The Disturbing Hoaxes Iceberg Explained

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well lazy legion it's halloween again and this  year i think you will deserve a little treat   a treat that comes in the form of a list of  tricks usually we try to stick to true crime and   real scary stories on this channel but today we're  turning our attention towards hoaxes specifically   this hoaxes iceberg created by reddit user  silentchatter this charts fell to the brim with   all manner of deceptions that have taken place  over the years some of them harmless fun others   far more sinister with real world consequences as  we make our way down from the clear skies into the   murky waters things will get progressively more  obscure and for the most part dark it's a pretty   big iceberg so i'll be skipping the entries that  don't fit with the halloweeny vibe we're going for   i'll also be throwing a couple of my own choices  into the mix too so make sure you have that bell   icon turned on cue that iceberg tearless music  and join me as we make our way down into the abyss bigfoot's body in 2008 two bigfoot hunting  hobbyists named matthew whitten and rick dyer   contacted the media with a bold claim according to  them they just made the discovery of the century   while exploring a remote wooded area in  north georgia they accidentally stumbled   upon a sasquatch den home to a small community of  primitive ape men and ape women on the outskirts   of the den they found a dead male bigfoot which  they said was seven feet seven inches tall   and weighed more than 500 pounds they managed  to drag the carcass away from the den without   being detected and put the creature's body on ice  they then immediately called up news outlets to   report their discovery and sent them this photo  to prove they really had found a dead sasquatch   they added that they were going to release  video footage that they had taken of the other   living specimens along with indisputable dna  evidence that this really was the missing link   big publications like cnn and the new york  times began reporting on the alleged discovery   and sasquatch enthusiasts around the world started  getting excited that this was really it this was   the eureka moment bigfoots were real bigfoots  big feet i'm not sure how you pluralize it to   be honest but one thing we can all be sure  of is that this was all a hoax no evidence   was ever presented by the two men which proved  they'd really found a genuine sasquatch carcass   and the photo was denounced as a fake turns  out that one of the men rick dyer ran a bigfoot   tours company and this whole thing was just a  publicity stunt to help him drum up business   and also for him to get his 15 minutes of fame hey  we're talking about him now so i guess it worked   as for his accomplice matthew whitton he was  fired from his job as a police officer for   his role in this hoax fake celebrity  deaths if there's one thing that the   internet's filled with it's reports on fake  celebrity deaths or at least it used to be   i remember seeing loads of these growing up  rowan atkinson was a common one that popped   into my feed from time to time eddie murphy  apparently died in a snowboarding accident   to be honest pretty much every major celebrity  fell victim to this hoax at one stage or another   there you'd be happily scrolling down your  newsfeed on facebook and then bam r.i.p will   and jaden smith you will be missed so why  were these hoaxes so common back in the day   well for starters they're easy to make up and if  you create a fake post about a well-known person's   passing a lot of gullible people will probably  take it at face value and share it around without   google checking first this turned out to be  a much bigger problem than people realized   hackers quickly became aware of how easily  these rumors spread and began disseminating   their own fake celebrity death articles online  people would stumble upon a picture of their   favorite famous face see the breaking  news headline and that big old r.i.p   hit the share button without thinking  and then click on the article   the link would take them to a site designed  to infect their computer with malware   these posts became more than just hoaxes  they'd become scams set up with the intent   purpose of obtaining your name address and  bank details and millions of social media users   inadvertently helped spread them these types  of scam articles are nowhere near as common as   they were back in the early 2010s but they  do still crop up today so stay vigilant paul is dead and the avril  levine replacement theory   so we've just covered fake celebrity death reports  easy to disprove with a simple google search   but then there's the other type of celebrity death  hooks the replacement theories the two most famous   ones have to be paul is dead and the avril levine  replacement hypothesis according to these theories   both paul mccartney and avril lavigne died  early on in their respective careers but were   replaced by body doubles so that their labels  could continue to sell records those who take   these theories seriously like to point to changes  in both of their appearances over time changes   that supposedly occurred after their original  versions died subliminal clues are apparently   scattered throughout both of their discographies  too for example at the end of the beatles song   strawberry fields forever you can supposedly  hear john lennon sing the line i buried paul john himself actually said he sang the words  cranberry sauce but hey all of the beatles were   aware of the paul as dead hoax and despite each  member repeatedly saying it was just a stupid   rumor the urban legend still persists as for  avril lavigne people point to the appearance   and disappearance of various moles and blemishes  on her skin between her first and second album as   well as her sudden makeover during that period i  mean it's almost like people change over time like   paul before her avril has denied these replacement  rumors on multiple occasions and believes the   theory only came about because quote people  are just bored and need something to talk about dead celebrities are still alive so in contrast  to the last entries sometimes people don't want   to admit that their idol has passed away and i  understand letting go can be hard as such some   folks have come up with theories about how certain  dead celebrities are actually alive and well   some more believable than others elvis was an  undercover fbi agent that infiltrated the mafia   and the feds helped him fake his own death  so he could slip away into witness protection   michael jackson faked his death to escape the  limelight and then appeared on the larry king show   under the name dave dave soon after as  a secret farewell to his biggest fans   countless others escaped to a private island  somewhere to live out their days in peace   well the sad reality is no one lives forever  celebrities especially those who achieve   any degree of fame actually have a lower life  expectancy than the average person and the more   famous they get the shorter they're predicted  to live the pressures of fame and success   can ultimately be too much for many celebrities  to bear and they turn to a life of excess as a   means of escape which in turn has a huge impact  on both their health and wealth it's not uncommon   for them to spiral out of control and end up  in some dark places mentally physically and   financially with the rest of the world looking  on and treating their decline as entertainment   with all that in mind the fact that they often  pass so young really shouldn't surprise us at all   when it comes to all of these dead  celebrities are still alive theories   when you look into them for more than five  minutes it becomes glaringly obvious they're   full of massive logical holes are based on little  to no evidence and are nothing more than wishful   thinking at best an intentional hoaxes at worst i  remember there being this great commercial back in   the day that played into this type of hoax and had  kurt cobain elvis john lennon tupac bruce lee and   marilyn monroe all living it up on a secret island  hiding from passing ships and sipping on brewskis   it's a funny ad but also perfectly showcases  how ridiculous some of these theories can be alien autopsy when it comes to hoaxes is there  anything more classic than a good old alien story   they're like the margarita pizza of hostdom basic  yet satisfying but convincing images of aliens   are very rare indeed there have been a few that  have fooled a sizable number of people however   but perhaps the one that spooled  the most was the 17-minute long   1995 video known simply as the alien autopsy tape  the footage had apparently been filmed at area 51   directly after the 1947 roswell incident and  was touted as being a leaked government secret   the grainy black and white film shows  three scientists in full hazmat suits   dissecting a realistic looking dead alien  that was found in a crashed spaceship   the realistic