I gave these Mobs new drops worth Having

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hey i'm on cameo book me today for a custom video message all right guys so a lot of minecraft mob drops are pretty bad some of them are downright useless some mobs don't even drop anything but in today's video i decided to give a whole bunch of minecraft mobs drops worth having items that can change your gameplay experience and so let's start with chickens and a cooked egg dropped by killing a chicken that's been set on fire you can eat these cooked eggs and they have a special effect that we'll get to in a second but for the time being let's go ahead and spawn in a couple bad boys and check it out a brand new huh all right we have to set them on fire okay die check it out cooked egg delicious but if we already have cooked chicken then why do we need another food drop well this one works a little bit differently it will give you a regular saturation boost but also a strength boost only in the morning so as you can see here we got no special boost eating that egg but if we were to set the time to early morning and then woke up to some lovely breakfast we would also get a strength to boost for a minute and 40 seconds of our time and it will only exist if you eat around the 23 000 to 24 000 tick marks so now we can just punch chickens dead with one little punch and we can use it on other mobs naturally to be that much stronger okay so our strength boost is about to run out and what i'm going to show you is if we set the time back to middle of the day if we were to eat an egg now no strength boost more on that with a different type of item later next item is the totem of guardians dropped from elder guardians yes something finally other than some sponge here and there this is a very cool item indeed that we will be able to use to great effect in just a moment the totem of guardians not not the not the egg in my other hand now this is a standard typical drop from your elder guardian wonders oh gosh oh my god i think he's gonna kill me i gotta be careful naturally he'd find the water get on back there you dick oh well maybe this will do it ha ha oh you still not dead okay well that will do it and check it out we got our drum so what does it do exactly well when used on land if you right click you'll create a bubble of water around you and mobs cannot get in from within this bubble don't worry the water will eventually clear but here's the cool thing as well if you were to in theory use this thing under water well a very similar thing would happen check it out we now have a pocket of air that we can actually hang out oh my gosh the perfect thing for building underwater bases with sign me up as you can see the other water completely disappeared and if we were to spawn in a couple husks over here and then use this special little bubble they would be unable to get in the water continues to push them back sorry guys it's just not your day how about a useful drop for creepers i get it gunpowder is useful tnt but how about another one we now have creeper pearls so if we were to kill a creeper we would get this special new item known as a creeper pearl where when you right click it it will begin to glow and flash bright until after a moment's notice you will cause an explosion and if you didn't notice there the best part we took zero damage during that explosion so if i were to kill this guy stay back always messing around we got a creeper pearl for our trouble look at that guy now you got to be careful once you ignite this thing you cannot get rid of it even if you're going to try and drop it you will still technically have an explosion that will go off after you dropped it in a few seconds after the fact so make sure you want to use this thing when you inevitably set it off to ignite use this pearl to get away from dangerous mobs you know or or cows you know they're kind of dangerous i mean you've seen the hooves on those things move over sorry and speaking of cows we gave them a useful drop too kind of a disgusting one it's digested grass all we need to do is grab some grass or a grass block find a nearby cow and legit feed the grass what are you not hungry we'll try a different cow huh you go ahead take that grass block betsy i know you won't see it yeah just grabbed it and ate it the best he's looking around now while it's glowing as we saw it was giving off some particles there if you kill the mob while it's in this glowing effect you will actually get this item digested grass so what does it do exactly well guys you can use it as an extraordinarily potent variant of bone meal so now you can grow your crops at very very quick speed simply place down some of the digested grass and look at the effect area that it takes place over drop a couple of these things down and hey in no time flat your crops begin growing like mad i mean this one's almost already full stage yes yes grow my pretties yeah it's useful item five is bacon dropped from you guessed it skeletons shot from pigs and it's obtained the same way as you would cooked eggs kill a pig fire aspect or set on fire you'll get not only pork chop but hey where my bacon go i guess it's not a constant drop but with enough luck you can kill a pig there he is how about it and just like with the eggs if you happen to eat this bake where's the buttons pig probably ate them anyways if you set it to morning time or eat this in the morning eat up on that bacon you'll get a haste to effect which will actually increase your mining speed i legit just have my fist and look how much faster my fist is punching now that i have some eggs and bacon in my system now imagine this with a tool normally haste 2 is reserved just for people that have a fully powered beacon all the way and this was i don't know what i just said first of all second of all this is a shovel without any enchantments and it is moving lightning fast but couple this with an efficiency five shovel instead and this grass gets cut through like butter is gonna be really good for mining or in this case digging corrupted ender pearls are dropped from ender mites which don't have