7 Games That Begged You to Stop Playing Them

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playing video games is fun so much fun in fact you might find yourself playing for a little bit too long and in need of a break or as jeff goldblum put it in the lost world jurassic park game for the playstation you know you have a whole life life out there get the stink blown off here just just go yeah thanks jeff this isn't the only time a video game has actively encouraged us to stop playing it turns out there are more than a few games out there that are worried about us and think we could use a bit of fresh air here are the seven most memorably creative times a video game begged us to stop playing it enjoy maybe on a mobile device outside so you can get some fresh air in between those marathon gaming sessions [Applause] [Music] contrary to what its charming cartoony appearance would have you believe cuphead is as hard as a copy of dark souls that someone dipped in adamantium in fact in many ways it's worse than dark souls because it's far less humiliating losing a fight to a literal demon than it is getting owned by an anthropomorphic potato [Music] [Applause] as such it's strongly recommended that you take a break every so often when you're playing cuphead if only for the sake of your controllers [Music] and while the game tells you to take a break in a roundabout way by being punishingly difficult and your human body tells you to take a break by making all your joints seize up prior to an rsi diagnosis you can unlock a much more straightforward request from the game to maybe ease up on the old cuphead by completing a little side quest in inkwell aisle 2. it's here by the pyramid and the ferris wheel that you find these three anthropomorphic barber poles who are missing the fourth member of their barbershop quartet locate the missing pole and he'll rejoin the group which will then regale you on demand with a nifty composition of their own entitled a quick break it's nice to rest your eyes and maybe go outside the song goes on to list some of the things you could get done if you weren't playing cuphead from the old banjo and some of the hobbies you could cultivate with all that free time [Music] and maybe later sing with your barber shop why not take a little quick break and come back for more four then come back four more four please come back for more come back for more i don't know cuphead given the choice of practicing my lindy hop or getting my ass handed to me again by a giant root vegetable i know which one i'm choosing the ps3 game flower puts you in control of a breeze carrying flower petals for miles around an idyllic game world it's either a soothing uniquely relaxing experience or if you're a hay fever sufferer a nightmarish survival horror game on a par with resident evil 7. i can feel my eyes itching just looking at it according to its creators the primary goal of flower was to generate positive emotions in the player rather than to be in any way challenging that's why there's no interface no high scores and absolutely no 360 no scoping [Music] there are things to achieve in the game with trophies dished out for such milestones as causing ten thousand flowers to bloom or managing to find secret flowers it's clear though that conventional achievements take a backseat to the emotional journey the game takes you on although i think flower is underestimating what an emotional journey it would be for me if i ever actually pulled off a 360 no scope in keeping with the game's unconventional approach were a couple of trophies specifically designed with player wellness in mind the first trophy is called healthy play encouraging you to take a screen break by waiting 10 minutes in between levels more for you game i was staring at my phone that whole 10 minutes the second trophy is called welcome back and it rewards you for switching the game off for at least a week before playing it again for an even more protracted seven day screen break get again game i was staring at my phone that whole week seriously someone take this thing off me [Music] the 1992 role-playing game earthbound had features that made it unlike any other rpg a world that was a parody of modern america a script rammed with pop culture references and a character named pooh alright unlike any other rpg except my specific playthrough of final fantasy 7. the plot of the game saw 13 year old player character ness heading out into the world to protect the earth from a malevolent alien called ghee gas in one of those situations where presumably everyone older than 13 had something else on the thing about being a 13 year old adventurer is that you're going to need a bit of help along the way which is when ness's father steps in not to contact the appropriate authorities about the crisis threatening the world but instead to sit on the end of the telephone saving the game for you and transferring over your earnings to atms when you win battles that is some hands-off parenting right there you literally never meet ness's dad because he's always at work so all of your interactions with him are via the phone to the point where that's how he's represented in the end credits that's not to say ness's father is entirely disinterested in the welfare of his son play the game for two hours solidly without switching off the console and you'll be interrupted by a phone call from dear old dad telling you to maybe take a break of course you can tell pops to get stuffed at which point he grumbles a bit but leaves you alone for another two hours yeah that's right dad now why me some more money those decades of therapy to deal with my absentee father aren't going to pay for themselves snake now that would explain sorry i guess i've been away a while shouldn't be such a stranger that's a bad example for the man and he gets pretty lonely too look hideo kojima is obviously a very cool 57 year old man as this exact facsimile of him in cyberpunk 2077 proves genre so when he tells you you've played a video game for too long you nerd you should listen and yes he does it a lot from master miller telling you to take a break from the original metal gear solid after playing for a long time you should get some rest too to metal gear solid 4 which displays health tips about playing in a brightly lit room and taking regular breaks from gaming while snake undermines the whole thing by smoking like a chimney directly opposite [Music] our favorite example though has to be the one found in metal gear solid 5 the phantom pain the phantom pain of course introduced plenty of exciting new mechanics into the series like a horse and a time travelling vape pen another such mechanic was the fact that the longer you spent out in the field doing missions i.e actually playing the game the dirtier and stinkier your snake would become that's venom snake the character you're playing as not a euphemism spend too long doing missions without a pallet cleansing trip back to mother base for a shower and a break and you'll notice you're starting to attract swarms of flies that will buzz around your head once this has happened the next time you pop back to your oil rig holiday camp everyone will be physically repulsed by your hideous stench welcome back boss another successful mission