A Far Out Collection of Sci-Fi Sketches

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- Hi, guys! Welcome to the Studio C sci-fi compilation! - It's the place where you go see all our sci-fi compiles. - Yes. - Prettty self-explanatory. - May the sketches be with you, always. [laughs] That's right, right? Star Wars? - Mr. President, he wants to speak with you directly. - Or what? - He'll blow up the earth. - Fair enough. Put him through. - Uh, Mr. President? Are you sure this is unprecedented? We have never dealt with extraterrestrial life before. - We don't have any other options. Do it. - Greetings, earthlings! My name is General Zordex, leader of the planet Sweetara, and I am here to destroy you. - Why? - Because two weeks ago, a member of your staff purchased a star which happened to be my planet's sun. - I beg your pardon? - Do not deny it, Mr. President. I have the official document right here from starnamer.com. - Listen, General, I can assure you, no one on my staff-- -<i> Mr.</i> President. I may have unknowingly purchased his planet's sun as a 25th wedding anniversary gift. - Commander, how could you? - I'm sorry, sir. I had no idea. - No, I mean how could you purchase such a lame wedding anniversary gift? That's...awful. - His wife was so upset, she made him sleep on the couch. - That's privileged information, general! - Tell them what you named the star. - Never. - Do it, commander. That's an order. - [mumbles] - What was that? - "Wounded Lover." [laughing] - Silence! Do you think that's funny? Do you know how annoying that has been for our planet? Now whenever it's hot outside, we have to say, "The Wounded Lover sure is strong today. "Better put on some Wounded Lover screen or we'll get the Wounded Lover burn." - He's right. That's super annoying. - Okay, people, no one is making him call it Wounded Lover. - Actually, we are. Don't worry, sir. Starnamer.com's legal team is the best in the galaxy. - Oh, regardless, are you really going to blow up our planet because of an annoyance? - Annoyance? Our world religion is based off of sun worship, and now we pray to the Wounded Lover. Our youth have started to worship the moon, and not even our good moon. - But does that really justify destroying planet Earth? - We have become the pansies of the galaxy. Thanks to our name change, we've been attacked fifteen times in the last fourteen days. One of the invading armies gave our planet a giant wedgie. <i> Look at it!</i> - Ugh. Why would anyone attack you over a name? - A name is everything. For example, our neighboring solar system's star was renamed "Chuck Norrisaurus Rex." Do you think anyone messes with them? No. And it's a planet made of gold, diamonds, and populated by fluffy bunnies. - Let's talk negotiations. You want money? - There is no amount of money which can shield my planet's self-esteem, but if you give us half of your-- What? Oh. Well, that's just dandy. Apparently, our planet has been completely destroyed by the bunnies. I don't even know how that works. I hope you're happy. - Well done, Mr. President. Crisis technically averted. - Well done, everyone. - Who's the fool who dare named our planet's sun "lonelyboy4eva." - Two-for-one special. - Unbelievable. - We're closing in commander. - We are ready. The time to invade Earth has arrived. All we have to do now is pick the proper place to strike. - We should choose a landmark that will do the most damage. Might I suggest The White House? - I'm not sure. We have no way of gauging the true value of these sites to the humans. -<i> Oh, wait</i> comrades. We can plan our attack using our human technology known as the Internet. - Ah... -<i> Yes,</i> we can use a website known as [yelps]. - I think you're just supposed to say the name. - It's called Yelp. Commander:<i> Ahh.