sticks out the back uh of the counter has a backsplash because the apron sink comes up and has a backslash and then we'll have a lean bar on top uh pipe's still exposed i think that'll look good now the back of that is my idea of the old door yeah so we changed it to just a regular door that we have because then we have all those nice panels yeah it i think it'll look i think it'll look really good on the back side so it'll come up be a lean bar and then we can put stools uh the pipe comes up here somewhere yep i think that'll look really neat cool and then the other wall right here this is a little messier but fridge not sure what we're doing up above it i'm thinking one of those felix's cat clocks up there yeah that's cool all right we'll just put one of those guys up there whatever i can't grow that good covered space with a or some sort of range hood somewhere in there the nice big stove yeah uh this is that ice box that we found on the porch there so we'll incorporate that as well we can and then either here it would be either cupboard space or the butcher block whatever we can kind of decide what is best uh i think butcher block might be too big for this project we might be able to use it somewhere else i think for this project we'll just do the same kind of counters all throughout all right okay i've got my brother-in-law with me today patrick who's back there getting some insulation out last week we noticed that i have absolutely no snow up on the roof of the house which means that my heat is escaping so number one priority today is to insulate the attic a little bit better so we're going to unpack the insulation out of the old ambulance and get that going insulation is kind of staged on the landing before you go upstairs and show you what the dilemma is this is kind of more of a third floor then it really is an attic proper staircase going up there's real there's no insulation at all normally what you do is you put the insulation down on the floor but we have hardwood floors up here so what we'll have to do is insulate between the joists and basically you lay the insulation in in between you staple it across the poly and then you tape all your seams so i'm going to leave patrick up in the attic of the house here today to try and get this sealed up a little bit better that's gonna be his job so we've got some of the insulation going up there we'll probably notice a big difference in the temperature up here once that stuff goes in and josh is gonna go and try and dig the kitchen sink out of the snow it's frozen out there pretty good and i said why don't you wear warmer coat and he's like no i don't need a warmer coat continuity for my video yeah he's doing his own little video of this too because he's uh i don't think built too many kitchens before so he's chipping it away and while he freezes out there digging that sink out when you're ready josh i'll come help you bring that in okay i'm gonna go inside and start prepping the walls and the plumbers are here as well doing a pressure test on the lines to see what we need to repair now you might ask yourself why you're having plumbing done when you've still got all this other work to do well the sooner we can get working plumbing in the house the better because the hotel rooms are costing me a fortune and this place is just about ready we have heat we have electricity we don't have water once we get that we can actually stay here and i can get the family to come out and see too so lots of reasons why i want plumbing to work uh working bathroom would be nice too so i don't keep running to the hotel um so they're gonna have a look at it and see just how bad it is or hopefully how good it is and then uh we'll check out what some of these stains are in the roof and maybe fix those too so i gave the walls a bit of a wipe with the tsp uh it's extra string so you gotta wear gloves and do it which i am because it is corrosive but that's a really good degreaser so helps clean the surface and now i'm doing some edging in the corners just to start getting it ready for when i'm going to bring the roller out i've got to do all along the tops and around the windows so i'm going to do this coat first and then afterwards after you've got the edges all done and the corners down you can roll it on taking a little bit of heat to get that thing out of there so trying to thaw the ground out underneath it to get this thing out it said do not disturb on your door so guess what i did i didn't disturb yeah but that was for the housekeeper so they wouldn't clean my room for no reason i don't just like reclaim and upcycle materials i also don't like make people wash sheets after one use i listen to signs so your truck won't start it won't start i got a i got a beef with this cold it's so cold that it hasn't started for like three days i've had to have a boost mine started no problem hopefully it starts oh i see exhaust hopefully doesn't die it died there goes okay we'll let his truck warm up for a bit then we'll head back over yesterday i was able to get a lot of fresh paint put on the walls in the downstairs and it's looking really great i'm going to start working my way through the back kitchens today but it's been a little bit dusty with all the work and construction that's going on naturally so i'll get my dust mask back on and many of you watching at home have said oh look at all the orbs there's stuff going on in the house there's been no sign of any haunting whatsoever in the house no signs of ghosts it's been completely normal here we've had no issues so not sure what the concern is but the place has been fantastic we're going to continue on in the kitchen and go from there go see how josh is doing how are things going oh you got some uh framing happening yeah i'm just uh this is gonna be the lean bar height call it a lean bar but there's going to be stools because it's kind of inconvenient to eat your breakfast here and this is a little high but it kind of has to be this high because the sink we're using has a backsplash that is going to come up to this height so this is just my uh reference piece yeah it's not the finished countertop obviously yeah so it's gonna come up to like here so okay and this this is just to give me some some looks see what it will look like i think it's going to look good and this is the side we're going to stick the door on the outside right yeah the door is going to go it's going to be recessed into here which is why i'm building this pony wall well the pony wall it had to be built anyways then there's gonna be another wall built in here to hold up this thing because the sink is heavier than yeah i know it's heavy yeah it's heavy and this also acts as a room divider too really yeah it's gonna look good if we put lights here and we're doing the beam up top at some point on the yeah yeah yeah we had to keep changing the plans for that hopefully hopefully we come up with something good first coat of primer is done in what used to be the green room the other kitchen uh we have to let this dry there's a few other cracks i had to fill and while those are drying i'm gonna start working through some of the other rooms i've aged considerably uh the dust has gone in my hair and i look like an old man uh and uh josh is busy working in the other room what's funny about josh is that he kind of talks to himself the whole way through so he's having conversations i'm always like what he's like oh no i'm just talking to myself but he likes to say things out loud like he's in an action movie like bam or uh nailed it like you just hear of like having celebrations over there which is great he's talking himself it's funny i haven't seen patrick in a while i'm gonna go up in the attic to make sure he's okay see how it's going how's this feeling a little bit warmer went out and pulled the uh furnace filter out and it was clogged like a piece of cake with all this drywall dust so luckily we've got quite a few furnace filters on hand and have to keep changing them out every so often how's it going pat well it's standing on your head i can see that okay i'm gonna come up quick looks like a nice little insulated ford up here it's definitely warmer can notice a difference right away [Music] there's the man [Music] as josh starts to work his way through the kitchen we found a couple things one the room has a bit of a slant this addition on the house has started to slide just a little bit it's slight let's say now that is repairable by jacking up the house the challenge with that is that all of the plaster is probably going to crack like crazy and add a lot more expense on the project which frankly i don't have so we're making some adjustments with the cabinetry to ensure that they're level when they go in and it really shouldn't be that noticeable or noticeable at all once you're in the house and in the kitchen so josh is working on the plan and we're starting to get things in place and i've come down to the basement to try and scrounge for a little bit of trim to go over top of the old bathroom door so this is probably off of one of the windows or doors so i'm going to take a couple different lengths up and see if i have one that'll work so i do want to upcycle and use the old trim in the basement i scrape some of the loose clean off problem is it's too long which means i've got to pop the trim off the top and then shave it get down hammer out wedge this apart we should be able to saw it off and it's the bathroom door that doesn't have any trim we're trying to put the old trim back on didn't have the original piece sadly so we're having to improvise using an original piece so we've measured it off to make sure it doesn't impede the light switch challenge is it's quite a bit longer so we're gonna have to remove this last little bit off shorten it down so we're just clamping the top back on i know that thing says erwin but i'd name it jed yeah of course you would be jet clamp it well things are looking pretty good the trim is back above the door i've just got it primed right now i'll paint that up tomorrow and was so glad that we were able to cut down and reuse that piece of wood and it will have that vintage look that will match the rest of the house there is uh one little dilemma we're not going to be using this as a door anymore the reason they had this divided was because they had it sublet as an apartment on the other side for a period of time so this has to come out and we have to arch it kind of like we did over there but that probably won't happen this week because we are running low on time and we've only got a little bit of time tomorrow i'm hoping i can ask the plumbers if they come back to put a toilet and a bathtub in here and actually get the water working in this place so i don't have to stay at a hotel forever but all in all a good night and time to call it a night hopefully the new installation helps with this icicle problem hey look at that thing jeez and not had to head back to the city but we did find some local contractors hey carmen how's it going not too bad looking pretty sharp coming along not too bad yeah this room was pretty rough was this the worst room out of the the ones upstairs uh probably the one next door is a little bit worse than this one but oh well had some wedding stuff well you guys said 20 years in the business yep been here 20 years yep and your daughter is now starting the trade too yeah she's in the next room working over there that's fantastic yeah well it's looking good i'm excited to come back and see what it looks like next week yeah for sure this is truly an exciting moment because the water is getting turned on to the house for the first time in probably you know three four years i'm a little bit nervous we're gonna have some leaks but i have plumbers on hand who have assured me they've capped everything off the mission today is to try and get the upstairs bathroom while the main floor bathroom working which i was working on yesterday so we've got the floors all ready to accept the tub i've been working on the tub and got it kind of painted on the other side so things should be more or less ready to go in assuming there's no major leaks we're gonna run some new lines up and uh maybe by the end of the day we'll be able to actually use this bathroom be pretty excited so we think we have water on right now i turned it somewhat but with that fence in the way i'm gonna have to go get it longer well there's something happening oh yeah some sludge some