A man and his ego!

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hey Tony Gaskins here you know what we want to talk to you about the bad boy I have heard yes several times and a lot of women get to a place to where they old enough wise enough not to admit that they like the bad boy but it's still true and even if he wears a suit or he wears a uniform in some field she still likes him to have that edge like a bad boy and to be honest with you it's pretty misguided you know it's pretty lame but we don't see it that way but here's the thing and this way you got to understand I have a quote that I posted years ago and it said if you're looking for a bad boy I want you to know that he's looking for himself too and so what I mean by that is when you think about it growing up think about even with certain women that you've seen and maybe even yourself it's a lot of women who may have looks may have a body may have may make great money some may have an education but they were with the dope boy think about it you know dope boys from your city that had a girlfriend that's a nurse or a doctor or a lawyer or an executive supervisor manager and when you think about if you ever knew adult boy if you know any of them or maybe you've been with one and then you look at yourself like well Who am I why was I with that type of person you know that's I was out there in the streets and got my wife now she only dealt with it for a couple months need to get up you know close him and then flip the script on me and told me I had to change my life but when I came back to her after the first time we dated for a few months and she left me when I came back I was in the street and so she took a little bit the process and assessed the situation it probably was a month or two and then she told me just gonna have to go but imagine that door Here I am in the streets and I'm dating a biomedical science major and I saw it with my cousin's my cousin's who I was in the streets with my friends who I was in the street with their girlfriends was RNs LPNs managers at the you know company that the big company in town and I'm like wow so I really started to explore this thing and then I've heard several countless women say for some reason I like the bad boy I don't like the nice guy I don't like the guy that I could push over the guy that I could run over I like the guy that's gonna check me he's gonna put me in my place you know he's gonna tell me by myself I just like that just that edge it just does something for me and you know what that is it's daddy issues as that issues yes and I remember you even talked to my sister she said oh it's just something about me up I love mill in you know I'm saying in word and my daddy was a pastor for 14 years you know of our life useless he was just got it in church Tandi McCain assistant pastor he didn't sister passed for seven years then he open his own church and had that for seven years before he closed it and just went back you know working living regular life but for 14 years my daddy was a pastor but my sister has only dated bad boys it looks that just dog guy cheat on you put hands on you and so I up close and personal had to study this grateful right now she's single and doing the right thing and waiting on a good man but I was able to watch this up close and personal and then I also was able to be that man and let me tell you what this is for the women there's daddy issues it's just you did not connect with a father in a way that showed you what a real man is to the point that you appreciate it and you resonate with him but instead you were looking for something the opposite of your father or if you did not have a father then that's where the bad boy comes in because he the guy who is tough with you you assume that he is tough with the world now there are some man that you will see fight over a man and fight a woman he has daddy issues he has what we will call a fragile ego that's fragile masculinity so when you are physically stronger than someone if you will put hands on that person to inflict hanging on to that person then you are a weak man and a lot of men including myself have gone through that a man doesn't have to live there his whole life but he may go through that to where just like you see a bully in school may find the scrawny guy but then school is not going to pick on the star quarterback he's going to get his scrawny guy may wear glasses maybe frail baby quiet introvert scary jazz nervous socially awkward social anxiety have all these different things going on and then he want to pick on him that's because his daddy is either absent or his dad at whooping his behind so that's why the bullet coming do what he does see his daddy issue just like my video the other day that said it's on the man this what this come from and so what I've notice is that a lot of women you want you want the bad boy because to you that represents security you think that okay if he'd a big bad wolf if he's tough then he can protect me so I heard women say you know I can't be with a man that's shorter than me because I don't feel protected and it's all of these things that's just misguided and you don't understand what a real man is and it has nothing to do with his stature it has nothing to do with his status it has nothing to do with how tough he appears or how confident he appears it really comes down to understanding that a man strength is in his gentleness I remember when I had a motivational quote out