The Top Characters of Studio C

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hey guys we know how much you love characters so we decided to put all our characters in one video one super compilation yeah like this character you know you're like this one Anna I don't do Vaughn Taylor or Russell hey guys yeah Russell's okay yeah that's the biggest no see there you see the star the star yeah how you doing doing all right beautiful evening star sure out alright let's do this poof who are you I am your shoulder angel John here allow me to just they're with me ropes [Music] John I come to you at this critical juncture with words of warning do not do this well uh let's do this do not do it do this what's the matter Billy not getting cold feet on me are you I just got a bad feeling about this excuse me John I'm needed elsewhere Billy now let's do this now get a blueprint if you want to take a look here see we got to watch out for the cameras on point a and point B why what about looking out for your soul yep point so okay John give you those blueprints those are the devil's papers do what is right and guys the getaway cars ready a little sim check these out no no don't check them out little tin no think about your little song little dim yes are you packing what is this completely inappropriate [Applause] gee hello Jim huh just wait for me let's get kill you I gotta want it lilten all right let's do this let's do this let's do this you will need me no choice your mom where are we honey well I know how much you love bisque so for our anniversary I found the best best place around you're the greatest woman alive seriously I love this kits like you bisque you this and you you always win yeah that's right okay hey hi hello hi guys welcome to my restaurant of food but you guys like something to eat yeah we heard you have really good bits yeah yeah so what can you tell us tomato best you like tomatoes yes mushroom bed with asparagus best lettuce best you have a little bit oh you like lettuce okay well let's see I let this risotto maybe let piss wrap let this salad no sir can we go back to the soup that's on bass yeah especially the mushroom one wrap bisque lobster bed no like I said the mushroom one world-famous lobster bisque that's great I don't like Ryan Reynolds you know that guy yeah dog barking hmm you know him to Jim Carrey yeah you're just naming famous they like it if they like what Lobster back five stars five thumbs up five children no sweat I that sounds really really good I will get that and then even I'll get something else and I have a mushroom think that's gonna get mush okay what kind of mushrooms please you have more than one coming with us Bella it's a key white mushroom Brown mushroom I don't really know the different oils the mushroom cremini poisonous mushroom what do you mean poisonous it's not fatal the poison is spoiled out obviously well which one would you suggest out of those them Lobster back of course okay No could I get like all of them you want 27 bowls of soup outside I mean just mix all the mushrooms in one disc what do you think this is a stinking buffet Portobello let's go with Portobello all right all right guys that's $12 point five six it's on me so she discarded this site beside me okay and authorized okay you may have please have a seat at the table and you can use the chase you want I'll be right back I'm sorry I guess they have a lot of devotion seriously been crazy um hey guys hi uh so this is how sophisticated hi I apologize for the inconvenience but we are out of all of the parts about look there okay that's fine I will have any other kind of mushrooms thank you um I apologize for the inconvenience but we are out of all of the mushrooms they're useless okay um tomato let's go with tomato that sounds fine uh yeah no no I don't I don't care what kind of tomatoes with roma roma let's go with only one kind of I won't have that one please [Applause] but I apologize for the crate out of engine ooh okay um what do you have lobster back I think she's unrealistic you know she's got she's got some spunk no I think they would break her in half okay maybe on the next day you pick the movie then oh yeah on the on the next day yes the fourth date official you seem to be going pretty well yeah am I the only one no I think so you got it some popcorn Jax's house and puffin no I just wanted to touch your face people are stupid oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah no her no I thought you knew her card no I don't madam please don't do that are you smiling don't smile it oh don't don't do that oh you know all the way up okay come on that is excessive you please move along getting this play here can you please why don't we go yeah yeah maybe good idea all right look if we want to be how is she doing it I don't know what I am what I am she let it bother him you know yeah there's like freaking me out I know this is witchcraft shut up lady I swear I will make you down if you come within a hundred oh yeah all right oh yeah oh yeah impressive he was true in