Asmongold Watches "World of Warcraft is Garbage - An Essay" by mash

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decided to make a video on Wow explaining my frustrations when I think inmates problem the game has death while until classic comes out this video which was like a random video and I got really really popular because so many people liked it what is up everyone I hope you are all doing well Blizzard sent me an email recently trying to sell me some of their store mounts and that just ticked all my boxes so it's time for me to get a little bit passionate about really craft most while casino Shadow excuse of an expansion and the terrible state of the game that is cosmetics of mount craft BFA was [ __ ] at launch an 8-point okay nothing absolutely nothing to address the core problems with headaches are instead of content what does Blizzard give the players another [ __ ] storm mount with a unique model that they clearly spent some time on i personally it looks ridiculous and not at all like it belongs in world of warcraft more like something they kidnapped from some japanese anime the people that buy these [ __ ] mounts are the ones who give an excuse to time and time again bend the playerbase over a barrel yes with this long of microtransactions for de sorrel or releases on the 22nd of january i was again weary conveniently is just over a month after the release of eight point one just to ensure that if someone was yeah i think this guy's been watching my streams stupid enough to resub scribe for a put one blizzard could get an extra month out of them before they release the raid blizzard needs some tough love the essence of the problems the game has the core philosophy behind how the game is being designed Blizzard has obviously evolved as a company along with the rest of the gaming industry since they initially released World of Warcraft and while no one can really believe all that the philosophy behind World of Warcraft also clearly changed Lucifer has been heading down this path for a while and I am under no illusions that they will keep going in this direction until they have run the game into the [ __ ] ground and that's what bothers me dude is like I feel like it's like with mists of pandaria I was like yeah you know Blizzard I mean hey they did the Panda thing it was kind of dumb but I mean they're probably not going do that again and then they bring out what it's like awesome they're gonna have orcs again it's gonna be just like Burning Crusade and it's like we're the orcs where's the tannin jungle where's anything right and you know I would say okay well you know what man like they just they didn't have it right and so we got Legion and like Legion had a lot of content it was not that bad but it had a bad lot of bad system so you basically take the bad systems from Legion and then you combine it with a bad content of WOD and you get BFA right and right the bad I guess a class game play I think it's the worst thing in BFA right now personally and it's like there are always so many expansions it's like you know whenever your dog runs away and you check the pound like every day and it's like we're spook spooks not here you check the next day we're spook spokes not here you check a couple of days there where a spook spook still not here check a week later spook still not there and then it's like man I don't think spooks coming home and like that's the way that I feel about the game it's just I don't know if spooks ever gonna come home man what the [ __ ] people seem to think that Cataclysm was the start of wilds downfall but we reckon that the mindset that is killing Wow it really came into play in Wrath of the Lich kiss guys especially the second half of it I guess what always have happened in the summer of 2008 some months before the release of wrath that would make blizzard completely change their philosophy for the game started angling the game towards accessibility people left at the launch of Wrath which was notorious for dungeons and raids in the beginning because accessibility you can see the subscription numbers flatlining until the later part of the expansion when all do you know what happens everything's flatlines they're [ __ ] dead luckily it flatlined at 10 million that's good but people here's why it flatlined is cuz people are oh yeah but I get up to level 80 and play the game and see what it happens they get out of the knacks and we're done with it now what okay and that's it I mean it just finished the game like I don't think max is bad like the end of Wrath was [ __ ] great because he had a lot of rage do wrath was really good in a lot of ways but man they like Burning Crusade was just like anybody thinks wrath is better than Burning Crusade III I don't know like I don't know what to say like his it wasn't at all like Burning Crusade was the best expansion like in a way I did this comparison before I'm not gonna get into it too much but like Dark Souls 1 was like vanilla Wow Dark Souls 3 was Burning Crusade and I don't know about Dark Souls 2 I haven't played that yet but it's like wrath of King it's like I'd say vanilla WoW and Burning Crusade were like even basically right I mean like for me personally I like vanilla more because I have like a different different priorities as like an MMO player than you know like just like high-end content right but like wrath Mike was just so far below that it was just embarrassing the only reason people like wrath is it at the Lich King and have like raids that were accessible and I like that that's good but as you can see it didn't save the game it didn't keep him playing the game Bora and ICC was released and Cataclysm was announced the game basically cut out its own content by introducing features like lfd and wrath and Ella 4 in cata talked about shooting yourself in the goddamn foot blizzard that's exactly why I'm accessible doesn't work sounds good doesn't work because making the game accessible sacrifices the feeling of exclusivity and exclusivity breeds desire the game has adapted to the players instead of making the players adapt to the game Blizzard is making the players achieve or holding them to a standard instead they let the players decide their own standard