any drop currently so they're kind of annoying and no one likes to deal with them but now if you see an endermite from time to time and kill it you'll get a special new drop right here that looks like a baby under pearl you can use these corrupted ender pearls to keep enderman at bay simply throw one nearby and even if you look at this guy punch him he cannot move now it will not last forever so keep that in mind he will eventually be able to come after you extraordinarily scary but if you throw another one of these things you can't do anything you can literally attack him in place and he will not move nice easy way to get some pearls well some regular ones vex wings another brand new drop they normally drop nothing but now you can actually use the vex wings that are on the vex so i'm going to kill you and you're going to give me your wings lovely so what can you use these things for well if you didn't know one cool thing about vex is that they can literally go through blocks and using the vex swing you can do the exact same simply right click and you will inevitably enter into a phase mode where you can actually go through blocks for a limited amount of time oh that is cool check that out it doesn't last forever but the wings themselves do as well at least as far as i'm concerned let me yeah they can get on in there yeah it does have a bit of a cool down time so that's something to keep in mind you won't be able to use them constantly ultimate hide and seek tool could you imagine just using this thing and then going underground and then all of a sudden you're good to go beautiful wow look at that phased on through and you actually won't take any suffocation damage while you're down there pretty sweet deal villagers have an improved drop the pillager horn the thing they used to check it out we just got our hands on one of these horns you right click with it you can use it to start a raid we've been given the bad omen effect which means the moment we find a village let's see here locate not village oh gosh alex is getting to me locate village here we go raid am i suffocating i'm suffocating but hey a rain started i'm gonna use my wings to get nice and safe holy moly we might have to do a battle guys i'll spare you we'll just assume i won fluffed wool is a new type of drop from a sheep it's got some special effects attached to it as well we've got some fluffed wool right here fluffed wool can be walked through look at that beautiful the ultimate secret doors in your all wool house i know y'all make those do you what's more landing on it will prevent fall damage pretty sweet simply use shears on the fluffed wool in order to get the item back and you are good to go you might even be better with an unstable fireball now on the right we've got a regular fire charge on the left we've got an animated unstable fireball that you'll get from ghasts if you're lucky enough to get nearby one of these things so you can deal damage you've got a chance at getting this brand new drop not every time but hey you might get an unstable fireball which you can use to summon in a fireball that you can punch in whatever direction you please maybe at the wall ah i got terrible aim here's a useful drop from the ravager mob the void appendix yes we might need to kill a giant beast to get this but i'm assuming it's worth it easy does it buddy easy buddy come on oh gosh that's intimidating stop don't no i need a shield easy does it guy easy does it man he's ripping through this shield to be honest yikes oh gosh i'm just gonna skip to having killed him there we go and i got it and i earned it too i feel really good about myself okay so i'm not sure why you would want to but if you use an appendix on a villager it will turn it into a ravager watch as this thing transforms into the thing we just killed i don't get it i guess i don't have to whoa you quickly got a job really quick hey oh goodness oh i deal with this again i'm running where's my shield speaking of villagers they now drop emeralds well kind of a stolen emerald is no longer valid they look almost identical to regular emeralds so here's an emerald mm-hmm right and here's a what a regular emerald and they look pretty much the same now i know i know it's best that we kill for our money okay so here we go i mean he was asking for it now apparently a villager will look at this emerald on the ground once he's got what a job or something are you going to go back to you know right over here do your thing homeboy there you go take your job yeah what oh you want the emerald uh yeah see he's monitoring the situation he's like what do i do with this emerald hmm i don't know what are you gonna do with it stupid oh gosh oh my gosh he literally turned into an outcast oh oh that's not oh little do you know i respawn silly you don't i hope and if you look really closely no like even closer you can actually see some text written on the corner of it wolfhide it's dropped from wolves i know it's kind of sad but you know they try and you know eat you and stuff so i get it so you die and you give me my okay well we might have to kill a handful of wolves guys i don't know there we go that's not messed up at all don't don't call peta you can unleash your inner wolf when you take damage and hold the wolf hide you'll actually when damaged enough be given a very special if that strength boost could kick in oh my god ah i see you have to wear the wolf high but look now when we take damage you actually get a strength tube boost so now you can feel the wolf's rage roaring from within you what's something else innocent i could kill i think i like killed everything it's all right a true warrior knows when to withhold his strength something like that i think i read that in a book somewhere stratifins a drop for the strider is better than just the string we've been getting check this out okay so now we're gonna kill you and get a nice little drop for it oh he looks terrified he knows what's coming look man i gotta do it for the contents nothing personal check it out strata fins you can actually wear these things get the wolf pelt off my head wow look do i look