</i> - I'm not so sure. I mean, look at this review. This person gave The White House two out of five stars and said, "They don't even let you use "the President's personal bathroom, my taxes paid for that!" - No doubt this person is a strong contributor to their society. - Indeed. - I'm not sure how much merit we should place in these reviews. - But Sal'torra, this is the Internet. It's not like Yelp just allows anyone to say anything about anywhere. That would be stupid. - Indeed. We must heed the counsel of the all-knowing Internet and The White House has too few stars. Perhaps The Statue of Liberty? -<i> Ah-ah-ah</i> ah! One this Yelp user gave it one star. He wrote, "The Statue of Liberty would be so much hotter if she were holding an M16 and a Baja Blast from T-Bell." - An astute observation from a distinguished art historian, I'm sure. - Yes, yes. Oh! Oh, but wait, we can attack the Olive Garden which always seems to receive great reviews, but only in towns where there are no other restaurants except for Olive Garden. Commander:<i> Ahhh.</i> Now there's a review you can trust. - I'm afraid I agree with Sal'torra, captain. We spend too much time worried about where to invade. - Thank you. - And not enough time on whom to abduct. - Wait, what? Let's just explode the planet. - But how do we select the perfect abductee? - Oh, we can use this human application and social discovery application known as Tinder. -<i> Ahhh,</i> Internet! How does it work? -<i> You</i> simply swipe right on those you wish to abduct. - Ahhh. Apparently all you need to accurately judge someone by is six deceptively flattering photos. - We are one minute away from Earth with zero plan of attack. - We don't need one. We can attack the earthlings from the safety of our ship using offensive Internet posting known as "trolling." - Internet! I want to try it. I want to troll someone. Ah-ha! Greetings Earth teenager, you have an intelligence slightly below average LOL jk jk! - Burn. Burn. - Oh, he's responding, sir. - A counter-strike! "Hey moron, you look like what would happen if Voldemort married a smurf." I don't understand the reference, but it still hurts. - I'm sorry, captain, those teenagers on Earth are the worst. - Whatever. The invasion is off. - [scoffs] - Wait, sir, he's responding! He wrote #doesyourmomdressyou. - Invasion is on! Destroy their planet! How did he know? - I don't know! - Did you tell him? <i> [audience cheering]</i> Man:<i> Mr. President,</i> the aliens have taken Moscow. - What're we gonna do? We're running out of options. - Well, there is this one thing, but it's a long shot. - What is it? - This. It was developed in the '80s by the Reagan administration. It's a system of counter-strike space missiles called the Strategic Defense Initiative. - Is this really our best option? I mean, what operating program does it use, the FAD-3 Interceptor or the PAC 400? - Neither. Stephen:<i> Nintendo!?</i> - Not just any Nintendo. Regular Nintendo. Okay, uh, I don't really know how this works. - What, didn't any of you play games in the '80s? - No, we were busy excelling in the real world. - Now we'll pay for our foolish ambitions. - Is there no one who can save us? Man:<i> Hand me</i> the cartridge. <i> [audience laughs and cheers]</i> My entire life has prepared me for this moment. - Are we just going to ignore the fact that this guy broke into supposedly the most secure place on the planet? - Yeah, this is a Pokémon Go gym, so be expecting a lot of guys like me. - I don't know. I don't know. There's no time. Just hand him the cartridge. - Do you know how to work this? Okay, hey it's-- - Silence! - Okay, sir, what is exactly do you think you're gonna plan-- [blowing] - Is there any way that we could-- - [blowing] - A lot of people are going to die if-- - [blowing] - It's not a harmonica. - Is that really gonna make a difference? Oh, it's working! - Okay, so uh... - Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, A, B, select, start. - What are you doing? - I'm earning the Earth ten bonus lives, you're welcome. - Okay... Is this... how it's-- Okay, is it work-- up? - Yeah, I just pwned that alien noob. - Is there anything we can do to help, son? - Yeah, gimme a hot pocket. - There's no way I'm gonna give him a hot pocket. - Do you want to lose New York!? - Just do it, Mr. Secretary! - Just do it! - All right, where are we at? - My girlfriend is gonna be so impressed. She might agree to actually meet me in person. - Yeah, I think he's probably getting catfished. - There is about 100% chance it's... - Here. - Closer. C'mon man, my hands are busy! President:<i> Just do it!