which of course isn't very high as people will always take the path of least resistance and here we have one of the obvious mistakes Blizzard is making which is appealing to the people in the community that want everything for no investment they're appealing the people that don't like the game it's like imagine if you went to IHOP and you wanted a hamburger and I hop sells pancakes but you want a hamburger so I hop then changes its name and does all of these different things to make the hamburger people happy and in the process of doing this people think it's so [ __ ] stupid that the account for IHOP got taken over by a rogue a rogue idiot on the internet because it's so [ __ ] ridiculous here's the problem you appeal to your audience like you don't try to appeal the people that don't watch your content it's a if they don't live if somebody likes playing FPS games they're probably not gonna like Wow or the chances of them liking Wow is gonna be lower than if somebody likes just like other RPGs they try to appeal with so many people that they end up appealing to nobody you can't not have a target audience as this is earning them nothing these are not the type of players to invest themselves in anything anyways these are here's another example good idea who's that I'm gonna give you VIP and chat if your sub okay you're not or Drax's I'll read your name that's that's what you get alright so there's a video of a woman ordering fries at Taco Bell there's not a video about it I did it myself okay you know what the fries that talk about we're like it's like a soggy dog dick that you dip in cheese and the cheese sucks Taco Bell is a good example Taco Bell they tried to step outside the mold just make bastardized Mexican food don't try to make fries don't try to make hamburgers just make bastardize Mexican food that offends people that are actually Hispanic and have heritage and you know they hate it but that's what they're supposed to do that's what they that's there that's that's Taco Bell and they try to appeal the new audience with these [ __ ] fries and they're disgusting like yeah almost makes me want to throw up thinking about like just the color is weird it's just like I mean the fries and talked about our perfect example of what I'm talking about the players that will babyrage and check out the moment they don't get what they want just by [ __ ] pointing at it and we'll go trying to wind their way through some other game instead when they are the people you are tailoring the rewards of the game around no wonder you are having problems retaining players they are absolute children and should be treated as such by blizzard and by the community as a whole the problem is that they're not it's actually a 32 year old dad that's used to talking down to his three-year-old daughter and he can't actually rationalize anything that he thinks because he's used to arguing with literally children and there are these there are 35 year old boomers that are trying to tell everybody else how to play their [ __ ] game no I'm serious like and I'm 28 I'm getting up there and I swear to [ __ ] god guys kill me if I ever start talking like this because it's [ __ ] ridiculous people should allow the game to proceed in its own [ __ ] matte fashion like allow yourself to fade out into the sunset and quit the game with [ __ ] respect quit the game with some form of Honor and maybe that's two that's two hyperbolic of award that's too strong of a word but just fade out into the sunset and let someone else take your place rather than expecting boys 'red to keep yourself on life support with these catch-up mechanisms that kill the [ __ ] game like that that's how I feel I know a popular line is that because you paid for the game you should somehow have access to all of the content really are you serious that is the stupidest [ __ ] I ever that's not even stupid to me buddy but but that's the same are you like no here's that here's what here's what he's mean to say what somebody says why pay for the game so I should have access to the content is what people should say whenever Zandalari trolls still aren't in the [ __ ] game not whenever they're too [ __ ] lazy to get into a raid right idea wrong implementation bird you do not buy a single-player game to go straight to fighting the end boss and finishing the story do you so why the hell would you expect all the content from world of warcraft without investing the time you're paying for their journey not to go to the destination you are paying for a chance to progress through the content not to complete it if the game is too demanding for you then go play something else this is the whole point Blizzard is [ __ ] up the game should be about the journey that's the meat of the game right their content should be tiered and not all the content should be for all the players rating should be for the best and most dedicated Peavy ears heroic dungeons to step below that normal dungeons below that again and then at the bottom you have PvP keeping some content excuses based on investment into the game creates an incentive and a drive to invest time and effort into improving so that you can eventually qualify to do that more exclusive content players access to all the different endgame content without demanding any investment in return and then throw [ __ ] like the six-month subscription amount that them before they realize how [ __ ] devoid of substance the game is and leave some of the players themselves are just as big a part of the problem here in my opinion instead that's true that actually that is true what the [ __ ] I really thought that because they brought out the six month thing whenever people are still fleshing out BFA to know like if it's good or not and people you know unlike the new expansion hi we're like oh man I'm having so much fun I guess I'll just get the six month thing because the the good times are gonna keep rolling man yeah wow if we Lessing what i've just [ __ ] explained they instead cry for more easy content that can't be too time-consuming because they have a job you know and then therefore Blizzard can't really make content that feels gratifying in the long run since some players want a medal for app solutely