pretty you can actually see it better up here in my little inventory section whatever you know funny-looking kind of but not only do you get 10 seconds of permanent fire resistance for as long as you've got it on you can actually use it to walk on lava as well temporarily you've got blocks here that actually end up making up the space oh gosh well that's why we got the fires so not a problem man i just love eggs slime cells up next you killed slimes to get slime cells it's a new drop for them so we're gonna go ahead and just grab ourselves a nice little slime cell grab ourselves a slime mob we're gonna kill this oh of course they give me the big one well y'all i'm trying to do a showcase here now i gotta deal with all the tinies look the point is guys once you kill these big boys they can actually start to drop slime cells in addition to their balls of slime okay and they're gonna be quite useful in turning your slime blocks into jump pads yo check this out so right now slime blocks doing his thing you bounce on it okay but drop a slime cell on top of one of these slime blocks and check it out boom huge in the air yo still got my fins on i told you my attractive or what so check this out jump right on top of that now you can't really compound the jump so this is as high as you can get but i gotta say this is great for any elevators that you add into your homes drop the slime salon you got an easy way to get wherever you want at a moment's notice you know within reason you need slime and you slime cell so it's close now do you take damage still oh you do better eat all these eggs now if you were to kill a bean game first of all you monster we need those honey's delicious but if you happen to kill one you can get a bee stinger for your trouble so i'm gonna go ahead and spawn in another innocent thing to kill oh gosh didn't drop it i guess i'll have to kill another and check it out bee stinger action you can actually use the bee stinger believe it or not ready for this to sting and to poison nearby mobs except villagers i guess oh right they're immune to poison for some reason or another but you kill you do it on the cow and oh okay villagers aren't immune it just it doesn't always work okay so you can sometimes get poisoned to work okay it's like remnants of it but you saw that yeah see now you're nice and poisoned look betsy i don't know what to tell you okay life is cruel sometimes now get back here i'm hungry and as you saw it actually acts as a pretty decent weapon in general now bad ears last time we did anything with bats the world kind of ended so we'll be careful here but the idea is we finally have another useful drop for bats and so naturally we're going to go ahead and kill a bat in order to get our fantastic drop if you were skilled enough to kill a bat these things are terribly difficult to actually there we go all right are you guys ready to become furries hopefully um hopefully my editor didn't just anyways no but really you could put the bad ears on and you'll turn into a bat in that you become blind but you've got sonar so any moving mobs within your vicinity will instantaneously be highlighted so that you can detect movement yo look at that yo i got beef on the mind where's the beef now seriously where did it go she stopped moving oh wow you can even see like underneath you holy whoa someone's going to town down there oh wow fighting the skeleton is going to get you bat yeah i'd rather have my vision and and and i hope i i hope you didn't turn me into a furry next drop we added that was useful were the guardians yes not just elder guardians get love in today's video we've got guardian eyes they drop from regular old guardians so we're gonna do our thing during diligence man that guy can bounce holy that was the biggest jump i've ever seen have you considered enrolling in track and field i think you'd be one of their star players now get no oh my eggs are not going to be enough to keep me safe there we go we got the eye for our trouble and look at it it's kind of gross it actually moves around a little bit too you can use this believe it or not to have the same effect that the guardians have in the form of shooting out a powerful beam that can damage nearby creatures now if you hold it down for long enough the beam will eventually turn blue and will be capable of dealing damage to any mobs oh gosh you keep eating sneaking in eggs in between firing off dangerous beams don't look at me like that i'm hungry you know i get mad when i'm hungry okay we could just all right with the eggs i'm on my last one too but so are we the final mob we've added a drop to to make it much better well dragon scales you could have guessed that one's for the ender dragon and you can throw it on your gear in order to supercharge it now i'm going to spare you watch me kill the underdrag and just take my word for it it drops from him huh and we drop it on top of one of our various different swords here we will actually supercharge these swords instantaneous glint magical wonder so check this out sharpness 2 fire aspect 3 knockback 4 across the board amazing superb stupendous you all ready this husk never stood a chance not bad very supercharged an alternative to messing with enchantments one that you're probably gonna want to use but i gotta know guys which of these special new mob drops was your favorite let us know in the comment section below and with that we'll see you later out
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 946,449
Rating: 4.8636484 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mobs, mob drops, new mob drops, new minecraft items, new items in minecraft, caves and cliffs update, cave update, new minecraft update, logdotzip, bacon, totem, egg, chicken, creeper, ender pearl, vex, vex wing, pillager, sheep, wool, fireball, void, emerald, wolf, dog, pet, strider, slime, bee, bat, guardian, dragon, new weapons, pig, skeleton, enderman, raid, villager, ender dragon, drops, item drops, new loot table, minecraft loot table update
Id: Y9Ay0bxNLfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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