7 Bosses You Killed From the Inside Out, Ew

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Chinese general Sun Tzu said know your enemy and what better way to get inside their head than to be literally eaten alive by them after all we haven't read the art of war but we reckon there must be a chapter in there somewhere about being swallowed whole because it crops up weirdly often in boss battles in video games and even weirder usually turns out to be a winning tactic on your part where instead of being immediately crushed and slowly digested you end up bursting out of your foe victorious and more than a little sticky here are the bosses that you killed from the inside out you special hat tips you comment a brain dead for the suggestion and the West spoilers for the following games [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foxes are perhaps the wiliest and most cunning animals to also eat regularly out of bins so it's no surprise that when fox mccloud goes toe-to-toe with a house-sized enemy he's not afraid to deploy unconventional tactics to confound his foes a prime example can be found in starfox adventures when fox and his talking Triceratops sidekick tricky make their way to the lair of insects dinosaur hybrid beast gal dawn upon arrival the team discovered that gal dawn holds in its claw the legendary spell stone the object Fox has been searching for for reasons we would remember if our memories of the game weren't completely clouded by white-hot hatred for tricky he knows the planet well and I'm sure he's showing you his sidekick skills oh yeah I forgot about those come on Fox will make a great team once the boss battle begins Fox expertly analyzes his enemy's weakness a glowing weak spot on its rear end at which point he is eaten alive the strategic genius [Applause] rather than being chewed into vulpine mints fox finds himself in gal Don's body which is alarmingly lacking in vital organs but does feature the spellstone trapped in a uvula looking appendage buckle up gal Don because this is probably going to be about as painful as it looks dealing enough damage to the uvula causes Fox to be vomited up a sentence that if video games were never invented would probably never have been said aloud and that would have been fine [Music] you'd really think gal Don would learn its lesson but moments later it swallows Fox again for a final round of appendage battering [Music] [Music] [Applause] folks makes a comedic get away but gal don is not so lucky and dies painfully possibly because the Fox ran amok inside of him or possibly because it just realized it has no heart or lungs or organs on the plus side with the spell stone finally in hand Fox can finally do whatever it was he was planning on doing we're not sure exactly was it kill tricky can you find any blue mushrooms I'm feeling real tired another tricky it said that discretion is the better part of valor and in Gears of War 2 that means cheesing it when the f off massive worm with giant teeth shows up right when that unfortunately for Marcus Fenix and his company of cog jimbros rookie carmine doesn't get this simple rule delaying their escape and causing their copter to get swallowed whole by a humongous rift worm thanks a lot carmine now we have to live inside this giant worm probably isn't even a Jim in here but Marcus not being one to lie down probably because all the guns on his back wouldn't let him cooks up a plan to take down the rift worm from the inside and thus begins a great Odyssey or should I say Odyssey as the gang make their way to the creatures heart through a variety of deadly and for sure stinky internal hazards such as giant grinding teeth acid and toxic fumes inside the creatures intestines this thing's like gas man there's even a bunch of creatures that crawl out of nowhere to try and take you out like an educational video about antibodies killing rookie carmine before he can reach him oh no not carmine who's gonna screw up and get us swallowed by a worm now but that's not the worst of it to avoid being crushed by some freshly ingested city architecture you have to chainsaw your way through membranes and am I reading this right shooting sphincters until they open for you I am I am reading that right you do eventually make it to the heart and not so delicately cut the all-important blood vessels connecting it except that does nothing as anyone who knows anything about rift worm Anatomy could tell you turns out the retro worm doesn't just have one heart but three most of which are surrounded by yet more gross locust beasties once that file artery is cut the rift worm bursts to the surface defeated letting the cogs burst free presumably with the unspoken understanding that none of them will ever speak of this again but will always remember you carbine [Music] heart of darkness is a game full of terrors like this nightmare creature absolutely terrifying Oh kuat truth we told while the 1998 cutscene graphics haven't aged very well they have remained in our darkest memories thanks to all of the horrific deaths that poor Andy faced yep that's a child screaming as he falls to his death this game has no chill there are a lot of unpleasant demises including Andy being eaten alive by shadow monsters so we were fearing the worst when this happened luckily for Andy this monstrosity is more interested in his shiny weaponry and hat rather than his easily smashable body but later in the game after many more horrific deaths thanks to you no longer having a metal helmet or plasma gun more alarm bells ring when Andy falls through a hole and lands on a weird-looking Rock it's that monster again and it's swallowed him whole I hate everything about this but before a cutscene showing a small child being dissolved by stomach acid can kick in this monsters morning snack comes back to bite it in the bum or should we say laser it through the stomach brace yourselves folks cuz this is horrible hooray take that what does that mean we could have lasered our way out if he'd eaten this the first time round oh no he breaks his spine first in this circumstance it's not well at least we can say that no children played this game as it was rated an 11 Plus [Music] [Music] oranges when you first meet the imprisoned Titan Chronos you might wonder how you could defeat an enemy the size of a mountain also what's his gym routine like to get so big is it farmer's carries because I've heard that's the thing put such questions out of your mind though because Chronos is in no mood to chitchat with playable gods smashing Spartan Kratos instead he's more in the mood to squash you beneath his stadium-sized palms despite his best efforts though Cronus has a hard