140 Year Old Coin Found In a $220 Abandoned Storage Unit!

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yeah all right anyway so hey we're gonna do a little thing and we're gonna call this a video because we got a lot of stuff to do today and we have a date tonight we do it right we're going to see Big Daddy we've yeah in concert tonight so that is freaking fantastic so we don't get a lot of time for yourself so when we do we like to go do Christian concert yep anyway all right here's the deal I still think that we're gonna find a lot of cool stuff in there so we're definitely gonna record the rest of this on Monday so this is part one of that you'll see was that yeah committee - all right ready one two three [Music] [Applause] alright guys welcome to another episode of grime spawn this one today is gonna be three units in one video but two of the videos you've already seen part of it but the unit you saw last night you saw that there was like a bunch of boxes on the bottom that we didn't see Oh David wouldn't say I do alright so Jeana is in the office she wrote back with the manager to use the potty so anyway me and David are here we're gonna start loading up at the truck with the stuff that you've already seen and then we're gonna head over to the unit I did with the kids because we got to pick that up and there's some boxes on the bottom that we didn't see so we'll do the unboxing of those few boxes and then we have a brand new unit that we just bought off Northwest Highway we're gonna go over there we're gonna do some unboxing there and you can see there so that's what we're doing today I'm gonna see in a minute alright guys so we are back at cue 46 like I said we're gonna here's the boxes the jump didn't see in last night's video and suitcases we're hoping there's million dollar than that we're hoping that's why she paid for not here this year anyway here it is and also Laurie broom swept clean ready together right do we have a deposit on this one oh it's on a credit card take care of your people it'll take care of you left you hanging definitely left myself hanging my handy-dandy Marine Corps can I can I was she keeping her bedroom ooh look at that Wells Fargo Oh still gotta stags hi hey hey look still not a beanie baby look we left him hanging last night I know we had to come back and do this look Betty Boop I'm not gonna wrap all this okay Heinz the Betty pet plug-in here you can see all that but oh oh oh she's rubber that's cool look that's kind of cool that's cool you're on it 1996 oh I didn't show you I'm moving too fast on big Betty boo boo was look paper weights all right so there's a lot of stuff wrapped up in it look Betty who watches golly look so do you think this Betty Boop is worth four thousand eight hundred no no I really don't check it out so okay so we spent how much will this unit um two hundred and look so here's a some kind of Betty boot bracelet okay turn it round 6 see it okay new in the box oh look check this out I'm not gonna wrap all this just because I don't want it to get messed up on the way but if I had to guess I say we're at least make 500 dollars off this box if you can't piece it out yeah that's what I think we'll see we're watching off yep this is David Dave's my assistant today yeah I think we're back at the office doing a fire we had a request for this last night the law in front for the law and frogs that's what it looks like law in frogs I know it we both said it and there were like oh excuse missing an eyeball though there's your lawn frogs here here's one more here let's show you this one let's see what he's up to he's done frog yoga and it's wearing a bra that's weird that's really weird are they stamped anything it's got it no but it's got a barcodes anyway here's the law on frogs David you can have those on Prague's alright let's see what's in the glass vases I'm curious about this one he bought me a whole tree on our first date all three hey y'all want to know something it's seven years exactly from our first date today we have Watson oh yeah the other one was the first day so today's our anniversary for our very first very first date we have lots of September anniversaries and birthdays all right we're not unpacking this one for some dolls yep so there's porcelain dolls in here there's not a real big market for these guys there is still some very collectible ones I'm not gonna take these out again just because hey [Music] she disguised it as dolls the clown he's the famous clown guy afterwards all right so let's just tear this guy open so it looks like a generic stamp so anyway this is kind of cool so we'll unpack this again guys I'd love to unpack this if we were back at the office in a Betty blue today here let me get to the other side of you basically the bingo playing fool bingo and Betty Boop that's weird I'd scream little girl I hope at some point in our it's a numbers career that we do hit many hidden here Thunder Mary Mary Kay bag oh it is thickness really heavy hey I'll tell you what Mary Kay stuff sells really good all right it's not it's amber so yeah you're right it's gonna be her Mary case up a bit okay that bag still sell well I think this man should that this unit oh we have one more $100,000 in there it's definitely in this one it just looked like it was just really strong you made that look like