and I were really close every day I saw a quote I don't remember the author's name but it said a man's strength is in his gentleness and I bet it was a real man who wrote that and what I came to find out is that the toughest men are the gentlest man with their wives and their their children sons and daughters the toughest man or men who will snap you in half and when they have to not just because they want to these men are actually men who will walk away from a confrontation these are men who try to avoid confrontation they depicted it very well when they used to depict on the Bruce Lee movies when you watch like the Last Dragon or you watch like these wild wild west you always see this guy this man in there whether he'll you know ganache Lang or whether he'll kung fu master what have you a street brawler you always see this guy he's like in these movies if you watch these action moves and he's like no no that's not what you want trust me it's not what you want like Liam Neeson and taking that's not what you want don't make me do this and then got what what are you gonna do come on let's go I didn't a guy come on in there and then boom this guy follow them up just like that see that type of man and when you see him you may think he solved you may think he week you may think he's not confident look at Bruce Lee Bruce Lee watch 6fo Bruce Lee won six foe but who you think gonna put hands to him who you think gonna put hands to him but so imagine it for one the saying oh I can't be with a man who's short because I don't feel secure so yo six fold man come up with his fragile ego he want to get loud with Bruce Lee so here you will feeling good you messed with the wrong one today we're gonna see how did it work ooh you love five eight shrimp wise how this work guy and then this man with Bruce Lee abilities taking him break break your six-foot man out of alcalá half with one hit yo baby help me and you like what yeah when I grew up it was the five eight men that was the toughest it wouldn't man who what the smallest guys what the toughest guys on the football field on the basketball court and in street fighting I remember my sister was with her a thief he even got out of prison nine out the door in 15 years and I remember she told me she used to watch him fight he's giving fights all the time she said to him he never lost a fight I never seen this man lose a fight that man really kept fighting one number 15 16 17 but and he was a thief end up going to prison for more than a decade and she told me that they used to sleep on the couch and she and she was sleep on top of him now I'm a man I can sleep with my wife spooning spooning from the bite I can't sleep like that I gotta have my space so can you imagine what kind of man gonna let a woman sleep on top of him I said you see her she say yeah I just sleep on top of him cuz she had ran away from home and was living with him at his mama house and they had a West a small house and had let him twelve people in there so she slept on the couch on top of him I see is you serious does my first introduction into a real man in a sense of a man who knows his strength and that's when I really started to study this because I probably 18 at a time and that's when I really started to study this because I was the opposite okay and I started to study masculinity and see how we deal with our ego and what happens is men will come and the men who are tough in your eyes and got all the swag in your eyes a lot of times those are the men who was battling the biggest demons they battling with the most insecurity they battling with the most trauma and pain they going through the most behind the scenes because they crying on the inside but a man is raised and taught that you cannot show weakness that you cannot let anybody see you sweat so what you do to make it and I've been studying this I'm watching this with a rap with rappers and I see this with rappers and you'll see videos and I know some rappers personally you'll see videos was when there was seven eight nine years old elementary middle school and when you look at them back then a lot of these rappers you looked at em you like you kind of confute you really can't tell if he was into the look girls or he was into the little boy and you look at him and you like hmm interesting and and you know he were putting on talent shows in the liver room doing splits you know your CD man that when they was younger they were doing splits they was doing cartwheels there was you know in the dance troupe you know doing all the dances that the girls do and could do it better than the girls but didn't grow up and then next thing you know now as an adult he got tattoos lead man got all these tattoos I got tattoo buddy under my shirt and that's why I got him trying to look hard trying to look cool didn't make no sense it don't make no sense to sit down and let somebody put a needle on your skin with ink and cutting your skin and etching ink into your skin that makes absolutely no sense but why don't we do it trying to look cool trying to fit in trying a little sexy or trying to look tough everybody watching this with a tattoo why you did it get to the root of it you didn't do it because it you just said you know what this makes the most sense in the world to just sit down and endure pain and put permanent ink on my skin that when I'm 80 years old I can look at this old wrinkled ink with just pride and joy didn't make no sense it does not make any sense