Asmongold Reacts To UberDanger's "THE END | World of Warcraft Classic Review (1-60)"

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last time sois quickness reached level 60 after suffering through hundreds of hours in Azeroth today we're gonna showcase the Wow classic endgame content overview it along with the rest of the grading concept we are a non-biased no nostalgia goggles review from a new players perspective but before we do it's time for a recap because it's been a long time and a lot has happened I want to pause right now because some people are saying that I watched it before we watched this one before the final quest and now we're on this one here okay just so everybody is on the same page and everybody knows what's going on last time sois quick does reap because it's a game or a game and a lot has happened after reaching max level I lost interest in both questing dungeons gold farming and metagaming so the all things realizing that I've been fulfilling the holds several months long positive reinforcement loop of maximizing macro assessment in structuring my employer pattern around dedicating several hours a day to world of warcraft really took the wind out of my sails what I realized that this game rewards time over effort it's tedious and nature much more so than it is difficult and overcoming difficulty is what makes me feel accomplished I think Museum numbs my mind in layman's terms I was tired of doing repetitive [ __ ] in this boring game so for my final part I set out to explore the land why do uncharted territories in Azeroth that I had yet to venture through on my journey I'll be using said pilgrimage to enlighten you the final adventure of swolled ictus all right if you thought reaching 60 was the big reveal you were fooled by the small reveal I'm gonna start my last World of Warcraft video by revealing the best-kept secret in all of Azeroth 400 hours of standing hitting and occasionally jumping two and a half weeks of conscious human existence depending on who you ask that on its own is quite a feat spending it in a 15 year old MMO leveling a warrior now that's just madness I said it was a world of warcraft I've come to find that it's primarily about the war the crafting is rather secondary Blizzard built this massive world and filled it with all these fantasy races they made players spend hundreds of hours becoming emotionally attached to each of their respective characters then instigated one giant race war and let the pitfalls of the human condition do the rest that's what the government is gonna do soon it's goddamn beautiful the degeneracy is unmatched and this game is a hub for all the best people living out their worst lives etc flies I'm the worst person living out all his life I hold on to an incredible secret for half a [ __ ] year just at this very moment I told you you're not ready for this sorry if you're standing up I'm gonna need you to sit down you're gonna have to take a seat on this one if you're prone to epileptic seizures or heart palpitations then I suggest you take your delicate sensibilities to a more casual viewing experience okay this is your last chance because I'm about to take it to the next level oh he's about here to [ __ ] around have I not made that abundantly clear this is no mo I'm thorough under attack and word on the street is I'm downright meticulous you think I'd just leave the series hanging without a conclusive ending yeah I did time Steve yeah I'm gonna start racing you ramp up the music over the next minute sure John god I'm loving this unpaid internship you speak when spoken to I'm gonna be frank with all of you endgame once I reached 60 I naturally started doing the raids most experiments on articulate long video I was intensely disappointed to find that the reward for dumping a couple hundred hours of my life on this game is getting to do the same thing over and over again until you get lucky but without dopamine points right essentially farming for Biscay and doing monotonous repetitive [ __ ] a lot of people suggest just making another character but wisdom is knowing that to be the point of no return if you make another character you just turned Wow into an infinity game no I don't want to [ __ ] around in a be several hours today to get my honor rank up no I don't want to farm the same boss for hours in hopes that I'll win the role on a fire and drop no I don't load raids in the timeframe that suits my weekly schedule no I don't want to do the Valentine's event and collect all these sounds like this guy just one day retail not excited to have a 1% more crit chance and no I don't want to wait half a year for Blizzard hours on send and no I don't want to deal with the ramifications of not talking to my wife for months besides this is what happened when I called her you know yo you really [ __ ] up you really [ __ ] up big time man there's some [ __ ] from snapchat your [ __ ] up man wait I'm sorry the [ __ ] played you know [ __ ] I got you just kidding so Rand about slowing ores all we haven't spoken to Wow months I'm pretty sure Larry the actual Boomers stole my girlfriend but you know it is what it is I'm not good with mm Oh II relationships I have to settle for real women but enough about my emotional concise I'm about to eclipse every single great feat on my journey okay I just scanned a dying Gildan to farming my world Windex already then I established infamy and I stuck to just doin the boats kid already then would I have been a legend of Azeroth you shoulda stopped there it only went downhill from there now whilst the impulsive nature brought forth by the human condition is to blame for the death rolling epidemic I single-handedly I swooned gambling to