10 Deeply Disturbing Wikipedia Pages

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Can someone link to all these pages?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/blaqsupaman ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 08 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Love Lazy Masquerade

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Living-Ghost ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 08 2016 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Eerie piano intro, descending notes ending in trailing low note] It's strange to think that, in the United States alone, over 40, 000 bodies have been discovered that remain unidentified. Many of them, murder victims. Simply put, nobody knows who they are...or were. This could be for a variety of reasons. Their fingerprints may have been destroyed, their faces damaged beyond recognition. No DNA could be matched. Or, in some depressing cases, nobody came forward to identify the body, leaving them forgotten. This Wikipedia page lists, by State, merely a fraction of these unknown murder victims... Detailing how they were killed, what parts of them are still missing, and as much information as is known about them. What really unsettles me as I scroll down the page, though, are the reconstructed images of what these people may have looked like when they were living, breathing humans. These pictures don't quite make it to the other side of the uncanny valley. And they give off an air of 'creepiness'. The fact that the people they depict don't have real names either, adds to that. Odessa Jane Doe, Valentine Sally, L.A. County John Doe, One-eyed Jack. They were once just like us. Now, through these images, more like ghosts. In a sense, these are real people that we're looking at. But at the same time, without an actual picture or name, they aren't. The thought that we might die and be forgotten about is disturbing in itself. Humans want to feel significant; like our lives mean something. Going through this page challenges that. And, while reading about each case, I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of loneliness. How 'bout you? You know you're in for a hard read when you open this page and the first thing you see is a photo captioned: "Rosemary Kennedy during 1938, three years before her lobotomy." Rosemary Kennedy was the sister of President J.F.K., and the daughter of Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. Due to oxygen deprivation during her birth, Rosemary suffered from learning difficulties. By the time she reached adulthood, she possessed an IQ of about 60 or 70, which is roughly equivalent to an 8- to 12-year-old. Despite this, Rosemary enjoyed a relatively normal upbringing. Though, her family covered up her mental condition. And nobody outside of her immediate family knew of her low IQ. As she matured, her previously easy-going and calm demeanor shifted, likely due to frustration. It must've been difficult struggling to achieve the same high standards her siblings were held to... ...And that were expected of her too, by her high-status parents. She started becoming rebellious, strong-willed; a problem for her father's political career. Joseph Kennedy Sr. decided to risk a new neurosurgical procedure that his doctors assured him would make his daughter calm again, and eliminate her outbursts. In other words, reduce the chances that she would publicly embarrass him. As the picture before suggests, that procedure was a lobotomy. A lobotomy involves scraping or cutting out parts of the brain. The procedure had only been performed 80 times in the U.S.A. at that point. But, despite the risks, Joseph Kennedy Sr. had Rosemary tied to an operating table. One of the doctors described what happened next: [Doctor's explanation.] The instrument Dr. Watts used looked like a butter knife. He swung it down to cut the brain tissue. [Doctor's explanation continued.] He said. As Dr. Watts cut, Dr. Freeman put questions to Rosemary. For example, he asked her to recite "The Lord's Prayer," or sing "God Bless America," or count backwards. [Doctor's explanation continued.] When she began to become incoherent, they stopped. If you couldn't guess, the procedure was a monumental failure. Rosemary was left with the mental age of a 2-year-old child and could not longer communicate, or even walk, and lost control of basic bodily functions. She was institutionalised and disowned by her family, who refused to visit her or even publicly acknowledge where she had disappeared to. As one Reddit user wrote, in a way it's even sadder that she lived to be 86, effectively trapped in a shell. A physical injury is one thing, but to have your mind, your entire personality taken away from you; your free will effectively crushed, all on your father's orders... That's something else. Unit 731 was a Japanese research unit, which conducted human experiments on prisoners of war during World War II. Victims were treated like lab rats by the researchers, and were often infected with various diseases. They were, then, cut open while still alive without any form of anesthetic. The surgeons would remove their organs while they were still conscious to inspect how the diseases affected the human body. This took place on both adults and children. Tests subjects would, sometimes, have their limbs amputated while still conscious, and then reattached to opposite side of their body. Others, had their limbs frozen to examine the spread of gangrene and how it rotted the flesh. Unit 731 developed biological weapons and helped