there's no oh it's this one it's it's the hundred thousand dollars is a mess on yourself short we need to look for a million dollars hey yeah what's the difference yes alright guys so that's the end of this unit you got to see what was finalized this month so we're heading over to the unit where we had the kids there because there's a few boxes everything we're gonna throw that stuff on the track we're gonna head over to Northwest Highway and then we're going to unbox Sara yeah max we'll see you soon [Music] alright guys welcome to Locker number three locker two we skip because there was a ton of people there and I just well gonna record there was like people on the highway the elevators outside into it everywhere on the roofs so anyway we're here at g12 there really wasn't anything you didn't miss anything in the last one anyway it was just too much to go through but anyway so we're hearing g12 I have not looked at anything in here at all so we're gonna pop this thing up and we're gonna get to the dang we're gonna come get the rest on Monday morning but we are going to take some stuff we do have tubs out here down here in case we find anything of great value we'll go ahead and get it out just in case the previous owner says honestly I bought it online and I just called Gina and I told her to bid on it because we needed some units but look this is some vintage furniture definitely some good furniture pieces in here looks like looks like they probably somewhat took care of their stuff which is a good indication another reason I did buy online is because I saw the wheelchair and I saw the Walker over here on this side which usually means older people which means unfortunately that they probably passed away and so that's the deal and so we're gonna go through some of these boxes we're not gonna check all this stuff but we're gonna go through some tubs some boxes we're going to see what we got and we'll load a little bit of stuff on there while we can so David if you don't mind we'll buy any of this stuff that we just fit in and might as well take you right we don't have office and let's see what we got a shipping department global am i see legacy capital something see what the head maybe this is no dog hey babe come over here nice David went that way oh you totally went that way Dave you won't meet my wife so whatever you want me to call you like this she got a deep voice I Jeremy Jeremy hey ramen noodles yeah what about this cooking stop who Chris alright let's step in the back market I wonder what's the expiration date alright come on don't be kitchen don't be kitchen usually people usually what I find is people who have leave food in their units didn't intend for it to be here that long yeah so usually that means something happened somewhere we got here and got some clothes that's it take that okay so in here it looks like more kitchen stuff coffee grounds all right let's see what's in this one so I have no idea what's in the backpack we'll go through this back at the shop okay so I do like boxes like this cuz this looks like this is usually like boxes you'll find little rings change out the original edit van okay so there's some jewelry wait go go go all right one two that's gross I don't think they meant to be here though yeah and that's why you're seeing all this look all the rat stuff is because I got food in here all right what do we got man pop something oh my be jewelry I think you might be right oh look he was right but there ain't teeth in that oh my goodness hey Darrin Jeremy I'm joking I'm all over the yeah I know what i'm calling this video right now i'm calling this one the Morgan dollar oh cool how many are there yeah there's only one in here but hey it's an 1879 okay right there and then on the back on your Morgan Silver Dollars the mint mark right there yeah as a s right below the ribbon so it's an S hey and that was just an appendage are ya so this right now my auction just because look it still got really good detail you can still read the Liberty right there you see it got it yes okay so you can still read the Liberty right there okay there is a little bit of scuffs you can tell it's a little cert a lot circulated right there but you can still see detail oh man if this would have been a better coin I don't know if you can see it on there but it's got rain bowing right here so anyway hey Morgan dollar yeah Morgan dollar perfect Hey look thumbnail oh wait she's upside down all right any other happen David you take a note he is alright hey did that come out of this bag yeah I might have redeemed himself oh my goodness you're ah dang it I was four watches look that's I'm kind of intrigued now oh all right maybe they put this on the back truck tear it up and there's like a big jewelry box in there all right so hey wait where'd my other little things I wanted to go through oh they were right here David did you take the little things off there in there should we wait till the end should we pick one now one light yeah one never one later cut this one this one this one's like ok ready ready 1 2 found the drug bin I'm joking what is it oh they kept their marijuana in there there's their grinder okay uh-oh what's in here oh look that's where they kept their weed through yeah you know what all the people do like the drug units do the best like with using stuff do you