I Bought A MILLIONAIRES Abandoned Storage Unit And Found This...

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[Music] [Music] welcome to our all brand new episode of grimesponders so check it out today we are going to go back over to the 10 by 10 510 unit where we literally found over 5 000 in gold the first day in the first five boxes [Music] i pulled this watch out of a box it's a gold kind of watch starts with the r and ends with the lex you be the judge if it's real or not at the end of this video i'm gonna show you this rolex that i believe to be worth four to six thousand dollars on its own what i have here before me is eighty percent silver and gold but stay tuned through the whole video guys because we're gonna do only unboxing from the 510 yen so we have so much gold here i really do i believe we have over five thousand dollars in gold and we found probably five to six pounds of silver today stay tuned also to the end of this video because i'm gonna weigh that silver and see how many pounds of silver i think right now it's about 206 207 dollars per pound you do the math if we have five pounds that's a thousand dollars that doubles the profit on this unit so guys buckle up let's go see what we can find [Music] hey guys guess where we're going we're going back to that freaking fantastic unit y'all want to come all right guys we're back here at unit 1621 this is the 10 by 10 that we paid 510 for that we believe that we already have at least five to ten thousand dollars in gold and silver that's not a joke it's not a freaking exaggeration and that's not even including the four to six thousand dollar rolex we believe we have that we'll show you at the end this video so hey check it out uh so i paid leo and uh devon tiny circles devin uh i paid them very good money to come help us today just because we got blessed so i'm actually overpaying them uh today right to help us because it's just ah it's cool right yeah it's cool like when you're blessed to like bless other people and then you hope it doesn't stop so anyway look we're here the cool thing is is we probably have about 15 boxes that we haven't even cut open y'all so for real we already believe we've already found 10 000 easy out of this unit would you agree i would agree on that on the 510 thing so i let's see what else we can find look we got shade over here somebody said we should name it the patriot it rolls off the tongue well but it says too much like betty botter and i don't like betty botter and any auctioneer knows why i don't like betty butter uh but anyway so i like the patriot i think we might go with the paper patriot there it is do you know who says that jc walker was it yeah jc you named it uh but that's what the color is it's actually patriotic that makes sense so hey let me and gina get some stuff over here to the truck we're gonna wait for leo and them to get here um and we're just gonna do some unboxing here at the unit guys so be right back okay hey guys just want to pop in and show you where we are so we're going ahead and stacking stuff up out there that way when they get here it's easy they just throw it on the truck um and then we got our other three rolling racks so we're gifting all of our gray shelves to them for their business since we got the ones we wanted so what this is these two down here are personal boxes of pictures photos stuff like that this facility said that they do want to keep them it's actually state law that you're supposed to keep them in here but when i started trying to follow the rules like you're supposed to like you get blocked from places because people like you left stuff in there but no that's by the state of texas that's what you're supposed to do but then they'll block you and so it's just bad so we only leave it if they ask for it so i asked her and she said yeah he would want it so we left it so i'm gonna make a big box of personal stuff we're making a big pile of stuff to unbox with you guys here in a minute but let me get the base work done but i just want to pop in and kind of i want to show you guys kind of how we work because a lot of people get frustrated doing what i do and i can just see a big picture i can see a big building just full of crap and i can see the way it's going to do and i know exactly how i want to do it and a lot of it's just shifting stuff around so anyway hey let me get back to work we're putting all the coolest stuff over there for you okay so these are all negatives anyway guys so look i'm not keeping pho i'm not leaving all the photos because look this is full or oh it's actually this one look it's full of like really old photos that i probably i did i'm just gonna i'm keeping these because look in there of cops look at this right now where we are in time like look at all these old pictures of cops so hey these are gonna be really cool so hey we got photos uh i'll be back with the next cool thing all right guys hey we're gonna unbox these real quick this side's done this is all personal uh we're gonna go through all this real quick a lot of it says kitchen but this is the side where all the gold was on and so it's untouched so let's do it all right guys i don't know what this is is it elevator zero gravity fda approved i don't see a price tag on it y'all know what this i mean i can look it up so look here's what this box is it's brand new like electronics look a little