footage captured the  public's imagination and a documentary   investigating the tape's authenticity was  made called alien autopsy fact or fiction   this documentary aired on fox three times with  one broadcast reaching 11.7 million viewers   for over a decade people debated whether  this was a genuine government tape or not   with there being no definitive proof  either way so alien autopsy fact or fiction   well it's on this iceberg so i think  you already know the answer to that   turns out the footage had been made by two british  filmmakers along with a few professional friends   they had in the movie industry they eventually  came clean and said that the alien was a life-size   doll it's realistic bendable limbs they'd been  made with lamb bones that they bought at the   local butchers the alien's insides were made  up of sheep sprains and cow gizzards to their   credit the filmmakers had recorded the footage  with a lot of care to detail making sure all of   the props were authentic for the period and even  shooting the whole thing on 16 millimeter film   of course some of the more die-hard alien  enthusiasts out there still believe the tape   is authentic and say the government simply got to  the filmmakers and forced them to go along with   the hoax narrative and i get it it's much more  fun to believe than to disbelieve but in this case   the truth isn't out there it's right here  and the truth is this was just a hoax 2012 apocalypse man this one takes me back   according to the mayan calendar the world was  supposed to end in 2012. this one was obviously   a hoax because well take a deep breath did it  feel good of course it did you're still alive pal this man have you seen this man every night all  over the world hundreds of people see this face   in their dreams if this man appears in your dreams  too or if you have any information that can help   us identify him please contact us so says the  famous flyer that originated on   this has to be one of the most popular  scary tales to circulate around the internet   as the story goes the sketch of this man was  created by a well-known psychiatrist in new   york who was recreating the character that  kept appearing in one of his patients dreams   soon the psychiatrists other patients saw  this uncanny image and noted that they too   had seen this man in their dreams despite  having never met him in their waking life   the psychiatrist passed the picture  on to some of his colleagues and soon   more than 2 000 of their patients had claimed  to have dreamt about this man on a regular basis   as the legend of this man grew in popularity he  started seeping from the internet into other media   there was a reference to this man in the x-files  and here in japan a manga series was released   about him posters and flyers started popping  up in major cities spreading the story of this   man to the offline world and asking people  who had dreamt about him to come forward   but although many people have claimed  to have seen this man in their dreams   they're either just suggestible or  actively playing into the hoax for fun   the website and the story were both the creation  of andrea nattella an italian marketer nutella   admitted that this man and was simply  a marketing boy though he never actually said   what he was marketing so in one sense the  campaign was massively successful because   who here hasn't heard about this man before on  the other hand it was a complete flop because   what the hell was he advertising given the large  number of people from all over the world that   either helped us spread this hoax or actively  bought into it it's safe to say nutella was   tapping into something with his mysterious  campaign there's clearly something about us   all collectively dreaming about the same man that  really draws us in and captures our imaginations fiji mermaid this creepy object is known as the  fiji mermaid but before i explain what it is   let me ask you something have you ever seen  the greatest showman you know the feel good   story of pt barnum well i hate to break  it to you but pt barnum wasn't a nice guy   in the movie he empowered people but in real life  he was much more interested in exploiting them   for instance he sometimes exhibited  african-americans with birth defects   saying that it demonstrated  their so-called inferiority   he also charged people to see a 161 year old woman  who in reality was only half that age and when the   woman died barnum held a public autopsy for all  to see try and make a musical number about that   in 1842 pt told the world that he had found a  real-life mermaid and exhibited this creature   to the public he described it as quote an ugly  dried-up diminutive specimen about three feet long   its mouth is open its tail turned over and its  arms thrown up giving it the appearance of having   died in great agony this description shocked  the public because up until that point everyone   imagined mermaids as these beautiful human-like  creatures still its grotesque appearance didn't   stop thousands of paying customers coming to  marvel at this newly discovered beast i guess   there really is a sucker born every minute like pt  said because this mermaid was nothing but a hoax   as it goes an american sea captain named samuel  barrett eads bought the mermaid from some japanese   fishermen it's believed the fisherman took the  mummified torso and head of a juvenile monkey   and sewed it to the back half of a fish as  a joke well it was a lucrative joke because   the captain paid them six thousand dollars for  what he thought was a real mummified mermaid   this treasure eventually made its way  back to pt barnum who profited from it   as he had with numerous hoax attractions  throughout his career the original fiji   mermaid was destroyed in a fire not long after but  several recreations like this have since been made man beef man beef refers to a website that  appeared in 2001 one that quickly gained   notoriety as the name implies the site claimed  to be selling human flesh for the quote unquote   sophisticated human meat consumer the site  proclaimed we have everything from sausages   and soup bones to bouillon and stock all made with  the highest quality human meats every cut of human   meat we sell has been selected for its superb  quality and flawless texture we only offer the   choicest cuts of meat most people heard about  man beef via emails specifically emails from   angry gullible folks who wanted to have the site  taken down and the owners investigated with the   site receiving half a million hits a day the u.s  food administration were forced to look into it   unsurprisingly they found no evidence of any human  meat being sold in fact there wasn't even a way   to buy any food products on the side the only  thing for sale was man beef branded merchandise   it was simply a spoof site set up by a guy  with the alias joseph christopherson who said   he was just trying to be gross and churn a few  stomachs the sight shut down at the end of 2001 finger in wendy's chilly meat's  still on the menu with this entry   in 2005 a woman called anna ayala ordered a bowl  of chili at a wendy's restaurant in san jose   she enjoyed the first few spoonfuls but then one  mouthful had a particularly strange crunch to it   she spat out whatever she had just bitten  into and looked down at it in horror   it was the partially cooked tip of a human finger  which had been hidden in amongst all the chili   the scandal drew international headlines and ended  up costing wendy's an estimated 21 million dollars   in lost business nobody wanted to receive  a surprise serving of wendy's finger food   the company bosses believe that anna had  planted the finger in the chili herself   in order to sell her story to the media  and potentially take them to court   rather than let their brand be tarnished wendy's  instead offered a 100 000 reward to anyone with   information about how the finger got in the  chili they didn't need to pay up in the end   however a police investigation revealed the  truth before anyone could claim the money   it came to light that the finger hadn't been  cooked in the chili at all the whole thing   was a scam cooked up by anna and her husband jaime  they'd gotten a severed finger from one of jaime's   co-workers who lost it in an industrial accident  fried it in a pan at home themselves and lied   about it being in the chili anna plead guilty  to fraudulently pointing the finger at wendy's   and was sentenced to a whopping nine years behind  bars she was released four years into her sentence   on good behavior but to this day is banned from  ever setting foot inside a wendy's restaurant tainted halloween candy there have long been  rumors that if you go trick-or-treating some   despicable individual might drop  some poison candy into your bag   everyone seems to think this is something that  happens but in truth there have never been any   reports of someone being given lace sweets or  chocolate by a stranger while trick-or-treating   there was a father who took the