7 Forgotten Games We Still Think About at Night

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some videogames go down in history as classics treasured in the collective memory of the gaming community but this isn't always the case or at least it doesn't always seem that way what about the games that made a huge impact on us when we first played them but for whatever reasons seem to have now drifted into the shadows of popular culture games for which there is no fan art no cosplay no petition for an HD remake we can probably all think of games we loved but that it felt as if only we played and the outside extra and outside Xbox teams are no different do these games really happen or did we simply dream them let's find out because here are the Forgotten games that we still think about at night I'm sure there will be loads of jokes in the comments of OLM kingdoms remember cuz everyone forgot that game but they didn't it's brilliant and it's amazing and THQ nordica bought the rights to it and we're gonna get a whole explanatory universe we're all gonna know everything are we Lucas yes so I'm instead gonna go with one that is from my childhood and I remember playing a lot with my sister and I hope you're ready for a spook Ihnen cuz it's Casper the Friendly Ghost on PlayStation 1 and look at this look at this with the bloomin manuals that were that thick this game is fantastic little top-down puzzle game we where you play Casper and you're going around Whipstaff Manor there's a little kind of a 16-bit painted Christina Ricci who's you're chatting to in little cutscenes what's it like to die basically you have to go around and find the pieces of a Lazarus machine that will hopefully bring Casper back to life there are no enemies in this game it was just like a puzzle top-down adventure game where you go through finalizing keys in chests and stuff but every once in a while when the mean uncles would show up and chase you [Music] and you either like feed them hamburgers or spray them with perfume and stuff and eventually they go away and be fine but was it was a little bit random and that's why I didn't like him that's why I played with it but it was great it's wrong first games that I went through vents a lot because as Casper the ghost you could like a and go through vents I actually write up an old review of it and they were like it's a little bit of chiefs and it's like you know when you're a kid and you play a puzzle game and you're like oh maybe I'm just not growing up enough to get it and then you were up into an adult and you're like oh no these puzzle games back in the day weren't very clear see all LucasArts game Casper himself it's actually a little bit translucent like you can kind of see through him which apparently at the time was amazing graphics oh no I was just a kicking yes ghost and it's great like you go out into the gardens there's like a maze bit and I just have a lot of like beloved memories of seeing playing with my sister it's interesting I think the reason why it kind of isn't that the forefront of people's memories is because it is a movie tie-in game people collectively put this in with their oh it's Casper they don't see it as its own standalone game but really I think as a video game it's good I mean you could just change the models and it would still be just a fun light wander around wander around wander around it was a really nice game play because you didn't have enemies coming at you all the time it was quite good for kids to play and it was fairly like slow paced but not boring like you just kind of wandered around it had good spooky music it was just very chilled out but also spooky which is my aesthetic so the development team that made the original tomb raider super famous super successful game try and guess what they then went on to make it was a weird four character dystopian sci-fi puzzle game called project Eden and I bloody loved it sounds like that right the game perhaps look at establish that the factory must be serious for them to be sending us here yes bozo control never tells us the whole story likes to keep a little bit back as a surprise still sounds like a dumb mission though remembers of the UPA not boilers servicemen settle down people sounds like what year so the premise of project Eden is essentially all the rich people are at the top of these giant towers and all the poor people at the bottom is a classic classic dystopian setup which is introduced to you in a an intro movie where some very old-school 3d rendered people wander around and now sort of terrifying little girl drops a teddy bear and you watch it kind of drop all the way down from the rich people bit at the top down to the horrible mutant bit at the bottom of four characters one of whom is the kind of captain and he's good at like talking his way through problems and then there's like hacker lady and she can hack terminals and there's the tech guy who can repair mechanical things and then the design robot with the rocket launcher who can walk through like gas and fire and electric and is just generally like hardcore every single level of this game is suspended at some point in this sort of like sociological strata which is not a phrase I thought I'd use when I woke up this morning there you go to the sort of speck of light at the top of these towers and then all the way down into this sort of bottomless abyss you could play the entire thing in split-screen co-op which was absolutely like for the time bonkers not that I can ever persuade any of my friends to sit through this weird sci-fi game for more than about 10 minutes no honestly guys it gets fun in a minute I'm not gonna say it's perfect I mean the voice acting is terrible okay people we have a problem I suppose you've all heard of real meat oh yeah I could show you it okay cut it out the other thing about it is that there's this problem with