nice gross ew just getting lined up josh yeah just a temporary shim and we've decided not to put the microwave above the range we've taken your suggestions youtubers and we're not going to put it there i guess it can cause some heat or ventilation issues with sitting up top plus i'm not a huge fan of microwaves anyway yeah that was my wife hey melissa she doesn't yeah we don't really use a microwave for much i know a lot of people do if they'd ever decide they want to put one in they can put it on top of the counter or find another spot for it but it's looking good looking kitcheny and apparently in every project josh works on he hides in garfield somewhere so that's gonna be behind the upper cabinet so years from now somebody's gonna peel that back and see a garfield they're looking at some measurements it's cute sink yeah i got hot water and the toilet oh i've never wanted to hug a toilet more in my life other than when your stomach's sick and having to hug one there it goes [Applause] and fixing this toilet was kind of money down the drain but it had to be done so now we have our toilet working tub they had to kind of set this up until i can order in the proper handles i'm not going to leave it like that obviously these original spigots did not work sadly they were leaking so i have to measure that and try and order some online and that'll be today's mission part of it and the idea with the kitchen is to try and have an exposed beam that looks like it's sort of uh industrial arts and crafts and meant to be there so we've got a first coat of stain on it's probably gonna need at least one more but at least now it won't drip down on top of the work that josh will do in fact i don't know where he is um off to give him a call because uh it's just about 11 o'clock and still knows goodbye wolverine it seems i never knew you at all you had to turn the light switch on with your claws all out in a row [Music] okay guys so we got josh and josh 2.0 so uh you brought your brother with you what's your brother's name so my brother's name is jakota but you can call him whatever you think i said and you guys are both like contractors artists right uh yeah um yeah we both yeah we both did dabble we did framing together uh drywall taping he was a roofer for a while or a bit wow a bunch of different things and then yeah he's a i started doing art when i was sort of a kid and he started doing it when i started doing it and you do photography right photography yeah that's why that's like the main i guess uh art plug i guess you call it do you do instagram or anything oh yeah yeah what's your handle on instagram i've got uh so for my photography um okay so it's so i kind of have two kind of photographers photography uh my photo manipulation stuff is madness photography so m-a-d-n-e-z-z uh photography madness photography and uh my personal is jack madness with two z's as well sweet so people want to check it out they can go there right exactly so like that's like my personal one is like not it's kind of separate from my photography but it's still starting i don't know i don't have a plan you would have to have to check it so we got two artists working on our house that's right you guys ready to do some work three who's the third you are oh i guess yeah no one knows that yeah maybe people know you don't talk about yourself i don't know you're very good well i appreciate that i found these in the cabinet they're elegant sponges meant for washing your fancy 1980s car or your grow sink let this sit on there for a while i don't think this sink has been cleaned in ages i'll give it a chance to kind of do its work but i can see it's coming out pretty clean already makes me optimistic for how this tub is going to work the tub's obviously a lot worse oh well the sink came up pretty clean toilet obviously that's brand new there's nothing wrong with that and the tub well i've got a bit more work to do on the bottom of the tub i'm gonna let some of that stuff soak in there for a while and revisit it later today i've got the entire first coat done up on the ceiling and it's looking pretty good the reason i'm doing the first coat is that you want um a darker color is harder to cover with the light so you do your light colors first so in this case i'm doing the ceiling and if there's going to be any white trim in the room i'm going to do that first and then after that dries you do the color on the wall now the wall is going to be sort of that um it's kind of like your coffee color really uh we're painting the walls that color um so after i get the ceilings done in all the rooms and the trim on the baseboard painted that's when i'm going to start laying down the color on the walls and how's it going downstairs it's it's going it's going we got a little bit left uh oh there's still nails everywhere i mean other than that we're golden so how many nails do you think they put down every foot i think uh an excessive amount uh 30 million there's a lot there's a lot there's too much i would say yeah i would totally agree appreciate you doing that though hey i'm here we're gonna check this out so look out big the space is because the weighing in the wall yeah this is the latin plaster yeah so i have to cut this so that that doesn't show because another piece of trim is going to look weird because we're not going to put any beading on you so check this out just go since my pencil mark is is just where it would uh fail you just run the pencil along the wall and then once i have this um drawn out i'm going to cut that out with a jigsaw and it'll sit perfectly flush with the with the wall yeah that's a good trick so that trick worked pretty darn good that's almost an exact fit right against the wall often hours prime and paint it [Music] so remember the old fluorescent light that was hanging in the kitchen that i really hated well we got a new one it's slim it's um you know puts off really good light over top of the stove and it wasn't super expensive um so i found one that's gonna be really thin so the doors don't open into it but that's in place i'll see if josh notices this morning i kind of did that before you got in today i'm just getting some trash picked up and going around some of the stuff's been on the table ever since basically i bought the house haven't even gone through some of these little blankets these are like what they would call a mexican blanket people who have hot rods like these they laying out on the seats yeah for rat rod you've seen those on the seats before right on my old f-150 yeah that's like a rat rod mexican blanket that's why i kept those things guys like them oh look my rollers those will come in handy i can't find my good rollers yeah then there they oh wait hang on i think this is another boss you know let me i'm gonna do you wanna open that up shop for me i think that's another one of mary's it was inside of the this grocery store bag might be she had pottery from other artists too so i can never tell if it's gonna be one of hers or somebody else oh it's broken is it broken oh no it doesn't have a signature on it no is that all that's that's all the vineyard so oh that's just you know what it's like here we just have to have a happy little tree just a happy tree you know maybe he's gonna have some happy little friends and we'll put a little cabin just a nice little cabin happy little cabin right here in the woods wouldn't you like to live in a little cabin in the woods i know i sure would nice little happy cabin right in the woods trim has been painted dakota did a great job i'm starting to layer on the color with the roller now and it's starting to come in nice we're just gonna wait for this to dry i've got a bit more of the room to go and this is the room that was tied shut this was the room that actually kind of gave me the creeps at first when i was in this house but it is now one of my favorite places to be because it's got two windows it's always sunny and bright it is just a happy little room and i'm quite happy myself that we're getting the work done to it and this will be probably the first room that i'm able to put a bed in and sleep in when i come out to do renovations on the house oh i've got a lot more work to do but things are really progressing and the colors rolling on nice let's check in and see how josh is doing so what are you working on josh i'm just putting the fascia pieces on which are going to be painted all that jazz so then we can oh check this out oh yeah of course i'm really good at what i do and so modest this is going to be probably like a cutlery drawer or something like that and then we'll put another drawer over here which will be made out of uh the same drawer i'll just cut it down yep and then we'll be able to stick it in there and then we're going to have different hardware on it and you're getting the fascia i see yes everything up here is done i can basically do doors i just don't want to like keep going back and forth with the different tasks but yeah looks good thank you and you said that your brother-in-law is polish right yeah i was always wondering if you went to poland and you saw a sign that said pole dancing it would actually just be a bunch of polish people dancing they'd be doing their like happy festive polish dance yeah it's like it's like lame breakdancing yeah that's what you'd see so next time you go to a pole dancing bar that's probably what you see a bunch of polish people dancing inside of it so it's finally time for the carpeting on the stairs to come off dakota is having a great time uh ripping away on that stuff that doesn't look like the best way to do it but it's coming off he's going to be 100 stronger by the end of all this you know we have knives you can like cut that stuff right yeah that's probably the smarter right here you can see underneath it was painted um so i'll have to see what what we're gonna do with this stairwell there's the original finish kind of under there i've been meaning to do something with the upstairs light for a while now it is just kind of a bulb whatever the original fixture was is broken i brought some from my shop this is kind of the base of it right here right here that um has kind of a nice hanging glass globe that goes on there i'm gonna try and get that installed and see if we can replace what's just a bare bulb with kind of a fancy fixture so that is uh what's up for me it's pretty darn good that came out of an old hotel and now it's in an old house [Music] i'm not the only one who sings in the family i'm in the new the one the finished bedroom ta-da it's looking pretty good and uh what i get to do this morning is actually start to decorate so some of the furniture that i've been keeping from around the house i've been bringing in to this room and make it into a somewhat usable bedroom so feeling pretty darn positive let's go pick out some furniture from around the house [Music] so part of the goal this weekend is to make two complete bedrooms at work one with the queen bed one with a single bed i did find a mission style single bed locally and the price was right just sixty dollars delivered so that's going to help out with the budget it came with the box spring which looks clean and good i'll have to find a new mattress somewhere but you'd want to do that anyway so i'm going to take the parts for the bed upstairs and see if i can get it set up in the new room which i'm building um in what used to be the tide shut room is what i think of it as but we're going to take this upstairs and get her up well this was is the uh yellow room the one that has a secret room that goes up to the attic around the corner as you can see patrick has done a great job getting the wood trim back to being wood i've started edging the room and this with a new light fixture and the walls painted will be the next room to be almost completely finished in the upstairs making progress gonna be two rooms down and then two to go i've got some painting to do a florida sand and then this one i can actually start thinking about decorating maybe today or tomorrow the old yellow room is no longer yellow and it's just about done the one problem is the floor needs a little bit more work before it's ready i'm out of sandpaper for the floor sander i'll have to bring it back to me next time but this will have to be where i sleep for a little while so i'm going to bring the bed uh one of the beds that i bought while i was out here in town off of their buying cell page and get it set up