A Collection of Lovable Characters

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- Howdy, folks! [laughs] Here at Studio C we have a slew of lovable characters. - Yeah, we do! - Characters that we've all grown to just... love! - They're so sweet. - Yeah! Steven, who's your favorite-- This guy. Look at him! - Okay. Well, um, he's not in the compilation, but you guys should comment, like, tell us what you think, and enjoy the show. - Enjoy it. [squeaking] [applause] - Where are we, honey? - Well, I know how much you love bisque, so for our anniversary, I found the best bisque place around. - You are the greatest woman alive. Seriously, I love bisque. It's like, you, bisque. You, bisque. And you, you always win. - Yes. - You always win. - That's right. Okay. [bell dings] - Hey, hi, hello. Hi, guys. Welcome to my restaurant of food. Would you guys like something to eat? - Yeah, we heard you have really good bisque. - Bisque! - Yeah, so what can you tell us-- - Tomato bisque. Do you like tomatoes? - Yeah, yeah. - Mushroom bisque. - Oh, my favorite. - Asparagus bisque. - Not so much. - Lettuce bisque. - You have a lettuce bisque? Bisque Man: Oh, you like lettuce? Okay, well, let's see. A lettuce risotto, maybe? Lettuce wrap. Lettuce... salad. - No, could we go back to the soup? That sounded really good. - Bisque? - Yeah, especially the mushroom one. - Shrimp bisque. Lobster bisque! - No, like I said, the mushroom one. - World famous lobster bisque. - That's great. I don't like seafood. - Ryan Reynolds. You know that guy? - Yeah. Bisque Man: Hmm? Charles Barkley? Hmm? You know him too? Jim Carrey? - Yeah, you're just naming famous people. - They like it. - They like what? - Lobster bisque! Five stars! Five thumbs up! Five... children... Mallory: You know what? I, that sounds really, really good. I will get that, and then Stephen will get something else. Bisque Man: Oh. Oh, that's a good choice, okay. - Yeah, could I have the mushroom bisque? That sounded good. - Yeah. - Mushroom, okay. What kind of mushrooms, please? - You have have more than one kind of mushroom? - Portobello, shiitake, white mushroom, brown mushroom. - I don't really know the difference, so-- - Wild mushroom, cremini, poisonous mushroom. - Wait, what do you-- what do you mean, poisonous? - It's not fatal. The poison is boiled out. Obviously. - Okay. Um, well which one would you suggest out of those, then? - Lobster bisque. - Of course. Okay. Um, no. Could I get, like, all of them? - You want 27 bowls of soup? - No, sorry. I mean, just mix all of the mushrooms in one bisque? - What do you think this is, a stinking buffet? - Portobello. Let's go with portobello, is that all right? - [mumbling] That's a choice, yeah. All right, guys. That's $12.56. - It's on me, so, here you go. - Ah, the card, and the swipey-swipey. Okay, and that's uh, authorized. Okay. You may have, please have a seat at the table, and you can use the chairs if you want. I'll be right back. - I'm sorry, I guess they have a lot of soup options. - Yeah, seriously. Kind of crazy. - Um, hey guys, hi. Uh, so, lis-- Hey, oh, how's the food? - Oh, it's good, it's excellent. - It's good? Okay. Hi. I apologize for the inconvenience, but we are out of all of the portobello bisque. - Okay. Um, that's fine, I will have any other kind of mushroom, thank you. - Um. I apologize for the inconvenience, but we are out of all of the mushrooms bisque. - Seriously? - Yes. - Okay, um, tomato. Let's go with tomato. That sounds fine, yeah. - Okay. I just-- - Yeah, no, no, I don't care what kind of tomato. Roma? Let's go with Roma. - There's only one kind of tomato bisque. - I will have that one, please! - But... I apologize for the great inconvenience-- - You're out of that one too, okay. What do you have? - Lobster bisque! [audience cheering] - Don't worry, babe, my parents are gonna love you. Yeah, just come over here and meet them. All right. [doorbell rings] - Okay, I'll see you soon. Bye. - Hello, little brother. [audience cheering] - What are you doing here? I have mom and dad tonight. - I just wanted to meet your woman, bro-ham. - Fine, but you better be really nice to her and to me, otherwise you've got to go. - Do you want me to make like a tree and leaves? - You done? - Get it? 'Cause of the leaves. - That doesn't make sense. - Mother. - My favorite son! Give your mother a kiss! - Mwah! - Your father will be so happy. Chris! Chris! - Trish! - Chris! - Trish, what is it, Trish? - Chris, put down that whisk and get in here. - Trish, your wish list is fiscally irresponsible. My favorite son! - Ah-ha! Hey, uh, mother, I brought you a gift. - Oh! - Do you realize what this is? - Hibiscus? - Yes. I ate like five of them. - Mitch! Mitch! Where's Mitch? - Mom, Dad died five years ago! - Oh, that's right. Mitch died in a ditch. And now he's got the postmortems. - Granny made her famous lobster bisque. - [laughs] - Why do you always have to make his favorite, even tonight? You know I hate bisque. - You are a disgrace to this family. - You are around bisque 24/7. Don't you ever get sick of the stuff? - Do you ever get sick of breathing? [stuttering] - Tisk, tisk. - Golly. - It's not your fault, son. We dropped you on your head as a child. - That's right. I was running