anything they do in the game and then afterwards the community sits there and wonder why the game feels unrewarding and boring and why players are leaving the game in droves and the way to keep the casual players invested and interested in the game is not by making the higher end content like mythic and mythic plus dungeons raids or even heroics accessible there are the requirements for those types of content down to a casual level it's instead to make the content that has now become trivial actually matter keep raiding and heroic and mythic dungeons for the more hardcore and invested players you can't have it all so a compromise would be to make content like leveling gold making normal dungeons reputations dailies etc viable for progressing your character this would still make the casual players at least the unentitled ones get something out of the game without sacrificing higher-level content like raiding and heroic dungeons on the altar of accessibility this change in the funny thing about this is that it's actually something that I've thought of a lot and the problem it's like my mom I use my mom is probably example for all things I talk about in WoW because she plays Wow and she plays as a super casual she never raids or does anything she had a better experience in vanilla WoW and Burning Crusade than she does now even though there are all the accessibility features that there are now because taking part and participating in those features doesn't give you any sort of lasting benefit or reward it doesn't matter but for her back in the day whenever she was able to fish or farm gold they would do something like that or do or professions there was an end goal that was worth working towards and I think that's what's missing the the weird thing about it to me is that the game in its previous state was actually more accessible and more rewarding for casual players than it is now and I think it's a very good example of the you think you do but you don't like I don't think that's always wrong the players don't know really what they want especially low-level players that just play the game on a very disconnected level right they don't understand it thoroughly and I mean there it is imagine actually doing impressions well no I mean see that's the thing is you probably like maybe you'd only play wow right but like back in the day everybody did professions that was what you [ __ ] worked on whenever you're playing solo and gold making were solo content a lhasa fee for the game is very very evident there used to be server communities you had to name that mattered and that you had to build for yourself you had to evolve and become good as a player to achieve people might exclaim that that's the emotion like Korea life and I'm playing this game because I wanna break from real life no you don't humans are programmed to find satisfaction from being socially professionally financially successful etc you want to be well-liked socially you want to have a good reputation you want to be fit and muscular you want to be good at your job because in real life garnering these traits would get you a nice car a promotion a hot girlfriend a nice house and a big bank account balance but this obviously requires that you put into work for it like becoming Pleasant funny and charismatic like working out to build muscle working a lot to become good at your job taking care of and maintaining your I really like this guy because he doesn't talk around the point I love this like I hate it whenever people they talk around it but they don't say it this guy just he literally just [ __ ] opens up and just deep dixit yeah I like this a lot the reputations etc all of these require consistent F I got you more time over time in world of warcraft you want to be well-liked by the people you play with or by your guild you want a good reputation on the server you want to be good at your class and you want to be knowledgeable about the game because this will get you invited to raids or dungeons and instead of a car it will get you a title instead of a girlfriend it'll get you a nice mount instead of a promotion I know you a spot on the lane after Peterson just like you would work out to build muscle you would put in effort in the game to earn better gear video games takes the same psychology which direct humans in real life and imitates it in a video game it gives you it's exactly what I've been saying this is exactly what I've been saying for like over ten years is that Wow back in the day like wow gave me it gave me an even playing field right we're like I was on the same playing field that I did like my teachers and like adults wrong whenever I was a kid and I beat their [ __ ] ass and that made me feel good because I could actually do something that was my own and like like that that second world that like you know you don't have the same issues that you do in real life where you know somebody who's taller or more attractive or comes from a more well-off family or anything like that or you know it's just like physically stronger than you is able to beat you it's just purely your ability and your motivation to succeed that takes you farther and being able to be in an environment like that is really compelling for a lot of people because it's what they want real life to be people don't want to have to think about oh well this person got the job over me because their brother works there and you know it's nepotism that that's obviously gonna make people feel bad these types of things really do matter I would say and having a world that you can be part of that you can achieve things in and those things are your own I think really matters a lot and the fact that it mirrored real life in that way was really what made it successful and I would argue I would argue that until until the end of time and the weird thing about it is you have people nowadays who think the opposite which is really surprising to me do rewards for investing time into it it dresses it up but that is the essence of it the games simply give players a sense of accomplishment just like doing well in real life would only at a different scale obviously and the better the game is at imitating this feeling of accomplishment found in the