Abandoned 13th Century Chateau With EVERYTHING Left Inside!!!

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what's going on guys it's jeremy back again with another exploration so today we're in southern france and we're exploring this very very old castle this place hands down is probably the most incredible castle we've seen on this trip so far it's fully loaded it's a complete time capsule at this point we should just get right into the video [Music] perched on a hill just on the outskirts of a small french village is an abandoned chateau that's been a well-kept secret for many years dating back to the 13th century the chateau is originally the home of a nobleman and over the course of almost 900 years and many generations of heirs it's been the home of countless occupants including knights lords barons and even a well-known french poet during the 20th century this fortified castle was originally constructed with a drawbridge and a moat but they've since disappeared over the years and sometime during the renaissance period 12 barrel vaulted stables were added along with renovations at the beginning of the 20th century it's unclear exactly when this place became abandoned but it's speculated the last known family to live here was during the late 1980s i can only assume this castle like so many others in this part of the world has been neglected because of the staggering cost of maintaining a 900 year old structure and so the future of this historic castle is unclear as it continues to slowly decay and take on the devastation of nature's unrelenting hand so let's step inside this mysterious castle and let's unveil for the first time ever what's hidden within its stone walls [Music] [Music] big banks and i are about to come up behind this castle but first check out this beautiful french countryside y'all know me i love the hike to an abandoned location you get to experience things like this you get to see a part of the country that you never would have seen otherwise you know all right so we just got up to the back of it we're about to scoot across this you can't really see it but it's actually in that club of trees right there let's go [Music] so here we are first sign of abandonment we got it let's check it out guys the greenhouse very cool [Music] and then right up there behind this line of trees you can barely see the outline of it is the castle let's make our approach shall we [Music] all right we made it over here look at these huge huge trees notice that there's trees in france that are bigger than a lot of the trees in the southeast united states okay so i'm approaching this place from the back courtyard [Music] and look at this swimming pool makes you want to go swimming it's a nice hot day i might take a dip after we explore this place and this green toxic water carter says i'm on my own but little does he know we're doing this together okay looks like there's an entrance over here to this place i guess we'll just stroll right on in and see what we can find shall we [Applause] okay it looks like maybe this is like a little workshop area yeah place to hang tools definitely someone's workshop a deep freezer it actually looks kind of modern i wonder what all these markings are on the wall it's very interesting maybe from years of hanging tools [Music] taking tools off the wall so the walls and the um ceiling are very black almost like soot in this room maybe there's a fire at one point or maybe that's just the natural decay that's growing on this place oh wow guys look at this whoa holy cow this place immediately has gotten very interesting [Music] and look at this detail on this massive cabinet this thing has got to be 15 feet tall [Music] and all this china is still in it this is absolutely incredible the dining room table is still here with all the original chairs [Music] oh and look at this wall with all this china still hanging on it incredible and i love this artwork this very moody artwork hanging up top with this very light and airy floral wallpaper with birds on it an entire cabinet completely full with espresso cups china [Music] wine glasses champagne glasses [Music] i want to just notice the tile floor like a checkered design and i can only imagine what chandelier used to hang up there same thing over here completely full of china i love these recessed cabinets built into the walls and the doors have mirrors on them and this beautiful marble fireplace look at this guys this feels so surreal to be here i'm absolutely blown away by this place never in my life have i seen something like this before and look at this furniture you guys know i'm a sucker for wood detail and this is one of the most detailed pieces i've seen in a while and it's in immaculate condition just to think that this was all hand carved there's rare very expensive pieces in this place and this beautiful table with a marble top on it there's walnuts still sitting on the tray [Music] i cannot wait to see what else is in this place so this looks like this is probably a big grand entrance at one point you can tell by how the coat rack right here is hanging so this is definitely a place people would enter in quite frequently and there's a sink here a fountain to wash your hands or i'm not really sure what this fountain's for if you guys know what this fountain and this foyer is for let me know in the comments below and look at this grand staircase [Music] and just to think it's only the beginning and we've seen so much already let's keep going further along shall we oh my god here is a library an actual library in this castle holy cow and there's the french flag so look at all these books and these reading tables and look at this red tile on the floor very moody red tile with this light blue green walls