a marathon with you in my arms and I tore my meniscus and tripped. Sorry if it made you such a fish out of water. - We probably shouldn't have had you listen to all that classical music as a child. - You should have listened to Limp Bizkit like me. - Yes. - That's what made me so sociable. - Sociable, yeah. Hey, wait, what happened to that blind date I set you up on, with Veronica? - Veronica? Oh, I guess that was her name. - That was supposed to be tonight, what happened? - I got distracted. - Beautiful. - Lah! Tricky stitch. - Ah. Who wants to play a super fun game? Ah, yes. - What-- what are we playing? - Risk! - Well, I am pretty good at Risk, so. - Well, at least there's one thing you're good at. - What is that supposed to mean? - You're a loser. - Okay. Just because I don't own my own business doesn't mean I-- - Bisque- ness! - Ah. - I did graduate from Harvard this year, if anyone remembers that. - Yeah, in puh-sychology. - Neurosurgery! - Ugh. Puh-sychology. Puh-surgery. They're the puh-same thing. - No, they are not. I also took the Harvard football team to four bowls in the last four years, so. - How many bowls of bisque did I sell in the last four years? - Those are not even comparable. Bisque Family: 6,266! - Mitch! Mitch! - We are so proud of you, honey. - I know. It's just... - Just wait until my girlfriend gets here, and then you'll be proud of me too. - We are proud of you. - Why? [doorbell rings] - Hey. Everyone, this is my girlfriend. - [Bisque voice] Hello, family of Stephen, hi! All: Hi, hi guys, hi. - It is my pleasure to meet you and your acquaintances. Acquaintances, yes, yes. I brought a delicious dish of biscuits that-- Oh, oh, ope. I left it in my Civic. [laughs] Let me get them, I'll be brisk! [stammering] All right, yeah. - So, what do you guys think? - Well, wow, Stephen. You found a weirdo! - Yeah! [audience cheering] - Please, Green Man, just let me go! I don't have anything that you want! - That's where you're wrong, missy! Ha-ha! - What are you talking about? - Ironically, working in my laboratory, the nuke-ular weapon is finally complete after it had been working good in my laboratory for hours. I am literally tickled thinking about it. [laughs maliciously] [thud] - Who's there? - Captain Literally. - Captain Irony! - Nuclear Ninja. - Good and Well Duo. - And Dangling Participle Dude. - Everything was wrong with that sentence, so-- Wait, who are you? - Dangling Participle Dude. - Everyone's heard of him, but no one actually knows what he does. - Whatever. You broke all the rules, so now you're gonna pay. - There was nothing ironic about the sentence you just used; you just tacked the word "ironically" in front of it. Irony taught! - You said "good." - When you should've said "well." Good and Well Duo: Good and well are different! - [giggling] - There. Literally tickled! Balance restored! - Bruh. Your participles were dangling all over the place. Dangle shmangle. [ominous music] - [scoffs] Seriously? Is that all you guys do? You guys are pathetic. [thud] - You ever mispronounce the word "nuclear" again, you will suffer. Because I'll punch you again. - Wait! I think he's still conscious back there. Aren't you gonna untie me? - Oh. Yeah, we're not really those kinds of superheroes. But, if you ever have an egregious grammatical error, we'll be there. He's waking up! Heroes: [screaming] - Thanks. ♪♪ ♪♪ - Well, I didn't-- - Hey, Matt. - Hey, Whit. How, it's good to see you. - Yeah. Who's this? - What? This is, uh, Mallory. - Oh, is this your friend from work? ♪♪ ♪♪ [thud] Mallory: Uh, what was that? Do you guys have some sort of history, or were you dating, or? Were you dating her when we started dating? - No. - Don't lie to me. - Well, I'm not, it's just-- ♪♪ ♪♪ [thud] ♪♪ - Ah, I hate this library. - Say what you will about the smell and the service, they have the best selection in the state. - Let's get your book and let's get out of here. - Need help finding your books? - Uh, yes, do you work here? - Yes, I'm Ann Whithers. - Enn? - Ann. - Enn? - Ann! - Enn. - Ann! Ann! Ann! - Oh, Ann. - Yes, Ann. - Yes, well, I just need to find a book to write a report on. - Mmm, books. Must get your heart racing just thinking about it. - What? - It's like finding a new friend... or more. - I'm gonna go. - What? No, you can't go, you're my ride. - Was your ride. Was. - So. What are you looking for? - Uh, actually, I'm not really sure. - Mmm. Classics? - Uh, what about this book over here? - Oh, yes! - Oh, my goodness. - The House of Seven Gables. Yes, your taste in literature is exquisite. Have you read Dante's Inferno? - No. - Mm-hmm-hmm. - Okay. - You know, Matthew, this library is a secret garden for all who enter. - Ah, haha, I see what you did there. That's clever. - But for anybody experiencing pride and prejudice, you might find happiness with little women. - Actually, I'm not really into romance novels. - Mmm. So you have a heart of darkness? - I wouldn't say that, or at least not the way you said it. Perhaps you could be won over with some persuasion? - I don't think so. - Mmm. Well, aren't you a little fox in socks? - You know what, I think I'm fine just browsing on my own. - You sure? You wouldn't like me to carry anything for you? - No, thank