no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah notice where I got Michael I used to have an ice chest I used to have a 14-page okay now you have nice orange so I got mine in a pleasure trying to little sense you can't see him see ain't do all this see the guys who get all down they're all in effect they got a point to prove they trying to say something I don't know what they're trying to say each one i'ma tell you what they trying to say different but they saying something but what I started to notice was the man who are the most insecure start to show up the most those are ones who want to be who wanna had a most sway who want to be the coolest they want to put on they want to be the Street King the kingpin but the guy with the most confidence the guy who understands that his strength is in his gentleness the guy who don't have nothing to prove those guys that you'll see will walk along eat alone won't do anything to fit in with society so these guys I know that got all the money in the world and don't have a single tattoo why because it don't make sense time it don't make sense home those same guys and never put hands on a woman the old saying guys maybe overlooked by women because they're not they don't have fragile masculinity that they're showing it through trying to be tough trying to be swaggy trying to you know whether it's getting earrings tattoos in your face sleeve or tattoos on your arm big jewelry whatever it may be different guys express it their insecurities different guys express their insecurities or their pain their childhood pain and trauma in different ways and it's deep its deep this step on a lot of toes they step on a lot of toes because you know what I was saying 70 to 80% of men go through it 70 to 80 percent of men go through it now see for me i'ma tell you this if you if you meet a man who does not have tattoos he off took her to a good start he's off to a good start don't mean you're good man don't get me wrong don't mean me a good Hill good man if you meet a man with tattoos don't mean that he's a bad man doesn't mean that he solved okay but you got to look at the evidence of how things show up look at evidence house things show up if you meet a man who has something that is a societal trend earrings in the ear the big beer tattoos in the face tattoo sleeve of tattoos down tattoos on the hand big jewelry flashy jewelry exotic flashy cars that he may not can't afford or that maybe he can afford but don't really need what got it to make that statement when you start to see things like this show up on guys that's when you got to dig a little deeper that's when you got to get into that childhood look that's when so yeah you know so how was your upbringing where you raised single parent double parent home and so you got to ask it like that see how I asked it like that so yeah it was life like like we raised your mom your dad you know I'm being the one right now okay whereas what some of y'all so also tell me this just has some women y'all get a deep in you boy so tell me this what you raised with your Jess your mom or your mom and your dad you see how that's two totally different ways so a man gonna be an alarm he's gonna put the guards up but you ask him the latter way now when you ask him the first way so yeah what was life like like were you raised with your mom's dad like what was that like and then he tells you so now you get into that town okay and then you may say I really missed those days just like kindergarten no bills like what what did you get into like what were you like in kindergarten or elementary school then when he says now this the guy with all the tattoos or or you know some type of trend in society that looks tough or looks cool or looks like swag and then he tells you well you know what ironically I was in a dance team in in elementary oh you are now you can't really respond to it but you just taking notes and he might not tell you he might not take you might go to him mama house and say let me show you love Johnny okay this right here when he was on the bumble lets it was like a little dance team and he said go around and you like oh really oh that's so cute and then he could mommy what you know on now just for the record I was never on a dance team okay I've never won daddy I played sports all my life I did not do talent shows singing rapping dancing doing splits I ain't you know that so but I watched this stuff happen okay and I seen over the years how men start to find try to find they're not finding themselves actually start to mask themselves start to put on a facade because they feel that who they are is soft or weak or when they go into the world they will be eaten alive but really in their heart they may not be scared or they may fear themselves more than they fear the world so it may be like I be honest with you when I was growing up there's one thing that I said to somebody a friend or my dad I said I don't want to get in a fight because I'm afraid that if I put everything I have into a fight that I could truly hurt somebody and I truly meant that and that's why I tried to avoid confrontation you know I got this little cut on my scar on my pinky from where I had to hit a boy in the mouth ain't he happened to have braces and it was out that he kept pushing me I was sitting down watching the game he kept pushing me in the back you know he pushing banking that will clash and my cousin was putting him up to it and because they knew my spirit and just