the towel kind of matches the books [Music] i wonder what all these books are they're beautiful bugs with these amazing designs on them very old bugs and each of these corner nooks are full of magazines [Music] i love this ladder here on casters where you can slide it around the room and get your books off the top shelves [Music] incredible guys [Music] i love the design of this book with the gold lettering i just opened this book and i immediately got hit with like this magical smell of must but it's a very distinct must smell that only an old book omits okay let's see what's further along in this room first off look at this little nook and this artwork and this is incredible look how huge this room is all these old fossils in the cabinet here look it even has a label on it this is absolutely incredible someone's actual fossil collection and look at this one this one right here and look at this floor here this is an extremely well made very detailed castle and just visually striking no matter where you look [Music] [Music] all this antique furniture still left behind [Music] there's a photo of a nun perhaps maybe a family member or a nun of the church a local church they went to and look at this marble fireplace has like an orange color to it and this amazing hand carved design in it the attention to detail in this place is just striking even up top above the doorways let's see what's in this next room i can't even imagine what i'm about to see wow [Music] it's a bedroom a beautiful bedroom look at this table here with the chessboard again another marble fireplace [Music] incredible guys the bed still made it matches the room and their little writing table with all their books still in the cabinet beautiful victorian furniture in here maybe even pre-victorian [Music] not too interesting in there but this room is incredible [Music] it's not a very big bed it's probably a i don't know i would say a full-size bed maybe there's a daughter that lived in here and look how clean this bathroom is how shiny these walls are it looks actually pretty modern in here surprisingly enough maybe this was an addition onto the house it's a very small bathroom and look at this it's like a little cleaning area looks like it's only big enough for like a small person to sit down in or even a baby it makes me wonder if you know perhaps this is a daughter's room or definitely a smaller person that took a bath in this tub and look at this the skeleton key just hanging out the door i'm on cloud nine right now just being inside this place i cannot believe i'm seeing this with my own eyes all right coming back to this room it's a very small desk in the middle of this floor very big another riding desk over here i miss this closet i wonder what's inside of here [Music] i can't get it open and i don't definitely don't want to break anything look at this more woodwork detail up top guys i think it's time that we go upstairs pretty excited i feel like just judging by god damn it pretty excited i feel like just judging by the things that we found downstairs feel like we're about to find some incredible stuff upstairs as well i guess we'll go left first look at this view down this grand staircase and these ceilings have got to be at least 50 feet high and you can see right there there's a chain where there once used to be a chandelier that was hanging but look at this just like all the other castles that we've explored there's bats up top definitely not sleeping okay let's go down this hallway and see what we can find over here oh wow there's a bedroom up here that looks like a complete time capsule guys look at this oh [Music] this is beautiful the bedrooms up here are massive the bed again still made i wonder who these people are up top maybe relatives could even be someone who used to live in this bedroom and look at this there's a small bathroom with a bathtub i did not expect that i thought this would be a closet i love this wallpaper that pattern's so neat and again just high quality antique furniture up here with a marble top a marble top that matches this fireplace this is amazing could you imagine living in a place like this all right let's keep going down this mysterious dark hallway look at all these letters in this old chest these are all looks like all handwritten letters all this very expensive victorian furniture let's see what's in here bunch a bunch of uh mattresses but look at this it's a closet full of furniture look at this beautiful table with this green green velvet material on it again just beautiful furniture pieces in this in this room in this castle so this is definitely the most dilapidated or trashed room that i've seen so far but still beautiful nonetheless i love the light airy like the mint green with the yellow wallpaper it's a very fun room and a purple door i wouldn't have uh thought of that color with this okay moving right along yeah it's getting pretty congested back here with furniture everywhere i'm having to step over stuff looks like we got another bedroom in here two beds [Applause] look at this wallpaper this is absolutely amazing [Applause] again another marble fireplace i imagine every fireplace in this in this castle is marble so this is very like it's very common looking artwork throughout this entire house it all very cohesive it kind of ties the whole house in together again that black and white hand-drawn [Music] artwork a table with a marble top very royal looking chairs just expensive priceless items and that's left inside this place i think the further we go along we're pretty much reaching the end of one wing of this castle and it's starting to look pretty dilapidated it's not uncommon to encounter various creatures who've claimed abandoned places as their home but this