How will Axolotls work in Minecraft 1.17? (PREVIEW)

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about three weeks ago the axolotl mob was announced at minecraft live alongside goats and the wharton to be new additions to the 1.17 caves and cliffs update well in today's video we're going to ask a lot of questions sorry about how this mob might come in handy we've taken everything we know about the mob so far and have come up with 10 different mechanics and theories that we will be exploring in game all focused around this new adorable creature now if you missed our video on the warden earlier this week you'll want to watch that one right after you finish this video oh real quick my friend wanted to say hey in the next week a special website will go live we'll be able to get your hands on a brand new plushie our first ever and each pre-order has a chance at getting one of five special ones signed by me so keep your eyes peeled more info very soon today will be all about 10 different features that we might see the axolotl have when it arrives to minecraft look at you you're the cutest little thing anyways here's what we do know so far axolotls are a new passive mob coming to minecraft they can be found in lush caves such as this one right here you may have seen this or something similar to it announced during minecraft live a new biome type of cave systems that contain these axolotls now in real life axolotls live in warm cave water so it makes a lot of sense they are now endangered due to water pollution so part of their original addition to the game was so that there could be more awareness brought to the fact that they are endangered they're also quite partial to the gym recently as of well right but the first mechanic we'll look to explore here is one that's already been confirmed we'll be able to pick them up in buckets in order to turn them into a nice little pet lovely once bucketed you can take them with you wherever you want so we're gonna spawn in one of these axolotls right now and look at them oh my gosh i can't get over how cute they are but they're just hanging out walking around go and grab that now we've got a bucket of axolotl you can see his little hands peeking over the side oh my goodness i cannot wait for this thing to be able to have it's fun with all of you guys watching at home unless you're not at home watch somewhere else as well now as you might expect you can literally place the axolotl back down in the water whenever you see fit and if you want to collect them again well just walk right over to them and grab good to go we're down to the next location which is literally underwater to show you axolotl defense now that you've bugged one of these it is tamed to you tayden axolotls will follow you around and they will fight hostile mobs in general that might be guardians and drowns that you happen across in game so i'm going to go ahead and release my lovely friend here check it out guardian spawn egg the axolotl starts going nuts on it oh my goodness and it will attack multiple mobs as well and i have to say it is quite an efficient little creature here look at that that is that is insane actually holy moly get him buddy get him buddy what a guy now these creatures are capable of being attacked as well but they do have to be targeted in some shape or form or another and right now i mean this guy looks like he's trying to go fishing for me even the little babies literally these guys don't stand a chance against this adorable little pink fish hopefully he doesn't get hit by that crossbeam from the guardian though but yes they will be your man's best friend underwater and if you happen to stray too far from them they will follow you they will literally come wherever you are see he's ready uh-huh and we're ready as well for number three the next feature which is playing dead axolotls are known to play dead when attacked and it should be noted that axolotls are rough and tumble creatures they like to get down and dirty which means that you can punch them from time to time you'll actually get a new drop not only that but their eyes will actually turn into little x's to imply that they're playing dead but it's okay the axolotls will actually regen all of that health over time so don't worry about it the sign made me do it see if you attack your axolotl it will play dead you monster by the way look i'm just doing what i'm told okay but look as long as you time it out nicely okay you can continue to get a new item known as axolotl skin and it won't come at the cost of actually dealing any long-term damage to your lovely underwater pet dogs i'm gonna grab a couple of those let them heal up once again so that you can actually see what we can use this axolotl skin for needless to say it's worth noting that while playing dead the axolotl is not going to be nearly as effective as when it is fully ready to go now while playing dead it will slowly regenerate south like salamanders axolotls can regenerate they've been known to regrow limbs tails eyes and even hearts the skin though is what we're after and that's use number four here axolotl skin do them being endangered they don't have a drop on death so there's really no reason for you to kill an axolotl monster but you might noticed that when you heard it we got some of that skin and this is the axolotl skin which uh i