The Top Collaborations of Studio C

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what that looks like matthais i am confusion

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Secret-Ad5335 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It looks like him and sounds like him wow

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gamerplays1233 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It looks and sounds just like him

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Itsme_mack- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It is him. They also did a skit on Dope or Nope called Triggered By Buzzwords.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ZingtVoorMij πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It is I watched and Zoomed in

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thicc_Obligation3304 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yes it is him he worked with Studio C in early years.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/coralmoonwave πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

yeup it is



πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Triple_E_07 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

yea its him

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/QMoo22 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Here’s the original video

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ibananatree πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
Hey everybody! What up? How you doing? [laughing] We have a dope, dope collaboration compilation for you. These are some of the coolest YouTubers that we've had a chance to work with. Ever worked with. And they are very talented, and some of our top videos. So check it out. Let us know what you think. β™ͺβ™ͺ β™ͺβ™ͺ Let me show you a place where everything's wonderful. β™ͺβ™ͺ We never lose a girlfriend. β™ͺβ™ͺ Where you got to be hot if you want to fight crime. β™ͺβ™ͺ My hair, my abs. β™ͺβ™ͺ Sometimes life gets dangerous when there's a new bad guy. β™ͺβ™ͺ β™ͺβ™ͺ But we're not scared and I'll tell you why. β™ͺβ™ͺ JARVIS, drop a beat. β™ͺβ™ͺ <i> Oh, yeah.</i> β™ͺβ™ͺ 'Cause there's no world like the Avengers β™ͺ β™ͺ Where everything's all right. β™ͺ <i> β™ͺ You know the bad guy the moment you see him. β™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺ Always a man, and always white. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> That offends me. <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ When Justice League comes round β™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺ We know we'll be preferred. β™ͺ</i> β™ͺ<i> 'Cause there's</i> no place as perfect β™ͺ <i> β™ͺ As the Avengers world. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> β™ͺβ™ͺ Little brother. Stop hitting yourself. β™ͺβ™ͺ Let me show you a world that's always appropriate. β™ͺβ™ͺ 'Cause I got my special stretchy pants. β™ͺβ™ͺ Where the only romance I want is one dance. β™ͺβ™ͺ And he doesn't even get it. <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ Where guys with goatees are friendly β™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺ And science geeks are buff. β™ͺ</i> β™ͺ No one needs a secret identity β™ͺ β™ͺ Except Black Widow who did some bad stuff. β™ͺβ™ͺ Shh. β™ͺβ™ͺ 'Cause there's no world like the Avengers β™ͺ β™ͺ Where there's not much to avenge. β™ͺ <i> β™ͺ Where radiation poisoning's a good thing β™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺ And your wounds all magically mend. β™ͺ</i> β™ͺ<i> And we'll make bank</i> on heroes β™ͺ β™ͺ Whose names<i> you've never heard.</i> β™ͺ <i> β™ͺ No one else turns a profit like the Avenger's world. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> [rapping]: Welcome to a world of civilians <i> who are all in mortal danger</i> <i> but you never really see any die.</i> <i> A world where</i> Tony Stark created<i> Ultron,</i> <i> 'cause things are so perfect</i> <i> that we got to make our own bad guy.</i> And yes there are some problems with S.H.I.E.L.D. Not this shield. <i> But their cover-ups</i> are sloppier than what's beneath this patch. Gross. So feast your eyes on a world so groovy that a female superhero could get her own movie. Guys, c'mon, you all have your own. β™ͺβ™ͺ 'Cause there's no world like the Avenger's β™ͺ β™ͺ Where no one's really dead. β™ͺ <i> β™ͺ We brought back Bucky Barnes, Coulson, Loki, and Fury β™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺ And fans don't feel misled. β™ͺ</i> β™ͺ And this movie's not out but we've all signed for a third. β™ͺ β™ͺ So you can bet no one's dying<i> in the Avenger's world.</i> β™ͺ β™ͺ<i> 'Cause you can bet nobody's</i> dying in the Avenger's world. β™ͺβ™ͺ β™ͺβ™ͺ β™ͺβ™ͺ β™ͺβ™ͺ β™ͺβ™ͺ Paul Anderson:<i> All right everyone,</i> <i> our latest video just hit two million hits!</i> Great work, guys! [cheering] <i> Awesome.</i> We're here to discuss our next big project and we're going to turn it over to Joe. Yes. Um-- <i> Hi, I'm Joe Curwen.