spread the Bubonic Plague across much of mainland China. They also tested weapons on civilians, as well, such as flamethrowers and grenades. Subjects were starved, injected with animal blood, exposed to lethal doses of x-rays...the list goes on and on. If you can imagine it, then the researchers probably tried it on some poor soul. Approximately a quarter of a million people were killed in excruciating ways as a result of Unit 731's experiments. Many of the victims, infants. But at least the monsters involved saw justice after the war, right? Well, no. In return for their human experimentation data, the researchers of Unit 731 were given immunity by the U.S. Accounts made by survivors were, at the time, dismissed by the West as "communist propaganda." This page reminds us of the horrific acts that humans are capable of performing when they're able to dehumanise others, or view a specific group as 'inferior'. You might wanna skip this one if you're eating. Tarrare was a Frenchman, known for his unusual eating habits. (And, yes, any of my French-speaking listeners are allowed to mock my pronunciations during this one.) Essentially, Tarrare had an insatiable, never-ending hunger. In fact, he was unable to stop himself. Descriptions of him state that he had a creepily wide mouth full of stained teeth, with lips so thin they were effectively invisible. Strangely, even though he could reportedly eat his own body weight in meat over the course of a single day, he never seemed to gain any weight. Instead, his stomach would balloon after a large meal and, over time, return to normal. That, in itself, seems almost impossible. But numerous medical professionals, at the time, documented his case, as well as several others like him. Nothing like it has been recorded since, making his condition very specific to this period of history. Tarrare was such an unusual case that doctors would conduct tests on him to find out how he was able to consume so much. It wasn't just the fact that he could eat so much food, though. He could literally consume anything. He would sneak around, drinking blood and eating dead human flesh. The following quote shows just how disturbed he was, both physically and mentally. [Quote shown above.] In another hospital, doctors eventually gave up on their tests and got rid of him after a 14-month-old baby went missing from the hospital, and Tarrare was the main suspect. Tarrare died in 1798. He came to his doctor, Monsieur Tessier, saying that he had eaten a golden fork two years earlier, which he was sure had lodged inside his body somewhere and was slowly killing him. In reality, it was Tuberculosis that killed him [Story continued above.] There have been some popular YouTube videos made about the disturbing incidents that have taken place at Disney World. Since 2001, Disney has been obligated to report any incidents to state authorities; meaning any injuries, deaths, or serious crimes. Even though you've likely heard about a few of them already, when you check out this Wikipedia page, the list of incidents goes on for much longer than you'd probably expect. And, far too long for comfort. Some notable entries include: an 8-year-old boy who was crushed under the wheels of a Disney transportation bus in 2010, a 4-year-old boy drowning in the moat around Cinderella's castle, and, of course, the recent alligator attack that killed a 2-year-old child along the Seven Seas Lagoon Beach. Though the majority of the incidents on the list aren't explicitly Disney's fault, it's still unnerving to think that the "happiest place on earth" has been the setting for so many tragedies. I'm not sure if you've heard of serial killer Albert Fish, but he was one truly disturbed individual. He would lure children to isolated locations, and then, using what he called his "implements of hell" (namely, a meat cleaver, a handsaw, and a butcher's knife), would torture, mutilate, and murder them. He would, then, indulge in cannibalism, eating their raw flesh. The most chilling part of this page, however, is the unedited letter that he wrote to the mother of one of his victims; 10-year-old Grace Bud. He had met the family before, and had actually planned to capture and kill their son. But, when he saw Grace, he switched his target. The letter reads as follows: "Dear Mrs. Bud, On Sunday, June the 3rd, 1928, I called on you at 406 West 15 Street. Brought you pot cheese, strawberries. We had lunch. Grace sat on my lap and kissed me. I made up my mind to eat her on the pretense of taking her to a party. You said yes, she could go. I took her to an empty house in Westchester, which I'd already picked out. When we got there, I told her to remain outside. She picked wild flowers. I went upstairs and stripped all my clothes off. I knew, if I did not, I'd get her blood on them. When all was ready, I went to the window and called her. Then, I hid in a closet until she was in the room. How she did kick, bite, and scratch. I choked her to death, and then cut her into small pieces, so I could take my meat to my rooms, cook it, and eat it. Took me nine days to eat her entire body." >>LAZY, narrating: I've left out some details which I didn't find appropriate for the channel. If you're interested, you can read the whole letter by following the link to the page, down below. But just imagine receiving a letter like that, confirming that your missing child had been butchered and eaten, destroying all hope. Albert Fish was eventually apprehended and executed by electric chair. The Byford Dolphin is a drilling rig made back in 1974, and