how I was and easygoing try to stay out of trouble in the blood kept pushing me and I had to turn around and jump up on that mat but they was on the wrestling mat that was rolled up until a big circle so we will sit on and I had to jump up on that mat and I went out to that what when the putting hands on him and his braces cut my finger to the white meat and it's only a few times in my life that I had it that I had to fight because I was quiet I was cool I become and I ain't bothering nobody but I was always the best athlete and if I wasn't the best I was in the top two and so nobody didn't bother me they respected me just because they knew my family they knew my ability I was a athlete and so I was okay some men have that path some men don't have that path if you don't have a political path gonna be tougher coming up in a place where I'm coming from so you got athletics or you got the streets and that's what you got to understand about me well think about this you got athlete's --ax or you got the streets so what is the man in between there a lot of people are not checking for the man that's in the band or not checking for the man that's in the theater club a lot of women not checking for old men when you look in high schools and who get into women it ain't the guy in the band and nothing against that but it just goes to show you how women go through their process of selection looking for what appears to be the strongest most powerful most confident man when actually the guy in the band might be taking Taekwondo lessons and cuz snap your boyfriend that's the star quarterback coach snap your boyfriend a half kahit joke could hit your man with a two-piece snack that's old man won't even get back up but you'll never assume that because of women read masculinity based on the outward appearance of a man and what a man shows and then that's why today I'll be honest with you it works both ways so you got the guy who was kind of gentle in his strength and knew his strength ahead channeled his strength is similar to like a Clark Kent or like the boy Peter Parker who Spyder you got guys like that in real life not with superpowers you know but are unassuming but very strong and confident and powerful as a man right so those meaning can grow up they need going through life and they being overlooked because the bloody over here got the big chest and the big arms and he pushing people around so the woman think that if I get with him I'm gonna be protected but not knowing that one day the bullet gonna meet somebody that see right through him because he would raise around bullies and he put that bullet on his behind and then you like you looking crazy because your man just got exposed for actually being sawed who was fronting so what a lot of men do else and that's what you're gonna notice a lot of men will as they grow into manhood they try to get something that says to other men don't mess with me don't try me so they may be new a killer who had all gold teeth or had sleeves or tattoos or had braids or had dreadlocks or had the big beard or had earring in both ears or had big chump change and so these men will go and could be soft hearted but go and get all those things go get the tattoos the gold t4 diamond t4 the earrings the the flashy jewelry the flashy cars and really what it's saying what he's trying to say is I'm hard I'm tough I'm cool I'm in the in-crowd and we literally judge people like that so I know myself that what I'm capable of but if I walk into a crowd and I don't have only jury and I go up to like a you know a Freaknik or Funk Fest or a big event and it's a bunch of you know black men like myself if I walk into this crowd and I don't have on imagery you can't see tattoos on me and I don't have on anything no earrings I don't have a big beer I don't have no signs that say I'm affiliated you know going affiliated I'm tough I'm I'm in that crowd a man will look at me and he'll judge me man he said okay he saw and then he'll look at genetics - the ugly you are the tougher you are soon to be then the reason being is because the world has been harder on you so it has hardened you so you notice when you look at somebody that you say nah forgive me forgive me Lord I'm not calling about it early and you know I don't like to call about a little ain't callin about early night but understand just using terminology that you'll be using okay I'm using terms out that you use okay but typically think about this from middle school to high school college whatever you thought that man was you just assumed the tougher he is whereas you see a guy who you may say it's certainly guys that I've heard women say he's beautiful you don't assume that man that you said is handsome gorgeous beautiful you don't assume he's tough you don't assume he's tough but when you see that guy coming in he looked like a gorilla you like war don't mess with him that what Allah he was mad somebody hell and the one who looked like a gorilla might actually be softer cotton candy and hot Sun on a rainy day he might be this just gentlest man you'll ever meet in your life and then the one that you think look soft as an end of a q-tip might be the debtless menu our ever meet in your life you see what I mean so we misjudge people by the outward appearance whether it's genetics or whether is what they put on and that's what I began to understand as I began to study masculinity and see how men will hide they will hide their insecurities and their weakness