</i> I'm the production manager for The Piano Guys. <i> Been working with them for about two years</i> and during that time we have worked on some-- [grunting] ambitious projects. Before we get started I just want to remind everyone that some of our previous shoots-- [grunting] Whoa! <i> Have come at the high cost</i> of our production crew. [talking] So we need to make sure that our next project-- Steven Sharp Nelson:<i> Is even bigger and better</i> than anything we've done before. <i> Yeah!</i> <i> That's what I'm talking about!</i> <i> Great idea!</i> <i> Great idea!</i> <i> Love it.</i> <i> Yes, I am the newest member</i> of the crew. I've only been here for one week, but I am part of the piano moving team and I could not be more excited. Nelson:<i> We got to continue</i> with the Wonders of the World thing, right? So I'm thinking we float down the Amazon on a raft. <i> Oh yeah.</i> Al van der Beek:<i> Let's get one of the fancy</i> Egyptian boats and float down the Nile. Oh, better! What about barrels over Niagara Falls? [cheering] We could somehow just kind of attach it to the ceiling and hang it. <i> You know what I'm saying.</i> <i> So just kind of--</i> <i> Yeah.</i> [crying] <i> The Piano Guys are,</i> what's the word, not dreamers, um, nightmarers? Makers of nightmares. <i> Sometimes people write</i> comments on the YouTube channel. Yeah, "how did they get that piano<i> there?"</i> <i> "Crazy work!</i> <i> That's amazing!"</i> <i> I write those.</i> They haven't noticed. Demons of the mind? I once tried to persuade Jon to use a small keyboard instead of<i> the thousand pound grand piano</i> <i> he wanted us to hike into darkest Africa--</i> the Africa shoot. I was just wondering if maybe we could size down the piano and do this? 'Cause-- We were thinking of a ten foot. Ten feet. He thought that was a really funny joke. [laughs] [chainsaw revving] Stop! Stop! Sanity terrorists. Yeah, that's the word I was looking for. Anderson:<i> Guys,</i> <i> we should</i> focus on what made our last videos great. Yes. Good idea. The music-- Anderson:<i> The sets!</i> <i> Yeah!</i> Remember when we built a bat cave? <i> Yeah!</i> We need something ten times that size. <i> Whoa!</i> <i> Yeah!</i> <i> They wanted the bat cave to look</i> realistic so they had me hand chisel a cavern in the heart of the mountains. Normally the elements would do this over thousands of years-- We had two days. Once we shot on top of an old firehouse. You know, and one of the only ways to get to the top was one of those stupid fireman poles. [crying] van der Beek:<i> All right!</i> <i> Then it's settled!</i> <i> Dragon duel on top</i> of the Eiffel Tower it is! Wait a sec, wait a sec. Are we sure we want to scrap that Everest idea? Let's do it December, it'll be a much better time of year to film it. Perfect. All right! Great! <i> Meeting adjourned!</i> [cheering] Thanks guys! Yes! See you on Everest. Yeah! These guys. [screaming] [crying] [cello music] β™ͺβ™ͺ [applause] [crazed laughter] β™ͺβ™ͺ <i> Oh man,</i> what is taking so long? Are you guys almost ready up there? <i> Just a minute!</i> Matt:<i> You can't rush beauty</i> fellas. Prom is a big deal. The girls have been getting ready since 10:00 this morning. 10:00 AM-- I just threw this suit on in my car. Didn't even shower, just cologne! Guys! The limo driver has been waiting for like 20 minutes! <i> Ladies!</i> <i> Are you coming</i> down soon? <i> I'm ready.</i> <i> It's just I'm not sure if I look okay.</i> Ah! Are you kidding me? Kelly, you're like the most beautiful girl in our class. <i> Now, come on down!</i> <i> Okay, here I come.</i> β™ͺβ™ͺ Do you like it? Wow. Oh good! Modest is hottest. Oh, sweetie! <i> I just wish your mom was here to see this.</i> She went to the store. Oh. Oh, let me get the camera. Yeah. Where is your shoulder? I don't-- Thanks! <i> Is it everything</i> <i> you imagined?</i> No. What? Yes. Oh good! She looks like a burrito with a face. <i> Thank you.</i> Hey! Uh, Brooklyn, are you almost ready up there? <i> Yeah!</i> <i> And my sister's ready too!</i> Oh-- Is she coming with us? <i> Yeah!</i> <i> I hope that's okay!</i> Brooklyn you look beau-- What? Do you love it? So your sister couldn't get a date and you sewed her into your dress. Yeah. Thank you so much for understanding Dan. Nope. No, no. Not you. I got this for you. Thank you. Thank you. Yep. Stephen:<i> Lauren?</i> <i> You can stay up there if you need</i> more time you know. <i> Oh, no problems here.</i> <i> I look amazing!</i> Hi you. Hey. <i> I know right?</i> It's at the peak of fashion. I saw the royal baby playing with a dress just like this in People Magazine. You mean playing with a ball? Uh, no. I'm pretty sure it was a tiny spherical dress. [stumbling] I got you a wrist corsage. So, I don't know what to-- Um, I can't. <i> This should work.