in here so this could be a bedroom and unintentionally match the wood of the bed pretty much exactly the windows i'm not an evil genius i didn't know that was gonna happen but it's gonna look good [Music] oh first usable bed in the house and it's super comfy [Music] so this entire queen size bed combination cost me 420 bucks all together but it is a really comfortable mattress and before you say ooh that's gross it's a used mattress well it's well cared for um and what do you think of hotel mattresses it's been used um so it says this is sort of uh an extra home that we're kind of just getting ready to use this is gonna be like my hotel room pretty soon so really really comfy nice bed that matches the trim in this room and the yellow room is no longer yellow i have one uh two actually nice clean rooms that people can stay in now and that's a whole lot more than what i had a week ago [Music] i'll see if i can find a new home for this mid-century dresser need some cleaning but gonna put it in the other room and i've been told that the neighbor kids have been kind of peeking in the windows wondering what's going on here but there's been not much for them to look at so i'm going to set up a little surprise for them that uh you know they'll have something to talk about at school for whatever reason uh mary had a pickle display we call him rick rick the pickle man um so he's gonna be in our front window and i'm gonna leave the light on in here so he'll cast like a little shadow i think you're pretty funny we'll see if the neighborhood kids see that tonight as they walk by oh i left the light on so he'll just be a silhouette of a person staring out the window this is what people see at night walking up to the house there's rick up in the window that's too funny we ran out of clamps and we remembered i remembered that we had the antique one in the basement so josh is using this crazy old wood clamp and it's working so far yeah it is it's so rusty but oh there we go it's doing it yeah let's watch it squeeze you can get this he's laminating what will become part of a countertop together yeah needed one more clamp we happen to have that one downstairs that's cool no so we're doing this sort of bead board look this is kind of what we had originally this is what the kitchen would have been right uh yeah that's what the evidence is from downstairs and what josh is doing right now is kind of just holding him up with tape we're letting the wood grow it's actually cut it can actually expand a little bit more so like with this really cheap wood right this is just like uh spf so they cut down they grow these trees to cut down and they grow really fast and so they hold a lot of moisture inside them so even when you cut them you probably would notice this mostly when you're building decks and stuff you cut it you put it all in place and it either shrinks or grows these are really dry so probably nothing will happen but just in case this is going to test fit them let them stay here for a bit and we'll see how much we have to trim off the top just so they can open and close forever okay so josh has the doors pre-fit for the kitchen i'm starting to put some white paint on uh right down below so next time you see this kitchen i'll hopefully have most of these cabinets painted white [Music] do [Music] now to find all the missing pieces for the railing some in the front porch put those over here found some upstairs somewhere in the attic we're gonna see if we have all the pieces to reconstruct whatever this railing was a few little odds and ends to keep looking and here is generally what the staircase kind of looked like now they wouldn't build a staircase like this anymore but this one's grandfathered in because well it's an old house and that's what the railing was it looks pretty cool kind of fancy and i like it reminds me of mary's artwork how it's swirly so i'll see if dakota can come and screw this all in place yeah so kitchen sink is plumbed in i don't does he have the drainage hooked up on it yet and i found this very retro looking faucet online got shipped out really quickly i think it looks really good and the other thing i noticed is there's a working mop sink in the laundry room now this will all get painted out and look a lot better those are the water lines for the washing machine and the drainage is just going to go right in they'll be able to split it off when it's ready we have a bit of repair to do around here but the lines are in we can start prepping the walls and making it look better that's one less thing to worry about and somebody's asking about the dryer vent we're just gonna basically take it right out that's an exterior wall right here so we'll push it out the exterior wall when the time comes but for now at least i have running water in here gotta be careful with that one that's my biggest fan i'm picking stuff up off the floor i was gonna throw this out open it up it's full of jewelry so good thing i didn't that would have been lost i found this old mirror and i think that's going to be perfect in the downstairs washrooms there is no mirror there right now it's got that nice vintage kind of 40s or 30s art deck that we kind of look so i think that'll clean up nice and go on the wall see if i can't install that before the end of the day hmm i hear a pitter patter of little footsteps upstairs that's not santa claus but i think he's just as bearded back in his hands everybody hands came out to check out the progress on the house so what do you think so far well looking good yeah did you see that room yet yeah like you've got the two bedrooms i got two bedrooms done this one we got it the other day i see the plumbers have uh repaired the the sewer pipe perfect um so really we we're doing subfloor tomorrow and then we can actually start thinking about tiling pretty soon here and you're helping us out with a little uh ripping down some decks and talking some garbage after that too if you wish yeah absolutely but it's coming along hey yeah no it's much better than it was before i mean it takes time to refurbish a building oh yeah i know myself i mean done lots of it so well you saw this place it was at its worst downstairs look so awesome all those newspapers it seemed like that long ago no just yesterday type of thing yeah i think hands is up to something out there looks like he's starting to chop down the roof hopefully he's got a plan and he's not standing underneath it we'll check on them a bit i on the other hand have been in here starting to roll on the stain as you can see it's going on nice and even and it should dry to a nice sort of dark semi-gloss sort of shine well either the death star has just landed outside my window or hans has got the roof more or less off on the side porch there he works fast at man yeah you made short work of that but you get a lot more light in there and then when they come to do the stucco repair in a couple weeks time that should start to uh well it should make it a lot easier for them to do hey hans we're gonna head over and get a table at the restaurant okay so uh come on by whenever you're ready we'll be there in a little bit okay what time is it now six o'clock okay i'll probably just go until i got this cleaned off nothing's gonna come down and hurt anybody so no okay that's all good sounds good so josh has decided to report the countertops he was unhappy with it we bought a different material this week and it's looking much better already so we'll see how that turns out once it's all done [Music] the boys are helping to clear the basement it's going to be a big project there's lots down there do you need a hand [Music] well one thing it's certainly going to be a lot brighter in here with those all lit up edison style bulbs and it gives us a lot more light to work with the downstairs is looking pretty good i'm going to start applying the clear coat i just did this little spot here because i have to move the piano in and i need it out of the way so the piano is going to sit right over there that's probably gonna be its permanent home uh and then i can start laying the rest of the clear on the floor tonight before we go all right so josh is working his way through the second coat of stain after he gets that done is this the third okay after that's done the poly is gonna go on top and once he gets that all wrapped up i can start thinking about tiling the backsplash which i'm hoping to get done today before i leave we'll see how time goes uh you look a sink and i was all covered in plastic before but look it actually works we have to clean it up again a little bit a little dirty but looking pretty good we put a dishwasher in place not hooked up yet but there is a dishwasher where it needs to go and last night i got uh some clear on this section of floor brought some pieces of furniture down from upstairs and this set up overnight so it's okay to walk on now that's our makeshift coffee table right there out of the old steamer trunk so put some little legs on it and looking pretty good nice little area to sit read a book and this is the lamp which i reclaimed from another similar lamp made one working one out of two oh i'm going to continue to work my way through the front i've got to lay some clear in the dining room area because when i come back next week i'm going to try and set this back up again and really starting to look more finished and more like a home in the living room hey it's austin he's back so this is wet paint on the floor here this is fair warning so austin has been busy making doors and this was uh i told them this was kind of a priority one because it was you know we don't want to see the ugly basement anymore looks good did you bring the uh doorknob and stuff with you too or yeah awesome so yeah he's gonna get working on that meanwhile dakota who's sneaking by is working on baseboard in the other room josh is over there staining the countertop i'm filming a video my wife is cleaning and i'm gonna get back at it before too long here looking cozy up front though so austin he's just a small town boy living in a lonely world and killing it on the piano a magical pantry so this is no longer the back door this is a walk-in pantry the goal here was to try and create a little mystery so we left the window which we're going to trim out and paint later on we now have a spot i kept the corn pops box we now have places to put things a lot more extra storage and we re-insulated this whole room now josh has gone to great effort to trim it out so it looks like it's been here forever and we used a couple old doors because we have kind of a theme going of mysterious spaces so we used a couple of doors as the back to paddle it with so there's kind of that mystery of where did this go plus it pays homage to the fact that this was at one point an entrance way no more but it is a really cool space i'm loving the fact we have all that extra storage and this is the tile that's gonna eventually be going up on the backsplash kind of get an idea of what that'll look like once it's in there it's going to sit underneath of course it should look pretty nice there's melissa putting some stain on the floor it's looking good well actually it's not stained we're just clear coating thanks woody first tile in place i'm going to start getting my spacers in pretty soon here get them ready as i lay the second one which i kind of have laid out here so you kind of get it laid more or less where you want it drop it in eliminate my spacers so the exact right width for the grout you kind of do that all the way along with the bulk of the tiles in place i now have to start cutting the edges but i hear something in the background [Music] years and years she dried the whiskey on her [Music] [Music] i have been busy tiling and i'm gonna paint the walls or tile to maybe wipe the lower half i did do the area where the bathtub is going to be in the same sort of tile but i have to run out and get a little piece of trim tile that goes along the top i'll go and do that tomorrow but it is certainly looking a lot more exotic and interesting in here um you know it's looking pretty good he's run off but we're just about back down to wood through the whole floor here actually i think he's just about got it really we just have to clean up in here and then i can probably sand maybe even tomorrow this is really the last one of the last rooms that needs to be done this upstairs bedroom in that bathroom and it won't be long until we're finished