their moment our featured extras here for the motorcycle falling scene ok great give her a water and get her on standby we're just waiting on light no Paula we got star Faraldo vieille is extra she's like the Jennifer Lawrence and standing in the background of barely being singing the director told us to treat her very well ok fine we're just behind schedule so bring her in here um excuse me [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] stop Arado in the regular extra I don't get brown here ok I come when I am good and ready luckily for you I am already here alright do you know your action have you ever done this before ha ha sq me you remember Jurassic world of course scene 37 pterodactyl attack three shots in my face featured extra box-office smash great let's have you come over here and fail ant-man yeah see 119 6.8 seconds at the back of my head unanticipated so sick awesome ok it's an impossible rogue you nation I get it I make your money make some money yeah Brandon how about you go get star a bagel oh no I don't do bagels it is bread has a hole in it and isn't covered in wax and sprinkles it's a bagel and listen up now I don't do bagels hi no bagels what would you like 7-up in a golden plan okay got it Oh was my ashes alright you're going to come over here and trip into the gutter yeah I don't you mean I got something in my eye away here it is oh look at it uh-huh I don't you fall in car that's literally all your character does wedding you're gonna have to get somebody else and I may be that girl because I look like her pants are from Walmart I bet they're like sitting in the gutter they probably like thank you for sitting here I really love it it is much more preferable than my previous Walmart surroundings come in I got to tell you some it's really important so I need you to come a little bit closer you got a cut you are under estimating the importance of what I'm about to come if you want to close enough I think you're in it Anna don't be funny no I don't have time for this okay you don't want to stop here so I'm gonna be here that could be chillin with Iggy Azalea stick cousin on the beach so we didn't have a flag a chalice is acceptable oh yeah director wants to know how starts doing he said he'd come down if there are any problems we're fine we're just working out another scene for star because this one is two sets in there right yeah okay how about you come in tomorrow morning and we'll have a new scene ready for you then okay oh yeah that's really interesting let me just check my planner where is it oh wait here I found it uh-huh I don't do moaning that's the only time we could get a pickup shot before Chris Evans gets the set then I hear what you're saying you want me to come in when the Sun into East and a clock set a.m. that bonus I don't do morning when my mom called for the call phone when it's good for you star eleven o'clock well let me Oh Oh what is this I was a little caterpillar what did he'd come and told you what you gonna do he's standing up uh-huh I don't do morning that is very late morning star Anna it's destiny Street still on and Saba's had to run out of scones Beth moaning and spontaneous dance party no no no no no no no no I know I told you morning noon then come in at noon okay Anna Anna I don't know what you think you would just say these numbers but let us better out for you when you hear birds that are not knock spurdo make it to peace and when the sky it color of new that you see our women who shop at Old Navy are looking at you all my Pam when I am NOT arrived at your present that's morning and ah coming around this go metrics new oh your baby daddy know what you're fired oh no no I don't care if she's an a-list extra whatever that nonsense is it's an 8-second see and I can get anybody to do it you right here what's your name Russell have you ever acted before great come over here fall and we'll move on from the super team action [Applause] ah boss office answer said I like you skinny boy come with me I hate this library say what you will about the smell in the service they have the best election in the state let's get your book and let's get out of here leave him finding new books yes do you work here yes I'm in widows and in and N and M and n om yes in yes well I just need to find a book to write a report on let's get your heart rate engine thinking about it what it's like hiding a new friend oh no I'm gonna go what no you can't go you're my ride was your right what yeah what are you looking for actually I'm not really sure mmm classic no what about this book over here yeah my house it's even Jesus yes your taste in literature is have you read Dante's Inferno no okay you know Matthew this library is a secret garden for all who enter see what you did there that's clever but for anybody experiencing Pride and Prejudice you might find happiness with it should be me [Applause] actually I'm not really into romance novels mmm so you have a heart of darkness I wouldn't say that or at least not the way you said it perhaps you could be won over