</i> Oh Michael. She could roll down a flight of cement steps and she wouldn't get hurt. Yeah, well at least yours has some curves. Mine has left literally everything to the imagination. My date has a flippin' two headed mythological creature. Okay Michelle, lay it on me! I can take it. <i> Oh no.</i> <i> I don't look nearly as good as Lauren,</i> <i> but I'm coming.</i> No, no, no, no. Stay up there please. No, no. Michelle. I can't take it. I'm not strong enough, Michelle. β™ͺβ™ͺ You look good! Nu-uh! No way! How is that fair? <i> Okay,</i> you boys have them back by midnight. They'll be home well before that. <i> I'm so excited.</i> I guess you go sideways? Okay. Stephen:<i> Of what you reminded me.</i> <i> Veruca Salt.</i> Yeah. You know what I'm talking about? Oh. Just a little-- Little-- Okay. All right, thanks! Bu-bye! Sorry! I forgot my hat and cape! Stacey:<i> What?</i> <i> No!</i> β™ͺβ™ͺ <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ La la la la β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ La la la la la la. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> Hey everyone! I'm Mindy from Cute Girls Hairstyles and today I am extra excited because we have a very special guest, Jeremy from Studio C. Hey, Jeremy. Happy to be here. It's so nice to have you here. Go ahead and have a seat. Now, for those of you that have watched my channel before you know that I don't usually work on men's hair, but I just can't help myself because I have so many good ideas and Jeremy obviously has the perfect hair. Stop. So, let's get started. The first option we're going to do today is-- <i> Just want to take your finger</i> <i> and kind of twist the hair around</i> <i> to create these beautiful twists and there!</i> You have it! I love to call this one "the lord of the ringlets." Inspiration for this look is from my personal idol, <i> Shirley Temple.</i> <i> Sometimes when I wear this look I like to pretend</i> <i> that I've just eaten the three little pigs,</i> <i> except for their little tails.</i> Bet they taste good. <i> For this look I achieved the style</i> by blowing up a stick of dynamite next to his face <i> and then simply applying pomade</i> <i> on each of the individual spikes</i> to really accent the dynamics. This is a great look if you want to look like you've been electrocuted or had an explosion or if you're feeling really fun, you can paint your nose to look like the head of an octopus <i> and it's a great conversational icebreaker for a first date.</i> Mindy:<i> Rylan</i> <i> wears this one</i> <i> when she wants to match her cat.</i> <i> Now this next look can be a little tricky to achieve.</i> <i> I call it the "double helix".</i> It can be a little difficult to pull off unless it's in your DNA. Be aware that this mustache style does not look good when it's wet, <i> but it can pull off double duty and act as a corkscrew</i> <i> in case you ever need to open a bottle!</i> Mindy:<i> Now, our last style</i> <i> is for our most adventurous people,</i> "the damsel in distress." This is a very popular look if you're into cosplay, <i> Comic-con, Wonder-con.</i> Mindy:<i> Beauty-con.</i> Jeremy:<i> Taylor Swiftcon--</i> Mindy:<i> And as an option, you can even add a moat!</i> <i> What a great stache!</i> Now I think that about wraps up all of our mustache styles. Thank you so much Jeremy for letting us play with your mustache all day today. Thanks for having me. If you guys liked this video, give us a thumbs up and we'll see you guys next week. Bye you guys! <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ Emotion. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ And now my brain won't take its mind off you. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> β™ͺβ™ͺ β™ͺβ™ͺ Hey, man, have you seen Amy? Dude, you have got to break up with her. Do it tonight. I know, I should have done it forever ago. She's so awful. Yeah she is. Man, why did you start dating her in the first place? She caught me at a weak moment. I had seen a picture of myself from behind for the first time and it really bummed me out. You remember, you were there. Oh yeah. Yeah. <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ Let me disarm you. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ I'm not trying to bore you. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> There she is. Fly little birdie. Fly! Excuse me. Sorry. Amy, there you are. Amy, hey! There you are. Finally, you're always late. Ah, sorry. Did we agree on a time? No, I'm just joking. Don't be stupid. Ah! I'm so bored. [laughs] Yeah, it's a good one. Hey, listen, I really think that we should break up. Really? Here? Yeah. Whatever, I'm way too good for you. We should break up. Great! See ya! Wait! β™ͺβ™ͺ β™ͺβ™ͺ <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ So let me disarm you. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ There's an army I'm fighting around your heart. