5 Heartbreaks We're Not Ready to Talk About (But Like Heroes We Will Try)

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Never has the word "Okay" had more significance in any form of entertainment media.

Never has this one word meant so much. One little word, but so much meaning.

Just another reason why TLOU is a MASTERPIECE.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EllieandJoel4ever πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ellie: Hey, wait...

immediate interruption

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JamesVD315 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
games have the power to transport off the fantastical world and we've complex absorbing narratives they're also emotional time bombs that threatened to go off at any moment blasting your feelings into a million tiny pieces with their gut churning plot twists and harrowing revelations companion cube why they then are five heartbreaking moments in games are picked by outside extra and outside Xbox don't we really not ready to talk about but by golly we will try along the way but we're broken hearts and spoilers to the hollowing Jack gnarly get on this horse get out of here go find place to hide you're coming with this Paul I'll catch up keep riding and don't look back don't be worried about me here now get going you stay out of trouble John ain't no trouble Abigail ain't no trouble I love you I love you now go get that you all thought when you saw a dead redemption is going to be Andy Singh here but no I nabbed this one Red Dead Redemption is one of my favorite games of all time and John Marston is the thing that holds it all together this brilliant character and his story you know it's Red Dead Redemption who's trying to redeem himself from his gang days the character was so well developed and so good and the voice acting was amazing so how do you feel I don't know the polite word for it I do stupid is the word we use around here what were you doing oh I was doing something stupid well you'll be okay such dry humor as well I just I just loved his entire personality so I played it in like started playing it in night 2011 so like a year after it came out one of the times that I was glad that I had the game spoil for me because I found out John John Martin doesn't make it to the end of the game and I just couldn't deal I could milk so instead of playing the game to the end I played it till about 1 or 2 missions before that mission and just stayed there for five years but he's all happy on his phone with his wife and Jack and it's all good last year I had to get some capture took for that that mission and it's it's horrible he walks out of his barn doors after sending away his son and and wife like to be like go go be safe go right away on a horse he walks out and there's just so many guys out there all waiting just for him what really like is like know is it gives you this last-ditch effort to like deadeye as many of them as you can like I am NOT going down without a fight like go job but it's not good enough and then there's this horrible cutscene where the best person in the world ever in video games is just being shot spieces you then immediately switch to Jack and he's like they hear the gunshots and so you go so you've not it's not just like he died that's it no he died and then you have to go back and you find his dead body as his son and wife it was like no no so now I have Tuesday's one that I play where John Rustin is fine and is alive forever and then another one that I don't talk about [Music] [Music] [Applause] there is no contest for the most heartbreaking moment in videogames it's been written a zillion times and that is the emotional grenade that is the death of Aris in Final Fantasy 7 so Aris is the characters meet very early on in the game she's the flower seller she appears to be just sort of an incidental character and then you meet her later on the game when you fall through the roof of a church for some reason and onto a pile of flowers and anyway she's sort of send you back to health and you know you kind of hang out how sweet her adopted mommies nubbly you met the folks and there's the end of a kind of budding romance and when you get to the golden saucer you can go on a date [Music] when you're thinking well you know maybe people get together and and then before it has a chance for rest beyond the sort of first date stay she goes you've chased her to this forgotten system you're anticipating me your rescue her and everything will be fine you don't see errors and she sort of praying at the salsify thing and then separate off the bad guy just falls out the sky with this sword pointing downwards [Music] horrible cloud just sort of dumps her in a lake it's a bit weird so it felt a bit guilty because she's pulled into this giant movement to try and save the planet when she could have been quite happily living in Sector 7 slums or wherever it is you live as a flower girl and then she eventually dies because of that I mean it later transpired that she's the final member of a race of ancient beings and hat is the only one with the power to stop the apocalypse but we could have not known that and then she'd have been fine instead we dragged her along and all of a sudden she gets killed I felt really bad about that