kobe look little flashlights more flashlights let's see we got down here see i might take all these flashlights out because that's what i'll shoot that's man that was deep yeah it was that was quick man that went deep uh i'm gonna try to take all the new electronics out here we're gonna leave all this uh business here and then i'm gonna go find something to shut that off yeah all right i don't know i think i need to stitch this is for real i'll try to show you without it bleeding but look hey guys hurry look at that it's just a bone i can feel like in my bone like anyway hey we gotta get back to unboxing all right guys hey i've got one hand and for real like this thing is like it's deep ain't it it's long and deep so anyway hey all right here's some of the stuff i set out man i'm getting like i ate freaking losing blood um so let me show you some stuff that we found look at that y'all that's like cold [Music] or cot true yeah but hey y'all that's like original that's like a for real deal uh we found some really really good art in there thank you so did we say hi to leo and devin how do y'all say hi to when y'all gonna get your channel linked up it should be done probably in the next couple of days apart today all right good day hey you can't you can't make them do it what's that thing you shoot a horse or lead it's water zone okay or are you trying to teach a man to fish or you can give him a fish or you can teach him to fight that was the biggest mess up of all kinds of glass ships sink or glass houses sink ships so oh did we open this uh do you want me to turn the truck off oh yeah hey we're gonna turn this up but look i want it let me just spin it should be all right look this is framed after something african or something i know that's really neat okay some kind of tapestry look at this big old sign that's awesome yeah they can't see the bottom of it oh here nothing's in it there it is all right guys so there is a ton of good stuff in here the unit's empty but i really do i feel like this unit should i mean minimum is gonna produce ten thousand dollars yeah minimum and we still don't know what the art and the uh like the pre-columbian stuff i'm gonna do some research on that i don't know i might send that off to heritage uh some of that stuff not sure yet maybe just for a paycheck for the end of the year or something like that uh like a savings account so anyway hey uh let's start we're gonna turn off the truck and we'll dig in these boxes all right guys let me show you the rest of this so look uh this box right here says haitian art um this is hand sign that's pretty cool that's really cool okay um let's see what else we had down in here look there's like more jewelry boxes look at that stuff like this that we're gonna go through when we get back look harmonicas uh man there's all kinds of stuff though i'm telling you it's like freaking fantastic look down in here let's see if i can get one of these out there's a bunch of stuff like this in there um like this i wish i could read read what it says but i don't do mandarin say yo sterling silver look all this stuff in here says nine two five they're all earrings even the backs look nine two five nine two five look y'all that's silver you know that's like that's like five pounds i'm for real look there's another one in here too look down in here oh baby these are all silver you want to go to mike's and see what he'll give us for all these you want to i do how fun would that be y'all i'm pretty sure all of this is silver in here what is that silver actually that might be um look at this you think this is all silver it is because look at all those things they're saying 925. yeah look 925 [Music] look 925 on those look all of these in here say 925 and they're in the bags yo i think all of this is silver babe that's awesome whoa hi look at this leo how many pounds you think that is those are all silver two or three pounds so look at that that's all silver y'all that's poundages poundages of silver hey i might take this box right here and just go weigh it and see how much we could get in silver because that's like ridiculous that is ridiculous all right guys this is kind of cool still got the tag on it it's just american heroes it's dated and it's numbered and dated but i might actually keep that for real cool yeah i think i'm going to keep this [Music] hey guys we're going to look in the bottom of this box real quick and then we're going to do the rest of this at home because my hands kind of throbbing a look here's a sony digital camera we actually have the box back at the house with this uh what's this some kind of light oh this is a uh porta trace simply the bit a porta trace you put stuff on that to trace it okay what is it oh whoa hello hello zebra what's up zebra you got some gold for a zebra he said heck no i don't yo look at this all right so uh hey y'all let me know while we're driving back home let me know like with the poundages of silver everything what do y'all think we have so far put a dollar amount down in the chit chat and the comments so go back and check it i would like to know what do you think me and gina are gonna make on this unit so far we're gonna run in high bid so it'll be public you'll be able to see it so let's take our guesses right now alright guys so we are back as promised i'm not going to show you everything because you just got unboxing