7 Times Games Mocked You for Cheating

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video games take skill persistence and time and we're busy people so can you blame us for using the occasional cheat to get ahead well yes it turns out you can blame us particularly if you're the video game that we're currently cheating in as you'll find out when you check out these seven times video games knew that we were cheating and roasted us senseless for it enjoy i was wondering if you'd wander over here to test your luck it's hard to resist the rattling call of the dice isn't it as you make your way through jade empire your young martial artist with a mysterious destiny is inevitably drawn to the scenic imperial city in the heart of the imperial city lies the imperial arena where citizens enjoy the wholesome spectacle of watching prize fighters beat seven bells out of each other since my wife left me i've had a lot more time to track the trends in the ring here at the imperial arena your most important business is to discover that they are running short on prize fighters and to get recruited as a rookie fighter you must be here to join the most glorious contest in the empire then in role-playing game tradition your task is to fight your way up through the ranks to become champion defeating crowd-pleasing opponents such as this dude [Applause] and these dudes and this ogre and a stone statue boy you folks really are short of fighters huh if you take a moment between bouts at the imperial arena to catch your breath you can also take up a sideline business as a professional gambler because there's a gambling enthusiast here above the arena who has set up his own dice game gambler dawson's the name for a man who loves gambling so much it's in his name gambler dauschen's game is ultra basic you bet whether you're going to roll a dice higher or lower than his let's see how they fall shall we you called it right a high roll doubles your wager what say we try again this is the point where a careful gambler walks away with their winnings or if you're in a video game where you can save any time you like this is the point where you walk away save your game then proceed to go back and bet again saving every time you win and reloading every time you lose you called it right a high roll doubles your wager you called it right a high roll doubles your wager rolling low and winning large you called it well in this way you can save scum your way to incredible riches or you could if the game wasn't paying close attention to your suspiciously good luck at the point where you win against gambler dalton 20 times in a row the game figures this incredibly unlikely run of good luck is proof that you're a massive saves coming cheater and this happens wow i mean it seems pretty harsh that daoshin got exploded because i was cheating but i take your point jade empire no more bet fixing besides i've got a better idea hey final boss of jade empire can i interest you in a friendly game of dice i guess not i had to ask crash coco stole the pretty crystals tiny take them back in gladiator arena the third crash bandicoot game crash bandicoot warped introduced a time travel element into the series presumably born out of naughty dog's wish to jump forward in time to the point where they were making uncharted and last of us games instead of yet another sequel about sassy bandicoots defeated again this is not fair throughout the game you travel to various points throughout history including ancient egypt dinosaur times and ancient rome the location of a memorable boss fight where you square off against recurring villain tiny tiger in the roman coliseum while historians disagree on how exactly gladiatorial contests would have played out during the height of the roman empire crash bandicoot warped presents a compelling argument that they involved the retiaris or trident gladiator bunny hopping around the arena and occasionally releasing like 30 lions while the bunny hops are easily avoided the stampede of lions is trickier to deal with that is unless you abandon your dignity and cheese the encounter by placing yourself in the top left corner of the screen where the lions can't actually touch you if you are curious to see if this cheating exploit still worked in the remastered crash bandicoot insane trilogy however then i've got good news and bad news the good news is that yes the exploit still totally works and you can still cheese the boss fight by standing in the corner the bad news is that the game now knows exactly what you're up to and as punishment for your cheesing tactics the crowd will pelt you with literal pieces of swiss cheese from the stands leaving you in no doubt as to how the game feels about your cheating ways on the plus side the romans have now invented cheese an important historical milestone we can now take at least some credit for man history is fascinating thanks crash bandicoot [Music] there are few action heroes more memorable than indiana jones that battered leather jacket the famous high-crowned wide-rimmed fedora hat and most memorable of all his iconic signature weapon a near-vertical high kick [Music] pretty sure that's right developer taito's take on indiana jones in the last crusade for the ness certainly emphasized kicking nazis in the face from a standing start but it also tried to recreate the movie's globetrotting hunt for clues to the location of the holy grail the chalice that according to legend