</i> - [mouth full] Yeah, this is the carbs I need. All right, all right. Now I'm ready. - Oh, oh, hey! Did it work? - Is that it? - You did it? - He saved Earth! He saved Earth! He did it! - There's no way he actually saved Earth, okay? [phone ringing] - It's confirmed. He actually saved Earth! - Hey, hey, hey, hey. Any 45-year-old Comcast customer service agent living in his parent's basement would've done the exact same thing. - Sir, your country and the world owe you a great debt. Is there anything we can do? - Well, there is one thing... - Okay, uh... - There is no way we are doing that. Owen:<i> What made you think it was a smart</i> idea to create a genetically modified hybrid dinosaur? - It was our only option. People aren't phased by ordinary dinosaurs anymore. They need<i> something bigger, better.</i> I give you Indominus Rex. - Where is it? <i> - I don't know.</i> It's not showing up on any of these heat scans. -<i> What</i> kind of dinosaur did you cook up in that lab? - That's classified. - Why can it change its body temperature, Claire? - We spliced it's DNA with a species of tree frog. - What is wrong with you people? Why can't we see it? -<i> The DNA</i> of the cuttlefish makes it capable of camouflage. - Oh... [grunts] - There's more. <i> - No.</i> Tell me there's not more. - It's part raptor. - NO! [grunts] [glass shattering] Raptor's are my life. - And it's part ghost. - What? Wait, what? - So it can't die. - Woman! - And it has IBS. - Ugh! -<i> We</i> made it hypoallergenic. - Aw, that's cute. - With just a little bit of Hitler. - Ah! -<i> We replaced</i> its voice box with an alto saxophone. - Okay... -<i> We gave it a</i> Golden Globe nomination to inflate its ego. - Boo! -<i> We left it with</i> a large inheritance and we murdered its parents, so it's likely to become Batman. -<i> Aw,</i> no! -<i> We added</i> just a little bit of Rebel Wilson, so it's a large and in charge blonde bombshell. - Oh, good for her. -<i> And</i> it's part tomato, so it tastes great with cilantro. -<i> Now</i> you've gone too far, Claire! That is it! [glass shattering] What have you done? - No, what have<i> you</i> done? [alto saxophone playing] [screaming] - Tell my raptors "I love you!" Man:<i> Captain,</i> <i> the ship is falling apart!</i> <i> We have to get everyone</i> <i> out of here</i> before-- Ah! Captain! Help! Is anyone there? <i> Can anyone</i> hear me? <i> I'm falling!</i> - Not on my watch. - Captain, I can't believe it-- -<i> No time</i> to thank me. It's just what captains do. Now hold on while I... Ah! Ah! Looks like this captain's going down with his ship. -<i> You</i> can make it. Just let me go. - Never! [grunting] Ah! Spock! - Falling would be highly illogical captain. - How did you-- -<i> Explaining</i> would be a waste of time and energy. <i> Not to mention the high improbability</i> that either of you would understand it. <i> Now let me just--</i> Ah! Captain, I appear to be slipping. - Hold on with that<i> Vulcan death grip of yours, Spock!</i> Rescue is here. Scotty:<i> Oh,</i> great. A girl. Uhura:<i> What?</i> Chauvinist! - Girls have weaker upper body strength. That's a scientific fact. - I can confirm that. Uhura:<i> Do you</i> want me to drop you? Maybe I should get some bro to help you out instead. I can't believe this is happening. Spock:<i> I admit our situation</i> seems to defy believabiity. - Both of you, the negativity is not helping, so cut it out! - I'll cut it out as soon as you learn to cut out the Oreos, "Captain Chunk!" Captain:<i> I'm a</i> stress eater! But you know what? I still look great. Scotty:<i> Not from</i> this angle. Captain:<i> Do you want me to drop</i> 130 pounds, Scotty? - Point taken. - Slipping! - My prescription, a little less gravity in your diet. - Bones, pull us up. - Dang it, Jim! I'm a doctor, not The Hulk! All: Ugh. - I thought that was a good one. Ah! - Well, we're officially dead now. Captain:<i> Why do people</i> keep showing up at the last possible second? This is the worst! Spock:<i> On the bright side,</i> it appears the hand-holding, team-building exercise we did at the retreat last month is now becoming quite useful. - I'm slipping! - Already? - Ha! Who has weaker upper body strength now? - Who built this walkway anyway? It seems the first spaceship with a high probability of shifting gravity and shaking <i> is breaking a boatload</i> <i> of safety regulations.