ABANDONED 1600’s Mansion With EVERYTHING Left Inside ~ Frozen In Time

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just on the outskirts of a small remote Village in southern France is an abandon 17th century Chateau hidden in the woods the wealthy and influential family who once lived here own much of the land in the surrounding areas possessing a small agricultural Empire but sometime during the Industrial period the family shifted their focus from agriculture to the hotel industry proving to be widely lucrative over the years to come the last known family and heir to this beautiful home was a man and his wife along with their one and only daughter the daughter eventually moved away and later on the mother died of pneumonia sometime during the 1990s leaving the old man alone in the house he lived in his entire life although I don't know how or when he eventually passed away I can only speculate he died sometime during the early 2000s leaving this once renowned Chateau completely abandoned and Frozen in time so let's take a look inside of this spectacular 17th century Chateau and observe a secret place that's now completely [Music] forgotten already it's a beautiful beautiful place this Trail is absolutely amazing it's a great time of day to be out hiking right now and exploring abandoned buildings and here we are coming up on this place approaching the back of this Castle already it's just absolutely incredible look at this classic Castle turret and all these Vines growing up the side it's beautiful and imagine right here out the back door there's probably a garden in this backyard that was here at one point now it's all overgrown also check out this tree I imagine this tree look how old this thing is it's probably seeing the entirety of the life of this Castle very Majestic looking tree this classic window shutters and there's a balcony up top too I imagine there's a bedroom that leads to that balcony check it out these chandeliers that hang down under this balcony it's a very old tractor I don't think this thing's been driven in years wow look at this looks like that's probably going to be our entrance okay guys we made it inside look at this room already just right out the gate this house looks amazing and we can look down into this room and tell that it only gets better but first let's check out this room so this looks very um masculine I imagine this right here was probably the gentleman's room with these really old leather chairs and these ceilings are probably 15 maybe 15 ft High maybe uh 16 this is a big big room oh look at this I didn't notice this the r radiator heater behind this wooden encasing I've never seen that before that's pretty amazing we have family photos here oh it looks like there's music related stuff over here step over this and by the way this whole floor is covered in a massive rug this isn't carpet this is a huge rug an old kinwood amp oh and I didn't even notice this radio right here in front of the fireplace this is so cool very neat okay so let's check out this next room over here this is an entire Library that's completely abandoned look at all of these books they had their own library inside their home and look at this beautiful grand piano wow this guys is amazing what a beautiful instrument just sitting abandoned in this home and look at this all these cards and look at this this crown molding up at the top of the ceiling all this attention to detail on this room and of course you have the classic seaf foam green which is very indicative of the ERA this place this is beautiful all of these bugs completely [Music] abandoned this beautiful fireplace it's a very simple fireplace but beautiful [Music] nonetheless I think there's a mural up top that you can barely see through all the melody that's grown on it all these moldy books and going further along over here these are all encased in glass and look at this it's like a step so they could reach their bugs up on the highest shelf and then this a beautiful mural sitting next to this arched doorway along with another mural here this is gorgeous and this right here is the front door to the house so this is what you would see when you walk in absolutely amazing you're greeted with a piano and all of your books and it looks like here there should be a chandelier but there's not and I I think that's because this house was built way before there was [Music] electricity and this right here is the dining room it's a pretty humble looking dining room lots of built-in shelving for China maybe some decorations in here and I love the seafoam green with the pink I've seen a lot of pink in France while I've been here and aesthetically this room is like light and Airy but if you notice up top there's these very bold paintings with black backgrounds and bold colors so it's like a nice pop of color [Music] there's a bit of China left here in this shelving and look at this it looks like a probably a nutcracker it's kind of heavy it's definitely pure brass and look at this serving tray over here it looks like possibly like ja artwork on the top of this thing and look at this it's like a gold Fork maybe brass and sterling silver as well some fancy fancy [Music] silverware lots of China still left in the shelves this is incredible and I love this ornate like cabinet here along the wall with this mirror and this lighting here oh so check this out in here is a fireplace I didn't even notice that with this shelving covering up so you can kind of hide the fireplace if you don't want to look at it and this is all marble here check this out it's probably a family member maybe a friend of the family just look at this chair here with the detail little gold crown inlay inside the chair one thing that stuck out to me about this dining room is the undersized table in the middle of the room generally a chatau of this caliber boasts an ornate and large dining room table as a display of status and importance to visiting guests but this particular table might say a lot about who these people were perhaps they lived a simpler humble life despite their wealth all right let's see what's