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> Let's stay together forever. Okay. Wait, uh-- Give me a second. Dude, I don't know what happened. We broke up and then the music got awesome and amazing and I felt like I was going to live forever with no consequences and then we got back together. I know, dude. The music is powerful. I just kissed Professor Mecham on the lips. <i> Weird.</i> Whatever man, just get back in there. You can do it. Hey! War cry! <i> Amy!</i> Hey fatty! What? I'm not-- That's not even nice. Listen, you and I, we're done. Fine. Get out of here. <i> All right.</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ So let me disarm you. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ There's an army I'm fighting around your heart. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ Let me disarm you 'cause baby I just want β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ to love who you really are. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> No! No! Jeremy, you clearly want this. No, I don't! It's this stupid party music. Man, I just kissed like six different old ladies. I got to go man. You're on your own. I'm coming with you! Whatever, I hate you. I'm bored. You're the worst. We're almost to the door. β™ͺβ™ͺ β™ͺβ™ͺ Hey! <i> Hey!</i> Thanks! Your music is really messing with my stupid ex-boyfriend. I wasn't trying to mess with anyone. I was just trying to get the big guy to eat some more hot wings. β™ͺβ™ͺ Dang, those look good! β™ͺβ™ͺ β™ͺβ™ͺ [applause] Isn't that just incredible? <i> It's amazing what our</i> team of developers has been able to accomplish this year. Here at Apple WWDC, we not only celebrate our incredible team, but we celebrate you and what you've been able to do with our products. Here to talk a little bit more specifically on some of our upcoming apps and software features, my good friend and colleague, Joseph Berry. <i> Joseph?</i> [applause] Have you--? I'm fine. [applause] I'm so excited to be here with you guys today. My team and I have been working tirelessly to come up with apps and features that will best enhance your Apple experience in a big way. It has been a crazy year, but I have grown and I am the master of my own emotions. [laughter] Okay, I'm really excited about this first app we're going to show you. It's called "Muffle". Now we've included state of the art speakers in these new iPhones that can play louder than ever before. "Muffle" allows you to choose whatever audio you prefer. White noise, nature sounds, music, and plays it so loudly that it entirely muffles any other loud sounds such as shouting or hysterical sobbing. Next time you want to take a shower and you don't want your children to hear you crying use "Muffle." And there you have it. [applause] <i> The next</i> new feature I want to share with you is called, "Leave Alarm" for the iPhone. What you do is turn it on before you go to bed at night and place it face down on the mattress. It then uses the built in sensors to detect whether or not your wife gets up, packs, and leaves you in the middle of the night. <i> If she does,</i> it'll set off an alarm which you can program with your voice that begs her to stay. <i> Don't leave me!</i> <i> Don't leave me!</i> <i> Don't leave me!</i> <i> Baby, please.</i> <i> Don't leave me!</i> <i> No!</i> <i> No!</i> <i> What am I going to do without you?</i> Okay. And if she starts yelling at you that you're never around because you have a really important job at a certain successful tech company, <i> then you can</i> hit another button and it will project your wedding slide show on the wall. β™ͺβ™ͺ Joseph! This next app is for the ever ingenious Apple watch. It's called "Don't Die." It's pretty<i> great.</i> <i> It keeps track of your pulse</i> when you're binge eating, then Siri will let you know if you're about to have a heart attack. [Siri's voice]: Stop eating. You are dangerously sad. Okay, you're done! Get off! No, no, no! Get off! No, I need this. The next app is called, "Sad Soundtrack." It plays sad music when your children choose their mother for sole custody over you. β™ͺβ™ͺ And there you have it. And if, and when your dog dies, the app, "Reincarnate" will build you a new dog out of milk cartons in just two weeks. And there you have it. <i> Even these dogs have love</i> and I have nothing. How dare you? How dare you stinking dump on everything that Steve Jobs built! How dare-- [thunks] And now, I present the "iSlacks". [applause] How you guys liking it so far? You loving it? Well, we have a lot more in store for you, so keep on watching. Subscribe, like, comment, throw a little share our way. See you on the flipside, boo. β™ͺβ™ͺ [drum-kit plays] Hey guys! Watch this! [grungy rock plays] β™ͺβ™ͺ [thuds] Oh, my gosh! Shaun! You all right, man? I think my leg's broken. Yeah, it's broken. Okay, it's broken. Uh, okay. Uh, we're calling an ambulance. You stay down there, okay? We'll come to get you. <i> Don't worry!</i> I'll help him. Watch this! β™ͺβ™ͺ [groans] Dude, ah, dude! My leg! What are you doing? [groaning] What just happened?! <i> His leg's</i> broken, too! <i> I know.