real world the better the games will do at keeping people invested and with investment comes dedication and dedication in turn encourages continued investment it's a circle a circle has like a corner Blizzard has basically become the type of people who want to give all the kids who play in a football tournament a trophy just for participating and then wonder why no one wants to play football fun fact you know what the kids do with those throw fees they throw theirs what they used is that they do now some people told me about this they would play basketball and PE in in in gym class and they weren't allowed to keep score because that would make certain people feel like they were lose can you [ __ ] believe it you can't keep score like if you keep score you're gonna get you're gonna get in trouble it's pathetic absolutely [ __ ] pathetic uh I just you know what we used to do whenever we play basketball I would get dunked on by my friend Lowell but he had a basketball court up in his house and we play it at school too and I would talk [ __ ] to people all day about it cuz we won and they lost and I hate basketball but at least I had fun with it because I could win sometimes it was great dude yeah they pay and like this is same thing with wow it's like how many times have you heard people saying that they should disable damage meters because some [ __ ] doesn't want to feel bad these 17th on DPS and it's a Tin Man rain oh them away because they hold no value for them because they know they got the trophy for doing something completely trivial and unimpressive now isn't that a striking parallel the game currently seems pulled in two directions the casual side which is clearly what the equate to complete on demanding content is aimed at and then the trying to make it an eSports side which is what the rating and the mythic plus is aimed at this makes the game very top and bottom heavy with nothing in the middle and it doesn't help that the content at the top and bottom is the most solace minimum effort piece of [ __ ] since no man's sky it's actually kind of funny whenever you think about that right is you've got the very very low end content which is basically doing LFR and being afk and then you have the very very very high end content which is being in island expeditions and also coincidentally being afk think about it it's the same thing pretty much all of the assassin's creed's made in the past eight years requiescat patch am i right Wizards attitude towards awards is completely wrong during Legion there was a hundred and twenty one mounts available to obtain a hundred and twenty one mounts in a two year expansion BFA launched with 42 mounts and patch 8.1 alone brings 20 plus Mouse but not a [ __ ] iota of actual content what the [ __ ] so many mounts in the game are ridiculously over-the-top and half of them also looks so out of place and not at all like they belong in the Warcraft universe mounts themselves as a reward is not a bad thing and a lot of them look great and you have to credit the our team for their work sorry but you cannot make the entire reward structure about mounts and cosmetics they're way too shallow for that and like with anything else overexposure will diminish the value of them people he's right though I mean he's right it is like Mountain [ __ ] they get people to play the game but like because it's a cosmetic reward your ears like yours 200 I Q right is that cosmetic rewards only have value to people who are invested in the game because if you're not invested in the game you don't care how your character looks so the problem isn't necessarily that the mount rewards are not there the problem is that there is no reason for players to ascend to the level that they care about what mount their character is writing as these people don't get to that point they don't care mounts are great incentives like I I've seen more guilds break up because of mounts than anything else because people [ __ ] love mounts like that's the one thing you have that everybody can [ __ ] see well that's just you know man it's it's other people too like getting people invested enough in a game like fortnight here's an example right I haven't bought fifty five or $1,000 worth of VIII bucks on fortnight because I don't give a [ __ ] what my character looks like the only thing that annoys me is sometimes it makes me a girl right cuz I don't have a skin I don't really give a [ __ ] but if I cared a lot more about the game right III would buy skins for the game and so the game has to make you care in order for you to care about cosmetics it's basically like what came first well not really what came first the chicken I think it's like what well okay so like alright basically you have the chicken and then the egg right doesn't matter which one comes first but after that you have an egg sandwich now regardless of making the egg sandwich you have to have either the chicken or the egg so you have to have that before you get to the egg sandwich you don't just invent an egg sandwich out of nowhere think about it oh stop finding them special blizzard has to make the game about prestige again not specifically the gear or the appearances even though that will surely be part of it but if i was restiess behind succeeding in the game make it desirable to earn a piece of gear not for the stats or for the appearance even though like I said that is also a factor but for the prestige of having acquired that piece of yes the feeling of reward comes from within each individual player and it cannot be forced by throwing meaningless rewards like mounts or trans mugs at them blizzard needs to go deeper I'm not saying the rewards have to change back to the way it was in vanilla BC etcetera even though that would be a great start yeah selasa fee of AI would reward players needs to change back to what it was in the early days of wow Blizzard has every opportunity to innovate and come up with some new systems for awards in the game and that combined with taking on the early design and reward philosophies for the game is the solution to blizzards a little player attention problem it's not really hard to see where Blizzard is putting their effort in creating rewards Blizzard has started