Zombie Apocalypse?! Grimes Finds Abandoned Prepper Storage Unit! Whats Inside!

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look this is actually trash look oh no it's not look at that y'all think we're weird huh look at this this is trash right people say not to buy stuff oh my god but look in here you got ketchup and then you got this a mobile device stand I need that brand-new was in there that's the fun how'd you know I mean you already paid the money back with the ammo and magazines so everything else is just so weird one huh yes look at that ketchup Wendy's barbecue a receipt and when you add this to our change Holly we need to do to change videos yeah we do I want to see a change video [Music] hey guys and welcome to another episode mini episode mini episode alright welcome mini episode so here's the deal we're trying to get the truck unloaded because we are bringing an extra help because we're done with the pirate auction and so this is from the 70 dollar unit it was full of trash bags nobody wanted actually they started bidding on it and the only reason I figured I was telling these guys I've noticed people just start bidding on units now that I've been on them I feel like because I've watched enough to know but anyways so check this out so we're literally this is all coming out trash bags ammo you know a little airsoft guns nice nice look at all that change look at this boxes of ammo cameras what we found this there's only one coin in it well we're open there's more we're finding gun cases we're finding look at that that's kind of new a little newer but look gun parts compasses hey remember when people told me slow down look slingshot bb's we're finding a bunch of old magazines anyway why are we not recording this so anyway we started recording so Katie was about to pull this out before I asked her to go get the phone I hand over to my father but look at those new stuff would you have expected this this is what the unit was was all trash bags like this stacked to the ceiling kind of but 70 bucks y'all look at this oh and this that's nine and Counting the 22 rifle we found in there that we revealed in another video yeah alright yeah yeah so anyway hey let's see if some birthday money so here's the deal though with this unit literally you have a mixture of items and trash I didn't expect to do this I came out here to see what these knuckleheads were up to and they were just pulling out cool stuff new clothes this might be one of the weirdest look at that look at that oh yeah this is so these are like the shapes of bats but they're LED flashlights so this is what I'm gonna start carrying around us the boxes I've got a big black one over here new stuff look new stuff guys this is wow this is the best 72 our unit never bought more clothes they look new look this is actually trashed look oh no it's not look at that y'all think we're weird huh look at this this is trash right oh my god but look in here you got ketchup and then you got this a mobile device stand I need that brand-new was in there mm-hmm it's the fun house you know I mean you already made your money back with the ammo in the magazine so everything else is just so we're fine huh yes look at that ketchup Wendy's barbecue a receipt and we add this to our chain Holly we need to do to change videos yeah we do I want to see a change video I got a bucket it's like a tub just filling up a change all right give me another cool bag let's show where we're not lying watch it's gonna be off track oh it looks like I already got in this crooked look this is just weird so random look a trash bag and a pouch a new new pouch for 15 bucks a crossbody London stitch pouch in with the three musketeers and some dirtiness look at this look a new freaking night it doesn't make sense oh hey I got you I got y'all going home with me these are hot I'm not I'd rather get freakin back here then wear those all right I'm not gonna go through all of this one but you see what I'm talking about something in the cheese about probably this is look sharper image is that in there shakin hey hey there's something that oh hey man I didn't get it on camera Rodney wheeler brought something up there let me be the judge hey there you go hey don't ever ask me for anything again hey Jacob what don't ask for any more times these aren't even the good look it's just random that's it I've to give that to us uh-oh where's this mom mobile charger oh it's a little attorney thing you've never worked but I'm gonna try what's in it that a gun all right so here's deal this is absolutely a drug dealers unit 100% sure what is that program AG C which I'm telling you look at the stack of trash bags don't judge me this place will be out for you next week but this is sorting week and sort of weakness is dirty right so we found probably between the day that me and pirates sorted through part of this unit and everything we probably found out I've probably seen at least over 40 and 50 soldiers which are typical for drug use they use them they drop them they can't be tracked right what is this this is new product ice ice please ding dinging now if it the one time it snows every ten years here I'll be ready yeah oh my gosh my ears start tickling when I see him it's got to clean it out oh look I need this - ooh hey don't put your mouth on it what bro I put somebody's retainer in my mouth did you see that no gotta wash it you know I watch it down oh yeah I mean heck you know they got it was a double retainer with a big metal eye right now I said I wouldn't do it so I did it oh actually you know what it's not in my video it's an Alex's vlog so you got to go to go to the store Stockard and check out his vlog from Texas and check it out that's what you gotta do what you're finding over there yeah that's all I'm like man I just go through and keep finding a new product all day new product all day was it you need some cough drops what is this look at this but it's like they were going in there and using oh we never have enough JV well man I need what you think that is look new hat Chevy yeah I'm not gonna go through this either guys but seriously we have all those bags to go through we have all these boxes out there I'm gonna go through a few more bags so hey dear it's either be on it via Fionna Fionna sausages this is my class the pianist on this is the this might be hands down the weirdest unit I've had in a while come on guns guns guns go look Jeremy Jeremy Nutter Butter anybody want another butter no never I'm a partner on that huh I guess we're just browsers do these look at all but it's just one new problem I might find $70 and change hey Jake go grab me the red tub of