ABANDONED Mansion Hidden In The Woods - You Won’t Believe What’s Inside!!!

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what's going on everybody Jeremy back again with another exploration So today we're in southern Georgia and we're about to explore this amazing mansion that's buried in the woods this place has more antiques than probably any Mansion I've ever seen in the United States it's about 7 A.M the sun's about to rise and then we're going to get into the expiration but before that I want to remind you guys if you enjoy my content leave me a like subscribe to my channel it greatly helps me out and without further Ado let's get into the horrific story of why this place is abandoned foreign I bet you're expecting this big cinematic intro with voiceover but today we're going to do something a little different from my other videos because this place is so crazy I feel like I need to tell you in person check this out one night in 1982 rural Georgia police received a disturbing 9-1-1 call from a mother in panic her 16 year old son Thomas had just been brutally stabbed to death while he was asleep when Georgia dispatch showed up to the grizzly scene they discovered the teenager had been murdered by his 14 year old sister Rachel and she was nowhere to be found they later found out that Rachel didn't only intend on killing her brother that night she also had plans on killing her parents but due to the blood curdling screams of her brother as he is being stabbed to death she panicked dropped the knife and escaped out the back door and into the woods according to interviews with Rachel's siblings she was a very troubled kid from an early age she didn't really have any friends and she spent all of her time in her room alone but as she got older Rachel became more and more reclusive and it was around this time she developed a fascination with satanic worship and began practicing Satanic rituals in her bedroom right next to Thomas's room and to this day Rachel's parents still blamed the murder solely on her satanic practices however the plot to the story gets even thicker check this out in later interviews with two of Rachel's siblings they introduced new details to the story that could paint a much broader picture of what might have truly been going on in that household they claim that from the age of seven Rachel along with her younger sister was being molested and abused by Thomas but that's not all allegedly her father had also been molesting the two young girls her father of course denies these claims and states that the devil made Rachel do it and perhaps you know not years of sexual emotional and physical torment Rachel had to endure before she finally had enough and devised a plan to kill her brother and her parents and during the very brief investigation and Court proceedings Rachel's story matched up perfectly with what her two siblings claimed nevertheless she was given a very harsh sentencing of 28 years in a mental facility in Florida mind you this is during the 1980s and the Very height of the fear of satanic ritualism piggybacking off the late 60s Manson Murders stranger danger sensationalism and the media's portrayal of widespread ritualistic murders that for the most part didn't even have any evidence to go on and it's well documented this era in our history had an impact on how court systems were ruling certain cases basically what I'm saying is this story is crazy and I feel like only one perspective has been told now I want you guys to know that I'm not claiming or denying any stance that I have on this I'm just playing Devil's Advocate Oh and about the Mansion Apparently after the murder the family moved pretty far from the small Georgia town and they never looked back but here is another kicker they left everything inside the home and they didn't sell it either [Music] so now that you know the full story it's now time we go inside this mansion and explore every inch of it see you in there [Music] all right so here we are right here in the front yard of this place how buried this house is behind all this brush and mind you this is a mansion and you can't even see it let's go around to this side maybe you'll get a better idea of how big it is from the outside you can barely see the wraparound porch from right here and this house keeps going further and further back you can really get an idea how old this place is judging by the materials used in those shutters it's a very very old house just right here hidden in these Woods okay I say we go ahead and just go inside and that waste any more time out of here oh man very thick bushes I'm gonna Crouch pretty low just to go under all these thorns and here is the front porch you can see how rotted the steps are this place has been abandoned for a very long time I love how the light comes in on it you got that classic seafoam green and look above us so fun fact they used to paint the underside of the porches green and blue because it was a Superstition that if you painted it that color it would ward off evil spirits funny enough and look at this door look at all these cobwebs all this beautiful detail in the door okay here we go [Music] oh my God guys already I can tell this place is going to be absolutely full of antiques as we're seeing so much of it by the door already look at this beautiful staircase and this woodwork that's on it all these details in the wood all the way up the stairs and it looks like it's probably lining the walls here too we can already see a really beautiful old couch