that means you're seeing fantastic stuff i'm going to show you the rolex look here is the box of silver that we found i want to give you a little hint about next video guys you remember those four tubs of artifacts that had the sterling silver uh statue on top that will be tomorrow night's video and i promise you you do not want to miss it we have not touched the literally i have not have a you haven't i have not looked in them y'all i mean i looked on top but i mean they are full so i mean just be ready for that this is stuff i want to kind of show you i'm just going to show you two items this was in a box these are what i believe to be pre-columbian statues to focus on okay guys this is the kind of stuff i think we're gonna find this is some stuff that i think i'm gonna do my research i'm probably i may send a few pieces off to heritage i'm not sure just for the fun for the video of it and but we're going to offer you guys most of the stuff even though it's great stuff it will be a dollar no reserve without further ado here is the rolex that we do believe to be authentic vintage rolex here's the front here's the back i am taking this to a buddy shop just to get it verified before we sell it to you guys uh but so here we found uh similar watches this style we did find these going selling from four to six thousand dollars if this is real i believe a minimum i'll get twenty five hundred to three thousand dollars for it so if this turns out to be authentic this pays not only for this unit but this also pays for the twenty one hundred dollar uh black americana history unit this is the box of silver yo look i'm just gonna do one bag this is the bag that we were talking about we do believe these all to be silver all so we're gonna turn this on all right guys let's see so we're going to turn this on i'm just going to go by pounds all right guys so look here's this first bag and again look in it all these little squares say 925 and you can read the 925 on the earring backs so let's see what this first one weighs this is what i believe to be mostly all silver y'all that's three pounds three pounds of silver in one bag so just say two hundred dollars times three that's 600 bucks so right here we've got about 600 and silver this little bag babe this bag paid for that unit i know this bag right here paid for all of this all of the artifacts that we have not undone so it doesn't always work like this guys but today it works like that hey guys i said i was gonna do one bag but i'm really curious so hopefully this will get us up to four and a half pounds that 4.5 y'all but look in here look four pounds and 15 ounces look at this though that's one ounce there's a whole nother bag in here look there's probably a whole nother bag worth in here look there's all these big pieces of silver look at these see look let's put that on there look there's baggies of these the silver ones they look boom silver five pounds silver look silver silver silver what's it got what's that what's it at uh five pounds one ounce yo should we pour all this in a box and just see i'm curious are y'all curious do y'all wanna know how much total and silver baggies we have here i might have to do extra work but i'll do it because i love you guys so give me a minute all right guys look i put oh that's tearing oh this is tearing that bad crap look so i want to show you this i i do this was like his little silver scrap pile because look at that little thing it's stamped nine two five it's like a little funnel or something oh that's strange you know what it goes on but look and then there's like these little things you can tell like where he cut it open to see if it was silver so i do believe all this to be silver so we'll take off a little bit of weight because of the baggies but that's not going to be a lot oh [ __ ] you ready where's the hole all right ready come on seven pounds six and a half six pounds and six ounces not quite six five eight but look over here we still got some more dang i gotta get gotta get to seven guy gets a seven look look at all these little silver oh look babe there's gemstones in here really yeah this was just a oh look yeah i'm telling you this was like his little scrap bucket man just broke in my house oh okay let's just leave it's just leo all right guys so check it out we have six and a half pounds of silver that's not included look at this look at this y'all what if i just started stacking it y'all want to stack silver hey leo just wherever dude it's high whatever just as long as i can get to my artifact hubs all right he said all right he's about to come to the back then come on uh all right look are we at uh six oh we're one ounce away what that got to be that had to put us over one ounce one one little ounce oh one little ounce okay hold on it's not a pound this has got to be an ounce oh whoa yep seven pounds hold on yo hold on the leaning tower of silver y'all this should be the thumbnail it should be shouldn't it are we at now what y'all want to keep going you all ready let's see how we can make the leaning tower of silver don't fall please don't fall are we at uh seven pounds and fifteen oh i thought we were on ounces i was like damn oh that's pounds that's almost poundages look y'all oh eight pounds and two ounces what y'all think we got ten pounds of silver what would that be two thousand dollars oh well uh probably two