20 FUTURE Updates Confirmed for Minecraft

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what up guys today we're covering 20 planned updates for Minecraft these are updates that are confirmed to be coming in the near future whether it's brand new mob types for you to explore and get used to in your worlds heck it could even be brand new types of blocks coming very soon or maybe some even cooler features that have yet to arrive there's a lot to explore so without further ado let's check out 20 planned Minecraft updates behind this door you will find the possible future of Minecraft sounds good to me and we go possible because plans can change yes start with number one illusion urilla Jers these were introduced way back in minecraft 1.12 but have never officially come out in game and yet they still keep getting mentioned most recently being mentioned at Minecon 2019 just last year so i imagined we doing something with this guy you know the illage it into multiple different illa jurors to illusion fi you presumably and it's your job as the player to try and locate where this guy is actually hanging out so that you can take him out before he opts to do the exact same thing to you you can kind of tell where is that based on the particles that are being given off when you fight this guy I'm at he was never added in game because it's just such a difficult mob compared to most of the other mobs like if you don't have your particle effects on as example we've got no way of knowing where this guy is hanging out duplication potion yes please now more on combat in a little bit for now we move on to something else mangrove trees number two this would be a new tree type that was found in swamps and was originally brought up when we were talking about the biome vote update where mountains ended up winning now mangrove trees would have roots that grow underwater we can actually see some of them planted right over there so I'm gonna grab my axe don't mind about though and as you can see here they would be a fantastic source of extra wood in swamps potentially having their own use as well this is an example of that mangrove block with heavy roots found underneath the surface of the water in these swamps go ahead and collect some of these blocks because we're gonna need as another potential update even though we won't be getting mangroves next there's a solid chance we'll be gettin mangroves regardless also announced in the potential swamp biome update was a new type of boat a boat with a chest unit baby quite possibly requiring the mangrove wood that we just collected because you know you need some robust wood for your robust boat in order to get it just to sit inside of itself imagine this my friends we've got ourselves a chest we've got ourselves some mangrove planks and we use those mangrove planks to make a boat with a chest we've got our boat right here with our chests inside and boy he is just shaking with excitement well why wouldn't he everyone's been wanting this for a very long time and there's a good chance it's going to come out I mean it's literally was a planned update people voted on it now naturally a boat with the chest has a chest inside that you could use to hold all your goodies and of course you could get right back inside that boat move it wherever your little heart desired and then look in the chest everything is still there and have you to break this boat naturally you'd get all of the things found within as well back at it with the swaps from number fours frogs frogs were another mob type originally announced for mine cons biome vote originally intended to be found in swamps this would be a fun new addition to the biome in question and would more than likely come with some special abilities such as you know maybe the ability to kill silverfish yeah take it for a ride come on down buddy yeah oh yeah yeah yeah love it as we know the mountain goat ended up winning and so our frog can Patriots so no longer currently planned for the next update but I imagine art planned for future updates and will most certainly not spawn raw rabbit meat when they die number five for plan changes with a combat updates what are the changes that you can now sprint at any hunger level currently when you've got three hunger bars like I currently do or less in the Java version of Minecraft well really in all the versions you can't sprint any more well check this out now you can sprint we are sprinting despite not having the right amount of hunger on our hands snowballs now stack up to 64 and have eight very slight cooldown if you look at the meter down there you can see that cool down in effect however they also not have amazing knock back so you could in theory keep a sheep up in the air look at you oh my gosh there's also been a new chopping enchantment that was added in the combat updates as well here it is in action it basically increases the attack power of any axes that you decided you would enchant with it and it also increases shield stun that means if a player has a shield in hand there would be unable to use it for an extended period of time dependent on which chopping enchantment you added so in this case let's go ahead and add chopping one to this iron hats look at the difference in attack value regular axe six attack damage axe with chopping one seven attack damage ooh math in addition changes to shields were made namely there's now an indicator if you could see down by the snowball to let you know when your shield is active and there's no longer delay when using them finally a plan changes attack reach with different weapons being capable of reaching different distances sword can reach you just fine can I reach this guy just fine yet the Trident can planned update number six goats in fact these guys are actually planning on coming out in the next update right after the nether look at him he's adorable hey stop moving out of the camera now as you saw they spawn in in the mountains these ones though are hostile and this one's coming from me but you can do a few different things with it well you know other than kill it however there's two other things you can do with these goats as well you can milk them as you can see here we're getting milk in our inventory down there or you could hear them for wool oh boy look a little cold blend up date number seven better mountains and a new snow type yes you know where the goats hang out we do know that taller mountains were promised but we don't necessarily know exactly what's coming to the terrain but perhaps we can get ourselves some mountain caves ooh first of all we're gonna grab this dirt second of all we're gonna grab this shovel to get some snow ears snow which is one of the announcements and that could come in the form of snow on stone some snowy stone very interesting now the snowy stone is not currently in game but the idea is that it is because it did show up in the mind by um vote preview imagine in these new tall mountains we also have a new form of cave or dungeon type where we can find extra goodies in this case there's nothing in here but hey one can dream well I already told y'all goats this is where they would live number eight ostriches these are planned for the updated savanna biome which is still coming in the future as well they also happen to be quite adorable and will bury their head in the ground from time to time picking up something that they find when they dig their head deep they also will drop a couple of things on death well in this case we got some feathers that they found in the ground but now you can get feathers from them as a drop look at them adorable Wow cutie pies I like how they all kind of move in unison as well it's all part of the experience boys number 9 termites another planned mob also found in the savanna biome although these guys