You Won't Believe What I Found Inside an Abandoned Hoarder's House!

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what's going on guys it's Jeremy back again with another exploration So today we're about to explore for the first time ever on this channel a hoarders house this place was owned by a lady named Mrs Mary and she lived in this house for over 50 years before she died at the age of 101 years old but before we get into the actual expiration of this place let's first dive into the story of Mrs Mary good in 1920 in a small River Town in Eastern Kentucky where she would spend the entire 101 years of her life growing up on a farm during the Great Depression era she learned to be both self-reliant and loyal to her family duties like cooking sewing cleaning and even managing the little finances that were available at the time and at just 19 years old she would marry the one and only person she'd ever love a local boy who lived just down the dirt road they'd grown up on Joseph but everyone just called him Joe but as the World War II had just begun for the United States Joe was drafted into the U.S army and was sent overseas fight for his country while Joe was away Mary stayed home and put her skills to use getting a job at the local Schoolhouse teaching home economics a popular subject in the South more or less preparing young girls to be Homemakers with sewing being the lead skill event surviving the war returned home to Mary and they built this three-bedroom house to start a family in thereafter giving birth to two daughters who they raised in the home and they would live out their years here until eventually Joe passed away and Mary developed a hoarding issue that would last for over two decades until she was laid to rest in the fall of 2022 just before her 102nd birthday and although there's no records indicating who Miss Mary Jo was and what her daily life was like her Essence is on display all throughout her home who she loved what she did with her life and what she valued so let's begin our tour of this home and let's try to piece together who this Southern woman truly was [Music] okay so this is when you first walk in through the front door and already I can tell that there's going to be a lot a lot of stuff in this house look at this a piano right next to the door you could tell she was very religious lady there's lots of scriptures Psalms 23 an angel there makes her piano with all this drywall from above falling down on it books still laying on the piano I imagine Miss Mary Had A Touch of musical abilities possibly singing and playing old gospel Melodies with her family In This Very Room foreign [Music] lots of old furniture floral stuff what are these called let me know in the comments below I see these all the time I know you put them on furniture to protect from scratches and stuff they're very ornate but I always forget the name of them but I wonder if there's anything in this trunk no it's completely empty it looks like she didn't throw away any of her mail she just kept it all when her beloved Joe died in the fall of 1998 I suspect that's when Mary began holding on to her stuff as a way to cope or even avoid the grief of losing the love of her life attaching her emotions to the things she acquired from furniture to the book she'll never read the great deal of clothes stuffed in the bedrooms to even the mail that has no use a lot of this stuff isn't even like important stuff it's just old magazines that were sent to her through the mail and a lot of a lot of these books and I wonder if this is um perhaps some of the books that she used when she was a teacher looks like a bunch of bible stuff the great Entertainer a lot of southern cooking a lot of cookbooks yeah some economic books [Music] yeah and then a fireplace here with a very simple farmhouse style mantle and this is sweet and look at this door right here this is the side door you can tell that someone's taking a crowbar to this door so someone's definitely broken in to loot the place there's a piece of the door laying on the table there [Music] couch and I wonder if this blanket being right here is where she preferred to sit it's really the only clear place on the couch [Music] it's just really sad and for those of you who are wondering this is a fake plant I get comments on plants all the time in my videos but 100 of them are fake even in my videos of the castles in France this is your old TV let's keep going further along yeah a lot more stacks of magazines and books and it looks like over there is probably her bedroom which we'll go to here in a second it's a neat looking little side table see look at this this is all Mouse homes they like to make nests in old cabinets tables like this and here's her bathroom very simple old bathroom I like the mirror with the little light bars next to it very old little chandelier at the top with like a pineapple design I don't know why but this bathroom is just so sad to me [Music] [Music] and then here's her kitchen it's interesting how much you can learn about a person through the heart of the home the kitchen as mentioned earlier Mary must have loved to cook I can imagine she knew the oven in this kitchen like the back of her hands making meals for a family and