</i> I meant in more of an "I can't believe it!" kind of way. How bad is it? It can do this if that's any indication-- [screaming] We're going to find somebody-- We just got a call about an injury. Yes, there's two of them down there now. <i> Hey.</i> Watch this. β™ͺβ™ͺ [yelling] β™ͺβ™ͺ I'm okay! [thud] I've got an EMT down and two others. I'm gonna need some backup at Two Pines Skate Park. Hey, watch this! β™ͺβ™ͺ [vomits] Are you okay? <i> Yeah,</i> I just don't do well with blood. You're an EMT. I-- [groans] <i> We're here to help!</i> Watch this! β™ͺβ™ͺ β™ͺβ™ͺ [thud] Okay... β™ͺβ™ͺ [helicopter blades whirring] [explosion] This is the worst possible turn of events! Shaun, you okay? Shaun:<i> Not really.</i> [holy music playing] <i> Hey guys,</i> watch this! β™ͺβ™ͺ [thunder] Man. We should-- Yeah, maybe we should go. [applause] β™ͺβ™ͺ β™ͺβ™ͺ Matt:<i> All right dude,</i> you're on our court. Time to let the real men play. But I was here first. Jason:<i> Oh, was he here first?</i> Oh, well I'll tell you what. Why don't we settle this with a little game of one-on-one. James:<i> Yeah, there you go.</i> Jason:<i> Nice boss.</i> <i> Yes.</i> What about a game of horse? [laughing] <i> Horse?</i> Oh, ah, we'll play your little game. I'll even let you go first. Oh no! Not a layup! Here, let me see the ball. Psych! Give it. <i> All right, I better concentrate real hard.</i> I might miss it. Uh oh, there's the "H." Looks like you're up again,<i> chief.</i> Is that like the only shot you can make? Oh man, at least give me a challenge. James:<i> Yo, Matt?</i> Guys, come on! I did it on purpose. I'm just trying to keep things interesting. Oh, right, he does that. <i> That's his thing.</i> Matt:<i> Okay, if you think you can make</i> layups all day and get away with it, you've got another thing coming. Matt! Yep, I got this. <i> Okay.</i> <i> All right,</i> is this ball regulation size. It feels a little weird and sticky. There's a tackiness. So what do I have now, like an "o"? "R"! <i> Man, this game is going by</i> fast Oh, you think you're so clever, don't you? Give me the ball. [grunts] Okay, bend the knees. Loosen the shoulders. Okay, you can do this. You got this. Release! Jason:<i> Matt, what are you doing?</i> <i> We're going to lose the court</i> because you can't make a stupid layup. <i> I know!</i> I got the yips, man. I can't, I just, <i> I've never had to think about how to make</i> a layup before. It's messing with my brain. You only have one letter left. Get your head in the game. Quit making me feel so tense. Are you trying to make me look a fool? <i> No.</i> <i> I can do this.</i> Give me the rock. [grunts] Here it comes. Here we-- No, no, no, no. Okay, I'm coming around. No no, bad approach. Bad approach. Okay, come on Matt, focus, focus. Jason:<i> I would rather watch the WNBA</i> than this. Matt:<i> You can do it.</i> Focus, you can do this. Feeling the pressure. <i> If you miss this you will</i> lose respect in this community. No, you can do this. It is just a layup! Oh. Yes! Oh yes! Who's got the skills to pay the bills? It's this guy. Did you see that? You know what, you can have the court. <i> I think you need this.</i> The court is ours! <i> Do not ever doubt these skills.</i> I'm sorry little man, this court<i> is for the big boys, all right?</i> So find your mommy and tell her-- Ah Matt? We can't be friends anymore. β™ͺβ™ͺ β™ͺβ™ͺ [sighs] Come chillax on my favorite couch, pull up some Netflix and kind of chill out. <i> I swear I don't know.</i> <i> We know you're the rat!</i> Sounds like some of the family is still awake. Let's go see what they're doing. Come on, come on. <i> I don't know--</i> [knock on door] Hey you hoodlums, what are you doing in here without me? Johnny, what are you doing man? I'm vlogging. β™ͺβ™ͺ We're at the funeral of our grandpa Don Paladino. It's a good man. Oh, check it out! It's Vinny. What's up buddy? Give it up. What's up? What's up? This guy right here, he's taken care of a lot of dudes. You know what I'm saying? [laughter] Such a joker! He's kidding, everyone. I-- I am a respectable businessman. Yeah. He sells drugs. Johnny! Today's vlog is brought to you by Dasani water. Enhanced with minerals for a pure, crisp taste. Johnny, you got to destroy this footage. We can't have this on the internet. This-- This is actually a live stream so-- Somebody! Kind of here right now. Hi guys! Guess who's getting a new pair of shoes! <i> Check out these kicks.</i> Hm, who could it be? <i> Maybe it's that guy.