life of his  own son on halloween night using this method   so that's likely the genesis of these hoax stories   but yeah this has never happened  to anyone going door to door montana zombie eas in 2013 the residents of great  falls montana received the shock of their lives   when the local tv station krtv was suddenly  interrupted by the emergency alert system   no images flashed on screen but that bone-chilling  warning tone sounded off at an ear piercing volume   before an authoritative male  voice made a chilling announcement reported that the bodies of the dead are rising  from their graves and attacking the living   follow the messages on screen that will be updated  as information becomes available do not attempt to   approach or abraham these bodies as they are  considered extremely dangerous this warning   applies to all areas receiving this broadcast  turn into 9 20 am to get updated information   in the event that you are separated from your  television or if electrical service is interrupted   this station will now sees transmission  so please use your battery powered radio   tune in to 9 20 am for the nation the message was short but disturbingly clear the  end was nigh thankfully the ravenous undead hadn't   actually resurfaced a feast on our brains this  was all the handiwork of some unidentified hackers   seeing how this hoax took place on a  monday afternoon few people were tuned in   to actually hear it unfold but just imagine  you're home alone going about your business   with the tv on in the background when you  suddenly hear an emergency warning tone   followed by a convincing announcement saying  the dead have awoken to feast on the living   i think a fair few of us would have started  putting our zombie apocalypse plan into action dark web red rooms the dark web is considered by  many to be the wild west of the internet the world   wide web's shadowy underbelly a lawless place  where anything and everything goes there are   countless stories from people who claim to have  stumbled upon all manner of illegal activities   going on there right under society's nose perhaps  most infamous are the stories about red rooms   red rooms are said to be sites on the dark web  where viewers can pay to watch live streams   of people being killed the things that happen to  these poor souls are determined by the viewers who   contribute to the live chat and leave donations  with their requests whatever these viewers want   they get and the highest bidder gets to decide  the way the victim is ultimately dispatched of   just gaining access to these streams is said to  cost thousands of dollars perhaps even tens of   thousands which begs the question how do so many  people have stories about these red rooms in the   first place also how are these red rooms operating  all of the secretive browsers like tor would   struggle to support live stream video since they  all run their web traffic through multiple servers   people have sold terrible things through  the dark web in the past but it just seems   infeasible that they could sell tickets to  a live event that would struggle to even run   at the end of the day it's incredibly  hard to prove something doesn't exist   but when the only evidence we have is anecdotes  from anonymous users on the internet i think   it's safe to assume that red rooms are simply  the subject of creepypastas and nothing more the cooper family falling body photo i'm  sure you've all come across this image before   the cooper family photo otherwise known  as the creepiest photobomb of all time   in the 1950s the cooper family bought an old  house out in texas on their first night the   father of the household took this photo of  his wife mother-in-law and two young sons   it wasn't until after the image had developed  that they realized an uninvited guest to join   them at the dinner table that night a falling  or dangling body that hadn't been there when   the father snapped the picture they were  gobsmacked but more than that and they were   terrified clearly they were now sharing a home  with a spirit there was no other explanation   it's a chilling photo for sure but fortunately  or unfortunately some might say there's no   truth behind it if the strangely convenient  composition of the photo didn't give it away   or you know the fact that it's clearly too good  to be true this image is a fake the vignetting   around the picture is far too symmetrical to be  authentic and the photo has all the hallmarks   of having been digitally tampered with either  in photoshop or some other software according   to the story surrounding the image  seems to have originated online around 2013.   though we don't know who created the picture  they likely inserted the falling ghost into an   actual old image that they had found somewhere  in order to make an art piece someone then came   upon it online created the fake story about the  cooper family and because it's a genuinely creepy   photo it naturally spread around the internet  even though the image has been thoroughly   debunked a lot of people still like to say  that it's real i'm not falling for it though drop bears if you've ever been to australia a  local might have warned you to watch out for   drop bears a breed of koala but where  most koalas are docile and herbivorous   drop bears are predatory and carnivorous  and much larger than their gentle cousins   you're bound to hear stories about unsuspecting  travelers taking in australia's natural beauty   only for one of these drop bears to jump out from  a tree and begin ferociously biting and clawing at   them very dangerous creatures those droppers they  always go for the throat in reality this is just a   ninjok that aussies like to tell tourists in order  to freak them out a little bit and plays into   that hole everything in australia wants to kill  you meme slightly cruel mostly funny 100 a hoax lake city quiet pills was the domain for that  old guy's image host a website with a sinister   undertone hosted by a reddit user known as  milo it's been speculated that the website   which on the surface appeared to be nothing more  than a place for users to share sordid pictures   was actually a front for  real-life contract assassins   these rumors started when someone found  strange things in the site's coding   there appeared to be secret messages and  ciphers hidden in the html saying things   like need formed group 8 to 10 single operation  delivery bonus gentleman's agreement insurance   immediate need need two english speakers  private sector at sea hw experience a must   recent s or sbs preferred these cryptic  messages got a lot of people talking on reddit   to many they sounded like job listings for hitmen  hw experience heavy weapons theories started to   be thrown around especially with regards to  the site's domain name lake city quiet pills   that was an odd domain for a site  called that old guy's image host to have   some users speculated that lake city could be a  reference to the lake city army ammunition plant   the largest producer of small round ammo for the  us government if that was true then a quiet pill   might be code for a bullet user started digging  through the reddit history of the site's host milo   one thing they noticed was he often talked  about his real-life experiences in the military   he'd leave replies to other users saying things  like i can tell you from experience piano wire   is hard to pull through someone's neck 0.030.050  stainless steel works best in my honest opinion   don't use brass or bronze avoid using wound guitar  strings too they make too much noise he also gave   his detailed thoughts on the best way to dispose  of a body what's the time factor involved will   they be missed quickly oftentimes moving the  body to a secure remote area and letting it   go for a couple of months and then disposing of  the bones is best but it must be really remote   reddit detectives concluded that milo must have  been an old contract killer and now in his old age   was hosting the lake city quiet pills website  for working mercenaries looking for jobs   links between the site and real-life hits were  drawn up ideas like the name milo standing for   military intelligence liaison officer were being  discussed all of the evidence was coming together   though obviously it was all speculative and  none of it actually proved that milo or his   website were linked to real life assassins there  are still plenty of people who believe lake city   choir pills is a merc for higher website but in  all likelihood the whole story was a fabrication   the trail of breadcrumbs left by milo and  others is a little too convenient for my taste   on top of that popular youtuber barely  sociable did some digging of his own   and came to the conclusion that the whole thing  was a hoax devised by a second life role player   named trent katsu the whole thing was apparently  perpetuated by members of the dsf forum   in all likelihood that old guy's  image host was just some shady website   trent and his friends set up which they  then all