and their fear by putting on the facade of being confident full of swag full of charisma full of you know strength and what you call that machismo and bravado auto autos that y'all like to use so they'll come and say whatever it takes to show that and it shows up in different ways it shows up in different ways but very rarely do you see men go against the grain and look the opposite of what is said to be tough and just walking their natural strengths and their natural confidence and not try to put on very rarely do you see that that a man who was comfortable in his own skin without trying to front flex or have a facade and that is why so many women get hurt because you choose a pert I'm an who to you looks strong swaggy and confident but what you don't realize all of that is to mask painting and security and then the man who can be gentle with you who doesn't want to argue with you who doesn't want to put his foot on your neck who doesn't want to cheat on you lighter you use you an abuser man who doesn't want to do all of that you say oh he's soft he's a pushover because you could tell him what to do and he listens to you and he takes your suggestion you want the man that's gonna look at you and say woman shut up I know what I'm doing I'll tell me what to do old man you actually want that you say you say you don't you don't want it but that's what you end up with because you're lying that's actually what you want and so then and I've heard it from all kind of women all ages all races all levels of education you know I just can't deal with a man that I just could run all over you're not running all over him he just knows his strengths you're not fitting to be punching him in the mouth you're not fitting to be giving him wedges every day he just knows his strength he don't have anything to prove to you because he could squash you like a bug if he wanted to so he don't have that to prove to you but see what happened is women you go after the swagalicious man and then next thing you know and then you want to be sitting there confuse and you like end but that's what you chose because you were attracted to his bravado to to that machismo today you know car false confidence that he walked around with when he was hiding an insecure little boy on the inside but see the man who is truly confident he won't have to try to step on my body toes like he won't have to try to be rude and mean and nasty condescending to men or women you know he speaks up and defends himself when he needs to but he's just walking around trying to pump people and impose his will and and come in the room looking all mean and tall he'd come in and you will misjudge him and that's what happened with me a lot of times in business after I learned what a real man was and realized I don't have to be mean and nasty I go in business and I listen to people now okay I'll let swimming the other thing that a sales pitch is working and then when I shut them down and then when I keep shutting down they confused or they try to play me like a fool just because I was just like huh and then they try to scam me or give me some crazed outrageous price and I got to call them out then they got to get offended oh no I don't never do that I don't do business bad business I would never try to cheat you and that's exactly what they was doing but because I didn't come in with that bravado and that machismo and all that attitude like a fake tough guy does they assume that I was a dog that I was a deer in the headlights and that they could take advantage that they could get over it didn't when I check them on it like oh I'm dealing with a real man yeah oh yeah oh yeah you try to play me like a fool and not even played yourself so it that's the walk in integrity and be who you know you supposed to be instead of trying to read people by outward you know appearance so how they approach you or how they shake your hand and talk to you and instead of trying to read them like that just operate from your heart so for women watching this think about it it's like how do you want to be treated do you want to be treated like a queen do you want a man that's gonna be faithful do you want a man that's gonna love and respect you if that's the case then he's not going to appear all he's not gonna come off to you all tough and swaggy it'd be rude or condescending or snapping at you he's not gonna do that but when a guy does that it's a lot of women that that secretly turns them on when he snapped when he hit man when he get loud it secretly turns on a lot of women and it make women's up and I've had guys tell me I've had guys tell me who guys will have a lot of experience with women I'm talking about you know slept with a thousand or more women then guys I've had guys like that tell me man woman like you to control woman like you tell what to do man woman like you a just a girl even and I'm like and you know what they not act they're not lying because I was like that in my life I was like that in my life and it was crazy how it was crazy how it will work to where on the first day you just tell of 180 I love me some of that and you say the word the nasta word for word and they're like oh oh really well come get it where as she's supposed to be like what who you talking to do what you take me for get out my face slam the door in your face you would expect that but it was more women ever be like oh really come again and then you have women saying oh I just want a man to be honest with me and just