Minecraft mobs if they ate Too much

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today we're checking out some mobs that ate too much gluttony isn't a problem for these mobs rather a solution and as a result they've got some seriously larger than life rewards for us if we interact with them and to see the final big boy we'll need to feed the first seven don't miss out this video is stuffed full with surprises gosh look at this pathway okay so we're gonna first explore the creeper if this guy ate a little too much so summon them on in right now looks to be good to go but what we're gonna do is feed him some delicious gun powder yummy yummy look at him cashing it in his mouth delicious yeah we're gonna just throw a bunch at him you are what you eat oh boy big oh no that's not what i creepers love gunpowder's snack feed it enough and you'll be in for yeah that would have been good to know before okay let's try this again huh you're a hungry boy does he get does he get bigger if i feed him more let me oh he's still eating yo hungry how many do i need to feed him before he he turns into the biggest in all the land i'll just keep keep going oh whoa what am i supposed to do with this he doesn't even fit on my screen hey buddy how's it going oh i don't know should i should i light him uh yeah maybe i can kill him okay well killing him just caused an explosion but now i want him to just explode okay let's see how he does uh careful drumstick oh that was quite an explosion okay let's see what happens to a villager when they eat too much huh summon them in we're gonna feed the big boy emeralds legit okay so drum you got any words of wisdom for this guy here no he's just gonna hang out okay buddy do your thing okay hey mr villager yep yep yep yep yep yep yep oh he when he wants to he wants those big me with that big mac baby oh no he doesn't okay so then what do i do i just keep feeding him like this and then eventually he'll turn into a big boy jones i assume yep yep he does whoa what great nose you have does so do your trades differ as well no do i gotta feed you with these now you got anything to add those like money so much that they eat it too feed feed him emeralds and they'll give you new trades a big diamond hoe to increase your crop drops and a big hat to speed up crop growth dude i'm with it okay so we're gonna keep feeding him until he turns into the largest man in the world where's his head oh oh goodness what do i do with this look at his little legs oh wow hey okay big diamond hoe okay big farmer's hat okay huh look at me huge whoa whose size is that you see this dude oh my gosh this is hilarious okay so can i wear this i can hey thanks for the loan buddy okay so i'm gonna plan on this yeah ooh and look check it out i can instantly yes yes whoa so the farmer's hat makes crops grow extra fast okay and though here this big old domino lets us reap what we sow holy moly no literally ho lee moly look at that we just got so much wheat nice big announcement guys we've been working hard to make some hot new log.zip merch you can get your very own log.zip t-shirt an alex the noob t-shirt or even a handmade tie-dye tee so check out the link in the description below okay anyways the wolf huh so we can feed the wolf robbie a good perfect boy who deserves all the treats feed him enough beef and he'll start rolling around and belly flopping on mobs i like the idea of that okay we're gonna feed this good old boy but you guys stop you got you got you got you got to sit sit good boy oh big old chungus buddy oh my gosh we gotta get you a treadmill or something as soon as possible okay or we could just feed you more away god of the ways of die oh boy he um looks a little ill oh look at a rule dude you must be joking me look at him roll look at him roll around oh dude no way we teleported he's hanging out with his villager friend you gotta be joking me hold on we're gonna summon in a baddie what get him belly flop son oh my gosh oh my gosh that's so good oh you think you really are the goodest boy okay get him all right get him oh my gosh you're such a good boy you're such a good boy i love him dude okay man's best friend indeed i say we over feed the weather see what happens when this thing eats too much huh so he likes blaze powder hey what do you say about it withers get hungry too and they like blaze powder though all that extra food might go to his head which you can use to shoot giant exploding skulls sure hey buddy are we cool yeah we're cool he knows i got his food right here okay eat up eat yeah yeah he's thrilled about it okay so what happens when i feed this guy too much okay wow wow he's t-posing what an honor i gotta change my fov to be able to fit all these guys okay you keep on eating okay buddy i wanna see what happens next whoa he got some top heavy he literally fell the other direction hey hey bad bad bad what was to do with this huh which you can use to shoot giant exploding skulls what what do when do i get them as a drop stop bad hungry hungry hungry yikes can i can i damage him okay maybe how do i get the skulls let's try killing him instead yeah that will do it okay well we got another star we also got a big wither head okay cool so i can't wear the big wither head but apparently what i can do with it is even better i can right click and shoot big wither head fireballs big big big and constant oh my gosh wow i've like leveled the side of this mountain instantly fresh oh boy oh boy wow i'll tell you what i ain't mad about that oh wait check me out biggest boy in all the land i'm gonna make a hole right through the side of the mountain look it went through oh man i wish he dropped this normally what happens if a skeleton eats too much drum i i'm a little concerned about this one i mean it's legit skeleton i don't know if it it can eat so let's give it a shot though