imagine like every video would have just make sure there's some phones in here that feels like the cameras probably in there yeah it's in there but look how dingy and nasty that is but anyway Wow y'all okay okay so a lot of costume jewelry remember we don't we don't just say that look at this 9 to 5 right there there it is look y'all see this 8 trash bags have been yielding the best uh yeah look at that that's silver hey let me take that out of my pocket cuz that's going in the auction right yeah look at the silver hands do this silver silver what is this that's gotta be silver 925 look yeah that's a big old chunky ring too yep look at this y'all look oh look at that hey this looks like a particular artist is this signed y'all think I'm crazy I'm not making that up a perfume line yeah but that this looks very familiar to me yeah okay what do we got here look uh oh that's got the size doesn't say silver on this looks like it's probably silver right here there's a lot of rings and stuff in here look 925 little cross it swivels that's kind of cool we're gonna go through this careful make sure there's nothing bold or anything in here cuz what's under here oh man that's a big old ring oh look another 925 don't know if you can see that in there I can't it is but look mother-of-pearl inlay that's nice hey because of the sign I can't actually see the strange yeah it's okay just make sure you're pouring the journals general direction this is look nine to five right there that's a real diamond too I'm joking they don't set diamonds that size and that's pretty look at that it's that silver too sure enough 9 to 5 guys look at that vintage ring thumb drive maybe should check that out I know that looks like it's pretty big or some some crap alright we'll go through that better when we get back here do it I'll give this to you in a minute look at that you know that's gonna be silver nine to five right there look at that that's nice perfect cuff what - look this cuff up it's got a tag in it okay watch which one this one I thought there was a cuff watch others guess that's fossil brass cuffs was there anything else in the trash hey that's fine look what we found already look at that already we just don't even know what's in that we're coming back to it thank you my friend alright ready look in this one ready one two three today you looked at yeah no I'm not into the know it's disgusting just disgusting just Hey brought to you by Jeremy Hills he made that up I love it look at this big cats are dangerous yeah go put them in the truck yeah see that's why that's why you're supposed to edit beyond though that what about me I didn't pick it just to get out of whoa careful there's like eight pounds grease on that oh look more kissing good so I'm not gonna unpack this cuz it's just look like dishware but it looks like it's actually gonna be some old pirate stuff like that can we fit this one all right what are we got in this one more dishes it looks like oh yeah plates whoa I almost dropped that on purpose I'm joking I'm joking hey y'all remember even though I don't agree with Aliza policies you think Obama the cool dude and funnies heck yeah I'd love to go have a beer with Obama I wouldn't ever vote for him but I gotta have a beer with him cuz I can do that right I can have a difference of opinion with people and still enjoy their company and like them right huh Oh too bad it's like hold on the Bombay company a bomb bay company how much this it's called Club the Jazz made in it is but it's been stretched it might bounce back in man now hey everybody wants to say no to the trash bag but y'all just saw what happened I'm trying to get to this period we're gonna come get all the big stuff and what I might do is I might gone back there so we get back here I've got a good feeling about this unit in the back okay I see tubs so maybe a desk bucket off this bucket maybe personal yeah personal stuff so it looks like we got a trunk here it's like a garage stole here huh here well that fit out there I want to see if there's anything these drawers [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah this was a buffet I bet cuz this was probably in the dining room hey what if we find sterling silver setting here this is where they would keep it was left in the dining room I guarantee it maybe the bottom drawer is felt on it and it's full of sterling silver holidays home for the holidays that's an exciting it still looks like it's a whole set mouse poop yeah the only bad part about this interesting morning girl 1996 these are actually very collectible that's that's good money right there Mardi Gras mm like it uh you wanna see if they put stuff in there maybe in the drawers okay you throw all the other crap on the truck I don't take anything else today get ready to leave we finish this unbox and we'll head back or the first part of this unit at least yeah definitely not in this yeah pretty nasty all right hold on hold on sorry I meant put all that stuff in there I'm trying to get in here I can't get it up into the truck no just this stuff yeah just throw all that in the back of the truck here I'm good more boxes I got a no 20 are you watching you know what your phone no I was gonna take a picture of this we just take it with us okay David you can go ahead and head back to the shop just help them finish that