with some persuasion I don't think so hmm well aren't you a little [ __ ] well I think I'm fine just browsing on my own I'm sure you wouldn't like me to carry anything for you no thank you I'm fine yeah I'll be over there we've just Twitter your fingers if you need me I need to get a Kindle and you know what oh-ho-ho no need to get house two is me what are you doing you can't pop out of nowhere like that cool oh I was lacking same things ability okay you know what how about this book right here hmm rather frightful but you knew you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover okay listen and I think I'm all settled you know I've knew this too often trolling the eyes of the poetry section so I could spot you with the poet who loved that one home what was it he tenderly my arms in treat you as we glide on the wings of time me me it's either to Europe right now okay thank you n but I've got the books that I need so I'm just gonna go home and read call of the wild okay thank you and and I really should be going well I look forward you return to the world of knowledge good afternoon I'm mr. Edelstein your driver's ed instructor before we begin I would like you all to close your eyes breathe deeply and embrace your impending death I've been teaching this course for over 10 decades statistically I should have died seventeen and a half times with each new venture out onto the road I take my fate into my hands I mean this figuratively of course because this hand no longer has any feeling now that if any of you wish to exit the death machine at this time no one will judge you but if you're here to stay then let us see what new vehicular nightmares or waiter so be it yes dear safe and secure doesn't it it's an illusion no one on scraps can save you from the horrors that await us put the car into gear check the mirrors and pray to whatever deities you may water if there are any 8px among ups you may trade to science here we encounter our first trial the left turn this foolish woman is practically offered the Grim Reaper 'she Janaka then syphilis not still have turn just a left turn would you say it's just a bullet to the brain intersection for the generals playground and left hands are his swing set everyone assume have limited what do i won you're all now on borrowed time why don't we take it easy none of us can our human frames were not designed a travel at these velocities it's an insulting nature much like indoor plumbing or Taco Bell but we have no choice it seems that we are already speedily heading towards our next dance with death this area is a deer crossing our deer really that dangerous why don't you ask after Bombeck I'm turtling through the windshield at 45 miles an hour in the interior of a car looks like I see a carnage Annapolis then perhaps you'll have a more sober view our driving I don't wanna die to drive is to die no I'm sorry it's just the enormous cataract in my left eye yeah no that's on me that that time says that we're leaving the deer crossing huh I feel so alive promise if I make it through this should be a better man lovely sentiment but I'm afraid it's too late in our jubilation we neglected to behold our impending doom of the freeway on-ramp I can't handle this please look our behind who need us out of hock me tread here anymore storm approaches the torrential rains will undoubtedly be our undoing increase your speed child remember call your loved ones and tell them farewell turn on the wipers woman and activate the headlights will not go down without a fight just a mirror give a fair distance from the car and one of you ha ha ha the end of yeah sorry [Laughter] are we slowing down yes the cars in front of me are breaking all right I don't understand it's five o'clock we've unwittingly stumbled into rush-hour traffic we're safe I wouldn't rather we die oh hey you must be the new guy yeah I'm Jason I'm James that's your first semester no I'm a senior oh nice me too cool yeah our other roommate the freshman Oh oh you're the young guy huh yeah well he actually skipped a few years because he was so smart I made him a little socially awkward but he's cool oh yeah hey add two younger brothers so you know what that means yeah well James he's really really young good afternoon Jane I'm so pleased you could join us allow me to introduce myself my name is Spencer pleased to meet you likewise he's got a good grip that he really latches on to that finger James you must be weary from the exertion of moving apartments do you require help with your luggage I of course like the muscle development to lift anything other than a binky but perhaps Jason could oh yeah I'll go get your stuff you guys have fun alright Jason hold on don't don't leave come join me James let us get to know one another that's nice so the Spencer hmm Jason says you're really smart [Laughter] he flatters me I try not to discuss it too much I fear that it would alienate me from the other students I wish to blend in as much as possible right so what are you studying the pre-med and business I know it