you, I'm fine. - Well, I'll be over there, so just twitter your fingers if you need me. Mmm. - Uh. I need to get a Kindle. - As you like it! - What? - Shh! No need to get faust-y with me. - What are you doing? You can't pop out of nowhere like that. - 'Scourse. I was lacking sense and sensibility. - Okay, you know what, how about this book right here? - Hmm, well, rather frightful. But you know, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. - Oh. Okay, listen, Enn. - Ann! - I think I'm all settled here. - You know, I've noticed you often, strolling the aisles of the poetry section. - So? - I could spot you as a poet. Who wrote that one poem, what was it? Hmm. Tenderly, my arms entreat you. I'll sweet glide on wings of charm. Me. Me, yes, I wrote that. For you. Right now. - Okay. Thank you, Enn. - Ann. - Uh, but I've got the book that I need, so I'm just gonna go home and read "Call of the Wild." - [growls] - Okay. Thank you, Enn. - Yes, it's Ann. - I really should be going. - Well, I look forward to your return to the world of knowledge. - Yes, very good. - Read Dante's Inferno. [audience laughing] [audience cheering] - Hey, honey, how was trick-or-treating tonight? - It was a nightmare. - Did he hurt anyone? - That child is inhuman. Give him a sixlet and it's like the Hulk married the Hulk and had a Hulk baby. - Honey, he's asleep now, right? - When I sent him to bed without any Smarties, the glint in his eye made me fear for my life. - What about the rest of the candy? Did you freeze it in a block of ice? - Yes. - And then padlock it in the freezer? - Yes. - The one in the basement? - Yes. - The hidden one in the basement? - Yes. - And the key, where is it? - It's right he-- Oh, no. - Honey. - Shh. Do you hear that? - No. - All is silent as the grave. - Kyle? - Kyle, buddy, where you at, Kyle? [sinister noises] - What was that? - K-K-K-Kyle, honey, it's time to get you to bed. - There he is! - [screams] Kyle? - Hi, mom! Parents: [scream] - Dad took me trick-or-treating, and when he was tucking me to bed, I saw a key in his pocket, so I secretly gnawed it out with my teeth. The squirrels taught me how. I am their king. - Okay, Kyle, buddy, I need you to stay focused. Where is the key, Kyle? - I flew all the way down to the basement! Quiet as a mouse, quiet as a mouse. I saw the freezer, opened it with the key, dug through the ice with my fingers, and I got the Butterfingers! - Kyle, I need you to focus, buddy. How many did you eat? How many did you eat?! - My cheeks make the sound of African drums. La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la! - Kyle, please, come back! No! - Kyle! - What are we gonna do? - I don't know! Kyle! - [screaming] Do you know how many grams of sugar are in the Kit Kat? 20. 20 grams. But that doesn't include the wrapper, and I ate that, too. 20 grams of sugar times a pillowcase full gives me superpowers! I made this jungle! [shrieks] - Please, Kyle, we need to get you to bed! - Our son, why?! Look at this place. All: [screaming] - Blessed Halloween! - No, Kyle, not the chocolate syrup! No! - No, please! - More, more! - Kyle. Kyle. - Kyle, baby, why don't we eat some vegetables, eh? - Never! [growling] - He's gone rabid, honey! - No, not the Pixy Stix! All: [screaming] - Honey, honey! Honey! His Adderall! No, Kyle! - I am the ruler of this jungle! - Please, please, no! Honey, hurry, [incomprehensible screaming]! - I will disguise it in the Reese's Pieces! Here! Reese's! - What's happening? My powers... - Good, Kyle. Good. - Have grown stronger! All: [screaming] - No! Ah! Ah! [breathing heavily] Oh. Ah. Ah. - Cool. Now I have two keys. [audience cheering] - Amanda and I just want to thank you all for braving the snow to come celebrate our wedding today. - Cut the cake! Cut the cake! Cut the cake! Cut the cake! - Here we go, just... Woman: Yay! Sweetheart, did you remember to get a sugar-free cake, too? - Oh, the bakery didn't make sugar-free cakes. - Why would you do that? - What? I didn't think it'd be a big deal! He's a full-grown man. He hasn't had sugar for years. [smack] - You know nothing! Wait! Don't eat the cake, Kyle! - What's wrong, babe? - What have I done? - [screaming] Blessed sugar! My white granulated friend! - Are you feeling okay? Ah! - Isn't it so good? I feel like I could do anything! Like pay two mortgages, work at a law firm, raise our family of six, and be a spider monkey! All: [screaming] - He's eating my face! - Oh, it's okay! This has happened before! Just play dead! - I can't! - Bringing a gift for my favorite-- Oh, not today! Kyle, restrain yourself, or I'll be forced to take the law into my-- Ahh! - Kyle, where did you get that hat? I thought we burned it years ago. - That was a decoy! I keep the real one in my sock! I propose a toast! Where does the term "toast" come from? Should we all be raising slices of bread? How do you drink toast? If I can liquify toast and drink it, I would say, to the end of forever! - It's actually a really nice toast. - Honey, we have to do something! - Where's the getaway car? - We have a horse-drawn sleigh! - Even better! When the horses break down, we can use them as alternative sources of food! [whinnies] - You're a monster! - It's time for the first dance! - Uh... Honey, we