7 Urban Legends We Believed for Way Too Long

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when I was a child I spoke like a child I thought like a child I believed urban legends like a child but when I became a man I put away childish things except my Legos they still all over the place so what's your step yeah I said watch it take these video game urban legends that we wholeheartedly believe when we were kids when bigger kids could convince that they were true because they had uncle's who worked at Nintendo unless their uncle's didn't work at Nintendo and it was all a lie and I could have rethink some things in the meantime think on these urban legends that we believe back in a day and what happens filers for the following [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can tell the death of Eris in Final Fantasy seven was a massively affecting moment in videogames by just how long it took people to get over the fact that she can't be saved but can't be saved just give me a moment to compose myself [Music] um yes heiresses debt is one of the biggest nastiest shocks in gaming history so it's hardly surprising rumors sprang up immediately afterwards often hoped that she could be snatched from the jaws of death at this last moment even though thinking about it now that was a pre-rendered cut to maintain chin that failing that intervention word on the playground was you could resurrect ares after death and surprisingly none of the methods involved stopping on corpse with phoenix down that stuff worked literally every other time among the methods suggested to save heiress were playing her scene tune on the basically unplayable piano at the Shinra mansion looking after an old man who lives in a pipe and being so mean to Tifa throughout the game that she flings herself in front of several play at the crucial moment harsh alright who wants to start the rumor that it's possible to kill and then save FIFA anyone in the town of Silent Hill friendly faces are in short supply that's why I immediately glommed onto lovely nurse Lisa garland when I met her in the first Silent Hill game all those years ago finally someone else who's okay who are you my name is lisa garland what's yours lisa is friendly she's kind she's got good hair and she's not trying to give me an unsolicited basis with a rusty scalpel which makes her my favorite nursing alchemical Hospital and new best friend so imagine my heartbreak when later in the game she apparently dies of you know I'm still not sure actually what Neetu died of other than blood pouring down a face so let's just say Lisa dies of Silent Hill at the point when she has a funny turn and you run away shut the door and ignore her cried like a hero nice one Harry yeah well I was terrified after that ignoble performance from Harry and sudden death from Rita it seemed totally plausible that you could keep her from getting killed so when I heard about a super-secret alternate Silent Hill ending in which you save Lisa and escape the town I 100% believed in it so if I remember right the urban legend methodology involves you get into the hospice know your to school you get distilled water and like glucose which is sugar isn't it and then you mix them together and it makes an explosive and then you blow up a barrier that lets you get into I think the hospital or something and then you get some oil and you use it in an engine and then you take the engine and you mean just like carry it I guess you know just in your hands to the ambulance and then you fit it into the ambulance being not a taller mechanic and then buff down a barrier with the ambulance and then drive ambulance around so little for a while and then you get a boat and then drive the boat and then I don't know you ramp the boat off a waterfall and get outside that hill and at some point you save Lisa in that process of course when no amount of trying to make any of that stuff happen actually happened I was confused and heartbroken all over again on mature reflection I realize it was stupid to even try and also nice it was probably dead all along because Silent Hill I mean this violent ill would have a synchro alternative endings ridiculous as that [Music] [Music] you'll win modern combat was the hottest game of 1993 mostly thanks to its incredibly realistic gore I mean realistic for 1993 however with that popularity came increased scrutiny over their levels of violence in the game Nintendo responded to this scrutiny by censoring the snez version of the game turning the red blood into gray sweat and toning down the fatalities over Kano now pulls nothing out of his defeated opponent and Johnny Cage delivers a coup de Gras by getting his foot stuck in their chest yeah the problem was the Mortal Kombat was such a massive game and so much of its marketing had been based on the gore and fatalities that everyone knew what the game was supposed to be like as a result rumors started circulating that the original version of the game was still there hiding on the cartridge this naive belief was cruelly exploited by videogame Magnum tendo magazine system which in an April Fool's egg claims that through a long and convoluted series of actions you could unlock the original version of the game in all its gory glory everyone at my school was fully taken in by this because a we really wanted it to be true and B the sheer level of specificity in the instructions one of the methods in the April Fool's gag was you had to tape a penny onto the cartridge because apparently earlier versions of the game had a slightly heavier cartridge and doing that with maybe cartridge slightly heavier and it would trick the system into thinking it was this earlier version of the game which is both a genius level of detail and a really cruel way to trick gullible kids because I know a lot of people who went around taping pennies to their mortal kombat cartridges and apparently if you did it right you would hear Raiden scream which obviously never happened because it was fake but I'm just saying I definitely heard Raiden screaming and if you're having auditory hallucinations because you spent so much time trying to unlock the gore in Mortal Kombat then you're probably in too deep I would say anyway that's the last time I'm falling for an April Fool in a video game magazine oh man did he hear you can unlock Sheng long in three fighter - welcome to my home I'll take you on a guided tour use the direction keys to go into the music room you okay let's do some tumbling history will remember 1996 as the year that gave us dolly the cloned sheep Tupac Shakur album All Eyez on Me the launch of the first Tomb Raider game and a few days after that the first time someone wondered if they could take Laura Cross clothes off now I'd better take off these wet clothes coiler you can't noob mods don't count in this instance it was less that it actually seemed plausible that developer core design would let people under s their leading lady and more just wishful thinking but some truly determined players never stopped believing that Lara would disrobe under the right conditions without somehow ever pausing to consider that Lara Croft with her clothes on if she's just 250 blocky pointy polygons and Lara Croft naked is just 250 flesh-colored blocky pointy