caught jesus's blood at his crucifixion [Music] the difference between the movie and the game however is that as indie you can tackle many of the events of the film in any order you like ultimately though you're supposed to visit each location to collect such clues as a charcoal rubbing of the shape of the correct grail regardless of the order you choose the game plays like a highlight reel from the film with a dramatic motorcycle chase a thrilling fight atop a tank and the daring rescue of your emotionally distant father that represents the true core of the movie [Music] alternatively after the first couple of missions you can sack all this adventuring off fire up a walk-through guide and just head straight to the grail temple to grab the jesus cup without ever collecting the clues and while yes the game will acknowledge that you did indeed choose wisely the 700 year old grail knight will rag on you for not rescuing your dad or your friend marcus brody deeming you not yet worthy of the grail uh not yet worthy have you seen my high kick i rest my case [Music] all the way back when you played the very first fable game you might have picked up a quest named hidden booty hunt molyneux rascal you might have thought and then set out to complete said quest you have found your first treasure clue rumors abound that an item of value lies hidden somewhere in albion only then you found the booty in question was a more conventional quest reward not only that but it was apparently hidden at the end of an elaborate treasure trail and you would have to obtain a series of clues by doing a series of other quests in order to discover the location of the treasure the clues should lead you to it i understand there are six of them in all i don't have time for this you might have thought not here in 2004 where season one of lost just started on tv shrek 2 just came out on dvd and i have to put on all these live strong bracelets i've got stuff to do so naturally you went online and looked up the location where the booty was buried and traveled straight there like a hero who values their time and can't wait to find out what that smoke monster on the island is the good news was this actually worked and you found the hidden booty the bad news was the hidden booty turned out to be an old frying pan the even worse news was this old frying pan could have been an exceptionally powerful weapon so you found the treasure despite not having all the clues i hope you'll find some use for your prize because the game you hadn't completed the proper quests to track down the treasure legitimately it nerfed what would have been a mighty pan-shaped melee weapon with five augment slots into an ordinary pan that had no slots and did zero damage in this way fable one taught us that cheetahs never prosper and the best that cheetahs can hope for is a useless frying pan speaking of why did someone bury this frying pan and why does it have an indentation in the shape of a human face we can only deduce that this was the murder weapon in a gruesome unsolved murder and the murderer was trying to hide the evidence and here's me with my fingerprints all over it all right uh elias has stopped stab fellow has vanished into the darkness beyond the tower door the only sign of him is his blood trail but as you watch the flags don't seem to drink in the blood the cracks glistening red oh jesus christ on a stick abigail don't be such a baby we either head through the door forget that it just ate our warrior prey is set in an alternate timeline in which jfk wasn't assassinated which has made some pretty big changes to the world for start we have vast beautiful art deco space cities horrible shadow monsters lurking every corner hungry to kill and neuro mods allow humans to learn new skills instantly wait what was that second one again one thing that hasn't changed however is nerds who are still nerding it up even if they're now doing it in space that's the premise of the game's optional treasure hunt side quest in which your character morgan yu has to find four treasure maps given by one abigail foye to her talos one dungeons and dragons group each of the maps that you find gives you the information you need to deduce one of the numbers of a four digit code that will unlock a reward in abigail's room which if you're playing fair and square is a chipset for morgan's suit called the adventurous toolkit which increases your recycler yield gives you a higher critical hit chance with the wrench a more efficient flashlight and faster movement speed when crawling through tight spaces or as angela puts it in the description everything you need for a successful dungeon excursion nerd of course finding and following four treasure maps is a time-consuming process so there's always the option of just looking up the correct combination on the internet and being done with it i mean we are supposed to be destroying an alien threat to humanity here probably the larping can take a back seat well no it can't actually because if you try to enter the correct combination before you're supposed to know it pray will know that you haven't come by it by legitimate means and as such there's a different reward waiting for you in abigail's room [Music] instead of the adventurer's toolkit you instead find yourself as the not proud owner of the game masters aya a different chipset that essentially does the exact opposite of its good counterpart reducing your recycler yield balking