need to do something. - I hate it. - I'm sorry. - No, please, stop it. - It's just this is the only time they'll have a first dance. - Stay focused! - Okay. - Kyle, don't you dare lick that ice sculpture! Kyle! No! Kyle, it's your wedding day, man! You have a PhD! - My taste buds are gone! Ice! - Ahh! - What dark magic is this? Never-ending chocolate? - Kyle, no! It's too much! You may never come back! - My life has led me to ths moment! - Kyle! Not the fondue, Kyle! - I feel so alive! Merry Christmas to all, and to all, Reese's Pieces! - Maybe Kyle and I would be better off adopting. - Kyle was adopted. - I was? Cool, now I have two moms! [audience cheering] - Hey. How far have you gone? - Oh, me? - Yeah, how many miles? - I'm on mile nine. - Nice! Way to keep the pace going. I'm using dying by like mile 20. I'm training for a marathon. [whistling] [mumbling singing] - Oh, what have we got here? A nice little lady. A n-- oh, oh. No, no. [mumbling] Look at me here. Look at me here. [monkey noises] - So, uh, you do any marathons? - Yeah, a few. - I knew it. I could tell. - I knew it. I could tell. I failed college. Her-d-der-der-der. - Excuse me? - Hup. Check it out. Ah, uh-huh. It's nice having a brain. You should try it some time. - So, uh, you training for an Ironman, or maybe just an Ironwoman? - Huh. Nope, just trying to stay in shape. - [mumbling] Stay in shape, seen it time and time again. [sniffs] Time and time again. - Can I help you? - Huh? Oh, no, just, uh... Giving my friend some exercise. - Yeah, well maybe you can do your exercises somewhere else, bro. - Uh, it's not really a person, it's just a mop. - Yeah, I know it's not a person, okay? I'm not an idiot. Hey, so we're getting this group together to do this Ragnar race, and I was wondering, you know, if you would like-- - Oh. - Bro. - I'm just cleaning. - What is your deal? - Well, it's closed. What can I say? - Whatever, man. - Yeah. Anywho. So like I said, got some dirt there. - Hey, what? What are you doing? Don't touch that! Stop! - Oh, oh, oh whoops! - No! - Let me fix it! - Cut it out! - What did I do? Oh-ho-ho! Is that too fast for you, buddy? - No. It's not too fast. I can go this fast if I want to, I just don't want to, okay? - Ho-ho, yeah. - Yeah, that's my drink, bro. - Yeah, and I'll get it nice and clean. [clicks tongue] Nice and clean for you. - Isn't that toxic? - No, no, no. It's o-- Potentially. - What? [heavy breathing] So anyways, like I was saying. Wh-- Ah! Dude, you forgot to wipe off your stupid spray! - Uh, careful. Piso mojado. - Are you okay? - I am now. With you. - Okay, just be careful. - Okay. So, uh, like I was saying, there's a Ragnar race in a couple months. - [mumbling] Gotta keep it clean, gotta keep it nice and clean. Get all that sweat off. - Wow, do you lift all those just to clean them? - Well, yes. It's a dirty job. Someone's got to do it. - It's not that heavy. - Oh, yeah. Check if it's clean? - Okay. [groans] [metal clangs] - So, are our facilities clean enough for you? - Uh, yeah, it's always really nice. - Oh, good. Tried the hot yoga? [clicks tongue] - Really, that sounds hard. - Well, yeah, yeah. - It's not that hard. Namaste. Ah, dude! Bro! - My bad, my bad, my bad. Hold that for me. - What do you-- - Yeah, hot yoga made me more flexible than a rubber band. [snaps] - Ow! Dude! Listen. A group of us, my friends, we're doing a Ragnar race in a couple months and we need one more person. - Oh, uh, that could be fun. - Yeah, so like, do you want to join our team? Assuming you're fast enough, haha. - Oh... - Oh-hoh, hey. [mumbling] Ragnar, huh? You're not going very fast. - Shouldn't you be cleaning something? - Uh, cleaning the floor with your face. - That is it! All right, I'm not losing to a stupid janitor! - Bro, do you even run? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Come on! Oh, yeah! [audience cheering] - Come on, bro. - Um, I'm gonna go check out that class. - Wait, wait, wait! Whoa! Ah. - Well, looks like my work here is done. - Hey, hey. So somebody just threw up on the bench press, so-- - Oh. - Wait. You don't work here. - I'm just gonna... - No, no! Don't take that cart. That's our cart. No. No. - Ha! - Hey! Hey! [audience cheering] - How are you guys enjoying it? - You loving it? - They are so lovable? - So much fun. - I mean, I could just kiss each and every one of them on the mouth. - Mm, you can, but maybe shouldn't. - Give me this cam-- - No, no, roll! Just keep rolling! - Gimme this TV! - I think she's unrealistic. - You know, she's got some spunk. - No, I think they would break her in half. - Okay. Maybe on the next date, you pick the movie, then. - Oh, yeah? On the, on the next date? - Yeah. - That's the fourth date. That's official. - Things seem to be going pretty well. - Yeah? - Am I the only one that thinks that? - No, I think so. You've got a... got some popcorn. - Do I actually have some popcorn? - No, I just wanted to touch your face. - Was that-- [both giggling] - Aw, yeah! Hmm, hm-hm! [both chuckling] - People are stupid. - Yeah. [harp music] - Aww, yeah! Aww, yeah! Aww, yeah, yeah, yeah! Aww, yeah! Yeah! Aww, aww, yeah! Aww, yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, that's it! - Do you know her? - No, I thought you knew