3 Disturbing Posts from Reddit’s Dark Side

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today's video is sponsored by wondershare filmora  ever found yourself watching a youtube video and   thinking hey i could do that well that's  exactly how i got started six years ago   but back then i didn't have any experience with  editing and wasn't sure where to begin if you'd   like to start making your own videos you should  download wondershare filmora the popular and easy   to use editing software it's perfect for beginners  and experienced editors alike it's free to try and   comes with loads of preset templates like effects  filters transitions and even royalty-free music   making it super easy to jump in and start  creating here let me show you how it works   just drag and drop your clips onto the  editing track add transition some music   and just like that you're underway if you're  short on time filmora helps speed things along   they just released their latest version  v 10.5 which includes awesome features   like auto reframe ar stickers audio fx and  the film stock 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little too much today we're   examining three posts from the dark side  of reddit so get your favorite drink ready   snuggle up and prepare yourself because we're  about to dive into some dark digital waters r oddly terrifying is a subreddit that's  easier to get lost him for an hour or two   as the name suggests it focuses on  things that are unexpectedly unsettling   scrolling down you'll find loads of weird  insects animatronics and this guy doing his   thing and for the most part there's a lighthearted  playfulness to all of the images and videos there   but for all of the weird and wacky things  you might stumble across on oddly terrifying   occasionally you'll find a post  that's legitimately horrifying   last year user menses posted this  video of a suspected rabies patient the patient's displaying one of  the signature symptoms of rabies   hydrophobia an intense fear of water now i have to admit that although i knew rabies  was deadly i didn't exactly know what it did to   the human body or the human mind the fact that it  caused you to be scared of water was news to me   so i went down to the comment  section and dug a little further   that's where i found a link to a post made by  user zerry masterpiece a person who spent a   lot of time working with rabies and is far more  knowledgeable than most on the subject and trust   me when i say that their post is as bone chilling  as it is in lightening here's what they had to say   rabies it's exceptionally common but  people just don't run into the animals   that carry it often skunks especially  and bats let me paint you a picture   you go camping and at midday you decide  to take a nap in a nice little hammock   while sleeping a tiny brown bat in the rage  stages of infection is fidgeting in broad   daylight uncomfortable and thirsty due to  the hydrophobia and you snort startling him   he goes into attack mode except you're asleep and  he's a little brown bat so weighs around six grams   you don't even feel him land on  your bare knee and he starts to bite   his teeth are tiny hardly  enough to even break the skin   but he manages to make the equivalent of a  tiny scrape that goes completely unnoticed   rabies does not travel in your blood in fact a  blood test won't even tell you if you've got it   you wake up numb the wiser if you notice  anything at the bite side at all you assume   you just lightly scraped it on something the bomb  has been lit and your nervous system is the wick   the rabies will multiply along your nervous system  doing virtually no damage completely undetectable   you literally have no symptoms it may be four  days it may be a year but the camping trip is   most likely long forgotten then one day your back  starts to ache or maybe you get a slight headache   at this point you're already dead there is no cure  the sole caveat to this is the milwaukee protocol   which leaves most patients dead anyway and the  survivors mentally disabled and is seldom done   there's no treatment it has a 100 percent kill  rate absorb that not a single other virus on   this planet has a 100 kill rate only rabies and  once you're symptomatic it's over you're dead   so what does that look like your headache turns  into a fever and a general feeling of being unwell   you're fidgety uncomfortable and scared as the  virus that has taken its time getting into your   brain finds a vast network of nerve endings it  begins to rapidly reproduce starting at the base   of your brain where your pons is located this is  the part of the brain that controls communication   between the rest of the brain and body as well  as sleep cycles next you become anxious you still   think you only have a mild fever but suddenly  you find yourself becoming scared even horrified   and it doesn't occur to you that you don't know  why this is because the rabies is chewing up   your amygdala as your cerebellum becomes hot with  the virus you begin to lose muscle coordination   and balance you think maybe it's a good idea to go  to the doctor now but assuming a doctor is smart   enough to even run the tests necessary in the few  days you have left on the planet odds are they'll   only be able to tell your loved ones what you  died of later you're twitchy shaking and scared   you have the normal fear of not knowing what's  going on but with the virus really [ __ ] with   your amygdala this is amplified a hundred fold  it's around this time the hydrophobia starts   you're horribly thirsty you just want water  but you can't drink every time you do your   throat clams shut and you vomit this has become  a legitimate active fear of water you're thirsty   but looking at a glass of water begins  to make you gag and you shy back in fear   the contradiction is hard for your hot brain to  see at this point by now the doctors will have put   you on ivs to keep you hydrated but even that's  futile you were dead the second you had a headache   you begin hearing things or not hearing things  at all as your thalamus