friends and teaching her students how to do the same perhaps even using many of the recipes she'd learned from the cookbooks she'd collected over the years I like the yellow walls and look more male all kinds of male paperwork [Music] and this is something you don't see very often in America um you see it a lot in European countries the washing machine and dryers in the kitchen [Music] her medicine bottle still laying out and look at this an unopened can of ham it's disgusting [Music] look at this pulled wine bottles up on the top of the cabinet [Music] wow it's completely full wow [Music] this is really sad [Music] I bet all the chores are full here's her spoons [Music] such a little spoon [Music] and [Music] more mice homes look at this lots of checkbooks it's completely stuffed with checkbooks and also guys not to worry I'm gonna wash my hands afterwards I get a lot of comments about that that's so so weird that there's checkbooks stuffed in that drawer there's her drunk drawer [Music] yeah every single drawer is completely full let's see what's in this cabinet here wow look at this it's completely packed with food it hasn't even been touched and I'm surprised it hasn't been completely ransacked by mice or rats or like even raccoons it looks like this was all of her medications all laid out this one has cholesterol written on it I guess she um she probably took so much medication that she had to write what each medication was even for and there's still pills inside of it and look at this very old oven looks like it's probably mid-century maybe from like the 50s or 60s with the rags still hanging on the uh the handle and look at this I almost missed this Mary's Kitchen [Music] thank you foreign [Music] we got all this mail all up here [Music] and all on the floor everywhere okay she really didn't throw any male way whatsoever and it's lining this cabinet here it's holding her China look at this it's actually stuck shut [Music] you see all the China in there I don't want to try to pry it open and break anything look at all this mold damage on the ceiling from the water coming in we have another cabinet here more China I'm trying to be very gentle with these cabinets man all of it in excellent shape not a speck of dust on any of it oh look at this a little shot of glass the Cardinal in it I saw several Cardinals on the hike here through the woods a little toaster oven coffee maker so I imagine this is probably where she'd come in in the morning through her bedroom there maybe into the kitchen and then first thing she would probably coffee maybe make some toast it doesn't look like she used the dining table very often so maybe then she would walk through here into the living room and watch TV maybe read the morning paper [Music] gosh all the drawers seem to be stuck anywhere where there's water that's gotten on it it's completely waterlogged the wood now the woods warped shut [Music] got ten commandments on the wall again Mary was a very religious lady [Music] lots more mail I'm not surprised [Music] so much mail a lot of this doesn't even look like it was ever even opened [Music] that one hasn't been opened either [Music] got a Camry [Music] there's no telling what's on that [Music] this is wild so much more mail all these tours appear to be stuffed with mail like Mary really didn't throw away any mail whatsoever this is a really cool piece of artwork looks kind of Greek it says gone but not forgotten it looks like some type of Memorial art uh yeah in loving remembrance of my dear wife Mariah and I'm not going to say her last name because I don't want to give any clues about this location she died on November 13th 1906 age 63. this is someone's basically a symbol of someone's love and now this artifact is just sitting in this house rotting away sitting underneath the ceiling it's leaking on it or further into the home the hoarding is becoming more and more evident what Memories lie beneath the layers of pain she hate within what grief was hidden by the Mounds of paper she collected Mary may have lived for a long time and held a strength on the age can give but was Mary also trying to fill a void with things that might seem more consistent than the love she's lost when I was I didn't check these drawers but I'm I'm yeah they're all stuck no one's not in there yeah she's got every single drawer in this house stuffed to the brim and look at this more more China all down here Liz glassware this cabinet's completely stuffed with it [Music] look at all these files all this paperwork so I'm looking at a bunch of this mail that's on the floor and a lot of it has to do with money whether it be a bank statement tax records bills so you can definitely tell that her knowledge of Economics had a big impact on even her personal life okay so this is coming back around to the front door where we came in at having to watch my step look at all this guys all this trash on the floor going up stairway floor but we'll definitely get to that in a minute in a minute I want to check out her bedroom here that we haven't seen yet [Music] and look at this narrow hallway going to their bedroom well it wouldn't be so narrow if uh shouldn't have this cabinet here with all this uh glassware inside of it look