her. - Oh, I-- No, I don't. Okay. [tires squealing] Aww, yeah! - Madam, please! - Don't do that. - Why are you smiling like that? Don't smile like-- - That's, oh-- Don't, don't do that. - Aww. Yeah. - No, all the way up. - Aww! - No. - Yeah! [heavy breathing] - Okay. - Oh, come on! - That is excessive. Can you please move along? - She's getting the sweaty hand. - Can you please go? - Oh, oh. - Aww, yeah! - That was just-- Why don't we go? - Yeah. Yeah, maybe a good idea. - Okay. All right. - Aww, yeah! - If we want to be-- - Aww, yeah! - How is she doing that? - Aww, yeah! Aww, yeah! - J-- How in the world? - Aww, yeah! - What?! - Aww, yeah! - We shouldn't let it bother us. - Aww! - Just, you know-- - Yeah, let's just-- - Yeah! - Seriously freaking me out. - Aww, yeah! - No! This is witchcraft! - Aww, yeah! - Just shut up, lady! - I swear, I will beat you down if you come within 100 feet of us again! - Aww, yeah? Aw- aww, yeah. Aww, yeah. [groaning] Aww... yeah... Aww, yeah! - That was impressive. - [in the distance] Aww, yeah! - Well, she was, she ruined our moment. - No, she didn't. [magical music] Woman: Aww, yeah! Aww, yeah! Aww, yeah! Aww, yeah! Aww, yeah! - No. No! - Oh. - No! - Aww, yeah! Aww, yeah! Aww, yeah! Aww, yeah! - No! - Aww, yeah! [audience cheering] [news intro music] - Coming up, a local man's documentary exposes that your closest friends may be your family, and the results might shock you. - But first, spring has sprung, and with it, heaps of fun. We're going to Roger Jennings, who's coming to us live from Jefferson Middle School. - That's right, Chuck. I'm here at the annual Jefferson Middle School Carnival for the Cure. And as you can see, the festivities are in full swing. I'm here with one of the carnival's oragnizers. Can you tell us your name? - [high-pitched] My name's David Wainstarr with a double R. - Can you spell that? - Um, yeah. T-H-A-T. That. [laughs] - Uh, how old are you, David? - I'm 12. - Oh, I'm sorry, everyone. I thought David here was a teacher. - That's okay, I get that a lot. You see, my body's been going through, um, changes. Dad says my voice has got to catch up to the rest of my body. But don't worry, it'll happen. - I hope so. The carnival looks pretty fun. Do you have a favorite part so far? - Yeah, there's a dunk tank over there that you get to dunk your favorite teacher in. - Did you get to dunk your favorite teacher? - Yeah, Mr. Cannespoll. But I didn't get to dunk him. Thomas Pulpchoy said I throw like a girl. But that's not true. Suzy Chiupinni can throw way better than me. - Can't imagine that. - But I did play a dart game, and I won this stuffed wampa from "The Empire Will Strike Back." - Oh. I think it's called "The Empire Strikes Back." - Well, they don't really strike back until "Return of the Jedi," so I think that title's a bit of a red herring. - It sounds like you like Star Wars. - I love Star Wars! [audience cheering] - My favorite is Bib Fortuna. - I don't know who or what that is. - He's the guy that's in Jabba's house, palace, with the things on his head, and he's got the sharp teeth, and he goes, he's like, um... He's like... "Die wanna wanga." - Thanks. We're gonna go talk to some other people, I think, and just see who else is going on. How long does the carnival go tonight, David? - Die Jabba wanga? - Okay, we're gonna maybe go back to Chuck and Dana. - Knock, knock. Knock, knock! - Who's there? - Oh, nobody. - Nobody, who? - Nobody voted for me when I ran for student council. I'm not very popular. - Sorry to hear that. - Oh, it's all right. I recently read a study that said if you're popular as a kid, sometimes it leads to problems later on in life, so hopefully that means I'll be more adjusted as an adult than Thomas Pulpchoy. - Yeah, hopefully. - Can I tell a joke before we-- - No, we're gonna have to go back to the studio-- - No, I just, I want to... Um, what... What... Um... What do... - Yeah, okay, we'll-- - Okay, um. What do you get when you cross my mom with my dad? - I'm afraid to ask. - I don't know, but my dad said it was a mistake. - I think that's all the time we have. Any last words, David? - Nee Jabba no badda. - Let's go back to Chuck and Dana. I don't know. - Beauty, it's hard to be beautiful on your face with Susan! Hello! And welcome to Beauty Tips with Susan Weebers! I'm Susan Weebers. Today I will teach you every tween girl's best beauty friend: the at-home perm! No perm has ever been a mistake. Just ask my personal idol and fitness inspiration, Richard Simmons. You can purchase it a home perm kit at any dollar store. Some more expensive kits come with gloves, but burned hands are a small price to pay to look like this. Before you start your perm, make sure you don't wash any surface of your body for at least six days. I'm serious. The perm will know and it will retaliate. Take your product into your han-- ow. And massage it into the scalp. Try to avoid the ear canal. I once burned my brain, causing temporary damage. Next, wrap it tight with Saran wrap. One time, I used tin foil for this, and I started to hear the radio. Let the perm sit for about a week. Oh, I forgot to say. Don't make any plans for a week. I never have plans, but that's because of my commitment to beauty. Also, Carl