decided to have some fun with   thus birthing the lake city quiet pills  mystery even if they were posting genuine   secret messages in the code you can rest assured  they weren't really job listings for assassins jengam oh lord i didn't want to talk about this  one but here we go so back in november of 2007   there was a bit of a widespread panic  across the usa about a substance called   jenkum this jenkum was apparently becoming  popular in middle schools and high schools   throughout the country and was being  used by youngsters as a way to get high   they'd take this liquid substance known as  jenkum and inhaled the fumes to hallucinate   so how were so many broke students  getting their hands on this jenkins stuff   well they were making it you see  jenkum is purportedly a real thing   it originated in south africa and  is made from fermented human feces   writer emma guest described the making of jenkum  as fermented human sewage scraped from pipes and   stored in plastic bags or bottles for a week or  so until it gives off numbing intoxicating fumes   these bags and bottles are sealed tightly  so that the precious fumes don't escape   after the waste has festered those fumes are then  inhaled and are said to give the user intense   visions and feelings of euphoria and serenity  hydrogen sulfide aka sewer gas has been tested   on mice in the past and yes it does indeed cause  hypoxia which can result in feelings of euphoria   so jenkum itself is likely not a hoax and really  is still used in parts of africa to this day   particularly in zambia what was a hoax was that  students in the usa were using it on mass in 2007.   so where did this hoax originate from what  i understand the sheriff's department of   collier county florida issued a bulletin  about widespread jenkins after discovering   an online forum post made by a guy called  pickwick who described how to make the stuff   after hearing about this tv stations began  reporting on it telling parents that this was   a national problem and to smell their children's  breath when they came home from school to check   if they'd been using butt hash never thought  i'd say that on this channel as it turns out   these tv stations were full of there have been  no reports of students using jenkum in the usa   that year and it remains unclear why they thought  it was such a national problem in the first place   must have been a slow news week  but yeah jenkum not even once hanging munchkin in wizard of oz i'm sure  we're all familiar with the wizard of oz right   this classic movie became famous for  its pioneering use of technicolor   but in recent years has become infamous  for an urban legend attached to it   in one scene that's come to be known as the tin  woodsman sequence dorothy and her companions are   shown happily skipping down the yellow brick road  off in the distance however something can be seen   swinging in the background a dark blob the story  goes that one of the munchkin actors had hanged   himself during the filming of that scene and that  this dark object is him dangling from the rope   the reason this story became so prevalent  is likely because of the film's vhs release   for the first time audiences were able  to rewind the movie and pause at this   specific moment to analyze the background and  speculate on what this sinister blob might be   but the thing about watching a vhs on a home  television is that the picture quality is nowhere   near the level of film projected onto a cinema  screen a lot of time had passed between when the   film was screened in theaters and when it came out  on vhs so most people watching it from the comfort   of their own armchairs had never seen it on the  big screen if they'd been able to they would have   realized that the dark figure in the background  was quite obviously not a dangling human and was   most likely a crane the additional fact that the  munchkin actors didn't arrive on set until after   the tim woodsman sequence had been filmed should  be enough to put this myth to bed once and for all   still even though we can add this entry  to our ever-growing pile of hoaxes   there are still plenty of true horror stories  attached to the wizard of oz's production   not with the terrible treatment of judy garland  the aluminium paint poisoning of buddy epsom   and the third degree burning of wicked witch  margaret hamilton and her stunt double betty danko   seriously some of the onset stories  from this film are messed up well to hell this is an urban legend about a group  of siberian engineers who drilled the hole so deep   they reached hell after drilling to a depth of  14.4 kilometers they allegedly broke through a   cavity a thermal sensor was lowered into the well  along with the microphone the thermal sensor took   a reading of 1000 degrees celsius but more  disturbing than that were the sounds picked   up by the mic which were now emanating through  the speakers the engineers clamped their hands   over their ears to try and block out what they  were hearing the agonizing screams of the damned   there was no doubt in any of their  minds that these were the sounds of hell   this story was first reported on in a religious  newspaper called jewels of jericho before being   picked up by other christian publications who  either sincerely thought this story was true   or were just trying to convince their readers  that there really is a realm of fire below us dead fairy in 2007 a man named dan baines posted  some unusual photos on his website photos like   this he claimed that a dog walker had found the  remains of a strange creature around farstone   hill in duffield derbyshire baines himself said  that it was the mummified carcass of a dead fairy   and pointed out the intact ears wings hair skin  and teeth according to baines the fairy corpse   had been examined by anthropologists and forensic  experts who confirmed that the body was genuine   x-rays had apparently shown that the creature had  the same internal makeup as that of a small child   except for the fact that its bones were hollow  like a bird's making it light enough to fly   word about this discovery spread and baines's  website started receiving 20 000 hits a day with   hundreds of fairy believers sending him emails  about how they had found something similar too   here's the thing though dan dambanes himself was  a sculptor and an illusion designer in london he'd   uploaded the images a few days before april fool's  day and intended the whole thing to be a prank   he had no idea so many people would genuinely  believe his sculpture was an authentic   fairy body on april 1st he left a comment on his  website declaring the whole thing had been a joke   he wrote even if you believe in fairies as i  personally do there will always be an element of   doubt in your mind that would suggest the remains  are a hoax however the magic created by the   possibility of the fairy being real is something  you'll remember for the rest of your life   some believers refused to accept that fairies  weren't real and said that baynes was just trying   to cover up the truth about their existence by  releasing false information thus harming the   credibility of various baines continued to receive  a large volume of emails in the weeks and months   following his confession and said it took him  up to four hours a day to reply to all of them   in the end he listed his fairy  sculpture on ebay it sold for 280 pounds cern ritual hoax cern is the european  organization for nuclear research   they operate the largest particle  physics laboratory in the world   home to the large hadron collider  and other technical marvels   the organization's main focus is to provide the  particle accelerators needed for high energy   physics research and as such scientists from all  across the world make use of their facilities   seeing how cern are at the forefront of  cutting-edge technology and research there have   of course been countless theories about what's  actually going on there some think that cern   are experimenting with time travel others blame  them for causing earthquakes some even believe   that the scientists there are opening portals  into hell and other dimensions all of these   theories were of course baseless that is until  2016 when this found footage video leaked online   the video depicts an occult ritual being  performed by cern employees at the geneva facility   all of them dressed in black cloaks gathered  around a statue of shiva the footage appears   to have been captured from a high vantage  point by somebody outside the complex the ominous clip ends with  a woman being sacrificed   and a clearly terrified  cameraman running from the scene theorists had a field day with  this one rumors already existed   about strange activities going on at  cern and this clip seemed to prove it   so were the world's greatest minds using the  hadron collider to summon the antichrist or   to open up a gateway into another realm well  something weird was definitely going on there   because believe it or not this video genuinely  had been