</i> We're talking racketeering-- No. Money laundering. Okay, no. Extortion. Let's turn it off. Turn it off. Lots of extortion. Think of how many times you've extorted people. While we're here, do you think the victim could hold this real quick? This guy has skills. The entire Benvitas family he took care of with a rusty meat hook and his bare hands! Really? All right, all right, you know-- You did what? I didn't do any of that. Busted. Yes, I'm sure. He's making-- He's making it up! I am done! Come on! Karen! Who wants to do an unboxing video? Should we find out who's in the bag? Let's do it. Look like it's-- [gasps] The mayor! Keep going, keep going. I swear I don't know anything. Thumbs up, you guys! Be sure to subscribe. What? [shushes] We're sneaking into the home of our rival gang the Chelio family. It's going to be hilarious. We're going to put a horse's head in their bathtub. Johnny! What? Who are you talking to? Uh, my prank channel. Uh, this is going to be for the-- Okay, I can see you're- [gunshot] We're going to try to see if this knife will go all the way through this headrest. Ready? Oh, I can't believe you shot my camera! I'm sorry! These are really expensive. We're in the middle of committing a crime! Yet, any time is a great time for quality refreshment. Is that a back-up camera? No, no, no, no. Come on, no! [gun shot] Yep! It works! How many cameras do you have? We'll if you'd stop shooting them we could have dropped this horse head off ten minutes ago! Don't blame me for trying to-- That was-- is that a Canon G7X? [gasps] It is! Finally! Somebody who appreciates this art form! I do. Hey, can I offer you an Aquafina? Aquafina. β™ͺβ™ͺ For happy bodies. β™ͺβ™ͺ [gunshot] β™ͺβ™ͺ Yo, this place is hot tonight. It's bumpity-bumpin' in here. Time to find a lucky table and make a game plan. Yeah. [laughs] Hold up! Someone's sitting at our table! Hey, uh-- This is our table. I don't see your name on it. <i> We waited for the best table</i> for an hour, so-- Yo, listen, ladies. We can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way. I know one way we can settle this. Dance battle! β™ͺβ™ͺ All right guys, we got this. <i> Who's up?</i> <i> Matt?</i> Nah, nah. Stacey, you got this. <i> You know, I don't want to steal the spotlight.</i> <i> Brooklyn, you go?</i> No, I-- Um-- What do you mean you don't know how to dance? We come here every week. Yes, and I stand over there because that's where the best wi-fi signal is! You have your pant leg rolled up. You look like a dancer. I like to ventilate my legs! I thought you took dance classes! When I was eight. If you want me to do a plie. Then I will flippin' do a plie. Fine. We just got to fake it 'til we make it because-- If we don't win this, we can never come back to this club. And the lucky table! Let's do this. Five, six, seven, eight. [dance music] We got this. We got this. <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ Let's go. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ On the floor. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ Let's go. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ On the floor. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ Let's go. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ On the floor. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ Let's go. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ On the floor. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ Let's go. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ On the floor. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ Let's go. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> <i> β™ͺβ™ͺ On the floor. β™ͺβ™ͺ</i> Girls:<i> You call that dancing?</i> <i> You can do better than that.</i> My grandma dances better than that and she's deceased. All right, enough of the jokes. Seriously, show us what you got. [dance music] [dance music] Natalie:<i> We've got nothing!</i> We can't turn back now. Give 'em Mr. Krabs. Aw yeah! [dance music] [dance music] It's for the best. Can we just share the table? Yeah. We should have done that instead of a two-hour dance battle without any actual dancing. Ah, no way. It's okay. I know a way to settle this. Dance battle? [dance music] Dance battle! β™ͺβ™ͺ Hey guys! What's up? [cheers] It's the Charleston brothers here. I'm Tom. And I'm Doug. Hey, make sure to give this video a thumbs up if this is your first time watching and don't forget to click subscribe so that you don't miss out on any of our upcoming videos. We have a lot of really great ones coming up soon. Yeah. Speaking of, today we got an awesome collab for you. We're teaming up with Dan and Lincoln from the hit Youtube channel, What's Inside. Hey guys! Thanks for having us, guys. Hey, thanks for being here, guys. Today is going to be sweet because we're here at my work where we're going to find out what's inside this vault. Jason:<i> That's right.</i> Dan and Lincoln are going to cut this baby open so that we can see just what is lurking behind three and a half feet of steel enforced concrete. I knew we were going to open a vault. I didn't know it was in a bank. Oh, don't worry. I'm a teller here. It's totally fine. Then why are we doing this at night? [silence] Do you know how many subscribers the Charleston brothers have that we're bringing to this little collaboration-- Dan:<i> I honestly don't.