don't know about you guys but anytime i collect skin from my pet the first thing i like to do is wear it oh gosh i'm not i'm not insane person i swear okay here's the axolotl skin and so check this out we can actually turn it into believe it or not scarily an axolotl helmet we can turn it into an axolotl chest plate naturally some axolotl leggings and of course axolotl boots we're gonna go ahead and put those on begrudgingly check me out wow yo i look good you also look pretty or handsome yes thank you sign always always looking to build me up huh now here's the cool thing while wearing this armor you will periodically gain a very small blip of regeneration so you will slowly heal additional health over time when wearing your axolotl armor now again i cannot confirm nor deny that this will actually be coming to the full release of the game but these are some interesting ideas that the team and i came up with that uh you know are worth showing off in a video i suppose i mean wearing axolotl skin it's a little iffy don't ask me questions now let's say you're not an absolutely terrible person and you don't feel like punching your axe a lot all over the place well that's more than fine because if you happen to have your axolotl nearby instead you can use its other ability buffing the player you've probably noticed by now that you do get slow healing you see we actually have a constant state of regeneration in general when our axolotl friend is nearby now we have seen elements of that shown off during minecraft live to what degree it activates we do not yet know but this is going to be a fantastic way for us to implement that in game to give you a rough idea of what it could look like so when you're in axolotl it will slowly heal you it doesn't give you water breathing though that just happens to be today's showcase if you didn't notice we're we're breathing underwater that's just the command blocks that we've got running so that we can show off everything occurring in today's video so you do not get information but you do get infinite regen uh you're welcome oh thanks caleb appreciate it perhaps you could make a healing pool or something wow that's extremely interesting yes you could fill a pool with axolotls and have them all healing you quick jump into the pool nice dive in feel refreshed nice ready to go speaking of ready to go it's time for us to show you the next feature which is right over here this one is lovely it's fish scales that's right axolotls are known to hunt small fish in real life and certainly in minecraft well in this case they'll attempt to snack on yummy cod when they happen to be nearby them and so what we have right here are a whole bunch of cod spawn eggs so we'll spawn in a cod normally when you attack a cod and kill it it doesn't really give you anything special it gives you you know the cod maybe even sometimes bones but if an axolotl attacks and kills a cod it has a chance to drop an actual new drop get a load of this what is it well it's cod scales and it comes with its own unique ability as well i'm gonna let this guy go ahead and feast up while we grab a couple of these cod scales now with fish scales in hand you get a very special ability as well first of all can we just appreciate how grateful my pet is for the feast i bestowed upon him go ahead buddy keep on giving off those hearts lovely now you're going to use these fish scales in order to make some fish scale armor yes that's right i'm not exaggerating we've got a fish scale helmet we've got you guessed it a fish scale chest plate we've got fish scale leggings and we also have fish scale boots so now you can smell hideous at all times and not any more than you normally do i recommend you shower by the way but when you have full fish scale armor on you get a passive dolphins grace effect which if you didn't realize will allow you to swim far more quickly in game than you normally would be able to and the best part about it is frankly you do not need any dolphins nearby but look at the speed at which we are picking up just walking along the surface of the water here and imagine when we actually begin swimming instead axolotl is going to have a heck of a time catching up or perhaps not he's actually managing to hold his own pretty well oh buddy still happy about that fish there's armor works that way because fish scales are water dynamic reducing drag when you're in the oceans good to know you know what else is good to know is the next feature breeding yes that's right these little puppies can anyways when you feed cod to axolotls they get real happy lots of them turns them into the breeding state you saw from just a second ago with the hearts all over the place well we've got another axolotl right here and we're going to start feeding both of these things so that they are ready and they will eventually go to town on one another in a good way or presumably oh goodness are they are they uh i don't know if i should i don't know if i should be watching this right now okay well oh baby oh my gosh this is the best day of my life actually look at him he's a little tiny oh my gosh yes x-laws can breed uh pg-13 doing this will allow you to get a baby axolotl which eventually will grow up on its own and be tameable as well so now you've got the ability to have a little bit of an axolotl army oh my word tell me this isn't