COPS CALLED: Possible Illegal ITEM FOUND In Abandoned Storage Unit. GRIMES FINDS

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welcome to another episode of Grimes finds this is the three-fer right last time we did a twofer is that right this is the second three first holy dang deal so here's how this video is gonna go down you're about to get an auction preview real quick I'm gonna show you a little bit more of the stuff we found today then we're gonna do a mail call and then I'm gonna tell you more about this and why I had to call it the Popo right garland PD came out and I'll tell you more about that at the end of the video right after I tell you where I found it and it was kind of in a weird place so anyway stay tuned for that great guys want a shout out to garland PD cool guys they came in they actually looked around we were all born in the 80s we're all 80s babies so we had a little fun looking at all the nostalgic stuff which brings me to the first part this video showing you some more of the stuff so let me flip this around I'm gonna show you a little bit of other stuff than where you get straight to the unit yeah so here it is look we found a lot more stuff look I'm selling her decided sell her after she pulled that stunt two videos ago I'm joking don't do that don't do that oh good lord alright so hey here's the dang deal look we found some more stuff Lee this cookie jar tell you that that's autographed by like five people who shoot on much Harley highly coveted Pioneer Woman cookie jar mm-hmm named Charlie look we found a Fox cookie jar with the Fox Fox in the night Fox and the house no it's the Fox and the Hound right see what I did there Hey look I know this may not be cool yo this was so cool man I just want to wear this all day y'all been killing me to wear gloves Hey what you feeling this let me tell them let me show ya y'all gonna want me to wear gloves like out diggity units like the mask is cool - you look a mess this is killer yeah why you gotta go cheap oh I know I'm the other glass like he ran out of batteries on this one alright alright so hey check it out look we found more stuff ain't Robyn's because she should shout out to her hey let's get that girl to a thousand of her man was just gonna do know she's almost there she's over six hundred girl works her freaking had hind in off on editing and said so I'm trying to keep up and trying to do better but look you all remember some of this stuff there's that little medallion we found that crappy unit what else I don't know I thought that was kind of cool huh man it's still my favorite item y'all remember stay tuned till the end of the video I got to show you all what went down with the look here's some of the Indian stuff some nice Pyrex I love the blue color of that right now look here's some more stuff we found over here glasses look Bob Marley what's he doing in that picture Oh Mickey stuff there's the bow look here's some another Nintendo DS if we find Shawn this won't always I think we might have did we but look we just felt a lot more stuff so we did not find the glass - this shit can still be there do this clock maybe maybe we didn't check it we should check it later look we found jewelry of course we found jewelry well look at this box we found this cool box okay and then each section you know moves back but that was killed were these ships come from Russia and the same box is that jaw box oh really I pulled him right out and put him on the shelf was that okay with you I forgot it he's cleaned a three I'm cleaned eight noses video - video - I'm clean video Tuesday there's like a chip stuck in my what is it cheese it's not a booger folks that's cheese yeah how'd you get cheese on your phone me probably fell out my beard my dog yeah lots of cheese in your beard scout is such a good napkin yeah he does he jumps up on my lap and he cleans my beard for me after I check out look at all the shoes you know here's that Gucci hat somebody asked me about this in the comments in the chat last night it's right there yo so look more nutcrackers Wow look at this pocket watch off this was just in a random box it's really cool it is cool you know I'm gonna pop the back of that off but that was really cool remember this the sword this I love this typewriter I never find the typewriters in this good of shape so Jacob types really I never watched him okay does everything else yes all this didn't you they saw this yesterday I showed this okay so here's the dang deal hey you play the drums look you can get Elvis Presley drumsticks oh that's really cool yeah that's very pretty I'm surprising what any chips or dings are my favorite yeah Eddie Murphy I was gonna try to do the Eddie Murphy laughs but I just can't deny yeah I showed him the Confederate mine okay oh look what else I found Vanilla Ice you can get the VHS Vanilla Ice ninja rap oh yeah there's the towel Hey look nerf blaster works he got the camera hey he didn't hit me off just so you know huh I don't I don't want anyone to be like they cleaned the drawers out but look this little dish thingy that's nice solid piece of wood yeah car boom boom this will be in the auction I'll tell you why anyway so hey stay tuned how many minutes was a six six so we got to do filming we got to do the mail team is gonna be perfect no it's gonna be