3 TRUE OnlyFans Horror Stories

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come and join my new discord  server link down in the bio number one i'll start off by saying i'm a big fan of  your channel and of scary stories in general   and that even though i'm a longtime listener this  is the first time i've shared my story online   i've wanted to get this off my chest  for a while so here's my cautionary tale   at the time i was 21 years old and totally broke  i worked for a consultancy firm that wasn't a big   player there or anything in fact i was pretty  much at the bottom of the company totem pol   i earned enough money to get by but always  had dreams of traveling to another country and   studying abroad if i was ever going to make that  dream a reality i needed another source of income   it was around that time that  only fans started blowing up   for the two people listening who don't know  what that is only fans is a website where people   mostly women share pictures and videos with paying  subscribers this is usually uh mature content   it's pretty controversial with some people being  all for the platform and others saying it's sleazy   and gross i'd heard a few stories about women  making fat stacks from the comfort of their   own homes and even though i'm no belle delphine i  figured yeah what the hell maybe i can earn a few   extra bucks too i made an account and recorded a  little intro message for any prospective followers   then i took my first raunchy  pictures and uploaded them   i'd casted out my net now i just had to  wait for a few fish to come swimming by after a few weeks i'd attracted a few  followers all of whom were subscribed   for ten dollars a month some of them even gave  me tips or paid me extra for exclusive content   i made a promise to myself that whatever  money i earned through the site would go   directly into my travel fund and as soon as i  had enough money to go globetrotting i'd stop   using the platform altogether in the meantime  i had a lot of work to do at my real job   one afternoon i was at a business conference  networking alongside my co-workers   where i live business cards are still a  formality even for low-level grants like me   and i handed out dozens to prospective clients  who seemed interested in working with our company   honestly i met so many new people that day all of  them in similar suits and with similar haircuts   that all of their faces and names  seem to blur together in my memory   i returned home exhausted from the socializing   that evening before bed i logged into my only  fans account to check how things were going   oh great i had a new subscriber this new guy who  went by the unassuming username john smith sent   me a direct message as soon as he saw i was active  10 bucks a month netflix doesn't even charge that   it's worth it you won't be disappointed so far  i like what i'm seeing you're very beautiful   oh thank you so much he sent  me a few more friendly messages   asking me pretty innocent questions like if i had  a dog i didn't if i was dating anyone i wasn't   and if i lived with my parents i lived  with a roommate who was away that week   you know you really are very  beautiful he messaged me   thank you i bet you get down more  often than a blow up doll right   oh can i make a request like a picture request  it depends what it is and what you tip me   if i give you five bucks right now would you take  a picture of yourself pouting into the camera   well it'd have been a long day but even though i  was tired i wanted the money so i quickly doled   myself up and took the picture for the guy i sent  the picture which he could unlock for five dollars   he unlocked it and seemed  pleased with what i'd sent   no more than a minute later he sent me another  request how about one of your pretty feet now   i'll pay you another five sure whatever you want  i'll never get what's up with some guys and feet   but of course i took the picture for him and  sent it a game behind a five dollar paywall   he made a couple more requests  each time paying me five bucks   easy money i thought one of me in high heels  one of me in such and such a position etc   then he sent me another request this  time for ten dollars add me on instagram   he included his account name in the message 10  bucks just to add a guy on instagram sure why not   i hadn't updated my insta for over a year and only  had a couple of posts on there anyway i took his   ten dollars and added him strange there weren't  any posts on his account but the circle around his   blank profile picture was highlighted meaning  he had recently added to his instagram story   just out of curiosity i clicked on it to see what  he had posted it was a video of my house posted   two hours ago taken from the woods just outside  the next story played uploaded five minutes ago   it was another video of my house this time much  closer taken from the other side of the street   the video zoomed in on my bedroom window the only  room where the light was on the room i was in   the third story uploaded just two minutes ago  was taken from just outside my porch window   he was right outside my front door filming  the inside of my house through the glass   a message popped up in my dms let me in terrified  i locked my bedroom door immediately and called   the police telling them that someone was outside  my house all the while he continued dming me   come outside or i'll have to come in the door  handle downstairs started rattling as i cowered   in fear upstairs waiting hopelessly for help to  arrive screaming out of my bedroom window for help   this wasn't the best neighborhood let's put it  like that and my neighbors either couldn't hear me   or didn't want to help the guys rattling on the  door handle turned into banging then slamming   suddenly everything downstairs fell silent i  thought he had gone but after a few minutes   i could hear tapping on the downstairs windows  and shortly after that the smashing of glass   i'd soon learn that he had used a  rock to smash the living room window   not 30 seconds later i could  hear sirens off in the distance   by the time an officer arrived to check  that i was okay the guy was long gone   i told the investigators everything they patrolled  the area to look for any suspicious looking guys   found nobody and suggested i stay somewhere  else for