and then your old pal ocelot will throw a bucket of water in your face snake you stink thanks ocelot this is really going to encourage me to come back here more often this is what employee 427 did every day of every month of every year and although others might have considered it soul-ending stanley relished every moment that the orders came in as though he had been made exactly for this job the stanley parable was a groundbreaking comedy puzzle game an intriguing exercise in branching narrative and proof if proof were needed that i'll do anything i'm told to as long as it's by an authoritative sounding older gentleman when stanley came to a set of two open doors he entered the door on his left if he ever says and then mike emailed me his credit card details i'm in real trouble it turns out though that even if you defied the game and its magisterial narrator the entire thing rumbled onto its conclusion adapting its story on the fly to fit your flagrant misbehavior stanley took the first open door on his left stanley was so bad at following directions it's incredible he wasn't five years ago so disrespectful of you but you'd have to do as you're told if you wanted the achievement called go outside because it required you to follow a very specific instruction don't play the stanley parable for five years the only way to unlock go outside was to play the game you paid for at least once but then shut it down and not play it again for five whole years that's longer than it takes for the olympics to come around longer than a presidential term and longer than it's taken lin-manuel miranda to writer hamilton 2. come on man just make it about lewis hamilton or something now the monitors jump to life their true nature revealed if you could resist the urge to play the game the very first date you could legitimately fire it back up and gain the achievement was october 17 2018 which was the five year anniversary of the game's release this was not the correct way to the meeting room and stanley knew it perfectly well still ironically the one thing you don't have to do to get the achievement is to actually go outside which is how i will set myself apart from the other stanley parable players and finally become the narrator's favorite see you in five years hello it's cold outside and there are bugs out here what's up pets come in all shapes and sizes some are small and cute others are big and full of energy and others a weird fish with a man's face and strong opinions about the future of the internet i think things could get pretty ugly a few decades down the road do you think the internet is dangerous this is c-man the sega dreamcast character from the game of the same name a pet simulator that tasked you with taking care of sea man nature's cruelest mistake if you wanted to and honestly why wouldn't you look at him you could talk directly to sea man via a microphone to get his hot takes on everything from such relatable topics as moviegoer annoyances so you don't like to deal with the crowds or the high price of movie tickets well i don't blame you two theories on the future of the earth as a one world state you and your descendants will be forced to deal more and more with people from all over the world think of the effect that we'll have aside from the obvious nightmare fish monster sea man was also notable for including voice over from noted thespian and star trek legend leonard nimoy who would introduce the game to you every time you played updating you with the latest goings on from your chatty cryptid chum welcome to the laboratory of jean-paul garcia you'll witness before you a phenomenon like no other a man of the sea sea man this legendary creature will be dependent on you for its life's blood because sea man's require many days to reach maturity players would have to keep checking back in to make sure their seamans hadn't accidentally thought too hard about computers or something and died so the game used the dreamcast's internal clock to keep track of how much you were playing and how often you were logging in log in a few times in one day and leonard nimoy would take note of it saying it was good to see you back again so soon in a tone that implied that it absolutely wasn't this is your second visit today it is good to have you back so soon fire up c-man for a fourth time in one day however and leonard nimoy star of seaman is absolutely done dealing with your nonsense and wants to know why you're like so totally obsessed with him this is your fourth visit today you visit often if one didn't know better one might assume you're quite obsessed or you have nothing better to do if it were any other game i'd take offense of that but considering that we're talking about sea man here i think he has a point blah blah blah happy and you showed up about three days later will you help me now anything to shut you up that has to have been the longest story i ever heard [Music] oh dear ask any fan of point and click adventures and they'll tell you that the less said about the ending of monkey island 2 the better that's because it turned out that the entirety of the previous two games had been a dream your character was actually a kid trying to find his brother at an amusement park and worst of all it would be six years until the next game in the series which wouldn't even try and explain all of this what a lot of people forget however is that the very end of monkey island 2 was actually packed with useful advice it's all very well telling video game fans to turn off their computer and do something else like the end of monkey island one but what if like me the video game fan in question has had their imagination destroyed by video games what am i supposed to do once i've turned off the computer where's the game facts page for that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] luckily monkey island 2 is here to help and once the credits have finished rolling it first tells you to turn off the computer and go do something constructive and then starts to offer a rolling batch of suggestions to get you started some of them are productive like washing your car riding a train or running the president okay others are a bit wackier like having a yelling contest with your neighbor's dog which i have to say isn't going to go down well with either my neighbor or the dog some suggestions though i really don't think i should try without some kind of training monkey island too like singing welsh folk songs at the bank or wow brain surgery okay some of these are just straight up crimes monkey island who's going to buy the next game if i'm in prison not thinking it through thank you so much for watching this video please do hit the like button 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Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 636,580
Rating: 4.9514551 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, cuphead, metal gear solid 5, mgsv, metal gear solid v, the phantom pain, ocelot, water, barbershop, quartet, flower, trophy, ps3, earthbound, dad, phone, take a break, the stanley parable, go outside, achievement, seaman, sea, man, leonard nimoy, dreamcast, monkey island 2, ending
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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