in the rest of this house shall we oh wow look at [Music] this [Music] so this is the first bedroom that we've seen someone's Hat's still there and there's a baby crib here right in front of the beds this is incred [Music] incredible and look at this look how the beds match the curtains [Music] exactly [Music] incredible and like more religious artwork more here and more here as well so whoever lived in this home was definitely religious there's a radio here look at this I've never seen a radio like this before this is very old technology man I'm blown away by this place guys look at this marble fireplace absolutely incredible all right so now we're going down this Hall way and it looks like we're coming into like a pantry area got some wine bottles here looks like a wash machine over there lots of storage space yeah definitely some storage up here I imagine this right over here is the kitchen wow very basic kitchen not very ornate very plain [Music] and look at this got a microwave in here still gosh look at all this stuff in the Shelf oh and look at this all this rotted food it's disgusting wow so imagine this kitchen looks so plain because the owner never really spent much time in this room this room was basically just for workers who probably lived here on site more than likely in the room with the stroller actually fascinating stuff all right so now we've seen the downstairs I'm going to go find the main living room and the stairway and let's see what's up there all right guys so this is the last room before we head upstairs and check out what's up there but look at this beautiful staircase and look at this there's deer antler lining the staircase and all around the ceiling so but this family was definitely into hunting it looks like there's a hunting scene in that painting over there to the left and check out how this ceiling is like very unique it looks like German style ceiling and I love this red velvet wallpaper lining the walls also I should definitely mention the tile really cool looking checkered tile on the floor at any rate let's head upstairs and see what we can find shall we all right so we made it upstairs already I can tell the upstairs is going to be just as good as the downstairs look at this amazing wallpaper check out how it matches the curtains makes you wonder who this was maybe it was the guy who owned this place it it was a relative let's see what's in here I imagine it's a bathroom or something yeah just a plain old Jane bathroom probably the most uninteresting part of the entire house judging by what I've seen so far wonder what's in this wardrobe here lots of Linens probably storage for all the rooms all the joining rooms around here oh and I miss this part here what's on this oh my God what it's a bug collection it's an entire like oh my God I imagine it's all the different species of beetles in [Music] France absolutely incredible all right let's go further along into the house shall we lots of stuff in here antiques same wallpaper as in what was in the top of the stairs we have a sewing machine definitely another bedroom in here all these old letters and look at this this is all looks like bat bat poop this is crazy and a sink in the room I've seen that a couple times while I've been here in in Europe and this is a really neat wallpaper definitely like looks like 1930s and again another crucifix look at this Singer sewing machine with these flowers on it very fancy definitely looks like Catholic meilia very simple [Music] room with a beautiful wardrobe no telling how old this thing is look at the woodwork on it it's incredible you guys all know I'm a sucker for a good wallpaper let's see what's in this room beautiful look at this wallpaper it's got a floral design definitely more feminine this is beautiful this is honestly probably my favorite room in the house so far just because of the colors I like the contrast with the wood and the floral wallpaper I wonder what's over here in this closet of this room again more Linens and towels what an incredible room and look at these suitcases I wonder if anything's inside of them that one's empty and I bet you this one over here probably is too look like old newspapers old letters from over the years this is incredible guys and check this out the blankets match the [Music] walls it's a perfect match again probably a relative so it seems like this family has a strong religious and military history look how this couch matches the wallpaper this is fancy probably another family member maybe in the French army at one point oh my God guys this [Music] bathroom whoa so we're definitely in the turret right now of this castle and look at this I've never seen tile like this before in my life incredible you know I got to say guys this is probably one of my favorite bathrooms I've ever found in an abandoned building there's still medicines soaps bath salts all still on on the counter and look we got a toilet here with the tub and the bedet over there here wow look at this tile I've never seen anything like this in my life and their robes still hanging [Music] incredible all right we should keep moving [Music] along [Music] so it looks like in these wardrobes it's full of clothes vintage clothes it looks like it's all women's clothes over here and definitely women's clothes over here as well and look at this makes me wonder if maybe perhaps this is her wedding gown crazy this is I mean there's so many stories in this house house and it just keeps going and look at this massive room it's beautiful in here I love the lighting in here I know it's the walls aren't you know as fancy as it is in the rest of the house and I kind of like that how it has a nice contrast from the you know the very bold looks that we've seen so far and this one is just a plain white wall and look this looks like black marble fireplace and I love the purple so the purple of that chair also matches this bed so it was definitely a [Music] set man a nice humble simple room wonder what was in here lots of letters photos [Music] postcards you have to to use this key to unlock the other parts of the drawer wow guys