goes you taste sounds   you see smells everything starts feeling like the  most horrifying acid trip anyone has ever been on   with your hippocampus long under attack  you're having trouble remembering things   especially you're alone hallucinating thirsty  confused and absolutely undeniably terrified   everything scares the literal [ __ ] out of you  at this point these strange people in lab coats   these strange people standing around you crying  who keep trying to get you to drink something   and it's only been about a week since that  little headache you've completely forgotten   time means nothing to you anymore funnily enough  you now know how the bat felt when you bit you   eventually you slip into the dumb rabies face   your brain has started the process of shutting  down too much of it has turned a liquid virus   your face droops you drool you're all but  unaware of what's around you a sudden noise   or light might startle you but for the most part  it's all you can do to just stare at the ground   you haven't really slept for about 72 hours  then you die always you die and there's not one   [ __ ] thing anyone can do for you then there's  the question of what to do with your corpse   i mean sure burying it is the right thing to do  but the rabies can survive in a corpse for years   you could kill every rabid animal on the  planet today and if two years from now   some moist preserved rotten hunk of used to be  brain gets eaten by an animal it starts all over   so yeah rabies scares the [ __ ]  out of me and it's [ __ ] everywhere yeah it's a messed up breed and paints a very  grim picture of an unfortunate person's final days   zerry masterpiece goes on to explain that  although deaths from rabies are rare in the usa   because of an aggressive treatment protocol  rabies itself is extremely common and in other   parts of the world like india it claims tens  of thousands of lives every year scary stuff   after discovering that post this video becomes a  hell of a lot more scary knowing what this guy was   going through what he was about to go through how  confused he must have felt and the fact that by   now he's already long gone in this video he  was already dead he just didn't know it yet aoki mum was an active member  of the reddit community   a mother to five boys and two girls she  participated a lot in conversations with   other parents discussing family finances  recipes parenting strategies and the like   it's clear from her message history that she was  a devoted family woman and parent for instance she   posted life is about making good job or income  choices and then making the best money choices   based on your income i would never give up having  any of my children so i could have more money   they are amazing people and the world will  benefit by having them in it and nothing i   could buy or invest in could compare to giving  a person a chance to have a life touching stuff   the thing is maoki mum was a  very active user six years ago   but then on june 24th 2015 she made her final  post on the site and then suddenly became inactive   now that in itself isn't too unusual i mean people  you've read it for all kinds of reasons right   maybe she got bored or busy no the reason behind  her disappearance was much darker in nature you see aoki mum's real name was april  bever she was 42 years old and was indeed   the mother of seven children she was also one  of the victims in the broken arrow killings   in which she her husband and three of her children  were slain and what's more it was two of her sons   that committed the massacre on the night of  july 22nd 2015 brothers robert and michael bever   18 and 16 respectively lord their family  members into the same part of the house   then suddenly and inexplicably began attacking  them with hatchets and other blades april was   punctured 48 times in the neck head torso arms  and hands her husband david was punctured 28 times   daniel bever 12 christopher bever seven and  victoria bever five also lost their lives   that fateful night the two brothers also tried  to slay their sister crystal 13 but even though   her throat was slit and her stomach punctured she  not only managed to survive but was able to call   the authorities for help officers arrived in time  to save her life and apprehend robert and michael   autumn bever who was only two was sound  asleep and unharmed in another room   robert confessed to what he and his  brother had done and even stated that   had the police not arrived they were  planning to drive around the area   and kill five people each at various locations  until they reached a body count of 50 people   michael took things further saying he  wanted to claim the lives of 500 people   an outlandish target but who knows how many lives  crystal saved that night by calling the police   almost certainly not just her own reading  throughout kim's old ordinary reddit posts   is absolutely heart-wrenching knowing what  ultimately became of her she wrote about   her sons so warmly and lovingly but in the end  they were the ones who not only took her life   but the lives of the rest of her  family that she loved so much too   both robert and michael were sentenced to  life michael with the possibility of parole   robert without they're serving their  time in separate correctional centers when we're behind our screens interacting  with strangers online it's easy to feel this   sense of anonymity like we can get away with  saying whatever we want to whoever we want   that really isn't the case though especially on  sites like reddit in the past there have been   numerous instances of people making posts safe in  the belief that there won't be any consequences   time and again however those people have been  proven wrong there have been people who have   confessed to cheating on their partners only  for another user to check out their history   connect a few dots and realize that it's  actually john who's married to their sister   there have been people who have gotten into  arguments with other users said the most vulgar   things only for the other person to find out  