putting an emphasis on rewards like mounts pets or cosmetics in general to compensate for the fact that the game lacks any annual feeling of accomplishment so instead of having demanding time-consuming content which gave you a sense of accomplishment you now have transmog and mounts this is why I think a lot of people who play it's kind of like if you go to the trophy store and you you have them make a trophy and it says first-place Super Bowl winner Billy Bob that's your name Billy Bob and you put it up there you're not gonna feel as good as if you actually won the Super Bowl they're basically giving people trophies that say you're a winner whenever they're not winning like I mean there it is analogy Andy it works like it you're right the analogies because like I do the analogies because they work it makes sense because like obviously like it's a different frame of thinking um yeah the [ __ ] notion yeah that there it is man like who is this guy deserve some subs I'll link the video at the end but like the point that I'm making is like they're like they're adding in rewards to like kind of compensate for the fact that they don't have these systems that made the game so fundamentally fun and now we're just stuck with this like this thing where we're just getting like mounts and like titles and like trans mugs and stuff I like mounts titles trans mugs and everything like that I really like cosmetics but I'm also like I'm a very very dedicated player like for an average player most people don't care about that kind of stuff the game back in the day like moi don't really consider cosmetics or mounts worthwhile rewards and let's be real World of Warcraft is no longer an RPG it is a [ __ ] collection game I think this explains why the game feels so shallow and not at all worth it and not just for me every single person that I consider a friend that has played World of Warcraft at some point has quit the game some started in vanilla some started in BC some in Wrath some in cata and even some in mr. Pande area they all have the same issues with game it's shallow it's stale it's just cosmetics its unrewarding there's no community etc etc I you think about this and it's [ __ ] true like I'll turn this off I I know some people are probably getting annoyed I'm positing a video on that that's too bad like we now have five tabs of collections that we're going through here and this is that's a lot to collect and then you've also got like meta collection stuff which is like titles and you know different little items like this and I'm not even saying this is a bad thing I think the collection meta can exist simultaneously with the game actually just being rewarding for basic players and and that's basically my concern that's all you do well yeah that's because it's the only thing that's worth doing that's the whole conversation that he's talking about is the fact that that's the only thing that's worth doing exactly like yeah do you think I would do this in like vanilla Wow like maybe a little bit I'd want to get like the zuly and tiger or something but I'd want to have good gear like I would want to have my character be really powerful that's what would be awesome for this I don't really care and that's a huge difference can go on for [ __ ] ever and these are the people that loved the game and that would pull all-nighters with me on the weekends to play World of Warcraft back in the day Havel completely lost interest and this story oh my god this story I don't know if I even want to think about it seeing what has become of the World of Warcraft story breaks my [ __ ] heart it's absolute trash I mean like last Jedi trash it's a [ __ ] tragedy and what happened was I know stories like Illidan and Arthas and I don't think Blizzard needs to rehash old stories to make Wow good but we go from Arthas to [ __ ] spaceships and time travel this story now consists of scripted story quests and cinematics or cutscenes that give you all the story right there again commanding nothing from the players see a theme here because I [ __ ] do there the reason we don't have characters like Arthas and Illidan anymore is because Arthas and Illidan took 10 years to develop what character they developing now that will be the boss in ten years like like some very important character like maybe like Khadgar or like Garrosh was a really good example and Owens SAR Fang you know these characters they Blizzard they're they're killing off too many characters right and I think they did this too early in the game I really do feel like they should have focused or they should focus now on developing new characters so much more than they are now zap II boy is a very good start hopefully they will continue that I say line in cinema show don't tell make the audience draw their own conclusions you used to have to read quests think doesn't cutscenes here and there but they were really aimed at the climax of the story not the building of it the rest the players had to piece together from doing the content to remember that content the story is straight-up lazy and uninspired the game and more specifically the expansion needs a villain a full-on villain from start to stop with an entire story behind them that the players can explore and learn during the expansion someone the players can invest themselves in fighting like in orthis or at least important Illidan or if this was the best done villain of the game yes it's a cliche story but he had personality and character he had a huge back story instead we get the SHA gold Dan and the burning legion all I don't think the Burning Legion like I like ishara Zehra will know who is a shara who gives a [ __ ] like I mean really like a shara should be much more compelling interesting than she is now this shot yeah the Shah was the worst in boss of ever right if I want to fight against the Shah of fear I'd go to [ __ ] therapy I don't want to go to a raid and fight against my emotions it's annoying the only emotion that I had on that boss was the Shah of boredom it was [ __ ] awful and yeah I'm annoyed by it but the fact is that the like I mean I thought kil Jaeden was a great boss he was a great character the problem is that kil Jaeden it's like I want expeditions I want