a point where it's infected every major city on every single server including our pee and PVE servers that's an actual menace to society I certainly feel like I've left my mark truthfully genuinely I could have just stopped there most men would be satisfied with that but I'm not done we could talk about how I made one of the most popular Wow series in the world but he left narcissistic self congratulatory padding on the back is my magnum opus half a year ago I set out to do one thing and one thing only a great world of warcraft classic to a point where I have fair grounds on which to review the game yet all I needed was but a mere glance at this game to accurately assess it I played for half a year just to string you up just to make you think I needed that much time to understand this boring ass game pay close attention as of today I'm the world of warcraft accurate review any percent speed run world record holder it was there all along you were simply too blind to see it from the very character selection screen I reviewed the game none of you [ __ ] caught on when my conscious existence runs its course this is what I leave behind my dream my legacy I'm quick on my feet vicious nimble and [ __ ] tired of repeating myself I'm the goddamn King I love this [ __ ] no more games this is where I ascend this is where I conquer this what the park this just got turned up real quick goddamn this is the longest interest is all within the trainwrecks intro man god damn this seven that an intro [Music] [Music] this is so now that we have my entirely arbitrary rating hopefully it's time to hide the Wow endgame concept seeing as I no longer design every minute of every day around gaining experience points what else is there to do okay well this is where the crafting comes into the picture you see to achieve the highest level of war you essentially need to farmed ridiculous amounts of gold and is my judgment I'm sunk into WoW past 60 is spent acquiring money that is if you use a much traditional methods personally I'm more into the war than the crafting so I use my patented infinite value gold farming method first you need a big crowd of people the middle of Hartland around the mix you buff times yes perfect is variate what everybody need to find an individual who's willing to deathroll you assess the depth of your wallet then agree to roll him for a hundred goals if you don't possess that kind of money it's a 50/50 on whether he's also a scammer then you rinse and repeat a server times this yields profit faster than the most efficient gold farming methods in the game is gold farmers hate him coaching people for convincing others to trade them gold and that's why if you're dumb enough to get scammed it's your own fault yeah only conceivable repercussions would be a negative reputation but seeing as most people that play wow are degenerates most of them will actually think highly of you for being smart enough to capitalize on a lukewarm IQ look at my finances and establish a profitable economy because if you don't you won't be able so far doing all the raids as soon as I hit 60 I jumped headfirst into onyxia and molten core at the time when Alec winged layer had yet to run out and prevent raid on house and Thursdays which just so happens there all because I'm busy being choked by old men oh my god jujitsu so for my first two rating experience I partook as a guest in another guild the lewd you're able to attain while doing pugs with other guild laughter if you're at the bottom of the swing and if they spare you anything it's likely because they would have vendored or disenchanted the item otherwise that's promoting core then raided a mixie is layer twice and I have two items to show for it I won the role on the dragon's blow which is really good drop chains from Ragnar oz and this relics really good that this fine gentleman snatched up for yours truly that's the content creator experience paying its dues although these aren't fed the essence of pure flame I want to pause and just say like in a couple of days dude I'm thinking about we do a b/w I'll plug and I want to get these [ __ ] ass boys into discord and I want to see what it's really like to stream and to play classic with random people because like I play classic and it's [ __ ] easy and then other people tell me I play classic and it's [ __ ] hard and I think to myself how is it [ __ ] hard like what is this and I watch videos from small dick is here and I'm looking like there's like 18 people in a raid for Onyxia and they're all standing in front of the [ __ ] breath like what's going on and I've got it I've got to experience this myself this is crazy an Iowa mythic let's talk remind me to talk about Azeroth's champion after I do the video fantastic items at least one of them is my first purple item that I've actually gotten with my own - it's a good cause a hefty handful hours of my life that I spoke for barely any progress as a stark contrast this is yeah it was like to do one single MC raid with my guild well Nixie above there it is rolling out that's good oh I see him in chat all I see him I see him God if this append Aria had such good music Oh 89 dude oh that those are so [ __ ] good man that's big that's big Wow double perks Noa helm of might dude this guy's looting [Music] what a day [Music] Wow and that was but one single rate with prevention we also rain a mixie on the same night where I masterfully won a 1 in 40 raid role for a juicy onyxia backpack needless Knightly rating with your guilt is without a doubt one of the best parts of the Wow classic end game with sno-isle classic anton core raid when your guilt is headed down to a [ __ ] science for half a year isn't in any way