aren't real tiny and will pop out from time to time when you are mining away but naturally the spawn egg for them as well and they are literally real tiny look at these guys oh my gosh they are capable of eating away at wood not this wood because this is a termite mound but look at this wood right over here oh come on let's see it get on on it yeah eat away yeah keep termites away from wood otherwise you're gonna have the worst house in the entire neighborhood and seriously think of the property value it's embarrassing hi Bob but look mine so so sad guys don't mind the termite mounds or they're gonna gang up on you oh goodness imagine died while the termites were chopping you probably noticed a new type of lock it's number 10 The Ballad of tree are we see that it's a new tree type found in the savanna biome see look it's right here hanging out also that log I showed you from before that's from a different tree sorry these are a new rare type of tree trap I say that would be found within savanna biomes you could maybe make a little house again just make sure there's no you know termites nearby otherwise oh boy it could really really bad Oh guys guys let's talk about this maybe over some dinner some t11 the phasing out of complex recipes my crafts all about simplicity right well a planned update is of course to make it more simple and to replace all the complex recipe with partially added blocks or completely added blocks such as the loom which is now used to simplify the making of banners the stonecutter which is used to of course cut stone into numerous different types of blocks grindstones for enchantments cartography tables for maps and etc so one thing we should be able to look forward to in the future hopefully is a block for firework star creation and that's what we've devised right here a little firework a crafting table that you can use to make complex fireworks a little less complex we've got the star table right here because you're such a star imagine if creating these crazy combinations was as simple as just dropping items in and getting your firework star just like that then it becomes very easy to combine these things together in a way that's going to let you if I knew how to make easier fireworks and now we've got a firework that gives off that star pattern that we made 12 volt urse another mod vultures were up in the latest Minecraft biome vote and they spawn in in the badlands look at them Wow cute hi hey he just took the spawn eggs I had are you kidding me get ah maybe these cactus flowers have a use on these vultures that we could find out very soon way moving on tumbleweeds number 13 for plant updates also appearing in the badlands now we've got two different variants here a tumbleweed spawn egg and a still tumbleweed spawn egg now the idea here is that these silly little guys would appear in the area and from time to time move breaking them of course would give you various from wooden objects as you can see right here and they're made of wood and they tumble and speaking of tumble you've got 8 variant that does in fact tombola animal from time to time take damage until it eventually breaks on its own but hey you know we could help it a little bit oh gosh Oh it's got a mind of its own dance it around sounds like there's something stuck inside of it my gosh and it'll damage to you if you run into it or if it runs into you 14 is a new plant cactus type also found in the badlands biome no one really knows what this cactus might be used for just yet but we do know that in the images we've seen as previews they came with flowers of some sort on them cactus flowers an actual thing in real life as well so there's a chance that these flowers could be used for something in a future update 15 is a really cool plant update separating water from blocks eventually the plan is to remove water as a block instead it will simply be a fluid progress originally started with water logging where water could not flow through fences stairs slabs and the like but in the future this means that water could flow through flowers leaves and various other block types maybe even the grass that we see right here currently it acts as a block but in the future it will be able to flow through various different types of blocks plants foliage and anything else you might imagine 16 another new mob meerkats look at these little cutie pies oh he's scared running scary boy come on back yeah I know you won't sit little guys got his eye on something perhaps it's the upcoming update there may be just a fish I dropped near by we don't know what meerkats would do just yet but I'm excited to have them in-game nonetheless 17 palm trees another planned update fourth the desert that's right check out these babies they may spawn near water in the desert and they may provide some other interesting uses maybe they could some time to drop coconuts from the top so why don't we go ahead and mine away at this lovely little tree ooh did we yeah look at you just God I hands on some coconuts yes that really hurts my teeth but hey if we get coconuts we might get coconut milk I can be behind that 18 is blaze 3d a new java rendering engine maybe we'll finally allow for covered light well scary sound effect right as I'm talking about that look at this imagine a world where we could have new rendering abilities that let us blend lights have cool new item effects and so much more there's actually a video we did on this way back on the channel so you click the I in the corner number nineteen a fletching and smithing table use it was said that it might not be added until after one point sixteen now currently the smithing table does in fact have use in the latest one point sixteen snapshots but the fletching table still does not so perhaps there's a world where we could use our own idea to bring it to life which is exactly what we've done right here using the fletching table to make for some very interesting arrow types in our original idea that we had for the smithing table was the ability to use it to reforge items like taking a helmet adding a few more diamonds and then using a chestplate pattern to turn it into a chest plate instead alas that's not what happened but hey they may update it yet number twenty super fancy graphics check your settings we've got super fancy on right now last mentioned in 2018 it could be referencing the upcoming ray tracing shader functionality that is coming to minecraft so it is in fact something that is planned and if you want to find out more information you can click the link it's in the description today's video a bonus planned update a new dimension it was said that there would be no new dimensions but the end of the nether was updated in 1.9 and 1.16 so maybe we'll get a brand new dimension at some point in 1.20 also recently the developer behind the aether mod was hired by mojo it could be unrelated but hey like I said one can dream imagine a new world a new dimension oh gosh this place is giving me a headache guys in the comments section below let us know what update that was planned you want to come first see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,116,491
Rating: 4.8140759 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new update, crafting recipes, gaming, no swearing, minecraft 1.16, items, funny, mobs, logdotzip, new, new minecraft items, update, minecraft updates, new minecraft tnt, new items, rare minecraft mobs, new items in minecraft, new pet update, glitches, new tools, new weapons, new minecraft blocks, new crafting recipes, 50 NEW Crafting Recipes, confirmed Minecraft updates, future Minecraft updates, future updates, coming soon, new blocks, new minecraft mobs, minecaft frog
Id: K9aWHJO5Hbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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