expeditions have an immense amount of potential and the potential that they're being used for is like 10% of it like kil Jaeden could have been an incredible character I mean but they did all of the character development in literally the last 30 seconds that he was alive think about that [ __ ] and over again I am so [ __ ] done with demons at this point I swear I have demon fatigue the magic of the game was that you were on nobody you were nothing when you started your thing and you worked your way up to becoming a champion of the Horde or of the Alliance that was pretty much it now you are the savior of all things the chosen one the speaker high or the one saving the world again that [ __ ] gets really tiresome games have told that story for decades World of Warcraft used to not put you up as the one and only you were one of many scrambling together to defeat the bad guys Blizzard is now handing out gear as if they had gear Tourette's and have completely devalued gear as a reward you don't actually read let me ask you guys I want to do something okay because I think we think is true strong words strawpoll it's the second here a strawpoll and type your question let's see which would you prefer one big boss open-ended story and I'm actually curious to hear what people's people's answer is this is right open and story is kind of like vanilla Wow in a way and one big boss is like Arthas just a second open it yeah yeah give me a give me a straw poll I need to use the bathroom I'm actually curious about this not the answer I expected actually I thought a lot more people would say that they preferred an open-ended story but for me personally I don't know like I think both of them are good but it's really hard for me to say what which I like more we lied well III don't know like the point is that I do kind of I don't know I I think both of them are kind of good but yeah I think I guess one big boss is like easier for people to understand though so yeah that's actually good for me to know boss has dropped two to three pieces of gear for 40 people that year was special it was a hell of a reward epic gear was epic getting gear was a big deal instead of getting [ __ ] Don with gear in retail the gear itself has also become so streamlined okay you no longer has any unique traits like chance on hit or specific class related abilities they even removed tier sets for God's sakes can you name any regular piece of gear you have in the stats it features and how you got it they have turned gearing in actually no this slot machine that gives you nothing memorable or unique gear is now just your item level nothing less nothing more I mean one of the main ways of receiving gear the mythic caches and PvP caches are basically loot boxes that give you a completely random piece of gear regardless of what you pay with it I want it players don't have improve their skill level at all to access content and even for higher content they can get into it as long as that was a really good point and I want to I want to go ahead and emphasize on that players do not have to improve their skill level to access content there was one exception to that in Legion everybody knows it's the mage tower what a coincidence that the mage tower is viewed by most people they're not I sorry I can't say most people buy it but buy a lot of people that I talk to that I hear from as one of the most successful bits of content in Legion I mean there it is I don't think that's a coincidence at all they have the [ __ ] eye level they don't have to join a guild they don't have to prove themselves at all a players power is boiled down to a [ __ ] number you used to be able to map out the gear you wanted or needed for your character like abyss list this made players point out their own goals and milestones in the process of gearing up this gave you smaller while this may come I want to look at that right there pre-raid best and slot list within chance on it main hand weapon intellect you would go to different areas and then kill bosses that had a chance to drop a piece of gear that you could use and you would do that with other people and not that's the way that it used to work I yeah it's crazy and like you look at like what this content is right a lot of these are like leatherworking engineering you've got like profession stuff you've got dungeons you've got ten man dungeons I'm sure for some people that are like PvP alternatives there are all these other options that you have and like the content was very varied it was very varied there's point out their own goals and milestones in the process of gearing up this gave you smaller goals you could continuously work towards and achieve other goals related to gear could be hitting expertise cap or hit cap remember that I had no idea how much I wouldn't miss hit until right now it wasn't alright he's wrong about that I thought hit camp and expertise were pointless and they just served to overcomplicate the game I don't think they added anything positive into the game I think the only argument that you can make for hit cap being interesting is if you're playing a dual wielding character with a innate miss miss chance but I I don't think there was anything good about hit chance or expertise it just a needless complication that didn't really affect a gameplay it was like you needed this for your gameplay to work and I just I didn't really think it was good for the game it wasn't good play I understand yeah you guys were saying I'm wrong that that's fine I thought it was stupid I really have always thought it was dumb it's an RPG element well everything is an art like yeah but like you can say that about so many things that are like not really good gameplay features I just don't really feel like the stat of hit rating or expertise added anything to the game that made it more interesting it was just a frustrating number that you had to meet that was an arbitrary restriction for you to be able to play your class in the way that it was supposed to function like it just wasn't really fun like for like a Dueling classic a fury warrior or like a rogue like yeah okay hit cap could be interesting because you'd have like do wildung but outside of that I don't think there's a