a while i asked them to hang around   while i packed the bag as i got in my car to  drive to my parents place i checked my phone   one last time there was one unread message in my  only fans dm box pleasure doing business with you i told my parents everything that had  happened and tried my best to get some sleep   that night i was plagued with questions who  was john smith what was he planning on doing   how did he know where i lived my private  information was of course not available on   only fans i was relatively new to town  and didn't know many people in the area   the next day i pieced two and two together my  business card it didn't just have my company   address on but mine as well the fact this happened  the night after that networking event couldn't   have been a coincidence i'm convinced that the  creep was one of the people i'd met that day using   the information on the card he must have found  my account online and decided to pay me a visit   i passed that information along to the authorities  along with the dozens of business cards i   collected that day this of course resulted  in nothing there was no evidence to speak of   and the insta account was obviously a throwaway i  realize now that he was asking me those friendly   questions at the start to see if i lived  alone and to check i didn't have a guard dog   needless to say i quit using the site i've  moved back in with my parents permanently   now but can't afford to give up my job  at the consultancy firm now whenever i   go into work and meet with our clients i put on  a brave face but inside i'm always questioning   whether the guy i'm working with is the  same one who was outside my house that night number two this all took place in my home country  of brazil my buddy had a friend called antonio   i never met the guy personally but everyone  who had told me he was a really funny guy and   like most funny guys who were at least a little  bit handsome he was very popular with the ladies   one day antonio told my buddy that  he had organized a date with a model   a model said my friend you're serious  anyone i've heard of maybe said antonio   who handed his phone over to my friend  open on the screen was an only fans page   the girl whose page it was didn't have  that many images or videos uploaded   so it was obvious her page was pretty new  but my friend did recognize her immediately   she was a local woman called isabella young and  absolutely gorgeous one of the best looking girls   he had ever laid his eyes on in his words she had  a booty like an onion he'd make a grown man cry   antonio had met her in our small town and asked  her for her contact information instead she   took his phone and opened up her only fans page  from there he became a follower he sent her a dm   and asked her out on a date she said no at  first but antonia was persistent and kept asking   rather than reply using words she sent back  an image which was hidden behind a paywall   the equivalent of about 50 bucks antonio was a  pretty wealthy young man so curious as he was   he paid the money and opened the message without  a second thought hoping for a raunchy picture   the image was just text a time  and address for their date   it also said to bring money to pay for  dinner like i said my friend knew who   isabella was and knew that she already had  a boyfriend a mean fellow to my called davi   dabby rolled with some really bad dudes was  into some shady shiz and you could tell just   by looking at the guy that you wouldn't want  to mess with him my buddy warned antonio to be   careful to cut contact with isabella and not to  go on this date with her antonio didn't listen   since isabella told him that she was single and  that her and this david guy must have broken up   that evening antonio got dressed up and  drove off on his moped to meet isabella   now my friend being a man of culture was of  course a little bit curious himself about   isabella's online uploads he decided to sign up  on the site and became a follower of hers himself   it was only cheap to do so the equivalent of a  couple of bucks a month well there weren't many   pictures and videos to look through but isabella  was clearly focusing on quality over quantity   and my friend wasn't disappointed with what he  saw he logged off around 11 pm and went to bed   that next morning my friend sent antonio a  message asking him how things went with isabella   no reply antonio usually replied to his  messages really quickly maybe things had   gone well after all and he was still with her  he waited until the afternoon still no reply   not that unusual for antonio maybe he was  just getting a little afternoon delight no the days passed and there  was still no word from antonio   my friend checked in with everyone who  knew him including his boss at work   nobody had seen him since that night people  were starting to get worried the authorities   seemed to have little interest in helping  find him saying that antonio was a grown man   and had probably gone off travelling or something  by himself since his moped was never found   isabella continued posting on her account as  normal and since my friend was still following her   he decided to send her a dm asking if she  knew where antonio was if so was he alright   instead of text she sent back an image which he  could unlock for 50 bucks no words just an image   hidden behind a paywall my pal didn't have a lot  of money but something told him he had to open it   he paid the money and opened the picture   it was a photo of a dirty shovel in close-up  the hand gripping it was obviously male   behind it he could make out a hole in the  earth large enough to fit a human inside   it was captioned what do you think my friend  didn't want to believe it but in his heart he   knew what had happened and he knew he'd never  see antonio again he tried desperately to get   isabella to reply to him via dm but that was the  last he ever heard from her too she continued   uploading content to her account but both she  and abby left town shortly after antonio vanished   surely not a coincidence it seemed like both  of them were in on this together after all   so what happened that fateful night  scenario won dabby was using isabella   and forcing her to post images of herself  online so he could make a little money   she was the face and he was the one behind  