</i> 61. Yeah, so first I brought some drills with different types of options on the end of it. Brought a torch in case we needed to use that and then also we brought this lance. Are you sure we should be doing this? Oh yeah. And Lincoln? I have a reel of explosive cords that we will put around the perimeter of the door. [laughs] Yeah! That's what I'm talking about. My man Lincoln here is prepared like a true Boy Scout. Now, since we're dealing with explosives it's important that we take some precautions. Let's protect our eyes with safety glasses. Think we need those. And panty hose. Dan:<i> This does not feel right, guys.</i> Jason:<i> It does feel right.</i> <i> Just put panty hose on your head</i> <i> and it will feel more right.</i> Matt:<i> They're not used, Lincoln.</i> <i> Just--</i> Jason:<i> Well, that one was.</i> Matt:<i> Just don't tell them.</i> Dan:<i> I'm being--</i> Next, you'll want to disable the security cameras using some simple wire cutters. I don't see how this makes it safer. Once you've done that you can remove the hard drives that have been recording the security feed and destroy them in a microwave. In the interest of time, I've already done this. What does this have to do with cutting open the vault? Just-- And as an added measure of protection, bring a bottle of bleach that will destroy any fibers of fabric or DNA from your body that could come loose during the process. Matt:<i> Great!</i> <i> So now that we're all tooled up,</i> let's do this! Yeah! Guys, I'm just not comfor-- Come on Dan! Come on Dan, I mean-- Yeah! All right, all right. We haven't got all night, buddy. All right. [laughs] [drills] [alarm] Jason:<i> What is that?</i> So it appears that uh, the vault door seems to have some kind of pressure sensitive alarm on it that management failed to tell its employees about. I'll be filing a complaint with H.R. about that one. And Lincoln and I are going to go bleach the place. Come on, buddy! Let's go, go, go! And Dan and I are going to go keep a look out. Lincoln:<i> Ah!</i> <i> They're here.</i> Who's this guy? He's just another guy we're doing a collab with. Why is he gagged? Challenge video. Thanks for watching, guys. Make sure and join us next week okay? Ah, my hands are burning! Pour, Lincoln! Pour! Your challenge is to protect me from bullets. β™ͺβ™ͺ Woke up in the mornin' lookin' in the mirror, β™ͺβ™ͺ β™ͺβ™ͺ See the eye with the vessel, full of hazy dazy-- β™ͺβ™ͺ How we looking? <i> Just finished.</i> I'll be honest, for being such a small studio, I'm surprised you guys can afford me. Ah. Well, we're very honored to have you, Lucky. Shall we get started? Yeah, let's go. All right. All right, let me just get a shot to check my lighting levels. <i> Okay, great!</i> Here we go. Music! <i> All right, let's shake things up a bit.</i> <i> There we go, Lucky.</i> Smolder now. Give me the smolder. <i> Yes.</i> Excellent. <i> Now grab that axe.</i> Show me strength. <i> Yes.</i> <i> You're a mountain man!</i> Excellent. Now chop that piece of wood. This one? Yes. <i> Well done!</i> Excellent. Grab another piece, put it on there. <i> There we go.</i> Again! <i> And chop.</i> <i> I have 80 more</i> pieces for you to cut, so pace yourself, okay? Isn't that a little excessive? <i> Well, these are</i> the shots we need. So-- We're paying you for your time. <i> Just seems like</i> manual labor, bro. Don't be silly. It's modeling! Can I stop digging these trenches now? You guys aren't even taking pictures of me anymore. There you go, Canyon. Back to work. Who was that? He's no one. <i> And chop chop!</i> Pun intended. <i> More!</i> You're a natural! <i> Pout a little bit more, Lucky.</i> <i> There it is.</i> <i> Yes.</i> What? This waist is too tight. I need to be able to breathe. Start over. Can you even see me under here? <i> Uh-huh.</i> Yes, absolutely. <i> After this, you are going to make some shoes.</i> <i> The iron is going to get cold.</i> <i> Make sure you keep smelting.</i> <i> While you're down there check the</i> tire pressure. <i> What's the PSI on that tire?</i> Walk those dogs! <i> Show them who the master is.</i> <i> What do you</i> drive, Lucky? A Jeep. A Jeep? <i> Yep.</i> You think you're manlier than I am? <i> Deeper, Lucky.</i> It's coming out of your paycheck, Lucky. One of them is not house trained. <i> Teach them to go on the hydrant</i> All right. Now start on the glutes. Refurbish that furniture. <i> Make sure you get the edges.</i> That edge. Call the dry cleaners and see if<i> my clothes are ready to be picked up.</i> <i> Careful there.</i> <i> Lucky,</i> the eggs! Lovely. Okay. I'll go get the paint. <i> And don't skimp on the rash cream.</i> <i> She's got a big one.</i> Refurbish that furniture! Play catch with my son, Lucky! <i> Be the father he never had.</i> Give me just a little bit of jaw clenching as you file<i> those taxes.</i> <i> How many dependents are you claiming this year?