point to it strawpoll well I mean I think that most people would probably vote against me right but I still don't think that I'm wrong I don't think that I'm wrong at all terribly exciting to work on your hip cap but [ __ ] me did it feel good what guess that makes capped and just to know that now you would never miss with an ability that made you feel like you were progressing and becoming more powerful little by little systems now are designed around you just login in everyday daily rewards ass right grind world quest dungeons - god damn mission table would be obliterated and they all feel like a chore as a retreats are boring I don't think the mission table was innately bad and I think the state of the mission table right now is completely fine it serves no purpose in the game whatsoever except to have this irrelevant content that nobody cares about that has no impact on the game nobody gives a [ __ ] right it's like that this ain't like I don't think the mission table should be deleted in any different way than I think that pet battle should be deleted mission tables have no impact on other bits of content really and neither do pet battles they're just secondary content for different types of people to play I've known gets like get rid of it well there's a lot of people that care right and it's just something different for people to do it's not like I I hope that boys are didn't spend a lot of time developing an emission table Bing and generic and apparently a balancing nightmare the heart of Azeroth is just a plain compulsory grind reputations are all the same and you do them all in the same damn way they don't provide anything of use a few pieces of gear that is [ __ ] true reputations used to be what you would do like I would log on and I would farm rep because that's where I needed to get gear nowadays there's no reason to farm rep because by the time that you get exalted you're already gonna out level everything that you're able to get except for oh wow you can buy another horse and it's a bird that you're never gonna use or that's obsolete within the first two weeks they do let you qualify for flying though which lets you blast through the little content there is to do in the game even faster and guess what else they give you for 10 points that's right more mounds every bit of content they've introduced this expansion has been largely hated by the community and for good reason war fronts is the most pathetic piece of content I have ever seen make its way into the world of warcraft and the earth you know now that I think about it the way that they approach reputations in BFA is the exact same that they approach them in were Lords of Draenor like all of these reputations like sabre stalkers esteem little Preservation Society order of the awakened handed oh no I'm not ordered awakened that was rollin Chitauri to Fenton to the Prophet Council of X arcs all of these reputations all you really needed to do was just run around and randomly kill mobs and that was it right I mean you just did that for a while and you got exalted that that was all there was to it and with these all you would basically do is run out on a new world quest it was the exact same thing sitting on the cake is that it guarantees you gear and you can't lose by the way have you noticed that the so-called content that is being developed by Blizzard is mostly instanced PvP is instanced rating is instanced dungeons and metric plus are instanced islands are instanced Wharf rats are you guessed it instanced now I do not mind the game using instances for some of the content like raids for example but all of it doesn't seem very MMO does it especially not very fitting for a game that calls itself the World of Warcraft not instances of Warcraft that's one of the things I really liked about black desert is that everybody was kind of taking part in the game in the same way right like you you didn't go to like some weird instance to fight a boss you would actually just go over to the area where the boss spawned and killed it and a kill it right there weren't instances in the game those were that was a very very good and positive feature about black desert that I liked a lot and what does the incredible waste of time that is afk fronts come with you guessed it [ __ ] mounds island invasions are ridiculously boring I have absolutely no goddamn clue how someone at Blizzard decided that you know this is a great idea Wow brilliant islands even better let's make it a pretty much mandatory for people to keep their necklaces up-to-date I'm sure the players will love that you [ __ ] it comes down to a while mobs impacts for a saw right a saw right that's what it gives you you know what else it gives you more [ __ ] mounts they are intentionally making the game more about you and only you instead of about playing on the dynamics of the community and they are twisting the game systems inwards towards the player instead of outwards towards the community like LFR and lfd before it which removed having to use the community to find players to do content with they have made the community aspect of the game utterly obsolete another example of this is the Master Liou change where they removed master loot and instead implemented personal lid for all aspects of the game it's like they want players sitting in their own little box queueing up in some [ __ ] group finder being part of the community of the server and the well that way because I think boys are they feel like if somebody has a negative experience in the game they're going to quit so how do you prevent people from having negative experiences you just make sure they don't have any experiences boom because you can't have a negative experience if you can't have experiences you have to play nice and play fair and that means that you play by yourself because if you have people interacting there's gonna be BM there's gonna be [ __ ] talking there's gonna be people getting mad it's an even in Dark Souls you kill somebody in PvP and you point at the ground you do that to talk [ __ ] that's what people do in a competitive environment it's the way it goes and you have these [ __ ] that are trying to make the game like a [ __ ] like like a preschool daycare