</i> Captain:<i> Our ship can</i> literally travel at the speed of light, <i> and you're complaining</i> <i> about</i> inadequate guard rails? - I'm just sayin', we've mastered teleportation, <i> we should be able to</i> master basic safety precautions. Captain:<i> Well, as soon as they scrape our</i> bodies off the floor, I'll make sure and submit a complaint with HR. Scotty:<i> Well, you'll have to</i> <i> do</i> it without me. Because I can't<i> hold</i> on... Captain:<i> Don't you dare</i> let go, Scotty! - I'm sorry, captain! Goodbye! Oh, you know what? I'm touching the ground. So, should I get a ladder or... ♪♪ <i> [audience cheering]</i> - Battlestation is heavily shielded and has a firepower greater than half a star fleet, but a small one-manned fighter should be able to penetrate the outer defense. - Pardon me for asking, sir, but what good are snubfighters going to be against that? -<i> Well,</i> the Empire doesn't consider a small one-manned fighter to be any threat. - Because it probably isn't, right? - Yeah, I got a family. What happens to them if I, you know... I mean, it's called The Death Star. - Well, these are all great questions. They'd probably be best answered by HR. - Hello, everyone! My name is Lieran Antares with human resources. This R2 unit's going to pass out some pamphlets for us. So, just take one and pass it around. <i> [audience cheers]</i> Thank you. <i> [R2 unit beeps]</i> - All right, first off, I'd like to welcome you all to the Rebel Alliance and tell you thanks for joining the fight against The Galactic Empire. Now, I think I heard some questions over here. - Yeah, what's going to happen to us? I mean, the odds can't be that good, right? -<i> Oh.</i> Well, that's a great question. One of our protocol droids actually did a risk assessment for us. Uh, 3PO, what were the numbers on that? - Oh, the odds of surviving this attack are approximately 3,719 to 1. - That's like navigating an asteroid field. - It's slightly better than navigating an asteroid field. Unless you're in a Y wing, then it's much worse. - I'm in a Y wing. Lieren:<i> Well,</i> great news! Because all new hires are eligible for life insurance through Tatooine Mutual Benefits Association. So if, and probably when, you die in battle, you can rest assured knowing that your family will be taken care of. - That's kind of comforting. How much does it cost? - Well, your monthly premium starts at 600 credits. - That's outrageous! What am I? Made out of credits? - I understand, but it's very difficult finding a company that's willing to insure an organization that is undermining the government. - That's fair. - But on the bright side, you'll probably only be making one payment. - Oh, good. Wait... - All right, let's talk about health insurance now. - I have a question. - Yeah, Mr. Skywalker. - What does the accidental death and dismemberment cover? - That just means that if you lost a limb, we'd replace it. - Like I'm ever gonna need that. - That life insurance policy, is it possible to borrow against it if you want some money to, I don't know, pay off some debts or something? - Yeah, that's possible, but if you didn't put the money back, we'd put a freeze on you. - You mean, freeze my account, right? - Sure. [Wookie sounds] - Yes, unfortunately, all human resources policies apply to all species. [Wookie sounds] - That's a good question, but ripping arms from sockets is considered harassment. [Wookie sounds] You're welcome. All right, as employees, you're all eligible for a custom computed 401K which the company will match up to 10%. - That's impossible, even