perfect we're gonna give you an hour-long special that's the way it's gonna go down we'll be right back enjoy this unit alright guys welcome to another episode of Grimes funds this is the $150 unit edition I guess that's what it's gonna be you saw a little sneak peek last night of this unit so what we're gonna do is is we're just gonna pop this bad boy open Gina's gonna give you a full pan around the room you let me know not in the chitchat but down in the comments do you think it was a good deal for 150 thumbs up thumbs down 1 out of 10 10 being the best however you want to do it but make sure it's down in the comments below let us know so let me pop this open and get the scan around we'll come back and I'll tell you why I buy [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys so we are back look we've got this nice beautiful flat surface okay so here's the I gotta tell you real quick so I saw solid wood furniture I saw the clock I can see the weights hanging in it the only concern I have about the glass isn't in it but I'm hoping they took the glass out of the front door to move it but other than that the clock looks like it's in good shape yeah but I will tell you is no I did actually the guy was bidding against I don't think he saw it because I talked to back doors this is solid wood stuff you know I could actually fix this stuff up pretty good but I saw these boxes so I saw older furniture a bunch of take boxes 125 bucks this thing right here these actually used to bring in big big money mm-hmm right here and so anyways yeah a lot of these little crystals are broke you know but we've got a box of these I don't have you know I know that lamp we'll make our money back but we wanted we want to at least quadruple our money and I make a thousand bucks off this baby these are actually this was like this is trekker Country Gentlemen trucker hat Oh like the old newspaper boy hats yeah fedora country gentlemen there's another jacket jean jacket for some old jean jackets gonna be money yeah that's any powers oh that's a good jean jacket that's actually a really good some of the vintage Eddie Bauer uh-huh high-dollar big no-no oh come on [Music] [Music] yeah actually but it's so much fun to create a mess no problem I know hey I grew here I'm just saying I know why you say to us little people what's the top what's the bottom I'm standing in my designated area I don't know I'm doing it because I agree with you [Music] he was the McDonald's glasses or something worth the time Lisa fun Ron okay she made a rise time but it's fun wrap it all soft remove it the good stuff the coins he just blocks yourself you're a working station [Music] that's cool yeah [Music] that's cool all right I find their sandwich Mexico wonder who he is [Applause] like a print no signature a Monet that's real it says Claude Monet at the bottom right what's this Windham school district were certificate what year it was from the 60s we just grabbed the wrong bump in worry they put all the crap on top okay they're gonna get through to another original wait hold on is it actually sighs I don't know can't see no I don't know what today I know you just let me know if you want me to have a close-up of that signature no you might want to just do what you want to do or I'm gonna get in trouble again look there's a signature down there peeking down there underneath the mat you see it did you do well I don't know you do see some waves in here like it might be a lot of tank having a hard time focusing on that way I'm just trying to stay quiet so artifical poetry calm got more Brussels sprouts those are not Brussels jokes I like Brussels sprouts that's actually kind of cool that's cool I like that yeah it's got painted cloth that's nice to kind of Navy school halo busted up [Music] washing those dishes Oh see I don't know about class old Mel Aman well I mean I've heard I've heard of it as a new target no no no as in something that is so what cut it would looks cool yeah just look there's a whole set near the bowls the small bowl medium bowls good luck yeah that's a good they're coming here next yes oh I need it's in the minute drive over our code didn't work okay maybe this is their silver collection looks like look it's a panda bear the core say you suppose the Cubs last week boy there's violin that's a weird boy to play ball all right this is books all the way down but this will be a good product for that special surprise yes say to you I gotta watch taking a risk this Sunday I'll be on there with George George I think they like powdered sugar they're something or flower or the age I'm not gonna open this cast-iron okay Brett purses books and what what books and jewelry and purses that's a joy no Rex purses books and jewelry yep sure does I want to keep records should we get out here and do this um if the light was better on this thing pretty good yeah yeah it's better out here I see books I see makeup so possibly jewelry unless there was an old box they reused don't say that but you never know I like to be delusional this is all kinds of weirdness the lock box the side of the lock not what do you see Oh jewelry I don't know did you see what was that briefly what wasn't I said it looked like jewelry oh you said is it yours don't make me rewind it you everyone let me know little volume I'll be