10 Mobs that MIGHT Come out in Minecraft 1.17 (New Update)

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the badlands were up for a potential minecraft 1.17 update at last year's minecon and so today we're covering 10 mobs that might have been in minecraft 1.17 if this biome had ended up winning the vote some of these are confirmed to be eventually coming no matter what and other of these just make a whole lot of sense the first 1.17 potential mob was the vulture vultures are hostile mobs that would have normally spawned in in the badlands and so hopefully they make a return in the near future but for now this guy is what we're gonna have to deal with here so he will actually swoop down in an attempt to attack you and if you manage to kill this sucker you'll be able to get your hands on a very special item that's a weird noise indeed so let's see keep missing with any luck he'll actually drop the item in question get it yeah oh naturally doesn't drop it it's okay to the chest over here oh he did drop it i'm just dumb it's known as the vulture feather and it's got a very special power that's gonna be perfect for anyone out there that's really bad at my crap namely you die all the time when you die and you right click a vulture feather it will lead you towards the place you died so we've got an example just over here with some goodies we're just gonna keep honest so that we can pretend that we've been exploring all day gathering up whole gobs of goodies and now let's just choose a random spot somewhere nearby to die okay this looks like a perfect spot so i'm gonna go ahead and kill myself in minecraft as you can see the new death message log does it hitched a ride on a vulture nevermind the typo but anyways what you can do with the vulture feather is right click and the moment you do it will actually begin floating around trying to locate where you died and if you happen to be good enough at following it well you'll see that it will inevitably lead itself all the way back towards where it is our stuff is i mean look at that look at that look at that it is slowly making its way over we actually ended up dying over there getting closer oh and just like that it managed to locate where our stuff is now from time to time it'll even give up a special particle beam to let you know it's found it see just like that it will begin shooting off this light beam so that you can at a moment's notice relocate all of your goodies and pick them up before they despawn thanks little guy look the next mob is butterflies i hate these like literally in real life butterflies freak me out they're passive mobs that are mostly here for the ambience but they do have a special function now look at this little hideous creature really like it's i uh just not a fan to be honest man these ones even make noise i got an idea i'ma kill it get it yeah i got him i punched him he's the worst yeah now check this out you'll actually be able to collect the butterfly once you strike it from the air and it and see look it's fine it's still alive i really don't want to touch it but ugh butterflies okay so we've caught one what does it do well believe it or not you can actually use butterflies to keep these vultures away because vultures just happen to hate butterflies finally something we have in common with these things now of course you can also just right click these to re-release them into the atmosphere which again will no longer protect you from any vultures nearby but at least they don't have to touch the butterflies next mob you might have seen in 117 is the bison delicious bison or passive mobs that you can actually mount look at this big boy hey what's good honey yo you looking fine fine enough to eat because you know bison sticks they sell those anyways all we're gonna need to do in order to mount this bison is step on him and just like that we've got him under our control i mean we may end up needing to tame him first that means there's a chance that that's the case but that's okay we can actually control him without the taming either way because you know i'm a wild west warrior that's what they called me back in high school to control where they go we're gonna need to craft grass on a stick which is simple you just need a fishing rod you all ready and some grass grass on a stick the ultimate teas so check it out now they're moving baby bison are capable of actually plowing through any dead bushes found nearby in the area and what's more you can also use them to damage nearby mobs instantaneously dealing damage the moment they begin plowing through now the mob can still damage you keep that in mind so you'll want to wear armor and have that handy but at the very least you'll be oh my gosh he's going to kill me saddest story oh that got so close how about we try something a little more peaceful instead like a little sheep see he won't do any damage to me yeah we're just bullying on this guy my favorite hey we got some wool for our trouble thanks i'm gonna make a bed you're the best now if you were to kill this guy well you'd see that it doesn't really drop anything terribly useful i mean a splash potion of poison i can't speak to why let's just assume because if you eat raw bison you're gonna get food poisoning i like that one all right anyways we move on number four the great hunger take a look at this guy i'm sure some of you guys remember him he was one of the mobs that you could have voted on on a couple minecons ago in the mob vote now the great hunger in this case is a mostly passive mob he's just friendly look at that smile on him oh he heard me now every so often the great hunger will dig into the ground to camouflage itself we got a button here to speed up that process and just like that he's now been camouflaged into the ground kind of meshing in would have made a little bit more sense if he had done it you know on the red sand we could try and make that happen you go ahead and do your thing there we go okay well he went back to the there we go much more hidden yo it looks like he's about to go to town on this dead bush now be very careful with the great hunger nearby because the moment you step nearby it you'll hit your ride on a vulture apparently never mind that you're rude look at those shiny teeth okay mess in my day oh my gosh all right where's the vultures they keep messing with us it's not just a player though it will also eat any entities that happen to be nearby so let's spawn in one of those punch them on and get in those tifuses baby yeah instantaneous death for that poor little mob now worth noting the items that you drop nearby will also be consumed check this out