seems excessive but I thought it might make me more attractive to the ladies they seem to want a man who can provide the comforts of life personally all I look for on a woman is a strong maternal instinct that makes sense so what are your interests James oh I've gotten into cooking lately ah oh I found this amazing recipe the other day I should cook it for you guys sometime that's very generous of you I'm afraid though that I shall not be able to digest solid foods for at least another three months oh yeah sorry um geez this um that was insensitive of me to talk about food not at all James forgive me but you seem uncomfortable does the age gap between us bother you mm-hmm is it my small hands no it's good it is cool huh good is it the diaper yeah good you guys are bonding though right yeah Spencer what are you doing just cuz you learn how to walk one day doesn't mean you're an acrobat come here Kyle you're quite right Jason no need to be a hero thank you forgive me if I'm a little heavy I've gained a few ounces actually Jason could you bring me to James oh yeah III should gain I should I got I gotta put my style yeah you going I need to get okay just okay and I I never will come me in the eye yep those were my unblinking eyes I want you to feel welcome here James yeah hug me yes you're very warm like the womb oh really wet myself Jason I don't know I don't know I can do this I like how you live like oh come on get the door I believe my guests have arrived Jason oh yeah I'll go get the door I'm just gonna put you right hello oh it's your friend yes this is very much oh yeah yeah he's my roommate Kyle come quick I found it I found the last where is it where's the lamp dad is it over here how come here come here buddy please climb here come here you can stand right here okay I ate four of these coins already we need to get that lamp all right but we have to be careful because it might be booby-trapped okay so let's just think this through take our time all right now just go Kyle Kyle Kyle Kyle give me the lamp what's inside it can I lick it no Kyle what are you on at last after decades of searching I'm finally the recipient of the genies all-powerful wish no I'm sorry the kid rubbed the lamp so he gets the wishes hey dude that's my my house Kyle you kind of been this is a very special lamp okay so I want you to wish I wish for Little Caesars cheese pizza No all right one beans are coming up oh oh you want me you could have it you could have at least wish for Domino's I wish for Dom no no no okay top buddy okay let's use our imagination okay this time I want you to wish for something big oak like an Xbox you know like a trillion dollars or a time machine or new activity or or an album signed by the Beatles okay that's his goal key stuff okay what do you wish for I wish my next box you know huh cool now I have to xbox welcome here awesome cuz again public doesn't play down I'll to yourself I love you okay but you gotta stay focused man ok this time I want you to say exactly were you okay I got it okay Kyle I want you to wish for exactly what daddy tells you okay okay okay now since you've already taken my first two wishes I'm gonna forego endless supply of money and owning the earth and I want you to wish for peace for all mankind I wish for Kyle focus honey okay you can do it come on what do you wish I wish for peace peace is be for all mankind recent peace be for all men time I wish for Reese's Pieces for all mankind you're welcome everyone I'm allergic to food all right gentlemen radar shows that the perimeter has been breached any minute now the secret agent known only as lady shadow will fall right into our trap after tonight she won't be bothering our organization anymore this is it get into position lady shadow looks like you've been expect we've been expecting dangit I'm Here I am unarmed well that's going to make it difficult to get this isn't it the missile percent secret indeed now we're bringing you in I'd advise you not to make trouble what's the fun in that try not to hurt her too much boys I want her alive have it your way I'm going to enjoy this what's the matter boys you forget how to fight Lady shadow are you sure you should be exerting yourself right now are you scared well yes not surprised I also have that effect I'm not sure you're having the effect that you think you are what's that supposed to mean well maybe you just like to come along peacefully we can offer you a nice bed maybe an obstetrician if you're trying to distract me it's not going to work okay I'm going to take out each one of your men and then save you for last okay get her but gently oh yeah Oh God that's not advisable premature labor yep okay oh so the longest quite ever okay maybe you should sit down maybe you should what okay lady shadow I met okay nice touch okay I don't want to hurt you lady shadow suits me just fine Oh No okay just have it your way I get it I do it oh man they're like zero oxygen on the Dockers it's just me okay you need to rest so I can really go for some hot wings right now but not