back the plastic bag quick feels like it might be back massagers oh it's not come on baby it's just a get three oh no don't Hey oh man we find her and every year what is that a purse that was scary attack yeah that's a purse oh yeah dirty kind of there no it's there dingy actually I think real - yeah can we wash this video actually coach actually has instructions for cleaning a website in luigi i I don't know who that is Susan loogie Susan Lucci Rossetti all right let's look in here this is where they kept the dead stuff she wore those out oh yeah yeah yeah we're it 20 minutes one two I really wanted to bust this open but it was already open but they don't know that they know yeah they do hey but this could be our thumbnail lockbox YouTube Oh face story it's got a little glass beads on it uh-huh weird yeah lock all that stuff no you know what yeah more Jewish come on you know it ain't a good sign when they stuck that in there I don't see so far but all right so why we did that and make them wait for that huh better than no jewelry better than oh boy all right I think they're all right here's the dang deal worry how many minutes 23 on this clip right here huh plus an intro yep girl must have half an hour's 45 alright hey here's an idea let us get rearranged the team's gonna be here let me pop a few in these boxes open make the box that's a good Carol Gibson yeah 488 to 500 kind of old or with them yeah coa used to be so that's cool Oh doll heads sugar britches reproduction 1986 what sugar britches here's just a doll ball brand yeah [Music] [Music] diabeetus machine how it is now we should be about 25 minutes 25 minutes alright guys let us get cleaned up I'm gonna find one more box trying to get some of this rearranged because the team's gonna be here soon we got to get this loaded and grab it alright guys we hope you enjoyed that first unit remember we're about to do mail call but stay tuned because we're gonna show you what went down and why we had to call the cops and the outcome of that so stay tuned for that so anyway we got to mount to mas letters and a box done just knock somebody know oh I think maybe the box in Terry Smith's kit what's up so Terry Smith everybody Terry Smith's house okay we marked these out so this is from Myra and Darlene oh wait I'm sorry darling I took a stack of them home and I don't remember why these all were these do these were no these were still on the desk okay I don't know they just didn't get watch my videos you know I'm freaking squirrel okay wishing you a Merry Christmas and a very happy new year oh I hope it's okay to read this on here cuz I'm about to read it I was like I don't know it's private what she says at the end don't show this to the subscribers I'm wishing you family a great Christmas I started watching you your YouTube channel a few months back and I absolutely love them you are fantastic thank you you're highly I am asking if you could please keep my mom and myself in your prayers my mom recently found out that she has cancer and six months to live okay for me I have two brain aneurysms they are small but just keep on keep an eye on them thank you very commonly a very appreciative darling priest so may you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year of 2020 darling thank you darling thank you so much hey this might get me demonetised I'm just gonna pray for you and your mom right now is that cool is it gonna get weird hey if y'all ain't down with prayer stuff that's cool but I don't know I feel like I'm supposed to and I feel like you're supposed to hear it I know good to God doesn't need you to hear I'm just gonna do it so it's gonna get weird but here it is I wish none of your mom's name wasn't in here that's all right lord knows all right dear Heavenly Father Lord we just come to you you know by the power of your spirit lord I do the blood of your son Jesus Christ Lord we pray Lord just for Darlene and her mom Lord and the doctors or that are looking after the Lord that you would give them wisdom id heal our Lord but if if that's not what your plan is order or what takes place Lord that you would comfort the family Lord to know that we have something beyond this we have a greater hope other than any life here the order anything that we could accumulate here on the earth we pray for her a full recovery Lord and though we pray Lord with that recovery that she would give you the glory that is deserved Lord so we pray for a quick and recover just a quick healing and if not Lord again just peace to the family Lord knowing that you are king and that you will return Lord and outside of this earth or there is so much more to be had we love you amen all right sorry y'all Eli get tough crap right dang it why'd you do that that's crying Darlene all right Myra you better not drop a bomb on me right now better be doggie treats or something and I will continue to pray for you I'll put you on my note thing and I'll keep praying for you alright so this one says Merry Christmas Justin and Gina wishing you peace in your heart and happiness in your home this Christmas Myra Lane and Jessica King aah hey you know what Myra my middle name is Elaine - it is that's cool is that cool hey thank you so much more than your awesome we're gonna hang these well I have the other ones at home we're gonna hang these