up so you're saying you were not a talking headspan no so my sister-in-law i guess my ex-sister-in-law nikki hates the talking heads i like them not everybody's up for that kind of music but i will sing psycho killer every once in a while just to get her go and i'll sing it like him too psycho killer um you know what she does she gives me the evil eye she gives me the stink eye so should i sing that all night long no ever he is fixing flaws he fixes flaws i'm not a talker see what i have to put up with yeah he does well the dining room is looking a little more pleasant i had to use a couple chairs to weigh down the carpet because it was still curled there hopefully by tomorrow it'll be a little bit even remembered one thing though i've got one problem as the house gets a little bit cleaner and we're staying here tonight i forgot i had to clean the washroom which the guys were using for construction and stuff so i have to clean this all up because it's really gross right now and i don't think i want to have a bath in here if it's looking like that yuck downstairs now kind of having a look at the tiles for the backsplash i've decided to go with the subway tile and i've cut them down a little bit as you can see on the bottom flattened off so these are fit so i've got to get that something like that and then cut out the other little octagon pieces that need to go in i had to shorten it by one length so i do have some extra ones left over um i'm going to start putting them on and then i'll i'll cut out the shapes i need to put them in after now the floor is all dry in this room i'm able to get some curtains hung block out the sliding door start moving some nicer furniture back in good morning everyone today is kind of a different adventure we are going back to the house i'm really hoping to get a lot of work done over this weekend and try and get it more finished and more like a home um melissa and i have had a lot of fun working on the property but it's going to be time for us to let the home go pretty soon here i've got my brother-in-law patrick coming with me again today who i'm just waiting for right now um but it's gonna be kind of a sad visit this time too because i know um i can't go out and visit mary um sadly she passed away last week she left a married you know she is a lovely lady and a great sense of humor but she left a request that i am going to honor them for her funeral and that's for her last ride to be in my ghostbusters ambulance mary did have a wish that she would have her last ride in my old ambulance and that is what we're going to do i'm honoring that wish and so today i'm at the funeral home where we're going to be doing the funeral procession very shortly so we're gonna be going out uh permission from the rcmp with lights and sirens down main street here on the way the funeral home mary's going out loud and uh you know i think uh it's a fun way to go if you have to do it but i'm gonna be going around front to uh to upload mary and uh to head off to the [Music] cemetery [Applause] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] more [Music] bye [Music] [Music] the washroom is clean and in service so no more grungy construction washroom that's in pretty good shape oh i left my shampoo there gotta grab that after and this is kind of getting down to be one of the last messy rooms it's the first room i kind of started to renovate but um our good friend austin got the back door and we've got to come back with some weather strip you can see there's a gap up at the top so we have to do a little adjusting and and finishing but all in all it's a nice looking door and it works with the skeleton key and that is functioning let's make sure it's locked which it's not there we go working door and i did spend the night in this room here and i have to say i woke up terrified at least two or three times as i saw what was a figure leaning over my bed with all that looks like a pistol uh but in fact it's a pickle jar so my own fault like i scared myself um so what happens when you wake up at two in the morning and you blink and the first thing you see is somebody standing over you like this uh so pickle man got me pickle rick got me a couple times there but i'm gonna leave him in the window just for fun i have to say it's getting to be downright cozy in this house i'm really really liking it and the more work we do the better it gets but i'm going to check and see how the upstairs washroom is coming along and see what the guys did tub is in place i'm going to have to clean it and wash it and the walls are starting to get a coat of paint these are the this is kind of like the shower head that we picked out and i'm just waiting for a curtain to come in that hangs from the ceiling goes down but this tub is definitely going to need some cleaning just like the one downstairs so i'll probably put a little clr or cleaner in the bottom and let it soak throughout the day because i don't think anybody's want to use that the way it is it looks like i have another another working toilet so the washroom is definitely coming along i like your little like i didn't do the ramp i don't know you got going on here yeah if you're in a wheelchair and a unicycle you got one one one uh wheel one wheel yeah it's when when circus people get disabled they have a unicycle wheelchair uh and yeah that is their ramp but no i don't know somebody put that there it wasn't me i'm guessing probably one of the contractors um oh yeah i know oh my god you guys found that in the yard somebody built a sword it's like uh what do you call that fencing fencing yeah that looks like something that would not bend at all here it doesn't go right through that looks like something you would put that meat on and then you just oh like a skewer put it on people's plates yeah i guess you could fence and then like turn your fencing into a skewer after you're like ha ha a good game and then they just barbecue after my name is inigo montoya you're my father anyways go on that deck is busted i don't know i'm thinking about doing something bigger with that okay like a little wider so you have yeah because right now if people are coming out of the door there's nowhere for them to stand you want to go from like window to window or even bigger maybe even a little bit bigger you want i don't want to keep this sturdy uh railing let's see oh yeah it's a it's a minor death trap and those bottom steps which have turned back into soil yeah yeah so that's that's kind of the priority i would say the first thing would be building front steps because right now we have no good access to the house okay did you just go through the yes yeah see that's the problem that's the issue this is okay yeah that's this is an easy build yeah um so i don't know if you want to get dakota to start dismantling while you do a ufa run to go pick up wood yeah does that work did you bring any sledgehammers or sawzalls or anything we got a sawzall okay i didn't bring a sledgehammer didn't think of it well what's that other one the broken one uh well it's broke it was just the head of a sledgehammer i'll just throw the head at it yeah no i saw you trying to take carpet off the stairs all right and then uh the deck on this side before and after yeah well this was all rotted this area right here was pretty rough before just by the front gate now the snow's going i can kind of see it looks like i might have a stone walkway underneath all this i'll get the broom and see if i can't see where that leads i feel like this should be a bbc documentary and as you can see the romans left there mark by paving a path of solid stone but in this case it's my sidewalk and i don't know how far this is going to go i mean presumably you'd think it'd go all the way to the door i've already got about three feet so far trying to figure out where exactly this goes you'd think it would come in the gate and go straight to the door but no it looks like it veers off to the side and maybe it winds up to the door i don't really know i need a little bit better tools than what i have but you know it is kind of cool you finding stuff under the ground that you didn't know was there i'm kind of just using this rake right now see if i can find out where the stones are you feel like it's hard in that spot right there i'll take it away i was able to get the backsplash tile in and really i don't mind the square pattern i think it looks pretty good it's going to look nice and clean once i get the stove back in there we're going to go grab supper i'm going to come back and work on that a little bit more and then i have to do the bum dreaded hexagon not octagon tiles um i have to finish that up after dinner so off i go to grab some food and we're going to continue on later tonight there now just to let that dry and set up then i can come up and start working on the trim around the doors later on today for now i'm gonna go back and work on the kitchen for a bit i realized i left the lid for the clear coat one of the rooms which i can't access now which is almost as bad as painting yourself in the corner i have to find another lid down here somewhere cap this thing off there plus the one in the front yeah they didn't have wooden stringers i had to get metal ones this is a bit of a bummer but it'll have to do i took a minute to uncover the old sidewalk which is actually pretty large it goes about three four stones across and you get near the door um a lot of seeds oh not seeds a lot of needles from the old pine trees to pick up but a fellow is going to come by later on and pressure wash these and we'll have a chance to see exactly what the sidewalk looks like when it's cleaned up kind of excited to see oh there she goes see if we can uncover our mystery [Applause] sidewalk [Music] [Applause] so hey dakota yeah domo erigato mr roboto you know why because this yard's full of sticks i've been busy doing a little bit of wiring in the house and i said goodbye ceiling fan and hello to an antique light fixture at least this one puts off a bit of light in the front and it was fairly dark up here before and it matches all the other hotel ones that i put in the house actually it's from the same uh salvage hotel that the upstairs light and some of the other ones that put in are from so at least there's gonna be a bunch of matching light fixtures butcher block table in place we've got the spherical shaped lamp above it to give you a little extra light when you're working so now we have this nice center island a good amount of walk space in between the cupboards and the tile and the grout is all complete and i'm really happy with the way this is coming along i will have to figure out what to do with that little gap in the stove there was a clock there at one point but all in all it's looking really good new front steps which are looking fantastic and sturdy guys yeah and then around the corner we have our lovely new deck and honestly this place is starting to have elements of it that are way nicer than my own home i know i've said that before but i'm really liking this house well the guys are setting up our good friend carmen who's local to the town of provost here has a contracting business he's got scaffolding ready they've started prepping the surface of the exterior of the house and getting it ready for parging they're going to repair the cracks and the foundation at the bottom here uh and getting it ready for paint so pretty excited for those next steps oh i see something a little different do you guys notice anything different about the house uh it's a different color they painted it it's got its makeup on huh let's go check it out well this is a nice surprise it's starting to look pretty good oh i see you've got one window painted up top there too oh dude is it just me or do i have new windows up top you have new windows up top wow well that wasn't you but it's looking good well the paint the paint was all carmen it's really starting to spruce up isn't it i mean from this angle you never know it was the same house really well that's great well i'm gonna go give my mom the royal tour here i really like this color it's sort of a colonial blue and with the white trim it really sets it off now we also have the guys coming back to put new gutters on so they're going to replace any boards that are rotted and i'll have new gutters before alone too i'll find my mom inside and give her the tour you guys got started without me in here i was yakking but i didn't have a chance