until I get that disc ha ha no match for my cat-like reflexes I see [Laughter] yes ladies shadow would okay you won this round where's the bathroom as an ask it's ready Eagle come quickly it's finished what master my evil creation which will bring untold misery to mankind I call it junior high so me master I started by creating an extremely awkward stage of life I call it a tween he's no longer cute but not yet useful old enough to like girls but too young to know that Axe body spray won't attract them and he's outgrown his parents but cannot yet drive so he has to be dropped off at parties by mom the chauffeur of shame that does sound dreadful but the parents don't stop there oh no they also make the children wear this invention I call them braces they'll make her look better by the time she's grown up and secure by making her look worse that the most vulnerable time in her life but don't worry they're extremely painful yes that is quite evil thank you so where does junior high coming god that's where things really get funny go for example I'm making this one study geometry and algebra at first he hated it but then after lots of hard work and perseverance he still really hated it well where he at least use them in his future career yes if he ever teaches geometry or algebra you may need this only for themselves mm-hmm they're the Kardashians of the math world McMaster ah but I don't stop there I've even modified their biology I have timed the growth spurt so that boys like this are suddenly shorter than all the girls their grades through his voice is getting deeper but at humiliating moments it will betray him with a squeak that would embarrass the Vienna Boys Choir oh oh and then there's the facial hair it starts out st. and wispy and there it remains like someone took scissors to a toothbrush what about the girl I was talking about the girl oh oh and here is my finest creation acne go away that's what his parents tell him but really never one day he'll wake up and start his morning with both acne treatment and denture insertion it's like immortal fuel death in space leprosy you are way too happy about that ah junior high how I love it absolutely anything can make them miserable this one just realized she'll never get that letter from Hogwarts oh not a good day for little [ __ ] Moaning Myrtle see let the madness nap ah but I haven't told you the best part Igor I take all of these tortured souls and quarantine them in their own school like a tank full of awkward betta fish oh I've made it so clicky that secretly no one's popular isn't it beautiful Oh your idea will never catch on well they ego I've already produced my own horror film I call it junior high school musical full of terrors beyond description detentions baggy gym shorts three-ring binders whose rings won't line up no ego you fool no oh you're twins you've unleashed a far greater evil on the world hey that was one direction [Applause] look mr. mica I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened you don't want to help me sure I do I'm your friend not my friend I want my lawyer I hoped it wouldn't come to this Oh what you're not my lawyer I'm your worst nightmare unless you tell me exactly what I need to know like I told the chick I don't know anything no you're forgetful huh I'm pretty forgetful myself I can't seem to remember if I put the safety on my piece you can't threaten me my partner's threatened you because he cares about you hold up I know what's going on here it's a good cop bad cop routine it's obvious good cop bad cop and the ugly truck we'll leave you two alone you're gonna be begging for bad cop to come back I'm not gonna lie to you I'm ugly to the bone literally to the bone check out my x-ray No Oh what you think my bones ugly you should check out my laughs hey what's wrong with you man oh I'm not a man what good can I am another man you look hungry have a doughnut thank you yeah what is in the spilling mayonnaise oh you should drink that down with some Laura thank you that's not distilled water go to regular water from the tap yeah seriously Murr yes I didn't think they went through wants to see a picture my dog in my cell not really no check it out oh that's ugly it's dog I've ever seen that's my stuff I don't know anything I promise oh it's only gonna get ugly what's happening here we go oh this little piggy went to the market every legal this did a big ad Rose babe and this little piggy went all the way home okay I confess there with me get the freak away from me that's too bad I was about to stand in fourth cup fourth cup hot cop good morning class my name is professor Wilcox and welcome to photobombing 101 now a little bit about myself I graduated with a doctorate of photobombing at Harvard is that a real degree oh oops I misspoke actually i photobombed a graduate receiving his doctorate at Harvard Oh how'd that get there now I'd like to introduce your class ta Melvin Jones Melvin comes from a long line of prestigious photo bombers yes my great-great-great great-grandfather was known as one