7 Bosses You Could Only Hide From

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most bosses in games are ones that you deal with by fighting hence the name boss fight however some other bosses are impossible to defeat very powerful and deeply scary and the only way to deal with them is by hiding from them and sneaking around them like a brave hero hey whatever works we're not judging just consider these seven times the game gave you no choice but to take the cowardly route of hiding during a boss encounter don't worry we're sure you'll do something brave later but we're spoilers along the way for the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] following [Music] [Applause] [Music] as the late great ian holm once said of the xenomorph you still don't understand what you're dealing with do you the perfect organism its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility but i think everyone understood what they were dealing with in alien isolation after this butt-clenchingly tense introductory cutscene there were plenty of other enemies to give you trouble while wandering the corridors of the sevastopol space station such as less than friendly fellow survivors and red-eyed androids with very little understanding of personal space but it wasn't the end of the world if they saw you humans could be eliminated with various weapons found around the space station androids on the other hand could be deterred with a panicked shove or wrenched to the face if the titular alien discovered you however it was an immediate game over [Music] this sinister stalker would follow you through much of the game and appear whenever you made too much noise this forced you to stay as silent as possible lest you conjured the xenomorph with your hullabaloo at which point your only options are to hide under some furniture crying silently or alternatively you could leg it to the nearest locker and hide inside also crying silently the catch with hiding though was that even if you did find a hiding spot your safety wasn't guaranteed i guess at this point the xenomorph saw my weeping eyes peeking through the slats of this locker these encounters never got any easier to deal with and were so stressful that you'd still be stuck in the fetal position on your sofa several hours later is is it gone oh phew so much for perfect organism shows what ian hold knows damn it ian i should have listened [Music] there is no crane oh batman isn't afraid to face his fears after all here's a man who dresses up as an animal he used to have a phobia of spends most of his time in a spooky cave and regularly fights a terrifying clown say good night bats [Laughter] but at the same time batman isn't foolish enough to run headfirst into a giant straw monster with lasers for eyes so when in the course of your batman duties you inhale a bunch of fear gas and wake up in an otherworldly version of arkham asylum that hosts a colossal version of scarecrow the supervillain alter ego of dr jonathan crane sensibly batman decides that discretion is the better part of valor and hides behind a wall you can call it a bat wall if it makes you feel better bruce in order to wake batman up from this nightmare that is somehow still better than that stress dream where you missed that exam for that class you didn't even know you were taking you need to reach a bat signal and shine it into scarecrow's creepy face but to get there you need to avoid scarecrow's laser gaze because if he catches you in his ocular search beams you die in the nightmare and also apparently in real you're life and at the end of fear oblivion this is why you're my least favorite dr crane after frasier and niles therefore with a frontal assault out of the question you must dodge from hiding spot to hiding spots using batman's incredible skill at hiding in the shadows you must keep your cool as scarecrow peers towards you and try not to get distracted by scarecrow's extremely distracting halloween spook house mindscape after all this gallant hiding you earn the opportunity to return the favor and blast scarecrow with a blinding light of your own what are you doing man sure glad i'm out of that spook house mindscape and i'm back in the morgue of a creepy insane asylum surrounded by violent super criminals [Music] [Applause] oh in little nightmares you play as six a little girl trapped on a sea vessel with a bunch of monsters who has decided that the best garment to sneak around in is a bright yellow raincoat one monstrous being that tries to stop six escaping is known as the janitor but you'll probably know him as oh my god it's that horrible thing with the long arms you first catch sight of this long limbed lurker when wandering through the prison levels and the first time you're stuck in the same room as him your best bet is to crouch in terror under the nearest bed hoping that he didn't catch sight of you but it's after you entered the janitor's quarters and he nabs you in one of his cages that things really get daunting [Music] now it's up to you to escape and your only option is to sneak your way around this creepy cleaner fortunately but also horrifyingly for six the skin on the janitor's head seems to have slipped down off his skull and over his eyes so all he has to rely on is his hearing and his sense of smell less fortunately for six both of these sensors are amazing and if he catches up to you well that's game over friends one particularly nerve-wracking section sees you sneaking around a library and don't think you're safe up on the shelves as despite the janitor's short legs his arms can easily reach where you are thus begins a disturbing game of cat and mouse where you have to avoid making noise and throw things around in order to try and lead him away from you including leading him directly to you with a loud tv so you can sneak around behind him [Music] even when it comes time for the final confrontation with the janitor your job is to hide out of reach of his grabby hands and sneak in during an opportune moment to help physics do the work [Music] oh my god well at least i don't have to worry about those creepy hands anymore nah okay not cool game not cool what's happening it's freezing usually when things get cold it's time for you to pop on a cardigan or maybe a fleece-lined jacket in the evil within two things getting cold means a terrifying ghost woman is about to ruin your day when sinister spookstress anima shows up to pull you into another version of the cyberdream hellscape you're in you find yourself caught in a nerve shredding game of cat and mouse what the [ __ ] is happening [Music] it's your job to steer hero sebastian the hell out of there unless you want to see anime suck out his soul like some kind of red band dementor which i'm sure you don't except well here it is anima phases through doors makes the world go all fuzzy and hums a creepy tune as she shuffles around so there's plenty to not enjoy about this boss yet she shows up time and time again to turn down the thermostat and turn up the tension in your shoulders damn it's that thing again whether she's there to rattle doors [Music] or to judge your jukebox choices or just to make you