challenging you basically just doom with the raid leader says I've been at this brew that's the problem that people have with me is they don't do what I want them to do at this point like my guild normally really speedruns like we don't really ever like the raids are so easy for us now like we just try to speedrun them they're so [ __ ] easy hundreds of hours and I want to get to the difficult part of the game in my case waiting patiently to wait until Cataclysm comes out along with phase three which chronologically is over a month in the future from what you just saw what scheming did I get up to in the meantime I had a few loose ends to tie up you see I once promised myself that once I reached level 60 I would return to strangle for Vale with an army of high-level players armed to the teeth so I had to make a decision do I want a million views on YouTube or do I want to say one word that the algorithm doesn't love it's not the end one it's ok alright alright here we go it's not staying true to my beliefs I started advertising for my first unholy act of World of Warcraft genocide little by little the word started spreading and my army began growing that's misguided but a few men showing mild interest yet not wash their asters [ __ ] platoon of soldiers saluted me as the Messiah the savior who would cleanse Azeroth when a measly level 27 gnome approached me with a humble request to be used as cannon fodder for the battle I asked him if he was ready for the genocide he said I am the genocide when I stood side-by-side with kings like compound guilty spanking big absolute carnal primates of the yes I knew I would seize the day I had one spot left for one special person yeah and I know what you're all thinking Larry amiri but no Larry was raiding and women require attention the last good thing wasn't her business partner due to a misunderstanding doing business with me was not a pleasure for him that's the priest that he scammed out of the money oh [ __ ] oh my god follow them here to Correa's genocide oh boy this some ocean really makes it voice really takes it home strangle phone veil was empty absolutely desolate we found like three horn players and I'm pretty sure I could have killed them on my own this wasn't up to par in fact it was entirely unsatisfactory you know I wouldn't let this pathetic showing be our conquest the crusade must go on and on you see Wow many players our investors are on a rink the vast majority of players take great batteries having a lifetime zero dishonorable kills if you were to be in a raid party where someone offed one single civilian every single person in that group would have a permanent stain on their previously beautiful stat-page anyways I decided to lead us into the Grum gold base camp I wasn't aware no look at the rates at their eyes no civvies on explicably there will manifest one guard for each player in that person's party in this case about 40 in the midst of this unbridled kay is not gonna kill it is the unthinkable and gave everyone a dishonorable kill [Music] after 370 hours and everything great on her page was defined furious might build a warrior's soul body several thousand hours of hard work carefully boring civilians was all ruined in one fell swoop wow that was the point of no return future historians would refer to this as the incident for it was the catalyst and has made me snap and send our battalion over the edge this is the moment in time where we went all sides of the spectrum ballistically rampant I led the charge on to the zoo are they going to any car they warned us along the way but you got a crack there so - in Orgrimmar raid oh [ __ ] yes they are [Music] by the way this was my first time ever leading a raid party and I'll have you know that it is absolutely power in the wrong hands and game while players basically have it hard-coded into their brains to do whatever the rate leader says yeah and here's a nugget of wisdom low to medium power corrupts that's why discord mods raid leaders and minecraft server owners are the scum of the earth but I digress when arriving at Ceres fall glades I told my Legion cross into the other airship or you will die alone which is actually rather mild compared to the language your average raid leader would use if someone made the slightest mistake so we crossed and the opposite of limb I don't know I know I do you're dumb enough to fight us on the airship got a two way ticket to the death realm after cleaning up the public transit we sailed the skies towards our destiny the capital of the Horde the heart of the beast Oh grimoire as soon as we arrived endureth our our unit got split up when a few of us jumped off to kill an orc within minutes our entire raid parney cos systematically picked apart and ruthlessly destroyed in one of the most savage wipes I've ever been 14 horses and we didn't even make it close - oh girl oh my god point in time we didn't run away we merely fooled our enemies with a temporary tactical retreat rictus does not flinch does not stutter and does not give up we relocate to booty Bay and bolster the ranks once more I'll smell the bloodlust in the air as we filled out a raid group we conjured the perfect plan of attack we take the boat to ratchet and by that I mean we miss the boat - ratchet only to wait the mantle which should arrive within a reasonable timeframe by reasonable timeframe I mean so we wait patiently for a full five minutes after which we clearly demonstrated to Gingrey the orc that she was on the wrong side of history Cordell Hill attacked her the booty Bay bruisers exclusively target yours truly how conveniently had knocked off the boat and watched my army sail off without me after embarrassingly having to