7 Annoying Things Games Fixed with Easy Solutions

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/negasonictenagwarhed 📅︎︎ Jan 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
real life is full of little annoyances like stepping on lego or missing your bus or being unable to think of a third thing video games are likewise full of little annoyances but unlike real life which continues to plague us with floor lego video games are constantly trying to fix these inconveniences with simple satisfying solutions so let's all take a moment to appreciate the ways games came through for us with simple fixes for irritating stuff also beware of some minor spoilers for the following games [Music] oh you've got to be kidding me [Applause] video game bosses are supposed to be hard sure but there's a small but significant difference between challenging yet rewarding and frustrating to the point where you angrily eject the disc and frisbee it onto the railroad tracks to my mind nestled firmly in the second category are multi-stage bosses you know the ones [Music] they have one health bar and one way of attacking you you work hard to learn their patterns and counter-attack and then just as victory is within your grasp they gain an ally or acquire several new health bars or just gain access to a new unblockable instant kill attack that completely negates the last 20 minutes of solid effort you put in chipping away their health bar and then you're back to square one having to repeat the bit the game already knows you can do before you even get the chance to try some different tactics on the bit you can't do and also probably sit through a cutscene you've already seen several times we can beat them well i'm glad you're confident tifa that's why it's always such an unexpected kindness to play a video game that has decided to fix this frustrating formula by including mid boss checkpoints there's nothing as relieving as dying during a tough boss fight restarting and realizing that you're just back at the start of the stage of the boss that you got to not all the way back before you even entered the room you see this bayonetta respects my time it depends on the boss fight of course checkpointing like this doesn't make sense in a game where dying over and over again is kind of the point like the souls games but for long multi-stage boss fights that are built around spectacle i'll take checkpoints every time thank you game the qtes we'll talk about in video games we like to always be prepared where prepared means carrying an inventory full of things that we don't need right now but might need at some point place over the next three hours better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it is what we always say while hoovering up every available item regardless of value immediate usefulness or how it's a discarded sex toy the inconvenient downside of this approach is the tendency to run out of inventory space there are few experiences less immersive than having to pause mid mission to marie kondo your gigantic collection of guns thank you power assault rifle but you do not spark joy and there are few things more aggravating than being told you literally can't squeeze another item in your overstuffed pockets this is why we are so relieved when a game lets us off the hook of tedious inventory management just a little bit protection from bullets like in borderlands for instance where at least if you have a full inventory but need to pick up a quest item the game will just be cool and give you an extra slot for it or like in the demon souls remake in which you can send items directly to your remote storage if you simply don't have the space for them this is a marked improvement on the burden mechanic in the original demon souls which meant if you maxed out your item limit you would have to drop stuff until you could move again i would be happy to lighten your load and look after any excess baggage and if you died or returned to the nexus you would lose that stuff permanently so thanks again to the new demon souls which did everyone this big simple life-improving favor leaving us free to worry about the important things like getting mashed into a paste by this guy [Music] look swimming is terrible we all know it it's slow and wet and if you're doing it in the ocean there's a non-zero chance that a literal sea monster will poison you or electrocute you or swallow you whole [Applause] no thanks swimming is however also sometimes necessary especially if you want to move through water without any kind of aquatic conveyance thankfully this doesn't happen too often but when it does some games are much better at making it as painless as possible while others seem to actively want to make you suffer for example fall into the harbor while being chased by the police in sandini and red dead redemption 2 and you may as well reload a save because the alternative is 20 minutes of this while you look for a ladder to climb out [Music] the loading screen's at less than 20 minutes pretty sure much better is the saints row series which realizes that no one wants to spend any amount of time swimming back to land once they've done whatever it is they wanted to do in the water and so included a warp to shore option which allows you to press a single button and end up back on dry land it's such a simple and user-friendly thing to include and yet it's amazing how few games choose to have it as an option come on folks be like saints row i mean in this very specific way let's not go overboard here i hope you were into sketch play vex are at it again i want to bet they're converting europa into another machine world we better put a stop to it there are only three things we fear in this life spiders clowns forgetting to pick up an item in a video game spider clowns okay four things the greatest of all these fears is the third one though the one where we lie awake at night sweating about what would