up yeah actually we'll hang them up there cuz we hung one up there already so we'll do that all right so all right Terry Maya sent me anthrax I don't think hey this is old-school hot comb we had to get your soul glow and your prayer Mon I think that's what's so glue all right I don't think that oh look there's a car - whoo says Grimes team we're not gonna tell them that it's just me and Dana they're out there picking up trash yeah they're putting trash all right to the Grimes finds team please open on alive well this is as live as it gets so we'll chat about it cuz we hadn't done alive in a minute yeah we haven't done a lot hard hard yeah Merry Christmas buzz lightyear I love to the Grimes fines team we have included some goodies for family and team we hope that you enjoy them we look forward to many more of your videos online and hope to meet in person merry Christmas to all god bless the Smitty's formerly Oh corpus man I'm about to cry up in this joint man yo people are cool I never thought doing you yeah oh yeah yeah cookies hey can I have what right now what answer accidentally oh you could not pay I don't know relax it is Terry did you do it I'm gonna take one for the team Oh anything that sticks together like that yeah looks really good how long is the Box been sitting up there I don't know I was thinking about that but I bet there find I don't know this is why you open you pay yeah you're supposed to open your packages he was saving it for the perfect time to open - I was hey hey if I die if I die thank you y'all know hey should we dock some real good guys with uh mmm it's still really good mm-hmm chocolate chip I can't believe that these are so soft fun fact good you know what's that new thing on YouTube when it's the people eating make a noise oh no jadam styler mukbang or you have no idea just YouTube that crap is people like they just eat on camera and make that noise my biggest pet peeve y'all is listening to people too with their mouths open that's why and I always tell people I hate I'm a patient man I don't mind waiting on you to chew that up before you keep talking to you my line man cuz you know what it was I think my brother used to eat his cereal when he's literally breathe out his nose like you know like that oh my god you're like stuck with me and like I'll very kindly get up and leave the room or when Gina's eating in the truck oh just reach over I'll turn the radio on Oh usually I say it's gonna do you want me to turn the music on before I start eating we were in the gas station in front of the gas station lady I told Watson she heard me I don't know if you heard me what I said I asked you if you got the loudest chips oh no I heard you he went for the loudest ones pop I don't always get those baked ones that are the kettle cooked really loud she doesn't you know she don't even like him y'all I do too she just gets an enormous jalapeno kettle cooked chips or so yeah that's one of my faves too so anyway guys hey we got to get to the next unit right cuz you got to find out about this mm-hmm and why we called the the garland Police Department who were so gracious to come out here and help us out right to make sure that we do things all legal and proper because that's what we try to do right mm-hmm anyway I just thought it was cool I thought I was cool to me three guys were born in the 80 and watch them kind of you know like geek out we talked Nintendo and talked some other things and anyway we invited them to here any time to look around at stuff so our last dealing with garland right over the grass way back in the twenty twenty yard and I thought you meant in the 2019 like we're still there today one more day one more day hey y'all listen push please I fifteen thousand I know we're so close we might 120 something away no I think we can do it I think we can do it so anyway I well I don't know I gave him my I gave him my youtube channel mmm I don't know the police are so busy though but y'all know I'm a huge supporter of the police so anyway thanks again Garlan PD has been really cool remember when I was telling about when Renee came in town oh yeah Renee got the police officer over the pawn shop did a whole clip with the war I should ask those guys to do it and maybe do hey maybe if we can get them back over here we can kind of get them to do an educational thing on gun you know just how that process of that work and anyway we'll tell you more about that at the end of video yep right so anyway hey let's get to the next unit alright guys so check it out I wasn't gonna film this unit because the end of the day team's been working hard we're about to go home junkie unit to pay $40 for this unit y'all oh I know you did 40 look there is that dressers in on shape it's got the matching thing okay I knew this was this there's there's a lot of seedless taking my phone okay this isn't gonna be a full video obviously it's just just a song stuff kids toys stuff like that smoker and I saw so that mean that the smoker all these so you know we're gonna do it is it's gonna be unboxing I don't know what to ask them to it I didn't plan on this but what I just found in that bike bag just point to the bike back the black bag right there I did not expect I did not expect what's in that bag so anyway let me just show you these real quick these are all