the pathfinding and it's not really a pathfinding problem in traditional sense where characters get stuck places and you know like trapped in a doorway and they're just rotating on the spot panicking like a lot of AI companions do the problem with the path finding in project Eden is that it follows you exactly like baby ducks you know how baby ducks imprint on their mother and then like follow her around okay so say for example you're struggling with the slightly wonky controls and you mount a sort of handrail and then walk along it for a bit and then drop off all three of your companions will all do exactly the same thing and climb up onto the handrail walk along a bit and fall off but I still love it and I still think about it late at night when everyone's gone to bed and I'm flying staring at the ceiling I'm thinking about project yes although it's not quite as technically capable as Dark Souls insofar as you're unlikely to seem too far ahead into the game that idea of a kind of coherent world really stuck with me I'm really glad they made it and I saw the game that just would never ever be made today and that's why I sort of cherish it and hold it tight and hug it and think about the good times we had together so first game I'm going to talk about today is Donald Duck squawk shots I think that's the official title of it which is the second Mega Drive game starring Donald Duck the best Disney character fight the wiki fans yeah he knows [Music] [Applause] [Music] so it was like it was the like Indiana Jones style Donald thing you know they do that a lot where Donald is basically Indiana Jones and yes adventures and stuff it was that form of Donald ugh and the story was he was like going through a book in Scrooge's library and the opens this book and a treasure map falls out to this light legendary treasure in his eye oh I'm gonna go off and find the treasure and then he's like come on underage nephews climbing this plane with me and we'll go to India and Daisy comes out she's like Donald he was supposed to be at my house for lunch an hour ago he's like with no time Daisy for God's sake I'm off to get a treasure it was like a Metroidvania game in that you unlocked new equipment as he went through the game and it unlocks euros of the world so you could see things but you didn't know how to get past obstacles until he had more equipment so you start out with a gun that fires plungers and then you get an upgrade to that which instead of yellow funds is you have red plungers and the red plungers stick to walls so you can make ladders up walls with plungers you get having to go back to Duckburg to visit gyro gear loose through upgraded your equipment they had a very odd atmosphere to which like a lot of those early Disney video games do and that they have to find the sort of reasons for having a nice level and a fire level and things like that so everything just is slightly weird and detached in a way that when you're a kid just you go all this yeah this makes sense this is the way the world is and then you look at it later on your line and why did Donald Duck fight a zombie Viking [Music] why was Donald in Dracula's castle something you like Luke I know you're a big fan of this aspect of Donald's personalities of the game as well as like your health and life equipment you've got it also has a temper meter you collect you collect Chili Peppers just flies into a blind rage just that's like raising his way through the level just demolishing everything in his path he's completely invulnerable just squawking his head off and then yeah he will just like snap out of it and just carry on as if nothing's happened to manage his rage and I don't know why more people don't remember it because I haven't really spoken to many people who've played quite or maybe it's they everyone just had a Super Nintendo and they didn't have a neighborhood but I know the Christian Donnellan from Eurogamer is a big fan and that guy's got good taste in games so he will have this bloody Mickey Mouse ever us a tall castle of illusion remember that I do remember that it wasn't scratch up so my forgotten game is one that came out in 2004 it came out on every platform at the time and yet weirdly having played it and enjoyed it I don't think I've ever heard the name of this game mentioned uttered said since and the game is second sight I try I can see cameraman James thinking reaching into his memory he live they live heard of it at the time it was a big deal but it's just faded from memory it is a third-person action-adventure game you play someone called John vatic you're a researcher in parapsychology and you wake up one day mysteriously and some things appear to happen to you and now you have weird psychic powers this is too weird and throughout the game you find out how you came to have them and there are shadowy organizations the story is split into two timelines so it's you with the powers and then like you back in the days before you did the reason I think this game deserves to be remembered is because a lot of the games play now really really strongly remind me of this especially something like Dishonored you had like a standard kind of weapons and stuff but then you also had these psychic powers that could be used sometimes for fun you could just throw people around using your psychic powers but you could also use them first stealth you could do things like charm look alleged [ __ ] way which worked on people but not on cameras and they sort gave you this toolbox of fun psychic powers and they said like here you go you've got to get from this point of the level to the end go go crazy like you use the powers out however you want so really really strongly reminds me now of games like dishonored and hitman and a kind of style of game that is pretty well known and well understood and ubiquitous but but at the time I guess I didn't really appreciate