7 Idiot Enemies Who Will Kill Your Enemies for You

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not all video games involve killing things there's Tetris solitaire chess [Music] okay sometimes not even Jess fair enough loads of video games make you do loads of killing which is why it's so refreshing to find a game that will let you Outsource some of your death dealing to other enemies in the game who can be tricked provoked or yes occasionally drugged into attacking their compatriots and so here are seven idiot enemies who will given half the chance do your murderous work for you enjoy and beware spoilers ahead for the following games [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] but you wish you didn't try to escape now don't you Anthony as horrible zombie apocalypse gangs go it takes some beating the Rattlers from The Last of Us Part Two who are brutal slavers who punch kids in the face yourself as such there's a certain Grim satisfaction to be had by turning their own horrible methods against them which you can do towards the end of the game while you try to save Abby and Lev from their clutches [Music] in addition to kidnapping and imprisoning people and forcing them into slavery the rattles also keep captive infected the infected being zombie adjacent creatures infected with the cordyceps virus that caused all this trouble in the first place why so they can chain them up at the grounds of their base to act as guard dogs you know what also works well as a guard dog a dog just saying anyway this bad idea turns out to be a bad idea when you turn up an immediately free every one of these chained infected that you come across causing chaos and violent death without having to so much as lift a finger oh it's so nice to see other people running in a blind panic from infected for a change needless to say this is a winning technique and you may even find yourself developing a soft spot for your new Buddies the infected maybe even deciding to make things easier by bringing the Rattlers to them like you're some kind of zombie door Dash wait wait couldn't happen to nicer folks I have your choice where did you find all these I did not find me I took him he's a souvenir s the most famous weapon of the Assassin order is of course the hidden blade six inches of spring-loaded Steel that quick as a flash Cuts your ring finger off and launches it down the throat of your enemy causing them to choke to death what is it for then oh stabbing yeah that makes sense well the hidden blade may be good for poking holes in Cardinals but it's a lot of hard work and you have to get right up close to use it your mind since it is your own not all of us require deception much better if you ask us is the berserk Dart introduced in Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag which enterprising Pirates can shoot into their enemies to cause them to go well yes berserk a fine example of truth in advertising enemies affected by the berserk Dart will abandon their previous life's work of trying to kill you and instead be drawn to a new calling trying to kill all their friends this gives you the busy pirate on the go more time to focus on piratey things like splicing the main brace or battening down the missing Mast while you wait for your new berserk Confederate to slaughter everyone else at which point you can either step in and euthanize them yourself or just wait for them to die of Berserk Dart which is also we didn't mention earlier poisonous spectacular why do we even have other weapons it should come as no surprise to anyone who's played a from software game that everything in Eldon ring is trying to kill you from enormous fire Giants all the way down to mildly aggressive sheep the good news however is that they're also all trying to kill each other given half the chance and nowhere is this more beneficial or indeed profitable for you than over in caled the worst place in Eldon ring and that's saying something caled is a horrible zombie-filled Barren Wasteland of a place with a Blood Red Sky and background music that is mostly a tonal buzzing but it does include some unique fauna including these weird big-headed birds and giant dogs that look like something out of a Hieronymus Bosch painting [Music] also to be found in caled are luckless patrols of soldiers who really have been given the worst assignment imaginable there are a few spots where these two come into contact with each other letting you the canny tarnish who just wants to chill out for once and not spend 45 minutes Dodge Rolling In A Circle sit back and let them fight it out [Music] the best bit is for each enemy that dies in this conflict which I remind you you have precisely Zero part in you get the runes so you can just relax and rake in some free cash while everyone else does the hard work just try not to lose them all when you go over to thank the Victor this is Elden ring after all foreign from Far Cry 3 is one of the least hospitable places on Earth being as it is packed with deadly dangers such as pirates weapons grade hallucinogens and trust fund Frat Boys with magic tattoos and rocket launchers to my black card [Applause] since I was 20 years old what it's also filled with is wildlife deadly deadly wildlife okay not that one but the others are bad news we're talking cassowaries we're talking boars and of course Tigers the stripey murder garfields who'd love nothing more than to Chomp down on your arm the most lasagna-like part of the human body oh however just because Tigers hate you and try to kill you on site it doesn't necessarily mean that your enemies because as previously mentioned the islands are also full of pirates and if there's one thing Pirates love it's well it's also trying to kill you oh you but if there's two things Pirates love it's trying to kill you and imprisoning tigers in big easily openable cages right in the middle of their pirate outposts as such if you want to take all the hard work out of liberating said outposts you can just shoot the Tiger's cage