frame long Richie Eddie Murphy that's delirious Apollo these are kind of cool Sam Davis Nat King Cole Ray Charles that's a younger that King Cole and then he got old Sanford and Son oh there it's a Smith & Wesson yo okay you're not supposed to drop fire guns man I know that but I didn't expect to find it here with corn chips in it either hey Kourt is that really what the name yeah it looks like it look looks like Dorito no it's fun yeah which makes me think so is there another one in there no I don't know I'll check it out it's not that I don't that's not the right clue I mean it locks into place or maybe this is missing something no that should fit flush that's crazy you gonna tell them why you originally been on this unit come on no you can't mean enough travel this week you hush what oh it's just no no I need you know why I bought it because I felt gun that's what I felt that's why it's gonna work good I thought I saw safe he thought he saw I say you hush America waves day I got look I'm double packing yeah you are I only got four bullets for these you're gonna get shot with a rusty Funyun so I'm gonna have somebody run this for me thanks you're close yeah the works from the police department but that was in this bag I was like man I don't even want to film this unit I'm done I want to go home yeah I still am in shock right now crackhead you guys got wallets hit and freakin got one with everything that's so wild you got your Jewish all right you got your setup you got your whole Bible Bible no little yarmulke and your that's the frankincense and his frankincense in there Ana would frankincense oil and myrrh he calls it mere beer mirror say hey to get $40 this is a good $40 unit packing no more heat [Music] it's a 40 shield Smith & Wesson so how do you get that put into your name if it's not stolen huh if it's not a stolen gun in Texas you don't have to have any what you can sell a gun person person yeah but it's always smart to go have a checked in registered uh-huh just don't like what's up at this club so anyway outlook actually I'm gonna take this thing apart between the claim that Funyuns oh that is so weird did you put Funyuns and bullets in a bag [Applause] [Applause] see some of y'all do today you should see my helper review come this is getting used yeah there's like 600 comments I read seven woman after write almost no it's like I feel kind of sad like that people are so mean that's right I don't usually read oh my gosh see in this kind of close quarters hey Amaro's oh gee why too close you want me guess my off to film this antenna I got ya hard drive or something external hard drive some illegal stuff what's this oh no it was a girl's name on the Geneva on the invoices you don't keep you chips with your gun that's weird oh these are gold oh you know those are gold run I can barely see dang it see these screwed DJ screw you don't know these screws you know what I know I've been on this unit watch out record if there are the fine now [Music] I'm just gonna have to add this to clip bro Oh what microwave stuff still know what she's gonna crush an accordion I'm just dumb I sue Panasonic not question yet hey what up folks look there's Tupac J it's actually kind of nice yeah it's stainless with us really nice you want to take it mint stainless yeah hey I'm doing a horrible job of this I'm sitting here trying to check for cash in this car I was done with this unit wallet I look at cowboy lure oh that's fun man those the fish talk Brandi okay innovative I need sunglasses I've never worn sunglasses I might be with ya I need this when you're slack I'm tryin to get ya know you're doing your best oh dang Gina why can't you get up you're right this is ridiculous what I pay you for actually you don't pay me do you know that you don't pay me aren't I you got me on that the first few years now I got you yeah Geoghan the place TP o T P o we got to go hey I don't even know where this whole thing's going this was unexpected it was alright guys hey check it out I have no idea what to tell you right now I don't know where they tell you to like and ding the bell and all that stuff or hey welcome goodbye I don't know I don't know where I'm putting this I'm putting it somewhere bareback alright guys so there you have it we found a pistola right and anyway so one of the reasons you'll want to have that checked is is because especially the neighborhood where the run was and so anyway so garland PD was awesome enough to come out they ran the gun for us it is clear it hasn't been reported stolen and it has not been committed in a crime that they know of so anyway the officer said hey it's your property it's clear do what you want with it so now the only decision is is to sell her to keep it agreed to solve [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 50,245
Rating: 4.9262409 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Ebay resale, Unboxing, Mystery Box, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, unboxing, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, storage, grimes finds, grimes, cops called, cops, live pd, arrested, caught, police chases, police
Id: jpXCR0vMcs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 40sec (3700 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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