needs a lot of attention. [cat howls] - Shut up, Carl, you ungrateful wretch! Some of you may be asking yourself, is all this fuss worth it? I think this answers that question. Thanks for joining us, and we'll see you next time with Susan-- [shrieks] [audience cheering] - I recite the magical incantation of Adaladar. - The runes on the door to the dragon's lair glow red. - Six months of questing, I can't believe we're finally here! My character sheds tears of joy. - Oh, critical fail. Instead of crying, you break a leg. - That's unfortunate. [Darth Vader breathing] - [Darth Vader voice] Luke. I am your ringtone. - Sorry, that's me, guys, hold on, just a second. Hey, yeah, hi. Oh, just hanging out with the guys doing manly things. Playing Dungeons and Dragons. Oh, yeah, you could come over if you want. Sure. [mumbling] Okay, yeah, hello, bye. - Uh, who did you invite? One cannot simply join the Guild of Adventurers! - Huzzah, magic powers! - Relax, guys, it's just my cousin Carly. - A girl? You can't invite a girl! My character left his formal robes back in town five moves ago. He's a total disaster. What do I have to roll to get him a facial. - Critical fail. - Dang it. - Besides, no facial's going to help Damion the Stout. - He is a very attractive gnome. - Well, according to the Guild of Adventurers! - Huzzah, magic powers! - Charter, there are no rules against having a girl come because we never figured they'd actually wanna be here. - Yeah. - So I guess we'll have to let her play. - Yeah, I guess so. Carly: Uh, Adam, are you down here? - Yeah, come on down! Guys, this is Carly. - Ahhh. M'lady! Uh, I stand with skill in standing and bequeath to thee most zealous greetings. She is so hot! - I know! - Thank you. - Okay, so Carly, do we need to make you a character? I think I have some basic sheets. - Oh, no need, I'll just play my character Avenglen Narado. She's a level 15 Elvin ranger, steward of the forest, and silent huntress. [boys gasping] - Wow. - So, where are we? - Oh, the Guild of Adventurers-- - Huzzah, magic powers. - Was just about to open the door to the golden dragon's lair. - Okay, and I trust we have the proper magical amulets to protect us from the dragon's psionic abilities? - I love her. - Um, yes, we had been meaning to get those. - Had we? We had. - I actually have three. Let's see. Avenglen puts on the amulet and the purple stone is framed by her raven hair and flawless alabaster skin. - Okay. - So, into the cavern, then? - Oh, yes. The dragon appears to be sleeping. - Oh, sweet! We don't even have to fight it! We can just take the treasure and run! Huzzah! - Uh, so you would just rob the dragon blind? - Jason, for shame! - But to be fair, m'lady, dragons are rather evil creatures. Kind of like the IRS but with wings. - Really? What do you know of this dragon? - Well, it's a dragon. - It ate my mother once. - So you figured you know everything about it just because of the way it looked and the color of its skin, is that right? - We're dragon racists. - Well, perhaps we could talk to the dragon. - Yeah, that's fine. - Avenglen approves wholeheartedly and she smiles at your sweetness. - I smile back. - I smile also. - No, the most that roll will get you is a confused look. - Okay, but, remember, the dragon will think that you're there to fight him. So you really should leave behind your magical weapons and enchanted armor. [boys laughing] - This is Kasetrem, the great sword that I wrenched from the hands of the Lich King! I cannot very well leave it here while I go and confront the dragon! Unless you ask me again, because I will do it. - And I wield the Staff of the Flame, worth at least 100,000 gold, so I'm not just gonna give that away! - Okay, well, just remember that you can leave them with me. I'll keep them safe in my pack. I promise you can trust me. [bites teeth together] - Ohh. We leave her our weapons. - Immediately. - No, guys, stop and think about this. - And, to the one who shows the most bravery, Avenglen will bestow a kiss with her full ruby lips. - Long have I desired to be kissed by a woman... says my character. - No. Guys, I really think this is-- - Silence! Adam! Matt and I walk into the dragon's lair. - Bravely! - Fine. Yeah, the dragon wakes up, sees you, and incinerates you both. - Ow. - You tricked us. The dragon wasn't in the cavern. It was in our own company. - That was beautiful. - Thank you. - He's right! You siren, you tricked us! You took our treasure and left us with nothing in return! - Oh, you're right. I did promise you a kiss, didn't I? - What's happening? - [squealing] - Let the dream begin! - You are so gullible. - Ah! - Bye, boys! - Bye, Carly. - Did you see how close we were? - I felt it. <i> [audience cheering]</i> - All right, players, gather up! Gather up. Now the team we're playing today is brutal. Like, physically brutal. Like one of their players actively puts kids in the hospital. But we can still win this, am I right? All: Yeah! - I'm scared. - Okay, now here's the plan! Where's my clipboard? Anybody seen my clipboard? - Yeah, Coach. - Jimbo, why do you have my clipboard? - Going over the plan, Coach. We're gonna win! Good clipboard plan. - Thank you. Now I-- What is this? - We're the dragons, Coach! So we burn up