your flashlight and making you slower at crawling through gaps what's worse is that it's permanent giving you the rest of the game to ponder your misdeeds in trying to take a shortcut because you were too busy trying to save earth or whatever say what you like about the fairness and effectiveness of this punishment but prey knows what its priorities are and you know what i respect it [Music] after what could be charitably described as a patchy record and hitting rock bottom with the legendarily rotten nintendo 64 game it's been a while since superman has starred in a video game all of his own his most recent outing was way back in 2006 in the xbox 360 game superman returns [Music] after how bad some of the previous games have been that title sort of sounds like a threat superman returns wasn't much of an improvement unfortunately it was a movie time that contained barely any of the spectacular moments or impactful plot points from the film instead featuring the man of steel flying endlessly around a mostly lifeless metropolis kind of ironic because with supes himself invincible it's only the city that actually has a life bar we'll never contain it wow thanks a million superman it's your job to zip around eliminating threats to metropolis using superman's famous powers and upholding truth justice and the american way though we reckon vandalizing a burger restaurant is pretty much the exact opposite of the american way when you get bored of this and you will get bored of this you might decide to dabble with some of the game's many cheat codes which allow you to spice things up with extra costumes new moves and a metropolis invulnerability cheats that means you can have this whole thing wrapped up in a couple of hours that one is the best one i asked the question does the world still need superman the thing is superman's a not big into dishonesty and b super judgy about absolutely everything to reflect this the first time you activate any of the cheats you'll instantly receive a zero g achievement called not that super an achievement that will brand your gamer card for all eternity with superman's disappointed face yeah well you know what superman that's the face i've been pulling the whole time i've been playing this game so we're even i'm still not getting anything doctor again clear [Music] live damn you live [Music] doctor we've lost him damn so you want to go out for a drink afterlife is a 1996 god game from lucasarts in which you are tasked with building and maintaining a heaven and hell to punish and reward the people of a nearby planet it's like if simcity also lets you punish wicked souls for all eternity which come on ea it's about time strictly on the qt your excellency this imported labor is ripping you off while it might sound fun determining the ironic punishments dished out in your own personal good place neighborhood in actual fact you don't get to do any of that stuff we all do respect your immenseness hell's punishments are a downright mess at least in terms of workforce alignment instead your role is as a post-lifetown planner because heaven and hell need infrastructure apparently and lucasarts has decided that all these roads and buildings and reincarnation centers aren't going to build themselves despite that totally being a thing that they could have decided does happen it appears that neither heaven or hell are evolving as well as they could your humongousness in the game you're constantly managing your finances which are based on the afterlife currency pennies from heaven of course if you've ever played a sim management game you'll know that a lack of funds is a problem that can usually be easily solved with a cheat code and afterlife is no exception containing as it does a code that instantly grants you 10 million pennies from heaven which i guess translates to 100 000 from heaven afterlife has its eye on you however use this code more than five times and the game will decide that it's had enough and dispatch an honest-to-goodness death star from the star wars films to come and wreck up your eternal paradise which i mean if i'm in hell i get it ironic punishment for all those mean reddit posts i made about the phantom menace but what if this thing makes it up to heaven that's supposed to be their eternal reward [Music] that's it i'm gonna complain to the management oh wait that's me i am doing a bad job thanks so much for watching this video about the times that video games roasted us for having the nerve to try and cheat at them if you're after more of this sort of thing then check out the video at the top here that's from us more of this kind of thing or if you'd like something from outside extra which i can heartily recommend then click on the video underneath telemandy sent you thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,053,392
Rating: 4.9024644 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, seven things, list, countdown, top ten, top 10, top 5, top five, best, worst, ranked, ranking, funny, lol, wtf, weird, cheat, cheating, jade empire, gambler, explode, dice, daoshen, crash bandicoot, warped, n sane trilogy, fight, cheese, tiny tiger, boss, nes, grail, fable, treasure, frying pan, quest, clues, prey, treasure hunt, adventurer's toolkit, game master's ire, chipset, map, superman returns, achievement, indiana jones, afterlife
Id: TYYuJjOoDxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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