check this out so many old [Music] letters so much love in this house this one's dated from 1958 like I was saying earlier it feels like we're in an actual Museum right now we're seeing stuff from like the 1950s old letters from family members all this old military memorabilia like we're going back in time and we're exploring someone's life [Music] crazy so we're going to keep moving along oh and check out this radio and another really old radio really cool looking and oh my God another bathroom the curtains completely match the [Music] wallpaper [Music] wow and I love the lighting that comes into here the sun it's so Castle likee you know this is incredible and I wonder what's behind this [Music] door no not a whole lot just storage and hangers for clothes and look at this this little cup that also matches the bathroom [Music] perfectly again we got some soaps shampoos still on the shelving here and an old oil lamp also if you notice there's no electricity in this room these lamps right here are gas lamps there's no light switch in this room the only way to light this room up is for natural lighting to come through or to light up a lamp again another amazing bedroom look at this room also again the sheets match the wallpaper perfectly what's better than great wallpaper sheets that match the wallpaper and look at this this light fixture matches the wallpaper as [Music] well and look at this it's like a toy boat on the fireplace [Music] mantel all these books that frame the [Music] bed I'm absolutely blown away by this [Music] place wonder what's in this built-in wardrobe some clothes some Linens I don't know what this is oh old photo [Music] slides very neat a hat up there and check this out look at all these books it looks like it was all written by the same author it was so apparently whoever lived here was really into this author Maxim Delmar but I can't read any of it because it's in French and I love this writing table right here with the curtains that match the wallpaper what a beautiful little Nook bit I feel like this is a bathroom at one point kind of a bare room really but here is another incredible bedroom look at this and look at this chair again another radiator heater a complete Time Capsule room a very simple fireplace this is definitely place that makes me wonder what was here originally probably something very similar to this mirror that framed it and check it out looks like an old rotary phone I've never seen some a phone like this before this is really neat I wonder what's in this beautiful wardrobe it's full of clothes it looks like women's clothes and women's shoes here here at the [Music] bottom so this right here is a doorway that leads out to the balcony but we won't go out there just yet a very simple bed if you look at this artwork over here this is actually kind of creepy look at this it's a scene of a KN that's died and this looks like probably his wife who's holding him and crying it's really dark again check it out more bat guano I think that at night bats hang out up on the ceiling and they're definitely pooping on the [Music] bed so check this out this is a big bathroom with carpet I got to say for the house to be as fancy as it is I'm really shocked at how ugly this one bathroom is okay so it looks like we just found the master bedroom and look at [Music] [Music] this [Music] look at this bed holy [Music] cow I've never seen a bed like this before in my life and look at this woodwork how it's twisted this was all handmade absolutely incredible inredible and look at this detail on the headboard also definitely handcarved again an old radio next to the [Music] bed and check it out this right here matches these [Music] curtains and the walls matches the curtains perfectly look it's the exact same [Music] color wonder what's in the wardrobe just like little knickknacks random things nothing too fancy in here and I could spend all day just going through these things but I still have another place to see before it gets dark so I'm going to keep moving [Music] moving what a beautiful bedroom my gosh look at this another like writing table what a beautiful piece look at this woodwork Guys these are like Priceless rare antiques in here another bookshelf with a radiat heater look at this door I mean everything in here is so cohesive all the colors in here match perfectly whoever lived in here paid close attention to detail these old books on the [Music] nightstand gosh could you imagine just getting up every day and this is your view into the backyard imagine back in the day this used to be a big wide open yard maybe a garden was out here before all these trees grew up over it and then here's your balcony that overlooks the road see if we can get out here this balcony that overlooks the road over here to the left and the entire front yard absolutely [Music] incredible all right guys so it looks like we've pretty much seen the entire inside of this house so now let's go check out what it looks like on the outside it's absolutely beautiful and the lighting out here is perfect it's very overgrown very abandoned [Music] looks like a balcony up top as [Music] well and that classic Castle teret so cool all right that pretty much wraps up this exploration I want to thank you guys so much for coming along with me on this adventure if you enjoyed this video let me know in the comments below as always like subscribe to my channel and until next time stay off the beaten [Music] [Music] path
Channel: JeremyXplores
Views: 3,167,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned bridge, abandoned building, abandoned car, abandoned castle, abandoned church, abandoned factory, abandoned france, abandoned house, abandoned insane asylum, abandoned mansion, abandoned photography, abandoned places, abandoned prison, abandoned school, belgium urbex, bigbankz, bros of decay, chateau dystopia, chateau dystopia urbex, decay, documentary, explomo, french chateau, photography, steven ronin, travel, urban exploration, urbex, video tour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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