the enemies. Go dragons! - We're not the dragons, we're the suns. - Oh, because suns burn things too. - No. - Unless they have a really high SPF. - Okay, look. Just don't draw on this any more, all right? - Yeah, Coach. - Okay. "Go suns" on three. One, two, three, go suns! - Go dragons! - Jimbo. - Yeah, Coach? - Game's about to start. - Okay, Coach! - No, no, Jimbo, Jimbo, Jimbo! Sit down. - Yeah, Coach. - Guys, I want Anthony in the middle for the jump. - Yeah, good one, Coach. - Okay, hustle down! Follow 'em down! - Follow 'em down like you follow your speech therapist on Twitter! - Oh, come on, ref, what was that? - Yeah, ref, Coach says you're an idiot! - No, no I didn't! Sit down, Jimbo. You all right? Okay, let's see. - Ready, Coach. Ten hut, all aboard. - Peter, get in there for Aaron. - Peter. That's what I was thinking too, Coach. - Don't let him past you! - Yeah, push him down if you have to! - No, don't do that! Brian, eye on the ball! - Put your eye on the ball and your meds up on the fridge! - Oh, come on, ref! How is that not a foul? - Yeah, what the heck, ref? Coach said he'll burn your house down! - Nope. Nope, did not say that. - Nope. - Sit down, now! - Okay. Put me in, Coach? - Not yet. Brian, Neal, get in there. - Go get them, guys. What do you want me to do, Coach? - Just help the injured players. - Whatever you say, Coach. You say jump, I say look at my light-up shoes. Does this hurt? - Ow! - We're gonna have to lose the leg, Coach! - Jimbo. - Yeah, Coach. - Don't touch the injured players. - But you said-- - I know what I said. I changed my mind. - What do you want me to do, Coach? - Just get me a drink or something. - Whatever you say, Coach. You say jump, I say good game, Coach! - JIMBO! I need you to stop! - Coach needs to stop! He wet himself. - Sit down! - Yeah, Coach. - Come on, ref! He just took out our star player! - Give me a break, ref! Coach swears he'll stab your dog! - Sit down! Jason:<i> Don't worry, Coach.</i> I took out the guy who keeps hurting all our players. - Good! Now we have a chance. We just have to replace Anthony on the court. - Yeah, Coach. - Not you, Jimbo. - I'm the last one, Coach. - Seriously? - Yeah. - All right, fine. - Fine? I can play? I will make you proud, Coach! - Jimbo, listen to me! - You miss 100% of the shots you don't take! - No, don't take any shots. - Teamwork makes the dream work. - No. Well, yes, but-- - It's okay to fail as long as you keep on trying and your parents have really good insurance. - Listen! I need you to do something. - Yeah, Coach? - Technically, I have to have five people, so I need you out there. - Okay, Coach! - But, no, no, no, no, no, no! You see that spot over there? - Under the bleachers? - Yeah. I want you to stand right there. - And defend the bleachers? - Yes! Defend the bleachers. - Okay, Coach. - Okay-- No, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's not enough to lose. - Good one, Coach. - Okay. [Velcro ripping] Jimbo: Okay, guys, Coach says pass it to me every time! <i> [audience cheering]</i> - Okay, I think they're almost here! - Awesome! Okay, this should be so fun. - Yeah! - I think Stacey really likes you. - Do you? - Yeah! - I'm so nervous about it. - What? - Well, and plus there's Agatha. - What about me? - Nothing, Agatha, don't worry about it. - I was reading Giacomo Leopardi by candlelight when the tinkling cymbals of your jubilance encroached upon my depression. - Okay, Agatha, we know you studied classic poetry, but you take it a little too seriously. - Yeah, uh, we're just having some guys over and it'd be really nice if you could just stay in your room. - Yeah. - Oh. If I'm such an embarrassment, I'll stay in my room. I'll stay in the room in my mind where all dark secrets lie, blocked in the end, finding warmth at the bosom of your defeat! The sea salt-- - Agatha, no! - [screaming] - No spontaneous evil poetry! You promised. - Now go to your room! - Fine, swine! You shan't see me again! Are there any Red Vines? - Hey! - No, go, go, go, go, go! - The Vines [unclear]! - Go, go! - Oh, um... - Hi! - Hey, who was that? - Oh, it's just my roommate. She just got rejected from grad school and she is on one tonight, so. [fist slam] Agatha:<i> How dare you speak of my demise!</i> - Shut! Up! Agatha! - The fuselage of my rage ignites! - Well, she can play games with us if she wants. - Yeah. - No, no, no, no, no. That is not a good idea. - I will not play with you. Unless it's Boggle. - We were gonna play charades. - Yeah. - Of course, you wretches! - Oh, there's no need to be rude. - Crude? Crude is your mother's parenting style if she hoped to make you a man. Crude is the childish bedrock on which you base your flimsy self-esteem. Crude is to you as brilliant is to me! - I said "rude." - [stuttering] - 'Kay, should we play? Stacey, you want to be on my team? - Oh, yeah, you know it! Oh, man, I'm so glad you guys have snacks. I'm hungry. - Are you sure you want to partake, Stacey? - Ignore her. - Stacey, he who makes chairs suffer and swingsets creak in agony. - I think that's a little too far, all right? - I want to play Boggle! - You don't get to play any Boggle! - You dare forbid my enjoyment? You are a man with the crinkled hands of a naked mole rat. - [gasps] - And