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so over the years of Minecraft has progressively been adding more and more mobs whether they're nice mobs that just want to swim in the ocean like a dolphin would or their mean mobs that want to kill you and take everything that you have indicators I really hate those things but on the flip side what if minecraft had ostriches wait where you going hey hey come back it would be pretty darn funny and I think really interesting and in today's video I'm gonna be showcasing you guys a hundred different minecraft mobs that you wish they added to the game so first things first before we even look at the spawn eggs just by looking around the world you'll notice a difference there are a bunch of ostriches wait no it's not not sure I'm so sorry emo emo hello these things these things look like ostriches but I assume they're not but they are roaming around the world and there seem to be a lot of them oh look a little bird he would smell in the flower now of course before I go and review them all your shout outs are on screen right now you guys already know how this works fine this shark emoji somewhere throughout today's video when you do see it make sure you drop a comment down below of the timestamp you find it at and I'll be picking a bunch of you guys in tomorrow's video to receive a shout out hey and if you haven't already subscribe to my channel right now we are climbing up to 3 million subs hey you never know you may just be the 3 million subscribers [Music] all right so let's open this chest here we have a ton of spawn eggs so I'm just gonna put this out there these aren't all the spawn eggs there are more there are more there are lots more if you want to see what all the other spawn eggs are like at all those mobs leave it like on today's video and I will make sure to do a part two to this alright let's go ahead and grab a row of these spawn eggs here oh my gosh so first things first we have a hedgehog you guys know hedgehogs right they're so cute and small oh my goodness please be my best friend you are so cute look the chicken over there is towering over this Hedgehog I mean this Hedgehog is tiny it's smaller than this flower a chog this is your new home okay I don't know if you can get out of it but I think that's a good good home for you next up we got a manatee these are water creatures you guys may or may not have actually some of you may have been lucky enough to see manatees in real life and well they are now officially in Minecraft oh my gosh they look like a big yeah they look like a big walrus in the water dude look at the holy cow I vividly remember when I was out jet skiing with boost crafts and unspeakable we saw a big big sign that says warning manatee zone and I was like holy cow I kind of hope I see one of these things it would be so cool jump on the back and ride I'm like a jetski spine in their own business next up we have a zebra everybody loves zebras right well now you got one in your game zebras actually can run faster than horses can too so if I actually uh hit him a little bit you can see him run darting away because he's super scared now we've got a coyote oh these are dangerous moms okay I actually had a coyote problem in my backyard they look like regular wolves but boy oh boy do they not act like regular wolves these guys are savages and will eat almost anything that they can find so be very careful of a coyote in my craft and in real life toe approach one next we have a mandrill I don't even know what a mandrill is so let's just spawn it okay this is a mandrill I believe this may be an ape look at him oh my gosh he's got a little red nose his little eyes he's just like super slow hello mandrill you are so cool I'm sorry this is so cool dude I I don't even think I've ever seen a mandrill in person but I have to say that is very interesting next we have somebody who is a family member of mine and that is the whale shark whale shark oh my gosh I'm so sorry I did not mean I meant to spawn you in a bigger area mr. whale shark aye aye I should have got a bigger fish tank oh gosh dude he barely fits in here what the heck this is the whale shark and as you guys know the whale shark is one of the largest sharks in the entire world and they actually aside from all the stereotypes regarding sharks eating people and being all vicious and scary whale sharks don't eat people they actually feed off of all the little fish near the surface of the water so they're most commonly found skimming across the top of the ocean if you ever happen to be in the ocean in the middle of the ocean and you see a whale shark just know you're ninety nine point ninety nine point nine and nine percent safe okay it's okay I hate this next one man we got raccoons they're always eating through your garbage they always try and pull your garbage bags apart and they're always just up to something and now this raccoon holy cow he is attacking this mob dude look at him go raccoons are savages okay they like this is crazy oh my goodness the EMU is not even doing anything this raccoon is just trying to eat it away now let's see what happens if we have a bunch of them they're all about two prints oh my goodness dude look at their tails go up and how they stand up like that look it up they're standing they're standing and talking to each other that's so cute next up we have a hyena whoa oh gosh we have a hyena which is also tacky that you moose the EMU oh and the raccoons the raccoons are scared of them hey these records do not want to mess with a hyena actually I might be wrong this raccoons coming in he they're all about to come in but what if we have a bunch of hyenas oh gosh dude next up we made vulture which is a massive massive bird look at them go they're flying dude these things are so cool look at them guys holy they're just soared through the world not a problem in sight mine their own business as they enjoy the beautiful day in Minecraft here I have to say I like vultures in fact I would probably like to see more flying animals ones that don't kill you like freaking phantoms Dubrow ah next up we got a