because nobody can afford to get their [ __ ] feelings hurt I get pissed off all the time whenever people talk [ __ ] to me I get really [ __ ] mad and I don't want it going away because I want to be able to make them mad whenever I beat them that's the game get you so [ __ ] and building your character with them that was the game man I lost a duel our broke my flip phone in half I took that [ __ ] out [ __ ] busted it I threw it both sides of the [ __ ] room I don't even know where the other side is now it's gone I hated that [ __ ] phone I lost a duel to a hunter in front of Ironforge I said if I lose this [ __ ] I'm gonna bust that [ __ ] in half I did that was the game the Allied races are a neat idea but again they're just cosmetics they don't do anything unique of significance just like all the other races in the game at this [ __ ] point they are just another cosmetic for Blizzard to use as an excuse for real content and real rewards races used to and should have significant traits that make them differ from each other how example trolls had extra both skill back in the day making them great hunters humans used to have greater stealth detection and increased expertise with dagger and swords making them great rogues the races as well as the classes need to stand out yeah the classes are too simple they are no longer unique the classes all feel the goddamn same mana is pretty much trivial and has no real effect on gameplay besides for healers the class is no longer have uniquenesses to make them stand out and everyone has also that should speak to the lack of content in the game people lack interest and don't feel invested and connected to their main characters so they make alts in an attempt to fix this obviously it doesn't fix the problem it only postpones it look at vanilla Wow players would get very invested in the one or few characters they had and it made them garner a sort of pride for their character same right on PvP rounds as you were tied to making characters on only one faction and leveling used to actually be part of the game now it's all heirlooms and experience boosts or guess what you can simply buy your way to the newest expansion how our players supposed to feel invested in their character from that it took me over a month to get my first max level character when I started playing I still have that character I love that guy and even though I haven't made him since Cataclysm he's still what I consider my main character what all my frustration comes down to is that I know like many others that they can do so much better so much better Blizzard themselves know that they can do better they knew this back in 2005 for [ __ ] sake go watch some of the old design philosophy panels from the early Bliss cons and you'll see what I mean we also have to give players something to aspire to there's a lot to be said for that moment when you're sitting in Orgrimmar as a newbie and somebody runs through and like all raid gear like wow that guy must be so powerful or Ebay or something it's like imagine that dude is like Jeff is up there preaching elitism while at the same time making a joke about people selling and buying accounts and then later on he's talking about kicking somebody who sucks out of the raid like this is the blizzard that I bought every [ __ ] game for it didn't matter if they made a game it was like you know dick riders I'd buy it cuz it was from blizzard that's what I do and it's another age it is another range this is back before this is like this is back before everybody has to watch everything they [ __ ] say oh if they say something wrong somebody's gonna get mad on Twitter and you know they might lose monsters they get the [ __ ] out of here man like everybody is too like afraid of everything now it's so frustrating they're too afraid I hate it and it's not that they can't they do not want to at least not the leadership I think placing the blame on individual developers is a bit off as they do not really have any say on the direction of the game but the leadership and heads of development on the other hand they're fair game it's very easy to see why World of Warcraft grew so much in the beginning it was the game's philosophy and the moment that changed the game and call our culture exactly but hey yeah I look at the Gil that thing least we got a white thing okay people wanted me to see the whole well that's a lot to say um Mike look at these guys tips out number one comment haven't finished the video but agree with everything said thus far only thing that still keeps while alive is the sounded in the art team you know he's emotionally invested when he speaks so fast his Swedish accent is starting to show asmin gold needs to react to this lmao Osman gold would increase the anger in this video potentially at the end of the video his head would just explode so better not in before as maan reacts isn't he the one guy that always complains about the game and won't stop playing yep he complained about because he loves the game and he loves what the game used to be and hates to watch it go to [ __ ] people need to stop associating complaining with fundamental hatred because they aren't the same at all you don't complain about things unless you care if they get better [ __ ] that guy he is such an idiot mouth-breathing dumbass who brings nothing to the table all he does is yaha I agree yaha who's this Andrew do you have videos Andrew can I make fun come on [Music] I swear to God I didn't script this okay I swear to God I did not script this like
Channel: Everything Twitch
Views: 1,038,674
Rating: 4.6857634 out of 5
Keywords: wow, stop, leaving, unsubscribing, quitting, are, people, why, rewards, time, demanding, satisfaction, fulfillment, progression, character, warfronts, island expeditions, gear, hardcore, rng, dungeons, raids, transmog, mounts, cosmetics, philosophy, design, problems, essay, trash, garbage, gambling, bfa, battle for azeroth, vanilla, cataclysm, the burning crusade, asmongold, everything twitch, everything twitch asmongold, asmongold watches
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 47sec (3287 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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