how unusual it was or how commonplace those ideas were going to become in gaming it's really fun to play as well and like I am NOT someone who enjoys stealth games or ever taking the stealthy option Ellen is nodding because she yeah because you know who's but this is one of the very few games I've ever played that made me enjoy a stealthy approach the story is kind of schlocky and it's big conspiracies and like secret research things you can't stop us now we have samples all over the country you're too late [Music] and obviously you have to like uncover the conspiracy of how you came to have powers and shut it all down and one thing that's noteworthy about this game is it was developed by free radical design who were best known for doing the timesplitters games which are also you know discontinued and we may never get another timesplitters game but I feel like those games do have a place in that sort of videogame pop-culture memory can and you say timesplitters and people even if they haven't played them they're like oh yeah and I saw vaguely remember that and understand it to be you know a good and respectable series it shares like some of the art style in common I think there's a sort of slight cartoonish 'no stu the to the animation and the way everything looks I think you can kind of feel that influence in that it's a well built game and it's not afraid to do some really like weird fantastical stuff the rice the second site were actually acquired not that long ago by THQ Nordic when I think it bought the time splitter stuff as well so you never know it could come back I don't like to say this mandolin but I'm I'm not really sure how likely being acquired by THQ Nordic makes we release or a remaster or something but you know who knows it really could really could I just I really really enjoyed it I thought it was a really good game you know there's there's a possible universe in in which it did get a sequel and now instead of the hitman games you have like the second site expanded universe and all the kind of jaunt vatic lore and stuff like that who knows but it was a cool game and never mentioned did you just watch a trailer for change it's cool right yeah it's quite cool happy breasts James yes well friends I brought you here I've gathered you assembled to before me the talk about a little game called just called Barbie actually now just Barbie that's it yeah this was so early in videogame history they didn't even see fit to be like Barbie origins like Barbie evolution Barbie came out in 1984 that's how early we're talking and that's not when I played it I played it much much later because I inherited a collection of Commodore 64 games and at the time I was too young to understand that they were old and sometimes crappy games in that collection boy there was some dreck in there but not Barbie well maybe Barbie I mean I do think about this game probably is like 60% of my waking hours because I really enjoyed it I didn't even like Barbie but then that said the graphics are such that you couldn't tell it was Barbie it's just a sort of collection of pink shapes with yellow hair it was basically a kind of dress-up and driving game hi Barbie Ken would you like to go to the prize see you in an hour you dress up you just Barbie up by taking out of shops in her Barbie wagon or whatever it is called and yeah you're dressing to take Barbie on a date so you go to the right shops buy the right clothes at the end of the game if I recall correctly you go on your date weekend but while you out collecting clothes for your very important icon how important this date is well there are some really bad lessons in this game now think about it while you're out doing this Ken can like move the goalposts and he like tried to call you while you weren't home because no one had a mobile phone I guess then and he's like Barbie we're not going to the Opera now we're going to play tennis together hi Barbie can would you like to play tennis great see you in an hour hi Barbie it's Ken would you like to go to the pool Jim would you like to go on a picnic and then the end fail state of the game is you and can a tennis match and you're wearing an opera gown and evening gloves so that's you imagine the embarrassment imagine gave over Barbie it's all it's all over for you [Music] that was Barbie but in my defense I have extremely fond memories of it because I played it with my sister we had this collection of c64 games and just a few of them had any sort of appeal for very very very young children and this was very simple and had like nice colors and shapes I suppose it was surprisingly compelling I guess you could compare it to like a like a web-based game that you might think sometime into these days you look very simple and straightforward and kind of compelling and addictive in a in a casual way you know like sort of cooperatively deciding what to put Barbie in while you're driving around yeah why are you playing with your sister that was like that was our first game we played together and then moved on to play I was a better stuff like toe jam anole so yeah that was a beginning of our co-op gaming career and then and that's probably why I have such strong and fond memories of it come do c64 is still sitting at home in my parents house somewhere of me trying to connect a component to HD television yeah tune in for that I'm back again with another game to share with you and yet again it is also a licensed product inside either a lot of the puzzle pieces are missing or it's the easiest puzzle ever this game came out the same year is the ocarina of time I think ouch it was a great game basically the search for Reptar was actually a search for a reptile puzzle each kind of like level minigame was based upon an episode of Rugrats so there's one where Chucky loses his glasses and so that is a I think from what I remember is a game of hide-and-seek