7 Evil Bosses Who Just Had to SING!

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Yes! We got the Total Distortion dance back!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/PM_ME_YOUR_MALAISE 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2018 🗫︎ replies
just because you're an evil villain doesn't mean you don't feel the need to express yourself after all just look at the host of criminals baddies and would-be world dominators out there who managed to work a show-stopping musical number into their evil schemes these villains may not know basic morality but they know their way around a toe tapping chorus and while they may have missed their shot at redemption by golly they never miss a beat take it away Joker it won't be long till I make you kill here are the villains who've just had to sing dammit along the way beware spoilers for the following [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're not going anywhere without me don't be shy there's room up here on stage for - no really I insist some rules for singing are you must hit the right note it's important to know when to breathe and generally it's a whole lot harder to do when you're dead however one person who didn't get the memo is Joker from the Batman Arkham series in Arkham Knight after his demise in the previous game the Joker has taken to getting right inside the head of bats so much so that at one point Wendy lists Batman villain Johnny charisma is dressed up as the Joker and puts on a show bats just sees the original giggling away at him through song [Music] sidenote to charisma here if you're that uninteresting that instead of watching you bat imagines a dead guy singing their song maybe whatever you think the name may be like Johnny rubbish face or something Joker song look who's laughing now is a delightfully dark show tune listing off lots of heinous things he's done or enjoyed - a big band backing track stuck in your dead joke he's just finally managed to repress that it took ages it's also a terrifying reminder that the Joker now knows all of Batman's secrets due to being inside of his head see the game is one long countdown to the Joker completely taking over his mind and forcing bats to do awful things something the Joker is only too happy to remind him of in song I wish you would let me drive it won't be long till I make you kill fool be laggy man so Batman would only be killing people because the Joker has taken over his mind so you hole however as you listen to it while defusing bombs you can't help but tap your toes along and let mark Hamill's excellent Joker finish his tune [Music] please don't take my brain I hate floor shows they say if you want people to hate your villain have them kick a dog but if you really want people to hate your villain have them kick a dog and then write a song about it the knives are really out then for Conroy bumpass diminutive Brit rocker and animal cruelty enthusiast who you'll do battle against in salmon max hit the road Conroy loves killing and collecting beasts a hobby for which he's given himself the nickname well you tell him Conroy take it away [Music] [Music] conroy sets up his whole animal harming deal with this absurdly catchy rock-and-roll belter which as well as featuring quite a lot of groin thrusting really blows the roof off the place with a chorus from the heads of animals he's dispatched [Music] okay that's just grotesque and we'll be filing a formal complaint just as soon as up hip stop whittling Conroy gets his comeuppance in the end though and his musical career is cut short when he and his henchman Lee Harvey while trying to capture a Bigfoot end up frozen in a block of ice and exhibited in a carnival of curiosities how can we ever repay you the blank looks on your faces are the only reward we need which is just as well because the way he treats those animals is frankly inexcusable I mean we share a planet with these animals your very least Lee oh damn it I'm at it again too many villains keep their evil schemes top secret not so the great mighty poo who is extremely upfront about his intentions thanks mighty poo I appreciate your honesty it's very refreshing that's the only thing that's refreshing though about this mound of malevolent fecal matter who floats onto the scene in the slop Renault chapter of Conker's Bad Fur Day and belts out an operatic and movement before fleeing chunks of excreta at you your job is to dodge the turds until the great mighty poo opens wide for another verse which is your opportunity to lob a bog roll into the species filled mouth [Music] which is a sentence I hoped I'd never have to read aloud here we are hi mum still not a doctor getting a roll in his mouth triggers new bits of the Sun which as you might expect become increasingly nauseating as the great mighty poo gets into the finer points of his poll deal that's more caviar Oh God but the song sorry I'm good I can finish it but the song reaches its epic climax with a call-and-response featuring conker himself yeah hi mum look I told you seven years of medical school just wasn't for me but your science we must because artificial intelligence excels at three things chess pretending to be people in chat rooms and passive aggression after you complete portals various puzzles using aperture Sciences nifty little gun your guide GLaDOS tries to murder you proving once and for all that the cake was definitely a lie and forcing you to destroy her but you haven't heard the last of her oh no as a treat upon completing the game she sings you a song this was her triumph I'm making a note here huge success it's hard to overstate my satisfaction Oh GLaDOS you're truly happy for me always she's being sarcastic isn't she yep like a British person saying thank you to the person who didn't thank them for holding the door open GLaDOS is not happy about your actions and intends to not so subtly let you know about it [Music] cute look GLaDOS I'm sorry I killed you but in fairness you did try to kill me and wait how were you singing if you're dead see alive is not just referring to Chell escaping death yep this song isn't purely a guilt trip or simply a