Exploring A Widow's ABANDONED House - Jewelry Found Inside!!!

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what's going on guys it's Jeremy back again with another exploration So today we're in southern Georgia and we're about to explore this very sad time capsule of an old lady who used to live here she died in this house nearly 30 years ago and all of her stuff is Left Behind and when I say all of her stuff I'm talking jewelry letters all of her clothes all of her furniture everything is still in here at any rate without further Ado I'm going to show you guys the exterior of this place and I'm going to give you some history on it let's hop to it foreign Smith grew up in a small country town just two hours outside of Atlanta Georgia got married in this town and eventually raised all four of her sons in this town but tragically her husband had died in a car accident while her sons were still young and she was left to raise them by herself the love she had for her sons is what kept her going managing to pay the bills with her job at the local elementary school and leaning on her church family when finances became too hard to maintain sons all being close to the same age grew up and joined various branches of the military taking each of them far away from the only place they'd ever known with that Mrs Smith was left all by herself in the town she grew up in the town she married in and eventually the town she died in one morning in the winter of 1999 Mrs Smith got up like she did every other day made her morning coffee fed the cats and folded her laundry before leaving for work when suddenly she suffered a massive heart attack and died in the living room of her home surrounded by photos of her beloved sons and the knickknacks she had collected over the course of her life soon after the house that was filled with so much love and memories became only a decaying Monument for the wonderful lady who used to call it home for some unknown reason her sons never came and got any of her things nor did they claim the property leaving the home completely abandoned so join me as I step inside of this once beautiful place and let's take a look at what's left inside of Mrs Smith's home [Music] okay so this is coming up the driveway and look at this beauty this thing just sitting here abandoned can't believe people just leave stuff like this behind I don't recognize the maker model of this car if any of you guys know what kind of car this is let me know in the comments below [Music] really cool looking car it looks like there's probably a garage out here or some kind of shed [Music] look at this side porch it's very decayed this thing's falling in on itself oh it looks like we have an Open Door all right well here goes nothing let's look and see what's inside wow foreign wow it is very very dilapidated in this first room whoa immediately I hear a kitten I don't know where it's coming from but it sounds like it's probably from the next room over it's probably scared thinking that I'm a predator look at this drywall how it's falling off the ceiling and all into the floor water does crazy things to buildings but it looks like otherwise this place is an Immaculate condition we got a kitchen here [Music] the kitten meowing is definitely getting louder [Applause] check it out we got a fridge with stuff in it oh and look at all these magnets this is so sad [Music] all her magnets [Music] got some ice cream still left in the freezer and look at this there's still dishes out on the drying rack she had no idea that the day she did these dishes it would be her last day it's like the kitchen's completely set up just the way it was the day she died and look at this the Calendar's dated December 1999. all these coffee mugs still here she collected all these little can caps there's hundreds of them and these little spice bottles we got Jesus up here breaking bread a little dining room table a quaint little kitchen for sure get all of this stuff just left behind all these spices a lot of it doesn't even look opened these coffee mugs hanging from the wall got some artwork of the state of Tennessee you know what all these are oh these are all these are coffee cans a tea can sugar and look at this it's a serving tray the photo of a bar look at this we got more serving trays back here looks like there's a pantry right here with all of this glassware still left behind definitely simpler glassware of a nice humble lady [Music] all these plates still left behind [Music] everything's here it's wild the family just didn't come and get anything all of her things are still left behind [Music] [Music] looks like we have a formal dining room with all these decorations here in the corner still left here untouched since 1999. looks like we have maybe a bedroom over here with a really cool wicker rocking chair and look at this guys this is probably her son maybe with his high school sweetheart and this looks like him when he was little it just baffles me that all of this stuff is left here and no one's come to claim it was this Kentucky bourbon looks like tablecloths Linens more tablecloths and linens in here and look at this table with all of these photos in the background of all her family you can already tell that she loved her family so much and it's so sad that they were all she had and they didn't even come to claim any of this stuff this living room looks amazing it's a complete time capsule in this room look at all of this stuff in this cabinet it's a really pretty cabinet of course it's locked but look looks like this is the key to it possibly well I don't think so I think someone crammed that in there trying to get this thing open and they couldn't we'll never know what's in these cabinets here and look at this here's our signs that went into the military it looks like he was in the Army an Airborne Division this one right here went into the Navy this photo looks like it was taken during some kind of training exercise it looks like he went to the Army as well I imagine she was so proud of her sons they had all the drawers in this house so far are absolutely stuffed are absolutely stuffed [Music] this beautiful glass Chandelier hanging up top or Crystal Chandelier see even though this was a nice like humble country home I am seeing some bold items like this lamp look at this [Music] really interesting looking lamp I don't think I've ever seen one like this that is a bizarre lampshade very cool though and a matching one over here on the other side of the couch so many little knickknacks out on the coffee table here all this fake fruit it's pretty adorable really looks like a victrola basically the record player goes down in here and you store your records in there and these are speakers down here at the bottom look at this looks like perhaps a yeah a military regiment this is a 1982 Fort Jackson South Carolina so neat so yeah you can definitely see that this family had a strong military background [Music] foreign have another bedroom here the very cool looking headboard and a piano in the bedroom