still in operation today. Now, it's well known that a rig is one of the most dangerous working environments you can find yourself on, and the Dolphin had more than its fair share of deadly incidents. Several fatal occurrences are listed on its Wikipedia page...but one stands out; the diving bell accident. A diving bell is, essentially, a chamber that transports divers to the depths of the ocean. This image the depicts the Dolphin's decompression chamber at the moment the accident occurred. D1 and [D]2 represent two British divers in the team. D3 and [D]4 depict two Norwegian team members. And T1 and [T]2 show the two experienced dive tenders. Their chambers were connected to the diving bell by a trunk, sealed by a clamp. To avoid decompression, it was vital that, before the tenders remove the clamp, the door to chamber 1 had to be sealed tight. For unknown reasons, on November 5th, 1983, one of the tenders opened the clamp before Truls Hellevik, who's represented by diver 4 in the diagram, could fully seal the door shut. The result was an explosive decompression. The diving bell was blown off, instantly killing the tender who released the clamp. Air rushed out of the chamber at an extreme force, and the pressure inside the chamber dropped from 9 atm to 1 in a fraction of a second. The result? Hellevik was sucked through an opening no more than 60 centimetres in diametre. He was violently dismembered. All of his internal organs were expelled from his chest and abdomen as he was forced through the small hole. They were later found up to 10 metres vertically above the other side of the door. The only parts of him left on the inside were: his trachea, a section of small intestine, and parts of the thoracic spine. All three of the other divers died instantly, as well. Their lives snuffed out in the time it takes to click your fingers. Their blood boiled inside of them. Undoubtedly, there are far more disgusting execution methods to read about online. But this one stands out as being completely overkill. When "blown from a gun," the victim is tied to a cannon with his back to the muzzle. The cannon is, then, fired, blowing the person's torso out of existence. One man who witnessed this execution method, George Carter Stent, described the process: [Process described above.] Sometimes, this would go wrong, with shards of bone flying out from the victim's torso at a high velocity, hitting onlookers and cutting into their flesh. This method of execution was mostly used by British troops in India. At a period in history where death-by-firing-squad would seem like a far more pragmatic approach, some sick bugger said, "Let's tie those guys to a cannon and see what happens." Well, now we know for sure. Back to World War II, now. The Nanking Massacre is one of history's most haunting and bloody occurrences. And the details and photos found on the Wikipedia page are enough to make anyone's blood boil. In December 1937, Japanese forces captured the city of Nanking in Eastern China. Over a six-week period, unthinkable war crimes took place. Girls of all ages were raped, often to death. Japanese officers held massacre competitions just to find out who could kill the most innocent civilians with a sword. People were buried alive just for kicks. One third of the city was burned to the ground, and executions took place on an industrial scale. As many as 300,000 people were murdered. Other than detailing the events of the massacre, what makes this page truly chilling are some of the photographs you'll find while scrolling down. Some of them, too graphic to show here, such as: the body of a dead child left in the dirt, a picture of a young boy battered to death by the butt of a rifle just for refusing to take off his hat, a woman penetrated to death with a bayonet, rivers of corpses, and this image of a prisoner, moments before being beheaded. It would be decades before Japan formally recognised the massacre, after denying that it had ever happened. This final Wikipedia article chronicles what scientists predict will happen to our planet, and, indeed, our universe in the next few billion years. Although not overtly creepy, there's something oddly macabre about the entire list. The further down you read, the more you're reminded just how fragile we are as a species, how little impact we actually have in the grand scheme of things, and how humanity probably won't exist for as long as we'd like to believe. Hey guys, Lazy here, and thank you very much for listening. Happy October, as well! (Everyone's favourite month over here, right?) Anyway, this was just a small collection of pages that I found morbidly interesting. Any articles you would have included? Well, let me know, and, um, I'll have some more videos coming your way very, very soon. I won't waffle this time, guys. So, stay spooky! And, remember... "The best things happen...in the dark."
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,702,954
Rating: 4.910717 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, horror movies, scary 2016 movies, disturbing, reddit, wikipedia, 2chan, 4chan, wiki, pages, posts, true, real, lazy masquerade, maskarade, before bed, top 10, mr nightmare, corpse husband, creepypasta, long video, relaxing, study music, new, best, most, how to, scariest video ever, ever taken, ghost, ghosts, haunted, freaky, learn english, british accent, audiobook, Halloween, love, romance, meme, yandere, deep web, on youtube
Id: tFsg9lpUrI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2016
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