8 Mobs We MIGHT See in NEW Minecraft 1.17 Update

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mojang has announced that minecraft's 1.17 update is going to be the mountain update and today we are covering eight brand new mountain mobs that would be a perfect fit for minecraft 1.17 from yetis that live in the uppermost areas of the snowy mountains to special snow leopards that you can use to aid you in battle maybe you'll get your hands on a rare golden eagle that you can use to see mobs underground or maybe you'll even happen across one of the most adorable little creatures the pikas who can actually help you get this bread let's check it out number one is the highly requested yeti mob that we've added to the mountain ranges of minecraft we're gonna go ahead and teleport to one of them right now yetis will run away from the player and leave tracks in the snow as you can see right now these tracks are going to start appearing right away instantly and once more you can actually collect the tracks they're known as mysterious footprints and you can actually use them to decorate in your world see the thing is yetis will only be visible when it is actually snowing on the mountain so we're going to go ahead and turn the weather to have snow right here then look at that the yeti has appeared oh here it is look at him over there nasty nasty hideous creature what are you all about yo he's literally oh he just oh gosh oh he heard us again now unlike most yetis that you're familiar with these yetis will actually run from you they're not looking to battle under any circumstance so you're gonna have to chase them down if you want any chance of getting their special drop come here little yeti yeah that's what it reminds me of to be honest get i gotta travel attack get em yo okay i think we're dealing some decent damage to him it's hard to tell he's got so much fur on him that i can't really make left from right here okay oh my gosh he's literally going nuts get yeah took him out and we got a special drop no less and it wasn't the footprints it was the yeti stomach you may have noticed the weather just cleared that's because you can control weather using a yeti stomach for some reason looking too much let's just assume yetis are magical here's how it works you hold the yeti stomach in your hand and simply put when you sneak the weather will clear did was there just a zombie somewhere nearby whatever anyways sneaking with the yeti stomach in hand will clear the snow of falling from the sky now of course the moment you right click with the yeti stomach you can instantly change the weather back to being a snowy wonderland our next potential 1.17 mob is the cowlin which is actually a mixture of cows and villagers similar to piglens that came out in the nether update these guys have a very interesting look about them hi little guy why how no one likes me now cowlins are actually capable of trading with you various new objects as well as some existing ones in this case we can get our hands on a frozen bow but before we get that we're going to get our hands on some ice shards and you can literally get your hands on them because now ice drops ice shards used for trading when you punch it with your fish you'll no longer get a block well really when you punch ice with your fish you didn't normally get anything but now you can get ice shards for your trouble instead so we're gonna collect a couple of these so that we can make some interesting trades with these rare mountain creatures hey stupid i'm gonna trade you literally worthless ice i need a bu okay bow plus ice shards frozen bow great movie by the way you can also get something known as a nitrogen bucket if you bring the cowl in an empty bucket as well as some ice sharks so we'll get our hands on that as well and i guess if you trade it ice and wheat you get some bread yeah it makes sense thank you for your kind services mr cowlin seriously what what oh an interesting creature indeed whoa hi okay but the items so the frozen bow can actually freeze nearby entities in place you have to kind of fire nearby them in order for the effect to take place but as you can see here this mob is completely and by completely i mean mostly obscured and covered in ice so maybe the creeper can face yup that same fat hey stupid what are you the worst break well you suck ah i think he's gonna drown now the other drop the nitrogen bucket is essentially like lava but it's cold and you can place it down in various different spots and just like that the nitrogen is now flowing across you know they're still frozen over there and it will deal damage to you if you happen to get stuck in it so oh my gosh all right i get it i get it i get it the dry ice was killing me yeah literally good thing i got this bread 1.17 mountain mob number three is actually a confirmed one mountain goats like a mix between a gallon of sheep goats can give you both milk and wool we're gonna spawn one in right now remember this guy we've actually done a video on him in the past when we were originally seeing this guy being announced now goats are capable of giving you both milk as well as wool yo that guy just ate a piece of cream that's awesome you can of course cheer these guys using cheers and it'll literally hear them and then they won't have any more wool and whoa yo he's going nuts mad with power holy moly are you wearing a bow tie if you want to milk a goat though you're going to have to approach slowly because the moment you hold the bucket in hand this guy will go nuts he won't let you get nearby him he will literally just slowly start to back away so if you want to work properly you're going to have to sneak up on this goat and then you can right-click in order to get your delicious yummy yummy milk now more importantly so sad if you kill this guy you'll get goat hooves that you can actually wear and these have a really cool effect as well now that we've got them on not only to get a light armor bonus but any nearby block can be climbed as if you were a goat using the goat hooves all you got to do is jump on up and you can clear some serious distances as you saw i as you saw right there climbing up the side what is this breath of the wild your best game talk about minecraft minecraft's best game brother why it is a close sec 1.17 mob number four is the pikas which is a mountain dwelling creature they're small little things that reside in the mountains they love wheat and flowers and we'll gather them all together in order to get yourself a special new item oh look at him oh my gosh i'm so happy oh he's adorable hold on a second he sounds hideous actually now again these mobs are attracted to all sorts of things whether it is flowers wheat seeds i mean the list goes on but here's the really cool thing about it as they continue to acquire these lovely little flowers once they get five of them a very special effect will occur indeed look oh he's the cutest oh my gosh i love him so much on acquiring that fifth flower the pika will actually burrow into the ground and will have a very unique effect that occurs hey man you were supposed to burn embarrassing me worst guy appears to be holding them with his magical back i'm not going to ask too many questions but you just saw