door open Retreat to a comfortable distance and then watch chaos ensue as your stripy pal absolutely wrecks house at what is now no longer an outpost but rather an all-you-can-eat pirate Buffet thanks tiger so I guess we're friends now yeah ah you're right that was presumptuous of me I deserved that Target fire prototype is one of the only games with stealth in it where you also start with the power to punch a tank apart in fact the only other game is prototype 2. the reason for this odd mix of skills is that in Prototype you play as Alex Mercer who is infected with the Fantastical blacklight virus which gives you the biomorphing ability to consume anyone to recover health wipe out swathes of soldiers with your outlandish Powers then take the form of ordinary civilians to fool the authorities and make your Escape foreign hey authorities it's probably the guy leaping over tall buildings in a single bound maybe start with him taking on other people's appearances has other advantages though most notably in the Superhuman ability that the game calls Patsy with the Patsy ability you consume and take on the form of a member of the military walk up to one of your comrades or any other suitable enemy and then point at them and Shout that actually it is they who are the real Alex Mercer you can't fool me instantly believing anyone in a similar uniform to themselves these dummies will then immediately open fire on your luckless targets putting them down for good I mean they're really enthusiastic about it sometimes too enthusiastic to be fair it could be any one of us even the guy jumping over tall buildings in a single bound no one is above suspicion well how is it supposed to happen under control Lord this is not our fault to understand it Necromorphs from the Latin necro meaning dead and morph meaning knives for arms are a persistent pain in your backside during the Dead Space games thank you as well as a pain in your arms legs face all over really the whole Zone you spend the entirety of dead space one getting owned by Necromorphs and Dead Space 2 kicks off with you in a straight jacket running screaming through an exploding haunted house of Necromorph jump scares so it stands to reason that by the middle of Dead Space 2 you're utterly sick of the sight of these pointy alien bastards however in Dead Space 2 there is also another threat to Isaac Clarke's well-being that of Hans Tidman an earth government administrator in charge of a well-armed security force tideman is trying to build a second marker aka the thing that is turning everyone into Necromorphs in order to control its power a plan I can only imagine is going to end well anyway to balance out the many many bad things about Necromorphs the good thing about Necromorphs is that they are indiscriminate killing machines wait no hear me out that's good because later in the game you need to gain access to the tidemen controlled government sector which is heavily guarded by his Security Forces oh my God but not heavily designed with safety in mind because they have one single easily removable battery powering all their security doors yoink and so in floods a horde of Necromorphs knife arms at the ready who absolutely swarmed the helpless security team leaving you free to go about your business business which yes is mostly being killed by Necromorphs but for a moment there we made quite a team oh he ain't coming back that Chopper looks like he's heading to the Evac Center at the mall gotta agree let's follow them to the mall zombies in Left 4 Dead 2 don't take much convincing to swarm you and start beating the out of you it's kind of their whole deal however there is one enemy in the game the portly Boomer who can make this situation even worse by covering you in boom mobile a gross green liquid that zombies apparently find irresistible because as soon as you get some on you they'll all be sprinting towards you like you're the last OLED TV in a Black Friday sale of course smart zombie hunters will have realized that this Undead Quirk could be turned to their advantage and that is indeed the case in Left 4 Dead 2 where one of the equippable throwable items you can pick up is a glass jar of said boom mobile don't ask how they managed to extract it I'm pretty sure I don't want to know this makeshift vomit grenade can be thrown at enemies and on a hit the hordes of furious revenants will now turn their murderous attention to whatever is covered in bile instead of you yeah let's see how you like it for a change zombies Bob ain't coming hey watch out for the ones of course once they've finished killing whatever it was that was covered in Boomer bile they'll go right back to trying to kill you but an important moment in human zombie relations regardless I think hey thanks for watching this video about idiots that you tricked into murder um I think what we've learned is that all games should have killing them even Tetris so what if um what if at the bottom of the tetris board there was just guys and the the blocks land on them and crush them and then there you go we'll call it murder Tetris um anyone in anyone I'll invest hey there Kojima do you wanna do you want to get in on this uh the tech the blocks could be like a guy called uh Tetris block man and he's like he's got a straight he's uh the struggle against um his demons or something anyway call me hideo and you they're home watching this watch one of these videos here's one from us uh and down here is uh Luke and Ellen what have they been up to I wonder let's find out watch either of these I'm gonna click on this one murder Tetris [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 447,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, assassin's creed, black flag, far cry 3, far cry 3 tigers, dead space, dead space 2, last of us 2, last of us part 2, zombies, left 4 dead 2, enemies, funny, funny moments, make enemies kill each other
Id: Q1a7cSLmFCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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