be summoned by a warlock I resumed command of the incursion [Music] that's a lot of people they might have a chance to get about five feet inside the gate this is getting serious we rode from wretches through the Barrens I think those four frontal assault this time we go south fury river the inalca nalle' Foca madam from the side door if you will we all know what was about to transpire every lost role every honor page defiled all our emotional detriment we'd finally get a release for the primal hatred we buried deep within there's a time for cringy roleplay there's a time so yeah we're just at that time and there's a time to do the crafting but it is not this day on this day we wage war oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right that's what it's about man I wonder how many sonner Bowl kills are gonna get out of this look at them all when I saw a server I froze in terror and ran around like a headless chicken but you don't get it here's my treat so it wasn't wire we didn't come with honor we came with there's a DK right there there everything the horror I [ __ ] know ank in pcs their vendors see I just thought the raid givers these civilian casualties were flying left and right you look at any of these ruthless warriors that pages you will see a battle like a well-oiled machine our battalion moves through the death dimension and all simultaneously res inside the shadow alpha now whilst we came to rob the money we can rob the bank its employees and steal the time of day from its customer another one through a tedious walk in the death rail I realized I guess that I have finally arrived the world of warcraft intro tutorial rounds out and just about a couple hundred hours of playtime that's when you've got a good grasp on the basics of this very complicated game at this very juncture you get to begin playing World of Warcraft yet what you can accomplish what happens 165 accounts and a multi box program when he puts his money where his mouth all see Potter charges on all five accounts with a macro setup to instantly decimate any full dumb enough to attack and biopsy and smiting any board player Bucky Moulton boxers might be a ludicrous person that's what I'm talking about that's a goddamn warrior wait just got every dishonorable acts of unholy aggression we set our sights on thunder bluff and began the march through foreign lands you'll notice half my armors broke and I have a red sickness but that comes with your territory we rode through the Barrens down the gold and passed ratchet went west at camp tomorrow and traversed through the giant thorn filled fields of a gamma Corps after passing the famous gaming brizl back bar settlement we scaled this hill in the southern barrens to enter malgor the final Zone in the game I had yet to step foot in I can finally fill out the entire map of Azeroth I always like mobile it's got a beautiful in malgor we make a pit stop for buffs and celebrate our thus far righteous conquest to our vest ability in this online nightmare RB hellscape as a final ode to the intensely whirring roleplay elements of wow we got a smashed at 11 p.m. on a Tuesday gathered our true power and went on our final assault his boots are so broken wait through could he not afford to repair everything okay all right they're popping off this is good that's willing you know is hours I've spent carbs walking another day this is for every Psychopaths role player who was severely neglected by the rejected parental figures I told you I wouldn't take it lying down you think I just forget to countless hours brings you home free I had to endure just to get a thundering rheumatory that's quite a long time to reverse the psychoactive effects of scoliosis so I could get revenge uh-huh and when you think about it it's pretty ironic that we managed to kill him maybe one player for each five civilians that's a really bad ratio and with my dying breath I said all right round two we made an attempt on Karen's life any soldier in our squadron went dreamt of a glorious death in battle got the opportunity you've got rights which in their case wasn't very long if it wasn't a little brief but that was cuz we were fighting one single NPC battle after this dirty shaman ratted us out we were outnumbered 10 to one it was entirely brutal slaughter and I questioned why these brave men chose to follow me in a last-ditch effort paladin saved me with divine intervention another stroke of play his game design by blizzard I didn't know that three-minute crowd control effect you can cast on an ally that leaves them entirely unable to perform any action stop makes them completely invulnerable there I stood with an ever-growing mob of relentless animals watering of the mouth knowing that in mere minutes they'd be able to have their way with me torrents orgs Lich's are trolls Czechs ghouls goblins you name it within a relative time frame they'd all be able to swap the wink which would be a terrible fate for a gentle night elf that is if it wasn't something we're all just pretending in a video game once it hit me that I was in a forced state of divine interracial LARPing I realized that I was in the very worst aspect of the game not the war nor the crafting I was currently experiencing the world and this particular part of the world is ruthless and unforgiving [Music] the way she goes [Music] it's done perhaps was always my fate to be tea backed by an orange after undergoing a forced session of divine interracial LARPing yes I've said this as my fate my destiny for it is not where we end up that molds us but rather what we do defines us fast-forward to three days later and I'm with my guild officer Missoula doing the atonement for Blackwing Lair that