boom just ate the item it's literally gone but you've got a good reason to want to put that in this big old mouth okay that's because it will poop them out afterwards and if the item's enchanted it will keep the enchantment and put it on the next item that it eats so in this case it spat out the item or you know came out one hole or another check this out we got some enchanted items here for employee we've got a chest plate here with protection 4 on it go ahead spit that into the mouth of this guy wait a little bit it's gotta digest diamonds are hard to pass through and if we were to from there drop a new item right on top of this guy well give it some time it will eventually spit out the item in question but worth noting you can only transfer apparently from armor to armor from weapon to weapon etc so i was wrong you can't put protection for on a sword i don't know why you might want to but either way we'll go ahead and let this guy do his thing there you go check it out check it out check it out now it ate the gold chest plate but our iron chest plate now has that projectile protection four on it so now you can easily transfer enchantments from one piece of armor you may not need over to the next one sorry i gotta kill you now goodbye 1.17 mob number five is the weasel sneaky boy now weasels are tiny killing machines oh i gotta see this one yo you are adorable look at him i'm gonna punch you are you gonna kill me ain't oh gosh yes stay away lingering potion of deterrent we'll talk about that in a second let's summon another one of these once we've got some bones in hand because you can use the bones to tame your whoa your weasel oh my gosh oh look at him hold on can we bring him up yeah buddy he's the cutest i want one i guess i have one he's in game with me he's my friend he's my new best friend you can't have them weasels will attack and pacify additional vultures for us so we go ahead and get him into attack mode what's good honey first of all the weasel hits the right on a did he just eat my vulture or dweasel oh that little weasel wait no he's literally i just killed my last weasel he's literally riding on the vulture do you guys see that the weasel's riding on top of the vulture no way oh that is hilarious actually i gotta go into creative mode so we can fly up and see what that looks like tell me this isn't the the best thing you've probably ever seen [Laughter] oh man yo that's awesome so now the vulture won't even attack you anymore it'll literally just hang out so you can actually use this in combination with one another to create one of the most adorable animal hybrids i think i've ever seen but not i i gotta kill you now you gotta go goodbye get get yeah the weasel he fell victim in the process but again we've got this lingering potion of deterrent what does it do exactly well if killed the weasel it will drop that potion which will cause nearby entities to run away so we're gonna spawn in a little shapey we'll spawn a little husky and then we're gonna throw that now check it out they literally are running quite oddly running away from the area that you've thrown the potion wow even yourself we've got a deterrent effect that's been placed on us and it will cause us to randomly just pop around in interesting directions i stay away i should have gotten another one of those potions oh my gosh get behind me husk hi gosh again easy does it okay okay not what i wanted i need another weasel quick get me the weasel okay tame him okay you're gonna have to take care of this guy for me okay yes the weasel's attacking oh man yo they're going nuts on each other hold on a second get it get it yeah they sound off a lot like wolves don't look into it before we get to mob number six i'd like to remind you to subscribe so you can see even more custom mobs that will add into minecraft for you with that mob number six is this one the porcupine the porcupine is a passive mob that will from time to time shed its quills all over the ground look at you you nasty dirty little creature looks like he's got pirouettes growing from his back lovely dessert lovely treat okay so check this out you can press the button to speed up this natural process of causing these quills to shed now if you get your hands on some of these don't stick it in your milk i know it looks like a delicious straw that you could use to drink things from but would not recommend now if we were to try and kill one of these things we could also get our hands on an additional quill for our trouble you can use these quills for some very interesting potion buffs coils can be tipped by throwing them in lingering clouds so we've got a swiftness we've got a strength right here we also have a couple more here we'll go ahead and do night vision and we'll do water breathing so check this out we only have three enemies well i guess we got a bunch of them right here as well so look at this you ready swiftness throw it on in there yeah okay let's hit em without night vision all right throw em on in there yeah same story whenever you put down one of these potions you can actually tip it and it will cause the quill to gain lovely lovely power so picking this guy up we've got a tipped quill right there another one another one and of course our fourth one right here now look there's been some slight color changes to this puppy as well yeah the little icons move the little particles that's kind of funny looking okay so we now no longer have any potion effects what can you do with these exactly well if you right click them you'll get a permanent status effect so we've now right clicked with that quill we now have a permanent speed boost same story use the strength one permanent strength boost permanent water breathing permanent night vision all of these things will literally last forever until you die so they're permanent in the sense that as long as you're alive well you'll be able to stick around with them but if we were to as i said die well you'll see in just a second here oh i just lost all my stuff all the effects are gone mob number seven from 1.17's potential update was the badger i mean really he just doesn't care he doesn't care about anything if you try and kill it well it's not going to work out let's go ahead and give it a shot hi honey badger hi wow you're you're friendly his his uh his licks are a little bit strong pungent you could say get back no i know you don't care i don't care either get stop stop stop stop oh my gosh if you kill me i just you guys got a lot of health to be honest can you can can you like easy easy easy does it how much health does he have to be honest oh my gosh i think we may have picked a