quietly sob behind the nearest wall [Music] with anima having firmly established herself as queen of all your future nightmares you eventually find yourself trapped in a boss battle-shaped room with her and discover she has telekinesis brilliant that's your cue to start cowering yet again shuffling from broken pillar to broken pillar as soon as her back is turned only to be greeted by her again once you reach downstairs this time revealing how hey look she can move your hiding spots now so good luck to you buddy sadly anima is between you and the daughter freedom so you must time your movements precisely and be aware that she can change the room around you at any point forcing you to get closer to her before you can finally slip past and escape that thing again why is it after me what does it have to do with this place i don't know sebastian but please can we just leave and never come back thanks well now students aren't allowed in here are they there are things in the forbidden corridor that are not for the eyes of mere boys like you back in late 2001 harry potter fever was at a true high the first film had just come out the brick heavy fourth book goblet of fire had been published the year before and jk rowling wouldn't be on twitter for another eight glorious years with the popularity of the boy wizard it made sense to release a tie-in game alongside the film and so harry potter and the philosopher's stone or sorcerer stone to our american friends was released on the ps1 this game let fans experience the beloved hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry as they met their favorite characters went to magical lessons and did 3d puzzle platforming under hideous time pressures to the soundtrack of a loud ticking countdown [Music] don't remember that in the books as if that weren't stressful enough players also had to reckon with the menace that was the school caretaker argus filch and don't go trying a secret passage mrs noddis and i know them all now be off with you before i have you expelled for wasting our time in order to make your way through the forbidden corridor you had to sneak past filch and grab the keys to get out well well well we are in trouble now aren't we this meant parkouring across bookcases in a way that would make librarians flinch and picking up invisibility tokens to activate your newly acquired invisibility cloak because of course you can't just use it whenever you want to like harry did in the films every time you moved into a new room filch would somehow follow you and even when you were clambering well out of sight in the rafters you still had to avoid his cat mrs norris intruder intruder in the forbidden corridor it all added up to making countering this shady school staff member the second most nerve-wracking thing in the game right after the broomstick flying mini-game which oh don't remind me [Music] unravel is a game that beautifully weaves a metaphor about the reconnection of memories even a small red protagonist jani falls into radioactive water and is immediately dissolved [Music] truth is in this very sweet puzzle platformer there were many dangers that could befall our woolly friend as we took him on a journey through the swedish countryside there were mosquitoes that he had to swat away before being engulfed an unrelenting vole and all sorts of environmental hazards that come from being a tiny creature made of wool but the hazard against which your only defense was hiding was crows after our friend annoys these members of the corvette family with an old milk churn they really have it in for him and should they get a hold of yani well that's the end of that therefore your only option is to dash from one hiding place to the next as fast as yanni's little legs can carry him timing is everything here since you have to keep an eye on the field behind you to make sure another crow isn't lining up to swoop in and murder you in addition to all the cowering behind shovels and in boxes yani must rapidly solve puzzles under the constant threat of being scooped up by talons [Music] it is all frankly a bit intense for a handmade yarn doll less suited to deadly hide and seek with furious birds and more suited to say being listed on someone's etsy store if the idea of constantly hiding from an incredibly scary monster that could kill you easily sounds like something you want to do over and over again then one what the hell is wrong with you and two there's a video game for that dead by daylight is an asymmetric horror game with one player as the killer and the four other players as their potential victims who need to get the hell out of dodge or more accurately this dodgy place full of giant painful looking hooks [Music] what this amounts to is a game where every match where you play as a survivor has you trying to keep out of sight of an unkillable boss played by a stranger on the internet spoiler that's much worse than a regular unkillable boss in order to escape you need to stealth around one of many possible often movie famous killers fixing generators to power up doors that let you out of these hellish arenas while fixing a generator as well as looking over your shoulder to make sure the killer isn't directly behind you you have to pass random skill checks if you fail the generator makes a loud noise alerting the killer to your presence if you succeed and do fix the generator there is also a loud noise cool draw too much attention or accidentally bump into the killer and you'll have to cheese it pulling down obstacles to try and slow them down or stun them but ultimately running can only get you so far you need to shake off your murderous pursuer and hide in order to escape whether that be hiding in foliage stuffing yourself into a locker or praying that they go after your teammate instead [Music] sorry pal my bad fail to slip away and you will get hooked and not in a figurative description of the gameplay way [Music] oh great my doctor specifically said i wasn't supposed to be hung on rusty hooks hi dr stein i'm gonna need another tetanus booster yeah dead by daylight again so those were the boss fights that you didn't really fight in the conventional hero way but more in the sort of hiding cowering kind of way you know behind things who wants to get out there and face the boss not us we'll stay behind this wall thanks if it's all the same to you can you think of any other examples of boss fights that you just had to sort of hide and stealth your way around if so let us know in the comments uh and hey if you enjoyed this then i'm sure you will enjoy the other things we do on this channel we do wonderful community live streams that are really fun we just talk a bunch of nonsense about video games if you found this list entertaining and funny then i'm confident you will find our other stuff entertaining and funny as well so please do like and subscribe and check it out and we will see you next time thanks for watching bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 992,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra
Id: 8B0Y2FMVc8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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