packing and stuff like that and we'll finish up recording here I'm with us all welcome to get it Monday all right later AMI thank you we're just gonna do a few more boxes but oh my gosh this is heavy baby sister cologne collection there's a Morgan what if we find one I know that would be amazing coins I could do it I can do it payback for what you did to Katie what do I owe I don't care that see it's a dirty job y'all it's a dirty dirty job alright hold on let me be careful make sure there's not personal stuff we don't want to show obviously we understand most people do not want to lose their units yeah yeah it's really looking for a coin clutch doesn't mean there's not something value in there I just mean that I gotta look for right now all right we got more bags we got furniture [Music] kind of show them what I'm saying all right guys here's what I'm saying I'm saying more dressers that are all wrapped up so I'm assuming they're gonna have stuff in those bags back there you can see right there there's tubs there's a tub drive here wrapped those are all wrapped else I can see me about to sneeze there's some more art right here look which I could see what this was it's a big look these are all tubs too now I'm really gonna be curious I might have to get in that tub you'll all right hold this bit okay no I'm sure you're gonna get behind that couch though huh I don't know how you're gonna get behind that couch my grandmother had masks [Music] yes we can see what kind of a off that's your size really big she don't drink that much I don't I do about a quarter shank that much all the weekends oh these are Mikasa what the other so got the thing on the back alright so here's the deal we're already at 20 something minutes I am gonna finish recording this video guys but I'm really right now we had a little extra time today we're on schedule with what we need to do we'll have another Grimes fines episode or auction up next week we're gonna do a mini one and then we're gonna do a real big one to end the month off we're gonna do like a 1500 watt auction can be awesome so start saving your pennies anyway we still have that with all the stuff on top he must have put it up in high he probably put it somewhere we're just asking where you put it yeah oh sorry alright so we got that final thing we're gonna finish doing this and then we are going to Oh where'd you put it I think you put the next one oh yeah let's go ahead and keep all the analysis oh right there okay that over silver yes keep that keep that silver silver not hey bunk Avon silver hey there's some more silver stuff and some of those tangle that necklaces might have been gold yeah all right anyway so hey and we're gonna call this a video because we got a lot of stuff to do today and we have a date tonight we do it right now we're going to see Big Daddy we've yeah in concert tonight so that is freaking fantastic so we don't get a lot of time for yourself so when we do we like to go do Christian concert yep anyway all right here's the deal I still think that we're gonna find a lot of cool stuff in there so we're definitely gonna record the rest of this on Monday so this is part one of that you'll see was that yeah committee two alright ready 1 2 3 hey you can't make that up you already got to see the good stuff check I'm gonna put this at the beginning of the video because you're gonna be curious what's in and then you find out it was a rock and you're gonna love me you're gonna hate me and anyway here's the deal I know we made money on this unit I have a feeling we're gonna find out a lot more jewelry in this unit I just I feel it my good so anyway between this little handful of stuff right here I bet you this stuff right here so that's awesome right I bet you this little box the stuff that I pull out here will pay for this unit here did so anyway make sure to go to all my future channels like subscribe to them they've got some fantastic videos out anyway we will be back I think we're gonna go to a thrift thing yeah tomorrow's gonna be on Tuesday no well do it tomorrow don't do it tonight all right so we're gonna have a special guest on our Tuesday live and tomorrow we're gonna release another ode I just bought snot bubble on camera I don't know I can't see alright cuz we don't what we don't edit we don't edit even when it comes down to a snot bubble we don't edit right right that's real life right can't be cutting out snot bubbles cuz then there might be somebody has a snot bubble problem they're like going all alone but he saw my snot bowl and he's like man I like this guy yes not bowls to anyway that was mine on meth induced rant alright and so anyway hey we will be back tomorrow night 8 p.m. for a thrifting challenge we're gonna make a special announcement about our Tuesday night at 9 p.m. central live will have a two special guests and other than that we'll see you at the next unit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 11,004
Rating: 4.9675236 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, coins, silver coins, Morgan silver dollar, coin collecting, sterling silver, used furniture, repurposing, HGTV, DYI, wholesale jewelry, found safe, found gold, what the hales, storage auction pirate
Id: 8eAcibkHsYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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