more glassware you've been down in there all in here and look at this bedroom the saddest room in the house of course is where Mary slept my only got her bedroom Her Sacred place was the biggest reminder of the past and the love she's lost the nights she spent holding Joe feeling the warmth of his presence next to her the sounds he made and putting on his boots as he left out the door for work we're all no more all that was left was silence damn painful silence the Mounds of clothes and papers from years of hoarding can amount to the void that was left behind when Joe took his last breath Mary carried the heavy burden of his absence deep inside all the while her world became more and more cluttered and look at all this mail here stuff from the bank yeah all these bank records and the floor is completely completely littered with clothes and shoes and purses in her bed this is wild [Music] just lots of stuff in here that was bought and never used look brand new purse the paper's still inside of it this purse with the tags still on it [Music] this is wild oh and check it out there's a sewing machine here looks like the brand is called White I've never heard of that brand looks like a pretty solid sewing machine though in this cool seafoam green color [Music] all of her sewing supplies still in the cabinet [Music] lots of little supplies to make looks like brawls these are little elastic bands with the hooks she definitely knew what she was doing when it came to sewing so many records in this house I don't want to show any of it and give personal information away but it looks like these dressers here weren't even used for uh for clothes it looks like it was used for different different supplies [Music] this is a little jewelry holder [Music] a very old hat [Music] a little bit of jewelry left some costume jewelry lots more sewing string [Music] and one thing that I'm noticing is that even though this is her bedroom I haven't seen one photo of her or Joe I imagine the family might have taken all the photographs after she passed away it's like old gowns of hers pounds [Music] an old perfume bottle her sock drawer [Music] this is wild old scarves more silks and look at this closet here completely full sorry guys I'm having to basically climb over stuff to get around this room get all these clothes in this in this hat here a brand new hat inside the box you can see it just inside of there [Music] and this hat still in the bag look at how the mice have made it a home and her husband's canceled checks man there's so much stuff in this house [Music] taking a step off the floor a brand new shirt it's like she just would buy things to buy them just to get a quick dopamine hit [Music] like most addictions [Music] so much clothes I don't understand it closes just stuck with them just like the other closet and I imagine this was is either a closet or this goes down to the basement definitely the basement oh man this stairs are very treacherous oh wow it's completely flooded down here lots of standing water on the floor I don't think it's too deep just a couple of inches wow look at this old Barbie car perhaps her granddaughters or something [Music] oh man what a mess over here all of her jars for jarring food no wind is blowing on this on these pipes it's definitely a draft coming in the water's getting deeper [Music] wow sew my stuff in here it looks like a lot of stuff for canning food and jarring food [Music] so I bet she she made a lot of preserves all right now that we've seen the creepy basement I think it's now time to go back upstairs and go to the second floor definitely don't want to step on any of these papers [Music] yeah she was even hoarding up here as well it's just as chaotic up here as it is downstairs wow wow and look at all these clothes we're even all the way back here too completely lining the walls there's like layers of clothes and behind clothes you look it looks like an old maybe a wedding gown or a prom outfit now this looks like a wedding gown with this design on it it's incredible guys there's history in here it's definitely a lot of personal history in this place that's for sure an old suitcase with a very old photographs look at this probably relatives it's a bunch of them bedroom up here another one oh my God whoa [Music] oh past expirations of hoarder houses I've often found at least one room usually tucked away upstairs that's more or less a tomb of memories and things from the past that reminded them of what's now missing here is where I feel like we'll find most of the things that brought painful Memories Back to the Forefront of Mary's heart the represented by the layers of things piled on top of each other there's so much stuff up here this poor lady oh my God this is so sad [Music] so much stuff [Music] look at this artwork [Music] man this lady had so much clothes and most of it looks brand new I imagine [Music] all these boxes full of glassware and like brand new this this person looks like it's never even been used [Music] we're still inside of it in this purse too look at this yeah she was just buying stuff to buy it more silverware lots of old papers look at this old newspapers from probably from no telling how long ago let's check it out let's see the date