filmed at the cern facility in geneva   in the site's main square impact where a statue  of shiva stands as a permanent display whoever   the people involved were they must have had  access passes this gave more weight to the clip's   authenticity but even though the footage had been  recorded at cern by people who must have worked   there the organization itself said that the video  was pure fiction made by prankster scientists   a cern spokeswoman came forward and announced that  quote these scenes were filmed on our premises   but without official permission or knowledge  cern does not condone this type of spoof   which can give rise to misunderstandings  about the scientific nature of our work   every year serm welcomes thousands of  scientific users from all over the world   and sometimes some of them let their humor go  too far this is what happened on this occasion   she concluded by saying an internal investigation  was taking place to figure out which individuals   were behind the fake footage despite the video  being a hoax a fairly large number of people   still believe something sinister is going on  at cern and that it somehow involves the occult   just type in cern ritual onto youtube and take  a look at the comment section of any video   you're bound to find some interesting comments hi walter i got a new gf today now we're getting  to the dark stuff hi walter i got a new girlfriend   today he's referring to a video on youtube  originally uploaded in 2009 by 2150 studios   the re-upload is currently sitting at 1.5 million  views the video starts out normal enough with a   young man sitting alone in a room talking to the  camera but he's not addressing his entire audience   he's specifically talking to someone  called walter as if this video was uploaded   just for him the man explains how he had just  met the most amazing girl at the mall that day   and describes how he went shopping with  her at jc penney's and a jewelry shop   with a voice that's struggling to hold back  excitement the man says that he brought this   goal back to his place i know she hates cameras  walter but i'm gonna show you her anyways   you ready the video suddenly cuts to a different  area of the house we're now in some dingy basement   the man opens a door to reveal a tied up woman  cowering in the corner of a small bathroom   crying and desperately begging for help the man  enters the room and slams the door behind him   the woman screams and the video ends abruptly  this upload got a lot of people talking   a young woman named kayla berg had gone  missing at the time the video went live   and some viewers noticed that the girl  in the bathroom looked a lot like her   fearing that this was more than just a  joke several viewers actually contacted   the police about the video and the owners  of the youtube channel were investigated   kayla's own mother even watched the video and said  quote it sounded like her looked like her it gave   me chills it appeared as if there had just been a  massive development in the case the video started   being reported on by the media and the comments  section of the video was now filled with outrage   this prompted the owners of the channel to  leave this comment on one of their other videos   we apologize for any emotional harm caused  by highwalter i got a new girlfriend today   produced back in 2009 there was no intention  of it resembling any real person or event   the actors involved wished to extend their  sympathies to the mother of kayla berg   and sincere apologies for the  emotional turmoil it caused   so as it turns out this whole video was just  an art piece designed to drum up interest in   their youtube channel it had nothing to do with  kayla berg and it was just a coincidence that   the actress resembled her but imagine seeing  this before it was confirmed to be a hoax   i mean the guy's actually a pretty good actor  he sells the part and makes you believe that he   really is some unhinged nerdy guy who just snapped  one day the fact that he's addressing some guy   called walter makes the video appear more personal  as well like this was some sort of revenge video   but although this video did turn out  to be fake and the creators obviously   didn't intend to cause any harm a lot of  people really thought this was real back   in the day and it's extremely unfortunate  that kayla berg's mother was amongst them disturbing movie iceberg rumors the horror cinema  iceberg make a a the disturbing movie iceberg   has to be one of the most popular charts covered  on youtube wendagoon made a very well received   video dissecting each of its layers and i highly  recommend you check it out if you haven't already   the icebergs exactly what it sounds like a list  of horror movies ranging from the entertaining   to the downright outlawed the upper layers are  filled with the standard horror flicks we all know   and love soar mid-summer that kind of thing with  more obscure and obscene entries in the mid tiers   but it's the bottom few layers  we're concerned with in this one   some of these titles supposedly contain  real life snuff and as wendergoon himself   refers to it cheese pizza several of the bug's  inclusions most certainly do show real death   that much is true those however are all mixed  tapes basically compilations of horrific footage   already available on the clearnet but a  snuff movie isn't just any film with a   body in it they have to include footage of  a real-life murder taking place on screen   the entries on this iceberg that are said to  contain real snuff and cheese pizza ah as far as i   can tell only rumored to exist they're apparently  only available on the dark web but although you'll   find people discussing their existence on forums a  lot of them just seem to be internet urban legends   don't get me wrong real horrible stuff is out  there and some of the movies on this iceberg are   very real and very horrible but the rumors that  any of them contain anything illegal appear to be baseless this is a vaguely  creepy website that's been online since 1999.   it details the pregnancy of a mr li mingwei  the first human male to be with child   the site contains a variety of documentary  evidence news reports pictures video clips ekgs   ultrasound images and the like even though it  presented itself as real the site was simply an   art project created by a guy named virgil  wong despite obviously being a hoax wong   said he received thousands of emails from men all  around the world who wanted to become male mothers chinese baby eating hoax last year a number of  photos began making the rounds on social media   sites photos like these they were attached  to news articles that claimed in china   people eat fetuses to improve their health  and boost their performance in the bedroom   the photos depicted a man seated at a restaurant  table eating human baby soup a rare delicacy   that apparently costs four thousand dollars u.s in  one of the images he's taking a big bite straight   out of the torso these images sparked outrage  online chinese users stepped forward to say that   the photos were fake only for them to be lambasted  by other users who took the images at face value   in reality the claim that people in china eat  herbal baby soup is nothing but cod swallow   and as for the photos they were actually taken  from a performance art exhibition in shanghai   that took place in the year 2000 the artist  zhu yuu titled this performance eating people   and intended for it to be a commentary on  human nature and our relationship with the law   the supposed baby was nothing more than a prop and  the rumors about there being rampant and socially   acceptable cannibalism going on in china were of  course nonsense unfortunately these images were   intentionally taken out of context by low-brown  news publications for the sole purpose of coursing   outrage and increasing traffic to their sites  even more unfortunately a lot of people blindly   accepted these unverified reports and directed  a lot of anger at a lot of innocent people   the great donor show the grot tonight was  a reality tv special that did on dutch tv   back in 2007. the whole program  was like a one-off live game show   it revolved around a terminally ill 37 year  old woman asking questions to 25 contestants   all of these contestants were in desperate need  of a life-saving kidney transplant you can see   where i'm going with this the woman whittled down  the contestants until only three of them remained   it was then her job to pick a winner  the price her kidneys after she died   during the completely live broadcast viewers  could text him with advice about who the woman   should pick as the winner with all of the  proceeds going to the dutch kidney foundation   as you can imagine there was outrage before  the show even aired and the network received   a plethora of complaints during its live  broadcast people were incensed at the   idea of a show that was literally a game of  life and death at the end of the show the   presenter revealed that the dying woman