for a computer. - It's not impossible. I used to get rates like that in my Roth IRA back home. - You also have the opportunity to donate a portion of your paycheck to help out the Rebel Alliance. - It's a trap! Lieran:<i> Uh, uh</i> no. It's not a trap. Like I said, it's optional. You know, we're still a non-profit. There's no worries there. - Sorry. - It's all right. - We need to wrap this up. The Death Star's approaching. - Okay. Okay, so for those of you that survive, just know that you get up to one week vacation and ten sick days. Although, I recommend you save some, we are planning a company move to Hoth later this year. All: [groaning] Lieran:<i> I know, I know.</i> It seems we keep setting up base in Alderaan places. <i> Oh, Princess Leia, no, no,</i> no, no! All right, everybody turn to the back, pick out a coffin, and may the Force be with you! All: I have a bad feeling about this. - Hey guys, now's the time to take a nice breath. Relax, stop laughing, subscribe, and then jump right back into the video. - Get back in! - Go! - But subscribe first! - Yes, it's important. - Force. [crows cawing] - Mom? - He's gone, Jonathan. Will's gone again. I don't know where he is. ♪♪ <i> I don't know where he is.</i> - No, there's no way. <i> - I've searched everywhere.</i> He's gone, but if he could communicate through the lights before, he can do it again. - Okay. - I'll pull out the Christmas tree as well. - Wait, why? -<i> We have</i> to reach him, Jonathan. It's the only way! Help me with these decorations. - What about the lights? -<i> Just</i> help me! We have to contact Will. Do you see Will? <i> - Anything else?</i> - Hang this mistletoe in the kitchen. Will? Will? - Why is there a turkey in here? <i> - We have to reach him,</i> Jonathan. The smell will reach him! - I don't understand! - Go to your room! Go get more lights! <i> - Mom!</i> Joyce:<i> Hurry up, Jonathan!</i> Will, can you hear me? - Why are you putting up so many decorations? Joyce:<i> The love will bring him home, Jonathan!</i> <i> Will?</i> <i> Will!?</i> - This is ridiculous! - Come help me in here! - What is this? - It's Father Christmas, Jonathan! [hysterically] Will!? - I'm almost positive this thing took Will. - Christmas might not be enough. Scatter these all around. - Mom! - Quick, put this next to the elf! - Seriously? President's Day? - I'm gonna light these, so-- - Mom, stop, stop! Just stop. He's gotta be around here. There's no need for this. - Will says he loves us. - Mom, no. <i> - "Fax me."</i> Go fax him, Jonathan! - Maybe you should sit down, Mom. - Go fax him! <i> "You're cool."</i> Thanks, Will. Voice:<i> Mom?</i> - Will, sweetie, is that you? Voice:<i> Mom? Mom?</i> Joyce:<i> Will!</i> Jonathan:<i> Are you okay?</i> What happened? - There was a man. He saved me. - Was it Father Christmas? - No. Jonathan:<i> President's Day worked.</i> - You're safe now, young Will Byers. - Thank you, Rushmore presidents, sirs. Roosevelt:<i> Remember, young Will,</i> speak softly and carry a big stick. - Because that Demogorgon... - He's going down like a cherry tree. Man:<i> All right,</i> <i> settle down</i> Jedi initiates. Settle down, miscreants! Today, as you know-- Yes, Galinor? - Master Kechuit, can I go bathroom? - Now, Galinor, if you learn to master the Force, you won't have to go to the bathroom ever again. That's one of the perks. - What if I haven't mastered Force yet? - Then let that thought motivate you. Today is your final. If you fail this, you cannot advance to the next level, so make sure that you pay close attent-- Seshoa! Do not cut off your hair with your lightsaber please! - It fell off. Kechuit:<i> Do I look stupid?</i> The whole room smells like sautéed sin. As I was saying, for your final, you will have to demonstrate-- What, Galinor? - Master Kechuit, my finger hurts. - [sigh] Please, Galinor. Use the Force to heal yourself. We've talked about this. - But what if it's bleeding, and I haven't mastered the Force yet? - Then stay off of the carpet. Now, for your final you will construct a weapon of your choice. Why they let you wield weapons before you can even drive, I do not know, but that's beside the point. - Master Kechuit! Kechuit:<i> Yes, Avadag?