the messages and lured antonio into a trap   scenario two davy didn't know  that isabella was using the site   and when he learned that she was actually  going on a date with someone he flipped   maybe isabella realizing that antonio dressed  well and must have had some money in his pocket   targeted him specifically maybe they held  him up and he decided to fight back maybe   they plan to do away with him from the beginning  and take whatever money he brought in his pockets   sadly the investigators did very little to help  davey had ties to the fuzz so it's possible they   intentionally brushed everything under the  rug and told him and isabella skipped down several months came and went with neither davi  nor isabella being seen around town at all   my friend continued to keep an eye on her page  hoping that a new clue would come to light   he thought that would be the end of it then   one night he received a notification saying  isabella had uploaded a new photo he logged in   to check what it was it was an image sent to all  of her followers titled my final post he opened it   it was a blurry picture of isabella in a dark  wooded area her eye was black her face cut and   she looked absolutely terrified her hands up near  her face as if she was trying to protect herself   there was no caption to explain the image both  the picture and her account were deleted shortly   afterwards davey hasn't returned to our town  since and for our sakes i hope he never does number three a little while back i started an only  fans account i know what you're all thinking but   hey i was single at the time and i figured it was  a pretty harmless way to earn a little extra dough   i started off by posting some tame stuff  and progressively got into uploading more   mature images yeah i'm not proud of it but i'm not  ashamed either i lived with my parents at the time   so i had to be careful about making my content  like i said i wasn't ashamed but i knew they   wouldn't be as open-minded about it as such  i always waited until they were out of the   house before i took any pictures or videos  and i didn't tell any of my friends out of   fear that it would somehow get back to  my folks it was very private business   after just a few months i couldn't believe  how much money i was making on the site   i had a master sizable following and  monthly income so i decided to treat myself   my wardrobe was pretty old at that point  and i decided to buy some new clothes   i hit up a local store to pick out some new  outfits now it might sound strange to some of   you but when i got to the store i started  live streaming to my only fans followers   talking to them about changing up my style  and asking for their opinions on certain items   i'd often stream to my supporters through my  private for fans only youtube channel during   the day i thought this built a sense of community  a lot of them enjoyed seeing me go about my life   whether i was just out shopping at a cafe or  just blogging from my apartment and i'd reply   to their comments and connect with them for the  most part they were well behaved and respectful   during the streams and i started recognizing  a few of their names it was pretty wholesome   i made my way through the store holding the camera  in selfie mode engaging with my fans after about   20 minutes or so i ended the stream at some  point during that evening i logged onto my page   that's when i noticed the message from one of my  regulars thanks for wasting our time and money   by lying to all of us you never told us you had  a boyfriend consider this the end of my support   i was confused boyfriend where do you get  that idea well this guy was one of my biggest   supporters and i was really sorry to see  him go so naturally i sent him a message   uh hey i am single free as a bird i don't know  who told you i wasn't do you think i'm stupid or   something i'll admit it took me a couple of months  to notice but it's obvious you're with some guy   all the time i see him in the background of all  of your streams he was with you at the store today   what are you talking about  the dude in the green shirt   i feel really sorry for the guy to be  honest dating someone who does what you do   i went back to check the recording of that day's  stream and sure enough about five minutes in over   my left shoulder there was a guy in a green shirt  walking quite close behind me he was very tall   had a muscular build looked to be in his late  20s but already had dark circles under his eyes   and thinning hair okay well that didn't prove  anything just some guy behind me at the store   i continued watching the video and yeah the  guy did seem to be behind me for most of it   popping up throughout as if he was following  me but surely that was just a coincidence still   my regular's message stayed in my mind he said  he'd seen this guy in multiple streams of mine   i went back and checked the previous stream that  i'd done it was of me at the mall nothing seemed   out of place then i saw him that same guy in that  same green shirt walking behind me in the distance   that stream had lasted 47 minutes and  you could see him behind me throughout it   sometimes far sometimes close but always  following me the stream ended with me at a cafe   and the guy sitting down just a couple of tables  away from me all by his lonesome the whole time   his dark eyes were watching me i hadn't noticed  him at all okay so i started getting a little   freaked out at this point obviously this wasn't  just a coincidence i went back and checked more of   my older streams videos of me in town videos of me  walking the dog at the park chilling on the beach   in all of them he was there and in almost all  of them he was wearing the same green shirt   this man who i had never seen before in my  life had been following me on what appeared   to be a daily basis he wasn't a part of my  life but i was clearly a big part of his   i wasn't sure what to do at first he  had never approached me or nothing   my dad was in law enforcement but i  couldn't exactly go to him for advice i decided to stop posting content on my account  for a while resolving to stay alert and keep an   eye out for this guy and just wait for everything  to blow over if things escalated then i'd go   and tell my par i figured this guy would get  bored and leave me alone boy how naive