very Victorian very bold colors oh and look at this it's a letter there's already signs of love signs of life in this place and look at this beautiful detail on this wall on the staircase going up it as well it's amazing whoa look at all of this this room is completely full of furniture I feel like for a antique salvage this place is probably a gold mine I wonder what's under this plastic definitely a Victorian sofa like a little display cabinet holy cow guys there's so much antiques in this place oh and look at this artwork up above it's like a scene with a little boy standing out next to a barn with a horse and carriage it's beautiful guys there are Priceless antiques in this place just sitting waiting for nature to reclaim it so if this room wasn't so full of antiques I would say it would be a complete Time Capsule room man look at this red velvet sofa it looks like it's an Immaculate condition I mean there's no telling how much money's worth of antiques is just sitting in here collecting dust let's go further along so I know we just started this exploration but already my mind is being absolutely blown by all the stuff that we're finding in here and look at this another room full of antiques and look at this beautiful mantle over here and a painting of a boy up above so this was definitely a bedroom because right here is the bed and look at this headboard this looks like something you would see in Europe a beautiful dresser all of this stuff is in great condition too for now at least looks like we have a bathroom and look at this speaking of Europe this looks like something straight out of Europe it's very Victorian oh my God look at this beautiful and this is painted this isn't a print this is hand painted on this piece and look at these golden details here holy cow there's no telling how much money's worth just this piece is we have a claw foot tub over here in the corner a pretty small tub but a cloth that tub nonetheless oh and I just noticed there's carpet like a floral carpet in this bathroom really weird when you think about it man I am blown away at how much stuff we're already seeing just completely left behind okay let's go across the hall here to this other room that's also yet again completely full of antiques oh look at this floral chair that's so cool and this singer sewing machine cabinet look at this in Immaculate condition with all this beautiful detail these little drawers they seem to be all empty this is amazing guys there's a lot of wicker furniture in here too man it just looks like this was a it looks like a flea market in here someone was definitely hoarding antiques oh and here's a sofa to match the chair that we just saw and this sofa looks like it's in perfect condition that sofa is so cool it looks like all of this stuff is just sitting and it looks like it was staged as if they were going to come back and get it but they never did what do you guys think and here's the other view of this room that we were in a second ago and look at this beautiful red velvet sofa I wonder what's under this sheet that's covering this piece it looks like a bench really beautiful there's just stuff everywhere here guys I guess we might as well go around this way get a better angle of this mantle and the artwork that's above and look at this artwork down here very European artwork lots of beautiful pieces in this house [Applause] or if there's anything in this drawer here like true Explorer fashion we're really crawling over stuff going through drawers oh guys look at this it's a TV look how old this TV is it's a Sylvania holy cow this thing is so old I've never seen anything like this in my life and it's so beautiful look at the wood encasing look how you can just open it up and then when you're done watching TV you can just hide it in this wood cabinet oh gosh because I'm literally crawling over furniture look at this beautiful pocket doors and I want to point out that I haven't seen a chandelier yet they're very simple like country style like Farmhouse light fixtures that are mounted up above going further along and check this out another TV very old television the brand is called a true tone [Applause] never heard of that brand gosh gosh all of this old stuff bed frames really cool looking trunk it feels empty and look at this I imagine this was the dining room [Music] foreign fireplace here next to us a cabinet maybe that held silverware at one point [Music] it's a very interesting lamp look at this it's a fake flower inside of it I've never seen a lamp like this there's so many one-of-a-kind items in this house makes me wonder if a lot of the stuff here is was homemade and look at this a bench here on the floor I imagine it probably was pushed up against that wall at one point maybe to hold more people I can imagine all the thanksgivings that probably happened in this house all the celebrations [Music] guys and check this out it's a very old American flag all folded up and look at this you can still see how the stars were actually stitched on there this this is incredible just sitting in this drawer being eaten by mice [Music] it's a big tall mirror up above this piece right here and check it out this cabinet that's built into the wall that used to hold China and you can see here where China's set for years and I imagine maybe a looter or possibly someone from the family eventually came and got it I can only imagine the China that was there was probably some very rare or expensive pieces I say this all the time but it truly feels like we're