of the first photo bombers did they even have photographs back then they did not he was a portrait bomber he had to hold that pose for 20 hours now that's dedication now for professional photo bomber II it's important to remember M B F marriage birth and funerals who can tell me why that is because photo Bondi's causes the most annoyance to the photographer and subject exactly anyone can photo bomb a family photo but the MBSR once-in-a-lifetime usually well not so much marriages these dare yes how did you photo bomber birth don't they only allow an immediate family and medical personnel excellent question Melvin would you like to explain I would love to the key is to disguise yourself I've impersonated doctors nurses and even babies you pretended to be a doctor isn't that dangerous so extremely yes I've had to deliver a shocking number of children now for those of you who did the reading I assigned over the break who can tell me how the digital camera has affected the photo bomber again yes well with film people didn't know that they've been photo bombed until it was too late but now with digital cameras people can view and delete their photos instantly you are the Himani Granger of the photo bomb world and she's absolutely correct that's why federal T is a crucial skill to develop but if you're too subtle it can backfire now who can tell me where I am on this photo are you the random guy in the background no I am the tree this is a good example of being overly subtle now some of you suffer from a condition known as LP lame poses Melvyn here we'll teach you how to combat LP for beginners it's good to start with the basics such as the Sasquatch the Nixon and the cheerleader for the more advanced practitioners we have the craze fly fishermen we also have the witch on a broomstick and the spaceman I've had to fall from a three-story building to get that effect now before we close I would like to teach you the number one rule of photobombing always always always make sure they are taking a photo and not a video some of you may be feeling overwhelmed at this point but don't worry we'll start off small with the traditional Disneyland photobomb but by the end of the semester each of you will be photobombing ultrasound [Applause] [Music] hello ladies you girls following me now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] my would lovely gala indeed I do have the fancy sitting greasing indeed indeed good evening gentlemen captain Blake m'lady I called upon you last Sunday morn but your handmaiden said you were out oh dear captain we were only just discussing the anticipated arrival of two chances Francois I'm afraid I do not know Sir Francis oh what a shame he is only the most eligible man at call a brave and noble man he once saved an entire family from a burning home I touched a touch up once I shall be most intrigued to meet this gallant hero [Music] [Applause] is he behind the pale woman or good evenings to sell to your rugged charm has cast a shadow over over in the room I wish to bear your children forgive me your madam but your elegance and your grace would make even the barest of swans bow their heads in complete submission that is the sound a swan --neck Sir Francis I am captain Blake I'm afraid that you've um tranced away with the ladies hearts this evening Oh forgive me captain but that cannot simply cease my job or it is attached to me through and through Sir Francis please call me Franny I think I'll just stick with Sir Francis I heard you when your troops were involved in a little squirmish with the Americans at the Battle of Bunker Hill yes it was rather significant actually Oh captain I applaud your little games of combat though I don't care much for fencing myself well actually we mostly use muskets now Oh musket dreadfully smoke yes sir captain you must watch yourself or by this time next year you should have an incurable case of laryngitis [Laughter] [Music] that is a sound you will make ladies may I have the honor of this dance what gear is wrong [Music] what's your problem me on this next job I'd be delighted I know I said have you ever seen such a strapping young man would we say strapping Oh captain do not be jealous the Franny's domineering presence I say the waltz has left me rather floss I'm not accustomed to exerting myself are you all right Freddie ah think me [Applause] dancing ever truck here not a strong and passionate man among men yeah Oh wake up my love oh how lovely it is to be awoken by such lovely faces are you cannot be serious am I to understand that this man commands all of your affection we're here I stand a war hero a man who's looked death in the eye and dressed his own battle wounds but have you dressed your own puppet I cannot believe you ladies hold King George the third King I will defend your honor defend their honor this man is not a man at all oh you expect me to believe that he rescued a family from a burning building he can hardly dance the waltz if that's what it was on God sir I don't mean why your popinjay Oh [Music] [Applause] Sir