tell me what he want because I might want the same thing if you don't sit your booty behind down so well for you be walking around with HIV tommye you wish he'll tell you what he won't cuz you might want to say woman you won't go get you a bottle of olive oil and get at the foot of the cross but there are you talking about you gonna have ten kids from 10 different men and however disease that doesn't cook caught in his loud talk of mine I wish a man it just be real with me and just tell me what he won't cuz I might want the same man I can't tell you how many women I heard say that I can't tell how many women on the scene show and prove that you're nasty your loss you heard him and you need to get your life together that's nasty you got all kind of bacteria brewing in you get yourself together that's not cute that's not cute you you ain't sex and Sasser just because you're gonna get on your bike on the first date just because a man bold enough to tell you that's what he want that ain't cute you need to deal with that child trauma that you dealing with that you running from you need to confront that that's not cute now let me tell you on the other side of this hell thing as you see these hip movements out here of these means and ain't gonna say the term because I don't know if there's dim terms is is not to be used on here but you see these movements online y'all know the time you don't even have to put in the comment we all know the terms but you see these movements on YouTube or just type of me in that's me and going their own way you know and got the acronym for that you know and these other men with the different color peels okay we're gonna say is that what it is what you know what I'm talking about now let me help you understand those type of men those men are actually the nice guys who knew their words and knew their strengths those men are actually the guys that used to be Clark Kent that used to be Peter Parker but they kept running into women who judge a man by his outward appearance and by him being boisterous and having a false confidence and because those men were being caring and loving and kind to women and being gentle with women but not understanding that just how a lot of these men have not been raised a lot of these women have not been raised so women came record recognize a good man if he spit in her face if he stomped on a big tote she wouldn't recognize a good man it's a lot of these women is good man be sitting up staring you right in your face so close to you you could smell his breath the dinner on his breath from two days ago that's how close he is to you you won't even know it but a bad man could be a mile away and you got a radar that'll pick them up and he'll levitate in the air and be glowing and come to you you pull man from a mile away and walked by 50 good man time I'm looking for my husband you're not looking for your husband you're looking for approval you're looking for somebody to thank sex and swagging then if they get with you gonna elevate your stock you want other women to look at your man and be jealous that you got on because you think you got some special and now ten times you got you're a grown boy they don't know left from right don't know who he isn't gonna be going upside your head but because you don't know man because you have not really listened about fragile masculinity and fragile egos you misjudge a man and you give him credit that he does not deserve so now you think he tough and you like security but what is security secure yourself be secured in Lord all you need from a man is love all you should need from man love you mean you weren't about money and we don't live in a war zone so you don't need no bit tall muscular bound muscle neck man what are you gonna y'all not fighting anything to be fighting in Walmart over you like that's how silly y'all sound wheezing oh I need a man old six-foot I can't do it a man under see it's flat does it make me feel like I'm the man so since when a height got to do anything with a man being a man and since when muscles got to do anything with a man being a man cuz let me tell you like the right though if I meet a man and he wanna fight and he looked too big and strong for me I got something wrong I don't care how big that chest is anything stop that Hot Lips give me so listing only right they don't matter cuz anybody could get laid down so what you need is a man who know who he is and he knows how to treat a woman he might be five eight he might be just the skinny as the neck of a bottle you mean he might be built like this well he might be built like this you me but he knows who he is and he knows how to treat her wanna and so now let me tell you what I'm telling about the man with the movements online and they won't tell you this now the man they was not someone were actually soft and scared okay but the reason why they went that way is from the damage that women did to them because they kept trying to go get this woman and what happened is one two three times but someone may happen one time in high school could have been middle school but a lot of humanity movements didn't happen two or three times where they went to get a woman that they thought was beautiful got the woman and then the woman ended up cheating on him with a man that's bigger taller stronger a man that's most swagalicious a man that may have all the tattoos all the juror or the flashy car may have the man probably had a a p4 brain ppea like a little pee