but Chucky doesn't have his glasses so it's just too low but one particular game that I absolutely loved in it was a mini-golf one and it was a multiplayer one he said me and my sister would often just boot this up to play a good mini-golf mini game and there was an amazing hole with Reptar on it and also a level that I didn't like that much not because it was bad but because it was you have to stop the ghost you have to shine a light on the ghost stop it from getting you walking around a dark house thing is I know lot of people out there have played this game and I'm sad that it's not more remembered as like a classic VI es got all the level levels Chuck he loses his glasses ice-cream Mountain that that is the mini-golf all of them were based on episodes of the show one of the best episodes being instant on aisle 7 where Tommy has to find Reptar cereal and that is honestly the best episode progress ever if you like Rugrats and basically want to replay episodes of it but in like a weirdly rendered 3d world which was pretty good at the time they apparently reviews at the time said the gameplay isn't great which is wrong but the the visuals the presentation is brilliant and because of the various accessibility things it was really good for kids so yes please we monster this second game we're going to talk about is a game called bio-forge [Applause] [Music] very early 3d game it's a sci-fi adventure in which you play a cyborg who wakes up in like a hospital slash prison with no memory of who years or how he got there or why he now has weird fingers that are sort of metal and there's not enough of them one of the very very first things you do in the game is beat a blue alien to death with his own severed arm while shouting I have no wish to harm you not we should work together I have no wish to harm you I mean stop beating him with his own art maybe and I was probably too young to play by force at the time but I remember the the story it really left a Lots up to you to sort of discover as he went along so you have no memory of why you're there and the space station is quite deserted I think due to technical reasons because they didn't have too many characters on the screen and ones but it had this very sort of lonely mysterious feel to it I feel like a lot of the limitations of your character were based on the limitations and technology at the time so I combat it's really awkward because it's that really early 3d thing where you have to be exactly visit you're like it looked like a Roomba and you need to be exactly positioned in the right way to like fight anything but they're like you're just getting used to your new cyborg body people deserve to die after what you did to me oh I ran into a wall and fell off a thing and like yeah there's new so take some getting you see you've been looking at footage of this this whole time and I'm gonna say the graphics were good and you're gonna say what are you talking about Andy that looks awful it looks like the worst thing I've ever seen and you gotta remember this was a long time ago and at the time it looked really good the animation was really good I remember he had a animation where he was like ran up to a Ledge and he'd be like oh wow it's just like real real things I think there was gonna be a sequel but it just it never materialized which is a shame because there's some really good ideas in bio-forge and it did a lot of things certainly for me it was the first time I seen a lot of things like I think it was probably the first 3d game I played in that kind of Resident Evil fixed camera pre-rendered backgrounds and a 3d model character I think it was the first one of those I ever played my other strong memory of bio-forge is the fact that the character would just scream the name of whatever it is the item you'd pick up was and my particular favorite one of those was a big gun a big gun he loves to shout yeah so bio-forge check it out if you haven't you probably can't still play it and you probably don't even look at it now because it looks so awful but at the time it was good say my word for it so those were some of the games that have lingered in our minds and the soiree on the edge of being forgotten and you're like how oh my god who remembers this did you play that and people are like know that why you did you dream it you're like no no it was good just take my word for it please and if we've done this video right then right now you are currently thinking of all of those games that you played and it feels like only you played and maybe didn't get the recognition they deserve or don't get that recognition nowadays and I want to see those suggestions I want to know what you're thinking about in the comments and maybe in some small way by writing it on the internet that will preserve it other people will see it and you never know you might find you might find the one other person who played that game and you can you can both no doubt over Nickelodeon 3d movie makeover or something yeah but if you enjoyed this then hey know why not watch some of our other videos here's one from us it's all about ways games mess with your brain games you can't stop seeing in real life and down here this one from our sister channel outside Xbox it's all about levels that you get in every down game and if you enjoyed this then why not subscribe and ring the bell that's somewhere down here thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,499,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, outsidexbox, jane douglas, mike channell, andy farrant, second sight, hitman, second sight gameplay, gameplay, funny, retro, casper, rugrats, ps1, reptar, search for reptar, barbie, barbie gameplay, commodore, donald duck, disney, quackshot, bioforge, project eden gameplay, free radical
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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