15 Mobs we want to see in Minecraft 1.17

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today guys we're checking out 15 mobs i would love to see added to minecraft 1.17 or any version of minecraft really we've got some awesome ones from elephants to tree creeping dwellers to the most adorable little baby seal and there's 15 more coming in a very nearby video so subscribe to see it and let's jump into these mops all right guys this first mob stinks it's the skunk oh my gosh it's got well i don't want to know what that is to be honest but the skunk has been added in game and if you get too close to this guy well you'll get a couple things happening first of all you'll be repelled by the sheer stench of this nastiness but more importantly we just got our hands on a stink bucket yes a bucket of stink hideous not only that but you notice right as we got close there we got pushed away if you attack the creature the very same will happen right off the bat you'll start running for the hills but this stink bucket is quite useful indeed you can actually use it to keep other mobs away so this husk headed towards us well not anymore literally being repelled by it now if you move too slowly you'll lose your stink bucket but if you pick it up before it has a chance to despawn well you can in fact reuse it as we just did right there so get your stank on keep the mobs at bay and take a shower already this next mob is known as the ambush bug and it likes to hang out inside of sunflowers it's attracted to bees but not in the way you might be thinking it is check this out but b happens to pollinate nearby one of the sunflowers that the ambush bug is presiding within well that bee is going to have another thing coming naomi the moment the bee pollinates the ambush bug will actually end up killing the bee and what's more once you destroy the flower that the ambush bug lives within you'll actually get all of the different songs that the bee would have been able to collect so by breaking this flower we actually got that honeycomb that the bee had stored this button's got some pre-pollinated bees that will in theory instantly head nearby yep you see intercepted yo they're going nuts over there holy moly here we go much better instantly killing them now we've got three bees four bees again however many bees the ambush bug gets to that's how many honeycombs you're gonna get so we just got four honeycombs for our trouble sweet get it before this video goes any further i wanted to update you guys if you missed yesterday's secret 24 hour video well here's an update for you our plushie is here and ready to go available for pre-order right now look at the adorable little eyes you can grab your hands on one of these plushies by heading over to ldz.store where you've got a chance of getting one of five signed plushies signed by yours truly if you act within the pre-order window so grab your hands on one of these things right now it is an awesome holiday present and you'd be supporting us directly it means so much to have that support and with that let's carry on with the rest of the video alright guys the next mob is the woodpecker look at him adorable heading over the tree so that he can begin going to town on it slowly but surely chipping away at the bark on this tree now let the woodpecker do his thing for a long enough amount of time and you'll be left with a special new type of item the item is known as wood chips and it's got a very interesting use indeed so fill on up flies away yo off to greener pastures i guess so what can you use these wood chips for well wood chips can be used to repair broken tools namely wooden tools specifically so we've got a broken wooden sword here that is well essentially broken look at that durability there put some wood chips in just like that boom we've got a completely healed up wooden sword lovely so now you've got an insane ability to heal up all of your uh wood tools if if you wanted to do that i guess guys this next mob is nasty it's a leech look at this thing oh my gosh i hope i hope he doesn't see me looks like he's doing his own thing frankly now don't get too close to the leech because the leech will then literally attach to you and slowly suck your blood yes it's nasty it will not get off of me in fact there's only a couple different ways to do it you can get rid of a leech by standing in fire or nearby fire which will cause it to burn up or you can do something a little bit more nefarious in case of leech break glass yes we've got a pair of shears here now if you do this properly what you can do is get the leech attached to you and then drop the shears on top of it that will cause the leach to detach turn into an item which you can then use against nearby mobs hey what's good husk yo what's good honey bang get on that yeah yeah got a couple of those leeches on him and so now what you'll see here is that the leeches are actually slowly attacking the mob that we placed it on as well it's gonna be the same story you get too close to fire with these guys they're not gonna have a grand old time but when it comes to the husk man this guy's blood is sweet you've never guessed our next mob friend is the adorable little mole look at you oh my gosh oh you heard me now moles love carrots if you didn't know that and you can actually attract the mole to follow you in a certain direction by holding carrots in your hand and the moment you do that well you'll be able to use the moles special ability which is actually to mine for you simply feed the mole of carrot and check it out as he goes nuts and heads back to his original molehole wherever the moles spawned in is considered their home similar to how turtles work in game and they will instantaneously take off bee lining for their original home the moment