</i> - Gatrian using the force on me! - Stop hittin' yourself! Stop hittin' yourself! -<i> Gatrian,</i> do you want to go to detention? <i> And Avadag, come on, man, stop hittin' yourself.</i> [laughing] - Now you cannot use an R2 unit on the final, that is cheating. [droid beeping] - What is that? - These are not the dwoids you're looking for. - These are not the dwoids I'm lookin-- No! No Jedi mind tricks either. Sometimes, I-- Arteme, if you telepathically project<i> one more image</i> <i> of you picking your nose,</i> I will telepathically swat you with a wooden spoon. - Strike me down. - Have you dabbling in the dark side again? - He joined first. - You dared me to! - Class, your behavior has gotten out of hand. Now I can handle a force shield keeping me locked in the public bathroom all night. I can even handle you foreseeing my future of dying alone. - That's not true. You'll have your blind chinchilla. Kechuit:<i> But I cannot</i> abide you persuading others to join the dark side. Fortunately, you only persuaded our most incompetent student, Anakin. - Yes? - Now all of you, get to detention right now with Master Smelly. - [snickering] - He is not as patient or kind as I am, so by the time he's done with you, trust me, you will want to stay far away from Master Smelly. [laughing] Kechuit:<i> You think I'm joking?</i> Master Smelly is a Jedi renowned for his silent but deadly tactics. [roaring laughter] - Outta here! All of you, right now! - Master Kech-- - Especially you, Galinor! May Smelly have mercy on your soul. - Call for me you did, Master Kechuit? - Yes, Yoda, I just wanted to let you know I sent my whole class to detention. - All of them, you sent? - I don't know why we train Jedis when they're so young and immature. Anyway, Master Smelly has them for the rest of the day. - Hm, hm. Smelly his name is. - Oh, I get it now. - Where are the others? - You mean the murderers, traitors, and thieves you call friends? <i> You'll be relieved to hear that I have no idea.</i> You still want to kill me. - That happens when you're being hunted by a creature in a mask. [helmet hisses] - [snickering] - Why are you laughing? - You have a moustache. That's not cool anymore. - Do you think I care about what's cool or not cool? I don't. I have the Force. - Honestly, you should probably put that mask back on. This look really<i> isn't working for you.</i> - Quiet! What do you know? A scavenger. Do you really not like my moustache? The Force will tell me <i> if you're lying.</i> - I'm not lying. - No, you're not. [music playing] - What is that? Is that ABBA? - It's nothing! <i> - Is that a</i> Zune? That's so lame! - Liar! No more questions! <i> - Calm</i> down. - Don't tell me to calm down! <i> - Is that</i> <i> a</i> LIVESTRONG bracelet? - No. - Are you wearing crocs? <i> - Silence!</i> Get out of my head. <i> - Your email address is</i> ewokboogie@aol.com? - I set it up when I was 13, before I was strong in the dark side. - But you were strong in the dork side. <i> - Leave me</i> alone! What? <i> What are you doing?</i> Ahh! [rip] - That was too easy. - This is just like at the academy with Uncle Luke. ♪♪ ♪♪ Woman:<i> Wow, it's so beautiful</i> up here, Luke. - You know, technically a Jedi isn't supposed to fall in love, but... Seeing as how I'm the only one. Obi-wan:<i> Luke.</i> She has a cold sore. [smack] - It's not a big deal. - Not a big deal? I'm pretty sure Boba Fett fell into that thing. Over radio:<i> Master Skywalker?</i> <i> The plans should be</i> <i> in control room B,</i> <i> just around the next corner.</i> - Hey, stop right there! - I've been spotted and they shot my lightsaber. Obi-wan:<i> Luke.</i> - Ugh, not now, Ben. I'm on a mission. - Luuuuke. - Get out of here! - Luke. - Ughhh. - We have reason to believe the Empire plans to attack tomorrow. <i> In other news, we've received some complaints</i> <i> from the inhabitants of Hoth.</i> <i> There's been mysterious yellow snow...