which you never really see a piano in a bedroom like this it's very interesting maybe they just didn't have another a better place to put it I'm kind of sensing that uh there was quite a bit of stuff that's hoarded in this house I bet you this was her husband that passed away and I bet you this is her on her wedding day [Music] there's so many family photos in this house this woman definitely loved her family it's almost like a shrine dedicated to her family [Music] I wonder what's in this wardrobe here I'm a purse a very shiny purse and this room is incredible guys you can see how all this drywall is just completely fallen from the studs I look at all these little knickknacks this lady definitely liked knickknacks there's knickknacks everywhere in this house [Music] this is cool looking [Music] um we'll go ride we have a closet here all of her dresses still left behind look at this and look this one's still brand new with the tag and it looks like a looks almost like a wedding gown check this out it almost looks like the gown in that photo and I wonder if it is if you guys think it is let me know in the comments below [Music] let's keep going further along into the house [Music] looks like we got a bedroom here another bedroom this house is surprisingly big it doesn't look like it from the outside but it seems like it just keeps going and it's kind of a maze dresser it's just full of stuff I mean they really did just leave everything behind look at this all these gowns looks like nightgowns and guys I didn't even notice this on the top there's jewelry here still left behind this is incredible and again more family photos of course I know I've said it before but you can really tell that this woman loved her family oh my God and look at this guys all of this jewelry that's still left behind holy cow they really didn't come back for any of this earrings bracelets necklaces this is wild so I'm definitely not a jewelry expert but I imagine some of this jewelry might be worth some money are there any jewelry experts out there that could let me know what we're seeing in the comments below foreign necklaces and look a ring that's missing the diamond put this back oh God look at this so I don't know anything about jewelry so I imagine most of this is costume jewelry I can't really tell what's high quality and what's not but um it's pretty astonishing that this stuff is just still here like this [Music] my God there's so much of it look at this guys jewelry for days in here I cannot believe that this stuff is all just still sitting here in this house [Music] foreign I feel like this was her bedroom because you know it's closest to the kitchen and I bet you there's a bathroom very close by when you're old like that you need to be even the most accessible part of the house [Music] money purse looks like sunglasses [Music] foreign ERS look at this guys dated for 1976. this poor old lady all of her things everything she owned and worked for is all in this house foreign [Music] let's keep going further along shall we so now we're coming back around to the living room where we originally came in at looks like we got a bathroom right here a nice quaint little bathroom her towels are still hanging up above the tub her little decorations above the tub this is so sad and look at this a photo of John F Kennedy they used to sit there on the Shelf [Applause] oh and look at this interesting a little Skeleton Key hanging up next to the door yeah I feel like she definitely liked to collect things needless to say yes all throughout the house all these little details all on the wall all her little knickknacks here's another calendar for 19.99 we have yet another bedroom back here foreign guys it's kind of overwhelming really [Applause] small book collection on these bookshelves that are built into the wall also very interesting this little shelf that's built into the wall has these curtains that would cover it up and look at this tiny TV and check this out we got Smith and Wesson nine millimeter rounds someone was packing heat Once Upon a Time man and this bottle of table wine is completely full in this tiny bed maybe for grandkids when they came over and every single drawer every single cabinet every single wardrobe in this house is completely filled off love wool knickknacks everywhere guys look at all this these little ducks all these little things it's pretty adorable really very curious to know what's what's behind here oh it looks like oh there's just a TV stand okay check this out it's a very old TV look at that stand that it's on I don't think this is a color TV either some primitive technology here so there's one last section of the house I believe and it's right over here check this out this is a it looks like the master bedroom for sure like every other room there's so much stuff in here so many family photos foreign I wonder where all these people are today all our coats in this wardrobe looks like a fur coat back there looks like a couple of them actually big pieces of artwork still hanging on the wall and look at this dresser it looks similar to the ones that we saw in the bedroom next to the kitchen and of course it's full of stuff [Applause] oh I wonder what this is wow I think this right here used to be a little music machine foreign if anybody knows what this is let me know in the comments below all these doors are stuck check this out we have a Singer sewing machine table all the sewing supplies still inside of it I feel like someone probably came and stole the sewing machine itself unfortunately foreign s probably when he graduated high school I'm just amazed at how much stuff is in this house and this tiny house she managed to cram all of this stuff in here I can only imagine the love that she had for her family she was so proud of them you can tell from all the photos that we're seeing [Music] so as you can see this is quite a sad place it's all too common that I come across abandoned places that are left like this because someone died and they were completely forgotten along with all of their things I can only hope that the love that she had for her grandchildren was passed down through the generations that she helped bring into the world at any rate I hope you guys enjoyed this video and you got something from it either way let me know what you thought of it in the comments below like subscribe to my channel for more content like this and until next time stay off the beaten path [Music]
Channel: JeremyXplores
Views: 557,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban exploration, urbex, decay, photography, abandoned building, abandoned house, abandoned church, abandoned car, abandoned school, abandoned prison, abandoned insane asylum, abandoned factory, abandoned bridge, abandoned photography, travel, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, documentary, video tour, abandoned jewelry, abandoned south, abandoned atlanta, abandoned georgia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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