walking through a museum right now and we're seeing like actual artifacts from the past from someone's life and finding Clues as to what it must have been like to live here [Music] so I think the hallway we're walking into right now is actually an addition onto the house I believe this at one point was probably a porch you can see here that there was siding and a single pane window that probably looked out onto the porch and basically they just walled it all in it's very common in Old places like this [Applause] it looks like we have the kitchen wow look at this this table here in the middle is made out of old old wine barrels so is the chairs this is so cool very old appliances in here very mid-century gosh look at this old thing it's very utilitarian in here it's not very fancy but there's so many appliances in here I can only imagine that so many meals were cooked here the people that lived here definitely spent a lot of time around a table every single drawer is full of kitchen supplies cleaning supplies huh and look at this mouth stopper for people who can't keep it shut and as always we gotta check the fridge kind of a letdown not gonna lie [Music] not too not too disgusting kind of disappointing oh and I almost missed this check this out I believe this is an old phone this is crazy look I believe you talked into this there's a little volume knob and a tuning knob that is crazy oh and look at this we got a calendar and it's dated for February 1982. it's crazy to think that a place has been sitting abandoned for 40 years like this and it's still in such great condition [Music] so it looks like we've pretty much seen everything downstairs so I say we go upstairs where all the bedrooms are and let's see what it looks like up there [Applause] such a beautiful staircase all this detail of this wood all the way up to the upstairs oh we got red carpet here man this house is so big it looks like it just keeps going and going wow and look at this this is the first bedroom we've seen [Music] foreign [Music] like American Quilt on the bed but then like a very like Spanish style artwork hanging on the walls with an anchor with this this is so Random and this beautiful velvet lamp that matches the rest of the room and the carpet and the accents on this blue couch I love how cohesive this room is again more Spanish style artwork hanging on the walls in this amazing stained glass window on this door could you imagine just living in this room man and just to think this is the first bedroom we've seen so far [Applause] it's top drawers full of candles foreign seems like it is too these old doorknobs and pieces and parts to the house to make repairs and this very detailed beautiful fireplace look at this woodwork I've never seen woodwork like this on a fireplace this room is quite amazing and very peculiar artwork hanging above the fireplace as well like we got glasses and hourglass a letter ink got a horn and a rifle of course it's very almost militaristic very masculine it looks like behind this little rocking chair I'm gonna move this out of the way some kind of small door next to the fireplace maybe book storage nope it's for the vacuum cleaner [Applause] got another clawfoot tub here it's a very small tub it's almost for like a it looks like it could be even for a kid looks like Chinese style artwork here on the walls still kind of going along with an equal theme and with a sailor theme as well we got ships here still looks very Chinese I wonder if um the people lived here were very cultured and look at this a black dresser [Applause] like a glossy finish black dresser with an anchor and this towel here with this really cool design just everywhere you turn in this house it's like one-of-a-kind pieces I know the man was in the oil industry and judging by a lot of the Antiques and the stuff I'm buying in this house I feel like he was also very cultured as well I say we go out this door onto the balcony [Applause] we're gonna have to be pretty quiet because we don't want to alert The Neighbors oh look at this it's like a day bed porch swing just come out here read a book watch the cars go by out here with a cup of coffee here tea and guys look how big this porch is this is a definitely a one of a kind house very Southern but also very very cultured these lawn chairs are still here [Applause] all right let's go back inside and explore the rest of the upstairs this is going back down the hall it's a really cool looking clock and look at this how this would work is lying the walls all upstairs as well so much attention to detail in this house [Applause] I love how the light comes in and flickers through the curtains like that I wonder what's in these chores here they look pretty empty I don't know what this is it says it's Martha's old-fashioned sauce ideal seasoning definitely came from the kitchen we have another bedroom here and randomly a sink in this bedroom with this carpet here it always baffles me why you would put carpet underneath a sink or anything with a water source I love these floral curtains so cool it's a very tiny bedroom and we have another bedroom back here looks like this was probably set up maybe for family when they came to visit very simple room look at this hideous mustard carpet very 70s maybe 60s even okay I don't feel like this was a regular bedroom I feel like this room right here was definitely set up to be a guest room hey let's keep going further along so this stairway right here leads down to where the kitchen is we're on that end of the house