7 Weirdest Button Prompts You Were Not Ready For: Commenter Edition

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recently we recalled the games that served up a really really weird button prompt those on-screen instructions that tell you what to do next like press a to jump or skip ad we get it but then in the YouTube comments you lot pointed out that loads more games have even weirder button prompts in them delivering on-screen orders that when you see them will have you frowning and confusion or laughing in delight or possibly trying not to be sick here are your picks for bizarre button prompts you're in no way ready for along the way but we're mild spoilers for the following [Music] most test subjects do experience some cognitive deterioration after a few months in suspension now you've been under for quite a lot longer and it's not out of the question that you might have a very minor case of serious brain damage anyone who played the first portal will remember it's one of those situations where the hero remains silent like Zelda or half-life or me when anyone says does anyone mind five the last slice of pizza the sacrifices I've made but it's true throughout portal one hero Chell remains totally mute letting the story unfold around her in stony silence so it's fair to say that we were caught off guard by one of the first button prompts in the sequel game portal 2 as commenter the G notes there is of course the always classic space to speak from Portal 2 to be honest we should have been more on our guard seeing as the game makes it clear early on that it intends to have fun with on-screen instructions you will hear a buzz when you hear the buzzer look up at the ceiling good you will hear a buzz when you hear the buzzer look down at the floor good this completes the gymnastic portion of your mandatory physical and mental wellness exercise my kind of workout I give it a rest oh I don't want to get too big effort neck next however things get a bit more intense when neurotic BOTS Wheatley crashes into your room eager to assess your fitness to help him get the heck out of a testing facility that's gone to ruin do you understand what I'm saying that's all what does any of this make any sense just tell me just say yes oh my god we get to speak on what our voice will sound like fingers crossed for gravely okay what you're doing there is jumping you just you just jumped but never mind say Apple Apple okay you know what that's close enough just hold tight yep sorry no speaking in portal 2 after all to be fair to Chell it's hard to imagine how much practical use speaking would actually be on her adventure whereas being able to jump and more specifically land soon turns out to be well kind of crucial rough landing no worries though not with this natural athleticism Oh spot me spot me no I'm tired now hey Jim what's your name Jason which balloon would you like Jason the red one there you go [Music] that'll be two dollars sir Jason wait for me wait for your dad son it's really crowded in here when you start playing heavy rain it's easy to see that things are about to go very wrong for protagonist Ethan Mars for instance take clue number one this being Ethan's dreamy domestic life which is almost sarcastically delightful and illustrated with the kind of hyper saturated colors that can only mean something horrific is about to happen or consider the ominous sign that while on a family trip to the mall Ethan's creepy son Jason is delighted to see a man dressed as a clown selling balloons even though that is literally the most frightening sight in the world great fathers if your kids response to this situation is anything other than dad I just saw a clown and now I need to go home because the day is ruined then your child may be haunted sorry sadly we'll never get proof that young Jason is indeed haunted because events of course take a tragic turn but one that gives us one of gaming's weirder button prompts as comment Orion a franked reminds us Jason Jason what about the heavy rain moment press x to jason jason having wandered off it's up to you to search them all in increasingly frantic fashion Jason all the while pressing X - Jason or should we say call out for the lost boy in a way that would probably have more emotional impact if Ethan wasn't saying it like he worked on a market stall and had Jason's for sale three four and sadly no matter how much you Hannah x2 Jason the game's invent do indeed take a predictably tragic turn when both father and son are hit by a car kicking off the game's events this is all that clowns fault not sure how but I'm convinced it is bTW I found Anderson he's in the ceiling objective complete we have rendezvous with major Anderson it's called bt correct Anderson's current temperature is 17 degrees Celsius below the threshold of human survival titanfall 2 is a game in which you can run along walls and drive a house sized war robot live in the dream but bearing that in mind it's safe to say that when you start the game single-player campaign you're not expecting to be given any other incredible powers which perhaps explains why so many of you in the comments of our previous video claim to be so weirded out by one of titanfall 2's button prompts including Laura deburr who writes my personal favorite button prompt I definitely didn't expect was press lb to time travel during the titanfall 2 campaign this brain-melting button prompt pops up during a mission to investigate a ruined and on fire facility being used by the nefarious