on this June 22nd 1973 and of course it looks like old mail from way back in the day look this is dated May 1940. it's incredible gosh where do I even begin there's so much stuff here I could spend all day up here just going through all this stuff [Music] lots of books uh looks like uh school books like educational books same thing over here world history stuff science math Maybe she would use them for assignments when she was a teacher very old trunk of course full of mail and this trunk is from it looks like this trunk has probably been sitting here for a long time buried underneath this stuff so it kind of tells me that this hoarding addiction that she had started years years before she passed away [Music] I mean there's family artifacts everywhere look at this I bet you this was her husband I bet this was Joe [Music] oh God I'm trying to be careful of where I walk I don't want to break anything but you kind of can't help but walk on top of a lot of this stuff I mean there's just clothes Galore up here of course all these dressers are completely stuffed you can tell at one point this used to be a bedroom but then it became a place to pack more and more stuff and believe it or not this is a bed and it's basically the same height as the rest of the floor at this point just being so buried underneath stuff again this is just it's a very sad illness very sad illness all right [Music] back through this area again I'm having to just step over everything what is this you see here oh it's a a wig [Music] and then it looks like we have another here and not surprisingly so completely full of stuff it looks like there's a wedding gown here look at this this is definitely a wedding gown guys this is wild I wonder if this was her wedding gown [Music] or perhaps a gown that she had made for someone [Music] and it looks like there's another you can see it sticking out from the bottom of this thing [Music] lots of very old dolls from no telling how long ago [Music] and look at their outfits I'll put these here from maybe the 60s maybe the 70s it looks like very 60s style clothing on these dolls so it looks like a lot of a lot more antiques in this in this room this old typewriter look at this incredible wow and this thing is very used you can see how the paint has been rubbed off in the space bar [Music] and look at the keys [Music] wow that is incredible it's all these old pins and pencils [Music] so many toys in this room you can see toys all down here all in these boxes and these are very very old toys like look at this thing this is maybe from the 40s or 50s I'm not sure if anyone knows what era this toy is from let me know in the comments below you guys might recognize some of this stuff from even your own childhood so you would definitely know more than than I do about this stuff so yeah someone's definitely ransacked this upstairs all this stuff that was in the drawer is now on the floor oh look at this an old baseball [Music] holy cow look at this there's an autograph on it right here says looks like Bob John if anyone knows who Bob John is or maybe it's Johnson maybe the last three letters got rubbed off if anyone knows who this is let me know in the comments below this is incredible and you can tell this thing's been used too it's pretty Dirty Pretty scuffed up definitely an old leather baseball incredible [Music] there's no telling what's in this place guys just artifacts after artifacts all buried underneath junk and boxes and papers but you can tell she had a little bit of organization because most of the stuff in this in this room is all toys and Christmas decorations and of course more bucks [Music] so many books in this house [Music] ah Barney that's [Music] incredible God if I was a kid right now I'd be going through a treasure trove toy purse [Music] all these board games very old war games too like I said before I could spend hours in this room just sifting through all this stuff but like where do you even begin she's got a bunch of old used wine bottles in here Strawberry Wine very Southern just songs written about that exact thing [Music] oh [Music] all right I think it's time to now go downstairs and sit down on the couch all right that pretty much wraps up this expiration and I want to thank you guys so much for exploring this place with me if you enjoyed this video let me know what you thought of in the comments below give me a like subscribe to my channel for more videos like this and until next time stay off the beaten path [Music]
Channel: Jeremy Xplores
Views: 119,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban exploration, urbex, decay, photography, abandoned building, abandoned house, abandoned church, abandoned car, abandoned school, abandoned prison, abandoned insane asylum, abandoned factory, abandoned bridge, abandoned photography, travel, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, documentary, video tour, abandoned nashville, abandoned castle, abandoned chateau, abandoned france, abandoned manor, abandonednashville, abandonednashvilleofficial, jeremyxplores
Id: lg9fDGt1TPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 49sec (2389 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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