not just an emotional tragedy it's a practical tragedy as well because I spent a really long time building up her staff she was always in my squad it's not it it's not just about you Eris it's about the teeth okay final five p7 was one of the first TV based sort of storytelling games that really kind of captured people's imaginations its vast well the characters were people you spent hours with it and really got to know the games I loved now a games like Mass Effect where you go on this enormous voyage with a bunch character and it's really less about the action and much more about the interactions between characters and really developing a relationship with those characters so yeah it really hit me quite hard because that was the first game of that sort where I gotten that engrossed and involved in the characters over save the running around and shooting or the battle system or whatever and so yeah to have that kind of rug pulled out from under me during that very first sort of moment was like yes unforgettable absolutely unforgettable [Music] come on hey wait okay you're going to hear on this list a lot of things about death and betrayals but I can exclusively reveal right here right now that the most heartbreaking thing that's ever happened in video games is much more low-key it's the moment in the Last of Us when you lie to Ellie some background everyone is zombies in the Last of Us and no one's very happy about it you are Joel you're this old dude you've got an emotional baggage because of the start of the zombie nurse you lost your daughter and you sort of team up with Ellie who's this plucky young girl and she took feisty and she's been bitten Oh No but she's not died or gone all gross and mangy columbia's which sort of implies that she might be immune which is very exciting but trying to get Ellie to a group of people called the fireflies through this sort of militia with the hope that once you get her there they'll be able to extract a cure from Ellie and save the world and everything will be fine while Ellie is unconscious it transpires that if she has this operation to extract her magic key or blood or whatever she'll die the doctors tell me the cordyceps the growth inside her it somehow mutated it's why she's immune once they remove it they'll be able to reverse-engineer a vaccine but it grows all over the brain it does Joel takes Ellie unconscious and kills all the scientists and just break free because he cannot bear the idea of her being killed once you talk free and clear Ellie comes to and she she's asked she she's asking you like what happened because she's been out the whole time and Joel basically said turns out they were loads like you they've given up on finding a cure though and there's this there's this moment where Ellie looks at Joel and she she's like like swear to me that like what you're saying is true where to me swear to me that everything that you said about the fireflies is true and Joel just holds anything is like I swear [Music] okay and that's the end of the game and when it first had to me I was like oh good it's kind of what I wanted to happen I think most people played the game like it's kind of the ending you wanted because by that point it's just completely unconscionable the idea that you would let Ellie die she's she's the best and like she's really cool and and the bond that she has for Joel is really really special so you definitely want her to die but then she probably would have wanted to die if it meant giving a cure so what you're doing is kind of selfish you're kind of happy about what happened but also you sort of like slightly besmirched that special relationship because it's now built on lies terrible lies more than any other game it just kind of eat eat you until has nothing less it's like it's a real emotional slow burn it's not like a like a no moment and you find yourself rationalizing Joel's decision because you're like what use would a cure be at this point like everything's gone fully zombie it's like years and years after the outbreak don't killing the scientist was maybe a misstep but they were going to but they were going they were gonna kill Ellie hey ha ha ha ha you find yourself making these excuses for Joel because it's what you wanted you wanted early to be live and get out there and it's not until the end of the game where you lie to her and you realize what a massive thing you've done taking that choice away from her man yeah I'm sorry Ellie or am i sorry I don't know I don't know I don't know it's odd that yeah man lost of us he doesn't get more emotionally wrecking than that I didn't want to become King and you knew that but it had to be but being King that raises some questions about us about you and me let's talk about Dragon Age Origins and my most heartbreaking moment and heartbreaking game memory it's a moment where I died but just prior to that I got broken up with by my Dragon Age boyfriend so it was a double whammy of heartbreak my dragon age BAE was I was there who was just the blond dimwit from Tyco interesting he's very sweet not that I'm some drooling lecher or anything please stop looking at me like that he is the bastard set to inherit the throne he's like the Jon Snow which makes him sound a lot cooler than he is he's adorable though maybe I like you