p-n don't even know what this is but it's a little bird hi how are you you're just a little duckling or a little bird under the trees yes it's so cute and a mer cat oh wow it's a oh my goodness look at them these are so cute wait a white tiger yes please oh my gosh that is a big tiger holy cow if you ever happen to cross paths with a tiger be extremely careful because they will most certainly mess you up next up we have the world famous red panda poop oh no this red panda actually kind of has a look of a fox mixed with a panda it's very interesting we got a bear oh my gosh the bear is actually bigger than the white tiger that would be interesting to see the to fight comment down below who do you think will win a fight a white tiger or a massive bear next we got a toque on which there another type of bird you see these birds in tropical places and you know they're just really cute next up we have an octopus another Water mob which I octopus do exactly what they do in the wild and that is they swim around and have big brains they are smarter than every single human on earth look at the size of that brain and tell me these guys aren't secretly masterminds in disguise next up the most common animal in the entire world we have squirrels hi guys how you doing you guys are always running through my backyard climbing all of our fences and taking all the peanuts that you can find youu darn squirrels next we got a narwhal oh I'm sorry I did guys you gotta go in the water I'm sorry there you go I'm saving you okay I I forgot that you there you go okay you're in the water now you're better these narwhals are super cool dude I think we can just make a massive aquarium right here for all of our water creatures next up we have unspeakable gaming yes you thought unspeakable gaming was a real person no he's actually he's actually an animal you're ready I Nathan how's it going hey you just killed my best friend Nathan I'm sorry I did not mean to do that okay III did not realize they would kill you you're safer on top of the street I can reassure you you're okay you're gonna leave oh you have to record a Minecraft video oh of course what's new okay okay yep okay I'll see you later then next up we have one of the more dangerous water animals and that is the great white shark yes you heard me correctly now a whale shark on the other hand they aren't too bad like I said they don't usually hurt humans it's more so the more aggressive sharks like the great white oh gosh oh my goodness dude its jaws in the flesh now guys this shark you do not want to mess with in person if you ever see a great white shark don't panic just do your very best to get back to safety and do not get near it holy cow those things are massive not as big as the whale sharks oh no is he dying here I will help you don't stop die you're underwater shark oh okay we saved him next up we got a tiger oh my gosh dude they look so cool look at this tiger wow he's buff I have to say look how strong this tiger looks he's got like a massive definition to his body and we have an armadillo who doesn't love a good old armadillo they're just doing their thing you know I've never met one person in my life that said hey I don't like armadillos and I think there's for a reason okay because armed Dillards are so innocent so cute they just hang out and they walk and look look he was digging did you see that ages dug underground maybe if we wait a second we will get one of them to dig underground force will they hide oh he just he almost did next we have a killer well then despite the name no it's not really a killer whale it's the whales with the cool white eyes around him all right here we go we have a killer whale look how cute it is oh my gosh what's the holy cow do the killer whales can jump so high out of the water and they spin that is so cool yo Oh my god wait let's get a bunch here I want to see them all do it like a little dance dude these killer whales are so cool they jump so high up out of the water that's insane look at all the whales they're eating all the fish and they're spitting yo dude that's so sick next up we got an anteater of course look at him oh my goodness he's running away this anteater is not too sure what he wants to do but he seems to just be in a little bit distressed now we have a baby anteater here's your family okay I don't want you to be lonely next up we got in a barn owl owl czar best on top of trees because they like to see and they can see great distances so I think we will have your family on top of the tree seeing as I don't think you would like to be on the ground up goodbye are you okay you just wanted to move through these are so cool they should totally add these mobs to Minecraft this would make the game so much more interesting and really make it feel more like real life next up we got a rhinoceros massive rhino right here dude holy cow look at him he's eating the grass having a good day buddy Wow he has a massive horn on his head do not get in his way this thing would certainly do some damage okay you do not want to be in the way of a rhino in fact if this rhino came charging at your minecraft house I would put bets that he would completely knock down the wall and make his own doorway to get inside next up we got a little mouse look at them with the scary red eyes oh my gosh dude we got a mouse yeah okay I'm not the biggest fan of mice or Mouse's or rats um but yeah we have a pouch next up we have a piranha oh no killer whale no let me help you there you go piranhas let's see what's going on in here can the killer whales take you out oh my gosh the great white shark sandy killer whales are currently attacking the piranhas right now they're trying to eat all the other water animals in here holy cow yeah I you're so cute we got a peacock which is another bird when the Peacocks are frightened they actually raise up the little lie they'll actually raise up their tails and look super duper big to scare away any enemies nearby and of course a monkey oh yeah boo that is so cool what the heck he got his two front feet yo monkeys they're showing off dude look it up they're all like