they are nice and filled with carrots sometimes it can lead you to treasure oh like diamonds check this out best mole ever guys living a swanky lifestyle i gotta say oh boy digesting over here he doesn't want to see anybody he's like yo i got my food and i'm good now oh what you got in here huh now guys our next mob is in the deep deep oceans it is the crab not only are they really cute to look at but they'll approach you diagonally they only walk sideways and you can actually kill these guys and you'll get something special for your trouble i oh my goodness let's go ahead and collect them get back to the surface well with crab in hand you can actually eat them i know it's kind of messed up they're like looking at you as you're eating them but hey check this out when you eat them not only you get a serious amount of saturation so that you can heal quickly but you'll get 30 seconds of water breathing as well so if you happen to be deep diving and you find some crabs located throughout your oceans well you'll be able to save your breath quite literally look eat that we got another 30 seconds of water breathing it is beautiful it's just sad because they're like really cute but you know i am hungry our next mob is another ocean dweller it's known as the like button have you hit it yet oh thanks for doing that i really appreciate it no i'm just kidding it's known as the sea slug now keep something in mind with the sea slug similar to in real life the sea slug actually is quite porous and will have holes that are scattered throughout its body so that it can more freely move throughout the landscape that it happens to traverse across now when stood still the sea slug will in fact no longer show all of its holes which is very um good i guess yeah naturally you don't want to behave himself i'm trying to show off your lack of holes there we go see no holes when he's not moving isn't he adorable now let's kill it yes and we'll get a brand new item well not a new item it's it's just the sea slug and yeah we're gonna eat this one too like i can't help it sea creatures are delicious but this one comes with some special abilities remember how it was porous and you could kind of see through it well guess what friends if you eat the sea slug you'll have a similar power you'll be able to phase through nearby walls instantaneously oh i'm kind of invisible and it happens to be kind of dark in here let's go ahead and put some torches down much better oh still invisible well that's the power of the sea slug you can use those porous holes to get through certain barriers but only for a limited amount of time hey we got a prize huh oh man pranked how about a change of scenery huh guys in the middle of the iciest parts of minecraft we've got our new friend he's the most adorable one it's a little seal oh my gosh and listen to him oh i can cry we're not going to kill him i promise here's the cool thing about seals they will absorb the sunlight in the day yes that's right oh yes oh you're the best now that means that when it turns nighttime well they have a very unique ability they will actually begin to glow they will radiate the sunlight that they had been absorbing all day oh i'm gonna cry but it actually has a very unique ability as well if you keep sealed sunbathing nearby it will keep mobs at bay because frankly mobs don't spawn near bright areas so this zombie that i'm trying to spawn in not appearing summoning the creeper not gonna happen now compare that with if we try to summon it all the way over here you can see that the zombie had no problem appearing but if it does spawn in near a seal well i guess the better way to look at it is it won't spawn it near a seal isn't that right oh you're the best and guys don't forget to in the comment section below let us know which of these mobs ends up being your favorite we've got another tundra mob right here the walrus hanging out in some of the coldest waters in game this guy's got some tusks of steel or ivory i don't really know to be honest but anyways watch out for the walrus while it is passive if you decide to give it a punch because you're a terrible person it will begin to attack you in response to that and it can deal some serious damage with those two faces but you're going to want to get your hands on by killing it man i feel kind of bad when i kill these animals but only kind of i mean it's just a video game y'all can get over it i'm gonna eat this crap so the tusk is quite a unique drop it takes some serious dedication and it's definitely not a netherride host so don't ask any questions okay gosh you can use this tusk to auto mine all sorts of icy blocks like i mean look at this this is insane it's instantaneous not only that but you actually manage to keep the block itself normally when you break ice well what you'll see here in a second is that it turns to water well with tusk in hand no longer the case now you've got an easy way to collect all of these frozen cubes for your beverages now it's hard to explain this next mod but you're going to want to have your stink nice and handy what an interesting thing to say it's known as the brock inspector and apparently it's some sort of light display that is so mesmerizing see no mouse right now that you are completely fixated upon it no matter where you look literally just i'm just moving with my arrow keys right now and it is completely stuck on looking at this thing from any single direction and you can't move the mouse away it doesn't let you now the only way that you can get this fixation to cease is by getting far enough away from this so that your camera movement is freed up once again or if you happen to have some stink candy we're gonna drop that slowly move towards it once it starts to activate and with any luck we might