time even finding you what with Kratos being roughly the size of an ant in comparison moreover Kronos apparently can't feel his tiny enemy crawling up his body which is bad right now but probably better in general that he's not aware of quite how many skeletons are living in his skin might be worth seeing if there's a cream for that Chronos + Kratos might be the size of a bug compared to Chronos but he's considerably more dangerous I mean we may as well just hand control of earth over to the ants if they ever figure out how to do this regardless it's clear that kratos isn't shy about stabbing and slicing at any part of Cronus's anatomy that he can get at which makes the following decision hard to justify in a shock to literally nobody except Cronos craters who was so fond of stabbing Cronus on the outside proceeds to stab Cronus on the inside now that he's been swallowed dragging his fiery blades down the side of Cronus his gullet would already be pretty fatal you'd think but hey I guess Kratos wants to be sure and we would call this pretty damn sure unsurprisingly bursting out of Cronus's midriff in a gut explosion ends the boss fight and at this point it's just a formality to pop up to Cronus's enormous Ponce and deliver the killing blow [Music] now we'll never know his workout secrets was it burpees do you think because I'm not doing burpees no parenting manual should recommend putting your baby on the back of a dinosaur is the feedback I got from HarperCollins when I submitted the manuscript for my parenting manual well get a load of this HarperCollins this exact scenario features in Nintendo classic Yoshi's Island upon stumbling across a harmless looking at phibian baby stealing wizard kamek zaps Yoshi and his passenger baby mario down to snack size well since use a terrifying game of dodged the stomach acid as Yoshi must avoid corrosive droplets while taking out the enemies that fall in presumably also shrunk by the weird flying wizard and at this point regretting joining his army to get out you must earn enough of those enemies into eggs and shoot them at what we can only assume is this thing's uvula but what it's doing in this frog stomach is anyone's guess repeat this enough and you're unceremoniously pooped out of its butt is what we can only assume based on one little Anatomy we can see here and also this frogs shocked expression afterwards the spell wears off something could have just waited and no way that would've been worse no wait now I'm imagining it [Music] if you've never played Dante's Inferno the main idea behind it is what you've got a war but somehow even more gross take Dante's Inferno z' approach to Cerberus for instance traditionally depicted as a three-headed dog reach this boss as you enter gluttony the third circle of hell however and you'll quickly discover that oh my god that is not a dog looks like admiral ackbar gone wrong had more wack bar right this HR Giger cheese dream does have the traditional three heads but adds three very big mouths of teeth and in each head for additional mouths for a grand total of a lot of mouths the first two heads can be taken care of with some very gymnastic use of your side but the final head is not so easy to take down as you find out when going in for the final kill there how does it even know I was there it doesn't have eyes but today is not your day to die and windmilling your side around its side its mouth is exactly as effective as you'd think sorry Cerberus but we got a head off man why is no one ever around when I make these things which Cerberus was still alive he would love that people work better when they given strict time limits like how I won't start work until I've watched at least 90 minutes of Netflix and I'm very strict about that gotta get my stranger things in someone who knows all about the efficiency boost that a looming deadline provides is Samus Aran who can't so much a step foot in a gloomy maze like space facility without a massive alarm going off and a clock starting to tick down - its total destruction little wonder then that it's a ticking clock that gives Samus the edge she needs in the middle of one of her toughest boss battles ever that against the sinister Queen Metroid in 2010's Metroid Other M this fight against the Queen Metroid began several minutes earlier when the crocodile-like space beast ambushes Samus aboard the bottle ship research vessel very nearly swallowing her whole which if you've been paying attention to this video you'll know would have definitely saved us or sometime alas Samus remains on the outside of the Metroid Queen for now which means you the player must try to survive while this long next space dinosaur hatches Metroid's out of its back and tries to roast Samus inside her suit with punishing waves of flame breath just when all seems lost in the creature appears to be unkillable the ticking clock gives Samus the focus she needs to draw courage from the thought of her space friends or maybe she just remembered she asked theater tickets tonight next Samus takes advantage of the ship unexpectedly decelerating to blast the Queen Metroid right in its guts then it's up to you to do the only sensible thing and by sensible thing we mean grapple into the Queen Metroid's mouth which sounds like a bad idea until you remember that Samus spends 90% of her life curled up in a tiny ball dropping bombs you can probably see where this is going I mean we've heard of indigestion but this is ridiculous sorry Netflix time again Steve Harrington tell me your haircare secrets Metroid egg can't be so those are the video game boss battles that really made you want to go and have a shower afterwards cuz you gross can you think of any bosses that you had to really get inside of just to take and down put them down in the comments below and we all have a nosy through them but some things for you to know ZZZ drew there's some more videos from us did enemies get under your skin will here are the ones that got under our skin on our side extra and over outside Xbox what are the things do you delve inside of dungeons and here are things you find it every dungeon and subscribe [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 972,084
Rating: 4.9274511 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, bosses, video game boss, andy farrant, outside xbox, Starfox Adventures, Galdon, Gears of War 2, Riftworm, Carmine, Heart of Darkness, God of War 3, Cronos, Yoshi’s Island, Frog Boss, Cerberus, Dante's Inferno, Metroid Queen, Metroid: Other M, funny, list, gross, tricky, gameplay, list video
Id: IDTS8npcQ3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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