to give you the ta-da tour but i'll do that now okay mom so is there enough counter space in this kitchen there's tons of counter space in here like i was just saying you can always put stuff up here too while you're working so yeah lots of room yeah it's really big it's bigger than i thought yeah it is i know a lot of people come in and they don't i mean they see the video and they don't think it's a big kitchen but it's probably i don't know over 100 square feet i would say it's if i remember it was like 12 by 12 or something like that it's a good size i put a baker's rack here oh yeah yeah you could put shelving there you put anything against that wall so we can left it open so we could figure out what to put there yeah okay you gotta come see upstairs [Music] it's been two years since i've really been out here and been in the house we had the property rented and this will be my first time seeing it today since the renters have moved out so i'm curious to see how it held up and uh later today i've gone to xenobia and hans coming out austin tomorrow and we're gonna do a lot of work and uh get this place uh tip top again it's kind of a funny feeling going back but we'll uh pull into town any minute here and i'll show you guys how it looks okay guys this is it first walk through in two years um i did already go and put some paint supplies inside so i had kind of a peek of what i'm gonna be facing here but let me show you from the outside the house looks more or less similar however there's some pop bottles lying around um this drum fire pit thing is sitting here which will have to go i can see there's a couple uh broken down looking microwaves on the front step a bunch of car tires barbecue so there is some debris light bulbs missing off of the uh exterior exterior porch light let's see the other side i'm gonna move this out of the way there's some kind of water line don't know where that came from we walk around the other side here this is where the new deck was okay that looks about normal okay let's go inside so i don't like seeing broken appliances here there's remnants of the little sign i left here the once glossy freshly finished floor is now kind of worn really worn i have to redo that there's all sorts of garbage and junk lying around in here oh well i noticed something right away the ornate um window clings those cost me 200 bucks to put on they took them off so that's gone in the house there doesn't appear to be a single wall that doesn't have major patches done this is more than just a nail hole this is uh quite a bit of paint here's the curtains i put in did they ever wash them no safe to say those are trash now they're ripped too so my curtains are ripped my chandelier looks like this arm has been bent down a little bit yeah it's broken we got a broken arm on the chandelier tons of patching look at all the holes that were you know all the holes that were in the wall this door we actually had to replace before because uh this door was brand new i want to say two months ago we had somebody come put in look how filthy it is already look how filthy that got in just two months and um austin says it looked like somebody kicked the door in and they broke the trim off the other side so there's the broken trim tiles are missing that were once there more patching more filling washing machines missing i mean that i kind of knew about they said it stopped working but still you can see it doesn't look like it's been cleaned very well grime and dust kind of all over the place we got these random old tvs sitting around in here some kind of hide-a-bed light switch cover has been pried off something weird's happened there that wasn't like that going upstairs every wall is patched or smeared with dirt or grime again patches everywhere i have to repaint the whole entire house there's no other way around it the whole entire house will need to be painted some giant 70s tv brought up here 80s tv the uh i had a little cover for that that's missing all my freshly painted trim on the bottom is all chipped to heck oh every single room every single room needs something to say that this is a disappointment would be a real understatement i put months and months of my heart and my soul into making this a very special home and to see how it was treated and i have to say the house also doesn't smell very good i'm gonna go open the windows up upstairs in fact trying to air this place out to see the kind of shape it's in now i have a feeling it would uh another another year or so of of renting and it would have just looked as bad as it did before definitely not happy with the situation here not at all also my heat vent is missing my my my heater duct is com completely gone that was over there i had a nice antique metal heater vent it's it's just gone i'd like to say this is almost comical but the cupboard doors are broken right off their hinges just boggles my mind it's just unbelievable dishwashers pulled out all weird that was a brand new dishwasher i put in [Music] so i guess this is kind of day one in the house ponz is here we just had supper um zenovia is on her way in now we're going to try and get a lot of the work done upstairs first some of the painting in that hans has sunshine we've got a little visitor with us i guess that's the guard dog um while they're getting their stuff all geared up and ready i'm gonna start in a place where i didn't think i was going to start and that's the downstairs bathroom the reason why i want to get a little bit of work done here is that i want to paint the bathtub a different color we're going to different flooring and fix the tiles let me show you as you can see the green tiles kind of stood up on that side okay but there's some that have fallen off and i have to repair that um i'm not going to keep it this green color which is somewhat original to this part of the house instead we're going with more of a white and gray sort of theme we're going to keep it very neutral we're getting the house ready for resale um we're going to do some fresh flooring in here and i think that to go with sort of that lighter tone the bottom of the bathtub i'm going to do black so the first thing i'm going to do here today is to get some paint on this roller and i want to do this now because i want it to be good and dry when we are in here doing the flooring and stuff because i don't want anybody have to rub into it and actually get paint on themselves so i'm going to do the whole bottom and black why so severe you might ask well trust me when it's mainly all white in here it'll be a statement piece and it'll kind of modernize it the green is friendly and cool um but i really want to feel more uh sophisticated let's say so i'm gonna get painting i'll show you what it looks like when it's done who would think the first thing i would do would be to paint a bathtub but there it is a black bathtub already looks a little classier just wait until we get this room finished up this room is going to get quite a bit of renovation work done to it that is the first thing for right now though i hear hans up there we're going to paint upstairs but we need the paint yes you're missing something you're missing something hans yeah all these walls are the same color um which is this fossil gray is this light working here still let's see well we got something happening there that one has patrick huh you saw patrick this is the oh he be this is where he haunts this upstairs hallway here patrick that goes left behind is patrick the tv so i think in these rooms because we're picking the same color we can probably cut a little bit better along the top because it looks like maybe last time we didn't do the best job but uh this shouldn't be that bad to paint because it's going the same color anyway so hopefully this will go pretty quick it shouldn't be too bad so hey you guys gonna pick rooms get a room that's how when you're painting get on you get a room to paint him that's what i meant to say oh wow she's going to her room oh she's going to her room well i guess while you guys are uh up here painting i'm gonna go downstairs and start edging the uh downstairs walls in that white okay i'll come back up and check on you in a bit i'm going back downstairs which room do i want to tackle first the kitchen or the laundry room kitchen or laundry room well tough choice where's the light switcher in here i haven't been in here for so long oh there it is it's on the wall there we go huh maybe i'll do both i'll start edging in both rooms and i'll do the trim or the not the trim but i'll do the the borders and i can come back with a roller and do the whole do the whole thing but this wall is definitely going to need some cleaning it is disgusting and behind the dryer is terrible oh my gosh i can only imagine what this was like before they quote unquote cleaned it oh my word this is what was underneath the dryer which is what i expect the entire room probably looked like before and they just didn't move this thing out of the way look at the back of that disgusting well i best get the broom and get busy most of it swept up from down here i'm gonna have to find a shop back somewhere while i'm in town it was enough to almost fill a hefty garbage bag i didn't even know that much stuff could fit underneath the dryer before i get started on the trim though i'm going to head upstairs and see how honda's and over making out i feel like they're probably further along than i am with all this your paintbrush is walking away your paint brush oh she's walking away she's uh she's kind of cute for her paint brush she is she's too cute for a paintbrush you got this tape in the floor because i don't want to paint on the floor and this is one of the good floors yeah so this is a good one yeah okay okay so everything is what uh getting painted this color all the walls are fossil gray and the lower trim stays white and of course the wood stays wood so this gray color is the wall color for the whole upstairs okay okay i'm gonna go yeah you got her taped off and uh i'm gonna go get started downstairs i'll take the garbage i've got a bag going down there now uh yeah there's a primer white that i've got now i was never really a fan of these sort of mid-century cat well i don't mind the cabinetry but the fact that they're just plywood um wasn't really up my alley um and we're going with a much more white more of a clean look so they are going to get painted out white same as the rest of the room hopefully that will all tie together and look better but i'm getting the uh edges and stuff done now so that eventually i can roll this entire room cabinet included when i first came out to this house when i first bought it it was minus 40 degrees for almost the entire time that i was here and now that i'm back re-renovating it it's plus 40 degrees why it's a geographical anomaly this place is plus 40 degrees on either side of the digits it is sweltering warm outside it's not much better in right now we didn't bring any fans with us didn't think about that but uh it's okay we're gonna open up the windows let some fresh air and hopefully by morning it'll be a little bit cooler in here for the time being it's like a free swedish sauna one thing i didn't notice before and we were just looking at it this morning is that this little bush here is full of what looks like little cherries i just thought it was a scrubby little brush brush when we uh trimmed it back last time and it's got flour yeah it must have had you know the leaf to me it looks like kind of a cherry or something we'll look it up i'm not gonna sample one later i don't want to find out that it's nature's laxative or worse well that wouldn't be good i know you guys ready for uh another exciting day we are so we're gonna paint that room right at the top yeah that one up there no right up there oh this one oh that one well sure you can if you want that's the lookout tower up there that's my favorite room it's my favorite area too i love it up there i've always imagined putting a train set up there or something oh wouldn't that be neat getting the tape off well there's always a little bit of touch up so i still have to run out and get the white paint for the bottom but the walls already look so much better with the fresh coat of paint yes starting to feel fresher in here already the room honda's working on same deal it's way cooler in here today oh not so hot as well it was boiling last night last night i actually had to work without a shirt