like a little sweet pea the man probably had a p4 brain but because he had the tattoos and the swagger she went and slept with him while she had this man over here who was trying to lull her down trying to lull her right treat her like a queen but she called that salt because he gave her a voice he let her have her boys he let her call her shots he validated her mind he let her operating her excellence she called that salt she called that week she called him a pushover so then she going get with the bad boy now she can't stop crying he putting hands on he t known he cussing I talking to her like trash like a doll and she sitting over there yeah you got your bad boy yeah you were looking for a bad boy you found her and guess what he's still looking for his self too so this what I need you to understand about this fragile masculinity about this male ego that's what I need you to understand that this thing is real okay this thing really staying dangerous and when you see these men and that's why I say you know we all make mistakes but when but when a man coming to the knowledge he'll stop making those mistakes so you know I got tattoos I don't judge me in with tattoos but once he crossed a certain age if he's still getting tattoo and I know not know what he operated from once he really come into adulthood and you know he passed 25 but he passed 30 he's still getting tattoos okay now I know something going on because when you really think about it don't make sense to get permanent ink on your skin that you got to look at when you 80 years old it just don't make sense it don't make sense when you could go get a canvas and paint on it it just don't make sense so we doing it for a reason a lot of people don't want to admit the reason oh that's because my grandma died he ain't that many people in your family died for you to have 69 tattoo so why else are you doing that okay and the same reason why we go get earrings same reason why you know every man growing a beard you know I really don't like no beer I got beer right now cuz we don't need his situation it's a lockdown and beyond we're saying they're not do about it but it ain't gonna be trying to cut it at rim myself but I might grow me love beer see how I look okay we did only but I'm already married so it ain't mean about trying to be in a bearded man the beer club and all this the look good on Instagram cuz I want to take selfies so you go to my Instagram you gonna save me posting those selfies I don't do that alright the same reason why if I see a man working out extremely hard it's something there because the average man who knows who he is and he's confident in himself he's gonna work out enough for his health when the man start going the way he just trying to be all yes and this and all this house and all this he and he ain't got no sport to play you ain't got no competition body competition to get into but you just trying to get big is all like though with all the earth for what because that also sends a message it sends the message to men don't mess with me and the man might not be gifted with his hands at all you product to look at him in Akamai but he all the muscles he trying to tell man don't mess with me and he trying to tell women desire me now I'm gonna get my body back but you know I'm get my body back for my wife because she need a boost and her you know estrogen or whatever there when she look at me I want her to look at me and wanna lick her lips so that wanna do it but it's a lot of men that's doing that for the wrong reasons so see what you got to do is you're gonna have to dig a little deeper with each man you have to look into that childhood you have to get to the root of who they really are and you're gonna have to see why they did what they did and that's why I'm gonna tell you what happened then why you see some men who was soft and quiet and kind as a youth then they grow up to be a gang member but then once they getting and then and got these stripes and and put some people in the grade then you'll see them doing about-face that mean turn around a 180 you'll see them do a 180 and start talking about we need peace in the streets and we need to come together and we need to stop all this senseless killing we need to stop off doing all this and we need to come together we need to put down the red and the blue and all that and he'd go to getting on that a reason why he owned that because that's who he really is he not after he did that for acceptance he did that out of fear he did that to try to fit in so that he wouldn't be eaten eaten alive but not a heathen got in there and got some strikes he literally had to take lives just to get some respect so that now he could be who he truly is which is a peacemaker which is a lover not a fighter you see what I mean that's why you see that happen not a man who really really bought that life ain't never talking about no peace ain't ever time I know pee-stained trying to have nothing they want to stay in war you hear me and so it's different types of me it different size men and you got to understand that if you looking for a bad boy he's still looking for himself - hey that's only guys and God bless you thank you for your time we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 52,189
Rating: 4.9242072 out of 5
Id: oC8EuWN5IzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 21sec (2961 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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