room had quite a surprise waiting for me just around the corner bats one of the most notorious but misunderstood creatures of abandoned places most people believe them to be a dangerous nuisance but what they don't know is that less than one percent of bats actually carry rabies that being said i still figured i'd wait for the bats to clear out the room before exploring this one oh my god this is incredible look at this beautiful bed i i just cannot believe i'm here room after room i just keep having my mind absolutely blown and this bookshelf with very old books on it much older looks like than the books um downstairs or either these just have been exposed to the elements more okay so we've pretty much seen all of this wing of the castle i think it's time to head down to the left wing and see what's down there okay so here we are back at the staircase let's see what's over here so it looks like an office not too interesting i think it wraps around though let's let's go around here and see what's over here oh what have we found [Music] [Music] again that same style of artwork in this room as well another marble fireplace beautiful furniture in here amazing wallpaper and look at this table guys never in my life have i seen a table like this it's look at this this green with the red what an amazing table and it's all starting to come apart sadly in this floral bedding kind of similar to the floral design on the wallpaper so much attention to detail on this in this castle oh look at this bathroom look at these this color combination this black tile with the seafoam green i believe the vanity has been ripped out of this place i can only imagine what it used to look like so beautiful in here [Music] so [Music] translation death before dishonor to hold the rank of baron meant to hold a title of honor and it was typically passed down the family line so as you can imagine honor and reputation was of great importance to the baron as this family crest clearly shows [Music] all right going further along deeper into this place this looks like a long narrow hallway another bathroom [Music] pretty large storage closet in here nothing too interesting wow look at this another bathroom right next to the other one [Music] let's see what's down here looks like maybe another bedroom guys [Music] let's see [Music] oh my god look at this beautiful room [Music] [Music] this bed [Music] look at all this hand carved woodwork and this up top this is amazing and it's very bold velvet sheet that's on the bed it's just a pop of color this is absolutely incredible oh my god the bed just keeps getting better and better look at this wow [Music] oh that's incredible and of course an old singer sewing machine and the original wooden lid that goes over it a very fancy royal looking chair look at this embroidery that's in it and again cohesive artwork that's basically in every room i've seen a lot of religious artifacts in this place it's like a massive walk-in closet over here or maybe a reading room i'm blown away by this place sorry guys i'm stepping on broken glass what's in this table some toothpicks i can't believe what i'm seeing right now this is incredible i wonder what's in this beautiful wardrobe here not a whole lot just honestly it just looks like a bunch of junk in here okay let's keep going down this hallway see what we can find down here [Music] looks like a pretty pretty trashed room in here i love this arch doorway here wow look at this entire hallway here with this wallpaper and this orange light picture above so 70s in here another room in here [Applause] so it looks like this part of the castle is definitely more trashed i don't know why that is [Applause] it looks like we're reaching the end of the left wing [Music] a little kitchen area [Music] it looks like a bathroom over here pretty simple bathroom in there and what's down here i wonder one more bedroom and again it's pretty bare in here not too interesting in this whoa there's a bat god that scared me ah they always do that yeah i want to get out of this room i'm going to go back downstairs and i want to check out what it looks like outside of this place all right guys we're coming back outside we've been in there for quite a while filming as you can see right here we have a swimming pool which i was showing you guys earlier but now we actually get a close-up look at it i imagine back in the day that fountain over there across the pool used to have water flowing makes me wonder how deep this thing is it's so quiet out here really peaceful here in the countryside of france i can only imagine what this courtyard used to look like at one point makes me wonder if maybe there was a fountain out here in the middle definitely a garden of some sort now it's just all grown over with bushes it's very ominous out here really [Music] all right guys and just like that we've explored another amazing castle here in southern france if you guys enjoyed this video let me know in the comments below like and subscribe to my channel if you're new and until next time stay off the beaten path [Music] [Music] you
Channel: JeremyXplores
Views: 875,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned Castle, Abandoned Chateau, abandoned, abandoned bridge, abandoned building, abandoned car, abandoned church, abandoned factory, abandoned house, abandoned insane asylum, abandoned mansion, abandoned photography, abandoned places, abandoned prison, abandoned school, belgium urbex, castle, decay, documentary, exploring abandoned, exploring abandoned places, france, france urbex, french castle, magical, photography, travel, urban exploration, urbex, video tour
Id: 7Fwom44VoX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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