</i> Ah-- Two? Two or three? Put a question mark. You want to try? No. No. I never play with him. <i> You will need to vacuum those pencil shavings</i> <i> after we're done.</i> He has also been encountering bullies at school, Lucky. Any advice? <i> Actually, the vacuum is broken, so you will have to sweep them.</i> Maybe if he had a good father figure? Have a heart to heart with him, Lucky. <i> I'm going to go get a water.</i> <i> Actually the broom</i> <i> is broken,</i> <i> so you'll have to hand pick them.</i> Beautiful. Yes. <i> Delicate, and that's a wrap.</i> Wonderful work, Lucky. This is going to go right to the love handies. Mm. Oh. We definitely got our money's worth. Pleasure working with you. Are you sure you got the shots you needed? Oh, yes. β™ͺβ™ͺ [birds chirping] [splash] Whitney:<i> Okay, everyone!</i> Guys, come here. <i> Let's all gather around.</i> <i> We gotta talk.</i> <i> It's been two weeks since the crash,</i> and I don't think a rescue team is coming anymore which means, <i> it's up to us to survive.</i> <i> But there is</i> good news. We just found<i> another survivor from the crash</i> <i> and he's this former NASA</i> engineer who specializes in scientific do-it-yourself gadgetry. <i> I think it could really save us.</i> <i> Yeah!</i> <i> Yeah he's right here.</i> His name is Mark Rober. Come here, Mark. Let's talk about this. [clapping] Hey, thanks guys. Um, anyone thirsty? Yeah! Yeah! Well you're in luck. Drink up. [coughing] Are you crazy? This is salt water! <i> No, no, no,</i> my friends, that is fresh water <i> that has been molecularly altered</i> with this. <i> The Ocean Blaster 2000!</i> <i> I can see you're impressed.</i> <i> Let me</i> explain how it works. You see, oceans<i> are salty due to deposits from rivers</i> and, not to brag, <i> but what takes mother nature thousands of years,</i> this blaster can replicate in milliseconds. [blast] [gasp] That was the last of our fresh water! <i> Emphasis on</i> was. Stacey:<i> Please tell me you didn't actually.</i> Oh! Whitney:<i> Okay Mark,</i> you're done. <i> Adam start a fire so we can at least stay warm tonight.</i> [scratching] Why isn't this starting? It's like this wood is covered in some sort of-- Mark:<i> Special coolant?</i> Making it impossible to ignite? Hmm? <i> Why, Mark?</i> Why? I think you mean how. You see, by harnessing a unique combination of all of our<i> remaining edible plants,</i> <i> this island is now completely</i> flame retardant. Jason:<i> How can you be</i> so smart, and yet so dumb?! Thank you! <i> I mean we're just getting started here folks.</i> This contraption gives sharks the ability to walk on land, <i> greatly expanding their hunting range.</i> Mark, no! Ah! No! Ah! The world's smallest Nerf gun! I've actually heard about this! It's really power-- Did you say smallest? <i> The darts are actually covered in</i> jaguar pheromones. I suggest running. [roar] Ah! A Wi-fi tower! That's like actually super helpful. Built just with parts from all your guys' phones. Natalie:<i> Is there another phone to use, Mark?</i> [screams] You're all Harry Potter fans, right? Yeah? An island invisibility cloak! Why? Why wouldn't you make it? Adam:<i> Not like this.</i> That's not the point. Not here. Not in this world. [airplane humming] <i> Mark!</i> <i> No, Mark, put it away!</i> [screaming for help] <i> Nothing here, over.</i> Mark:<i> Ha ha,</i> it worked! Jason:<i> That is it!</i> I say we Donner Party this thing and eat Mark! Yeah! Wait, wait, wait. I haven't showed you guys my most important invention yet. Stephen:<i> No!</i> No more<i> inventions!</i> What are you doing? That's the last of our food! Yeah! Relax guys. What once was food is now the coconut teleportation device. Are you serious? Are you saying that thing actually works? Of course it works. They always work. Okay, true. True. Okay. <i> And the destination is set for the United States of America.</i> What? Wow. <i> Alright so to make it work,</i> you're gonna put both halves together. On three. Okay! Okay. One, two, three. [gasps] What? It worked. I can't believe it. The coconuts have successfully<i> teleported!</i> Eat Mark! [screaming] Eat Mark! [screaming] Hey, y'all, that's the end! The end! Subscribe! And like our channel, and comment below. What was your favorite collaboration? Yeah, and watch some more. We got a lot of good ones. We do.
Channel: Studio C
Views: 1,113,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BYUtv, BYU tv, BYUtelevision, Studio C, StudioC, comedy, sketch comedy, funny, lol, laugh, snl, Compilation Collabs, The Top Collaborations of Studio C, compilation, collab, collaboration, youtuber, kaskade, brooklyn and bailey, matthias, peter hollens, cute girls hairstyles, the piano guys, shonduras, shawn bradley, trick shot titus, shaytards, lucky blue smith, what's inside, mark rober
Id: sWkCkVYoToo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 27sec (2787 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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