who they are and get them fired from their job   even if you use a throwaway account sometimes  a group of reddit detectives will come together   to uncover your real identity that is if the  post you made warrants such drastic action   some users have even been tracked  down and questioned by the authorities   or even jailed for admitting  to their unlawful actions   despite that thousands of people continue to  wear their dirty laundry every day on the site   of course most of these confessions are nothing  too serious there are however exceptions to that   five years ago on r askreddit user purplegerkins  asked this question to those of you who have   accidentally killed someone what went wrong of the  more than 10 000 replies most of them were either   not personal accounts accidental motor collisions  or instances where the user was either defending   themselves or otherwise justified in their actions  interesting reads sure but nothing nefarious   but buried in amongst all the replies  was one that was very different   one that eventually caught everyone's  attention a response left by user archaeology this still haunts me to this day as kids we had a  hideout in this dirk cliff cove kind of thing this   is the best approximation i can find on google  only three times taller and probably ten times as   wide there was a neighborhood kid who in hindsight  was probably mentally handicapped in some way   but to us he was just the weird creepy kid this  was the 80s and we weren't exactly raised pc   three of us were headed to our base and found  creepy kids sitting at the top in our guard chair   we yelled at him to get out and  he said something like make me   and started lobbing dirt clods and sticks down at  us we all ran around the side to make our way up   it gets pretty fuzzy here but all i remember is  he fell still remember the sound when we got back   down to check on him he was in a very awkward  position with blood coming out of his mouth we   all just freaked out and ran home and as far as  i know no one has spoken a word of this to anyone   we didn't go back for over a month  and never said a word of it between us   again this was the 80s so media wasn't like  today chances are i got a small article in   the newspaper b section missing mentally disabled  child found dead after fall or something like that some users sympathized with archaeology's  story while others started questioning   whether the other kid fell accidentally or if  he was pushed again archaeology said that his   memory was fuzzy but given the title of the  thread many speculated that it was the latter   but through his main comment and various others  that he left archaeology had given several key   tidbits of identifying information and behind the  scenes other editors were doing some sleuthing   one of them seemingly worked  out who the victim was   was it scott kleesholt he went missing in 1988  in saint charles mo correct that would make you   around 10 or 11 at the time you went missing he  would have been nine scott was last seen not far   from his home in the 330 block of laverne's drive  walking near a wooded area known as the trails   it was just before a fierce thunderstorm swept  through the area as long as six weeks after his   disappearance police conducted large-scale  searches of the area near scott's home   the searches involved digging at a labyrinth of  caves in the wooded hillside where scott was known   to play with other neighborhood children i don't  know if it is this kid if it were him and if the   story is what you said it seems likely his body  would have been found a corpse of a nine-year-old   at the bottom of some lamp formation can get  washed away pretty easily in a storm however   if it is or isn't him you need to talk  to your local pd this discovery may have   hit a nerve because it was at that point that  archaeology deleted his original confession post   his account has since remained inactive for the  past five years and he offered up no further   information about the incident as it stands  it's unclear what happened to archaeology   whether there was more to a story or if he  ever brought the matter up with the authorities   it's also unknown whether scott clicholt  was really the victim in question   but this post and thousands like it proved  that you never know what skeletons someone   might be hiding in their closet heck maybe you  have a few skeletons of your own if you do take   my advice don't go posting about them on reddit  or you might just end up in a video like this   thanks for listening lazy legion a big thank you  to all of my supporters here on youtube and over   on patreon especially my biggest supporters alex  greensaul alina azrael warakai charlie lackey   connor lotham crawford k macdonald expand on gina  valera grace archie infamous sempappy leonardo   martinez lord 210 lucas maniac mackenzie griffin  myra lancaster monica mendoza native beauty   peter log george philip westra pro cuper dinetta  ronnie franklin sarah ramirez sean m brenner   silas geist sloane crawford taylor and monica  gruink the only dorita miss crypto mrs von rankin   hungry and hammered hamish k tom brady is  based jeff the killer lydia glassley yoshi6500   and phantom knight thank you guys so much for  your continued support remember to smash that   like button or i'll smash you be sure to subscribe  and you'll be hearing from me again very soon   until then you all stay spooky and  remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,138,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, reddit posts, with backstories, true horror stories, lazy maskarade, top 10, deeply disturbing, creepy pasta, 2chan, Asmr, relaxing, new, best, most, long video, ghosts, caught on camera, creepy photographs, letsnotmeet, mr nightmare, corpse husband, be busta, lets read, horror movies 2020, scariest video ever, skinwalkers, yanderes, mysterious, scary, creepy, chilling, terrifying, horrifying, horror, British accent, nexpo, scared
Id: SAMm7T35raE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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