was  actually an actress that the whole thing had   been staged but that the contestants really  were in desperate need of kidney transplants   the show was made to raise awareness about the  low number of organ donors in the netherlands   anger quickly turned to understanding and the  day after the special aired 30 000 uniforms   were requested by people throughout holland two  days later that number was up to fifty thousand   in the run-up to the show's broadcast everyone  involved had maintained that the show was genuine   laurence drilik the chairman of the television  network that ed the show later said it was very   hard to keep this a secret and to tell this lie  time after time but i did it because of the good   course of all of the hoaxes on this iceberg this  one undoubtedly made the biggest positive impact 2016 clown sightings i'm sure we'll  remember the 2016 clown takeover   this was a phenomenon that lasted for  a few months where there were numerous   sightings of people dressed as evil clowns in  incongruous places we're not talking bobo and   krusty we're talking pennywise and twisty  most reported sightings were in the usa   and uk though other countries like canada and  australia were also said to be heavily affected   basically you might be on your way home one night  minding your own business when you'd see a group   of killer clowns watching you from a tree line or  a school playground that's creepy enough in itself   but in some of these reported sightings the  clowns actually tormented chased or even attacked   innocent bystanders panic gripped the western  world people were terrified they might encounter   these evil circus performers even staying at home  didn't feel like a safe option with the reports of   clowns randomly going up to houses and tormenting  the families inside a large number of people   already had a phobia of clowns to begin with but  that fear had now spread to the formerly unafraid   embassies started issuing warnings about  the clown scare clown costumes were being   banned left right and center even ronald  mcdonald was forced to keep a lower profile   and this was a bad time to be a professional clown  newspapers began stating that the clowns were   planning some type of purge event for halloween  no such purge actually occurred on the 31st   but a family in florida were attacked  by a group of 20 men wearing clown masks   after months of mass clown sightings the general  public had had enough they took to the streets   with baseball bats and other implements  and began actively hunting the clowns down   not long after that things seemed to  quieten down and as quickly as the   phenomenon started it had now disappeared  thus ended the great clown panic of 2016.   so despite some people believing that these  clowns were really nefarious and trying to   lure kids into the woods or what have you in  actuality it was just a bunch of youngsters   dressing up and trying to scare people i  think that much most of us already knew   the reason this entry is even on the  list and so far down for that matter   is because of how few people realize that  this was never a widespread occurrence at all   because of all the reports we heard  in the media about clown sightings   we all naturally assumed there must  have been hundreds of incidences   the truth is very very few of those reports were  ever verified the majority that were investigated   turned up no evidence of there ever being any  clowns at the supposed location many sightings   were proven to be outright fakes and several  people were even arrested for falsifying reports   websites were simply reporting on big  sightings and fake videos for clicks   newspapers and tv stations picked up on those  reports and began perpetuating the narrative   scaremongering's a great business tactic now don't  get me wrong there were definitely some isolated   cases of people dressing up as these killer clowns  but the vast majority began after the media picked   up on a non-existent problem and were nowhere near  as prevalent as the news would have had us believe   so there were clowns roaming around in 2016 that  much is true but this wasn't some organized effort   and it didn't happen to the extent  that the news had us believing polybius polybius was allegedly an old arcade  game that came out in 1981 and only existed   for about a month it appeared in several arcades  exclusively across portland oregon but despite the   title never receiving any marketing it proved  to be an instant hit with the local gamers   those who played it seemed to immediately become  addicted lines formed around the other machines   with people getting into fights about whose  turn was next but those who reached the front   of the queue unscathed and actually got to play  polybius experienced some unexpected side effects   seizures bits of amnesia insomnia night  terrors and hallucinations just to name a few   despite making their lives a living hell  the gamers couldn't stop themselves from   playing polybius they became almost obsessed  with it every so often men dressed in black   suits would appear at the arcades and inspect each  polybius machine and according to some they were   even seen collecting some unknown data from the  cabinets not money data these men in black were   actually cia operatives tasked with analyzing  polybius's psychoactive effects on its players   you see polybius was part of mkultra a real-world  us government program that experimented on unaware   and unwilling members of the public in  order to develop mind control techniques   in 1976 the program was exposed  and was subsequently shut down   but polybius was said to be evidence  of the program's continuation   proof that they were experimenting on players  and sending them subliminal messages people   caught wind of this and wanted to expose what was  happening but just as quickly as the game arrived   it disappeared completely overnight every  polybius arcade machine was gone never to reappear   in one sense though polybius is alive and well  today it's been included as an easter egg on the   simpsons and popular content creators like the  angry video game nerd have done deep dives on it   this polybius video by ahoy has reached over  6 million views so there's clearly still a   lot of interest in exploring this legend  but that's all polybius ever was a legend   the history of arcade machines has been  extensively documented since their inception   there's not a single mention of polybius in any  trade or consumer magazine the legend itself is   believed to have originated in the year 2000  and was probably dreamt up by a guy named   kirk collar to drive traffic to his website mk  ultra real polybius not so much that being said   fans of the polybius legend have developed  a hypnotic video game inspired by the myth   designed so that players can experience the old  80s brainwashing game that never really existed apollo 20. apollo 20 refers to a set of internet  videos that supposedly show a hibernating female   extraterrestrial the alien in the footage  has since come to be known as mona lisa   and is said to have been recovered during the  classified apollo 20 mission of 1976. the videos   appeared online in 2007 a full 31 years after  the clandestine mission had actually taken place   retired american astronaut william rutledge was  the man behind the upload and claimed that he   had been the commander of the apollo 20 mission  according to rutledge the top-secret mission had   been conducted jointly by the u.s and the soviets  and his crewmates were astronaut leona snyder and   cosmonaut alexei leonov while on their mission  they encountered a disabled spacecraft which they   intercepted and boarded inside they found a female  humanoid in stasis the alien life form mona lisa   in the footage the crew can be seen examining  the extraterrestrial and even removing her   strange facial covering rutledge said that  the crew took her back to earth for study   along with some other artifacts they found  rutledge who had personally taken the videos   and was still in possession of the tapes  believed it was time to get the word out   the videos certainly have a realistic  quality about them and mona lisa herself   certainly appears lifelike but the thing is  the apollo 20 mission never actually happened   it was scrapped after congress voted to cut nasa's  budget along with apollo missions 18 and 19.   