what's up shark leave a like on today's video right now oh what the oh my gosh these monkeys are going after holy cow look at this dude there are so many bones there are so many bones in the water do not go swimming with piranhas next up guys we have a one of my best friends moose craft here boom hey moose how you doing oh ok geez alright George see you later and of course we've got a little duck look at them look good look at the little ducks they're so cute you know maybe I take that back they're a little annoying they're all just like so derpy internet we have ants dude oh my gosh wow those ants are fast holy cow you know they almost look I likes little little spiders actually but holy cow if they had a dance to this game I think that would be one of the mobs I would be super annoyed with because of how small they are look at how hard it is to hit them up never mind aim and I can't Adam okay next up we got the Black Panther ooh scary you do not want to cross paths with the Black Panther guys no sir let's see what'll happen if I put a flamingo beside the Black Panther hey how you guys doing you having a good day so far the Black Panthers like dinner he's very unsure all these flamingos are like hey man please don't please don't do it next up we got a Jaguar oh my gosh dude look at the Jaguar and the Panther beside each other they look so cool now the next one we have here are more house pets that a lot of people may have and that's a hamster when I was younger I had so many hamsters this is so nostalgic to see all this because I absolutely loved having a pet hamster next up we got a okapi oh hi I I don't even really know what you are but you seem awfully tall and I well yeah much taller than me that's for sure okay now we have an or gone to on oh is this another eight yes I believe it is we have another eight pure guys I think all of your ape friends are somewhere down there if you want to go and hunt for them they're so cool all day Oh baby he is so adorable I'm sorry I will stay away okay I can imagine you might be aggressive okay I don't want to mess with you grabbing the very last row of mobs that we have taken the consideration guys there are still more mob I was only able to fill up one double chest full of spawn eggs but there are more next up we've got the giant whale now let's see can we fit a giant whale inside of here oh my gosh we can what what this whale is massive oh my gosh I don't even know if he fits he seems to be struggling to stay underwater for some why is he spinning like that oh my gosh these monkeys are dancing showing off next we got a lynx oh wow dude these guys are cool they seem to be getting along with them all of that monkey stance dude the link seems to be getting along with all the other mobs the area so I wouldn't be too worried chimpanzee busy what's going on guys whoa yes all your monkey friends are over here chimpanzee if you guys want to hang out and have a good time it's so cute next we have a bar hi guys how are you doing oh we have a baby one right there how adorable dude minecraft is so insane now okay like let's let's stop for a sec okay stop everybody stop if this is actually all the mobs that were in our normal Minecraft world how crazy do you think it would be because I'm pretty certain it would be almost out of control next up we got a lion of course the king of the jungle am i right look at them oh my gosh dude lions are so cool look at the stance holy I don't know if he's about to attack something or if he's just stretching after a long nap I don't really know we have a lioness which is the female lion I believe oh my gosh dude look at look at them laying down now that could be two things either a they're laying down of comfort or be they are about to prance and attack their prey and of course we have a bird not our traditional parrots that we have in Minecraft normal birds now like all the birds that you hear chirping in the morning when five a.m. comes around the sun's coming up and you just realize that you haven't slept for 24 hours you hear what next step we have a Leaguer I think oh my goodness this looks like a massive lion holy cow so far I think this is the biggest mob that we have spawned aside from the Rhino and the whales that is insane and last but not least ladies and gents we have a lemur how could we ever forget about the lemurs we couldn't this is absolute chaos we have a dancing whale we have lemurs lions tigers we have a whale shark we have so much we have a beached we have a beached manatee over here like how chaotic could this world actually get ladies and gents check out all the spot eggs that are here okay there are so many total I want you guys to leave a like on today's video if you want me to do a part two showcasing the final remaining mobs that could be added to Minecraft overall let me know down below in the comments which one of these mobs were your favorite and which one would you like to see Minecraft add you never know who might be watching this video that works for Minecraft thank you guys so much for watching today's video you guys are staying safe and washing your hands thank you guys so much for watching hope you have a safe and fantastic rest your day and of course I'll catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new video take care thank you guys all so much for watching today's video if you guys did enjoy and want to see some more from me you can see the videos over there like that one there's a playlist and then another video right there go check them out they're really really awesome I think you would really love to to watch them but ladies and gents until then I'll catch you in the next video take care
Channel: Shark
Views: 1,721,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shark, challenge, minecraft, 09sharkboy, minecraft trolling, best minecraft mods, minecraft troll, minecraft mods, squad minecraft, modded minecraft, top minecraft, minecraft challenge, 100 animals you wish minecraft added, 100 minecraft animals
Id: 11RMeh4MJJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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