i was a couple of weeks passed and luckily i  hadn't seen the green shark guy around town   i guess my plan had worked my fans were getting  antsy about me not uploading new content and my   earnings were going down as a result one weekend  my parents went off on a romantic getaway and   hoping to ride the only fans wave a little longer  i decided to take some new photos in my bedroom   since i was home alone there  was no risk of being caught that night i cooked up some dinner in the  kitchen opened the window to wear it out   and then went upstairs to snap the goods after  uploading the pictures i started a live stream   to apologize to my followers for my long absence  i told them it was back to business as usual the salty dinner had made me thirsty so during  that livestream i went downstairs to grab my water   bottle in the living room bringing my phone with  me so i could continue interacting with my viewers   i was holding my phone out in front of me  completely oblivious to my surroundings   responding to my viewers comments   i got to one and as soon as i read it my stomach  dropped hey mellowcat who's the man at your window in the video feed on my phone in the corner of  the screen i noticed the small blurry outline   of a figure in the darkness behind me i turned  to see the man the one who had been following me   standing outside his gloved hands  pressed up against the living room window   his face real close as he looked in at  me his dark eyes wide with excitement   i screamed and ran upstairs  with my phone in my hand   i bounded into the bathroom and locked the door  behind me as i called my parents i cried to my   dad that there was some guy outside our house told  him that he'd been following me for a long time   he said that they were on their way back right now  not to panic and that my mum was already calling   the cops we didn't have any neighbors to call  for help since we lived in such an isolated area   so he instructed me to run to the attic and to  keep as quiet as possible until help arrived   i did as he suggested and unlocked the bathroom  door as i stepped out i could hear quiet movements   coming from the kitchen below that's when  i remembered i had left the window open   this guy was inside my house the access to  the attic was in my parents room and i could   already hear the guy softly calling out to  me downstairs hello mello cat where are you   he was calling to me using my only fan's  username i sprinted into my parents room   and slammed the door behind me and as i went to  lock it could hear the guy storming up my stairs   luckily locking the door gave me just enough  time to pull down the attic's ladder and scamper   up with the hook in my hand as i climbed up i  could hear the man on the other side of the door   thumping into it with all of his body weight  i pulled the ladder back up and closed the   attic hatch behind me i waited up there with my  hand over my mouth as i heard the door give way   my heart was beating so fast i couldn't stop  breathing heavily things were being thrown around   and smashed in the room beneath me all i could do  was listen as the guy rampaged through my house   occasionally shouting obscenities and  saying that he knew i was still in the house   this torment didn't last long maybe only  five minutes tops but i felt like i was   up in that attic for an eternity the house  fell silent but i stayed up there until i   heard the police sirens come rolling into our  driveway my parents weren't far behind them   during their investigation the detectives  dusted the fingerprints on the door handles   there weren't any but there was something  else they found traces of trichloromethane   chloroform it must have come off a rag or off  his gloved hands the only thing missing from my   house was my laptop which had a bunch of photos  of me that i hadn't released online this guy had   clearly come for the real thing but seeing how i  climbed to safety he settled for images instead   i haven't posted anything online since and  didn't even log on to tell my followers goodbye   since i knew that he was among them so in  the end i came clean to my parents about   what i've been doing and moved in with my  sister in a different town for my own safety   i won't say where for obvious reasons  as greenshirt himself could be listening   yeah despite having relatively clear images of the  guy's face and knowing that he must have been from   the local area and one of my followers they never  found the guy i have no idea how he got my address   i'm just thankful i went downstairs  when i did and my viewer caught the   shadowy figure outside my window had that  guy come in while i was streaming upstairs   i might not have heard him and who knows  if i'd still be here to share this story hey guys lazy here and thank you very much for  listening a huge thank you to robin mickelson   for making the amazing thumbnail for this  video links to his stuff in the bio down   below also a massive shout out to all of my  supporters here on youtube and over on patreon   especially my biggest supporters crawford k  mcdonald monica mendoza tom king alex greensaul   philip westra procupide nata gina valera  anime wimp sarah ramirez sloane crawford   nadine connor lothan decaying girl sieg carla  infamous empappy alba medrano azrael warakai   lord 210 the only dorita ricky cohen jr  hungry and hammered leonardo martinez amanda hansen phantom knight and alicia l thank  you guys so much for your continued support it   really helps the channel out that about wraps  things up guys remember to smash that like button   or i'll smash you and until next time stay spooky  and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 578,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true horror stories, onlyfans scary stories, onlyfans true horror stories, creepy pasta, lets not meet, reddit stories, 2chan, unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, mysterious, with disturbing backstories, deeply disturbing, scariest video ever, lets read, be Busta, mr nightmare, corpse husband, nexpo, yandere, lazy maskarade, lazy masquerade, creepy, horror movies 2021, ghosts, romance, online horror, internet horror, Asmr, British accent, audiobook, new, best
Id: ULb_y9q2FNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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