that the pika actually burrowed underground temporarily get out of my way i got it big and just like that you can see it's left us a lovely bale of hay because apparently that's what pikas do now you could also do something very interesting with the pikas in leaving them iron although i don't necessarily know if that is the best suggestion for you guys to take part in because if you give them too much iron well right our next mob is the golden eagle yes a rare bird of prey they're great hunters that will fly down and even kill nearby sheep here's one in action look at them yo majestic alert one sec believe it or not you can actually tame these creatures and use them as your pets which i recommend on their own they're prone to attacking nearby innocent creatures you'll be able to see him swoop down in a hot minute here and go for the gold get on o'sheep baby he's uh he doesn't have the best vision apparently which is ironic given what the sheep drops but as i said you can actually tame this guy by using bones on it because apparently it loves bones for some reason but now he's mine and now i almost found a liquid nitrogen any mob you attack will be prone to the sheep going for it as well look at that yo dive bomb action too good now if you happen to kill your very own pet golden ein eagle you'll get something known as the eagle eye don't blink because if you do you'll miss this the moment you wear the eagle eye all nearby mobs will instantly be highlighted and illuminated including ones found underneath depending on the color of the mob you will be able to get an idea of what the mob in question is we see a whole mess of creepers skeletons endermen spiders zombies all just hanging out below us it's kind of cool to be honest you can even see other golden eagles nearby ain't geez worst ahaha i'm gonna get my hands on another one of these not only that though but when wearing an eagle eye and equipping a bow you will have extra well that looks cool by the way extra vision you'll see here that we actually get an instantaneous zoom in so that we've got a better grip of nearby mobs and kill them easier mountain mob number six is the caribou these peaceful animals don't want any trouble and they're also quite cute what do you mean what i'm just complimenting you man now you can actually lead these guys around if you happen to have a lead handy and they are quite useful indeed but not the way you might expect once you lead over one of these caribous to some nearby seeds the whole idea here is that from time to time you will see green particles go off nearby the feet of the caribou that's because they're going poo and as you can see here it is causing it's the worst thing to say it is causing the nearby plants and seeds to more quickly grow because the droppings of the caribou act as a sort of fertilizer for all of your nearby plants wow so nice i love poop so if you're a farmer worth your green thumb you'll want to get your hands on some of these herds of caribou and keep them nearby all of your different crops in addition after enough idle time with the caribou he'll actually shed his antlers which you can use as you can see right here as a special worn item oh hold on a second what am i at the coolest i'm just kidding i look hideous now they can either be used for decorative purposes by placing them in an item frame or as i said you can wear them for cosmetic reasons yo i hear chicks dig huge horns anyways 1.17 mob number seven is the snow leopard they're silent hunters typically found in the mountains in the mountains well look at him he's scary actually don't look at him too close feeding leopards bone scraps will actually allow you to tame them as well allow me to demonstrate come on oh he didn't want these bone scraps anyways go ahead he loves me look at him we can push him around he'll actually sit in play and he'll follow you around if you take him out of his sitting animation uh prone to idling here and there as well now worth noting the snow leopard will defend you at all costs come on over baby and it actually stands a pretty decent chance at taking out nearby mobs because as you can see here he's got some serious speed as well as strength even against the zoglin which are normally extremely difficult to kill for any mob this guy actually stands a chance you can see them going at it right now normally zoglins win any mob battle but in this case the snow leopard he oh he just took him to town you know best day of my life go ahead get at it yeah you can even use it to get an iron golem put in his place well i guess the iron golem helped in this case but either way get him leopard yes beautiful now the snow leopard in question here has ultimate allegiance to you once you have fed him some bones like seriously look at the damage output i'm oh boy oh well can we are you gonna are gonna are you gonna kill him in the in the meanwhile can we can we get some kind of i don't know vindicate me please and i'll wait for this death message oh naturally worst well i think he's over there getting the job done maybe gotta go pick up all my sc oh whoa mysterious death i must have been the poison from the snow leopard bite i'm just kidding the final mob here are the mountain dwellers number eight now these are shadowy creatures that dwell in mountain biomes don't mind while i grab a couple supplies to take this guy on because it is in fact a hostile creature you'll notice that it has a series of smoky particles all around it and all you can make out with it are its two hollow eyes red eyes effect now if you let this guy attack you you'll be blinded instantly which is just really unfortunate no one likes that to be perfectly honest with you now if you do enough damage or leave them to their own devices they'll from time to time split into two single eyed creatures upon killing them you'll get a special item it's known as the potion of observation and you can drink this potion of observation to turn into one of these shadowy creatures and it will allow you to move about the world no clipping through all of the different landscapes around you for a small amount of time about 15 seconds of instant travel wherever you want so make sure wherever it is you end up landing you've got something to catch your fall on the way down otherwise it'd be a pretty nasty fall indeed let us know which of these mobs was your favorite in the comments section below and hey if you haven't seen our eight new nether mob concept as well you can check that one out in the meantime thanks so much for watching
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,144,217
Rating: 4.8453326 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, eagle, minecraft eagle, mountain mobs, new mountain mobs in minecraft, minecraft 1.17, minecraft 1.17 update, minecraft 1.17 release date, new mobs in minecraft, the mountain update, yeti, leopard, new animals in minecraft, elk, 1.17, 1.17 minecraft update, new mountain mobs, new minecraft update, new minecraft mobs, 1.17 mobs, 15 NEW Biome Mobs, new mobs, pets, new pets, mob updates, villager, mobs, logdotzip, new, update, minecraft updates, rare minecraft mobs, variants
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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