IMC corporation who are developing a mysterious weapon capable of blowing up a whole planet they were targeting this planets moon as a test this damn thing was just a test one of our own planets is next they're going to hit harmony and they moved up the timeline I have to get this into the Sarah to learn more you must follow in the footsteps of the brave major Anderson but not too literally because Anderson's feet are now quite far from the rest of him his body having been sliced in half in a time jumping accident leaving his butt and legs poking out the floor in a hilarious manner not a great way to go will tell Anderson's family something else having stifled your laughter it's time to respectfully loot the corpse at which point you find Anderson's wrist mounted device and a button prompt we can guarantee you were not ready for what follows is a seriously brilliant bit of action as you press l1 to time travel between the on fire mostly empty facility of the present and the glossy intact facility of the past and enjoying quite how confusing that is for the enemy soldiers you're fighting or skip back and forth between time streams like some kind of parkour Marty McFly sadly though having tasted the incredible powers of time travel your kick-ass time hopping wristwatch breaks shortly after scanning the super weapon you were sent here to investigate well done pilot scan complete as Anderson discovered the IMC is tend to destroy the militia planet of harmony using the full-scale version of this weapon pilot Cooper our journey is far from over the powers lost with my time-travel fantasy unfulfilled now I'll never know what dodo tastes like lucky 15th century sailors you might think that being a baby is easy you can cry whenever you want you don't have to dress yourself and there's none of this nonsense about getting to a toilet in time but the baby life isn't always so sweet especially not for a young SEO Auditore da Firenze a the hero of Assassin's Creed 2 as common to miso soup suddenly remembers wait what about the childbirth sequence in Assassin's Creed 2 you have to button prompt a baby Ezio that just came out of the womb it's true we first meet eventual lothario and deadly freerunner Ezio in the process of him being born hooray but Ezio's long life of stabbing guards and collecting feathers is almost cut tragically short when it appears the infant assassin is experiencing difficulties dad isn't worried though giving a pep talk to tiny Ezio with the kind of bluff confidence you must get from wearing a neck scarf this fancy and prompting one of the weirdest button prompt sequences ever seen to say on auditory se one combat dainty better job combat II move armed hand both hands have arms this games harder than I thought move both arms legs and finally your head and not only will HCOS longed-for cry burst forth from his teeny lungs listen to him a fine set of lungs but hey also you've been sneakily trained in which buttons in Assassin's Creed 2 are generally mapped to which bits of Ezio's body with the lowest face button making Ezio run the two in the middle corresponding to arms actions like stabbing and shoving and the top button activating eagle vision which lets Ezio see with the sixth sense that is dormant in humans thanks to interbreeding with the ancient issue race of super advanced humanoids and oh no we just remembered Assassin's Creed law is super weird we can do is up to you what is theirs month I don't understand still you'll be glad you mastered Ezio slims when it comes time to hug Leonardo da Vinci later on wouldn't want to screw that up you get outs hear me commune lino left probably too shy to paint the Mona Lisa now nice one Ezio redheads Arthur Morgan is a real quick thinker except when it comes to realizing his boss murderous robber dutch van der Linde may not be the best role model what with all the murder and robbing he does you keep killing folk - I am just trying to make sure that some of us survive Arthur takes Arthur along old time a much more flattering example of alphas reasoning powers comes when you've explored Red Dead Redemption twos vast open world version with the Wild West enough to piece together that there's a killer on the loose because let's be honest with ourselves it seems unlikely this dude's head just ended up here by accident by following the trail of horribly displayed bodies Arthur is able to track the murderer back to his lair and search this grisly murder den and we don't mean a hole with a big bear in it inside Arthur finds clues like unsent letters to the newspaper boasting of his actions but he doesn't notice a pretty big clue the actual killer waiting patiently to deliver a knockout blow but don't worry Morgan fans getting knocked out never did Arthur any harm I mean except the lasting harm unconsciousness can have on cognitive function but how would be fully understood for several decades until after Arthur's death and besides Arthur taking a tumble queues up one of the weirder button prompts we've seen in recent years as commenter blue bow says I was confused by Red Dead 2 when dealing with the psychopath and it said to throw head yep the on-screen instructions throw head may not be immediately clear to players but to quick thinking Arthur there's only one obvious move here to literally throw a head guess you will pay the price serial killer if you don't tidy up the floor of your murder playroom the price in this case being getting punched nearly dead by a riled up Arthur Morgan still Arthur probably not