fight with the wrong honey badger which makes enough sense should have got my quills ready to be perfectly honest yo this thing will not die holy moly can we can we stop can we okay i don't know how much health he is guys we'll be back okay look i've been attempting to wail on this guy for like the last five minutes he he can't die so then what's it good for exactly well one thing worth noting badgers are immune to poison and so are you if you happen to be near by one so if we go right next to this badge you'll see that our poison disappeared instantly same story you can literally drink you can drink poison i mean look at this and it instantly is healed the moment a badger is nearby badgers will interestingly enough go for bees so if you happen to have any bees nearby it will slowly begin hunting them unless it just happens to you know not really care oh oh oh oh yeah he's going for him now okay yo you heard me talking about it he's like i do care watch me now check this out let's even get his hands on one of those things oh adorable can't can't make it it's kind of it's not right in the head yo he go nuts yo the fight yeah get it oh the bee's running he literally stung him already and he can't do anything else oh man this is scary well they're all mad at him they're all mad at him yo we're going to town yo check it out oh my gosh yo funniest the funniest hold on a second i thought they were mad at me for just a brief moment there no not the case okay wow vicious get it i want yeah oh you're the best please don't kill me believe it or not you can actually tame these guys with the bones of your enemies so you know that's you know that's cool i guess they'll stop attacking you our next mob is the skink lizard y'all heard of that one before the skink lizard will run away from you see he ran whoa all cute i think he was kind of too fast for me to tell to be perfectly honest yeah he's stupid oh wow yo we attacked him oh my gosh what just whoa he's like stuck in the that was that was scary apparently if we attack them they'll drop their tail so let's do that die oh wow he picked up his own tail yo he literally picked up his own tail we got to be way faster about it i guess get it get it come on i want it i want the tail give me the tail i needs it always after he did it again he's picking up his own tail and using it okay but it's fine because we got a whole bunch of them in here skink tails look at this you can use this as a second chance at life because that's what this one does makes enough sense the tails can regrow so it's kind of like you're regrowing once you've died good substitute for escape yes don't mind if i i'm gonna literally just throw myself off of this ultimate ledge hold this in my hand and bam postmortel thanks for your tail love it what's that noise oh gosh now if you were to keep a fenced off area filled with these things you could in theory have infinite tails that you could be grabbing from and and and that's always fun oh he keeps taking them right as i want them our next mob is the prague horn whatever that is i guess we could find out froghorn oh wow a cute little badlands mop kind of sounds like a cow i think it's like an indigenous thing anyways prague horns will shed their antlers every so often again we've got a button that will allow this to move just a little bit faster thank you so much literally lost his antlers but that's okay because now we have them in hand a little bit difficult to see when in hand but when you're holding them in first person there they appear now check this out wearing antlers will give you a speed boost and supervision or you can put them on your wall like a trophy like you've mounted it it's a little more appealing than having a giant head on your wall but you know that's okay we take those as well so check this out we now have horns that allow us to move extremely fast but what's more also allow us supervision so we can see all sorts of mobs hiding underground around bends everywhere this is extremely useful i didn't realize popcorns were magical but i'll take it and our final mob that might have been in minecraft 1.17 was the tarantula now check this guy out tarantulas would spawn in silk burrows and oh my gosh is that one of them right there holy moly looks like he went invisible over there nasty nasty nasty so check this out oh it's a molt oh interesting okay so i'm gonna kill you you suck yeah so they drop string which makes enough sense now silk blocks can be mined for some generic items i guess these are silk blocks that can be found from time to time in the burrows in the badlands and from time to time you may find a tarantula molt which is what it appears we're seeing right over here tarantula molts are an extra source of string so you can literally just kill this thing and get some more string for your trouble alternatively if we were to mine some of these guys we've got a chance at getting feathers amongst other things it looks as though they've got some random interesting very interesting and do i need a pickaxe oh i read that wrong these are silk blocks and you can mine them for generic items i thought we were mining these blocks to get silk instead we can get our hands on a handful of other things instead like what have they been collecting to be honest we've got rabbits foots raw chicken rabbit hides feathers looks like this is where they've been storing the remains of all the mops they've been just munching on disgusting also i am kind of hungry though but there you have it guys 10 mobs that may have been in minecraft 1.17 if the badlands buy and vote had gone through maybe we'll see some of these in the near future we already know that vultures is on that list could see even more let us know which mob was your favorite in the comment section below and of course you want to check out more awesome mob recreations on the channel subscribe or check them out they're live right now see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 820,012
Rating: 4.8776603 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecon, badlands, mobs, new minecraft mobs, minecraft mobs, mobs in minecraft, 1.17 mobs, minecraft 1.17, 1.17, new mobs in minecraft, hedgehog, vulture, bison, desert, new biome mobs, biome mobs, mob update, new mob update, new pets in minecraft, minecraft mob update, mojang, java, animals, mobs that should be in minecraft, mobs that were never added to minecraft, new mobs, new mobs in minecraft 2020, mountain mobs, mobs update, minecraft update, new, mobs added, porcupine
Id: 8Y0p19Dxtyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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