on because it was so warm up here hey well it's better than the other way around at least you didn't have to work without your pants on oh it was hot so i took my pants off that reminds me of the dad on the goldberg show but yeah i know it's looking better in here too we'll get uh some white paint so we can touch this all up later where did you go huh where'd you go i did you hid around the corner this this is the door that was wired shut from the inside somehow yeah yeah it was like i had to uh wiggle through and then it was hooked and wired on the inside and i it was there was some artwork and all sorts of uh sewing notions and fabric and stuff another trafficker yeah it's actually a it's a it's a nice little room it gets lots of sunlight yeah it will it's it is it's a nice house i can't say anything bad about this house at all austin is here everybody austin yeah look at your shirt got this look we got to make it look like that again i didn't get one what are you special he bought it i should have i should have had us all wearing potter's house swag my mom did that painting in the house oh that's what people say like why is this house so important to you it's everybody involved in it was just so wonderful and so fantastic and um you know yeah i when we did the walk through the fella said he decided to take the all my vinyl cling off because he's like one of them started appeal so he took the whole thing off like what'd you do that for now i got to do the whole thing over again that was like at least a couple hundred bucks for that stuff but anyway um so austin you're here to help yeah and uh did you bring your dump trailer yeah okay we'll probably use that tomorrow because the um the tenant has said he's abandoned everything on site um so we'll have to load up a dump trailer at some point um but what i need your help did the door come in yeah okay well let's start with the door then um austin is gonna be coming in to the kit we'll probably work in the same room at the same time um the door that he built last year looked beautiful but i think it was kind of green wood right like the the lumber mill might have sold some green wooden shrunk of it quite wet i've never seen one of my doors do that before so well like especially the panel yeah the panels for whatever reason it doesn't well even at this point it doesn't matter we have a fresh door to go on and i've been trying to do some edging around it so we didn't get too much in your way so if you want to start with the door that'd be a good place to start and i'm going to be painting in here at the same time so we can talk and chat and visit um hans and you're okay to paint upstairs yep we're going upstairs we're gonna get some there's hey there is our famous little mask spot that's right that's sunshine don't worry she's friendly i know she looks rough but she's friendly she might lick you don't worry about her eating you well i am about to start on this wall it's my favorite part it's rolling always so satisfying to get the paint on the wall for the first time i did my first coat looks really patchy right now but don't worry it's just drying um we're gonna get rid of all this mint green we're gonna go with the off-white kind of color smokey white by was it benjamin moore can't remember smoky white is a color anyway um so i gotta make this all smoky white in here austin's getting the door and so i don't know where he went to there's a door there now that wasn't there five minutes ago but there's no austin he's probably getting hardware or who knows he's doing austin stuff and i'm gonna get busy and get rolling taking a break right now from painting just for a moment because uh we have to get started on the bathroom pretty soon but they need the tiles to be on and dry so i'm gonna use some pl 60 which is a construction adhesive we're going to take some of these spare tiles that thankfully i left behind last time and we're going to stick them back on the wall where they belong austin has taken over for me in the painting duties is i am going to start working on the bathroom now i have replaced the missing tiles those are in place and drying but we're going to try and refinish these existing tiles that is possible to do but you have to scuff the surface down first so it has something to adhere to um so i need to get the sanding block and start prepping it's been a while since i did a little walk about here grabbing the ladder because i'm starting to uh prime not just the tiles in the bathroom to get them ready for paint but getting the stairwell primed because i am going to be changing the color up on the stairs you can see the wood and the red are going to be no more i'm choosing more of a light palette for this house i want it airy and fresh and happy and so we're picking all these nice fresh happy colors but if i look behind me i mean austin is making a short work of the edging around in here so i'm trying to get some of the trim done before he gets to it um but man it's looking good already that's some careful detail edge work happening there yeah i did in my bunk house i did all these craftsman style window casings and i painted them afterwards so i sort of got a little bit of experience doing this had to get used to it and uh the kitchen we got to move the fridge out to get behind there but the kitchen's coming along i think what i'm going to do we're going to do that door white back there too which is the door to the pantry and we'll get that kind of cleaned up but already feeling much brighter and happier in the house and uh once we get all these rooms done then eventually i'll get to the floor here but um for now i'm not gonna focus on that i have primer on my brush which is why i'm using it up here i'm kind of doing the sides of the steps and it's a really heavy it's like an oil-based cover stain primer it's really good stuff i've got to get that top piece button down up there sides of the steps and the banisters at the top and then we'll do the uh the rest of it here too so got my work cut out for me i best get back to work yeah i'm midway through getting the uh banisters painted white it's gonna be very different looking very much more kind of dramatic i think the goal here is to paint the banisters um these fancy little banisters here white and i've got the primer on the sides in the back white and the top is going to be like this barn wood gray and i think it's going to look really sharp once i'm done it but already as austin was saying feeling so much brighter in here already and just wait until we get this light fixed and we get the floors painted it's going to feel fan hey i have most of the primer in place on the banister on the railing coming down i figure while my brush is still got primer on it i'm going to come over here i'm going to do this door you can see i kind of started painting one pocket and i thought well i should show these folks what it looked like before and then after this was an antique house door i think we found in the basement it was not the right size for anywhere josh fit it to be a pantry door and i am going to paint it white so it matches the rest of the kitchen well i'm going to paint it primer and then we'll paint it right afterwards okay the steps are steppier it's not a real saying but they are in primer and um that's exactly where i need it to be so it can dry and be ready for us for tomorrow the upstairs hallway will need to be painted out because i'm done priming now the next step is going to be painting the um the walls i have been uh busy doing that and uh forgot to i'm gonna have to use some paint thinner to get this off because the it was oil based it doesn't wash up very easy uh while i've been over there doing that austin has been behind me painting uh the walls in the upstairs here in the main floor and so far we've got um just around the corner of the door completed and if i look behind me this one wall is just about done the kitchen is progressing nicely in its new lighter fresher colors i've got to haul the fridge out of there and the stove out and i did get the door primed as you can see it's no longer that wood door and really i just wanted to kind of blend in more with the wall so it doesn't stand out interesting piece and i think that it didn't need to be the wood grain for it to be architecturally interesting against this back wall and of course that was the old back door and no longer the pantry which is a nice feature to have in the house one thing though i noticed that they stained encounters i don't know what they got on here what happened but i brought some product with me that i'm going to try on it they're supposed to draw oils out of concrete it's one challenge you kind of can run into if you have a concrete countertop so i'm going to be using the same stuff i use on my driveway at home which is this uh this hold locally i don't know if they probably sell something similar in your area it's basically a paste you put on and actually pulls oil out of the concrete and dries into a white dust i use it on my driveway trust me i have british cars i need to use this stuff a lot i use it on the driveway it even works on asphalt it does a really good job of getting oil out of material i'm gonna see if it does anything to help lighten that darkness there i'm gonna get that on there we'll let it dry overnight and see how it looks tomorrow night time end of the day everybody's left except for me uh not because they abandoned me but because it's late and uh you'd be impractical to ask them to keep working but uh i'm a bit of a workaholic if you haven't watched my channel long enough you can learn that about me i almost can't sleep when i know there's a task at hand that needs to be done so i'm here trying to get one more coat of paint on the wall so it can dry overnight so we can do a second coat tomorrow um i did and set that down for now i did get some other things done around the house i'll show you first coat of paint is going on the staircase and the wall the main floor living room well i have to figure why the other light isn't working but it's basically painted again we repainted it today a lot of the greasy hand prints and dirt and other things are gone and uh it's looking brighter we still have to do all the trim that's really scuffed got almost an entire first coat of paint done in the main floor here my primer's on the back door and as for the bathroom well basically i went so far as to get um first coat of primer on these old tiles why am i painting tiles well honestly we're running out of funds here so that's what's happening but it's going to look good i mean i scuffed them i sanded them down i put a good adhesive primer on there we're going to do a gloss coat of white on it so it should be just fine laundry room is pretty well well it's getting there but it's getting dark in here right now there first coat actually i think we've done almost a second coat in most room we had to do some repairs around the dryer where there was some damage so we'll paint that up but you can see my cupboards are getting turned white i'll do the lips there tomorrow and get that closed up and put the handles back on the room is feeling much brighter much brighter than it did before there that's a better view you can kind of see luckily these curtains seem to survive they survived mary and they survived the tenets and these old bark cloth curtains are good i'm going to leave them right where they are because i like them there's still so much to be done but i'm gonna call it a night pretty soon i'm gonna get last coat of paint on the wall i'm trying to finish this little area right in there get that done and i'll pack it and call it a night and we'll get this wrapped up again tomorrow first thing in the morning didn't have a great sleep last night i was almost passed out at 11 pm and i heard a lightning strike well i guess i didn't hear the lighting so i heard thunder and i saw the flash of lightning out the window it was at that exact moment that i realized i left all the windows open on the upper floor of the house because the house kind of stinks or it did it's smelling better now but i've been airing it out uh so i ran over there like a crazy person shut all the windows it was the strangest thing we had rain outside of our hotel and lightning and then we get about a block away or i get about a block away and there was nothing there was no rain at all so uh the house didn't get wet thankfully i did wake up this morning i don't