polygons hot I know rumors spread in hushed playground whispers of the holy grail of a secret Tomb Raider nude cheek and arcane sequence of button presses that would rip those adventuring hot pants off faster than Lara on laundry day it didn't help that a fake nude cheat was published in nineteen gaming mags as an April Fool's Day joke spreading yet more feverish misinformation and it also didn't help how we heard from a friend of a friend about an earnest hit Tomb Raider to pinch each only to input the code and then ah Sarris I'm sorry it's almost as if the developer was toying with us and our grubby curiosity the coy devil gently sink soon enough back in the day when video games all came on cartridges sometimes they would just freeze up and crash on you for no reason thank goodness that doesn't happen anymore sorry I couldn't even finish that sentence seriously though having a good time with Friday the 13th being tiny children with no concept of how video games were produced or how cartridges worked or what a cartridge was or how to put our shoes on properly we instantly knew what the problem was and how to fix it just on the little bits on the inside blowing on it like its 100th birthday cake sometimes there wouldn't even be anything wrong with the game you just pop the cartridge out and give it a few sharp puffs just for maintenance you know I've got to keep things in tip-top condition when you're a top-level gamer like me in training for the donald duck quack short championships they're bound to establish at some point [Music] despite this being universally acknowledged as truth by anyone who owned a cartridge-based system it turns out years later in the cold light of 2017 that have pointed out by Mental Floss calm the moisture in your breath could actually corrode and contaminate the connectors that allowed your console to read cartridges in instances where you'd blown on a cartridge and it had started working again the most likely answer was that it was just the action of taking the cartridge out and putting it back in again that a fix thing I mean sure that sounds like science at all but I'm pretty sure that everyone else was just doing it wrong in that case I mean I still do it to this day with my switch cards from their fine most of the time little help [Music] frankly we find minecraft creepy enough with its giant spiders gusts and Enderman we don't need a spooky urban legend freaking us out while we're trying to build a full-scale replica of Hogwarts but around 2010 a story appeared on internet forum for Chan talking about a mysterious figure appearing in the fog in a player's single-player Minecraft world creating strange constructions and running away when approached the character had the default Steve skin but instead of regular eyes he had glowing white eyes I mean that's only like four pixel of difference but per the story continued that a mysterious account called herobrine contacted the original poster on the minecraft forum telling them to stop leading to the character being dubbed herobrine somehow that weirdly rubbish username made it all the more convincing the final twist in the story is that herobrine was apparently the username of notches brother and when asked about it not allegedly said that his brother was no longer with us herobrine was the ghost of notch his dead brother who never existed because this was all made up sorry called ghost story as it is the code of Minecraft has been picked over so comprehensively that there's no way herobrine was real and he certainly wasn't a digital manifestation of the troubled spirit of not just dead brother and yet some people still believe it but some people believe the earth is flat maybe right at home in Minecraft where it legitimately is unlike in the real world don't have me it's amazing what's up now to Reno this history it's all lies but says Hitler killed himself and then we look Japan and people believe this [ __ ] Jesus well it'll make you sleep better at night I guess grand theft auto san andreas did a lot of things very well but what it did best of all was generate urban legends the GTA wiki lists hundreds of urban legends for San Andreas alone but the most famous one the one that kicked everything off and the one that I personally believe for way longer than was necessary or wise was the one about Bigfoot I work for a government agency it is not important which one I will try not to confuse you according to this urban legend the famous mythical primate could be found roaming around the San Andreas countryside but only if the conditions were just right and you believed in yourself also there had to be a full moon or maybe there didn't and the weather had to be bad or maybe good the point was no one could agree on how you could see Bigfoot which made hunting for him both hugely frustrating and legitimately exciting all of this was happening off the back of the hot coffee controversy in which it emerged that sex scenes cut from the game was still in the games code so at the time it seems like anything could be hiding in that massive sprawling chunk of San Andreas plows motors were putting their own Bigfoot's into the game and posting screenshots online making it seem like you were the only one who hadn't seen a Bigfoot yet what's the matter with you the countryside outside of San Fierro is basically nothing but Bigfoot big feet big foots big feet no matter how real other urban legends turned out to be or how hard people searched no one ever found a real Bigfoot in gta san andreas but rock stars definitely sat up and took notice going on to introduce sasquatches to red dead redemption in the undead nightmare DLC we shall fall and then finally including an actual Bigfoot feature hunt in Grand Theft Auto 5 where'd he come thank you for this closure Rockstar I've been waiting 13 years for this this is gonna be good wait a sec mister some masks we should starve you me miss shut the [ __ ] up with their [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is wrong with you running around the woods in a costume no I see how it is Rockstar thanks a lot it's perfectly normal to admit to being aroused role-playing dressed as a fantastical Beast thanks for watching this video about the video game urban legends that we believe for way too long so have you heard the outside Xbox as an LED yeah irony if you click on these two videos at the same time or as quick as you can and then watch all the videos through and you unlock the secret Bigfoot mode where Andy is replaced by Bigfoot also giving you new picks so there's definitely see if that's true and then post in the comments so that just [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,326,168
Rating: 4.9195518 out of 5
Keywords: urban legends, urban legends that turned out to be true, urban legends that are not true, urban legends that are true, video game urban legends, outsidexbox, outside xbox, list, top 10, countdown, top 5, top 7, 7 things, tomb raider nude cheat, lara croft nude cheat, ff7 saving aeris, blowing on cartridges, herobrine, silent hill lisa garland, save lisa, funny, funny moments, tomb raider 2 exploding lara, exploding lara
Id: o86E_Me6oZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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