happen if we were to defeat a baddie and they dropped a precious piece of loot and we were too busy basking in our own magnificence to pick it up that overlooked item would then be lost forever whatever it was uncollected and unloved it's then we remember with infinite gratitude how certain special games like destiny 2 for instance have fail-safe measures to keep you from permanently losing out on your hard-earned loot hi guardian in destiny 2 this failsafe is the postmaster an unbelievably helpful robot who runs a kind of interplanetary lost and found checking every time you go to orbit the diligent postmaster gathers up all the high quality gear you so carelessly left behind like your best friend who grabs the keys and phone you left in the back of you but because you are an adorable mess check check check [Music] the postmaster then holds on to your missing loot until you swing by the tower to collect it never once judging you for being a light-bearing ditz we assume hi there similarly if you fail to pick up a unique item in god of war the dwarf blacksmith's brock and syndry have your back they've got their own lost and found department for whatever kratos leaves behind like frozen flames or chaos flames or atreus when he's in one of his moods we're sick of hearing about little people's little problems except not the last one father how do i save i don't have a great sense of direction of the best of times let alone when there are monsters trying to kill me and let's face it video game maps are not exactly what you would call easy to read maybe i need to unlock some new cyberware to be able to read this map some games include heads-up displays that show you which direction to go for your next objective others give you a mini-map but the video games that truly love and respect you are the ones that give you some kind of in-game gps that shows you exactly where you need to go to advance the story you might remember this from bioshock where a helpful arrow tells you where you're supposed to be going while ghost of tsushima lets you swipe up on the touchpad at any point during the game and something called the guiding wind will show up and usher you towards your currently selected objective even dead space one of the most stressful games in existence will help you out by gently taking you by the hand and guiding you to your objective with isaac's gps floor laser although considering that the thing it's guiding you towards is more necromorphs you might be better off ignoring it i am sworn to carry your burdens so you've just returned from an epic quest doing your duty as a world-saving adventurer and all you want to do is kick back relax and organize your soul gem collection except oh no you've left them all in a different storage chest in one of your many other houses nightmare we've all been there in the kind of game where you can stash your arcane equipment and fun hats in one place then wind up in another place with no access to your stuff because this is the chest where you keep your skulls and cheeses i have a system okay as much as we appreciate the technical realism of storage vessels all over the world not containing literally everything you own we're also extremely busy heroes who need access to our things with maximum convenience so we're very on board with the useful unrealism of having linked storage such that you can retrieve your items from any of these containers anywhere in the game yes resident evil your strictly limited inventory space might be an essential element of the resident evil survival horror experience but we're forever in your debt that we don't have to schlep our way back to the police station main hall every time we need a first aid spray it's an unavoidable fact of video game life that you're going to be spending a lot of time fighting people unless you're playing minecraft or something i guess and sometimes even then the point is a lot of video games involve combat encounters which can be stressful arduous and obviously deadly both your enemies and regrettably you that's why i personally am a huge fan of when games decide to give you a break and include some kind of indicator to let you know that you've finished off the final enemy in that particular encounter that's how you know that combat is now over and you can relax and start hoovering up all the ammo and loot your luckless enemies left behind sometimes this is a sound effect like the violins in bioshock infinite other times the music will change to let you know you can relax or maybe your companion characters will just straight up tell you that it's over and you can chill out then he left i don't think so nice thanks this is great because it gives you a definite endpoint to combat encounters and also makes it much less likely that some enemy you've overlooked is going to pop out of a corner and dome you while you're trying to go through his dead mate's pockets it can also be useful to let you know when a fight is actually started there's nothing quite like minding your own business only for the combat music to start playing to keep you on your toes did you hear sorry i didn't realize you had music i'll just be going now okay friends that's your lot thank you so much for joining us for this a seven things list video brought to you by outside xbox we appreciate you being here each and every thursday for a new one and if you're not here each and every thursday for a new one why not click the bell icon and ask for a notification so you'll be told every time there's a fresh one on the internet we'll see you for that one bye
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 400,276
Rating: 4.9385037 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, list, resident evil, doom, saints row, god of war, the last of us 2, last of us, red dead redemption 2
Id: lRM5CsexEos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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