7 Toughest First Bosses Who Deserve A Promotion: Commenter Edition

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some time ago we pondered the rock hard first bosses in games who seriously deserve a promotion or at least like an employee of the month award but who boy turns out we weren't the only ones to suffer under the gigantic thumbs of gaming's unexpectedly tough first bosses with loads of our commenters suggesting even more examples of nightmarish early encounters who knew there were so many brutal first bosses out there ready to empty a bucket load of pain right over our heads here are your suggestions of first bosses who should be higher up the evil corporate ladder along the way beware some spoilers for the following games [Music] the last time we talked about this topic we did mention phantom the on fire spider from devil may cry who dropped from the ceiling and into our nightmares [Music] i think i speak for all of us when i say but the devil may cry series has plenty more barbaric first bosses up its frilly sleeves as several of you pointed out including commenter hartaj ahluwalia i don't know about tough but dmc falls first boss deserved a promotion he was so cool well hartag the first major boss in that game burial might seem cool if you think it's cool to be a two-story leonid center that conquered the barbaric circle of the demon world known as fire hell does that sound cool to you yes incredibly oh yeah and indeed burial is pretty much the most terrifying badass centaur horror show you could inflict on a player new to devil may cry 4. as well as looking like the embodiment of all heavy metal sub genres combined burial is a fantastically brutal boss fight with devastating fire sword attacks that will slice up your health bar like a master chef julienning a carrot it's easy to see why burial should be promoted to a more senior boss position especially when you consider that the actual final boss of the game is a floating priest infused with demonic powers which okay it's pretty cool but you call these horns these are horns [Music] real talk every boss in the dark souls series is difficult to beat that's part of the game heck some of them are difficult just to look at geez gaping dragon i just ate but one boss in particular stuck in the mind of commenter daniel kieran who spoke for many many of you when they noted eudex gundyr was the hardest tutorial boss in the soul series why is he not here indeed the gigantic hudex gundyr first boss of dark souls 3 is an absolute nightmare to do battle with so much so that dubbing him a quote tutorial boss sells him dramatically short unless you think the lesson he's trying to tutor you in is how bad it feels to have a 20-foot long halberd rammed inside your rib cage [Music] i mean lesson learned nobody likes falling at the first hurdle though so dutiful players will keep on slugging away at gundir and may even learn to predict and avoid his relentless health bar shattering attacks successfully memorize these moves and you'll soon have the upper hand ducking and weaving like a pro running into hackaway at gundir then dodging away before he even knows what's happened to the great armored lummox [Music] you might even whittle his health down below the halfway mark at which point this happens yeah as if gundia wasn't rock hard enough already now he's turned into some kind of i wanna say a t-rex made of slugs with one enormous claw and somehow even more speed and range than he had before never thought i'd say this but i miss the gaping dragon seriously can you go gate somewhere else [Music] it appears the game is over before it even begins i'm not playing games slade batman arkham origins is the poignant tale of the year batman ruined alfred's christmas by not being home to eat the ham he'd spent ages making for him i feel terrible sim i prepared such a lovely ham for you tonight and now you'll never have a chance to eat it we can have it tomorrow it's just not the same easily the equal of dickens as a secondary plot strand batman is also being pursued by eight deadly assassins a fact he finds out at the very start of the game when interrogating killer croc with the signature batman question punch question technique wait till black masks assassins get through with you what a sass oh sure you're thinking assassins how hard is that gonna be i'm the goddamn batman well you might be surprised commentary the ender of worlds 2 certainly was and says i know this is old but deathstroke from batman arkham origins where you had to counter yes the first assassin you'll properly face in arkham origins is deathstroke the terminator who despite having a name that makes him sound like a teenager who couldn't settle on just one cool name for the laser tag leaderboard is actually probably the toughest opponent you'll face in the entire game at first you'll need to try and hit deathstroke when you can and counter when he tries to attack inflict enough damage though and deathstroke will switch to his much harder more annoying phase in which he'll launch himself across the room and absolutely go to town on your