change you know where it is right before you go through the flaps it's down on the ground all right we'll see how much change we got it we got to do a change with you look at all hey man see just on the cuff we made a video off-the-cuff I like checkers stuff reminds me of bands yeah look at this foot trash this is nasty oh thank you yeah we got a lot of change going on oh look so this is what we pranked it over the last probably month y'all start counting it now yeah look their dollars nineteen seventy think we'll find silver [Applause] we're gonna do a change challenge video soon holy new schizos we always need those who do need new users scissors fossils uglies their focus chat leather jacket and chaps oh and humidor and wine glasses oh you know I'm gonna bet we look at this it's an empty military-grade shotgun box oh man there's one that's got a bunch of they might be high in cigars oh they smell like now this look like Cupid that smells so good look at the all these different kind of cigars nice to smell of this and when you need it now it smelled really good all right let's see what else we got in this box then maybe we'll turn it off all right well let me get these Tata make sure nothing personal showing let's just drop the ball anybody know we're not this alright more weirdness what what do you got yes he look that's gonna be a good box come on be the box hey stop messing with that box I'm joking hey I swear if you see a gun in there and you pull it out scream like a little girl no you better drop it okay whoa look at this Sheffield Ted you got a bunch of a man are you kidding me y'all look at this Smith & Wesson uh this was a $70 unit y'all a 70 freaking what more change y'all look at this that's not a $1 bill yeah I got a fob right here give me that box you don't know what you're doing up there hold on let's look I don't know whose box to go to Wow five one six oh seven eight you come 9 10 11 11 come on change yeah well I say I'll go with at least five bucks here right but hold on hold on what's this 11 yep look another fiver another fiver that's 17 with that all right we're gonna have to add this to the change thing later but yeah dang Oh somebody paid for it to $424 he paid for it hey we still have a ton of boxes go hey hey some old biker jacket oh yeah yeah I so much equus what was that was that on police academy do you remember they're chasing somebody and they go into a particular kind of bar 380 Amaro we ran well y'all we easily have a couple of bucks and ammo easy well hey slow down show it to the camera oh sorry they would like to see look at this y'all fifty carcasses for a 388 9-millimeter I can tell you right now and change and then bullets and knife you make ten times our money yep at least easy-peasy all right I said it is there any more exciting boxes yeah got one where what is that oh yeah oh that wasn't that unit - that fell out yeah it almost fell out again on top of me dang it oh hey you might be in there somewhere [Music] for change Oh arrowheads ain't change that's kind of Oh Batman yeah and they got the tags on yeah yeah these are kind oh this is uh this is a what's-his-name style old junkman this is just not my style I don't how man's has got to be samurai master from like a third dynasty the third ding Dynasty oh yeah it is cuz look they stamped it right here carbons do yeah totally tomahawk yes yeah definitely no hey Jake we set this table I guess it is they just be taped it up [Music] yeah there's a price tag right here right here how much did it cost no you're lying get out of here yeah in there yeah it's in there 24:38 four hundred and thirty-eight dollars that for Rizal I guess it's a home theater system a $2,500 freakin speaker system for 70 bucks and a frickin original third ding Dynasty freaking book sword ding-dong-dang go thank you guys woofing finish it off oh yeah all right accident you mismanage each other oh yeah you ding-dong ours no ding-dong Dingle ding-dong-dang go I do like this this is normal normal person down what else we got that's it all right so that oh wait what's that one is that a box yeah on the bottom peek in it see if it's worth know anyone I didn't expect to do this video so I'm gonna milk look at that we got all this for 70 bucks for 70 bucks plus the speaker system plus is it another drone we found three new drones it's not new anymore hey check it out brand-new and the throne I've seen here it's pretty fun we wanted to keep this around the shop alright what's in here huh alright we're not doing that alright guys so I didn't expect how long was it about 22 minutes we would have done that for no reason alright guys so uh hey here's the deal free video a $70 unit you be the judge if we did get it on make sure to go to all my what's the what's the thing feature channel featured channels make sure to subscribe like do all that good jazz for them because they're good people and make sure to do the same thing for us and remember we're trying to get to 10,000 subscribers in two we have weeks and I was gonna start it what is that so now Monday is when I was gonna start it which it's been two days so right we'll close two weeks when you get a move on I think we're at 5500 then we blow past 50 pop yeah hey do this make sure to just go on your cell phone go to our page go up to the three lines at the top hit that it'll say share and then copy link and actually the quickest way I've learned to get my friends to do it because people are lazy sometimes text it to them say hey cool channel go check it out they're giving away five hundred bucks cash for new subscribers and old subscribers all the rules and regulations for that will come soon that is not connected to the auction yo we've had a lot of calls about that what we're doing is the $500 is if we get to the 10,000 all the way if we get to ten thousand and two and a half weeks and is it reasonable to do absolutely the way we've been growing it is so if you want it the rules will be there soon but go ahead and start sharing it and let me know comment the video say hey I got so-and-so to join I got so-and-so to join start a list check it twice send it to me and you might want $500 we'll see you the next year [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 16,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, how to make money, walking dead, rick grimes, grimes finds, prepper, doomsday prepper, zombies, markiplier, pewdiepie, jake paul, asmr, jacksepticeye, joe rogan, try not to laugh, youtube, baby shark, auction house, online auction, hoarders
Id: xVz4zoR1Sgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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