the soul of a naked mole rat! And the body of a clothed fat man! Matt: Okay. Just calm down! - Palm down? Are you referring to the downward-turned palms-- - I said calm down! - Speak more clearly, you mouth-stifled ingrate! - Agatha, please! We're sorry, but stop taking your pathetic failure out on everyone else. - Ooh. Yes. I see. [clears throat] Well, if you'll excuse me, I think I will go lie down now. [somber organ music begins] - Um, y-y-- I think we're gonna come back later. - Yeah. - I'm sorry. - No, no, no, no! It's fine, it's okay. - No, not really. - She'll go away and it'll be fine. - Agatha! [organ music ends] - Do you want to play Boggle with us? Come on! - Really? - Yeah! - I was having such a wretched-- [screams] Ah, my periphery! Oh, my skull! - Go get the rolled up newspaper! - No! No, the words are so trite! <i> [audience cheering]</i> [humming] - Hi, Brad. - Morning, Hazel! You are looking radiant. - Well, someone's chipper this morning. - Well, I just have a feeling it's going to be a great day! So, uh, yeah. - Right on. Zippity-doo-dah. - Yep. Of course. - Wow. - Ah. Thank you, Mom! Oh, this is amazing. - Hey, happy birthday, Brad! - Ah, thanks, Tim! It's the big 30, so. - What? That's a huge milestone! I've got to take you out to eat. How about Joe's Crab Shack? - I love crab! - All right. - It's your birthday, Brad? - It is indeed. - What a coincidence. It's mine too. - Wait, what? - Oh, uh, you know, I don't know if my wallet's thick enough for three rounds of that buttery goodness. - Okay, maybe two. We could share. - Yeah, or, uh, how about I just treat you guys to a hot-and-ready pizza or something? - Oh, hot and ready! Oh, so nice of you, Tim! - Yeah, so much better than the Caribbean feast. - Yeah. Well, you know, healthier. Salmonella. - Okay. - Yeah. - Hazel. Today is your birthday also? - Yup. I guess we can just celebrate together. - Right. - Zippity-doo-dah. - Okay. - Yeah. Huh. - Oh, it's almost 9:30. Hazel: Okay. Radio Personality: Welcome back to 105.1 The Buzz! We're about to award our birthday giveaway! If it's your birthday and you're the first caller in, you'll win our grand prize! And we have our first birthday caller! What's your name? - Hazel. - What? Radio Personality: Hazel! It's your lucky day! You've just run two free tickets to a Mumford & Sons concert! - Wait, that's my favorite band! - Well, that's very nice of you, but I can't leave my betta fish for more than four hours or they'll rip each other apart. - Hazel, this is the opportunity of a lifetime! Radio Personality: Oh, well, why don't we give it to our second caller, then? Oh! Apparently he just hung up! - No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no! No! - Can't win 'em all. Zippity-doo-dah. - Uh, hey, Brad. Are you okay? - Oh, uh, yeah. Hey, Becky! How are you doing? - I was just wondering what you were up to tonight. - Tonight? Well, it is kind of my day, so. - It's our day. It's our special day. - Oh, Brad, I'm sorry, I thought you were single. - Oh, no, no, no, no, I am, I am single! - Oh, oh. - I am very single. - It's in my trachea. Oh, dear. - Brad, that is no way to treat your girlfriend. - No, no, she's no one! - Happy birthday, Hazel. - Ah, thanks, Becky. - Yeah. - No! - Oh, oh, oh. - Hey, everybody, gather 'round! We got a birthday cake for the birthday buddies! - Oh! Wonderful. - Now, we all know that Brad's favorite is cheesecake, right? - I do love cheesecake! - You were at the retreat! Woman: Yeah! - But then we found out that Hazel's allergic to dairy, so we got her favorite, a raisin loaf! - Cool! - Were you raised on rations? Because no! - The raisins are little bits of flavor. You can really like them. - This is dumb! Give me this. - No, no, stop! It's very fragile. - You know what? Hazel! You have ruined something that belongs to me and I'm going to ruin something that belongs to you! [glass shattering] - [screams] My iPad! My baby! What was in that cake? - Well, raisin loaf is about 30 pounds with the raisins, so that iPad didn't stand a chance. - That is it. Okay? November 10th is MY birthday. Today is MY birthday! Birthday's for B, B's for Brad, it's Brad's day! Brad's birthday! Day! You were gonna make me a cheesecake, but then you [screaming unintelligibly]! It's mine! [sobs] - Brad, from that vivacious outburst, I gather that today is November 10th, so it's not July. Oh, dear. Happy birthday just Brad! - [screams] <i> [audience cheering]</i> - Guys, thank you so much for watching! - Thank you! - And if you like what you saw, subscribe! - Subscribe. - And if you didn't like what you saw... - Don't tell us. - Subscribe. - Oh, also that. Give us a thumb up. Comment. Just share the love. We love you guys. Wink, wink, wink. Wink, wink, wink.
Channel: Studio C
Views: 1,175,161
Rating: 4.9033041 out of 5
Keywords: BYUtv, BYU tv, BYUtelevision, Studio C, StudioC, comedy, sketch comedy, funny, lol, laugh, snl, Lovable Characters Compilation, a collection of lovable characters, lobster bisque, ann withers, susan weebers, kyle, awkward avoidance viking
Id: h1kYqv_i954
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 28sec (3388 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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