continuation of the lie about cakes but a gradual realization for the player that GLaDOS isn't that easy to get rid of [Music] [Music] oh my goodness GLaDOS those lyrics are so clever I think you should focus on your great songwriting career and less on killing people who have wronged you just just an idea you've taken my pride you scrap my Crockett dojo laid waste to my laboratory broke my televisions and countless Williams you might think that with a name like skull mageddon the villain of Double Dragon neon would have a pawn shop for say heavy metal and when you meet him for the first time in the game you could again fairly assume that this is one bad guy who likes his music to thrash hardcore on account of him being an undead sorcerer made of bones with an accent worthy of a dodgy Iron Maiden tribute band but you know what they say happens when you assume Skull mageddon kills you or at least he tries to in the game's final confrontation when it turns out his musical tastes are closer to feisty character numbers that would be more at home on a Broadway stage when he inevitably loses and you shove him into space that's Skull mageddon skew to deliver a powerful song over the game's end credits [Music] yeah [Music] although skal mageddon is already well and truly defeated by this point it's hard not to feel that he at least gets the moral victory for this rousing introspective vocal solo [Music] it makes us wonder if Scholl mageddon didn't miss his calling as a West End composer because this little number is almost impossible not to dance to [Music] I do what [Music] unless you can't dance of course it's heel toe heel [Music] what could be more terrifying than a ghost singing opera apart from attending an opera or talking or thinking about opera hmm but this next villain doesn't give a blues clue whether or not you're petrified as he's the final boss of spooky trails a whole world in Mario plus ravaged Kingdom battles devoted to paranormal Horrors the Phantom as he styled is a house-sized operatic rabid spirit who shows up to murder Mario and indeed appears to have a massive chip on his spectral shoulder about Nintendo's famous mascot during down despite is blonde she buddy hey no body-shaming Mario besides he can jump four times his own height dude must have thighs like a CrossFit champion phantoms octave clambering performance is in fact a pretty epic diss track one that pokes fun at Mario's catchphrases famous tropes of Mario's platforming past [Music] and even jokes about the race ruining powers of the blue spiny shell the worst thing to happen to anyone who's ever played Mario Kart [Music] hey we have a rule phantom and that's that we don't joke about the blue spiny shell not since the Oh ex office Mario Kart tournament things were said things were forgiven but not forgotten Luke Phantom savage burns clearly don't hurt Mario's self-confidence too much though as after a prolonged shootout phantom has finally brought to heal by everyone's favorite plumber at which point he gets what every performer dreams of a death scene under center stage spotlight and boy does phantom milkings geez haven't seen such terrible acting since Luke insisted he thought it was a green shell he fired on lap three that's all behind us in cuphead King dice is a king pain in the neck not only does he convince you you can't lose thus facilitating the woeful deal with the devil that kicks off the story but he won't let you anywhere near the devil until you get all the contracts he needs yes step into the dye house trying to get to another island and you will hear his excellent songs [Music] mr. king dies I'm the gay mist in the land not only is he a dapper dresser but he's an excellent rhythm and blues singer and he explains why he's borrowing your path with the use of fancy words like assiduously tell you where else we're not gonna mess with him Spelling Bee but our favorite bit about it is the chorus complete with backing singers that we can't help but join in with ever when you meet him later on for a big fight he's far less jovial or full of song throwing his millions at you and punishing them severely should they lose cruel but on the other hand you do have to admire the fact that he managed to rhyme assiduously I mean the best thought I got was deciduous tree I didn't say it was good that's it for this list but I know that some of our most loyal fans who have been hoping to see us dance around to you are dead from the game total distortion somewhere on this list and those people just have to say one unfortunately it's not really a great example because it's not really clear if the villain sings it or not and to screw it let's rock but you were hard yes what you not but you can picture to a screeching halt up quite a sweat there anyway those are some of the villains and games who just could not help but saying but if you can think of any more singing bad guys and let us know in the comments and if you want to watch another video which I'm certain you do if you really think about it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay well then check out this one up here that's another video from us it's about times at the building was cooler than you down here is one from our sister channel outside Xbox it's about the catchiest songs in games it's got some really catchy videogame tubes in there and if you enjoyed this then why not subscribe as well and ring that Bell and we will see you guys next time bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,875,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: double dragon neon, cuphead, cuphead gameplay, king dice, joker, arkham knight, joker song, glados, still alive, portal gameplay, jonathan coulton, sam and max hit the road, mario rabbids kingdom battle, phantom, conroy bumpus, conkers bad fur day, great mighty poo, singing, skullmageddon, funny videos, songs, videogame music, game music, soundtrack, outsidextra, outside xtra, outsidexbox, outside xbox, ellen rose, luke westaway, andy farrant, mike channell, jane douglas
Id: 550oRHvQq5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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