meant completing upper black party which at this stage of progression is a cumbersome annoyance when you killed gif it dropped the chromatic carapace once in a lifetime absolutely insane drop if you weren't already a breastplate of chromatic flight you would talk to me my crowning achievement on your character of course big [ __ ] distance I found out I'd have to farm materials to make the breastplate I passed on the role immediately and never looked back I live here too I don't have space in my inventory and I'm not gonna farm mats in no mode not plate I'm happy I'm no you idiot and I doused the orb of ascension with my primal lust oh my gosh I was attuned to duplex oh man I'm so triggers dared the 18th of February 20 2002 dn't hallway outside dire maul north patiently waiting in a line with my guild mates so I could get a handful of buffs Emily five people can enter the dungeon at one given time great because all missing view makes you bump earlier in the day this would have to cut it when it came my turn I realized we were gonna have a problem here our braid was already intensely delayed and it dawned on me that I didn't know the way at all not even a little bit I waited in silence for a few minutes to make my way through and he had absolute which way to go either so we waited in shame til mocker the blind leading the blind also had absolutely no idea where to go that I liked the leap of faith wait down the noggin fodder elixir trying to find my way to wherever these bums oh no no no no no point in time where World of Warcraft reached an adequate difficulty I had to be quick on my feet visibility potion to maneuver past these mobs gnomish cloaking device for the next pack admittedly I going or what I was doing so it's a good thing fine art came through to lead the way now you may be thinking damn that's a lot of time and effort for some buffs that will disappear if you were to die one single time in the raid if you have to understand I came here to ninja loot the tarnished elven ring the buffs are complimentary I get summoned to storm bar and we begin our conquest of our lack wing lair bwl with his guild what could go wrong I'm sure they're gonna one-shot all the bosses all the moms don't think about sauce on them [Music] that's what the games all about right there man [Music] there's a few things you have to understand my guild has at this point never cleared Blackwing Lair the only way I got into the raid was by lying through my teeth yeah claiming I had all the consumables which would cost oh yeah yeah you always maintaining that I'd read several comprehensive guides on the mechanics my guild officer said he'd let me record the raid if I didn't show any of the wipes I told him I won't show any of the wipes on the very first poll we immediately wiped causing everyone to lose their bus sorry two hours of preparation out the window that not surprised to improve at World of Warcraft extremely complicated mechanics of the fight was walking up to him and attacking as it walks a fire moss flame then walking behind a wall till they disappear and again he all Hagen that's very hard to keep track of so no a natural mistake for even a higher intellect such as myself so stand on the wrong side and get absolutely eradicated in an instant after three warmer Browns and finally slay the dragon and move deeper into the lair when reaching the next box it struck me that no matter which path you walk in Wow are they all lead to the same destination which is a never-ending homicide on Dragons of color I'll admit I haven't followed the lore plotline but I have Meister reservations about rather I as the player and on the wrong side of history wilds were here I also have to retract a statement on C I can't really claim that this game has no difficulty if I'm the only person who sucks so much [ __ ] [ __ ] that I die to eben Rock also flame gore burnt our entire group to a crisp with over half his health remaining it's really not a justice or victory our raid leader gave detailed instructions on how to complete the fight type station [Laughter] description I'm naughty the funny thing is that's all the fight is that's actually all you need to say it's not even complicated joking that's how we explain the mechanics of every fight in the raid and objectively speaking he's not wrong then we all hide in a corner like little soy boys so we can kill crow Magus through the wall I've heard rumblings position allegedly be one of the hardest bosses in the game to date no sweat and minimal effort because the tanks did [ __ ] although I did it one day don't have to stand hearses had I attained a fourth curse and turned into a massive dragon killing my entire guild they would surely have been upset with me god bless her she just got carried no this was a problem where we skipped the first three bosses it still took us aside three and a half hours to reach the final boss Nefarian it did not come as a surprise to me when we all died this boss is so big only a third of him fits on the screen how do we kill him with these I have been disappointed what did come as a surprise is that you need to wait a good 15 minutes to try again plenty of time to talk about her feelings all right wait you have to wait 15 minutes to if you wipe on the Farion I've never wiped on the fair hand I got like never in my life have I wiped on the fairy and so I guess I did like whatever yeah I remember I tried to run it in Burning Crusade or so long ago like in classic I've never wiped on them so I didn't even know this was the thing doing the boss no let's go let's [ __ ] [ __ ] dare on this fateful day at 11:49 p.m. as one of the only two idiots who managed to die during the fight how it was