bat head with a pipe and that's not to mention when he starts tethering explosive canisters to you and the bit where he has a sword and you need to have the reflexes of a caffeinated hummingbird to avoid having your bat butt handed to you long story short this is a long stressful boss fight in which you have to constantly counter everything deathstroke throws at you and in which the tiniest slip up can lead to your almost instant death but persevere and eventually you will defeat deathstroke at which point you'll probably be thinking oh my god that was just the first boss what the hell is the next one going to be like i ain't here to talk i'm here to kick your ass this is your last chance save yourself after an animal and you're gonna get eaten oh i see still maybe that freed up some time to spend with alfred bruce well played sir you stopped the electrocutional with a single strike i just used his arrogance to my advantage a textbook move a child could have avoided come on bruce he's trying to reach out to you man who knows why but old games were just scarier maybe it's because we were younger or something about the primitive creepy graphics or the fact that vintage games like diablo 1 hail from the same decade that gave us the most frightening thing ever to befoul humanity i'm talking of course about furby commenter lord frostwind recalls one such nightmare from that very game diablo one the butcher heaven above the butcher boss of your first quest and if you're lucky will kill you in four hits most of the time too the butcher is the boss of the first quest in diablo one a grisly collector of human remains whose reputation among the townsfolk of tristrum precedes him ah he swung a cleaver as large as an axe hewitt limbs and cutting down brave men where they stood yeah but come on mate that's the first boss how bad can it many be so many friends see now i'm thinking quite bad indeed correct the butcher who struck fear into the hearts of all diablo players with his call of fresh meat is a ludicrously strong opponent to kick off the game almost impossible to kill at low levels and marking the point at which many players simply said nope and presumably never played another video game again and having seen the deleted cutscene that was supposed to play when you enter the butcher's killing room we have to wonder if they were right to do so [Music] seriously what could be more messed up apart from the fact that millions of households still have furbies in their attics gathering dust waiting well well another runaway hero with an srs vanguard class titan well now we're talking bring it tonight let's get this party started you might think that having a truck-sized mech suit would make everything in life just that little bit easier i mean except for getting through doors but that's not how things pan out for forgettably named hero jack cooper pilot of vanguard class titan robot bt 7274 in titanfall 2. transfer controls to pilot in this engrossing campaign you'll eventually form a deep and meaningful bond with bt the lovable killer robot but when the game kicks off you'll still be very much figuring out how to control your mech missing me already i was not shooting at you that would be in violation of protocol 3. never mind which is why jack benovitz is right on the money about the very first boss fight in the game when they write a tough first boss could be titanfall 2's kane and why we sympathise with diego nunes who chimes in with the reply died to him five times kane is encountered in titanfall 2's reclamation facility where he's been put in control of the scheming imc forces despite the fact he's an unhinged narcotics dealer with a very very ruthless door policy at private functions you were not invited to kane's party and that's why you're dead so nine plus ones then there's plenty to dislike about this stressful first boss fight for instance the fact that kane is flanked by a menacing brute titan that rains down explosive destruction at range pilot avoid any cold thermite they cause heavy damage all the way kane himself sprays out highly damaging thermite residue like some kind of volcanic skunk damage all the way he's constantly on the radio calling you a scrub i'm so going to enjoy taking that titan from you replacement battery required or the way he's not too proud to repeatedly run and hide on the other side of the battle arena safely out of range of your attacks while his shields recover which come on kane that was gonna be my whole strategy well it may be cowardly but it's also undignified i see you have made it this far we respect that sometimes teachers have to be strict like when mr benson gave me a week's detention for chewing gum in geography even though timothy hall was chewing two and he got off scot-free haven't given it a second thought but one mental figure from the world of video games takes pupil punishment to an entirely new level as accurately pointed out by commenter prince silverman who says murai from ninja gaiden in the xbox version of ninja gaiden which came out back in 2004 you play the role of ryu hayabusa who begins the