thousand dollars in silver right let's keep going for it oh look here's a heart oh these are heavy these are heavy these are really heavy silver okay look we got the beads oh those aren't silver babes yes they are oh the very end of them no you've never seen silver beans i'm sorry i thought those were pearls we're eight pounds and six ounces where are we at oh look i got room over here eight pounds eight ounces okay where are we at now okay eight pounds nine ounces gotta get this yo don't fall this is like uh what do you call that game y'all this is hefty it's not django it's something else dang look at this chunk monk yeah i know that's big stay there come on man where's my nine pounds or ten pounds okay we still got all of this this is getting ridiculous y'all are we there no we're eight pounds oh 15 ounces you're one pound one ounce away okay things are falling oh nine pounds nine pounds shoot we're living poundages oh all right guys so hey i'm gonna guess that i have over ten pounds of silver which equals over two thousand dollars which does not include the premium over the value of like say what i mean by premium right there's spot it's probably like 27 an ounce or something like that for silver but if it's in a form of like jewelry or coins or things like that it brings a collector value which gets a premium over spot and a lot of this is what i call premium silver except the backs i wouldn't really call those premium at all but this is premium so i believe we'll bring well over two thousand dollars actually i think the silver alone should bring in at least three or four thousand dollars is what my guess would be uh if y'all want you wanna throw some gold on there just to see if we get one pound of gold all right let's see all right guys so here's what i need you to understand i need you to understand that i understand that different carrots mean different percentage of gold right in it so i'm going to throw all of this on there one because i'm not going to sit here and do 10 carat 12 carat i've only got 15 karat i'm not going to do that but for you people you always want to separate your gold out to like different to its different carrots because if you take it into a place that's what they're going to they're either going to scratch test it they're going to give you all 10 carat because you didn't do the work or you didn't know and that's just what they're going to do but what you want to do is you want to put all your 18 carat in a bag and you want to take it in there and or you know all that or however you choose to do that but that's how you want to separate it so these two right here are 18 karat gold whoa whoa all right guys so hey check it out so i'm going to go ahead and throw these on there i'm going to leave the citrine sitting off to the side though okay i do so look they're going to take off wait for the gemstones and stuff like that oh my silver tower just crashed y'all can y'all believe all that silver all right so look uh what i would tell you if your gold is scrap go ahead and pop the gems out like if it's just crap and you're scrapping it pop the gems out because they're going to try to deduct the weight off and it's going to be a mind guess and they're always going to favor in their side so let's keep let's just stack gold those are gold see this is gold let's see that's gold uh see this is gold just keep it there this is gold that's gold that's gold these are 15 karat gold that's gold these are these are 14 karat gold not gold filled this is gold i'm not putting gold filled in uh that was silver nope that's gold these are gold oh this is 10 karat gold okay let's see what else do we have any more gold i know we have more oh that's 20 carat gold uh let's see what else what else what else oh that's that's 10 carat that's gold oh those were 925. oh our 18k oh look man we got gold laying around the house that's 18 karat that's 14. uh see there's another 18 carat that's not gold that's silver uh let's see what else we have these are rose gold throw those on there little bad boys all right uh and if y'all want we'll see i feel like i had more gold i have scrap gold okay like if that's not enough what are we at a half a pound oh no that's five ounces oh five ounces yeah you know throw the goat rolex on there just to see whoa 6.6 what the all right guys so hey you let me know go back watch it let me know how much in silver and auction prices silver and gold do you think i have that's the end this video but leave the comment below i want to see hundreds of guesses let me know what you think and we'll talk about it in the chat tomorrow night at 7 pm central time and we me and her see you at the next unit [Music] you
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 22,446
Rating: 4.9319901 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds, Storage Wars, Reseller Channel, Extreme Unboxing, unboxing, what's in the box, how to resell, Storage Wars episodes, family vlog, vlog, best vloggers, lunkers tv, Googan squad, Googan baits, YouTube auction, auctions, abandoned storage units, I bought an abandoned storage unit, I found this, estate sales, garage sales, sourcing, eBay seller, amazon seller, funny videos, duck dynasty, family videos, american pickers, #copscalled, #whatthehales
Id: jwX4M5rUGn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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