there and prevent first cleared Blackwing Lair and without a [ __ ] of irony I believe this was the exact point where I felt I had fair grounds on which to review the game I want to give credit where credit is due heard the whole games to world building and atmosphere Wow classic is by a large margin the best game I've ever played in my life the soundtracks in this game are phenomenal and I've never been this immersed in an online world even with outdated game mechanics and the general limitations of game shot from the early 2000s the actual experience of playing Wow holds up having dumped a couple hundred hours of my life on it I can definitely see why it's praised as the granddaddy of MMORPGs in game design philosophy and for basic player types the socializers Explorer yeah achievers and killers the vanilla iteration of WoW manages to say to eat all of their desires and combine these rights perfectly this works intend especially charrid Connect matters tons of fun and chuckles 40 year old gnome players fiending for a break from their wives emotionally needy female night elf girl friends that are all a 50/50 coin flip between artist and femme Boy to the stoner dwarves that sit around an iron fortune chasing all day most often falling victims to scammers late at night to every mage I'm more direct to be Irish it's the same lifestyle drink fight drink fight it's a female Turin resto druids that are a hundred percent of the time without a doubt somewhat said lonely women in menopause to every paladin player that either got tired of playing runescape is leveling an alt orc dozen have actually probably possibly on every above who are primarily an object for us to get from one place to another but also partially emo losers so the human priest that in a linear correlation with realizing he chose the worst race class combination in the game has a questionable relationship with his a DD medication possibly wait first race that's my guild that's cedex that's courageous courageous got Bend for honor training and he never came back he quit the he quit the game I remember this guy last combination in the game has a questionable relationship with his ADT medication to the hunter with listen courageous looks like a said X it looks like to me like said X survived exclusively off of breast milk okay like the guy was a wild animal and you know the worst part about it is that we had to [ __ ] give him the talisman of ephemeral power whatever the [ __ ] it was as a healer and this dude quit the [ __ ] game why I was pissed man with antisocial personality disorder who pulls everything in feigns death by the way all hunters are idiots so the Eastern European warrior player who yells loudly about his big big DPS so I get him out of the Celtic charged in now keeps I stood on the way because he realizes I'm alphas [ __ ] I don't play games at all if you wanna fight they're gonna fight you know just gonna stand that up to every rogue player who must have had mental shaman to every feral druid who's a furry willing to play the worst class in the game just so they can give to the cave dweller joyfully are peeing as a human warrior with a worthy life so the streamlined multi box are on five accounts actively writing scripts to play the game for him so he has more time to play the game to the first time player who simply picked night elf warrior for the meme and got thrown into all of this without any clue what the [ __ ] I was doing these people are well a war craft and as much as they are community and meaningful journey our absolute Circle Jerks at this point I have to say assassinate doc Kruger syndrome and admit that everyone is right it's [ __ ] spot on the community and experience of entering it constitute hands-down the best video game experience I've ever had in my life your guy had a pile of games cause me so much distress that I needed to physically destroy them but for once I'm gonna try to be original and actually come up with a different ending this game is a treasure and it's been an absolute joy to play it so for now I'm just gonna put it on the shelf you can literally play this game in any way you want as long as what you want is the worst player base humanity has to offer cringy roleplay and outdated PvE elements yes you can look past the monotonous tedium you'll come to find the best damn race wars of any online role-playing game on the market [Music] that was good but is it really the end I mean this has been a very good series [Music] come on we've got a 30 seconds you're not really gonna quit are you okay listen TBC next you're actually right about that TBC next it's gonna be really [ __ ] good listen guys this video series has been [ __ ] amazing it's been great I have enjoyed every episode and this is the kind of content and the kind of stuff that makes the game what the game is and I enjoyed it a lot it was a very very very good series and I hope that people continue to make videos about this [Music] [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,222,417
Rating: 4.8593779 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold daily, daily dose of asmongold, world of warcraft, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, classic wow, wow classic, classic world of warcraft, asmongold classic, uberdanger, uber danger, uberdanger wow, uberdanger classic wow, uberdanger asmongold, Swockwickdus, Swockwickdus uberdanger, Swockwickdus classic wow, asmongold swockwickdus, uberdanger classic, uberdanger the end, asmongold the end, asmongold channel
Id: NMPqzlEjxOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 48sec (2508 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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