know if it affected their hot water tank but i woke up this morning and there was uh no hot water so i uh i let it run for probably four or five minutes nothing so i basically subscribed myself to washing myself like a monkey in a puddle and splashing myself at whatever i had to do and to that moment the water starts to get hot so i did end up getting a normal shower after washing myself like a wild monkey for like two solid minutes um hans and zanovi i guess they were out geocaching until late last night and he sounds tired i don't think they got back until probably 11 or midnight themselves they weren't out partying they're out geocaching i guess the things nobody's gonna have to show me what that is either way we're gonna meet up for breakfast and then back over to the house to continue on first order of business today is to get rid of all the junk the tenants left behind we've got a dump trailer here thankfully i foresaw the fact that they would probably have left a mess for me so i did ask austin to bring his dump trailer start getting this stuff loaded up and out the door morning austin oh you're looking like rock and roll austin this morning we started a bit this is mainly just out of the porch oh i think what we have here was the onset of a hoarding situation again you know empty boxes actual trash put in bags and just left in the basement and stuff this is nothing in here is anything that's salvageable it's all junk but on the plus side we were talking last night about your cool truck it's a cabela's truck which is a outdoor store people probably know that i didn't even know they made a cabela's ford with the special rims and the trim and all that that is a cool vehicle i was i was eyeballing it yesterday i think they only made them for two years 2009 2010. this is a 2009 so first one i've ever seen when i bought it so i didn't really know the story behind it until i looked it up and it's in great shape no cab corner rust or anything and fancy dancy uh interior anyway i'm gonna quit oogling your truck and uh start bringing boxes up from the basement thanks for joining us again today i have to start painting this back corner in the kitchen because the fridge was in the way got out of the way now and after moving the fridge discovered more mess i'm surprised we don't have mice all in here with the amount of dog food all over the floor but i guess i've got some sweeping to do before i can even get back in there and start cleaning so i'm here and i was kind of bummed out because um everybody was like oh maybe josh is going to come see you and he said i'm busy i got chickens look after and stuff and he phoned me i should have known because he made such a big deal out of the fact he couldn't come that he did come not only did he come he brought his uh twin brother dakota with them and of course ryan too if you haven't seen his channel you gotta check it out it's amazing i have never included helicopters in my videos that guy's got production quality right there um so you guys have come to help out yes sir okay now you missed a lot of the worst of it and i was here earlier this morning we took two two dump truck size loads of garbage out of the basement and porch of this place there was three giant tvs i had to throw my stove out my like i we brought our stove from our house and let them use it like our good stainless steel stove yeah it was so disgusting i couldn't even like cleaning it wasn't even an option it was so bad we had to throw it out why did they melt something on it it was the top was filthy but the inside looked like it was slimy and horrible so that this was this was my thought well he he called me and he was like hey do you think alex could use another hand and i was like i'll ask so when i actually called you i didn't actually plan on coming i was apologizing that i couldn't come it seemed so sincere no i i wasn't going to come but then he called me yeah and i was like so you're the reason why i have all these extra helpers today what a good guy when i saw how you reacted i've been in very similar stressful situations and i really felt for what you were going through and i thought i it was so great right now i can help i i'd like to help if i can so i appreciate it you know it was a lot worse than what i showed on camera we found feces in the upstairs bathroom yeah you were telling me that yeah so when you told me that kind of stuff oh that's plus maybe other things that you that's got to be intentional yeah like get your goat somebody peed on the upstairs floor we can smell it and there's feces in the bathroom let's hope that was from an animal not a person uh how is that animal gonna get inside a bathtub and specifically take it i mean yeah but i mean i'm just you know being optimistic animals animals don't plan that far ahead this is what i've learned uh but you're here now and we're gonna fix it and we're gonna make it beautiful i've been here for two years i i actually like this is my first first kitchen ever made actually you know what the wood stood up i thought the wood was gonna be totally trashed the wood was okay i love this door here yeah oh thanks that is really that was like that was his idea and then i was like okay you know like that i'm sure my wife wouldn't let me put it so before before i even got here carmen came and patched all the walls and there was probably 30 40 holes per wall um and he did uh repairs the ceiling which probably weren't their fault that was the house settling so there were some things that were not their fault but there was an awful lot of things that were um yeah the countertop got stained i put i i put some of this stuff on it yesterday and it took some of it out and i'm hoping that maybe we do it all over the place well i did do it all over the place this is the first time i ever did concrete for a countertop i remember some folks were thinking that these were going to crack within a month you know them with horrible tenants yeah they spent two years and they're still good there's a stress test there okay so enough talk i'm gonna get you guys to work then yeah all right i like looking at everything okay i am absolutely floored that the guys showed up to help um they all want to work problem is we only have so many paintbrushes and supplies i've only got enough tools for three people to be painting not six of us um so i'm rushing off to the store to grab some more paint and some more supplies this place is really going to take shape i have them for the day and we're going to make good use of that day but what awesome friends i have i couldn't ask for better ryan is upstairs edging the hallways for me we have austin repairing some wood rot on the front doors and surprisingly he happened to have an extra piece of door jamb i don't know where that wood went you just randomly had the exact right piece of wood we needed in the car so uh that should be not a bad fix i am painting the stairwell but i'm taking a break to show you guys what's happening zenovia is putting a second coat in the kitchen josh is painting the cabinets in the kitchen they're looking so much better already right yeah hans is sleeping on the job are you having a nap by the toilet no under under the bathtub oh i see a little sleepy time well yeah you know i'm an old man i need to have my general beauty sleep oh you gotta have the beauty sleep hans is busy taking out the uh or working on taking out the bathtub hopefully it's not too hard because it was just out a couple years ago um because we're gonna put some new flooring in here and if i go outside if i go this way and peek around the corner we have dakota who's out painting the door painting both doors or paint no paint in the one door yeah the door that was brand new and looked like it was a thousand years old after it got dirty after like a week anyway so we're all busy working away i'm gonna get myself a little roller and uh start doing some trim work up here well how's it going in here hon well it's going all right i got everything off the floor and everything we should get everything paid before i get too crazy with the floor though yeah it looks like kind of a prison bathroom in here right now well yeah but it'll look nice once you get it like this over here yeah once it's going to be all white it'll look good so zenovia is going to come over and paint and then after the painting is done we're going to get the rest of the flooring put in but that's going to be the new floor there and this has got to go white so okay i'm going to get out of your hair so that you guys can get the painting done in here we decided to reinstall the original gas stove that we actually custom built this kitchen around um it is plumbed in for gas and electric the last tenants over here wanted electric so that's what we used the gas line we're not going to hook up but that could be hooked up at some point the funny thing is this stove which was last used by mary borgstrom in probably 1976 is a thousand times cleaner than the brand new stove i put in here 18 months ago that we actually was so bad we had to throw it out anyway this one's going back in and it should look real sharp and it's new home well it's old home that was my other back it is the end of the day and guys thank you so so much for coming all the way out here well austin you didn't have very far to go but thanks anyway but no i was i was saying to ryan earlier like i i'm not one for christmas presents for myself but this was like christmas for me having you guys all show up here you know um i was really stressing i was actually losing sleep last night trying to think about how we're going to get everything accomplished and where we left it today is essentially um some cleanup uh flooring in the bathroom and i have to paint the floor on the steps and down here and then it's almost time to walk away so i could not have done without you guys thank you all very much very much very much so here is the crew and the magical car that made its way to alaska north to alaska um check out the series yeah they need to check out the series it's absolutely stunning um well looks like you got a few more trips left in this old beast this is a little rusty but not many cars rival the size of my ambulance but this one definitely gets there uh but now we're off for some dinner so i guess we'll meet you guys at the restaurant sounds good it is 11 pm everybody else is gone either home as josh and dakota and ryan head back to the city order the hotel where zenovia and hans are i came back to do a little bit more painting because i really want to try and get as much done and get out of here if i can after tomorrow but to do that we need to get the steps the floors and all that painted and that's really hard to do when you have a whole crew of people uh walking around and doing work so i thought the best thing i could do would be come back and take care of a lot of work here myself um tonight so that it's dry we'll have the entire night for everything to dry and then we can use these steps um you can't do this tomorrow because um hans is working on the bathroom tomorrow downstairs and it's inoperable and so the only usable bathroom will be the upstairs one which means that you can't really paint the steps when you gotta walk up and down all day anyway i'm gonna stay here for probably as long as it takes to get these stairs done and uh i'll call it a night myself but i am liking the color combination it's looking pretty good i'll show you guys all that tomorrow when i get it all done next morning and the gray was applied i'm gonna have to come back and do a few little touch-ups now obviously to the white but novia is up here somewhere working on cleaning baseboards do you want me to open a window oh no i'm a big girl okay well that's that's not a no that wasn't to know so synovia is cleaning in this room look i'm even going to turn the light on for you what the heck what the heck i know service with the smile and she's getting some of the final work done on the upstairs and then after that's tidied up and little uh drips of paint are cleaned up we're gonna wax the floors again um debating whether i should do the railing in that gray does that seem great i mean it's not bad in the white right now but people's hands running down here might kind of darken it make it look dirty or the query might be an easier clean we'll see how much paint we have left after the floors are done speaking of which my job is uh my job is to get the floors