Francis I believe I owe you an apology it seems that I've misjudged Nick the world I'll be by the drinks how's that for coverage of the game of the year between Yale and North Carolina if you're just joining us we have witnessed and unbelievably well thought Matt's tonight and has come down to penalty he destined for Yale taking the first approach ah calculus North Carolina still kick Richards just like one impact him now till now the burden rests on Yale Scott sterling gum nerves of steel that man dealing with more pressure now than a submarine indeed a browser from a precision Johnson places the ball on the spot getting ready that man literally has a cannon for life either here he goes winding up in a shop and oh the Cannon has fired and hit Stanley directly to the face we clock that in a stunning 116 km/h thought of miles per hour little chance that man's nose is not broken right now Oh indeed now sterling getting checked out for that one spectacular save no but sadly he's not out of the woods yet on his read now bit shaken but not stirred hahahahaha Brad absolutely love this man and Sterling's teammate welcomed him back a hero now Yale's up again for the second attempt looking to make it to nil he approaches the ball with some determination here he goes Oh retired life way off target yes apparently he thought he was kicking a field goal ha ha your kind of football I'd say ha ha good show back now to stop sterling he looked a bit worth whoever ready for round two and Shaw takes a moment here he goes with the approach Oh only with tastic dive the ball flies straight through his hands and once again strikes him strengthen the snows and let's see it again on the old instant replay Oh every appreciate in detail captured in HD perfection clocked at 129 km/h telling does not look well - wonderful saves and - definite concussion it may replace them at the point it's done all he can yes is this trainer takes him off the field like a moustache lion dragging a gazelle to the Serengeti odd you Scott sir aren't you Yael now with the third peak a Richards is in the gold bouncing like an infant girl the crowd holds their breath as he goes in here it comes oh very anti-climatic let's see who they got to replace cook Scott it is bad he's still in the game oh my and he's taking a very odd tactic now you'll be curling up the protected face not exactly a recommended technique but here it go wait no no Lampard needs to tie his shoe Oh and that's why you do a double knot kids sterling still waiting for the kick Gavin probably wondering when Oh quick what a crappy boy come on Jill Sterling's right in the face dad max knows but be absolutely devastated it's gonna look like a witch this new improvement to a nose but it crashed into a hammer hobby even care about this attempt let's go back to store la semaine legendary perfect loss by Sterling and his cat-like face reflect a solutely incredible though I must say selling does not look well at all well you know football players like that a bit of drama tilde they're gonna take him out no way they probably Jer Oh a bold move quite a manager Bane sets up for the fourth again and this frankly is a gimmick he literally just have to kick it anywhere except for delegates dick there is no possible way that North Carolina can mess up this shot ah what are you to sit here can opener farewell that you do no road or get a bit firmer see what it's mercy that should be begging to hear he has a Dipsy I instead take your best shot to its death replies by punching him in the face over and over and over again if Yale makes this final shot it's all over but now he misses which Migra going to stop telling his face is like a brick wall with water can still painted tried to lock where's Dylan oh he seems to be crawling away from the ghost what is he doing throw it away to back look at that just right what incredible instinct to crawl away from the goal like that give a thruster field happy as a lark as they sliding ha ha ha any sculpture Hama finish as his teammates variable for the stretch your glory we thank you for sharing this absolutely hot stuffy finish just darling in his face of field have one at all hey guys thanks for watching hope you enjoyed it in fact I know you enjoyed it because I'm confident that you enjoyed it I don't do afternoon ha ha that's that's nailed it
Channel: Studio C
Views: 2,226,601
Rating: 4.9244933 out of 5
Keywords: BYUtv, BYU tv, BYUtelevision, Studio C, StudioC, comedy, sketch comedy, funny, lol, laugh, snl, The Top Characters of Studio C, shoulder angel, aww yeah, awkward avoidance viking, lobster bisque, ann the librarian, scott sterling, mad scientist, star feraldo, hyperactive kyle, mr eckelstone, mr. ecklestone, aww nah, mallory everton, matt meese, jason gray, whitney call, stephen meek, natalie madsen, jeremy warner, james perry, stacey harkey, adam berg
Id: 03LfH0Y1rsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 32sec (3632 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2017
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