but then that frog time he threw your barrier here Owings becomes king and he's for the entire game you know like journeying with him and always choosing him to be in your party because he is your Dragon Age boyfriend and then right at the end it's like things get real he's like well I'm King now your circle mage not a human noble and they're gonna expect me to marry a human noble and have an heir to the throne and you're probably infertile because you're a warden all the Grey Wardens I knew with children had them before they joined the order I will need to find a wife one who can bear a child who will live to raise it I don't relish it but I will have a duty as the king and he like you can't have a baby and you're not Noble and I'm really sorry about it but sober he doesn't do it like that he is actually quite sweet about it but still and I might want it back I need to go back to the camp be by myself for a while so the thing is I'm used to buy away romances which I know very well obviously being quick and in the nicest possible way quite pandering your romantic prospects they're all lovely and everything works out fine and no one dumps you if anything you've dumped anyone you see fit and so I was actually extremely the unexpected so we say it was surprising and tragic and heartbreaking and then you have to go and fight this Archdemon and he's like this big s off dragon and it turns out that the only way to kill this big f off dragon is whoever like strikes the killing blow has to die and I'm like Alice x5 watch me go kill this arch t5d moon and then I'm dead and then see how you like that Alasdair so it's very bittersweet like you've saved the kingdom from the blight but not for you and that's my heartbreak memory that I have yet to gain over a time my boyfriend on me and then I had to give the dragon the nothing died okay take yourself see no not all the time yeah okay don't worry [Music] [Music] so imagine the others will probably have all sorts of lares from final fantasy and I was sad like yes but was it as sad as the end of The Walking Dead Season one the answer is no because it wasn't and that is the saddest the end of the season 1 of The Walking Dead Leigh the character players lovely Lea lovely big oak of a man kindly oak big badly old big bear that's what we used to call him he gets bitten by a zombie and he's dying of zombie-ism which as you've seen The Walking Dead you know that's a bad thing so him and Clementine who is a little girl you've been looking after throughout the whole of season 1 of The Walking Dead they go to building I forget exactly was an office or something scared I thought you left me I already had cut Lee's arm off at the start of the episode because I didn't want Lee to die I wanted him to be there to raise Clementine and then Lee handcuffs himself to a radiator because he's going to turn into a zombie and then you're given the choice of whether to let Clementine shoot you to euthanize you to stop you turning into a zombie or to not do that you can just fight them ok BB it's time to go you gotta get out of here you can come with me Oh Oh cute I said no don't treat me because that'll be a horrible memory for you Clementine going forward and you are the most important thing in this game we've offered valuable target practice she doesn't need target practice you have a little last conversation with Clementine and you can you can offer her advice you can tell us to keep her hair short because otherwise somebody's will grab it and get her but it's it's heartbreaking you have a proper final conversation with this little girl who's too young for all of this me too I genuinely cried I was at home just playing the game on my own and I was I was like this is deal with this I'm going to pause for a while [Music] and then a was yeah it was heartbreaking I don't actually played the walking dead since I'm not play there's been more seasons not blatem I'm just going to assume she went on and she moved went to the next town and they went oh yeah that saw me outbreak that was just in that one time everything sinus here and then we woke up later having got better those were the moments in games it you know broke her heart and we're not quite over them yet but we push through for you guys your entertainment so if you could um prepare we're giving us a like thumbs up if you enjoyed it let us know in the comments - it really really hurt you in-game as well and also maybe one like to yourself oh okay sorry um we were some pilots here a lot fun it here is what it was really great in to describe here cuz we really didn't before you really upset [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 871,186
Rating: 4.9669037 out of 5
Keywords: the last of us gameplay, ellie last of us, the last of us, last of us gameplay, ff7 gameplay, aeris death, aerith death, final fantasy VII, the walking dead season 1, the walking dead gameplay, walking dead lee death, clementine, red dead redemption gameplay, john marston, dragon age origins gameplay, dragon age romance, dragon age alistair, ps4, xbox one, outside xtra, outsidextra, outsidexbox, ellen rose, luke westaway, jane douglas, andy farrant, mike channell
Id: IPTwEplfbys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2017
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