right now and we're just gonna go all around the perimeter of the upstairs and see everything very small bathroom another clawfoot tub and look how nature is just coming in this bathroom here and we have another bedroom right here whoa look at this pink and guys we just found the daughter's room [Music] I've heard stories about this room and the one right next to hers where her brother lived and look at this these upside down crosses that are hanging with these flowers hanging out of them [Music] and very strange artwork up above the bed again very Spanish style artwork and down here is a very creepy doll guys this right here looks like stab marks [Music] this is definitely stab marks from a knife and this doll maybe this was used as a voodoo doll I know it's very common down south along the Gulf [Music] foreign [Music] to be as dark as it once was I get questions all the time of you know do I feel things do I feel paranormal things in houses and I have to say I really I really don't I don't really get any bad vibes from this room at all to be quite honest I think the only bad feelings I get is just from The Knowing of who the girl was and what happened here what's in these dresser drawers ah they're definitely definitely stuck gosh such a shame old looks like table Linens since this dresser is pretty much sandwiched between these two broken windows it gets a lot of moisture and it's completely warped the wood to where the drawers won't even open foreign [Music] looks like this room's pretty much cleared out I have to say this is probably one of the more empty rooms of the house got a closet over here with what is this stuff ew it's like a black goo that's in here almost like molasses but it's too thin of a liquid to be molasses very strange and I love this art piece over here in the corner before we enter her brother's room which is here [Music] this is the room he was murdered [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] and I Can Only Imagine the trauma that this poor boy and this poor girl went through that led his murdering [Music] and look at this artwork here on the wall girl with black eyes who's sad and stuck out on the rain the date is 1962. to me this looks like a fairly wealthy young girl who probably has pretty much everything she can ask for but she's still unhappy perhaps maybe she's not getting what she truly needs maybe love and there's another one over here by the same artist in the same year it's a very similar painting this girl looks poor looks like she's selling newspapers and she's stuck out in the rain and I imagine this right here is the parents room the master bedroom and look at this it's in perfect condition the bed's still made it's like they left didn't want to come back for any other things maybe it was too difficult for them to [Music] all this stuff still on the fireplace mantel and his artwork as well it's a beautiful fireplace and the TV over here in the corner I bet this one was a colored TV probably one of the the first of his kind and check out these floral curtains that matches the sofa you don't see that too often and the states let alone in Southern Homes this family is definitely wealthy and check it out the bed has that same exact design and of course you have this hideous lime green carpet and it looks like there used to be a fixture here and someone either took it out or maybe it broke and this is cool it's like a little Nook like a little passageway to the balcony and again really cool funky stained glass window on the door and look over there there's a sink very random spot for a sink I wonder what's in this dresser here [Music] it looks like blankets and sheets I can't reach around here let's just shut it [Music] and guys look at this it's a photo of a little boy quite possibly the boy who was murdered one single photo and guys look at this there's one single photo and it looks to be the little boy who was murdered here [Music] as I was saying the heaviness that I feel is knowing the story of what happened in this room and I want to point out that the little boy isn't the only victim here I think it's easy to forget that the little girl must have gone through so much trauma and so much abuse to arrive to a place in her mind that killing her family and her little brother was a good idea oftentimes when we're looking at stories like this we need to examine the true scene of the original crime these kids upbringing okay so it looks like we've pretty much explored this entire mansion and I just want to thank you guys so much for coming along with me on this exploration if you guys enjoyed this video let me know what you thought of in the comments below leave me a like subscribe to my channel for more videos like this and until next time stay off the beaten path [Music]
Channel: JeremyXplores
Views: 901,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban exploration, urbex, decay, photography, abandoned building, abandoned house, abandoned church, abandoned school, abandoned prison, abandoned insane asylum, abandoned factory, abandoned bridge, abandoned photography, travel, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, documentary, video tour, abandoned nashville, abandoned castle, abandoned chateau, abandoned france, abandoned manor, abandonednashville, abandonednashvilleofficial, jeremyxplores, satanic house
Id: 5Xv7matbGIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 12sec (2352 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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