now that's not going to persuade any contrarians  in the audience they'll just say well duh   the mission was classified of course they're  going to say it didn't happen yeah fair enough   but the fact is that this footage has already been  thoroughly debunked by amateurs and experts alike   the videos make use of footage from previous nasa  missions spliced together with new footage that   although appearing realistic has been confirmed  to be fake the final nail in the apollo 20 coffin   is the fact that it was originally uploaded to  youtube on april 1st it was all just an elaborate   well-executed hoax even so if you go to the  comment section of any apollo 20 video on youtube   you'll still find loads of people who  genuinely believe the footage is real spongebob brazilian defecation broadcast   so this strange entry purports that there was a  lost episode of spongebob squarepants that only   ever aired once on tv that one screening was in  brazil in 2016 just before the olympics in rio   what was strange about this episode was that  during one scene squidward was playing his   clarinet when he accidentally hits the brown  note for those who don't know the brown note   is an infrasonic frequency that when heard  causes the listener to take a trip to brown town   apparently this episode actually  used that specific frequency   and hundreds of people across brazil lost control  of their bowels at the exact same moment while   watching the show many of them were so heavily  affected that they had to be rushed to hospital   this had some people speculating that the episode  had been intentionally weaponized and was being   used to intentionally target brazilians  understandably the episode was immediately   pulled from the air and never screened again the  reason most people never heard about this incident   was because it was quickly covered up  by the opening ceremony of the olympics   neither the brazilian government nor the spongebob  team wanted anyone to hear about what had happened   so they quietly swept it under the rug or  perhaps more fittingly flushed all the evidence oh away a second what's that sound oh baton down  the hatches everyone because what you're hearing   is the brown note apologies if you just lost  control of your bowels but if you did i can   assure you that's just a coincidence and it  might be worth getting a checkup that's because   the so-called brown note is only hypothetical  and all attempts to demonstrate its existence   using sound waves have failed that's how we know  this spongebob broadcast never actually happened   it was all a hoax one that seems  to have originated on 4chan   still this entry was too funny  not to include speaking of which peanut butter and mayonnaise panic   when you think about foods that pair well with  peanut butter what sort of things spring to mind   chocolate sure jam definitely mayonnaise maybe  if you're a psycho but the peanut butter in   mayonnaise panic of 1969 doesn't revolve around  people eating either of the food stuff at all   due to a huge misunderstanding in the late 60s  big newspapers were all of a sudden reporting   that teenagers were injecting themselves  with peanut butter and mayonnaise   apparently by combining those two ingredients  some sort of chemical reaction took place   that produced psychedelic effects when  inserted straight into the bloodstream   according to some news outlets at the time  it had something to do with the fat globules   headlines were being printed in papers across the  entire usa and people genuinely started to believe   that the youth of america were not only being  corrupted by the mind-altering substances of pb   and mayo but dying from this concoction on mass  this concern even reached the highest echelons   of government with references to the panic  being present in a 1969 senate committee report   as well as in richard nixon's presidential  papers yeah this panic really was a big deal   now obviously the only trip you're likely to  take if you inject peanut butter and mayonnaise   is a trip to the afterlife and there weren't  any medical records of anyone injecting   themselves with pbm mayo so why were the papers  reporting that this was such a widespread problem   well it all started when two government officials  caught wind that students were sharing around a   secret underground recipe book this book  apparently described various culinary escapes from   reality one of the recipes was the pbmail formula  the media quickly picked up on their claims   and the misinformation spread like wildfire but  it was all just hysteria peanut butter and mayo   were both slang terms for other substances at  the time and maybe the government officials   took that too literally but where this idea of an  underground cookbook came from is anyone's guess dig your roots slash after school special  we've already touched on the concept of   snuff films but just to recap their movies in  which a person is genuinely murdered on camera   though most films purported to be  snuff actually turn out to be fakes   there are real authentic movies  that show people being killed   these films are then sold on the black market  usually for large sums of money they're quite hard   to find because for obvious reasons their creators  are only selling to a very specific clientele   on very specific hidden platforms but some of them  have been leaked and shared around in the past   last year a rumor started spreading about a new  snap film that had found its way onto the clarinet   the original upload on vescor had  been titled after school special   but people were now referring to it as dig  your roots here's how one viewer described it   two adults viciously stabbed two kids to death  in a bedroom a third person films the whole thing   the victims look to be about 10 or so i think  they're inside one of the boy's bedrooms because   it looks like a kid's bedroom there's a black  and white poster on the wall for some country   band that features a couple of toddlers and says  dig your roots that's how the video got its name   dig your roots is the third studio album by  country music duo florida georgia line so inforum   conversations about dark internet videos the dig  your roots video started being mentioned from time   to time most people didn't claim to have actually  seen it but it heard this description from other   users and because it kept getting brought  up everyone thought that it really did exist   i mean it was certainly conceivable from three  guys one hammer to the infamous funky town video   snuff does occasionally pop up on certain dark  websites dig your roots however doesn't exist   it was all a hoax perpetrated a game by 4chan  there was a small thread where people were   proposing titles for fake lost media then asking  others to come up with concepts based on the name   they'd then try and trick non-4chan users into  believing that these fake videos were actually   real basically spreading believable lies and  rumors to see what would stick from there gullible   people would spread the rumors around for them  for example one of the titles the eop proposed was   channing tatum death footage another user  chimed in with his idea about what to spread   channing tatum death footage aftermath war  footage of some dude that kind of looks   like channing tatum his head is mashed so it's  not like you can tell he really looks like him   another person in the thread said that this  spreading of fake impo really does work and   claimed to have been the person who came up with  the despair code a concept that's been covered by   loads of youtubers at this point in amongst all  these replies was the idea for dig your   so yeah thankfully this video doesn't exist if  this whole thread proves anything it's that we   should constantly be questioning what we hear  from strangers online hundreds of people may tell   you something does or doesn't exist and they may  genuinely believe what they're telling you is true   but if they have bad or perhaps zero evidence to  back up their claims they're most likely just the   victim of disinformation themselves ask questions  demand verifiable proof and don't be like them three orangutans one blender three orangutans  one blender refers to a rare online video   that few people have ever seen but those who have  watched it say it's one of the most disturbing   clips in existence rumors about three orangutans  started spreading all the way back in 2008   when youtuber damonico uploaded the first  ever reaction video to it in the years   that followed many many more reactions to  three orangutans were uploaded to youtube   in all of them the reactor appears disgusted by  what they're seeing the same hip-hop music can be   heard in the background of each reaction along  with the same screaming ape noises suggesting   that all of these reactors were watching the  same video as for what the footage is actually   of the most famous account comes from a guy  called roberto martinez he made an extremely   long post about the contents of the video so  i'll just give the spark notes version here three orangutans one blender is a real  video that can now be found on the dark web   it was published during 2006  but wasn't found until later   here's what it is so the music makes it sound  like it's okay but the video is horrifying   in the video there are these indian or brazilian  army men wearing yellowish greenish camouflage   they walk into a building and take beaten  damaged caged orangutans and brutally cut   them up with machetes then begin pouring  bleach and what looks like lemon juice   all over them before shoving them into this  weird machine that is definitely not a blender   it's