smart to get your prints on that head and wait widespread use of fingerprints as a crime-fighting tool there's also decades away pan the past sure was terrible Jesus I can amuse any height through that Solomonic all of us know what it did not kill you can know mr. Cordell the business world has many unspoken rules like how if you invite a client to lunch they expect to pick up the bill or how trailers are mandatory even on casual Fridays several times good job then that the game Yakuza zero takes it upon itself to give you the player a crash course in business etiquette one that also features a truly baffling button prompts as recalled by YouTube commenter salty Italian Yakuza zeroes press X to offer business card at this point in the game protagonist kidding you has recently been driven out of his jacuzzi family but is offered a job in the real estate business or any column on sky rock till their you juju Dada gone home now hmm huh money wants to know you anymore still on one of his first tasks is to accompany his colleague Ian oh da to a client meeting at a cafe something our dar takes is an opportunity to test canoes business etiquette chops this begins with you selecting the best table for a client meeting yes Colonel vosch will not a Monday night at all she wrote Ohana she literally ordered a huge dog before making the all-important decision whether to order a drink or wait for the client to arrive first something that Jun oh darling is about Carol not snowed are you honey cohesive zero Namdaemun are you honey Eric Oceana up there are burn the world up I'll remind me why we're taking lessons in professionalism from this guy the climax of this corporate gauntlet is a sudden button prompt that will have you scrambling for your controller then golfing in confusion but yes you're being given a timed button prompt to hand over a business card total benefit all sentinel cue dudas [Music] he's all misspoken why's that smokey khumba Donna Nicole mo Maceo water she was the radio show someone's like a notary she knew about Snyder and I corner you might think this is a weird amount of the game to extend to giving someone a card but bear in mind that a in Japan the ritual of business card exchange is an important moment in a business interaction and fee Yakuza zero is set in the 80s before the concept of taking a business card was supplanted by looking at contacts online then DMing them relentlessly on twitter and linkedin kiddie was on this car could have got a new logical innovation Monsieur the 80s setting is presumably also the reason kiddie use thinks it's acceptable to bring this much exposed chest to a business meeting come on kill you cover up casual Friday our next entry could arguably be classed as a QuickTime event rather than a button prompt but my colleagues have decided that it should be allowed because they say it's way gross oh good this memorable button prompt found in violent hack and slash Oh God of War 3 asks players to click in both analog sticks at once and comes towards the end of a grueling battle against the god of the ocean as commenter Edward the Nugget knows only too well what about God of War 3 scene were you blind Poseidon blinding Poseidon would be easy you'd think seeing as he must always have sea water in his eyes and refuses to wear goggles but in fact this ludicrous boss battle is anything but simple beginning with Kratos doing battle with the sitings lobster leg horse pets and only getting weirder from there eventually you get to go face to face with Poseidon or at least face to one of his knuckles because he is absolutely gigantic until you whale on him a whole bunch more that is at which point Poseidon is in more immediately punchable form and boy howdy does craters love to punch at this point the game asks you to nail a series of button presses in order to deal immense skull ruining damage to Poseidon whose point of view you are forced to endure this ROM because I guess the makers of God of War are just sadists all leading up to Kratos grabbing Poseidon's head in his hands at which point you are asked to click in both l3 and r3y L 3 plus artery I wonder oh yes that's your button prompts to eye gouge Poseidon for a horrific killing blow letting the god of the ocean tumbled his demise in a liquefying fall from a cliff [Music] wouldn't have happened if he was wearing his goggles saying so more weird button prompts that can be found in the gaming universe as suggested by you lot there's so many there are so many to choose from yes send us in more in the comment forever forever and ever and ever and ever like yeah but your button prompt to make us make another video is writing its several button prompts writing a sentence in the comment suggestions but there are some other button prompts we'd like to push your way and force you to push is that if you want to watch some more videos from us then we prompt you to click on this to watch the this stress is the dumb stress is that we have in games and then over on outside Xbox the weirdest things are adapted into video games and subscribe bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,005,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, Outsidextra, Button prompts, Funny, Portal 2 gameplay, Gameplay, Assassin's creed 2, assassins creed 2 gameplay, ps4, switch, xbox one, portal 2, titanfall 2, titanfall 2 gameplay, heavy rain gameplay, rdr2, red dead redemption 2 gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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