</i> [new age music] ♪♪ - I don't want to start rumors, but do you know who also has a cold sore? Chewie. Yep. Sad but truwie. - Yeah? - Yeah, deal with it. Mm, mm, mm. I'm loving it, mm. I'm loving all of it. You're worse than Jabba, Big Mac, but I'm going to eat you anyways. - Jedi one. Jedi<i> two.</i> Return of the Jedi. Yes, the beef is strong with this one, yes. Look, I know you're only other kiss was your sister and that's a tough one to end on, but have some respect for yourself. Luke, this is good for the soul. How do you think Yoda lived until he was 900, hm? Luke! - Ugh, what do you want? - I'm bored. - Are we like on a volcano planet or something? - Why is it so hot in here, Ben? - I used the Force to crank the thermostat to 110 degrees. - Why? - Hot yoga, baby! And like you couldn't use the extra burn. I've seen that Jabba the Huffin top you've been hiding under them robes. [singing "The Imperial March"] - I should go. - What? - Trust me, you dodged a laser blast on that one. Plus, given your track record, she was probably your cousin or something. <i> Perhaps something</i> much more. Don't worry, Luke, I'll protect you. - Ah! My good hand! - Okay, the really amazing thing here is that he actually hit something. [clapping] Luke:<i> What was that?</i> - I don't know. [choking] No, Luke, please! <i> No, I-- I, I am,</i> I am, I'm kidding. The Jedi chokehold doesn't work on a ghost. It just goes right through... <i> All right,</i> um, let's do some sun salutations and call it good. Namaste. Namaste, nama-- Namaste, namaste. Namaste. ♪♪ [boom] - I did it. I travelled back in time! Now to find Hitler and stop World War II. <i> [time-travelling zap]</i> <i> [audience cheering]</i> - It worked. I travelled back in time to-- Great Scott, who are you? According to my research, there was no one in this room in 1938. - I'm here to stop Hitler. I'm from the future. - So am I. You haven't seen him have you? I brought with me chloroform and a sock full of nickels. - What year are you from? - 1985. And you? - 2015. - Great Scott! Then I've already failed. <i> [time-traveling zap]</i> - Greetings, dudes! <i> [audience cheering]</i> I am Bill S. Preston Esquire. - And I am Ted Theodore Logan, and we are here to stop World War II. [guitar riff] - Is it weird to anyone else that none of us are trying to stop World War I? It's not like that was a picnic. - We originally tried to stop Hitler's parents from meeting, but that we're the reason they met in the first place. Total bummer. - Time travel is confusing. [guitar riff] - Great Scott! History is being written by two mad men in a phone booth! <i> [TARDIS sounds]</i> <i> [audience cheering]</i> Make that three. - If you're here to stop Hitler, get in line, pal. - No, well, maybe later. I am just came to deliver these. - What's this? - I'm suing for copyright infringement. Both: Bogus! - I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Except I'm not. Allons-y! <i> [audience cheering]</i> - Now we need to come up with a plan! Hitler's gonna be through that door at any moment. <i> [poof]</i> [gasps] - Too many turns... - Bratwurst! - Hitler's a lot shorter than I thought. - But surprisingly curvaceous. - I don't think I can do this. - Now we can't stand here idly by when you have the opportunity. - Avada Kedavra! - Volkswagen. - Somebody already killed him, so... - I can't believe you did that. - Oh, come on. He was basically the muggle Voldemort. - Did anyone else follow that sentence? - Well, I guess we better bail. - Yeah. - Could I get a lift? This thing only works in reverse. - For a bodacious babe like you? Both: Excellent! [guitar riff] - Well, I'm going to go to 1995 and invest in something called Google. Or was it America Online? Well, I'm sure they'll end up equally successful, so... Wait a minute. If you're from 2015, where's your hoverboard? - Yeah... where is it? Get it together, Earth! [video game sounds] - Hey. - 'Sup? - Hey. How's your test go? - Oh, really well. And by that I mean I fell asleep and missed it. - Hey, just so you know, man, Sid's kinda been on one today. - Again? Man, that dude is the worst. You know, yesterday he tried