be able to get blinded by it fairly quickly can we can we get blinded please let me be good be blind me blind me did it not yeah there we go delayed effect okay so check this out it also happens to work on other mobs as well if i could find the button to spawn it in see look he's absolutely fixated on it now we can't see it right now because we're blind but the moment the blindness wears off in just a few seconds here you'll be able to see what this husk is looking at hint it's looking at the brock inspector whoa best friends look at him he's trying to we are you coming in for a hug buddy buddy i'm gonna roll that up next is the trash panda aka a raccoon look at you now raccoons you'll want to watch out for because they are prone to taking valuables no literally if you happen to have some things nearby that you drop on the ground the panda will instantly go for them so i've got some diamonds right here look grabs them right away he'll take anything though it might be a sword it might be some stone it might be all these different things but he will slowly collect all of these items and then actually take them from you oh my gosh let's see if he gets to the swords next yep here he comes look he grabbed the sword you thief you're gonna go for the stone you're gonna go for the dirt what's it gonna be oh he's making up his mind holding them with his um invisible arms we'll call it huh now if you want to be able to get your stuff back you're actually unfortunately going to need to take this guy out but the moment you do you'll be able to grab all your stuff deep in the dark oak forest presides the tree creeper no relation to regular creepers this guy's nasty looking oh my gosh the biggest nose i ever seen whoa i can smell you my dear now don't get too close namely underneath this guy because he will actually grab you oh and hold you hostage essentially attack attack and if you're in the air for long enough you'll actually end up dying completely it's the saddest story can we just work with me oh my gosh i killed me upon killing it though you'll get something from it the creeper claw ooh claw's gonna get you this is a fairly useful weapon but it is most effective against flying creatures capable of dealing additional damage to them i mean look at that two-hit wonder yes i understand that the phantom was also a little on fire but you know details details details now come on back down take your punishment well big where is it hey get all right i'll spare you point is it does a lot of damage and that's always a fun thing yeah you suck and speaking of a lot of damage f in the chat for the cheap we're about to spawn in as it be attacked b's attacked as it gets attacked by piranhas look at that guy eyeing him over there let's spawn in another for good measure going nuts on him oh my gosh that's because we've had it in piranhas in game oh my word all that's left is mutton oh delicious it's gonna get soggy we gotta be careful be careful with piranhas nearby because they will begin going nuts on you instantly heading for your body and uh you know killing you and stuff is saying it's never a fun thing necessarily way more fun to let it happen to husks instead that would be a good idea well they're still heading for me in creative mode those monsters look at that oh my goodness the piranhas they mean serious business look at these guys oh what a sucker yeah you seriously do not want to mess with these guys oh no my house is on fire how did that happen doesn't matter we got another mob that's going to help us save the day it's known as the elephant look at you love him now when you get caught on fire the elephant's gonna rush to your aid um elephant help me elephant yes he's helped me and check it out he not only put out the fire but he also put up part of the fire of the house and then um you know and then he kind of disappeared i i don't know what happened but it's okay look it's an elephant aren't you adorable yeah all right you know better luck next time with the house our last mob is not this guy but actually will protect us from this guy it's known as well hold on i want to kill these hands get away i the worst oh they keep coming anyways here it's it's it's this guy it's the pangolin ah please get the ant please you see they they eat ants yummy was that flesh that we just saw you know the pangolin eyeing these ants keep the bangle in close to keep dreaded ants away because you know you know we added in ants too you know why not right hey stupid look literally ran right into his mouth best friend yo here you can have some of this too okay he doesn't have a taste for beef but he'll go to town on the ants i guess sure hey eats their own everything is a cuisine somewhere and speaking of these were some delicious mobs and if you'd like to see 15 more mob variants we've added into minecraft that you're going to want to check out this video you're seeing on screen and naturally if you haven't subscribed already you should so you can see all sorts of awesome mobs and minecraft concepts coming at you on a very very regular basis thanks for leaving a like we'll see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 977,306
Rating: 4.9223943 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new mobs, caves and cliffs, caves and cliffs update, 1.17 update, minecraft 1.17, new minecraft mobs, new mobs in minecraft, seal, baby seal, new animals, skunk, bees, woodpecker, leech, mole, crab, sea slug, walrus, broken spectre, raccoon, creeper, piranhas, elephant, pangolin, deep ocean, ocean, crabs, mob update, minecraft mob update, logdotzip, new update, new mobs in 1.17, mobs we want to add, mobs added to minecraft
Id: xDn2--cCLVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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