i mean it's literally so adorable it's so tiny too sorry we'll move on i just the next axolotl feature worth showing off might be the concept of purifying water because axolotls can make water more pure in game not not in real life but hey one can dream right so to do so all we're going to do is take a couple water bottles and actually drop them near our axolotl friends and the moment they cross the path of the axolotl which i think one of them did there it will actually purify the water and you can actually see the water is now glowing and uh and and naturally that means it's been purified now here's the cool thing you can drink purified water and guess what upon doing so you'll gain an additional 10 seconds of regen which is currently being hidden right now but you can see it right there on the screen the reason why it's being hidden is because the axolotls are naturally doing that for us as they happen to be nearby but you can do more than just drink the purified water you can actually use it in other potions you can use it in brewing now this would be used in place of where a normal water bottle would be however when a potion is made with pure water it is level two by default yes that's right that means starting with this purified water instead of regular bottles of water going through the process of adding in the different ingredients netherwar blaze power to power these lovely brewing stands well guess what you can turn a strength to potion with purified water into a strength three potion plus nine attack damage compared to plus six potion of regen becomes regen three jump boost two jump boost three poison two yes even negative potions be can can become more powerful poison three and speed two boosted up to speed three a sixty percent speed boost imagine that alongside the fish scale armor quite powerful the next axolotl feature could be the ability for them to lead you to guardian temples now currently dolphins in game can lead you to chess but maybe axolotls can be used to do something quite different if you feed your axolotl cod it will lead you to a nearby monument so we're going to go ahead and spawn in another one give him some cod enjoy thank you for your time you know he's excited aren't you go ahead get your thing baby don't you want to eat eat on his cod ah yes this is actually a very special alpha axolotl okay and so we're gonna go ahead and right click to feed this one even more so than we normally would be able to before and once you fed this axolotl enough and actually a lot of cod it will actually begin leading us to a nearby ocean monument and it is moving at intense speed i'm gonna go ahead and put on my dolphins grace so i can catch after this little guy okay we're getting closer slowly but surely but check it out look he's on his merry way he is literally on a tear right now you can see the particles coming off of this guy and look at that just took us to an ocean monument this is amazing this is extremely useful like thanks man use number 10 is growing and farming of coral blocks now coral can grow on coral blocks you can see them right here coral coral fans making it farmable however coral blocks are finite they do not have a way for you to get infinite amounts of them however axolotls can fix this if a coral is dropped on it it will turn it into a coral block because uh because of reasons so we've got a whole handful of them right there we've got our axolotl nearby we'll spawn it in and check it out throwing it near the axolotl will turn that fan into the block variant yes all the different types of coral as well and not only that you don't have to throw one at a time you can throw a full blown stack and it will turn all of the blocks or rather all of the different types of fans into their block variants instantly now you've got an infinite amount of coral blocks as well and you can use bone meal to grow even more of those fans nice buddy thanks but it ain't over there's actually an 11th feature lovely it's right over here it's leaving a like on the video if you haven't no i'm just kidding there's actually 11th feature oh i thought there was turning into a cow if you drop your axolotl bucket onto the cow it will turn into it what let me see this what it becomes an ax cow lotto what oh what the heck happened to it oh my gosh what what are you oh it's hideous yeah but maybe you like it anyways you can tell me what you did like in the comment section below which was your favorite axolotl feature and make sure you subscribe so you can see us handle the third mob coming to minecraft 1.17 the goat in just a few days here you didn't see the warden yet go watch that and we'll see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,751,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, axolotl, new axolotl mob, axolotl pet, pet, new pet, new mobs, minecraft mobs, new axolotl in minecraft, caves and cliffs, update, minecraft update, axolotl uses, minecraft axolotl, axolotl abilities, axolotl crafting recipes, axolotl items, cave update, secret axolotl info, preview, inside look, mojang, minecraft 1.17, 1.17, caves and cliffs update, minecraft news, what to know about the axolotl, sneak peak, exclusive, cave, Logdotzip, 1.17 update, new cave update
Id: 1ka3zdrpW7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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