to get me to throw a broomstick in between someone's tire spokes? - Okay, that's messed up, man. - Seriously, the kid was like, five years old. <i> [audience cheering]</i> - Good evening, roommates. - Hey, Darth Sidious. How was your day? - Exactly as I had foreseen. - I don't know why I ask anymore. - I can feel your frustration. Frustration is a path to the dark side. Take my weapon. Strike me down! And your journey towards the dark side will be complete. - Sid, man, seriously. You are obsessed with being struck down. No one in this apartment is going to do it, okay? So, stop asking. - Okay, but the offer's still on the table for whoever... - Okay, who drank the rest of the milk and put the empty jug back in there? - It was I who finished the milk. Mmm, I can feel the hatred swelling within you. Take the milk jug. Strike me down! - This is not healthy, man. Go ahead and finish. - And your journey towards the dark side will be complete. Thank you. That was nice. - Oh, there we go, there we go. - Wow, you guys are doing really well. - Right? These guys are getting worked. - Good, good. Use those aggressive feelings, boy. - Okay, how did he come in the middle of the game? It's online. It doesn't make sense. - Oh, I am defenseless! Strike my Spartan down with all of your anger. - Done. - What? Oh! Stephen:<i> That was good,</i> <i> that was good.</i> - That was gruesome. But finally, your path to the dark side is complete. - Nah, we're good. - What do you mean, "Nah?" You totally struck him down. Let's just say that one counts. Will just one of you come to the dark side? I get so lonely. [wailing] - Come on, Sid. The dark side is totally lame. - Your mother is totally lame. What? Must've been the wind, the Force or something. I don't know. - Okay, not cool, Sid. - I know, I'm sorry. I just-- Wait, no. This is exactly what I want. I can feel your hatred. - I think you need to apologize. - No. In fact, your mother is so fat, it's like The Death Star put on a pair of pants. - Oh no, he didn't. - Oh, he did. By the way, Jabba the Hutt called, he wants your mother to come over so that he can feel skinny. Matt: Oh, snaps. - Snap, indeed. In fact, if you won't join me, maybe she will, we can call her Darth Cellulite. - That's it. - Yes. Strike me down! Oh! That is so much hotter than I expected. Maybe we should reconsider the whole striking down thing. Yes, yes. Stephen, let's play Canasta. Search your feelings! <i> Ahh!</i> Man:<i> My, my, my.</i> This is absolutely fascinating! <i> [TARDIS sounds]</i> Doctor:<i> 'Ello.</i> <i> [audience cheering]</i> - What? Who are you? - I'm The Doctor. - The Doctor of what? - Just The Doctor. I travel through time and space in a police box. Sounds a bit weird when you say it out loud. - So you're a time traveler? - Well, time lord, but, yeah. - But, why? Why in the history of space and time did you come here? Now? - I've finally done it. My life's work is complete. Behold, my newest invention. The airhorn! [airhorn] <i> [boom]</i> No! Why did you do that? This was the only protoype. - Your welcome, Earth. Allons-y! <i> [audience cheering]</i> - I may want this later. - Luke, I need you to subscribe, or Jon or Bill or whatever your name is. Not just Lukes. - Katie, Amelia, Sandy, Tess? - Maybe that's the problem. - Louis, Kat... - Maybe we only get subscriptions from people named Luke. - There are a lot of Lukes out there. - That's true. - But not enough. - Keep subscribing, Lukes. - And tell all your Luke friends. - Yeah! And comment to all your Luke friends. - Yes. Just comment Luke, and we'll know what you mean.
Channel: Studio C
Views: 1,398,110
Rating: 4.923717 out of 5
Keywords: BYUtv, BYU tv, BYUtelevision, Studio C, StudioC, comedy, sketch comedy, funny, lol, laugh, snl, Compilation SciFi Space, A far out collection of sci-fi sketches, sci-fi, far, far out, far out collection, collection of sci-fi, studio c sci-fi, studio c aliens
Id: Z4p3WrhAQt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 4sec (2584 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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