all cleared out and uh start getting it prepped and swept and ready while hans is installing the new flooring in the bathroom how's she going in there about half done yeah you said it'll go pretty quick oh yeah it goes pretty quick this is uh fast forward to get done okay uh austin's downstairs uh cleaning painting prepping and doing stuff down there uh so i'm gonna finish getting the stuff moved out of the way so we can uh think about possibly painting this floor today i've been busy painting away and the first coat of this gray paint is on and it's going to dry and it will dry a little bit less glossy but still it'll be nice i kind of just did this area here so i can get those chairs in i'm actually going to go do that now austin is over there sweeping getting ready because this room is going to see paint not too long from now i think he's gonna start edging after we get the uh uh doing the the edge trim all around here um after we get it mopped probably have to do a little bit of sanding in this space where it got really worn but uh otherwise parts of it are looking much cleaner hans is working away trying to fit some pieces under the old tub but you can see it's taking shape how that black tub is going to look on top of that gray floor so i'm going to leave him to do what he's doing cutting holes and making things look nice and zinovia is upstairs cleaning trim i'm going to go get those chairs out of the back of the car and the stools remember these these were gifted to us from uh attack and bar stools in the united states they sent them out for us for the build the first time round i took them out all the houses being rented kind of glad that i did but i'm gonna put them back in so the new owners can utilize them where they're supposed to go so that's roughly where the stools are gonna go uh i'm just gonna make sure that they're balanced a little bit more centered there we'll measure it out and check the spaces i had one problem though the bolts that i bought here in provost have the correct head size but they're not long enough the shank on them isn't long enough so i needed to get about a three inch long screw unfortunately the ones that they had in town here were only an inch and that's not gonna be uh deep enough to sink into the floor but then i get a call from my friend jason who i've been friends with forever and he tells me that he's gonna be coming into town well guess what's open in edmonton everything so he's going to be bringing in the screws that i need so i can actually get that done that would have been the one thing i would have had to finish up um after today if i couldn't have gotten screws from edmonton but this is great uh so i guess i'll be seeing my friend jason later too which is going to be another great bonus this would be a good day all the way around well i've started rolling out the living room um but i noticed that austin seems to be outside doing some work he said he was going to work on a little side project out there come out and see what he's up to austin he's actually doing it um he said he might be able to get the deck jack back up again because it sunk in and i'll be darned he is leveling out the old deck on the side here well that's great this thing has been sinking down well it's all it's since i've had the property you can see the angle that it was on and he's gonna level it right out for me that's amazing austin i'll have to check back in and see what it looks like after so here i am getting ready to put those tools in don't have the right nut and bolt everything well i shouldn't say nut and bolt the right screws to put it on the floor everything here in town is closed but i had a special delivery my friend jason and his wife nina who's camera shy oh she's not so camera shy after all uh jason and nina were the only ones from my side of the family to attend my wedding as it turned out just with timing and everything um so you guys have a special place in my heart always um and you made this hot shot run out here just with a handful of screws for me yeah that's crazy town but super appreciated no problem um well as you can see we've been painting i have to do that pat you were asking why there's the primer by the door yeah it was so worn i don't know what they did there was like scratch marks and it was really worn so i decided to put a high build primer by the door and i'm gonna paint that with a couple coats after but um yeah so you you watched that first video hey i did i was quite saddened by seeing the video yeah and seeing what it looked like before to what it looked like then but it's looking better now wouldn't you say oh yes for sure yeah it's it's getting pretty clean and uh you guys got the day off for work today yesterday okay well we're gonna have to uh keep you around for a couple hours we can go for dinner in a bit sounds good okay we're out cleaning up the backyard right now and there's some stones and stuff lying in a pile but one of them was really cool and i wanted to show jason who's behind me here just what it was so at first this was under the deck and i never went under there before so austin was the first guy he dragged this out probably thinking it was concrete but if you look there's actually fossilized shells in here this is a section of fossilized seabed it must have been heavy as all heck for that little lady to drag back but that's what this is little clam shells and and sea bed so that would have been sand at one point kind of a cool thing to find underneath your deck austin is just about done reaching the end of the dirt oh yeah well they were loading up the uh the sink in the old washer back here that's a different top i think it's a cork that's likely a cork i've never seen anyone like that that'd be a pretty i mean look it has still fluid in it yep oh it's still full of something it could be really fermented beer good thing my friend bob isn't here he'd probably drink it yeah i don't know that might be a 50s or 60s beer bottle yeah judging by the bottom well they had that's definitely an odd or oh is that for like a salt and pepper shaker maybe i see it's got oh holes in it could have been a vinegar bottle or something oh maybe or a sauce bottle yeah does it smell like anything oh you stuck your nose right up there musky water yeah oh it's just a rubber see because in the day a beer bottle in the 50s and 60s was typically a stubby but in the 20s and 30s and such it was the long neck and they went back to it oh that's pleasant [Laughter] it smells kind of just smells like gross water nothing is ever going to grow in that spot ever again you have like a black hole just burnt into the ground well austin i really came out to thank you for everything you did yeah thank you for inviting me it was an awesome weekend oh yeah i really enjoyed it this man drove what 45 minutes or so from saskatchewan it's an hour somewhere in there every day and uh we tried to feed you oh it was good food and uh yeah i'm just so glad you were able to come down and help us so uh hopefully we won't have to do this again but i might call on you if we have to do a few little repairs and renaults to the outside like the deck area and that but that might be a future a future worry not today's worry well yeah it was a pleasure to help and really enjoyed the weekend so thank you very much well thank you and hopefully we'll see you again soon yeah for sure i'll be sure to stop by your store next time i'm in edmonton so awesome thanks austin yeah oh and check out austin's channel yes um my channel is austin tishler spelled a-u-s-t-i-n-t-i-s-c-h-l-e-r and i sort of do anything carpentry like i'm a general contractor on a construction company so sometimes antiquing yeah i do a lot of antiquing too ever since covet i haven't really been doing it all that much just because there hasn't been garage sales or anything but now things are firing back up yeah so i'm sure i'll be hitting up all the garage sales and auction sales so awesome well we'll have to check out your channel and i know i'll see you again very soon have a good one austin yeah thanks alex okay bye we're getting near the end here austin is left nina is sweeping the front porch and uh the areas that she's done i am going to get the stain and start working my way back i do have to leave a pathway though for now uh so people would still get by but i can do this space and i can do that side you can see how worn out it got in just a year and a half or more that it was in use so i'm gonna make sure i put down an extra good coat or clear coat there and there's hans and i saw your uh your counterpart behind you earlier here i found this in the basement where was it oh [Laughter] you know santa's always looking up for are you everybody's interest oh he's watching yep so now it's just down to me and what a crazy weekend this has been it's monday now and very soon i'll be able to head home first let me give you a tour of the new house [Music] the front porch is cleaned right back out the way it was we've added a little coat hook area for when you walk in you can hang your jacket put your hat in there my friend jason and his wife nina painted all the grates for the house everything's all nice and tidy there and of course big difference is walking in the floors are brilliant uh gray it's a heritage kind of gray color we did the staircase white and gray to give it a very dramatic and clean sort of look we walk into the kitchen area i've reinstalled the bar stools back where they originally were or i had them the first time around the kitchen has been totally repainted cleaned the antique stove that was actually there it was original to this house going way back is back in place and it looks perfectly at home in the retro kitchen that we built brand new dishwasher we've got the sink all cleaned up and of course there's always still little things you have to do we opted to put brand new floors in the bathroom because your bathroom should be a little sanctuary so we did the bathroom floor we repainted the tile white to give it a very clean sort of look and give a fresh coat of paint to all the cupboards in here on a couple towels so that's all done and looking much better than it did the laundry room we went with the same color of gray and actually i'm letting this side dry that's fresh paint there but it's essentially all done we washed and cleaned the original bark cloth curtains that are in here because they're just cool frankly um this room again has been painted all white i'll kind of zoom out a bit the washing machine while somebody's have to bring their own appliance i guess but i did the cabinetry white and everything is just basically uh bright and clean the living room area we were able to scrape the stuff off the floors for the most part and i put a fresh coat of clear coat over by the window they've become a bit sun faded and worn from lots of traffic so fresh coat of clear there i'll zoom out and cleaned the curtains got them all back in these are brand new curtains at the front i just bought they still have the fold line wrinkles those will go away in time we head up the steps shiny floors at the top of the steps fresh coat of wax throughout the whole upper area the larger bedroom on the right we left the rustic sort of um look that we had going before and gave it a fresh coat of polish brand new curtains and switched out all the lights in here the upstairs area well it is just so much cleaner there we go there's a better view every single bedroom in this house has two windows two windows there everybody gets two windows how many windows do you want two how about you over on this side how many windows do you want i want two windows there you go everybody gets two windows all looking very nice and tidy and clean and the house smells fantastic again i have to add this is the room that i originally had left the wallpaper in but we decided to uh plaster and get it all painted to match so everything up here is all matchy matchy the bathroom tiles were done before we spent some time on this upstairs bathroom last go-around but it had fallen into uh use disrepair from use so it's all cleaned back up again the bathtub the sink everything is all done again and looking great [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 298,540
Rating: 4.9294648 out of 5
Id: DOwIb8mCZeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 3sec (9243 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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