game infiltrating the lair of the shadow clan which is on neutral terms with ryu's own hayabusa clan although that's presumably before ryu slices every resident ninja into red goo in charge of things at shadowclan hq is your uncle murai who when you first find him challenges you to a sparring match sounds like a nice mentally uncle thing to do right until you see this frankly ott nunchuck display okay uncle mirai are you quite finished this week it's nunchucks last week it was learning stairway to heaven but maybe murie takes this hobby more seriously because this boss fight against your own uncle is brutally tough the battle is supposed to teach you the fundamentals of the combat but in doing so becomes one of the toughest trials in the whole game and certainly an enormous ask for new players who only picked up the controller 10 minutes prior the only consolation is that in a shocking twist mirai turns out to be the big villain of the game and you'll end up facing him once more this time in beefed up demonic dark dragon blade wielding form the dark dragon is mine no objections i presume hey maybe this is why that first sparring contest was considerably more brutal than it really needed to be hope you're listening mr benson to whom i would just say if you'd have thought to check timothy hall's locker you'd have seen he had a famously large gun collection not that he would admit that even when i confronted him at the law firm where he now works but i get it his children were present he didn't want to lose face i'm an old man son you can't take on an old man the opening hours of resident evil 7 play out like an airbnb experience from hell in which you encounter the many horrors of the twisted baker family's guest house before sitting down to dinner with the family themselves edith it's good so [ __ ] wasn't no good to hit him look the listing said whole house also wi-fi was terrible that's not the main thing you know good good to have your nemesis throughout this tense opening is jack baker the family patriarch who thanks to resident evil 7's mutagenic mould has discovered a new and abiding interest in driving a shovel through your face it's good to keep yourself busy after retirement while you come across jack several times throughout the game none of those encounters have quite the impact of your first as noted by commenter wibarg 1000 who says disappointed jack baker isn't on here after dying multiple times i was so angry i blasted through the game with almost no fear your first proper fight with jack takes place in the baker house's garage and is one of the most singularly stressful and terrifying experiences i've ever had in a game for a start it's already pretty clear that jack is borderline immortal and really really wants to cut bits off you and that you're trapped in a small garage with him in later jack encounters you're armed with inorder one a chainsaw and two a militia's worth of small arms and explosives which puts things on more of an even footing but here you've got a poxy handgun and about six bullets and he's got i don't know some piece of farming equipment i didn't get a good look at it while i was being beaten around the head with it oh big man got him then if you're lucky you'll get the car started and spend a few panicky moments crashing clumsily into the walls before everything gets impaley and explodey and oh good jack baker's on fire now oh boy now look what you've done mother then to add insult to injury jack finishes the boss fight for you do i have your attention boy you're about to see something what the hell was that man i can't wait till the next boss fight when we both have chainsaws at least that i understand so those were even more of the first bosses in video games who were so tough but really they should be just bumped a little bit further up the ladder don't you think that would be fair on everyone game yes i think so can you think of any more examples if so drop them in the comments and hey maybe we can get a third video out of this who knows we'll have to see but in the meantime if there's something else that you want to watch then oh boy check out this video here it's from outside extra that's us it's about times that badass heroes we're idiots in the cutscene and down here is one from our sister channel outside xbox it's all about chitty bosses who didn't fight fair so if you like the whole boss thing check that out oh and why not subscribe thanks for watching timothy hall's on the phone oh timothy hall
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 998,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, berial, iudex gundyr, iudex gundyr strategy, deathstroke, butcher, kane, murai, jack baker, resident evil 7, resi 7, resident evil 7 gameplay, devil may cry 4 gameplay, dmc4, dark souls 3, first boss, dark souls, ds3, dark souls 3 gameplay, arkham origins gameplay, batman arkham origins, batman, diablo 1, diablo gameplay, titanfall 2, titanfall 2 gameplay, ninja gaiden gameplay
Id: 1_O8DEhXAko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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