this big machine that has blades that  spin like a blender but it's not the machine   has no roof but it has a balcony with rails  that circle around the top and two steel   platforms on both sides above the machine  going across to the other side like a bridge   whatever it is it brutally slices some of the  orangutans into a bloodbath of pieces while   leaving some still alive screaming in agony  and pain while some of the men are laughing   then this fat guy in a yellow camouflage ski mask  comes inside the machine and uses a chainsaw to   butcher six of them they take the last three male  orangutans and walk them into a cabin-like shelter   where there are three tigers waiting they have the  tigers slowly eat and rip off the private parts   of these orangutans they throw the orangutans  on the ground taking turns pouring some lemon   juice on them before brutally butchering them  while laughing and throwing the pieces of their   carcasses back into the machine and slicing it  all up the video ends there i think the only   reason it's called three orangutans one blender  is because only three of them lost at the end   the video was so gruesome that it  became harder to find on the clarinet   you can also see that there are human remains  inside the machine with the orangutans   there are 97 men and 19 orangutans counted in  the video some of the men are shirtless showing   off their tattoos it's so messed up you'll wish  those guys were dead also all of the men have   a strange symbol on their hats or shoulders  the video appears to take place at a camp in   the middle of the jungle during the afternoon  with trucks sheds and cabins in the background   the original video was three hours long and didn't  have music but the video you'll find is only   one minute and 50 seconds long and has a weird  hip-hop beat that covers everything except for   the screams of the orangutans and the sound of the  machine even though the video was posted in 2006   it has a 70s 80s or 90s quality i'm guessing  the real thing took place decades ago   anyways you're welcome but  seriously don't watch it okay so that's some extremely disturbing  imagery but you'll be happy to hear that   no matter how hard you try you'll never  actually be able to track this video down   that's because three orangutans  one blender is a myth   just like the baby burger video it's based off no  such clip exists all of the reaction videos to it   simply made use of the same beat giving  the illusion that the clip actually existed   roberto's account of the video was just  him playing along with the hoax too   in fact there are plenty of accounts about what  this video actually contains and they all say   something different as dark as some of those  fake stories are my personal favorite is that   it's just a video of someone preparing a smoothie  for three excited orangutans kind of wholesome andreas balminas snuffle this last stop on  our tour takes us back to february of 2013.   andreas baumines was a latvian man living in  the uk police and lancashire received a tip from   the russian interior ministry that balminas  was in possession of illegal video material   this tip turned out to be legit they raided his  apartment and found countless messed up videos   from japan russia and various other countries  but one of them stood out in particular a   20-minute home movie featuring a  blonde girl about 14 years of age   this footage disturbed even the most  seasoned of offices in the video the   girl begged a man who wasn't balminess for  her life the unknown man ignored her police   and strangled her with a wire causing her to foam  at the mouth and her eyes twirl back into her head   it's the worst thing i've seen by a country  mile said detective constable edward wenham   in the footage a man in his forties was decorating  he had a goatee beard and you could see his face   quite clearly the young girl came into the room  and asked him for some money it was apparent that   the man was either her father or stepfather the  man began to shout obscenities then he strangled   her after that he laid out a clear plastic sheet  and laid the body in it then wrapped it tightly   around her it took about three minutes for this  my firm belief is that she was definitely killed   the judge who sentenced bauminess agreed that  while it was difficult to be certain that the girl   had perished on camera she most likely had still  there was no evidence that balminas was involved   in the making of the video so he only received  eight months behind bars for possessing it   as well as for possessing numerous other sick  material investigators began looking for any   clues to the girl's identity judging by her  accent she was american but that's about the   only thing they had to go on other than her  face in the face of the man who had killed her   they'd hit a wall for 15 months they took no  further action they didn't even send the video   to the ceop or to any u.s agencies to run through  their powerful facial recognition software   when uk government ministers heard about that they  said there had been a massive failure in policing   labour mp tom watson said if the view of  the judge and police in this case is true   then britain's police have sat on evidence of a  child murder for over a year it's negligent and   scandalous that the utmost urgency has not  been applied with this case the americans   should have immediately been informed and the  nca should have picked up the investigation   there was public outrage that so little  had been done to id the perp or the victim   as a result the video was passed along  to the ceop for further inspection okay   so this is the part of the breakdown where i  confirmed the girl and the man were just actors   right well here's why i've  saved this entry for last   i've looked all over but i can't find any  definitive proof online that this was a hoax   all of the write-ups and articles i've read about  this case end there with the video being passed   along to more specialized authorities but there's  no mention of the film being confirmed fake   if it was real it seems weird that the killer  would happily appear on screen without a mask   that's a big risk then again other confirmed  snap films that have come to light there have   been killers who have shown their  face not to mention every officer   who viewed the footage said it was extremely  realistic and made them sick to their stomachs   i was convinced that this was not acting and  that the girl was dead reiterated dc wenham if   she had been play acting when the plastic was  wrapped around her face she wouldn't have been   able to keep so still if it was acting it was  better than an oscar-winning performance her   eyes didn't blink or move at all so this hoax's  iceberg actually ends on a potentially dark note   maybe this was an authentic snuff film after  all if so both the girl and the purp remain   unidentified and the film that features her final  starring role has yet to be leaked on the clarinet   sadly with guys like bauminess in this world  there'll always be a market for this sort of thing   i know we've talked a lot about hoaxes  today but that's the reality we all live in   and that's it the end of this abridged  hoaxes iceberg i hope you enjoyed this   special episode and i'd personally like  to wish you all a very happy halloween   before the video ends i'd also like to thank  all of my supporters here on youtube and over   on patreon especially my biggest supporters the  new ongom 24 lydia glassley thomas the handsome   alex greenswall azrael warakai charlie lackey  connor lotham crawford k macdonald event horizon   records gina valera grace archie infamous  empappy leonardo martinez mackenzie griffin   maria mendez mayra lancaster monica mendoza  natalie escobedo palmeira peter logiuraj   philip westra procupide neta ronnie franklin  sarah ramirez silas geist taylor and monica groenk   the only dorita zane miss krypto damian bennett  hungry and hammered the deck of gods and tns   mom thank you guys so much for your continued  support it really helps the channel out remember   to smash that like button or i'll smash you  and you'll be hearing from me again in november   until then you all stay spooky and  remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 3,088,781
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Keywords: lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, scariest video ever, deeply disturbing, creepy, creepy pasta, scary, horror, audiobook, nexpo, mr nightmare, reignbot, blameitonjorge, new, best, reddit stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, yandere, English, British accent, asmr, relaxing, top 10, skin walkers, unsolved mysteries, exploring, photos with backstories, true crime, mystery, real, missing, scary true stories, before bed, real scary, iceberg, hoaxes iceberg explained
Id: Zk6RNOqhiJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 45sec (4785 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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