sticks we're gonna feed it sticks is this real you got nothing to contribute huh okay skelly aye okay okay okay okay you can't reach me i'm bad bad can you reach me here yes he's silly guy all right eat the sticks eat hungry why are we why are we feeding him sticks anyways a little bit confused to be honest do you have any oh oh skeletons can't eat well feed him some sticks and he'll use it for his bow instead this huge hose shoots a storm of arrows with every pole should i get that bow for yourself he's got the biggest bow in all the land big big drum get away you're gonna get hurt or he's gonna hurt himself that might be a good idea too okay you just keep eating because i want this to get to become even bigger yes oh wow real big oh okay you got the rest of the sticks to be honest uh still not enough okay well how about this i'm gonna kill you instead and look at that big old bow big o bow hey bitsy what's good honey yeah yeah oh gosh look at that there's so many arrows that fire out of it amazing wow wow one arrow gets us that many dude look so funny looking you must be joking me ah drum i'm glad you're here to witness this i'm a big fan not a betsy though you gotta go girl i'm sorry i'm sorry a puffer fish that ate too much i can't wait to see this one hold on a second raw cod could have figured as much so what do you got to say about this guy huh puffer fish can get even bigger than you thought likes to eat god when this one gets big enough he can be pushed in any direction and barrel through any blocks and mobs in its path all right let's see hey hey hungry hungry big old hungry eat on up on all this car baby oh now he's a real big boy real big boy drum don't get too close this might not ain't see might not end well if you get too close to him okay i don't know oh oh gosh we'll definitely build something look at the size of them oh our eyes look very similar right now okay so summon baddies let's see what happens okay baddies okay do your thing are you gonna like i don't get it how do i how do i make him you still hungry or something you want more what oh i push him it went through legit all of th oh gosh okay let me try that one again huh let's try push him a little bit more this way oh no way no way dude i met one bit about that y'all gonna roll him into the water down he goes he's clearing out the water bruh oh this is my easily easily easily my new favorite one hold on let's give her this path too huh oh gosh there it goes let's see what happens when a vindicator eats too much food okay let's see let's see oh he likes those emeralds too huh okay okay hey big boy oh yeah see he's legit reaching for the food he's like give me some food please i raise my hands to you hungry hungry don't worry i'll get you home boy come on oh yeah what is what so what do you got me you got anything right to say feeding a vin oh gosh hunchback alert feeding of indicator emeralds makes him even more dangerous he gets a better ax that he'll hurl at you for a high damage kill him to get it man oh wow he really looks like he's plotting and scheming on something right now okay hold on a second i'm gonna keep on feeding you though just seems to makes oh gosh what are they all over there for he's looking at his friends wow big wow large and in charge oh whoa that almost killed me one shot yeah yeah yeah exactly how can i take him out hi through the cactus oh you must be joking me okay well we gotta be quick on homeboy here get it get it get it oh gosh get it i gotta get in there die oh we got it we got the biggest axe in the world that is a big axe axe oh my gosh so good wow wow oh my gosh i want to go chop trees yeah so it's got -3 attack speed but plus 12 attack damage but more importantly oh gosh i can legit throw it i can throw i can throw it and it just keeps going oh wow wow yeah i heard you drumstick amazing amazing amazing oh so it hits a block it breaks can we get betsy from over there maybe and before we get to our last creature slime a quick appreciation look at all of these lovelies big old boys drum i don't know about this man but let's find out more huh so slime balls okay you got anything to contribute with the power of all the other mobs we can summon into slime this little slime has big dreams feed him slime balls to help him get there at his biggest when he can be fought for opie loot just watch out when he splits okay i can do that eat hungry and i'm gonna feed you up real nice baby oh guy he's big big big oh gosh big big i need my axe give me the axe yay yay hey okay it's split oh gosh yay yay snow gate on him autumn oh gosh i'm glad i got the axe did he just drop a bunch of goods wow it dropped so much good stuff bruh look at the drops like astounding like what am i looking at right now we got dragon heads netherright golden apples diamond blocks elytra out the wazoo let's just stop and appreciate well this chunks of the way but now that we dropped all the big boys look at all of this stuff we just got our hands on amazing i mean seriously guys check out all these items with that mind i highly encourage all of you to overeat i'm just kidding and make sure you subscribe it's bad okay bye
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 4,106,232
Rating: 4.8668513 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, big mobs, biggest mobs, worlds largest mob, worlds largest, biggest, big, huge, large, largest, mobs, new mobs, feeding mobs, pets, new pets, caves and cliffs, new minecraft update, creeper, pillager, wolf, dog, wither, villager, slime, puffer fish, skeleton, largest weapon, large mobs, huge mobs, largest mobs, worlds biggest, worlds biggest minecraft, ate to much, biggest wolf in minecraft, largest wolf, biggest dog, large dog, big dog
Id: IYtI_SHTe9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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